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It's in the details.

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It's in the details. Empty It's in the details.

Post by Sim October 7th 2012, 1:54 pm

This is just a fun game, but also a way to develop your characters. I will post a set of questions about your character, and you will answer them. You can also add your own questions, and those that post after you will have to answer those questions as well. I'll go ahead and post a few to start out, and answer them myself. Be encouraged to come back here after the question list grows!

[b][u]Character Name[/u][/b]
[b]Relationship with parents?: [/b]
[b]Religious views?:[/b]
[b]Sexual orientation?:[/b]
[b]Music taste?:[/b]
[b]Right- or left-handed?:[/b]
[b]What does your  voice sound like?:[/b]
[b]Favorite hobbies?:[/b]
[b]Favorite color?:[/b]

Relationship with parents?: Sim has a loving relationship with her parents, and family is extremely important to her and in her society. Being estranged from her family and friends puts a lot of strain on Sim emotionally and mentally. Because of this she is quick to befriend others, and desires to be a part of a team.
Religious views?: Religion is one of the few things that aren't common to all of Sim's species, though they have far less religions than earth due to their lower numbers and smaller world. Sim believes that the universe and planets have their own consciousnesses that are not necessarily benevolent or malevolent and that all life is an extension of these spirits. She believes all living things are part of a whole, and our essence is returned together after our physical body passes. Being in a different universe, Sim fears death will prevent her from returning to the spirit she belongs to, and estrange her from her loved ones for eternity.
Sexual orientation?: Sim is heterosexual. She doesn't give her sexuality that much thought, since 99 is extremely young by her race's standards and she is currently the only one of her kind in the universe.
Music taste?: Strings and woodwinds are the popular instruments of her homeworld. This is reflected in her music taste, she enjoys classical, adult alternative, and folk music. She is quite skilled herself with the harp, and a lute instrument from her homeworld. While she enjoys many other genres, she often finds pop and electronica too "busy and unrefined."
Right- or left-handed?: Sim is left-handed.
What does your voice sound like?: Sim's voice is defined by her physical body, so she sounds very young. Her voice lilts with an odd accent. She speaks English well since her ancestors spoke English, but over the years the language diverged so she still had to learn the native English. She speaks it much easier than originally, but she still uses odd word choices sometimes. She never uses contractions.
Favorite hobbies?: Sim leads a highly disciplined life, and the hobbies she enjoys are largely constructive ones. She enjoys practicing instruments, painting (Primarily landscapes), and mental games such as Chess. Television, which doesn't exist on her homeworld, is her guilty pleasure.
Favorite color?: Sim's favorite color is purple, if you couldn't tell from her favorite outfit!

Victoria Steyr
Relationship with parents?: Victoria Steyr has no parents. Although it seems she does have a sister...
Religious views?: Victoria is agnostic. As someone capable of knowing basically all that is knowable in a situation, and never acting without information, faith is not something that comes to her. She is generally skeptical about religious beliefs of any kind, though she has pondered what impact they would have on her since she believes she would have no soul.
Sexual orientation?: Lacking a sense of touch and any hormones, Victoria is basically asexual.
Music taste?: Victoria has an extremely eclectic taste in music, and enjoys music that displays technical skill. Her favorite genre of music by far is jazz.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Victoria can manipulate her voice to sound like anything, though she uses a soft, higher-pitched voice with an English accent as her "natural" voice.
Favorite hobbies?: Victoria enjoys sewing and designing clothes.
Favorite color?: White.

Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 398
Age : 35
Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
Registration date : 2010-11-28

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Forceaus October 7th 2012, 2:37 pm

Character Name John Levon Capore
Relationship with parents?: John's mother is dead whom he possessed a very strong relationship with.His relationship with his father is pretty strong though at times can be tough.
Religious views?: Indifferent.
Sexual orientation?: John is heterosexual but has little to no desire for it.
Music taste?: John is a pretty big fan of Blues, Jazz, Rock and Country music.
Right- or left-handed?: Semi-ambidextrous but mainly right handed
What does your voice sound like?: John has a soft-spoken voice with a slighly high pitch.
Favorite hobbies?: John is a huge fan of art and literature and spends alot of time reading and occasionally painting.
Favorite color?: Seafoam Blue

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Chellizard October 7th 2012, 3:55 pm

