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It's in the details.
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Re: It's in the details.
- Spoiler:
Character Name Zell Atterrius
How old are you? Seventeen years old, body is developed to the point of twenty three
Relationship with parents?: Excuse me, my what now? I don't recall having parents...actually
Do you have a best friend? I tend to be lacking in the friends department..Likely Sean Collin, Silus, or Michael Collin
Do you have an arch nemesis? Niall Atterrius
Religious views?: The Truth
Sexual orientation?: Pansexual at best.
Music taste?: Dark metal, heavy metal, death metal.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Smooth, calm collected, hushed.
Favorite hobbies?: Painting, music, ruling with an iron fist.
Favorite food? Taco
Favorite color?: Emerald Green
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident...until you get to know me.
Describe your ideal vacation place. Anywhere but the Abyss...
Describe yourself in three words. Conflicted, Objectivist, Misunderstood
What did you want to be when you grew up? I...don't remember...I was never really a kid.
- Spoiler:
Character Name Niall...I guess I'm an Atterrius
How old are you? Ninteen, but mu body is advanced to twenty some years I think.
Relationship with parents?: Mom died in birthing complications. Dad never wanted me and never claimed me after mom died. He ran of to join the IRA instead.
Do you have a best friend? Brandon or Josh
Do you have an arch nemesis? Sean Collin
Religious views?: None
Sexual orientation?: Gay...guilty hehe
Music taste?: I like all music
Right- or left-handed?: Left handed
What does your voice sound like?: Irish accent all the way!
Favorite hobbies?: Playing with magic, beating up bad guys.
Favorite food? I love calamari!
Favorite color?: Purple
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Somewhere between there
Describe your ideal vacation place. Somewhere sunny
Describe yourself in three words. friendly, dumb, loyal
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a soldier to fight to protect people. Then I wanted to be a doctor...then a soldier again. Eventually I realized I couldn't bring myself to kill anyone, so that wasn't a good vocation for me ha!
- Spoiler:
Character Name Shi Ryurou
How old are you? This Aspect of Death is physically twenty eight years old.
Relationship with parents?: I was born through a pure energy of Death solidified into human form, thus I have no parents. However I did have a parental figure, his name was Kage. He was a good father.
Do you have a best friend? My best friend was Rai Nagataki, however shifts in events lead me to claim Saileyra to be my closest comrade.
Do you have an arch nemesis? Anyone who stand for the name of Ecil...though I hold a personal grudge against Elena Vexus.
Religious views?: The Storm, The Spirits and Death.
Sexual orientation?: Heterosexual, though sexual inclination is not important for a true avatar of Death.
Music taste?: Acoustic serene music.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous, however I cannot write with my left hand for some reason.
What does your voice sound like?: Deep, slight hollowed echo to it, and I annunciate very well.
Favorite hobbies?: Sparring, Training...and repeating.
Favorite food? Dove
Favorite color?: Black
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident, but soft spoken.
Describe your ideal vacation place. The Black Forest in Germany
Describe yourself in three words. Quiet. Dedicated. Loyal.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be nothing more than a servant to the Spirit of Death...little did I know I was the very thing I wished to serve.
Zell- The Once and Future King
- Number of posts : 1417
Registration date : 2013-05-07
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name:
The name is Megareus
How old are you?
I can't tell you for sure...Approaching the 2,000 year mark.
Relationship with parents?:
Mom was supposedly nice, never knew her. Dad was a douche who attempted to (and did) kill me...twice.
Do you have a best friend?
Erm...There was that one demon...Nah, closest person to me is probably, though I hate to say it, George.
Do you have an arch nemesis?
Either Paula Deen or Martha Stewart...can't stand 'em.
Religious views?:
Differs. Each culture I live in adds a little to my beliefs. Currently I know there had to be *something*, and I try not to think of it beyond that.
Sexual orientation?:
Music taste?
I like classical, and *love* woodwinds and string instruments. Anything from the Greco-Roman era. The 70s-80s were amazing as well, and I'll always have a soft spot for Stacy's Mom.
Right- or left-handed?:
Ambidextrous, though I favor my left when writing.
What does your voice sound like?:
At the moment it is a deep, slightly hushed American accent. Though I can fake most accents, the deep, muted tone always stays.
Favorite hobbies?:
Doing my job, reading, singing, cooking, playing the piano, driving and erm... watching Monster High (For the, *ahem*, research value...)
Favorite food?
Don't have one.
Favorite color?: See the above question.
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident, but cautious (confusing, I know)
Describe your ideal vacation place:
Anywhere secluded.
Describe yourself in three words.
Hunter, Dedicated, "Soulful' (Inside joke )
What did you want to be when you grew up?
At first I wanted to be normal...then an artist...for a few years a ballerina...then a pianist...then a bounty hunter...finally a chef. But hey, life happens.
The name is Megareus
How old are you?
I can't tell you for sure...Approaching the 2,000 year mark.
Relationship with parents?:
Mom was supposedly nice, never knew her. Dad was a douche who attempted to (and did) kill me...twice.
Do you have a best friend?
Erm...There was that one demon...Nah, closest person to me is probably, though I hate to say it, George.
Do you have an arch nemesis?
Either Paula Deen or Martha Stewart...can't stand 'em.
Religious views?:
Differs. Each culture I live in adds a little to my beliefs. Currently I know there had to be *something*, and I try not to think of it beyond that.
Sexual orientation?:
Music taste?
I like classical, and *love* woodwinds and string instruments. Anything from the Greco-Roman era. The 70s-80s were amazing as well, and I'll always have a soft spot for Stacy's Mom.
Right- or left-handed?:
Ambidextrous, though I favor my left when writing.
What does your voice sound like?:
At the moment it is a deep, slightly hushed American accent. Though I can fake most accents, the deep, muted tone always stays.
Favorite hobbies?:
Doing my job, reading, singing, cooking, playing the piano, driving and erm... watching Monster High (For the, *ahem*, research value...)
Favorite food?
Don't have one.
Favorite color?: See the above question.
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident, but cautious (confusing, I know)
Describe your ideal vacation place:
Anywhere secluded.
Describe yourself in three words.
Hunter, Dedicated, "Soulful' (Inside joke )
What did you want to be when you grew up?
At first I wanted to be normal...then an artist...for a few years a ballerina...then a pianist...then a bounty hunter...finally a chef. But hey, life happens.
- Spoiler:
#3.0 https://www.superhero-rpg.com/t6993-illiratchyitk-lerrrignojj-hggh-lor-npc#78860
Links are in that nifty little character thing, next to mah Skype
Count Solar- Post Mate
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Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA USA USA
Age : 34
Job : Why does it concern you?
Humor : Sarcasm, Cynicism and Cupcakes
Registration date : 2013-07-15
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name: Sean Michael Collin
Relationship with parents?: ”My relationship with the parents is pretty good”
Religious views?: ”I don’t really worship any kind of deity, I know there are gods but don’t waste time worshipping them.”
Sexual orientation?: ”Too quote someone once. Sean if you were any gayer I would have thought you bled rainbows.”
Music taste?: ”I like rock, metal and music like that.”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Right handed all the way.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”Well you are hearing it but I guess I could describe it. Its kidna deep, but sometimes people describe it to have the occasional high pitched streak, but I like to think it’s an attractive voice.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Swimming, fishing,railing Zell, practicing my gymnastics and napping.”
Favorite color?: ”I really like the color of the sky, so sky blue.”
How old are you? ”I’m like twenty one but turnin twenty two this year.”
Favorite food? ”I love pizza.”
Do you have a best friend? ”Yeah, Zell’s my best friend.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”That Raziel douchebag.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Charming, hot and….well loving I guess.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I am confident as hell.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”A nice place in Ireland.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”I wanted to be a cool mage like my mom, but not being able to use magic messes with that.”
Character Name: Michael Allen Atterrius
Relationship with parents?: ”You could say my relationship with my parents is interesting. Well, I’m not even sure of how that is at the moment, but I guess its fine.”
Religious views?: ”I don’t bow to anyone, let alone a god.”
Sexual orientation?: ”I’m the one where I’m a guy and don’t have any interest in the female member of the species; I think its called homosexual.”
Music taste?: ”Anything that I think sounds good works for me.”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Left handed.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”I’ve got one of those smooth voices, not really deep but you couldn’t call it high either, sort of a smooth middle.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Reading, tormenting humankind, drawing, practicing my various talents and things like that.”
Favorite color?: ”I like the color pink.”
How old are you? ”Physically I’m around seventeen but I’m nearing my first year.”
Favorite food? ”Anything deep fried really.”
Do you have a best friend? ”I can’t say I have a best friend.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”Don’t have one of these either.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Intelligent, confident and manipulative.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I’m as confident as I need to be.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”Anywhere that has a beach.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”You could say I wanted to be respected, feared and I suppose for the most part I got that. If by who I mattered is up for debate.”
