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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White December 10th 2012, 9:41 pm

Isak was hesitating. That man had accepted his offer, but the boy thought he might be followed to his hotel room. On top of that, his dad would wonder why he had taken so long with the guy and right after he came back he'd be off again. Even his father would not bite to lame excuses. As the man let Isak's feet touch the ground, the young Canadian had already decided that a change of plan was needed. He gave the best kick he could in the knees of the man, which was more surprised than anything else. And as Isak was trying to get away, As was about to leave the parking, something grabbed one of his leg. The boy looked back and saw the man with some odd things coming out of his wrists, and they were pulling Isak back to him. Isak tried to shake those ''vines'' off but he was unable to do it. They were tighly in place around his leg and the man had a sinister grin on his face. His voice had changed too as he started to talk to the boy.

-You should have not done that boy. I'll take care of you now so you won't be a nuisance anymore.

-But my... dad...

-I'll kill him as well so he won't bother me either.

Isak started to really panic. How would he get out of that? He shouted for help, trying to draw attention, but nobody seemed to be around as he was getting closer and closer to the man. That psycho was now smiling. Isak's heartbeat was intense as he tried to reach for something to grab on. A rock came into his hand and he threw it at his attacker out of desperation. The man was hit but did not loosen his grip. Isak thought he was done for.

Isak Zielinski-White
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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus December 18th 2012, 5:48 pm

A serious situation.Something that should not be happening.Just totally unexpected.The businessman was no ordinary man at all.Not even close.The kid had attempted to get as far away from the man as fast as he could.He had been in his grasp and the second the man let go of him as part of the rouse the kid struck at him and ran for it.The smart thing to do for sure.It probably would have worked to if it were not for the fact that the man he was trying to escape from just so happened to have of all things his hands turned into extending coils.Those coils reached out and grabbed isak, thus preventing him from escaping.So much for getting to safety.He barely managed to take a few steps.

That young man was in perilous danger.No doubt about that.So was she.That man was after her after all.Sarah was considering trying to sneak away but knew it was not the best option.That man would continue to hunt her for whatever sinister purpose he was doing so for.It was a better option for her to take care of this matter right this very moment.There was nobody around to witness after all outside of the kid and she was sure he could be persuaded to keep quiet about this.

Ducking down even further she was now looking below the car.She could easily see the coils that were wrapped around the kid's legs.That only made this easier.She tapped into and released forth a blast of energy that moved so quickly it was nearly unnoticeable that cut through the coils and freed the kid from the man's grasp.

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White December 19th 2012, 5:07 pm

Isak thought his doom was near, until something severed the coils that were dragging him to the madman. At first he was surprised, but he didn't lingered on the ground for long. He was quickly on his feet and went for a cover behind a car. The madman, for a moment, had lost all interest in him. His eyes swept the parking to locate the interference. He looked at Isak, as if he was ordering him not to move, as he walked near the cars to find the troublemaker. He wasn't finding anything so he looked at the boy, skepticism could be read all over his face.

-You did this? I bet you did. You crafty bastard, you had a card up your sleeve did you? I didn't! If I did I wouldn't have waited that long to use it.

The man laughted a bit before answering the young Canadian.

-That's what they all say. Last boy I killed said the almost exact same thing.

Isak took a rock on the ground and kept it hidden as he rose to look at the crazy individual. Gathering all the confidence he could, he spoke loud and clear.

-I am no boy, sir, I'm.... I'm a young man who doesn't want to die.

As he said the last words, he threw the rock at him. The man got hit in the face, luckily for Isak, but it only seemed to make him more angry. Isak went back, using the cars between them to give him protection from those dreaded coils. Isak simply hoped that whatever helped him earlier was still there. Because he wouldn't be able to stand his ground much longer.