Rochelle Felicity DiMartino-Takeiro aka Queen Chelle
Relationship with parents?: Chelle was raised, mostly, by her weak, poor mother. Her mother's name escapes her, which is heart wrenching and depressing in some cases, but it's not her fault. Chelle's mind, how ever old she may be physically, is quite young. She has lost partial memories over the many years she has been vexxed to roam Earth. So, her parents are mainly nonexistent, especially since her father was slain by her hand.
Religious views?: Chelle has no true beliefs. She believes in what she can see; and she has seen it all. So, she picks no true religious view, considering she is a mythological creature by default. She has met what is believed to be "God" and what is believed to be "Satan."
Sexual orientation?: Chelle is, for the most part, pansexual. She'll try everything once, and will not hesitate to do it again if she likes it. If she had to choose, she would have a male partner; male to procure offspring and carry on her legacy in case she ever dies. She has no idea if she is able to become impregnated any more, either.
Music taste?: Classical Everything, though the music of today has somewhat peaked her interest. Anything with a sweet voice, and decent rhythm, or orchestral. Those are her favorites.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous. She has had to write with both hands over the years; she even, at one point, possessed a magical attribute that allowed her to write without picking up a pen. But, she's mainly right handed with it comes to writing, and can be left when it comes to swordsmanship.
What does your voice sound like?: When she's in a good mood/not her "true self" (aka, 'Vampire Mode'), her voice is sweet and kind. The voice also holds a hint of an Italian accent, though her words will become clipped and catty if she's annoyed. Her 'Vampire Mode' voice is gruff and devilish. It can send chills down anyone's spine who has never witnessed Chelle in an upset mode. Her speaking colors are 'Gold' for sweet-Chelle, and 'Dark Red' for Vampire-Chelle.
Favorite hobbies?: She enjoys practicing her calligraphy, her writing style being very old fashioned. She uses an ink well and feather still. Her stylistic writing has been used and seen in some history books on old documents. She also enjoys collecting small memorable items, and keeps them strewn all around of her room. A few too many were destroyed with the New York Office Building she owned had to be blown up in order to keep Dominus from gathering too much information on Thrones.
Favorite color?: Her favorite color is represented through Thrones. But, she enjoys mostly regal colors; deep purples, reds, greenish blues, sea foam greens, deep pinks, magenta. Gold and Silver are definitely on her top three.

Nathaniel Xavier DiMartino aka Nate or The Cor Domitor
Relationship with parents?: Nathaniel never had the luxury of meeting his mother. His father, also his sister's father, chose to come and pluck his son from Earth and raise him in the realm of Hell. Nathaniel's breed of demon was Vampire, his sister in the same boat. Both of them were born from Angels tricked to have sex with their Vampiric father. So, in short; Nathaniel had a very "healthy" relationship with his father, but learned to hate him and grew fond of his sister as a parental figure. Chelle literally took him and raised him right.
Religious views?: Nathaniel would be an atheist, but he can not. Knowing that Angels and Demons do exist has prevented him from ignoring the pressing facts around of him.
Sexual orientation?: Nathaniel is mainly heterosexual, but has been known to flirt with men on occasions.
Music taste?: Nathaniel was a classical guy, and even knew how to play piano for the longest time. He still does, but when he learned that guitar existed, he picked it up and never put it down. Well, he did, but his memories are not as fragmented as his sister's, so he's able to remember a lot more than she. As in, playing an instrument he learned how to play a couple hundred years ago. So, genre wise, he loves Rock, Alternative Rock, and anything classical/orchestral.
Right- or left-handed?: Nathaniel is Left Handed. He has been known to be a bit ambidextrous as well, being alive for as long as him, you have some time to kill and what better way than to try and write with your right hand?
What does your voice sound like?: His voice is deep, and musky. It has a sexy tone to it, and his accent can range to whatever he pleases. He enjoys playing 'tough cowboy' sometimes, just because it's fun. But his overall voice is a natural British Accent, a deep rumbling timbre, and his gorgeous voice has a great vocal range for singing.
Favorite hobbies?: Nathaniel plays a few instruments, but his overall hobby would be smoking cigarettes. Maybe. It's more of a habit though. His lungs are likely blacker than tar, but maybe not. Only a physician would know.
Favorite color?: Any shade of blue.