Character Name:Alexander Bryce Clark
Relationship with parents?: ”Not good”
Religious views?: ”Don’t worship anything, haven’t seen anything worth it as of yet.”
Sexual orientation?: ”Um……I guess I’m gay, possibly bisexual.”
Music taste?: ”Melodic rock”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Ambidextrous”
What does your voice sound like?: ”Low, a little high and there’s the English accent I hear so much about.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Reading, writing, learning.”
Favorite color?: ”I like lime green.”
How old are you? ”Sixteen.”
Favorite food? ”I like Italian food, mostly pasta”
Do you have a best friend? ”Yeah, that would be Matt.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”Not officially.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Reserved, kind, intense.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”Many call me shy, and I would not question it.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”Ireland, the place seems nice.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”I wanted to be someone of importance.”
Character Name: Ryan Arthur Hale
Relationship with parents?: ”I loved my dads, they are like the best. One was a bit scattered brained, but everyone says I’m like him so that makes sense, and the other one had like cool wings. ”
Religious views?: ”I….um am an agnostic? Never really thought this out.”
Sexual orientation?: ”I do reeeeaaally like guys, so gay.”
Music taste?: ”Anything I can dance to.”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Right handed all the way.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”People say my voice sounds like a frat boy mated with an Irishmen.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Drinking, eating, sleeping, enchanting, and hanging out with Silus.”
Favorite color?: ”Green.”
How old are you? ”I’m like 19 at the moment, but the body is around 18.”
Favorite food? ”I looooove pizza.”
Do you have a best friend? ”Yupp, his names Silus.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”That bastard Raziel”
Describe yourself in three words. ”I’m like cool, charming and…..um I’m gonna reuse cool.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I’m like in the middle”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”I would love to go to a place like London.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”Wanted to be something cool, like head of the Hale House, I think that might happen eventually.”
Character Name: Ryan Alan Lester
Relationship with parents?: ”I guess I got along with my parents….well until I accidentally killed my dad.”
Religious views?: ”Never really thought about that….”
Sexual orientation?: ”I like people, gender isn’t really important.”
Music taste?: ”I like the music that sounds good?”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Left handed.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”It sounds kinda nice, deep and still cracking from stupid late puberty.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”I like swimming, and practicing my ice sculptures. ”
Favorite color?: ”I like the color blue”
How old are you? ”Sixteen, I think.”
Favorite food? ”Anything I can eat.”
Do you have a best friend? ”I don’t..”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”Nope.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Quiet, shy and…eccentiric.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I’m shy, mostly.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”I kinda wanna go to a place with a nice beach.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”I wanted…don’t really remember that.”
Relationship with parents?: ”My relationship with the parents is pretty good”
Religious views?: ”I don’t really worship any kind of deity, I know there are gods but don’t waste time worshipping them.”
Sexual orientation?: ”Too quote someone once. Sean if you were any gayer I would have thought you bled rainbows.”
Music taste?: ”I like rock, metal and music like that.”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Right handed all the way.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”Well you are hearing it but I guess I could describe it. Its kidna deep, but sometimes people describe it to have the occasional high pitched streak, but I like to think it’s an attractive voice.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Swimming, fishing,
Favorite color?: ”I really like the color of the sky, so sky blue.”
How old are you? ”I’m like twenty one but turnin twenty two this year.”
Favorite food? ”I love pizza.”
Do you have a best friend? ”Yeah, Zell’s my best friend.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”That Raziel douchebag.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Charming, hot and….well loving I guess.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I am confident as hell.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”A nice place in Ireland.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”I wanted to be a cool mage like my mom, but not being able to use magic messes with that.”
Character Name: Michael Allen Atterrius
Relationship with parents?: ”You could say my relationship with my parents is interesting. Well, I’m not even sure of how that is at the moment, but I guess its fine.”
Religious views?: ”I don’t bow to anyone, let alone a god.”
Sexual orientation?: ”I’m the one where I’m a guy and don’t have any interest in the female member of the species; I think its called homosexual.”
Music taste?: ”Anything that I think sounds good works for me.”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Left handed.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”I’ve got one of those smooth voices, not really deep but you couldn’t call it high either, sort of a smooth middle.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Reading, tormenting humankind, drawing, practicing my various talents and things like that.”
Favorite color?: ”I like the color pink.”
How old are you? ”Physically I’m around seventeen but I’m nearing my first year.”
Favorite food? ”Anything deep fried really.”
Do you have a best friend? ”I can’t say I have a best friend.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”Don’t have one of these either.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Intelligent, confident and manipulative.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I’m as confident as I need to be.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”Anywhere that has a beach.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”You could say I wanted to be respected, feared and I suppose for the most part I got that. If by who I mattered is up for debate.”
Character Name:Alexander Bryce Clark
Relationship with parents?: ”Not good”
Religious views?: ”Don’t worship anything, haven’t seen anything worth it as of yet.”
Sexual orientation?: ”Um……I guess I’m gay, possibly bisexual.”
Music taste?: ”Melodic rock”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Ambidextrous”
What does your voice sound like?: ”Low, a little high and there’s the English accent I hear so much about.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Reading, writing, learning.”
Favorite color?: ”I like lime green.”
How old are you? ”Sixteen.”
Favorite food? ”I like Italian food, mostly pasta”
Do you have a best friend? ”Yeah, that would be Matt.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”Not officially.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Reserved, kind, intense.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”Many call me shy, and I would not question it.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”Ireland, the place seems nice.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”I wanted to be someone of importance.”
Character Name: Ryan Arthur Hale
Relationship with parents?: ”I loved my dads, they are like the best. One was a bit scattered brained, but everyone says I’m like him so that makes sense, and the other one had like cool wings. ”
Religious views?: ”I….um am an agnostic? Never really thought this out.”
Sexual orientation?: ”I do reeeeaaally like guys, so gay.”
Music taste?: ”Anything I can dance to.”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Right handed all the way.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”People say my voice sounds like a frat boy mated with an Irishmen.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”Drinking, eating, sleeping, enchanting, and hanging out with Silus.”
Favorite color?: ”Green.”
How old are you? ”I’m like 19 at the moment, but the body is around 18.”
Favorite food? ”I looooove pizza.”
Do you have a best friend? ”Yupp, his names Silus.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”That bastard Raziel”
Describe yourself in three words. ”I’m like cool, charming and…..um I’m gonna reuse cool.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I’m like in the middle”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”I would love to go to a place like London.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”Wanted to be something cool, like head of the Hale House, I think that might happen eventually.”
Character Name: Ryan Alan Lester
Relationship with parents?: ”I guess I got along with my parents….well until I accidentally killed my dad.”
Religious views?: ”Never really thought about that….”
Sexual orientation?: ”I like people, gender isn’t really important.”
Music taste?: ”I like the music that sounds good?”
Right- or left-handed?: ”Left handed.”
What does your voice sound like?: ”It sounds kinda nice, deep and still cracking from stupid late puberty.”
Favorite hobbies?: ”I like swimming, and practicing my ice sculptures. ”
Favorite color?: ”I like the color blue”
How old are you? ”Sixteen, I think.”
Favorite food? ”Anything I can eat.”
Do you have a best friend? ”I don’t..”
Do you have an arch nemesis? ”Nope.”
Describe yourself in three words. ”Quiet, shy and…eccentiric.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? ”I’m shy, mostly.”
Describe your ideal vacation place. ”I kinda wanna go to a place with a nice beach.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? ”I wanted…don’t really remember that.”
Jordan Reynolds- Mega Poster!
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04
Re: It's in the details.
Spellstone/Joshua Ashling
Relationship with parents?: Considering he stole from them and then ran away, pretty bad.
Religious views?: Although he keeps it to himself, Joshua is actually a christian.
Sexual orientation?: Horny Teenager.
Music taste?: Loud music.
Right- or left-handed?: Right.
What does your voice sound like?: As Joshua it sounds like your average teenagers, and it's pitch alternates as he goes through puberty but as Spellstone his voice is strong, louder and deeper.
Favorite hobbies?: He likes reading and is quite good at painting.
Favorite color?: Red.
How old are you?: 17.
Favorite food?: Ice-Cream.
Do you have a best friend?: Since he doesn't really know anyone else, he'd say Michael Atterius was his bestie.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: Not yet.
Describe yourself in three words: Stone of Spells
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: In-between. Confident in his looks and power, insecure about his lack of actual amgical power and shy when it comes to romance.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A sunny hotel in spain.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: He just wanted to be a wizard, like the rest off his family. ):
Relationship with parents?: They're dead.
Religious views?: She considers herself a goddess.
Sexual orientation?: N/A
Music taste?: Jungle noises.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidexterious.
What does your voice sound like?: Her voice is that of a confident woman, with a deeper under tone which makes it sound as if two people are speaking at once. It's quite pleasant.
Favorite hobbies?: Gardening, Being a goddess and commiting Mass Genocide.
