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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 14th 2013, 11:56 am

Womb was surprised to see Marc finally make his entrance into the shack. As always he put trust in people to keep to their word, and luckily it had turned out well for The Womb.

More importantly however was Miracle Boys objection to the plans. Miracle Boy was a key component to the team, Womb was disappointed his comrade felt this way about his plans, but he had known that at least one of these fine heroes would be swayed by their sense of immediate justice. Standing abruptly Womb began to parade about the room, pacing as he spoke.

"Ho Marc! Make yourself at home, we shall introduce you properly in a moment, first I must address a sudden issue that has arisen." Turning his attentions to Miracle Boy The Womb began his retort. "I must make one thing clear to you, and to everyone else here in this room. I do not intend to harm innocents. That is not my wish. My wish is to remove this building in order to prevent further perversion of the Human mind. If you an not see the evil in an industry that thrives off the destruction of Humanity, then I will gladly call you blind. You must understand me Miracle Boy, our objective here is to rid this planet of evil. however in order to do that we must make some extreme choices. In some cases, our actions may even be perceived as evil themselves. However they are necessary for the greater good. There are greater works of evil at hand in this world than a man who simply harms another. there is the evil that has perverted his mind into believing that it is okay for him to hurt another for his gain. Humanity has developed a society of Greed that will destroy them lest we destroy it first. Can you not see it Miracle Boy!? No matter how many children you save from a malicious parent the reason those parents exist will never die! We must strike at the heart of all this in order for it to be fully eradicated. There will be many who will oppose us because they can not envision a world unlike the one they have built. They will fight against us to protect it, possibly with their lives. Heroes and Villains alike, because they too grew here, and they too do not understand the Human phrase "The bigger picture" Yet I do understand this phrase. And I see this bigger picture. It will be a shame if any innocent people are harmed during the span of our crusade, but if it means that Humanity can be saved, I am willing to make the sacrifice. Are you?"

The Womb
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Augsp January 17th 2013, 5:18 am

"I'm not,"
Elle replied with a cold tone.
"If you can't notice, Womb[/i" She started. "I am a civilian as well as a hero. And humans have lived normally with money. Money was invented centuries ago, and we have never changed since. We weren't harmed. We helped the ones that were in serious debt. Humanity has many greed. And money is not the start, nor the most important. You and your legion must understand that. Do you know why I stepped up to be a hero?" She scanned the room for any retorts.
"I started to save those people. I started to block any of them getting hurt. It's NOT nessesary for the greater good! The greater good is all of us contented! We're trying our best to solve any problems with money. Huamns have many mistakes. I admit to that. But This is not the right way to solve it!" She screamed at them.
"If you're going to go on with this, I'm going to leave. And I will do anything within my power to stop you. Believe me, you guys are [i]not
the only group nearby. They will agree to me and aid me," She said with determination in her blue eyes.

OOC: Hmm. tragic twist? By the way, I posted to get this going. Please don't kill me >_<
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by DGib123 January 17th 2013, 6:36 pm

Cassidy wanted to know more about this newcomer, Marc and what values he had that could support the team. He looked strong, and Cassidy knew he wasn't from anywhere around here. He seemed as much new to civilization as Cassidy was. Womb spoke to them all with conviction believing that money was and is the main evil that people shared and Cassidy believed him.

Thinking back to how he had survived that lab accident two years killing his father, he knew that money was the main reason for it. It made sense to him; if money's the source of evil in this world, why not destroy it? Cassidy thought about the outcome of what the world would be like without money, and knew that maybe there would be chaos. However, people have overcome far worse in this world and he believed they could adapt to anything even this.

Droplets surprised him though, standing up towards the group. She stood, wholeheartedly believing in her cause that Womb's plans was wrong and that money was not the source. Not only did she show doubt against the plan, but she was ready to completely turn her back against the group to support it.

"Then do what you got to do, Droplets," Cassidy smirked standing up as she was.

He then added on defiantly, "And make sure you tell this supposed other group you know to bring all the fire power they can get, because one way or another I'm doing this. Money may not be the main source of what's wrong with this world, but it is one of them. I know this for a fact, and that's why I'm willing to go through with this. I do agree with you on one thing though Droplets, that hurting or worst murdering another person is not, and will never be, a priority. Still, I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure nobody else has to die because of this greed for little green pieces of paper. So I'm sorry, if you want to make us an enemy than that is fine, but I just want you to understand. You become a threat, and I'll do everything I can to make sure you won't be anymore."

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Orojed13 January 17th 2013, 10:58 pm

Garganoth watched as a wedge was driven right down the middle team just as the newcomer arrived. This wasn't exactly a good thing, but it had done what it could to stop this splintering from starting and now it was up to Miracle Boy and Droplet to make their decision. Instead of fighting a battle that wouldn't make a difference, Garganoth turned it's attention to the newcomer instead. Looking to the sky, it greeted Marc, "Hail. I am Garganoth, creation of Smaelyn the Intelligent."

Red 53
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by BrightChaos January 20th 2013, 4:05 am

Miracle Boy heard what Womb was saying and he could see that Womb truly believed in his words. However this idea of evil bringing good confounded him.

Miracle Boy sat uneasily listening as Droplet turned against the idea. Then hearing her getting into an argument with Cassidy. He gently put a hand on Droplet's shoulder. He had brought her here.
"I'll fly you back home." He said softly but firmly.

