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Lost Within [Amor]

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  Lost Within [Amor] Empty Lost Within [Amor]

Post by Humanity March 16th 2020, 12:09 am


The same nightmare.... It continued to roar in his head, even as the contents of it were still painfully embedded, he tried his best to forget them. The unfortunate part of dreams based on memories were that you could not simply choose to forget them. Napping throughout the day had become something of a problem, especially when you considered the fact that these nightmares were beginning to increase in frequency. At this rate he'd be back seeing a shrink. Yeah, time to think about literally anything else...

Stretching out as he sat up on the couch, he began to look around and about. He noticed that there wasn't anyone around. That was something he wasn't quite sitting well with. It wasn't exactly a secret to Matthew that he suffered from monophobia, but normally he at least had his faithful furry companion around, or Silus. If they weren't here though, there were only a few places they could actually be. Was Shael anywhere around? Probably not, there wasn't some exotic animal wrapped around him. Ryan wasn't anywhere to be found. He still had lingering anxieties about that whole situation. He grumbled a little as he rubbed his eyes, his heart still racing.

Even in my dreams, faces haunt me. The one place where you shouldn't be able to distinguish faces. Fucking A... He thought to himself as he stood up and walked over to the counter, taking his keys off of them and heading for the door. He'd slip his shoes on and slip out the door, locking his house up before making it to the car. The California weather was as nice as it always was. Truthfully the only reason he lived here was because he hated it here, he hated the people...the crowds. Hated the aspiring actors and he hated all the political bullshit. I don't care if you decriminalize petty theft. I'll still bust your fucking kneecaps if I see it. he thought to himself as he recalled that politics and political decisions were never part of his routine thoughts. This was obviously why.

He drove past the park, sat in traffic and eventually made it to their safehouse. The Storehouse, most specifically. It had become sort of their HQ, even though Matthew despised the idea, he had started to release his grip on the vigilantes. He remained ever vigilant for himself, but he allowed them to do whatever it is they wanted. He didn't wish to rule through fear any longer, but they knew that if they were captured, and implicated him in anyway, he would make them pay. They can be to their own devices, but they were to leave him to his. Some people, like X and Cam found the idea of Humanity "going it alone" scary. To them he was their general, their trusted leader and mentor. To others, like Khaos, he was a friend and an ally that had a better tactical record. Then you had this "new wave" as Cam called it, less than affectionately.

Amor came to know of the vigilantes through his cosmic nature, and this roped him into the shenanigans. Meanwhile, Matthew's time had been exclusively used in training Silus and Cameron, something Cam did not approve of. Nihilus even arrived, and began assisting from time to time, but only under the guise of "Matthew's brother." Then you ahd the "Stray Pup" that came around, that no one even knew his name. But he was all part of this "New Wave" and apparently everyone thought it was Matthew training a new generation of vigilantes. Meanwhile, Typhon was still a subject of his obsession, keeping Victor's body in stable condition on the life-support all while trying to pull himself away from his more lethal ways...and deal with the likes of the ever-growing Legion and handling himself against Promethian and their love-hate relationship with Vigil and Orwell.

Pulling in and going to the sublevels, he smirked as he walked in, watching Silus and Pup exchanging criticism on their stances and their improper use of the forms, all while Cameron seemed to be focusing with his marksmanship. His mechanical brace was wired up to electrodes, and Orwell sat at a computer, measuring outputs and muttering under his breath, condescending the craftsmanship of the brace. Matthew simply shrugged, he wasn't a robotics expert, despite popular belief.

"Commander on deck!" A voice shouted, Ash seemed to walk out of the kitchen, a particular pink-eyes entity trailing behind him, lingering with Orwell for a moment as he seemed to consume a massive quantity of chocolate. It almost gave Matthew diabetic neuropathy just watching it.

"Huh? Where's Luke?" He asked, his wise-guy mentality barely glimmering through as he smiled at Ash, who gave him a pat on the back.

"I know you're saying that it's for personal reasons don't need to step down from this. YOU built this. You brought us into this. This is YOURS." Ash was trying to smooth things over since the sudden revelation that Humanity was withdrawing from the vigilante group, opting to return to a more tightly woven operation of himself and perhaps Cam on occasions.

"It was never mine. I was just a part of it, like you. Be better for it than I was." He said, before Ash could have a chance to respond to his prompt shut-down of further conversation, he would jump in to critique the form of the two fighting children. "As much as I like children's Fight-Club can we maybe actually have some REAL action here? I will end you-Pup." He said, knowing exactly what the young boy would say in response to the request for action. The teenager gave a wry smile, and shrugged.