Favorite color?: Green.
How old are you?: Over 25.
Favorite food?: Sunlight.
Do you have a best friend?: No.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: Yes. Stupid humans.
Describe yourself in three words: Flowers are cool.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Confident, to the point of arrogance.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A remarkably thick jungle.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Queen.
Venus/Marian Monette
Relationship with parents?: They're dissapointed in her and her thieving ways and she doesn't actually care.
Religious views?: Athiest.
Sexual orientation?: Straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaight.
Music taste?: Smooth Jazz and Berlesque music.
Right- or left-handed?: Right handed.
What does your voice sound like?: Awesome.
Favorite hobbies?: Controlling men and being sexy.
Favorite color?: Sexy.
How old are you?: 24.
Favorite food?: Sushi.
Do you have a best friend?: No.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: Curse you, Seagirl!
Describe yourself in three words: Look at me.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A world without Seagirl
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Independent.
Ouija/Kevin Polland
Relationship with parents?: Well his mother is in another country but she loves him and he loves her; his Dad though. His dad tried to possess him as a child and then accidentally got trapped in his body and now lives inside him. Yeah.
Religious views?: He believes in an afterlife - but what that entails he does not.
Sexual orientation?: Asexual.
Music taste?: Rock, Punk, Screamo, etc.
Right- or left-handed?: Left handed.
What does your voice sound like?: His voice is a slightly higher pitch than normal male's of his age, and he's surprisingly good at singing. His father's voice is deep and it sounds like an eerie whisper is repeating what he says; slightly out of tune.
Favorite hobbies?: Ghostbustin' and rocking the goth look. Insisting it's not a phase.
Favorite color?: Black; like his soul.
How old are you?: 16.
Favorite food?: Big Macs.
Do you have a best friend?: He had a friend once, but killed them.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: No.
Describe yourself in three words: Edgy, Angst, Hardcore.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Inbetween.
Describe your ideal vacation place: Hell. *fringe flick*
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Normal.
Relationship with parents?: Considering he stole from them and then ran away, pretty bad.
Religious views?: Although he keeps it to himself, Joshua is actually a christian.
Sexual orientation?: Horny Teenager.
Music taste?: Loud music.
Right- or left-handed?: Right.
What does your voice sound like?: As Joshua it sounds like your average teenagers, and it's pitch alternates as he goes through puberty but as Spellstone his voice is strong, louder and deeper.
Favorite hobbies?: He likes reading and is quite good at painting.
Favorite color?: Red.
How old are you?: 17.
Favorite food?: Ice-Cream.
Do you have a best friend?: Since he doesn't really know anyone else, he'd say Michael Atterius was his bestie.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: Not yet.
Describe yourself in three words: Stone of Spells
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: In-between. Confident in his looks and power, insecure about his lack of actual amgical power and shy when it comes to romance.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A sunny hotel in spain.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: He just wanted to be a wizard, like the rest off his family. ):
Relationship with parents?: They're dead.
Religious views?: She considers herself a goddess.
Sexual orientation?: N/A
Music taste?: Jungle noises.
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidexterious.
What does your voice sound like?: Her voice is that of a confident woman, with a deeper under tone which makes it sound as if two people are speaking at once. It's quite pleasant.
Favorite hobbies?: Gardening, Being a goddess and commiting Mass Genocide.
Favorite color?: Green.
How old are you?: Over 25.
Favorite food?: Sunlight.
Do you have a best friend?: No.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: Yes. Stupid humans.
Describe yourself in three words: Flowers are cool.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Confident, to the point of arrogance.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A remarkably thick jungle.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Queen.
Venus/Marian Monette
Relationship with parents?: They're dissapointed in her and her thieving ways and she doesn't actually care.
Religious views?: Athiest.
Sexual orientation?: Straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaight.
Music taste?: Smooth Jazz and Berlesque music.
Right- or left-handed?: Right handed.
What does your voice sound like?: Awesome.
Favorite hobbies?: Controlling men and being sexy.
Favorite color?: Sexy.
How old are you?: 24.
Favorite food?: Sushi.
Do you have a best friend?: No.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: Curse you, Seagirl!
Describe yourself in three words: Look at me.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A world without Seagirl
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Independent.
Ouija/Kevin Polland
Relationship with parents?: Well his mother is in another country but she loves him and he loves her; his Dad though. His dad tried to possess him as a child and then accidentally got trapped in his body and now lives inside him. Yeah.
Religious views?: He believes in an afterlife - but what that entails he does not.
Sexual orientation?: Asexual.
Music taste?: Rock, Punk, Screamo, etc.
Right- or left-handed?: Left handed.
What does your voice sound like?: His voice is a slightly higher pitch than normal male's of his age, and he's surprisingly good at singing. His father's voice is deep and it sounds like an eerie whisper is repeating what he says; slightly out of tune.
Favorite hobbies?: Ghostbustin' and rocking the goth look. Insisting it's not a phase.
Favorite color?: Black; like his soul.
How old are you?: 16.
Favorite food?: Big Macs.
Do you have a best friend?: He had a friend once, but killed them.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: No.
Describe yourself in three words: Edgy, Angst, Hardcore.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Inbetween.
Describe your ideal vacation place: Hell. *fringe flick*
What did you want to be when you grew up?: Normal.
"Our seasons are reversed. My spring, humanity's fall!"
actually zyra says that but shhhh
Thistle- Post Mate
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : i got beat up by elaine once
Warnings :
Number of posts : 170
Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15
Re: It's in the details.
Blacklight - Rick Roberts
Relationship with parents?: "My mum died when i was young but my Dad is and always has been my personal hero."
Religious views?: "I dunno, I like to believe in something, but I wouldn’t class it as any particular Religion.”
Sexual orientation?: “I’m straight”
Music taste?: “Give me some rock music any day, Punk if I’m feeling edgy!”
Right- or left-handed?: “Right”
What does your voice sound like?: “I’d say it’s a fairly average male voice, just a lot hotter ya know?”
Favorite hobbies?: “Party’s… Women. On the week-end I do some archery!”
Favorite color?: “Purple.. predictable hey?”
How old are you?: “24”
Favorite food?: “Pizza, I don’t think I could ever eat enough.”
Do you have a best friend?: “My partner on the force ‘Steve.’ Could never get bored of that guy!”
Do you have an arch nemesis?: “If I do he hasn’t told me yet”
Describe yourself in three words: “Fun. Awesome. Hot”
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: “Confident”
Describe your ideal vacation place: “New York. Bright lights, and there’s always something going on!”
What did you want to be when you grew up?: “I always wanted to be a detective and I actually made it! My life’s awesome!”
Dissonance – Sebastian Sawbridge
Relationship with parents?: “They handed me over to scientists because they were afraid of me. I’d be quite content to never see them again. Still… they were probably right.”
Religious views?: "I have no time for gods.”
Sexual orientation?: “Hm… I suppose straight but I can’t say that I’m really that interested in matters of the flesh.”
Music taste?: “Bach, Beethoven, Handel. Classical music to simpletons.”
Right- or left-handed?: “Ambidextrous”
What does your voice sound like?: “There’s a trace of irish left in my accent but it isn’t strong. The tone is deep… commanding.”
Favorite hobbies?: “I relax and play the piano from time to time, I also enjoy the occasional game of chess.”
Favorite color?: “White. It’s pure… Clean… Untainted.”
How old are you?: “34.”
Favorite food?: “I enjoy fine cuisine from time to time but don’t have a particular favourite.”
Do you have a best friend?: “No”
Do you have an arch nemesis?: “Anybody that gets in my way”
Describe yourself in three words: “Revolutionary. Leader. Deadly.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: “My side will be known”
Describe your ideal vacation place: “I don’t have time for vacations”
What did you want to be when you grew up?: “In my youth I was interested in shallow dreams of being a concert pianist, now I have more important goals”
Relationship with parents?: "My mum died when i was young but my Dad is and always has been my personal hero."
Religious views?: "I dunno, I like to believe in something, but I wouldn’t class it as any particular Religion.”
Sexual orientation?: “I’m straight”
Music taste?: “Give me some rock music any day, Punk if I’m feeling edgy!”
Right- or left-handed?: “Right”
What does your voice sound like?: “I’d say it’s a fairly average male voice, just a lot hotter ya know?”
Favorite hobbies?: “Party’s… Women. On the week-end I do some archery!”
Favorite color?: “Purple.. predictable hey?”
How old are you?: “24”
Favorite food?: “Pizza, I don’t think I could ever eat enough.”
Do you have a best friend?: “My partner on the force ‘Steve.’ Could never get bored of that guy!”
Do you have an arch nemesis?: “If I do he hasn’t told me yet”
Describe yourself in three words: “Fun. Awesome. Hot”
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: “Confident”
Describe your ideal vacation place: “New York. Bright lights, and there’s always something going on!”