Tyuki Kyra 'DiMartino'-Gold aka Eclipse
Relationship with parents?: Tyuki had a great relationship with her parents up until she was eleven. They were killed in a car crash, but Tyuki's healing powers finally started working for her that day; they saved her life. She has a pair of scars on her back shoulder blades that look like slits where wings would be if she had them. As curious as that is, it's from two metal sticks of re-bar that almost pierced through her body. Instead, they only grazed her and she healed up, but the scars stuck. So, she was stuck living with her god-parents, and they hated her because she inherited all of her father's money, career, and legacy. She lived a good life though, and was never neglected. As a child, she was a loner, outcast, and became easily obsessed with a few things. Pot being one of them.
Religious views?: Tyuki is agnostic. She does believe, though, that some grace of whatever gave her the ability to heal people. She uses it for good, and good alone. She'd even heal the bad guy before she took his life.
Sexual orientation?: Straighter than straight, but she'd kiss a girl on a dare and likely take cutesie panty pictures with her.
Music taste?: Tyuki loves pop punk, j-pop, hip hop, reggae, dubstep, electronica music, and even classical music. Being a Ballerina, she enjoys anything she can dance too, and by extension, club music. Her dad, Paxton Gold, was an excellent guitarist for a few rock bands as a fill in guitarist; but he was better than some of the people he filled in for, so he grew a name and started his own band. Too bad he's dead. His legacy is what drives Tyuki to be the best she can be.
Right- or left-handed?: Right handed! All the way. She can barely hold a fork or spoon with her left hand.
What does your voice sound like?: She has an upbeat, bubbly voice! And it's gorgeous when she sings. She can range from an Opera singer, Punk Rock Princess, and Punk Pop vocalist because of her great range. She also loves singing in Japanese; one of her most favorite artists would have to be Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Perfume.
Favorite hobbies?: Attempting to bake, play her guitar, sing, play Mario Kart with all of her Talons' buddies (NAMELY: Aaron, Sean, Gabriel, and Andrew♥) She also loves hanging with her boyfran; Andrew! <3 She also has fun shopping with Genevieve, even if she hates shopping. She also loves Bliss. Bliss is like the big sister she always wanted.
Favorite color?: Neon colors! Maaainly neon green, yellow, and pink. She also loves black and gold as a combination.

Doctor Skyler 'Caster' Snowden aka Doctor Karma
Relationship with parents?: Skyler was in the foster system until she was four. She was raised by a foster mother, Patricia Snowden. She was a good mother and was always there for her. She was never unloved, or uncared for; but there was a looming figure that would always make her life hell when her mother was away. Dayne McHale. That man was murdered in cold blood, but he deserved it. He would touch and defile Skyler and beat her when she was younger. That's how she found out she had her special gift. She was able to recover faster and faster from the abuse, and she was very blessed to have such a gift.
Religious views?: Karma. What goes around? it definitely comes around. You choose your destiny, and Skyler believes heavily that you are capable of following the right path, as long as you push yourself.
Sexual orientation?: Straight. She has no desire for sex like usual twenty-seven year old women, though. She also does not desire a relationship. She pushes partnership away, but openly accepts family. She has to put on a facade of bisexual dominatrix while she's in the presence of Dominus and Etoile is with her. She hates herself for this, but it's so Etoile can slowly regain her life.
Music taste?: Skyler loves rock and metal. It has a good edge and it pushes her the way she needs to go. She somewhat enjoys electronica and upbeat music, but enjoys her rock and metal more.
Right- or left-handed?: Left for writing, but right for combat. It's odd, but she finds it easier to save her right hand for combat, and her left for writing. She has chicken scratch hand writing that resembles a Doctor's calligraphy (I wonder why? Haha.)
What does your voice sound like?: She has a sweet, Southern Belle air to her voice. Skyler's words are cut short from her country girl accent, and it doesn't mix well with her appearance, but that's all right. She can mask her voice from intensive military training, but if she's not careful, that Southern Belle slips through.
Favorite hobbies?: Skyler is very much in love with creepy things, and tattoos. She has a couple, and is all about
Favorite color?: Purple or Pink; Lightgreen or Watermelon green is good, too.