"Got it...Can you give me a run-down of Form 3 again later?" Silus had asked, Matthew nodded with a smile and snapped his fingers. Both of the young men stood at attention, bowed slightly and then stepped back into their respective positions on the sparring mat. They immediately stepped in, their sands all rotating, cycling through as they continually seemed to be blocking each other, cutting off an intercepting any blow that they could make to each other. Matthew on the other hand, found himself distracted as the pink-eyed stranger seemed to make his way over to him.

"Howdy, A-more." He said, drawing the name out a little before continuing to watch the boys spar.


  Lost Within [Amor] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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  Lost Within [Amor] Empty Re: Lost Within [Amor]

Post by Amor March 17th 2020, 1:22 am

The head quarters of vigilante activity always felt like it was in motion. Either from the two young “humans” sparring with one another, the human with brittle bones practicing his marksmanship or the current one he had taken an interest in. He trailed behind Khaos, sitting cross legged despite floating through the air and spooning out what looked to be a comical amount of chocolate pudding with an equally comical amount of whipped cream on top from a large bowl in his hands. Despite that there was no mess from eating it, which might have come from how well he took care of himself when he needed to.

”Oh hey, it’s that one guy,’ He stated with a smirk, letting his spoon settle in the thick bed of pudding and took in everything around him now that he wasn’t so absorbed in his overly sweet snack. The one known as Orwell drew his attention for a moment, though he didn’t seem to really pay much attention to him, so he quickly hovered away from him. From what he could tell, asexual individuals tended to show the least interest in him. Which always confused him considering he wasn’t the lust warden, though he tended not to question it. There were always other people he could waste his time talking to, so he would let the tech inclined individual do his own thing.

Where he ended up was watching two children sparring with one another, though he wondered what they were training to fight. Maybe it was something dangerous or they were prone to the way of thought that came with constant preparation. Lukas and his friends were the kind of people to obsesses over that stuff after all. Their skill looked impressive, enough to make him ignore his sweet treat for a moment to try and even apply what he knew about combat to it.  He had seen Amory when he masqueraded as Ares and he was quite the warrior. It was that damn son of his that caused the first incident of an elder being corrupted, though he tended not to hold grudges, especially against the dead.

That was when someone approached him and spoke to him. ”Hodwy, Matt-hew.” He responded, saying the humans name with a similar level of strangeness. ”didn’t know you had a whole sensei thing going on. So, when do the kids start hitting each other with sticks?’

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2018-08-24

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  Lost Within [Amor] Empty Re: Lost Within [Amor]

Post by Humanity May 3rd 2020, 2:29 pm

Initially he didn't even answer Amor, he wat busy watching the two duke it out. Instead he shouted something indiscernable to the unstrained ear, and full out combat ensued. It went from a drill of basic deflection to full out combat. They semeed to have some tensions with each other that they needed to get out. The fighting was pretty intense, though the obvious aggressor was the smaller of the two, with brown hair. The other was a little taller, with black hair. The battle was pretty fixed as to who was going to end vicgtorious. Matthew just watched, observing every move and trying to process every step from both child.

 "It's not hard to keep a secret. Even from cosmic guardians or monitors." He replied finally, before he cleared his throat and realized that Amor wouldn't just be here to try and befriend him. There was always an alterior motive. The best way to be done with this whole cosmic thing would be to just embrace that this was the new norm. As long as it made Lucas happy, he didn't care. He could tolerate this Warden for a time. "So, I don't imagine you're looking for something from the children I'm training. If your feeling an intense lust or love from this direction, It's Pup or Silus. If you're feeling an insane lacking of it, then that's probably me."  He said, calmly addressing any reason he could have thought that Amor would be here. He watched as Silus was striking out with anger, despite having been in Jotunn form, it was a heavily dangerous thing to do and ultimately proved effective in only very rare situations.

"S-Si H-hey! Yield! I yield!" Pup shouted for a moment before a flurry of smacks with the sticks within Silus' hand disarmed Pup's right hand, leaving him with one stick. Silus didn't seem to give ground, he continued to press the attack. But as he presed the attack he would find himself suddenly swept as Pup dropped and threw his leg under the other boy, knocking him to the ground. Pup rolled and got to a knee before bolting to pick up the stick he had lost. Matthew watched in silence.