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus December 21st 2012, 6:00 pm

Snapping the coils with that blast of energy had been enough to rescue the young man if only for a moment.The immediate danger had passed but danger itself still remained.Those coils breaking apart had angered the man alot and made him suspicious.He seemed torn between two possibilities for what could have caused the coils to split like that.One was clearly the young man had somehow caused it.The other being that somebody else was involved with it.The latter option looked like the one he was thinking it to be.The man started looking around as if he was hoping to see somebody standing there in complete defiance of what he was trying to so heinously do.Instead of course, he saw nobody around.Sarah had made sure it would be hard for him to do so.She was quite well hidden after all.

The youngster was really fighting back with alot of determination to live.He certainly would not go down without at least a struggle.He threw a rock at the man's face, hitting him dead on and dove beind a car in hopes of improving his chances of survival.Unfortunately all it was really doing was just stalling the coiled armed one and making him really, really angry.He raised his right arm and brought the coil down on the vehicle that the young man was hiding with a powerful thud, denting it and breaking apart the glass of the windows.He did this a couple more times making the hiding spot far less of one.He raised the damn coils once more and started to strike down with it again when it too like the other one was snapped in pieces by some unknown force to them both.This time however it would not stay unknown.In order to prevent him from continuing his attack she was forced to come out of hiding to attack the thing thus revealing herself."Enough out of you.I'm the one you're after remember." she told him.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White December 22nd 2012, 8:27 pm

Isak resisted the best he could, but this man was clearly too strong for him. As he was about to drop all hope, someone intervened in this conflict. The girl, Elise or whatever she called, was standing there. The man looked at her too, surprised she was there at first, but he smiled. In a bad way. Now that he had who he wanted, he lost all interest in Isak and looked at her, laughing.

-Well well well, look who's here. You showed up. I thought I'd have to kill some people to draw you out in the open like that.

Isak tried to walk away by the side, but the coils blocked his attempt, the madman looked at him like he was ordering him to stay where he was. Isak moved back a bit and the coils fell back as well. Clearly he still wanted to take care of Isak, but now his main interest was her. He looked down on her, talking even more.

-So what made you come out of hiding, mmmh? Was it that this poor boy would get killed? Or was it that you wanted a..... better position for the job?

His grin was creepy. He slowly walked in her direction, his coils ready to fall on her. Isak watched that, powerless, not sure if he had to act or not. After all, she had powers too and the boy had none. He stood there, witnessing what was about to happen between the two individuals.

-What should I do, he thought, I don't have any powers and yet I could help her.... but maybe I should to see an opening.. What am I saying! I'll get killed by those things if I move. Man, this situation sucks. If he overpowers her, I'll stand there doing nothing? Of course not.... Fuck! I hate being unable to help. Patience Isak, patience. Just wait to see if something happens so you can help...

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus December 23rd 2012, 7:20 pm

Sarah had finally made her presence known to the two of them and now was left with little choice other than confronting him for his hunting of her head on.There was really nowhere to run anyways.Might as well deal with this one here and now so she will not have to later on in the future at some point where it would be far more dangerous for her.The man seemed very pleased that she was here.She could not blame him all things considering.Despite all that he still had Isak trapped with the coils.Even though she had already broken apart two of them there were still quite a few still present.Sarah wondered just how many he might have.If he had too many things might get a bit out of hand.

"Going on a killing spree would not have made me come looking for you.I don't care enough to intervene simply because you decide to be homocidal.You would have just gotten yourself in trouble with the law." she told him for the sake of weakening his confidence.Sarah was far more interested though in finding out why he was after her.This was something she would need to know just in case there were perhaps more like him running around in search of her."So why are you after me?You don't seem like the type to be tracking down people who just wander about the land." she said to him
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White December 26th 2012, 10:44 pm

The mad individual smiled dreadfully at the girl. She seemed so naïve but she was a crafty girl. She had passed right throught his multiple traps, namely attempts to ''hire'' her but everytime something happened and she was gone. Now he had the prey he wanted in front on her. While still keeping an eye on his bargaining chip, which was that silly boy, he answered her.