-My DeviantArt-
It's in the details. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Sphinx October 7th 2012, 4:45 pm

Relationship with parents?: Even though the couple who raised him weren't his birth parents, if he even has any, he has already forgot about them after their deaths.
Religious views?: Uncertain. He was raised in a Christian household, but he takes on new religious identities all the time. Since he does not know where he really came from, his true religious views are equally unknown. He does believe that there is something out there though.
Sexual orientation?: Bisexual. Since "he" isn't really one gender or another, he swings both ways.
Music taste?: Enjoys discovering new music and often discards anything he's already experienced.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous.
What does your voice sound like?: Doesn't have his own voice, since he has no mouth or lungs. He takes on new voices as he copies people.
Favorite hobbies?: Stalking people and acting
Favorite color?: Red

Relationship with parents?: Lost touch with her creators thousands of years ago after the fall of ancient Egypt.
Religious views?: Egyptian pantheon. Specifically her creator, Horus.
Sexual orientation?: Straight
Music taste?: Loves ancient Egyptian music, but is discovering a new taste for anything with creative lyrics. She is surprisingly very much into rap, but only when the rapper seems very intelligent. K.Flay is her favorite.
Right- or left-handed?: Right
What does your voice sound like?: Very feminine with a slight echo. The haunting quality of her voice is a reflection of her divine origins.
Favorite hobbies?: Riddles, puzzles, music and reading
Favorite color?: Gold

It's in the details. Newgrid
Inventory | Guards

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Age : 37
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Gastly October 8th 2012, 4:02 am

Antonio 'Tony' Rivers
Relationship with parents?: Used to be very close to his mother, until she died. Never knew who his father was. Hates his cousin, Adrian, who tries to take on a father role.
Religious views?: Raised to be a Christian, though he doesn't really believe in it and spends most of his time mocking it. He still goes to church as his very religious cousin forces him to, but often gets scolded for not taking things seriously.
Sexual orientation?: Heterosexual. No question about it.
Music taste?: Tony enjoys all sorts of music, but his favourites are Rock, Post-Rock and Dubstep
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed.
What does your voice sound like?: Tony doesn't have a low voice, and it's more at an slightly above average tone for someone his age. He's loud and abrasive and often speaks very quickly. His voice tends to shift in tones a lot as he speaks.
Favorite hobbies?: Playing video-games, doing math, texting his friend, smoking weed, doing nothing.
Favorite color?: Purple.

Audrey Campbell A.K.A. Aubrey Cowell
Relationship with parents?: The relationship with his parents was quite average. Audrey never talked to them much because they were often busy, and he just did not enjoy talking.
Religious views?: He does not care for religion enough to have views on it
Sexual orientation?: Heterosexual, for the most part, but leaning towards asexuality and aromantic.
Music taste?: He does not care for music enough to have a defined 'taste'
Right- or left-handed?: Right handed.
What does your voice sound like?: Low toned, quiet, contained. He controls his voice well, but does not speak enough at all.
Favorite hobbies?: Brooding, hunting, gun polishing.
Favorite color?: Grey.

It's in the details. ApVN9CQ

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2012-08-14

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Ember_Fangs October 8th 2012, 9:01 am

Scarletta Carleen Jones ~
The Guardian Angel of New York

Character Name Scarletta Carleen Jones
Relationship with parents?: Awful, in a word. Scarletta's parents were not what you wold call the most loving. The birth of her and her older brother were to help them up the slippery pole. Families are what were encouraged, and so a family they had to have. Scar raised herself and when her older brother turned to drugs she looked after him too. Her parents provided her with everything a child could want, except for their time and love. After her kidnapping they thought her dead until she returned to London. They attempt to keep in touch with her but more so after they learnt of her powers. Scar tends to ignore them apart from birthdays and Christmas.
Religious views?: To ask an angel about religion... Scar keeps her views to herself simply because humans have't figured it out yet. Her time with Faith allowed her to see what angels, and demons, knew. If she were to describe it she'd say every religion and none. For that was the truth.
Sexual orientation?: Straight. Sorry ladies.
Music taste?: Scar's music tastes range. Anything which she can connect with really.
Right- or left-handed?: When writing she favours her right but sh can as easily use her left. When it comes to sport she tends to favour her left, but when fighting she favours her right.
What does your voice sound like?: British accent, sweet, musical to a certain degree. She had quite the soothing voice, or so she has been told, which can switch as quickly as her temper.
Favorite hobbies?: Writing - it's her job when she's not being an angel crime-fighter. She loves photography and takes a photos wherever she goes, but she also enjoys reading of other races, those that not all humans yet know about.
Favorite color?: Green.


