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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by DGib123 January 4th 2013, 1:53 pm

It seemed to Cassidy that he was not the only person with doubts regarding The Womb's plans, as Miracle Boy and Elle were just as confused as he was. However, Womb and Garganoth loved the idea and were ready to defend them believing money was the root to the evil in this world. Although Miracle Boy easily saw the flaw in Womb's plan, it was Gargonoth who had convinced him otherwise.

For a guy who's not from Earth, he does know more about people's greed than the rest of us. Maybe that's why Gargonoth and Womb have these views, because unlike the rest of us, they aren't human.

"They will not heal the sick unless the diseased can pay them! THEY WILL NOT HELP A MAN UNLESS THE BROKEN, BEATEN, AND BATTERED BEING CAN PAY THEM!!!" those words had echoed around Cassidy's head numerous time, each time having more impact. His mind flashed back to when he was in the lab again, being tested on as his father tried to find a cure to his sickness. Although his father had good intentions, the people paying him did not.

Gargonoth and Womb are right, all money has done is bring out the worst in people. My father would be alive and I would be normal if it wasn't for that greed. Maybe this is what I should be doing, and I can finally bring down the people who had ruined everything.

"Alright, I'm in" Cassidy said, without hesitation. "So when does this plan come into action?"


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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 4th 2013, 2:39 pm

Womb felt a swell of pride in his disciples. He had know upon meeting each one that they would become great heroes, each one would understand. He had sensed in them a difference to other Humans, he now thanked the stars that his hunch had bee correct. Even young Cassidy had become convinced, the ever suspicious, ever questioning Cassidy. A true cosmic warrior if The Womb had ever saw one.

"Thank you Garganoth. Your speech was truly inspiring. I can feel the electricity in the air now, I knew you would understand. I must however expand on what you have already said, in order to truly answer Miracle Boy's question. I respect him enough as a fellow comrade to at least give him that." Sitting back into the chair, Womb wiggled a little to get more comfortable. "Your analogy of the club as money is a good one. And you may be right that you can not ultimately stop a problem with sheer force. But to remove the club, we equal the playing field. There is no hierarchy anymore, no rich, no poor, nothing to be proud of but your abilities and what you can truly offer the world. But, as you say leaving it there would not solve the issue, this is why we must re-educate the minds of the masses. Teach them the right way, teach them that instead of being jealous of a mans ability, they too could learn it. Or, if they have trouble, that it is no problem, for they will have talents that others do not possess." Womb leaned forward, the passion in his voice really flowing now. "We must teach Humanity that they are not equal but that they are all great! Instead of envy, we should teach admiration. Instead of pride we should teach humility, instead of greed we will teach charity. We will absolve man of his ignorance, we shall teach him that he is not an animal any more. He is a Human, a sentient and thus has control over his own destiny! This is why we attack money, to reset the world as it were. Reset it in to its original form and bring Humanity back to it's natural state."

Womb trailed off, knowing that his passion had led him to divulge much. It mattered little however, now was the time for revelation.

"As for you young Droplet, do not worry. You will only be asked to do what you can and what you are willing to do. Nothing more. The same applies to all. I will not head a Legion that is not unified. I will not infringe upon your freedom to choose. All I ask of you all is your loyalty, kinship and support. And I too shall give mine in return."

The emotion in the room was running high now. He wondered what Miracle Boy thought of this, as one of the founding members of The Legion Womb respected him highly. He hoped Miracle Boy would support this cause.

"As for when this plan is set to motion, it is as of this night. And forever more until the task has been accomplished. This is not a plan that can be executed overnight. It may take years of hammering at the anvil until it finally cracks. Perseverance and learning to work as a team is what will see us through. And along the way we must carry on our recruitment. The more hands we have, the more hammers we hold."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by BrightChaos January 5th 2013, 6:10 am

At first Droplet seemed opposed to the plan to agree with him. But before he could even express his relief her very next statement contradicted it and supported this idea. He did draw his power from children and if for nothing else this seemed to influence him.

Garganoth then brought a very emotional and very intriguing argument. He had never looked at the scavenger hunt game from that angle before. True, most people in the restaurants never gave him anything unless he could gave the coins. But at the same time he had approached people eating outside their homes and been given free gifts.

Cassidy was in too. Was this really the path to bring happiness to the world? He just couldn't make up his mind.
"What would our first action be?" Was the closest thing to an answer he could give.

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 5th 2013, 7:37 am

Raising a proverbial eyebrow Womb turned to Miracle Boy, whom had been surprisingly quite during the meeting.