-Well, since you're so curious I will tell you why I've been hunting you down. You see I'm a.... Hey you! Don't move or I'll stick you on the wall.

Isak stopped moving. He thought he could have gone by unnoticed but this man was keeping an eye on him. He didn't want to be nailed on the concrete wall so he stayed where he was, looking at that girl he met in Montreal last summer. He was sure that she was that girl, but her negative response in the restaurant caused him to doubt. But he remained calm, nodding to the girl to let her know he was okay but that might have been a useless thing to do because she might not even look at him. The man continued to talk.

-What was I saying? Oh yes! You see, I am a metahuman like you but.... I suffer from a disease, if I can call it as such, where I need to kill and consume other metahumans who have abilities based on energy. It doesn't matter what type, as long as it is energy. But you, my dear, have a superior form of energy and consuming you would allow me to survive thrice as long as usual. That is why I need you.

Isak had shivers all over his body when he heard that. That man was some sort of vampire. He looked at Elise, hoping she was not going to fall under pressure. He was ready to do something desperate, like helping her, but he waited. Going blindly would probably be their doom so he simply waited for her to do something. But action was coming. That was for sure.

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus January 10th 2013, 8:04 pm

Sarah was going to have to deal with Isak being in danger as well as herself when it came to dealing with this guy.He would probably make sure to have that be the case. It was definitely a good idea for him to do so. Plus based on what he just said there may even be further advantages to doing so. The man finally gave away the reason why he had been hunting her for all this time and it was a really creepy and somewhat nightmare inducing one. He was seeking to consume her for her abnormal energy. Just plain gross. Even though she could recognize that he was faced with a matter of his own survival vs the survival of others, she mainly wondered how it was he knew of certain things. For instance how did he know that he had to ingest beings with unusual forms of energy in order to maintain his existence. Had he just decided to try it out and was successful? Maybe somebody had told him. However it was how he knew would probably be something she would go without knowing.

"You should have taken your appetite elsewhere.You're not going to be able to kill me. Those coils of your aren't exactly hard for me to destroy and if that is your only weapon then you're out of your league when it comes to me." She told him warning him of what was going to happen if he tried to attack her. "Now, you should just begone if you want to live through the night. Best hurry up and get out of here while you still have the chance to." she told him while her energy, the one he was after flowed through her ready to be unleashed upon this horrible abomination.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 14th 2013, 1:21 pm

The madman looked at the girl. She was challenging him to a fight? He would not refuse such an occasion of beating her down before consuming her. But she was right on one thing : his coils were too weak in their present state to fight her. He positioned himself sideways, so he could keep an eye on the boy as well. A dreadful smile on his face, he replied to the insolent little bitch.

-You are right. My current coils are too weak. But I'll tell you something. I have eight coils as of now. But I can double their power if I cut their number in half. That would get the said number down to four, right?

As he explained, the number of coils decreased, and there were four of them. But what he did after that was more strange. He reduced furthermore the number of coil he had to two. He smiled as he did it, and resumed his speech.

-But if I divide that number by two again, I will get another doubled power. This means I am four times more powerful than before. Now you die bitch!

The coils ran towards the girl, as he was sure that his attacks would kill her. He would get her, he'd finally get her and be able to survive much more longer. And that bitch would be gone from that moment on. He was already thinking he was victorious.

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus January 22nd 2013, 3:34 pm

((OOC: Can you provide a grid for this NPC? Please and thank you))

The response was kind of expected though not one to be hoped for. Sarah of course had little more than a minor plea that the threat that she had delivered to the one hunting her upon revealing her presence here would actually work. As expected however it simply had no effect. The coiled arm man simply took it up as a challenge and gleefully accepted it. Such it was so much so expected that Sarah was ready for just such a thing. Since it was a fight that would now occur, it was a fight for which she was ready for.