Grace Marie Daniels ~
The Midnight Avenger

Character Name Grace Marie Daniels
Relationship with parents?: What parents? Gracie has no idea who her parents are which was one of the reasons why she moved to Chicago. Who knows if there will be a relationship in the future, depending on whether her parents reveal themselves to her.
Religious views?: Catholic with a little bending on Gracie's behalf. Rules are more like guidelines - right?
Sexual orientation?: Straight.
Music taste?: Classical or rock.
Right- or left-handed?: Left
What does your voice sound like?: Southern American. Gracie has a voice which holds no room for arguments. She uses a lot of slang and cuts off her letters but she can speak like a proper lady if she wants to..
Favorite hobbies?: Engineering, reading, science.
Favorite color?: Blue.


Arabella Katrina Montez ~
The Queen of the Gypsies

Character Name Arabella Katrina Montez
Relationship with parents?: Ari and her parents are close and they still try to keep in touch - which is hard with Romania's backward nation. However she was much closer with her grandmother than her parents. Her parents are very kind to their only daughter and are extremely proud of who she is and what she had become. Being their only daughter they naturally care a lot about her and Ari cares a lot for them to.
Religious views?: Ari gave that up when her fiance died, cursing God and refusing to be consulled even though to her family it meant the damnation of her soul.
Sexual orientation?: Straight.
Music taste?: Classical and folk.
Right- or left-handed?: Right
What does your voice sound like?: Thick Romanian accent which makes her voice sound husky, warm and haunting. It's a voice not many people tend to forget. When she is angry though it can be harsh, brutal and truly terrifying.
Favorite hobbies?: Drawing, playing guitar, acrobatics
Favorite color?: Gold.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Twinkletoes October 8th 2012, 8:20 pm

Cilian Blanc - The prince of thrones
Relationship with parents?: Overall, the time Cilian spent with his parents whilst they were alive was eventful and yet somewhat distant. They loved and doted on their only son but their methods were somewhat mismatched with his carefree and lax nature. Often times the two parties would get frustrated with one another over moral dilemmas and his general flippancy, not focusing whilst in school was a major argument between the wily teenager and his mothe and father. Aside from their generational differences Cilian loved his parents, using his humour to bridge the gap between them.
Religious views?: Cilian is fairly open-minded, knowing there are forces out of his control and comprehension so he would identify himself as agnostic.
Sexual orientation?:Cilian loves his women, it's one of his defining traits. Although he is not a narcissistic womanizer he does have his way around wooing the opposite sex and providing them with moments of pleasure and fun. He will only commit to one person if they have particularly captured his mind, body and soul.
Music taste?: Alternate rock, slow jams and jazz of all forms are his favourites...anything to set the mood.
Right- or left-handed?: Due to his tedious fencing classes at a young age Cilian has learnt how to fluidly use both hands. He does prefer his right though.
What does your  voice sound like?: He has a honeyed, smooth, somewhat laid-back voice that is peppered with his French accent. He is fairly blasé with his vernacular, often using his biting humour and French slang to liven up a situation.
Favorite hobbies?: Collecting wine, drinking wine, fencing in the dark and most importantly.. flirting with women.
Favorite color?: Black, Magenta and Violet.

Lilia Ivanov- Agent Etoile
Relationship with parents?: Lilia was the only child of a lower class couple in the rural area of Russia. She was adored an immeasurable amount by her humble parents and freely given love and comfort even though they could not spoil her with material possessions. She was their princess and she trained her hardest in ballet school to see that her parents live a comfortable future once she became Russia's Prima ballerina.
Religious views?: Lilia was raised up Russian orthodox and has even held onto these beliefs during her captivity in Dominus.
Sexual orientation?: Lilia is a romantic, a girl who still believes in true love and a whole manner of traditional ideals. Her abuse at the hands of Franklin Salters and his men have however completely destroyed what would have been a healthy teenage sex drive so her view on the physical aspects of a relationship have been cruelly distorted thus leading her to solely focus on the emotional side. If she was to have a label she would be considered pansexual, a romantic pansexual.
Music taste?: Predominantly listens to classical music, this love for Tchaikovsky, Bach and mozart has all derived from her ballet. Swan lake being her theme song.
Right- or left-handed?: Left handed
What does your  voice sound like?: Lilia has a softly spoken, melodic voice fitting for a girl of her stature. She rarely speaks out loud but when she does it sounds like windchimes or a whispery ballad. Since Russian is her mother tongue her accent is heavily european, however unlike the throaty thick Russian stereotype her voice is light and feminine.
Favorite hobbies?:Dancing, she is often seen walking on her tip toes as a result of her ballet training. She is also a perfectionist so she does a lot of cleaning.
Favorite color?: White, beige and baby blue.