"That is what we are here to decide. My initial thought was to annihilate Wall Street. It seems the majority of the money system runs through there. After that it should be easier to head towards the banks and then finally the money printing machines. Each hit will have to be hard however, and effective. It is also likely we will meet heavy resistance to our cause at each objective. Not only from the police and the government, but also from the Heroes, and maybe even some of the Villains. This is my two sense. However my understanding of this world may not be up to par. Someone who knows a little better may want to enlighten us on a more effective plan of action."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Orojed13 January 5th 2013, 10:44 am

Garganoth watched as it's speech had the desired effect on the members of the group; it watched as everyone was thinking their thoughts. Miracle Boy asked a defining question of what the first step would be and Womb had an answer in mind of striking a place called wall street. "I don't think striking a street lined with walls is really going to do us much good. I do agree though that the strikes need to be hard. Everything we do needs to spread the word of our name. If we encounter resistance, we would need to make sure that we introduce ourselves publicly and make sure to include we are part of The Legion. If we gain renown, we can gain a following. If we gain a following, then we will acquire soldiers that might assist in our endeavor," Garganoth added to this planning.
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 5th 2013, 6:19 pm

"HAHAHAHAHAHA you are precious Garaganoth. Wall Street is not a street of walls, it is a world financial center, wall street just happens to be it's name. Do not ask me why." As he was speaking Womb had begun walking about the room, looking in a few cupboards." I'm sure they were around here..... But you are correct however, we must announce ourselves as The Legion. These patches you have made will help, giving ourselves a symbol, something the masses can associate with our group. And either fear or revere. You are a very wise individual my good friend. AH HA! Here you have been, hiding no doubt." Suddenly the Womb danced back to the table a jar of white paint and a worn paintbrush in hand. He slung off his leather jacket and placed it upon the table with the back facing up. He then began to paint the symbol of the skeleton hand on the back. As he toiled he carried on speaking. "Before we can go on as a team, we must know each others abilities. Our strengths, our weaknesses. In order to accurately apply relevant roles within the group. We can not all simply barge in and expect thins to go swimmingly, we must have an infiltrator, muscle, brains, back up etc. The sooner we know what roles we fit the sooner we can conjure up a stratagem that best suits us. And also has the highest rate of success. So, Miracle Boy, will you go first an then we shall go around in a circle, each one of us declaring our names, our code names, if you have one and all the already stated necessities."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by BrightChaos January 6th 2013, 4:43 am

"Huh, oh." Miracle Boy said breaking out of his thoughts.
"I'm Miracle Boy." He introduced himself standing up ontop of the chair.

"I can fly really fast! And shoot my excess life out of my body." He said holding out his hand like he did when she shot his energy blasts. He did his best to force himself to sound excited.

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 6th 2013, 3:31 pm

"Do not forget your ability to heal young one! Injury is not so much of a problem for you is it?" Womb retorted.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Orojed13 January 6th 2013, 3:44 pm

Garganoth spoke next, "I am Garganoth, creation of Smaelyn. I do not have powers, but I've found that I am much more physically powerful and durable that most on your planet. My greatest weakness is that when I become too enraged I lose track of my wits. The masses may call me Meteor as it easier than my true name."

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by DGib123 January 6th 2013, 7:02 pm

Learning about everyone's strengths and weaknesses, Cassidy thought hard about what his were. He thought back to the lab two years ago, and how the experimentation had changed him physically and mentally over the years. His genetically enhanced DNA had made him stronger, faster, and smarter than he ever thought possible. When Miracle Boy and Garganoth had finished telling them about their abilities, he decided to tell his.

"Well I guess my strengths are would be that I'm physically stronger than most humans like Garganoth is, however I doubt I'm stronger. Also, I've found that I'm faster too and I've timed myself going at a speed about 205 to 230 miles per hour. And I have peak physical condition, and I can go almost a full week without sleep or any resources. Plus, my senses have improved drastically and I'm pretty good at handling myself in combat, as you may have noticed Womb"

Now I just need to think of some codename to go by. Something cool; something intimidating. Destruction? Speedy? Nah... It's got to be something that defines me; something that has to do with my power. Calling myself "Super-Human" isn't exactly exciting, but still it has promise. Cancer? No, naming myself after a disease is stupid and maybe a bit much. I need more time to think...

Cassidy paused before continuing, "And lastly, I can mentally process everything in detail. Meaning, I could accurately predict people's every moves just by watching their behavior. It also helps that I learn from people by being around them, or by learning by simply being around them. Such as, for example, by being around all of you I could learn your every strength, weakness, attack power, motive, and distinctive flaws each of you have the longer I'm with you."

Okay, now that I have all the strengths - that I know of - done with; I should give weaknesses. Hopefully by then, I'll figure out a codename.

Cassidy continued without a pause, "I'm not exactly sure what my weaknesses are as I hadn't exactly pushed my, I guess, powers as much. I've also lived in alone for a long time now, so my understanding of society is still new to me. However, I'm a pretty fast learner as I've read many encyclopedias, books, and pamphlets to learn as much as I could. Now, as for my codename..."

