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2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis)

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2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis) - Page 2 Empty Re: 2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis)

Post by Forceaus April 15th 2014, 12:23 am

"We're not?" he asked rhetorically. Milla had flat out refused to go along with Ailill's suggestion of hunting down either a homunculus or a golem to use for this experiment, even though it had been her idea to use one in the first place. Ailill was a bit aggravated by this sudden change of mind on her part. He had made absolutely no progress with this experiment so far. Honestly outside of her mentioning the existence of leylines, she was being no help whatsoever. Ailill was starting to regret ever allowing her to assist him in this.

Ailill was about to give up on trying for now when she walked over to the device and moved it aside to take its place. "What are you doing?" he asked incredulously. "You just told me one of us attempting this would kill them. Are you trying to get yourself killed, again?" he asked her thinking she was being stupid. "There is no being careful with this. That's why I was taking precautions. If things start to go bad, there's perhaps nothing I can do about it. If you die, it's your own fault. Now I ask you, you sure you want to go through with this?"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Post by Artemis April 17th 2014, 12:14 am

"I'm going to be the guinea pig for this experiment. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if the person we found died because of this experiment." stated Milla adamantly. What she said was true but also she wanted to keep her cousin from actually accessing leylines. She didn't know how it would affect her at all. Not to mention since she just kind of got back from being dead she would like to keep her powers hidden a bit longer. Thankfully her power didn't leave a magical signature that could be tracked to her.

"This is what I want, if I die at least I went out by my own choice."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis) - Page 2 Empty Re: 2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis)

Post by Forceaus April 17th 2014, 11:36 pm

Ailill pondered over his options for a moment before saying anything. The girl was entirely insistent on being the test subject for this little experiment and wasn't allowing him to attempt anything else. So now what? Go through with it, or just wait until a later time? There was a very likely chance that she was going to die as a result of this crazy little experiment. Oh how horrendous a situation this was. He was either not going to go through with it or probably wind up killing his own cousin. No thanks on that one.

It was obvious that there was simply no talking her out of this. So he decided to go ahead with it despite his worries. "Just so you know, if you die, it's of your own doing." he warned her as a last second means of preventing this. "Whenever you're ready, start attempting to channel something."

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis) - Page 2 Empty Re: 2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis)

Post by Artemis April 25th 2014, 3:27 pm

"Lets just get this over with." said Milla, sounding a bit annoyed. She took a few deep breaths in to seem nervous. She then nodded to her cousin to let him know to begin and pretended to channel something. Although she didn't need to, what ever her cousin was doing was causing the leyline here to stir up. Milla fought against it keeping it down. But she had never fought against someone who was trying to will a leyline into doing something. Milla gritted her teeth. Having something forced through you body felt painful, even before she had to begun to fight it. Milla closed her eyes, trying to get a grip on the situation. She wasn't channeling the leyline but she remembered that one time she tried to. If she could just channel the energy from another leyline, unless it was a real weak one, the two will clash and cause a small explosion. Milla figured she should be able to survive a small explosion, she did the last time. And with any luck it will destroy this experiment.

So Milla sapped some power from a lightning leyline and caused the two to clash. There was no actual lightning but if her cousin could sense magic it would feel like a random power coming from no where. The two energies from the leyline clashed and what happened next was a bit of a blur. There was a bright flash of light and Milla couldn't tell what happened to her cousin. But she was thrown against a wall hard and was knocked out.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis) - Page 2 Empty Re: 2 relatives on an adventure of sorts (Artemis)

Post by Forceaus May 15th 2014, 8:11 pm

Ailill pondered over his options for a moment before saying anything. The girl was entirely insistent on being the test subject for this little experiment and wasn't allowing him to attempt anything else. So now what? Go through with it, or just wait until a later time? There was a very likely chance that she was going to die as a result of this crazy little experiment. Oh how horrendous a situation this was. He was either not going to go through with it or probably wind up killing his own cousin. No thanks on that one.

It was obvious that there was simply no talking her out of this. So he decided to go ahead with it despite his worries. "Just so you know, if you die, it's of your own doing." he warned her as a last second means of preventing this. "Whenever you're ready, start attempting to channel something." he told and stood there to witness.

Almost instantly he could feel that something was happening. Some form of energy began to stir and gradually increase in power. Ailill rushed over to something located on another table and activated the magic laden within it. It was mean't to collect an energy form of sorts and disperse it into several containers so that it could be used for multiple experiments instead of just one. He examined it to see if it was working, but nothing was being gathered as of yet. Why wasn't it working. What the hell was this nonsense? Was it broken? It better not be broken. That would suck so much. It would ruin everything. Everything.

A strange suspicion suddenly grew within his mind. Could it be that this was what Milla intended to happen? He turned to see what she was doing as a bright flash suddenly erupted between them. Ailill shielded his eyes and ducked away from it as some audible thud sound rang out. After a brief moment he turned back around to see that everything had come to a standstill, and Milla was leaning up against the back wall unmoving. Ailill rushed over to check up on her and saw that she was unconscious. "Hey. Wake up." he said to no response. He got up and walked over to a cabinet on the other side of the room to grab a vial from it. The vial contained a healing potion that was kept here just in case something went wrong. Ailill then walked back over to Milla and attempted to feed her some of the contents. If that didn't work he'd probably resort to injecting some of it into her instead.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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