Miracle Boy
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Augsp January 20th 2013, 4:32 am

Sorry this is an accident

Last edited by Augsp on January 20th 2013, 4:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Augsp January 20th 2013, 4:32 am

“If you won't second my arguments, I'll go home by myslef. You didnt see this coming either anyway,” Elle replied indifferently.
“Cassidy, I hope you'll be ready,” she smirked.
Flipping on her mask, she asked “Anyone else who wants to hold me back?”

OOC:Elle will go talk to the two heroes who agreed to oppose the Legion. I have no idea bout her future.
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Orojed13 January 20th 2013, 9:18 am

Garganoth felt sorry for the girl, sorry for Miracle Boy. They were highly valued here, but they had to stand for what they believed in. Just as it did and everyone else in the world. Facing the departing hero, Garganoth added one last attempt to persuade her to stay, "If you stay here, you can find a home. These people will accept you for who you are. They won't tell you to lay low as if they don't believe in your ability to defend yourself, they'll rely on your strength that you might grow to be a strong individual as well as united in the team. I know this plan sounds like many innocent people will be hurt. I will not allow innocents to be hurt as much as is possible. The only reason someone would be hurt would be if they stand in the way and won't listen to reason. Even then though, I am talking about hurt, not killed. So, please, stay and see how things work out. Stay for the bonds you can grow, and the changes you can make to this world."

Red 53
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by DGib123 January 20th 2013, 7:34 pm

Miracle Boy and Droplet showed doubt against The Womb's plan much to Cassidy's frustration. He understood they had values and wanted to do absolute good, however Droplet's plan to stop them is what posed a problem.

She's got a lot more growing up to do, I guess. And thanks Miracle Boy for suggesting she go home, because I feel that's the best thing that can be done right now.

Still, Garganoth was still trying to convince them to stay, even though it seemed Droplet had already decided differently.

"You might as well give up, Garganoth." Cassidy began, with a brief sigh. "Since Droplet is so confident in herself to stand against us, why should we futher debate on and on to convince her to join us? If she wants to be against us, then let her."
He paused again smirking, shifting his attention to Droplet. "Besides to be completely honest, I don't see how you can be a valuable asset to the group anyways. Like you said before, you're still learning how to use your powers."
Cassidy chuckled, shaking in his head "And just a few minutes ago, you was soooo concerned about these supposed 'meta-human hunters', and now all of a sudden you want to challenge the whole group? You're in way over your head. Besides, we wouldn't want to interrupt your preachus curphew to do something as petty as saving the world. Pathetic."
He paused again, shifting his attention to Miracle Boy. "Once again, we're not trying to kill anybody. That will never be my intention, and I'll be the first to stop whoever decides to. Still Miracle Boy, you have to make a choice; if you choose to stay, then understand our intentions is not to kill but to save lives or you can choose to go. The only decision I will not stand for is if you choose to do what Droplet is doing and make us the enemy. If so, like I told her - you become a threat and I'll treat you like one."

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Augsp January 20th 2013, 9:33 pm

“I was thinking of staying, but now that i hear your oh-so menacing words-” she smirked and pulled on her eyemask.
“I was going to ask my parents for a curfew pass....” she said before opening the door.
“But now i can see that i will need it for other reasons,”
she stepped out, formed a could and was gone in seconds.
OOC:I'll contact the talons ASAP. I think Elke might return but thats a real low chance.
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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 20th 2013, 11:07 pm

Womb had sat back and listened. So far, he had made clear everything he wished, if the girl wished to misconstrue any of his declarations, that was her prerogative. For now, Womb was content to see that Miracle Boy may have been swayed back to the The Legions ranks. If so, today was a momentous day, if not, it would be dark indeed. However, one thing to be observed from this event as the deceleration of loyalty both Cassidey and Garganoth displayed here. Womb was impressed, they truly believed in him, his gratitude to them would forever be unquenchable. They were truly Legion warriors, fighting for a better humanity.

Womb watched as the little girl left, without Miracle Boys help as he had intended, a blatant disregard of respect if Womb had ever seen one. "Do not fret, I feared there would be some.... discrepancies here tonight. I knew that the way of this world has been heavily ingrained upon the minds of its inhabitants. Their response to radical change will not be easy to deal with. It seems now, that we are one finger down. However, despite this, I feel as though we should press on. The plans have been set, and our newest member has sadly left us the same night as her joining, thus, nothing is truly lost. So Legion, what say you?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by Orojed13 January 21st 2013, 12:41 am

"I am ready," Garganoth declared. It wass unhappy that the newest member had left so quickly, but it could understand Cassidy's reaction. Not only had the child declared she disagreed, she declared war against them. May this planet was making Garganoth grow soft. It really had wanted to save Droplet.

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LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members) - Page 5 Empty Re: LEGION OF WOMB, ASSEMBLE! (closed to Legion members)

Post by The Womb January 24th 2013, 10:20 am

It seemed that the meeting hadn't gone quite to plan. But for The Womb it had been a success. He had found which members of his group were loyal. He had had his members witness the mind of one whom would reject their plans, the world around them too ingrained on their mind to accept such a radical change.

All in all it had been an excellent experience. He felt an exhilaration when the thought of working with these people crossed his mind. The future would be quite bright for this group, if they could hold it together. There was a chaos brewing, as was to be expected from the misfits of society banding together. What was good though was that they were all thinkers, none of them submissive, they thought for themselves and wee individuals, and that, was admirable.

"Alright, meeting is adjourned. We shall delay the operation until further notice. If you wish to stay please do so, if not, then you are free to leave. Thank you for joining us. I shall see you all again soon."


"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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