Those coils that he used had been easy for her to break. Just one simple surge of energy through them had caused two too already have been removed. This guy seemed like no actual threat to her. She even flat out told him as a part of her intimidation tactic. It was the first thing he decided to address. By doing something that was rather idiotic. He was explaining how his powers worked. Giving away such a secret so offhandedly was a terrible idea. All such a thing did was allow for her to figure out how to counter it. The number of coils out went from eight down to two and as he so wickedly described they were now four times stronger than before.

The coils struck at her but she was ready for them. The one from his right arm she deflected aside with a pulse of energy striking it near its tip. As for the other one she grabbed it as she spun away slightly and pulled on it with as much strength as she could muster. It was not much but hopefully it would be enough to cause him to lose balance. Immediately after pulling the thing she let loose a powerful surge of energy through her hands in order to break the thing apart and then fired forth more energy directly at the man himself.

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 25th 2013, 12:24 am


The man laughed as she shot her attack at him. A maniacal laughter punctuated by a few words as the attack drew nearer and nearer. As he looked straight at the bolt of energy coming at him, he yelled words that could be associated to pure madness.

-You will never kill me with such a weak a....

He never finished, as the attack interrupted him and he fell on the ground. He was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath with many difficulties, but he probably had a few broken ribs. Isak walked closer to the man, as the downed madman was coughing blood in great quatity. The boy looked at the girl, wondering if she had succeeded in disabling the threat.

-Is he.... wounded? Looks like he is dying or something.

He walked toward the girl but something went around his leg. He looked down and saw that the man still tried to impede him. But Isak did not felt fear, but pity for the man. His mouth was literally drooling with blood. He looked at the girl.

-Just put an end to his misery or something. Please.

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus January 25th 2013, 10:10 pm

The attack him dead on. They all did. Her every move worked perfectly. Sarah was far more than a match for the coiled man. First off, his left arm coil was dispersed of without much effort, then of course so was he. The next blast came and went straight into him. His taunt was interrupted by the pain that quickly circulated through him as a result of being hit dead on by such a force. The man collapsed from such a blow having underestimated what she was truly capable of.

Sarah looked down at the fallen man with utter dismay. She was thinking of just how easily he was defeated. He had previously mentioned having killed other metahumans and fed off their energy. This thought still sickened her. It was probably best for everybody's sake that he now lay defeated. She then saw the kid finally getting back up and was slowly walking towards her. Sarah looked at him curiously as she considered the possibility of it now being time for her to get out of here. He seemed concerned about the man's health even though he had been trying to kill him. He asked her of his condition to which she answered coldly with "He got what's coming to him." she told him as he drew closer. Suddenly he stopped for the man's coil had wrapped around his leg despite barely even having the strength to stay conscious. Young Isak was now begging her to put an end to the man's suffering as he lay dying. Sarah looked down on him and said unto him "For all those you killed just to continue your meager existence." before shooting another torrent of power at his chest to finally slay him.
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 26th 2013, 7:03 pm

Isak looked away as she finished the madman. He decided to look what he looked like dead, but the boy's reaction was to look away and go vomit behind a car. Shivers went through his body, because seeing someone dead from that close was not exactly the most pleasant thing someone could witness. His tried not to look at the corpse while he said a few words to Elise.

-Can we.... go talk somewhere else for a moment? I know that you might simply leave this place but I need to ask you something first...

He wanted to talk to her, not just of what happened here and back in Montreal, but more about why he was after her, why so much hate was present into this man. It was only normal not to like everybody, but to go as far and ''eat'' them or whatever he wanted to do to her, that was simply pure malice. Pure hate. He invited her with a hand motion to leave the parking lot, since talking next to a dead body wasn't exactly a good time, especially if somebody would finally come by and saw the man lying on the ground, especially with a bloody hole in his chest.

When they got to sit on a bench, away from their previous location, Isak looked at her and felt like it was a good time to say something that, in fact, was stupid and irrelevant with the happening of the current events.

-Just to assure you, I'm not asking you out I.... barely know you. Ehm... maybe I'm watching too much shows with that kind of scenes.... forget that.