He shook his head defeated, breaking eye-contact with the others. "And I don't have a codename."

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 9th 2013, 11:28 pm

"Lovely Cassidy! Your powers are intriguing indeed, you need not worry about code name yet, though I advise you make one, if our enemies find out your true identity you may find yourself in imminent danger. I've thought up the perfect role for you! However, we'll come to those delegations in a moment. Now, tis only droplet and I whom need tell our specifications. Come come Droplet, reveal to us what it is you bring to this team." Womb asked, a hint of jovial brusqueness in his voice.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Augsp January 10th 2013, 1:48 am

Elle stepped nervously to Womb.
"I can do anything basic with water. I can shoot jets of water, form a temporary but stable water shield, heat up or freeze water, turn water into a temporary ball for throwing, basicly anything that relates to hydrokenisis. But I am still learning, so I can't do the really good stuff, like creating tidal waves or hurricanes," She said with a playful smile. "I am also good with throwing knives. I keep them just in case," She whipped out three of her knives and showed them. It was lucky that she had checked them up this morning. They were deadly sharp and shiny.
"Oh! And I can heal myself with water as well. Unfortunately only myself, but I am working on that," She added after thinking.
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 10th 2013, 3:28 am

"Excellent! Wonderful my dearest Droplet." He stopped and then looked up from his painting. Throwing away the brush in haste, Womb slid back into his jacket, the fresh symbol on the back a brilliant white compared to the aging black leather of the jacket. " And now for me. I am The Womb, as you all know. It has come to my attention that I am vastly superior in strength to the average human, though I dare say my strength is inadequate compared to that of the likes of Garganoth and his ilk. My main source of power is my ability to sustain damage. It seems through the many physical endeavors I have encountered that it takes much to deal me a wound, and also that when one is dealt upon the surface of my skin I recover very rapidly. It should also be noted that, I have lived for countless eons. It is the most likely that I shall go on in this manner until the Universes ultimate plan comes into fruition. Until this time however, I shall continue to exist." Looking around The Womb felt the group had heard everything they needed to hear.

"Alright! And so, the delegation begins! I have used the time taken for us all to announce our powers to contemplate the roles each one of us should play in this group. Some of you will have more concrete roles than others, as some of you may need to be flexible with what role you play during different missions. However for a rough guide, I have determined that Cassidy, you shall be our infiltrator. You are fast, agile, you can sense danger. If needs be you could survive in enemy territory for a period of a few days until we came to your rescue. And lastly you have combat experience, just i case you find yourself in a proverbial pinch. You are the perfect infiltrator. A shadow. Recon at it's finest. Thus is your role."

"Garganoth! You along with me shall act as the 'The Fist' Or should I say, the 'Face' of The Fist. We shall be the aggressor, drawing all attention on us, in order for our other fingers to accomplish the true goals we aspire to. With our strength, our durability and smarts. We are more than capable of the task."

"And my dearest Miracle Boy and Droplet. You two will act as the other half of The Fist. You will act as our gophers. You will supply us with cover in heated situations, on occasion accompany Cassidy on his errands when needs be. You two will be what was mentioned as the flexible appendages. "The Double Jointed Fingers" as it were. With your water capabilities Droplet, you could create a mist to disorientate our foes. Even silently defeat them with a well placed knife in the mist. Stop our foes by freezing their legs or arms. All from a distance. You are truly valuable dear Droplet. And you Miracle Boy, I am well aware of your abilities. You will be tasked with not only support, but with the general well being of the entirety of The Legion. With your flight you can survey the area from above. With your energy emissions you can provide aerial support from afar. I know that i a crucial situation, it will be you who The Fist will need to call on in order to swing thing back into our favor."

Womb stopped now. Looking them all in the eye one by one. "Is there any dispute in my logic? Has each role designated been fitted to their best of your abilities? If not, or you are unhappy with your position, speak now. For it is tonight we put out theories into practice. And there is no better practice than the experience of the real thing."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Augsp January 10th 2013, 3:36 am

"Mist and freezing is fine," Elle said with a slight tremble in her voice. Hopefuly her victims wouldn't be too hard to defeat...and would be actuall foes.
"If some of the mist clings on to their guns, I can slow the bullets down at a reasonable pace as well. I don't know about my knives, though. And P-Miracle Boy and I should be very cautious. I hear that some bad forces are looking for meta humans," She added in a matter-of-factually tone with a concerned face.
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 3 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 10th 2013, 3:55 am

Womb peered at Droplet, her mention of a dark force unsettled Womb a great deal. "Looking for Meta-Humans you say? Why so?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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Post by Augsp January 10th 2013, 4:01 am

"I don't know," Elle shook her head nervously.
"That's all that I heard from dad," She said in a quiet voice.
"He told me and my brother to stay low,"
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