What did you want to be when you grew up?: “I always wanted to be a detective and I actually made it! My life’s awesome!”
Dissonance – Sebastian Sawbridge
Relationship with parents?: “They handed me over to scientists because they were afraid of me. I’d be quite content to never see them again. Still… they were probably right.”
Religious views?: "I have no time for gods.”
Sexual orientation?: “Hm… I suppose straight but I can’t say that I’m really that interested in matters of the flesh.”
Music taste?: “Bach, Beethoven, Handel. Classical music to simpletons.”
Right- or left-handed?: “Ambidextrous”
What does your voice sound like?: “There’s a trace of irish left in my accent but it isn’t strong. The tone is deep… commanding.”
Favorite hobbies?: “I relax and play the piano from time to time, I also enjoy the occasional game of chess.”
Favorite color?: “White. It’s pure… Clean… Untainted.”
How old are you?: “34.”
Favorite food?: “I enjoy fine cuisine from time to time but don’t have a particular favourite.”
Do you have a best friend?: “No”
Do you have an arch nemesis?: “Anybody that gets in my way”
Describe yourself in three words: “Revolutionary. Leader. Deadly.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: “My side will be known”
Describe your ideal vacation place: “I don’t have time for vacations”
What did you want to be when you grew up?: “In my youth I was interested in shallow dreams of being a concert pianist, now I have more important goals”
Blacklight- Post Mate
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 102
Location : England
Age : 30
Registration date : 2014-05-11
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name The Titanium Colt - Colton Bryan
Relationship with parents?: "My mother died 12 years ago and my father was put in jail for 25 years. Me and him have had a ... complicated relationship for the last 5 years with him being extremely unsupportive of what I've been doing the last couple of years. From my visits with him I can tell he's angry with me for donning a mask and fighting out there on the streets against other meta humans."
Religious views?: Agnostic
Sexual orientation?: "I'm straight"
Music taste?: "Basically any song that catches my interest and I don't care what type of music it is."
Right- or left-handed?: Left-handed
What does your voice sound like?: pretty smooth but I can make it gruff if I want
Favorite hobbies?: videogames, reading, and visiting historical sites in Europe
Favorite color?: Blue some days red or brown others.
How old are you?: 30.
Favorite Food?: Don't have one
Do you have a best friend? Used to have a friend stateside we stopped talking when he heard about what my dad did
Do you have an arch nemesis? Not currently
Describe yourself in three words.Quirky, Intelligent, Neutral
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Depends on the situation.
Describe your ideal vacation place. I already live there whenever I return to Europe.
What did you want to be when you grew up? "Don't laugh but I actually wanted to be a pro wrestler. I was just fascinated with their careers and lives and how they did everything that they did inside the ring it seemed fun so in high school I joined the school's wrestling team hoping to gain some athletic ability. 2 years into school my father killed my mother and I was shifted around to much to continue my career."
Relationship with parents?: "My mother died 12 years ago and my father was put in jail for 25 years. Me and him have had a ... complicated relationship for the last 5 years with him being extremely unsupportive of what I've been doing the last couple of years. From my visits with him I can tell he's angry with me for donning a mask and fighting out there on the streets against other meta humans."
Religious views?: Agnostic
Sexual orientation?: "I'm straight"
Music taste?: "Basically any song that catches my interest and I don't care what type of music it is."
Right- or left-handed?: Left-handed
What does your voice sound like?: pretty smooth but I can make it gruff if I want
Favorite hobbies?: videogames, reading, and visiting historical sites in Europe
Favorite color?: Blue some days red or brown others.
How old are you?: 30.
Favorite Food?: Don't have one
Do you have a best friend? Used to have a friend stateside we stopped talking when he heard about what my dad did
Do you have an arch nemesis? Not currently
Describe yourself in three words.Quirky, Intelligent, Neutral
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Depends on the situation.
Describe your ideal vacation place. I already live there whenever I return to Europe.
What did you want to be when you grew up? "Don't laugh but I actually wanted to be a pro wrestler. I was just fascinated with their careers and lives and how they did everything that they did inside the ring it seemed fun so in high school I joined the school's wrestling team hoping to gain some athletic ability. 2 years into school my father killed my mother and I was shifted around to much to continue my career."
wwesvrfan215- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20
Re: It's in the details.
Yay for the newly updated version of this with all of me charries included. Hip hip hooray.
Character Name John Capore
Relationship with parents?: Um, my mom is dead and I don't see my dad that much. Next.
Religious views?: Indifferent
Sexual orientation?: If I don't say straight my girlfriend might kill me.
Music taste?: A bunch of stuff
Right- or left-handed?: Semi-ambidextrous but mainly right handed
What does your voice sound like?: A bit high pitched. Shut up.
Favorite hobbies?: I'm into art and literature
Favorite color?: Seafoam blue
How old are you? 17 and still going
Favorite food? The edible kind
Do you have a best friend? Several actually. Not sure how.
Do you have an arch nemesis? All those that could be are dead
Describe yourself in three words. Three's not enough
Are you shy, confident, or in between? In-between
Describe your ideal vacation place. Somewhere where an actual vacation can happen.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Still working on it
Character Name Sarah Milosi
Relationship with parents?: Pretty good even though I haven't seen them in a few years.
Religious views?: Religious beings are pretty much the only things I haven't seen
Sexual orientation?: I was happily married to a man and we had a kid together. What do you think?
Music taste?: Folk music
Right- or left-handed?: Left-handed
What does your voice sound like?: A strange combination and southern and western dialects
Favorite hobbies?: Essentially anything that would be considered reckless
Favorite color?: Black is not a color but I'm going with it anyways
How old are you? Never ask a lady her age
Favorite food? Surprisingly enough, Italian food, but also a big fan of Japanese food.
Do you have a best friend? Haven't talked to her since before I died.
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. I am me
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident
Describe your ideal vacation place. Venice, Italy
What did you want to be when you grew up? A musician
Character Name Ignatius van Crauss
Relationship with parents?: I don't think they'd be too happy with me considering what I've been doing, but before that it was a pretty good one.
Religious views?: None
Sexual orientation?: Not sure
Music taste?: I've barely listened to music enough to develop a taste
Right- or left-handed?: Fully Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Would you believe I have a rather calm sounding voice?
Favorite hobbies?: Sciencey stuff
Favorite color?: Orange
How old are you? 42
Favorite food? Stir fried rice
Do you have a best friend? None to speak of
Do you have an arch nemesis? Possibly this Bliss lady who wants to defeat me solo. Not sure what's up with that
Describe yourself in three words. Not saying anything
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident
Describe your ideal vacation place. No vacation for me, thank you.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A scientist. Which is exactly what I became.
Character Name Ailill Hale
Relationship with parents?: Solid
Religious views?: None
Sexual orientation?: Straight
Music taste?: I just listen to whatever Brandon is playing on his guitar and pretend to like it
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?: A serious, soft spoken irish accented monotone.
Favorite hobbies?: Studying, traveling, cooking, staying up way too late for my own good, and for some reason annoying the living hell out of people
Favorite color?: Red
How old are you? 26
Favorite food? Sandwiches of any kind, really.
Do you have a best friend? Well there's that hobo who lives down the street who's pretty fun to talk to, and Mirshann even though I want to whack her upside the head sometimes.
Do you have an arch nemesis? Who'd be stupid enough for that?
Describe yourself in three words. Check my quote
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident
Describe your ideal vacation place. Vacations are boring
What did you want to be when you grew up? I got nothing
Character Name Sophia Carlton
Relationship with parents?: They're um, dead
Religious views?: Catholic
Sexual orientation?: Way too young, thank you
Music taste?: Pop and Rock
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?: Pretty standard for an eleven year old girl
Favorite hobbies?: I don't know
Favorite color?: Green
How old are you? 11
Favorite food? Chocolate chip cookies
Do you have a best friend? No
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Nice, shy, semi-friendly
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Very shy
Describe your ideal vacation place. I'd take anywhere fun
What did you want to be when you grew up? I don't know
Character Name John Capore
Relationship with parents?: Um, my mom is dead and I don't see my dad that much. Next.
Religious views?: Indifferent
Sexual orientation?: If I don't say straight my girlfriend might kill me.
Music taste?: A bunch of stuff
Right- or left-handed?: Semi-ambidextrous but mainly right handed
What does your voice sound like?: A bit high pitched. Shut up.
Favorite hobbies?: I'm into art and literature
Favorite color?: Seafoam blue
How old are you? 17 and still going
Favorite food? The edible kind
Do you have a best friend? Several actually. Not sure how.
Do you have an arch nemesis? All those that could be are dead
Describe yourself in three words. Three's not enough
Are you shy, confident, or in between? In-between
Describe your ideal vacation place. Somewhere where an actual vacation can happen.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Still working on it
Character Name Sarah Milosi
Relationship with parents?: Pretty good even though I haven't seen them in a few years.