  Lost Within [Amor] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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  Lost Within [Amor] Empty Re: Lost Within [Amor]

Post by Amor May 23rd 2020, 7:38 am

Amor didn’t get the response immediately, instead watching the two young boys training with one another. They were better than what he expected from most children these days, though he had also seen the children of Sparta train. Their form was still impressive all things considered. What were they being taught to fight? He thought that to himself, taking another bite of his sweet treat. Could have been for the same crusade that the rest of these vigilante types were so engrossed in.  ”Harder than you’d think. Always feels like Kakabiel knows things he probably shouldn’t,” Sure, an elder knowledge warden would have been disappointing if he didn’t know things. The man didn’t waste any time however, cutting to the quick and stating why he didn’t have any reason to be here. Well, rather had any business with him.

”If love were so easy to get rid of perhaps but I promise it’s more,” He smiled, wondering what he was getting at. Did he think he lacked love so much that he would be some manner of void? He had met some people like that before, though they were sociopaths by the modern definition. He watched the fight, a seeming victory for the indigo eyed male until the other pulled what looked like a quality feignt. ”though, I do sense a good bit of lust from that one. ” He gave Pup a quick point, looking down at his cellphone he had Lukas help him pick out. He had his own way of paying for things of course, but using modern technology did at times prove confusing.

”You love plenty of people I imagine. Silus, your son, Lukas and your friend Pat. To name a few,” He smiled, letting the now empty pudding bowl levitate away to a smooth surface to rest on. ”though, I wonder if you think I only work with romantic love. It’s a pretty common mistake when people learn what I am. Though I’ll admit romance is pretty fun to foster. The platonic stuff is pretty fun too.” He turned to him and shrugged.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2018-08-24

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  Lost Within [Amor] Empty Re: Lost Within [Amor]

Post by Silus July 4th 2020, 1:44 am

"Oh you're absolutely right. I'm saying that you can never be sure with me though. You say I love these people, you're right. But you can't sense that I do. It's a blindspot in your perception." Matthew said with a slight edge to his voice as he watched Silus dipping into emotions he had never truly dealt with before. It was quite cathartic for him to unleash this level of pain and agony, to try and find balance and harmony within his own soul. It was a very strange and different display to be sure. The rain outside couldn't be heard, however it was almost something he could feel in his bones, like an old man. He smirked a little, looking to Amor.

"Si! STOP!" Pup seemed to shout, but his own skill seemed to amplify, and ultimately so did the other boy's. The two seemed to have a moment of instant increase in speed and skill as the bamboo blades seemed to crack on one and other, suddenly a flourish of the blades as Pup dove under Silus' lunge and seemed to place distance. On a pivot, Silus took a defensive stance, and Pup seemed to unleash an offensive onslaught, his face painted with anger. The cracks became more powerful and more focused as they seemed to dual out their unspoken issues. Matthew spoke again to Amor.

"I know that you Wardens are tied into the concepts themselves. I know, by that very nature, you're powerful. I'm fully aware that I am an ant to you. Possibly even less. But it doesn't matter to me. I'll still keep on keeping on. But what you need to understand is that we tiny ants. We are understood because we want to be. We are influenced because inherently we want to be. We do it because it's easier to blame you for when our love life fails. Yet you claim to hold the power over the dominion of love. Yet when it comes to me, you can't even tell. Sure I may be one in three thousand billion, but my point is... I don't like you. Not YOU as a person, but the very concept that you are a personality, or a collective embodiment of a very idea. And yet you somehow hold the dominion over this and when people fall in love, or fall out of it. I just....I suppose my Misotheic personality just tends to flair up around you." Humanity spoke and attempted to explain his rationale a little bit. He genuinely wanted to be kind and enjoy his brother's lover's company in a platonic way. But he couldn't seem to get over the sheer power-gap. He hated Yamm, and Yamm was part of him, or rather he was part of Yamm. His confession of the Misotheism was a rather deep and touchy subject itself. Of course he was already anticipating Amor's defenses. There was going to be 100% offense taken, there was going to be a shaming, and of course there would be absolutely 0% attempt to understand him. Because this being was above him, of course he knew better.

"Enough Si." Matthew said. Silus stopped almost instantly, his chest rising and falling with heavy breathing, his opponent doing so the same way. Pup sighed as he seemed to slump his shoulders a bit, while Silus remained focused, a very distresssed anger trapped behind his eyes. "Heikō is ineffective when used in anger. Anger may drive it but the root and anchor of Heikō is the remembrance that the true name is Heikō-ai. You must root yourself in the ai. Pup, Yokentíngzhì is a powerful form, but you need to keep disciplined. It's an offensive form. Use it. Go get cleaned up. We'll go to dinner." He said with a chuckle as he waved them off. Both of them silently put up their bamboo weapons and started off towards the area where people kept their personal affects locked.

  Lost Within [Amor] Lucife10
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