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Lost Empty Lost

Post by Jeisen January 28th 2014, 9:59 pm

Jeisen turns back to regular as he hides behind a corner. He peers out around the corner, looking at the street. He had absolutely no idea where he was. He had been traveling by lightning as it was the fastest way to move, but with out his marks to guide him, he had no sense of direction really. And large negativly charged things pulled him pretty harshly without mark so he had been pulled into a skyscraper tower's lightning rod. He had been trying to travel east to new york but now he was really lost... and when he fell out of the sky, he hit the ground pretty hard. He left a crater and bolted the hell out of there before anyone could start asking questions. Better not start wrecking things when he had no rep. He let out a sigh of relief that he wasn't followed
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 10:30 pm

Heia was riding on the back of a motor cycle. She was speeding between cars as cops rushed behind her. One would think that the cops were trying to stop her but they really weren't. When the cops reached her speed they rolled down their windows and began to speak with her. They were flirting with her. Helia let go of the handle bars of the motorcycle causing the guys to panic. She snatched her helmet off and looked at the cops who were now looking at the amazement of the bike as nothing about it changed. Her hair whipped behind her like a red wild stream of water that lead to a waterfall.

"I'm not interested." Helia called over the roaring wind then she revved her bike and cut off one of the cars driving into an alley and parking like a maniac.

The bike lurched to a stop slinging helia off but she caught herself in a flip and kept walking in the alley like nothing happened. She was in a pair of blue leggings with a red and blue tank top on and some tan boots. Her red hair swayed as she turned the corner of an alley and was met with a guy. In shock she swung her hand but caught it before she could do any form of damage. She looked at the guy up and down.

"Uuummmm did you see any of that?" She asked with a slight apprehension.




Karah (Renegade)
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Neal Winters January 28th 2014, 10:50 pm

Neal had on his casual wear, looking more like the average teenager than the hyper-intelligent meta-human he really was. He was wearing loose black pants along with an always open black jacket, white shoes, a white belt, and a white shirt adorned his body. The shirt was underneath the jacket, and tucked in to his pants, all put together, it almost made him look like a martial artist. While that wasn't entirely false, Neal was no superhuman when it came to that. Still though, his spiky white hair often lead people to believe he was older than he was. Neal normally wouldn't have any clothing like this, but after having met Uzma and then some other strange situations decided to start wearing them when not lecturing. At least, he wore them most of the time when not lecturing. He still commonly went about in his suits, but this place was quite different. It was a crime ridden city, and Neal wanted to avoid any unnecessary thoughts of him being wealthy. After all, people trying to mug him usually turned out badly.

As he was walking along the streets of the city, he noticed a few peculiar things. The first was only a glimpse, but it was enough to draw him running in that direction. Neal saw a man plummet out of the sky, looking as if he would die from the impact. It was hard to notice, and were it not for his ability to process information as quickly as a super-computer he would likely not have noticed it. As he was running in that direction though, he saw another person, a young woman who was coming in his direction and racing alongside police vehicles. They did not have their lights on, so Neal assumed that she was either with them, or they were simply looking at her body.

'I wonder what I will find, a meta-human that is barely injured or completely uninjured... or a regular human dead from a drop at that height? This girl though, it looks like she is going to turn in that direction. I suppose I will need to see what is going on.' Neal watched as his prediction was accurate, this woman turned into the alleyway he was going to enter. Still though, it was possible that she had only entered by accident.

Talking in a relaxed voice that did not befit his appearance, Neal would do his best to act how he looked without drawing attention to himself. First, Neal would speak to the man who he guessed fell from the top of the building and then to the woman who he saw race into the alley. "So, did you see that guy who fell from the sky? Maybe it was just my imagination. Also, those were some... wicked moves on that... bike." Neal hesitated when trying to speak to these people, talking like a teenager was something he did not practice. Also, even though he did talk to most people like an average person, he had never really used slang before. He had heard it plenty, and had needed to use it before in some cases, but always gritted his teeth in doing so. Something which never affected him, considering that his entire body was incapable of being damaged by his own strength.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Jeisen January 28th 2014, 11:08 pm

Jesien had palmed a knife as the woman came around the corner and almost clocked him, but slide it back up his long sleeves rapidly. Holy crap was he glad that he was in his civilian wear right now, or things could have just gotten messy. Luckily when Jeisen had come out of his lightning form he had changed into his regular clothing, nike tenis shoes, grey shorts, a black thin sweater and a black swiss army back pack. Jeisen moved back away from the wall, but left a small black mark on it that almost disappeared in the lack of good light. He looked the girl up and down quickly, juding her. She was cute, but that wasn't what he was focused on. She just displayed not only excellent form and reaction times with that punch, but good control as well when she checked it.

See what...

Jeisen cut off his response when he heard another person approaching. He stepped into a relaxed guards stance, one that swordsmen would use as he backed up to keep both people in sight. It kept his muscles loose, but he balanced himself in where he put his weight. That let him react in any direction and prevented tense muscles from slowing him down. When the man finally came around the corner, Jeisen blinked a couple times. It was just a teenager, but who the hell said wicked anymore?Maybe it was just an area thing.