Religious views?: Religious beings are pretty much the only things I haven't seen
Sexual orientation?: I was happily married to a man and we had a kid together. What do you think?
Music taste?: Folk music
Right- or left-handed?: Left-handed
What does your voice sound like?: A strange combination and southern and western dialects
Favorite hobbies?: Essentially anything that would be considered reckless
Favorite color?: Black is not a color but I'm going with it anyways
How old are you? Never ask a lady her age
Favorite food? Surprisingly enough, Italian food, but also a big fan of Japanese food.
Do you have a best friend? Haven't talked to her since before I died.
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. I am me
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident
Describe your ideal vacation place. Venice, Italy
What did you want to be when you grew up? A musician
Character Name Ignatius van Crauss
Relationship with parents?: I don't think they'd be too happy with me considering what I've been doing, but before that it was a pretty good one.
Religious views?: None
Sexual orientation?: Not sure
Music taste?: I've barely listened to music enough to develop a taste
Right- or left-handed?: Fully Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Would you believe I have a rather calm sounding voice?
Favorite hobbies?: Sciencey stuff
Favorite color?: Orange
How old are you? 42
Favorite food? Stir fried rice
Do you have a best friend? None to speak of
Do you have an arch nemesis? Possibly this Bliss lady who wants to defeat me solo. Not sure what's up with that
Describe yourself in three words. Not saying anything
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident
Describe your ideal vacation place. No vacation for me, thank you.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A scientist. Which is exactly what I became.
Character Name Ailill Hale
Relationship with parents?: Solid
Religious views?: None
Sexual orientation?: Straight
Music taste?: I just listen to whatever Brandon is playing on his guitar and pretend to like it
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?: A serious, soft spoken irish accented monotone.
Favorite hobbies?: Studying, traveling, cooking, staying up way too late for my own good, and for some reason annoying the living hell out of people
Favorite color?: Red
How old are you? 26
Favorite food? Sandwiches of any kind, really.
Do you have a best friend? Well there's that hobo who lives down the street who's pretty fun to talk to, and Mirshann even though I want to whack her upside the head sometimes.
Do you have an arch nemesis? Who'd be stupid enough for that?
Describe yourself in three words. Check my quote
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident
Describe your ideal vacation place. Vacations are boring
What did you want to be when you grew up? I got nothing
Character Name Sophia Carlton
Relationship with parents?: They're um, dead
Religious views?: Catholic
Sexual orientation?: Way too young, thank you
Music taste?: Pop and Rock
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?: Pretty standard for an eleven year old girl
Favorite hobbies?: I don't know
Favorite color?: Green
How old are you? 11
Favorite food? Chocolate chip cookies
Do you have a best friend? No
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Nice, shy, semi-friendly
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Very shy
Describe your ideal vacation place. I'd take anywhere fun
What did you want to be when you grew up? I don't know
- Spoiler:
Forceaus- Mega Poster!
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name: Samuel Chambers
Relationship with parents?: Never knew my mom, Dad was a great guy.
Religious views?: I am loosely a Christian, in that I believe in God, but Christ....eh. Wait, does that make me Jewish?
Sexual orientation?: Bisexual
Music taste?: I like most contemporary music, and I really enjoy pop, punk and indie rock.
Right- or left-handed?: Right
What does your voice sound like?: Somewhat low, I guess. I mean, not like really low, but far from squeaky.
Favorite hobbies?: Robbing banks, competitive shooting, petting puppies.
Favorite color?: Orange.
How old are you?: 23
Favorite food?: Cake.
Do you have a best friend?: I don’t really know, to be honest.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: No, people seem to generally like me.
Describe yourself in three words: I’m only human (Except I’m not)
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: I would like to believe I am fairly confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A semi-crowded beach in Southern Florida during Spring Break.
What did you want to be when you grew up? : When I was really young, I wanted to be a King. Not the President, like a normal kid, but a damn King. Power was alluring back then.
Character Name: Nathaniel Friginis
Relationship with parents?: I’ve been alive a few centuries since they died, so I guess not too bad.
Religious views?: I host two Gods, and have had tea with several others. Anyone who says they aren’t real is a deluded fool.
Sexual orientation?: I’ll express interest in anything, so long as it pays off.
Music taste?: Christina Perri, Lana del Rey, similar artists to these.
Right- or left-handed?: Left.
What does your voice sound like?: I’ve been told I have three tones, polite and cheerful, polite and sarcastic and pissed off, all of which still sound like your average thirty year old male.
Favorite hobbies?: Skiing, fencing, horseback riding.
Favorite color?: An icy blue
How old are you?: Nearing five hundred...does it show?
Favorite food?: Chocolate covered strawberries.
Do you have a best friend?: I guess the two Gods living inside me could count.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: See above question; they do require me dead, after all.
Describe yourself in three words:Really cool man (Get it, cool?)
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: I am extremely confident. Some have described it as arrogance.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A small mountain retreat in the Alps.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: A merchant like my father, sailing the high seas and travelling to exotic places where the streets were gold and every man a Prince.
Character Name: Michael Velon
Relationship with parents?: I have no parents.
Religious views?: I am God. Jesting, of course; it seems many people believe, before associating with me, that I have a God complex. Does he exist? Most likely, for even I find holes in the universe that are inexplicable. Do I worship him? Hell no.
Sexual orientation?: I am heterosexual, though even for females I show little interest.
Music taste?: Anything that appeals to me at the time; I am fond of Vivaldi, Queen, Bon Jovi and
Right- or left-handed?: I am ambidextrous.
What does your voice sound like?: It seems pointless to describe my voice when I am speaking to you.
Favorite hobbies?: Running a Fortune 500 company, for one. Also woodworking and automobile maintenance on my cars.
Favorite color?: Have you ever seen what it looks to look through a thick fog? That whitish-grey color, that’s slightly transparent? That’s my favorite color.
How old are you?: Somewhere around a year.
Favorite food?: I don’t have one, though anything Italian, Turkish or Indian really satisfies my palate.
Do you have a best friend?: No.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: I don’t believe I have pissed off anyone that much, yet.
Describe yourself in three words: How about no.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Very confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place: Tibet, were it to not be under Chinese control.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: What do you not understand about me being a year old?
Relationship with parents?: Never knew my mom, Dad was a great guy.
Religious views?: I am loosely a Christian, in that I believe in God, but Christ....eh. Wait, does that make me Jewish?
Sexual orientation?: Bisexual
Music taste?: I like most contemporary music, and I really enjoy pop, punk and indie rock.
Right- or left-handed?: Right
What does your voice sound like?: Somewhat low, I guess. I mean, not like really low, but far from squeaky.
Favorite hobbies?: Robbing banks, competitive shooting, petting puppies.
Favorite color?: Orange.
How old are you?: 23
Favorite food?: Cake.
Do you have a best friend?: I don’t really know, to be honest.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: No, people seem to generally like me.
Describe yourself in three words: I’m only human (Except I’m not)
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: I would like to believe I am fairly confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A semi-crowded beach in Southern Florida during Spring Break.
What did you want to be when you grew up? : When I was really young, I wanted to be a King. Not the President, like a normal kid, but a damn King. Power was alluring back then.
Character Name: Nathaniel Friginis
Relationship with parents?: I’ve been alive a few centuries since they died, so I guess not too bad.
Religious views?: I host two Gods, and have had tea with several others. Anyone who says they aren’t real is a deluded fool.
Sexual orientation?: I’ll express interest in anything, so long as it pays off.
Music taste?: Christina Perri, Lana del Rey, similar artists to these.
Right- or left-handed?: Left.
What does your voice sound like?: I’ve been told I have three tones, polite and cheerful, polite and sarcastic and pissed off, all of which still sound like your average thirty year old male.
Favorite hobbies?: Skiing, fencing, horseback riding.
Favorite color?: An icy blue
How old are you?: Nearing five hundred...does it show?
Favorite food?: Chocolate covered strawberries.
Do you have a best friend?: I guess the two Gods living inside me could count.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: See above question; they do require me dead, after all.
Describe yourself in three words:Really cool man (Get it, cool?)
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: I am extremely confident. Some have described it as arrogance.
Describe your ideal vacation place: A small mountain retreat in the Alps.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: A merchant like my father, sailing the high seas and travelling to exotic places where the streets were gold and every man a Prince.
Character Name: Michael Velon
Relationship with parents?: I have no parents.
Religious views?: I am God. Jesting, of course; it seems many people believe, before associating with me, that I have a God complex. Does he exist? Most likely, for even I find holes in the universe that are inexplicable. Do I worship him? Hell no.
Sexual orientation?: I am heterosexual, though even for females I show little interest.
Music taste?: Anything that appeals to me at the time; I am fond of Vivaldi, Queen, Bon Jovi and
Right- or left-handed?: I am ambidextrous.
What does your voice sound like?: It seems pointless to describe my voice when I am speaking to you.