He took a deep breath and pondered for a moment before asking a more serious, if not suitable, question.

- Why was that guy crazy? Are many metahumans like him?

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus February 12th 2013, 12:20 pm

Now, he was dead. The man who had been hunting her down for what seemed to have been the last few months now lay dead on the cold pavement of this parking lot. His body now left to rot. It was not enjoyable for her to have had to do away with such a vile and sadistic person as this one was. Sarah had not expected things to come to this. Come to think of it there goes that opportunity of getting a good job. It had all been for nothing. Just a complete waste of time in even coming here. "Hope the next time turns out better." she thought. She was on the verge of becoming a gypsy at this rate. She turned away and prepared to leave. Let somebody else discover the body and deal with what comes next. She had wanted nothing to do with this matter in the first place.

She took only a step in the direction away from this scene when a voice spoke to her. It was the young man Isak. He seemed to have regained enough of his composure to talk properly again. And of course he once again wanted to talk to her. This was something she had been expecting to happen. He had wanted to talk to her earlier and was now pursuing the opportunity again. He walked a ways away hoping that she would follow. She agreed to do so simply thinking it may turn out to be a good idea.

They walked towards some bench and Sarah sat down with an impatient look upon her normally impassionate face. Luckily Isak got to his point quickly. His questions were rather bland. He seemed to still be shaken by what just occured. She answered his questions in accordance. "Well, he said he had to eat certain things in order to live. Doing so probably drove him insane."

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White February 14th 2013, 7:04 pm

It was true Isak understood what she just said, but the answer was too simple for him. Of course the guy could have gone crazy. Weren't animals like that too? But humans, and metahumans to a certain extent, were more than just animals. They had a bigger brain, to put it simply. Of course it was not just that but Isak was not the biology-type. Plus now wasn't the time to think about such stupid stuff like the difference between humans and animals. That being said, what could possibly drive an individual to try to eat somebody else. That kind of vampirism, if it could be called like that, wasn't exactly a common thing amongst the metahuman society. As if Isak saw all the metahumans. But still, the young man still wondered if any more of those freaks were roaming out there, feasting on others like this one tried to do with Elise. As he nodded, Isak replied quite fast to what she had just said.

-Well I saw that. My question was more toward the other people like him. Well are there anymore? Like, more crazy metahumans?

Isak realized that his question might probably lead nowhere and so he shook his head and said a few more words.

-Forget it, it's a stupid question. I probably know the answer myself so.... what's the point of asking it to you...

He looked at his hotel, which was a tall building surrounded by shorter ones. As he was still looking at it, planning to leave her soon to go back there, Isak smiled lightly before saying a few more words.

-You know Elise... or whatever your real name is? I think I should go. I know it sounds stupid like that but.... I guess you got something more important to do than answering my stupid questions. We barely know each other and I guess I sould stop bothering you.

He started walking slowly but stopped a bit further. He turned around to look at her with a big smile.

-Thanks for saving me.

Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting at the Gateway to the West [closed to Sarah Milosi]

Post by Forceaus February 14th 2013, 9:44 pm

Sarah's response to his question was rather blunt. She simply stated the most basic of logic that had been presentable right to him without even the slightest bit of reassurance in her voice. Surely leaving the young man to dwell in fear of his next possible encounter with someone who happens to possess extraordinary abilities. Even figuring this to be true she did nothing more but further cement those feelings of fear within him. "Yeah there are other crazy metahumans. They are people remember and there's plenty of evil people in the world so why wouldn't there be?" She stated, this time even more bluntly than the last time. It was the truth after all. Plain and simple.

He started to walk away with feelings of hopelessness looming over him. Sarah got up herself and addressed him quickly before heading off on her own. "You probably should not worry too much. Though if you can't then maybe you could prepare yourself for the next encounter like this you have." she told him then turned away and walked off into the night.

((End of topic))

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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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