It's in the details. Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 30
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Mr Wonton October 9th 2012, 8:19 am

Su Daji - A delicate demon
Relationship with parents?: Ancient China, like many civilisations of the day, did not appreciate women like they do nowadays and at a young age Daji was sold to be the king's maidservant and eventual concubine by her poverty stricken parents. Her insanity has distorted much of her memory and to this day she believes that her parents were worthless peasants, much like the people she tormented during her glory days.
Religious views?: Daji is a Taoist, an ancient chinese philosophy concerning harmony with the environment and belief in 'Tao'. Tao is a force. It's not a God, it's not some sentient being controlling the universe. It just IS. It's everywhere, all at once. Daji has slightly skewed this theory and whatever horrid action she commits would all be directly linked to this mysterious force.
Sexual orientation?: For all intents and purposes Daji is a sadomasochistic lesbian with a penchant for torture and self satisfaction. She views humans, girls in particular, as nothing but items of pleasure and will often go out of her way to hunt down particularly beautiful 'peasants' to defile.
Music taste?: Daji does enjoy her Oriental folk music and ballads but she finds more enjoyment listening to the sounds of nature.
Right- or left-handed?: Daji is ambidextrous and is capable of perfuming basic chores with her feet as well, such as writing.
What does your voice sound like?: Daji has quite a shrill, penetrating voice with a mocking, superior tone to it, typical of a spoilt insane princess. One occasion she will growl, snarl and make a whole variety of feline noises to express her emotions. Although when she is 'in the mood' her voice drips with an unnerving level lust and cackling playfulness.
Favorite hobbies?:Going for walks in the woods, looking at herself in the mirror, playing with animals and most importantly stalking pretty young things.
Favorite color?:Red and Gold.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Chellizard November 16th 2012, 10:49 am

I want this to be revived, so I'm going to give everyone some more questions.

[b][u]Character Name[/u][/b]
[b]How old are you? [/b]
[b]Favorite food?[/b]
[b]Do you have a best friend?[/b]
[b]Do you have an arch nemesis?[/b]
[b]Describe yourself in three words.[/b]
[b]Are you shy, confident, or in between?[/b]
[b]Describe your ideal vacation place.[/b]
[b]What did you want to be when you grew up?[/b]

I'll answer these questions later-ish. Razz

-My DeviantArt-
It's in the details. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Red Death November 16th 2012, 11:23 am

I'll help you revive this thread. It's a good one.

Galya Kozhurov (Red Death)
Relationship with parents?: Never knew them very well. She was taken from them at an early age. She has never found any information leading back to them, but she believes they were likely killed by the same people who trained her.
Religious views?: Atheist. She bows down to no one, mortal or immortal. She may have evidence that higher powers exist, but she'd never accept their rule.
Sexual orientation?: Bisexual. She uses sex as a social weapon no matter who she is dealing with. She never experiences real love these days though.
Music taste?: Listens to techno and classical music. She prefers music with a slow tempo.
Right- or left-handed?: Left
What does your voice sound like?: A rough alto voice (from years of smoking) with a think Georgian accent
Favorite hobbies?: Building her art collection. She is constantly seeking original artwork, and doesn't care if it is old or new. She has a very picky taste in what passes for quality though.
Favorite color?: Red

It's in the details. Newgrid
Equipment | Alts: Sphinx | Doppelganger
Red Death
Red Death

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Soviet Russia!
Age : 37
Registration date : 2012-09-03

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by The Womb November 16th 2012, 12:26 pm

Character Name The Womb
Relationship with parents?: Does not have any "Parents" as such
Religious views?: The Womb does not have a religious view. Although he does have a strung out theory he likes to spiel, about how every living thing is here to "experience" and once everything has ever been experienced by every conceivable way of experiencing it (good or bad) "The Universe" will end and existence will end.
Sexual orientation?: I guess he is straight. I doubt he'd ever have much of a sexual relationship with anyone though.
Music taste?: I doubt he really understands much music.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Often like a rasp. However he can bellow and scream pretty well too. He has a pretty sullen voice. Kind of high pitched and posh sounding.
Favorite hobbies?: Contemplating philosophy
Favorite color?: probably black
How old are you? The Womb has been alive for millions of years, perhaps more than that.
Favorite food? Does not require sustenance from food.
Do you have a best friend? Not yet.
Do you have an arch nemesis? Again, not yet
Describe yourself in three words. Sad. Happy. Angry.
Are you shy, confident, or in between? The Womb is pretty confident. He wouldn't think twice about asking a question that others might perceive as ridiculous. He acts how he will, when he wills it.
Describe your ideal vacation place. Space
What did you want to be when you grew up? The Womb always was, he never grew. All he wants is to meet another eternal being as old as he and talk to them about their life.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
The Womb's Experience
The Womb
The Womb
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 273
Location : UK
Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
Humor : Abstract
Registration date : 2012-11-12