Favorite hobbies?: Running a Fortune 500 company, for one. Also woodworking and automobile maintenance on my cars.
Favorite color?: Have you ever seen what it looks to look through a thick fog? That whitish-grey color, that’s slightly transparent? That’s my favorite color.
How old are you?: Somewhere around a year.
Favorite food?: I don’t have one, though anything Italian, Turkish or Indian really satisfies my palate.
Do you have a best friend?: No.
Do you have an arch nemesis?: I don’t believe I have pissed off anyone that much, yet.
Describe yourself in three words: How about no.
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: Very confident.
Describe your ideal vacation place: Tibet, were it to not be under Chinese control.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: What do you not understand about me being a year old?
- Spoiler:
Just Harbinger- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 29
Humor : [05:53:18] Danger : Dadadadangerdyesonnace
Registration date : 2014-04-26
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name Andrew Cyarm, A.K.A The Metrosexual Messiah.
Relationship with parents?: MY PARENTS ARE DEEEAAAAAAAD. Well, probably... uh... I never knew 'em.
Religious views?: The orphanage I grew up in had bible study and stuff. I guess I believe in God, but it's not something I ever really think about.
Sexual orientation?: Totally 100% Uber Hetero.
Music taste?: I like just about everything.
Right- or left-handed?: I... don't think I've ever actually written anything down in my life. Holy crap, I have absolutely no id-oh wait, no I'm right handed, I signed for the delivery of my kickass new TV yesterday. THE THING IS 80 INCHES. IT'S MASSIVE. AND YOU'RE TOTALLY JEALOUS.
What does your voice sound like?: Like smooth courvoisier, a sultry cognac, cascading down rocks and filling your mind with that same feeling you have on a warm summer's day when you're with that special gal and you kiss her one time on the lips. In short, I have no idea how my voice sounds. It's in my head. I imagine it's something like that though.
Favorite hobbies?: Maintaining my hair. Washing my hair. Styling my hair. Dying my hair. I also enjoy Jenga too. Y'know, the game with all the blocks? Snakes and ladders is my jam too. I guess all board games in general too then I guess.
Favorite color?: White. I think I heard once that white is like, all the colors mixed together or something. Isn't that kinda the most badass color then?
How old are you?: 23... uh... I think,. 24? No, 23. Pretty sure. God, I'm gonna be so embarrassed if I'm wrong.
Favorite food?: Sandwiches.
Do you have a best friend?: I would never grade the friends I have as "best" or "worst". They're all special in their own way.
Describe yourself in three words: Sexy, Handsome, Sexsome. (Couldn't think of a third. Just combined the first two together. I'M A MODERN DAY WORDSMITH.)
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: The fact that I've answered this many questions and it isn't ragingly apparent on which I am insults the both of us.
What did you want to be when you grew up? : A superhero. NOW I'M LIVIN' THE DREAM BABY!
Relationship with parents?: MY PARENTS ARE DEEEAAAAAAAD. Well, probably... uh... I never knew 'em.
Religious views?: The orphanage I grew up in had bible study and stuff. I guess I believe in God, but it's not something I ever really think about.
Sexual orientation?: Totally 100% Uber Hetero.
Music taste?: I like just about everything.
Right- or left-handed?: I... don't think I've ever actually written anything down in my life. Holy crap, I have absolutely no id-oh wait, no I'm right handed, I signed for the delivery of my kickass new TV yesterday. THE THING IS 80 INCHES. IT'S MASSIVE. AND YOU'RE TOTALLY JEALOUS.
What does your voice sound like?: Like smooth courvoisier, a sultry cognac, cascading down rocks and filling your mind with that same feeling you have on a warm summer's day when you're with that special gal and you kiss her one time on the lips. In short, I have no idea how my voice sounds. It's in my head. I imagine it's something like that though.
Favorite hobbies?: Maintaining my hair. Washing my hair. Styling my hair. Dying my hair. I also enjoy Jenga too. Y'know, the game with all the blocks? Snakes and ladders is my jam too. I guess all board games in general too then I guess.
Favorite color?: White. I think I heard once that white is like, all the colors mixed together or something. Isn't that kinda the most badass color then?
How old are you?: 23... uh... I think,. 24? No, 23. Pretty sure. God, I'm gonna be so embarrassed if I'm wrong.
Favorite food?: Sandwiches.
Do you have a best friend?: I would never grade the friends I have as "best" or "worst". They're all special in their own way.
Describe yourself in three words: Sexy, Handsome, Sexsome. (Couldn't think of a third. Just combined the first two together. I'M A MODERN DAY WORDSMITH.)
Are you shy, confident, or in between?: The fact that I've answered this many questions and it isn't ragingly apparent on which I am insults the both of us.
What did you want to be when you grew up? : A superhero. NOW I'M LIVIN' THE DREAM BABY!
Cyarm- Status :
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 18
Location : Australia
Age : 35
Registration date : 2014-07-07
Re: It's in the details.
Silus Atterrius
What is your alias? - "Well it depends on who you ask. If you ask most people my nickname is "Loki", but if you ask the Ethereal's my nickname is "Luficer".
How old are you? - "I'm 11, but I can change my age whenever I want to...actually I may be older...uh oh...I forgot!"
Relationship with parents? - "I get along with both my daddies."
Religious views? - "I believe in...something? Most people call him God, but the Ethereals call him "Archon"...so that"
Sexual orientation? - "What's that mean? What do I like? I love peanutbutter silk pie!"
Music taste? - "I like a lot of things really. Anything but rap."
Right- or left-handed? - "I'm ambiguous." "Ambidextrious" "Ambidexterrious!" "....close enough."
What does your voice sound like? - "It's really soft, a lot of people say I sound sad, it's really light and doesn't have any real gruff to it."
Favorite hobbies? - "I like to paint, play baseball and swim."
Favorite color? - "I like green and purple equally...I can't pick one...it's too hard."
Favorite food? - "I love peanutbutter silk pie!"
Do you have a best friend? - "Yeah! His name is Yancey, but people know him best as "Fenrir".
Do you have an arch nemesis? - "Uh...no? I mean My brother Mike but...yeah.... no real enemies."
Describe yourself in three words. - "Timid, nice, and artistic"
Are you shy, confident, or in between? - "I'm really shy unless someone gets hurt."
Describe your ideal vacation place. - "I wanna go to New Zealand!"
What did you want to be when you grew up? - "I wanted to be a good brother to Mike, Shael and Jordan. But...that didn't...work out. Now I just try to be a hero my daddy can be proud of."
What is your alias? - "Well it depends on who you ask. If you ask most people my nickname is "Loki", but if you ask the Ethereal's my nickname is "Luficer".
How old are you? - "I'm 11, but I can change my age whenever I want to...actually I may be older...uh oh...I forgot!"
Relationship with parents? - "I get along with both my daddies."
Religious views? - "I believe in...something? Most people call him God, but the Ethereals call him "Archon"...so that"
Sexual orientation? - "What's that mean? What do I like? I love peanutbutter silk pie!"
Music taste? - "I like a lot of things really. Anything but rap."
Right- or left-handed? - "I'm ambiguous." "Ambidextrious" "Ambidexterrious!" "....close enough."
What does your voice sound like? - "It's really soft, a lot of people say I sound sad, it's really light and doesn't have any real gruff to it."
Favorite hobbies? - "I like to paint, play baseball and swim."
Favorite color? - "I like green and purple equally...I can't pick one...it's too hard."
Favorite food? - "I love peanutbutter silk pie!"
Do you have a best friend? - "Yeah! His name is Yancey, but people know him best as "Fenrir".
Do you have an arch nemesis? - "Uh...no? I mean My brother Mike but...yeah.... no real enemies."
Describe yourself in three words. - "Timid, nice, and artistic"
Are you shy, confident, or in between? - "I'm really shy unless someone gets hurt."
Describe your ideal vacation place. - "I wanna go to New Zealand!"
What did you want to be when you grew up? - "I wanted to be a good brother to Mike, Shael and Jordan. But...that didn't...work out. Now I just try to be a hero my daddy can be proud of."
Silus- Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05
Re: It's in the details.
Cale Malik
What is your alias? - "At Seraphim they call me Gadreel. My Robots have taken to calling me "The Progenitor"
How old are you? - "Just turned 18 at the beginning of 2021."
Relationship with parents? - "My dad is dead. Thank you Necrodium. My relaitionship with mom is pretty solid though. Or...it was."
Religious views? - "I am the worst kind of Christian. That's right. Jehovah's witness. Oh, by the way, lock your doors ands pretend to not be hom eon the eighteenth of this month."
Sexual orientation? - "I'm pretty sure if I don't say straight Forcewave's girlfriend will hit me."
Music taste? - "All music"
Right- or left-handed? - "Left"
What does your voice sound like? - "Soft...I guess... smooth when I'm relaxed. I got a little bit of a strange lightness to it I guess... hey shut up or I'll just start yelling at people in all my topics."