Yea nice bike you have there, been awhile since I've seen a good one

Jeisen ignores the part about the man falling from the sky. The less they think about it the better. He adjusted his backpack to sit better on his back as he talked, just to give his hands something to do
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 11:16 pm

As Helia relaxed she noticed the boy put away a knife. She wasn't going to say anything but she did prepare herself slowyly for a fight. As the guy answered her another man came up in attire clearly not for what he was trying to play off. And then he said wicked to match and helia was not about to listen to this guy pretend to be someone he wasn't.

"Okay before we even start this first off you man that just walked in, stop faking...nobody says wicked anymore, you...the bike ain't mine it's my dad's, and to the both of you your names please." She said assertively.

"My names helia."
She said as she crossed her arms and leaned to one side to look at the two guys.




Karah (Renegade)
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Neal Winters January 29th 2014, 9:56 am

Neal looked carefully at the two of them, frowning when the woman said that nobody uses the word wicked anymore. 'I gritted my teeth for nothing, perhaps I can do something to make them think I am a more normal person.' Going to talk to the other man then, she said that the bike was her dads. Asking for their names. 'Maybe I can get away without giving my last name. Not that it is all that important, but I should definitely at least try to seem normal rather than telling everybody about my... intellect.'

Neal looked straight at the both of them, watching them carefully. They seemed normal enough, but Neal wouldn't take that to mean anything. He looked normal enough also, but he was considered one of the most intelligent meta-humans in the world. So, speaking in a relaxed voice, he let honesty come forward to a degree. "My name is Neal, pleased to meet the two of you." He began walking forward, extending his hand. It was something that he found common courtesy, but they may think it strange that somebody his age would even extend a hand. Still though, neither of them looked any older than he did.

Neal tried not to reveal who he was, but knew that it was hard when he spoke so differently from a person his age. Still though, Neal could do his best to pull off the part of an average teen. It may not go successfully, but Neal was not one to give up on a "mission". Which for now, was just to make these two think he was no more than the average nineteen year old he looked so much like right now.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
Job : Student
Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Jeisen January 29th 2014, 1:23 pm

Jeisen had no idea what the hell was going on. The fall from the sky had really disoriented him or something cause first he was being bossed around by this lady and now this foreign guy is really weird. He must be from like europe or something. Jeisen backed away from the handshake but at the last second step forward and awkwardly shook his hand. Jeisen shook with the guys hand with his middle and pointer finger extended so that they touched the bottom of the mans wrist. Jeisen left a tiny black mark that looked like a random smudge. Jeisen's hands looked pretty dirty actually

I'm J..... ake. Jake Smith. Nice to meet you two

Jeisen was nottttttttt the best at lying, but he really didn't want to give up his real name.

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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by creator January 29th 2014, 3:35 pm

"You guys are weird." Helia said as she watched the awkward hand shake.

Helia looked at the guy and rolled her eyes as she shook his hand quickly. She then proceeded to wipe her hands on her leggings for they were covered in sweat. She looked around to make sure nobody was around to hear her next comment.

"Hey neal and hey....jake." She started waving lightly and quickly as her form of introduction.

"So now that he introductions are over, neal what was this you said about someone falling out of the sky.?" Helia looked at him then quickly at Jake.




Karah (Renegade)
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Neal Winters January 29th 2014, 7:36 pm

Neal watched the both of them carefully, he could feel as the male wiped something along his wrist. Identifying himself as Jake, Neal had a hard time believing it. The man was quite obviously either lying or very nervous, stumbling in his speech and made up a name that sounded overly common.

It seemed that this "Jake" person was in deep thought about something, something that was likely revolving around something to do with this interaction. Neal watched as the woman wiped her hands off after shaking his hand, but guessed it was because her hands had been soaked when she shook his. Neal wiped his own hands off afterwards, and rubbed his wrist against his pants extra after seeing the smudge.

Neal heard Helia ask about the man that fell from the sky, something that was followed by looking at this person that had introduced himself as "Jake". Neal had guessed that Jake was the one to fall, the only one here who seemed to have no interest in the person that had fallen from the sky. "Well, I saw somebody fall off the top of a building, quite a drop too. You'd think there'd be blood or squad cars if somebody noticed a dead body this close to the scene, you don't think a dead man could walk away from his own death scene, do you?" Neal looked straight at Jake as he spoke this, guessing that the man was a meta-human with enhanced durability. It made sense, he seemed mildly disoriented and was right in the proper area.

Still though, Neal was not one to make judgments or statements without facts. His helmet would be able to tell him, but he was not about to reach for that right now. Especially so when there were two people here that he knew nothing about, and they were potentially dangerous to him or the superhero business.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
Job : Student
Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Jeisen January 29th 2014, 10:29 pm

Te wy Jeisen saw it now, either these people asking pointed questions because they knew it was him orrrrr he was just that unlucky. Jeisen saw the man wiping at the smudge mark, but Jeisen's marks don't come off easy. Not that it mattered, that wasn't the mark he was focused on however. Te mark he left on the corner of the building was his quick out right now. Still.... No need to run quite yet since the game wasn't completely blown yet.