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Forceaus November 16th 2012, 5:20 pm

some more info for ya'll.Enjoy

Character Name
How old are you? 16 going on 17
Favorite food? Baked Chicken with a variety of spices
Do you have a best friend? Yes
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Three's not enough
Are you shy, confident, or in between? In-between
Describe your ideal vacation place. Warm, quiet and peaceful
What did you want to be when you grew up? Engineer

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by Jack Maroon November 17th 2012, 2:13 pm

Jack Maroon

Relationship with parents?: Mr. and Ms. Maroon were incredibly rich, Ms. Maroon being the heiress of a billion dollar company. They were also avid gamers, movie-buffs and total geeks. While they loved their son their lifestyle was more important to them, and they managed to pass on quite a bit of it to him as a child. They spent a lot of money to get him surgery for his brain tumor, but after several years they just gave up and told him to embrace his fate. As an adult Jack lost all contact with his parents until he inherited their fortune due to their passing away in a freak bobsledding accident. Yeah.

Religious views?: Agnostic. Jack doesn't really think about religion, and when he does he usually concludes that if there is such a thing as an omnipotent, omniscient deity, he probably doesn't give a crap about us humans.

Sexual orientation?: Straight as an arrow.

Music taste?: Rap, Melodic Speed Metal, Videogame soundtracks in general.

Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous.

What does your voice sound like?:Imagine the voice of your stereotypical frat-boy jock...on steroids.

Favorite hobbies?: Killing worthy foes, fighting worthy foes, killing unworthy foes/criminals, playing videogames, watching anime, party hardy.

Favorite color?: Blue.

How old are you? : 24

Favorite food? :Fried Rice.

Do you have a best friend?: Do swords count?

Do you have an arch nemesis?: Used to have one. She got killed. Now I'm all alone.

Describe yourself in three words.: I am badass.

Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Used to be overconfident/stupid. Now just confident.

Describe your ideal vacation place.: An endless battlefield.

What did you want to be when you grew up?: Exactly what I am now, which is kind of the problem. I won't explain, but meteor magic was involved and it's kind of difficult to change my career at this point in time. I also wanted to be not-dead because of my tumor, which worked out pretty well actually.

(At some point I started doing this IC)

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 193
Location : Glorious Nation of Dutchlandia
Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by BrightChaos November 19th 2012, 4:51 am

Character Name Miracle Boy
Relationship with parents?: Has none
Religious views?: None in the common sense.
Sexual orientation?: None. To young for that.
Music taste?: Any upbeat music
Right- or left-handed?: Right
What does your voice sound like?: Child-like, gentle but confident and joyful.
Favorite hobbies?: Just about anything that's fun or funny.
Favorite color?: Green

Miracle Boy
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 146
Registration date : 2012-08-11

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

Post by psychocard November 19th 2012, 5:15 pm

Character Name Songbird
Relationship with parents?: Mickey had hated every single day he lived with his father and doesn't regret killing him. He doesn't think much about his mom, who hes never known, only wondering about where she is right now.
Religious views?: None. If there is a god, then he blames Him for his abusive childhood.
Sexual orientation?: Straight.
Music taste?: Prefers Rock with some Classical mixed in.
Right- or left-handed?: Right.
What does your voice sound like?: He talks in a mocking tone, and he voice is a bit higher than it usually is for his age.
Favorite hobbies?: Reading, killing, and just taking walks outside.
Favorite color?: Sky blue.
How old are you? 21
Favorite food? Peaches.
Do you have a best friend? No.
Do you have an arch nemesis? Maybe.
Describe yourself in three words. Insane, merciless, childish.
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place. a sunny forest.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Ornithologist.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Job : Student
Registration date : 2012-11-03

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It's in the details. Empty Re: It's in the details.

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