Favorite hobbies? - "Building innovative robots and putting the japanese to shame. I like swimming, I love reading and I'm pretty sure I like playing in the band I'm in."
Favorite color? - "Blue"
Favorite food? - "Kale... no that's not a joke."
Do you have a best friend? - "I had one...but since he's gone I guess my best friend would be Austyn Abernathy."
Do you have an arch nemesis? - "That crazy ass mofo that killed my family."
Describe yourself in three words. - "Fraud. Brilliant. Lonely."
Are you shy, confident, or in between? - "I'm shy...but I'm a damn good actor."
Describe your ideal vacation place. - "I made plans with someone to go see Tahiti in French Polynesia... I still wanna go."
What did you want to be when you grew up? - "I wanted to be a police officer."
What is your alias? - "At Seraphim they call me Gadreel. My Robots have taken to calling me "The Progenitor"
How old are you? - "Just turned 18 at the beginning of 2021."
Relationship with parents? - "My dad is dead. Thank you Necrodium. My relaitionship with mom is pretty solid though. Or...it was."
Religious views? - "I am the worst kind of Christian. That's right. Jehovah's witness. Oh, by the way, lock your doors ands pretend to not be hom eon the eighteenth of this month."
Sexual orientation? - "I'm pretty sure if I don't say straight Forcewave's girlfriend will hit me."
Music taste? - "All music"
Right- or left-handed? - "Left"
What does your voice sound like? - "Soft...I guess... smooth when I'm relaxed. I got a little bit of a strange lightness to it I guess... hey shut up or I'll just start yelling at people in all my topics."
Favorite hobbies? - "Building innovative robots and putting the japanese to shame. I like swimming, I love reading and I'm pretty sure I like playing in the band I'm in."
Favorite color? - "Blue"
Favorite food? - "Kale... no that's not a joke."
Do you have a best friend? - "I had one...but since he's gone I guess my best friend would be Austyn Abernathy."
Do you have an arch nemesis? - "That crazy ass mofo that killed my family."
Describe yourself in three words. - "Fraud. Brilliant. Lonely."
Are you shy, confident, or in between? - "I'm shy...but I'm a damn good actor."
Describe your ideal vacation place. - "I made plans with someone to go see Tahiti in French Polynesia... I still wanna go."
What did you want to be when you grew up? - "I wanted to be a police officer."
Asmodeus- Post Mate
- Status :
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Warnings :
Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name Nɇaroviin
Relationship with parents?: "You could say it's pretty good."
Religious views?: "I believe in the gods of my people."
Sexual orientation?: "The one that won't get me thrown in a temple."
Music taste?:"Rock, country, anything that soudns good really."
Right- or left-handed?:Ummmm....left I guess.
What does your voice sound like?:"It sounds like a voice, deep but not too deep. I also turn into something that makes alot of screeching noises, so thats fun."
Favorite hobbies?:"Hunting, napping and eating, those are fun."
Favorite color?:"I think it's silver, yupp, thats it."
How old are you? "I'm around twenty seven."
Favorite food? "Anything I can eat."
Do you have a best friend?"Yeah, it's that slut μrsine."
Do you have an arch nemesis?"Don't have one of those."
Describe yourself in three words."Strong, awkward and kinda weird."
Are you shy, confident, or in between?"I like to think i'm pretty confident."
Describe your ideal vacation place."A beach, I hear those are pretty nice."
What did you want to be when you grew up?"I wanted to be a knight once, but being a hunter isn't so bad."
Character Name Nɇaroviin
Relationship with parents?: "You could say it's pretty good."
Religious views?: "I believe in the gods of my people."
Sexual orientation?: "The one that won't get me thrown in a temple."
Music taste?:"Rock, country, anything that soudns good really."
Right- or left-handed?:Ummmm....left I guess.
What does your voice sound like?:"It sounds like a voice, deep but not too deep. I also turn into something that makes alot of screeching noises, so thats fun."
Favorite hobbies?:"Hunting, napping and eating, those are fun."
Favorite color?:"I think it's silver, yupp, thats it."
How old are you? "I'm around twenty seven."
Favorite food? "Anything I can eat."
Do you have a best friend?"Yeah, it's that slut μrsine."
Do you have an arch nemesis?"Don't have one of those."
Describe yourself in three words."Strong, awkward and kinda weird."
Are you shy, confident, or in between?"I like to think i'm pretty confident."
Describe your ideal vacation place."A beach, I hear those are pretty nice."
What did you want to be when you grew up?"I wanted to be a knight once, but being a hunter isn't so bad."
Atlas- Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29
Re: It's in the details.
Gravity Man
Relationship with parents?: "What kind of question is that? Are you...like a Cave man or something? Are you interviewing me or a four year old asking for a cookie?"
Religious views?: "Whatever religion is the best tool to help me kill the guys in the suits is the best religion out there."
Sexual orientation?: "Heterosexual. Straight. The opposite of our majority population it seems."
Music taste?: "No... I can't taste music."
Right- or left-handed?: "Ambidextrious."
What does your voice sound like?: Smooth, sultry, succulent voice. The kind you want to just lean in close and whisper the most important three words you've ever heard. 'Five doller footlong.' "
Favorite hobbies?: Answering other peoples Cell phones with "I'm in your house.", meditating, plotting world domination, eating ice cream, kidnapping dragons and slaying virgins."
Favorite color?: "I-Is that a joke? I'm blind. I literally can see only two colors, black and purple! So obviously my favorite color is green. My room is done all in green." *room is all in black, red and white*.
How old are you? "I'm...well now I think I'm....didn't I just celebrate my? .... .... .... You will never speak of this to anyone."
Favorite food? "Red Lobster Biscuits. Nothing else....just the biscuits. Pineapple too "
Do you have a best friend? "Jared."
Do you have an arch nemesis? "Jamison Williams.... and the guy at Subway who tries to cheat me money just because he knows I'm blind."
Describe yourself in three words. "This is stupid..."
Are you shy, confident, or in between? "Take a guess..."
Describe your ideal vacation place. "New Zealand."
What did you want to be when you grew up? "I wanted to be an nuclear engineer. Then a doctor. Then I wanted to kill people. Now I can hit you with a nuclear powered shovel and then charge you kids to treat the radiation poisoning."
Relationship with parents?: "What kind of question is that? Are you...like a Cave man or something? Are you interviewing me or a four year old asking for a cookie?"
Religious views?: "Whatever religion is the best tool to help me kill the guys in the suits is the best religion out there."
Sexual orientation?: "Heterosexual. Straight. The opposite of our majority population it seems."
Music taste?: "No... I can't taste music."
Right- or left-handed?: "Ambidextrious."
What does your voice sound like?: Smooth, sultry, succulent voice. The kind you want to just lean in close and whisper the most important three words you've ever heard. 'Five doller footlong.' "
Favorite hobbies?: Answering other peoples Cell phones with "I'm in your house.", meditating, plotting world domination, eating ice cream, kidnapping dragons and slaying virgins."
Favorite color?: "I-Is that a joke? I'm blind. I literally can see only two colors, black and purple! So obviously my favorite color is green. My room is done all in green." *room is all in black, red and white*.
How old are you? "I'm...well now I think I'm....didn't I just celebrate my? .... .... .... You will never speak of this to anyone."
Favorite food? "Red Lobster Biscuits. Nothing else....just the biscuits. Pineapple too "
Do you have a best friend? "Jared."
Do you have an arch nemesis? "Jamison Williams.... and the guy at Subway who tries to cheat me money just because he knows I'm blind."
Describe yourself in three words. "This is stupid..."
Are you shy, confident, or in between? "Take a guess..."
Describe your ideal vacation place. "New Zealand."
What did you want to be when you grew up? "I wanted to be an nuclear engineer. Then a doctor. Then I wanted to kill people. Now I can hit you with a nuclear powered shovel and then charge you kids to treat the radiation poisoning."
Proarden (Gravity Man)- Post Mate
- Status :
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Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09
Re: It's in the details.
Hikari Nagato
Relationship with parents?: “Shit, getting the harder questions out of the way first? Well, I grew up in a very strict japanese household. My parents put me to work in their restaurant as soon as I was tall enough to wash the dishes. They disapproved of my activities in the alleys, and the company I kept. But I still loved them, and would have done anything for them. ...I really miss them..”
Religious views?: “My parents were very superstitious, I wasn’t. I don’t know if there’s a God or not, but if there is.. he sure as hell forgot about us down here..”
Sexual Orientation “Isn’t this a bit too personal? Well, I’m mostly into men.. but when the mood strikes.. sex is sex.. what’s between your legs doesn’t matter then.”
Music taste?: “Anything loud, and face paced. Rock, Metal, Techno.. I like things intense.”