I'm not a genius or anything... But a dead person doesn't get up and walk away from the scene now would they? Unless it's some of that magic voodoo crap.

Jeisen raised an eyebrow as he talked in a slightly sarcastic tone. Not that it really help his situation, but he just couldn't help being like that sometimes
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by creator January 30th 2014, 8:14 am

Helia looked at this jake guy and shook her head at the sarcasm. She then looked at neal and sighed.

"Well I say he or SHE is a meta because from.....reliable sources, I've learned that when you fall from high places like twenty story buildings....or the tend to need a minute to recover." Helia said as she pointed at the calm clouds above her.

Helia looked at Jake once more then at Neal and waited for more comments.




Karah (Renegade)
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Neal Winters January 30th 2014, 1:15 pm

Neal was slightly curious about the mark on his wrist, it was still there which bothered him. 'That mark he left on my wrist isn't just filth and grime, there is something else to it. Filth and grime would come off with some rubbing, or at least smear for the most part. Just further goes to show that this male is a meta, with at least some kind of power related to these marks.' Neal took only a moment in the thought process, and was also able to hear and comprehend what Helia and this "Jake" person spoke with no questions.

"I would need to say that you, Jake either saw the scene, or were involved with it somehow. You speak as if you know that it happened, something that even I wasn't completely positive about." Neal spoke with realism and confidence, dropping the teenager act. It was bothering him, and he knew that it wouldn't get him anywhere with these people.

"One question though, what kind of "reliable sources" have you heard that it requires a minute to recuperate from a fall like that? I have learned nothing of the sort from those of incredibly high durability, and..." Neal cut himself off, he realized that he was starting to say more than a person his age should know. It was likely that they'd realize he was meta also, especially if he continued on with anything more involving meta-human level skills.

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Registration date : 2014-01-08

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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Jeisen January 30th 2014, 3:30 pm

Jeisen holds up his hands and shrugs

Alrighttttt I'll admit it.... I saw a figure hit the ground after the lightning strike. It took off into this alleyway and I followed it. It yelled at me in some foreign language and the next thing I knew I was waking up from off the ground. Thats why I think it was magic...
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by creator January 31st 2014, 5:48 pm

Helia pointed to the ground they were standing on. In between all of them was a good size crater, about the size of the average mans back. She looked at neal and then at Jake and smirked.

"Do you think someone can run from a hit this hard." She said then she looked at Neal with disdain.

"And as for you since you so openly volunteered your source of information i'm assuming that you've been around highly durable Meta Humans?" Helia asked as she poked his chest.

She then snapped over to Jake who had his hands up.

"And Jake if you're gonna give a Bs story, at least make it sound a little more believable." She said with a squint of her eyes.




Karah (Renegade)
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Lost Empty Re: Lost

Post by Neal Winters January 31st 2014, 6:29 pm

Neal looked straight at this person that called himself Jake, having an almost positive guess that he was the person that fell from the building. Still though, it seemed strange to him that somebody would bother trying to cover it up this much. To say that magic would have helped them in that kind of situation is also impossible, I don't think even magic can revive people from the dead. Especially not from that height with the kind of damage that would be done without doubt, unless a person had enough durability that the impact wouldn't kill.

"I would say that under normal circumstances, they could not run from a hit like this. On the other hand, I would imagine that it does not mean a person is any more than mildly phased from an impact similar to this one." Neal thought back to some of the impacts he had "suffered", and knew that anything less than fifteen or more feet did nothing more than the feeling of a mosquito bite. Mentioning which, they couldn't even begin to permeate the superhuman skin and body that he possessed. 'Well, I think they will guess me a meta-human. I think they are both meta-humans though, otherwise I have a feeling this girl would not be taking the situation so lightly.'

Neal winced, faking pain as she poked him. It was childish he knew, but could not help trying to at least seem normal to these people as much as he could. Of course, she found this "Jake's" story to be completely unbelievable. Something that he knew was far over the top, very few people even knew about the magical world. He was one of the few that knew of it, and went so far as to say that his knowledge of it was something not to be taken lightly. "I will tell you both the truth, I am a meta-human. So, if you would both drop it... I think this could be much more civil. Jake, I think you were the person that fell from the sky. Helia, I think it is fairly obvious that you are a meta-human. You don't even become phased by the thought of Jake falling from the sky, and then you go so far as to say that his story is completely ridiculous." Neal spoke with authority, knowledge, and a clear show of understanding.

"Anyways, why don't you both just say what your abilities are. All of them, not just the ones that the general public consider super. If you have speed or strength, durability or fighting skills, even intense knowledge that would be impossible by human standards. Just say them so that we are not arguing about a pointless discussion, I hate wasting my time. Also, we might as well all give our alignments right away. I would be considered a hero by most standards, what about you two?"

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Lost Empty Re: Lost

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