What does your voice sound like?: “Uhm… Wow… that’s a really weird question? My voice sounds like, my voice? Its not super girly, its got its tone to it.. I don’t know, I guess I sound like a tomboy?”
Favorite hobbies?: “Kicking gangsters in the teeth.. nothing makes me feel better than making a filthy thug have to breathe through a straw.”
Favorite color?: “Purple, next question.”
How old are you? “Nineteen and some change.”
Favorite food? “The sushi my father used to make. Tasted like shit but now I can’t get it anymore, and wish I could.”
Do you have a best friend? “No, next question.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? “Heh, No but I bet I am to a few people..”
Describe yourself in three words. “Adult Asian Female.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? “....Do I look shy?”
Describe your ideal vacation place. “I don’t know, Japan I guess? Its where I was born, and I don’t remember it at all.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? “Alive.. and unafraid.”
Relationship with parents?: “Shit, getting the harder questions out of the way first? Well, I grew up in a very strict japanese household. My parents put me to work in their restaurant as soon as I was tall enough to wash the dishes. They disapproved of my activities in the alleys, and the company I kept. But I still loved them, and would have done anything for them. ...I really miss them..”
Religious views?: “My parents were very superstitious, I wasn’t. I don’t know if there’s a God or not, but if there is.. he sure as hell forgot about us down here..”
Sexual Orientation “Isn’t this a bit too personal? Well, I’m mostly into men.. but when the mood strikes.. sex is sex.. what’s between your legs doesn’t matter then.”
Music taste?: “Anything loud, and face paced. Rock, Metal, Techno.. I like things intense.”
What does your voice sound like?: “Uhm… Wow… that’s a really weird question? My voice sounds like, my voice? Its not super girly, its got its tone to it.. I don’t know, I guess I sound like a tomboy?”
Favorite hobbies?: “Kicking gangsters in the teeth.. nothing makes me feel better than making a filthy thug have to breathe through a straw.”
Favorite color?: “Purple, next question.”
How old are you? “Nineteen and some change.”
Favorite food? “The sushi my father used to make. Tasted like shit but now I can’t get it anymore, and wish I could.”
Do you have a best friend? “No, next question.”
Do you have an arch nemesis? “Heh, No but I bet I am to a few people..”
Describe yourself in three words. “Adult Asian Female.”
Are you shy, confident, or in between? “....Do I look shy?”
Describe your ideal vacation place. “I don’t know, Japan I guess? Its where I was born, and I don’t remember it at all.”
What did you want to be when you grew up? “Alive.. and unafraid.”
Orsy- Post Mate
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name Travis Masters
Relationship with parents?: "I didn't have parents in the traditional sense. If you mean the ones who donated their DNA to create me, well our relationship you could say was explosive."
Religious views?: "People believe what they want, I just choose not to believe."
Sexual orientation?: "Male, female, they don't really matter to me."
Music taste?:"Anything really, I haven't found a genre of music I dislike."
Right- or left-handed?:”Ambidextrous.”
What does your voice sound like?:"My voice is deep, but I wouldn't say overly so. Many people say it has a commanding presence to it."
Favorite hobbies?:"My favorite hobbies? Painting, composing, and writing poetry, it's not all about villainy."
Favorite color?:"It's not a color by many definitions but white."
How old are you? "In alll actuality i'm three but I look eighteen to most."
Favorite food? "Seafood."
Do you have a best friend?"My best friends would be Omega and Gamma."
Do you have an arch nemesis?"I haven't found someone to earn that distinct title."
Describe yourself in three words."Strong, driven, and some people have called me intense."
Are you shy, confident, or in between?"As shy or confident as I need to be."
Describe your ideal vacation place."Anywhere with a beach."
What did you want to be when you grew up?"In the beginning I didn't know what I wanted, now I suppose I just wanted to be something more than what I was made for."
Character Name Travis Masters
Relationship with parents?: "I didn't have parents in the traditional sense. If you mean the ones who donated their DNA to create me, well our relationship you could say was explosive."
Religious views?: "People believe what they want, I just choose not to believe."
Sexual orientation?: "Male, female, they don't really matter to me."
Music taste?:"Anything really, I haven't found a genre of music I dislike."
Right- or left-handed?:”Ambidextrous.”
What does your voice sound like?:"My voice is deep, but I wouldn't say overly so. Many people say it has a commanding presence to it."
Favorite hobbies?:"My favorite hobbies? Painting, composing, and writing poetry, it's not all about villainy."
Favorite color?:"It's not a color by many definitions but white."
How old are you? "In alll actuality i'm three but I look eighteen to most."
Favorite food? "Seafood."
Do you have a best friend?"My best friends would be Omega and Gamma."
Do you have an arch nemesis?"I haven't found someone to earn that distinct title."
Describe yourself in three words."Strong, driven, and some people have called me intense."
Are you shy, confident, or in between?"As shy or confident as I need to be."
Describe your ideal vacation place."Anywhere with a beach."
What did you want to be when you grew up?"In the beginning I didn't know what I wanted, now I suppose I just wanted to be something more than what I was made for."
Alpha- AlphaGay
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25
Re: It's in the details.
Character Name Jacob Coleman/Deathbringer
Relationship with parents?: Haven't seen them in years. Not sure they'd be too proud of me.
Religious views?: If there are any actual gods, I want them to fear me.
Sexual orientation?: Don't know
Music taste?: Anything really. I just listen to random stuff to drown out distractions.
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?: Have you ever seen Hannibal?
Favorite hobbies?: Cooking, playing cards.
Favorite color?: Black
How old are you? 31 years of age
Favorite food? I suffer from an addiction to bacon and eggs. I'm so ashamed of it too.
Do you have a best friend? Probably Avery, otherwise known as Killer Mime. We've known each other for like a decade.
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Evil, calculating, sophisticated.
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident, perhaps too much so.
Describe your ideal vacation place. One day I plan on spending some time in New Zealand. Seeing the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was younger left an impression.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Probably exactly what I am now, perhaps a bit more successful though.
Character Name Remiela, the Divine Empress
Relationship with parents?: As I would find out over a year afterwards, my parents were killed when those wretched bandits terrorized my home planet.
Religious views?: On my world they spoke of beings of power beyond comprehension. Nowadays, I am such a being.
Sexual orientation?: When I was younger I was not exactly picky about whom I interacted with.
Music taste?: Local folk music from my home world
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Like something humans would not be able to properly describe.
Favorite hobbies?: To this day I still enjoy campfire gatherings, I'm also an avid drinker of beverages similar to what you humans refer to as wine.
Favorite color?: None, really.
How old are you? 167 and still going
Favorite food? On my planet there is a delicacy called Flutchertisk. It's quite the delicacy.
Do you have a best friend? Urshoken, my friend since childhood and most devoted follower nowadays.
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Ambitious, resilient, imposing
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident. Why shouldn't I be?
Describe your ideal vacation place. I've already taken it.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be someone special. My dream came true.
Relationship with parents?: Haven't seen them in years. Not sure they'd be too proud of me.
Religious views?: If there are any actual gods, I want them to fear me.
Sexual orientation?: Don't know
Music taste?: Anything really. I just listen to random stuff to drown out distractions.
Right- or left-handed?: Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?: Have you ever seen Hannibal?
Favorite hobbies?: Cooking, playing cards.
Favorite color?: Black
How old are you? 31 years of age
Favorite food? I suffer from an addiction to bacon and eggs. I'm so ashamed of it too.
Do you have a best friend? Probably Avery, otherwise known as Killer Mime. We've known each other for like a decade.
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Evil, calculating, sophisticated.
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident, perhaps too much so.
Describe your ideal vacation place. One day I plan on spending some time in New Zealand. Seeing the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was younger left an impression.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Probably exactly what I am now, perhaps a bit more successful though.
Character Name Remiela, the Divine Empress
Relationship with parents?: As I would find out over a year afterwards, my parents were killed when those wretched bandits terrorized my home planet.
Religious views?: On my world they spoke of beings of power beyond comprehension. Nowadays, I am such a being.
Sexual orientation?: When I was younger I was not exactly picky about whom I interacted with.
Music taste?: Local folk music from my home world
Right- or left-handed?: Ambidextrous
What does your voice sound like?: Like something humans would not be able to properly describe.
Favorite hobbies?: To this day I still enjoy campfire gatherings, I'm also an avid drinker of beverages similar to what you humans refer to as wine.
Favorite color?: None, really.
How old are you? 167 and still going
Favorite food? On my planet there is a delicacy called Flutchertisk. It's quite the delicacy.
Do you have a best friend? Urshoken, my friend since childhood and most devoted follower nowadays.
Do you have an arch nemesis? No
Describe yourself in three words. Ambitious, resilient, imposing
Are you shy, confident, or in between? Confident. Why shouldn't I be?
Describe your ideal vacation place. I've already taken it.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be someone special. My dream came true.
- Spoiler:
Forceaus- Mega Poster!
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22
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