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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by Mr Wonton June 26th 2012, 11:49 am

The heavy machinery roared throughout the woodlands, any animals smart enough to escape from the multitude of tractors and hard-hat wearing men had already run off into the far reaches of the natural expanse. A logging company had made its grand entrance into the once calm and passive reserve; like a predator assuming dominance, the chainsaws roared to life sending birds scattering into the air leaving their nests behind. The mechanical screams of the lumberjack's equipment spread throughout the forest alerting all creatures that the humans were present. One creature in particular wasn't so fond of the loud noises, unless said noises were tortured screams..which they weren't, or forestation or men in general for that matter, particularly men who wrecked a moment of contemplation and relative peace.

Su Daji, the killer concubine of Chinese legend had managed to find herself living in the vast expanse of the American landscape, settling in quite comfortably with the squirrels and raccoons, the creature's innocent curiosity with the youthful looking woman appealed to her last shred of humanity and she took care of the little forest critters as best as she could. However the arrival of the men in trucks had disturbed her routine exploration of the natural landscape and had resulted in her little mammalian comrades to flee for their lives. Only men could make animals run out of fear..and only men would have the indecency to seal her up under a temple for a thousand years. The sheer ignorance of the 'dominant sex' burned brightly in the petite woman's body, her fist clenching into a ball as the shrill reverberations of the machinery bounced throughout the large expanse, ruining her previous contentment with her surroundings.

Climbing up a nearby tree, Daji proceeded to hop from one tree to another; her lithe and flawless acrobatics making it appear that she was gliding through the air, one tree to another. This was no challenge at all, her dexterity was superhuman, unmatched by anyone she had met so far, she was capable of sprinting across a wire in between two high rises with her eyes closed, her godlike equilibrium making professional acrobats look like fumbling toddlers. As she leapt off a twig an proceeded to twist her body mid-air she finally saw the smoke in the distance..her prey was near.

A lone lumberjack had strayed from the group and was currently excreting his fluids, messing up the shrubbery with his pungent yellow liquid. Before the man even had time to do up his zipper an ornate looking blade had sliced through his spine and out from his ribcage, killing him instantly. Daji wrinkled her nose as the man flopped forward right on top of the plants he had urinated on and proceeded to wipe the still warm blood onto his jacket, not forgetting to smirk as she looked at her handiwork. He was the first man she had killed in a while and the insatiable desire for a bigger challenge welled up within her. A growing lust for violence began to bubble as she turned to face where all the other men were located, their horrid toys piercing her sensitive hearing.

"Oh this is going to fun.." she snarled, a malicious grin plastered on her face..
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by The_soapmaker June 26th 2012, 5:20 pm

Coincidentally, another supernatural being had launched his attack at the lumbermen. From the trees on the other side of the camp a humongous mass of fur and muscle, eyes ablaze with raging energies, gruesome claws in the air, emerged. As the giant creature crushed shubberies underfoot it belched a magnificent roar, deafening and frightening the present workmen. Most men made a run for it, leaping from their machines, crawling up and away, sheer terror in their eyes. However, one bearded fellow, a big muscled man, took up a chainsaw and charged the massive bear with a ferocious yell. "Bill, don't!" One of his coworkers shouted.

But before Bill the Brave Lumberjack could respond, retreat or retaliate, a series of flashes illuminated the scene and a crackling noise pierced the air. A loud blast followed. The gasoline powered chainsaw had exploded and launched the scorched remains of the daring dude against a seacontainer. "NOOOOOOO!" Bill's buddy screamed out after which he ran as if the devil himself was chasing him. The bear turned his head away from where Bill had been with his chainsaw and continued his rampage with his eyes still ablaze with crackling eldritch energies. It's claw coursed through the air, smashing a generator to pieces with inhuman strength. And once again he roared.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 568
Age : 33
Humor : Puns, lots of em.
Registration date : 2008-11-24

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by Mr Wonton June 26th 2012, 10:49 pm

Before Daji even had time to continue her little 'manhunt' a ruckus had commenced not far from where she had slaughtered the lone lumberjack. Shrill screams sent a giddy tingle down her spine as loud crashes and a booming roar shattered the already chaotic perimeter; "Looks like someone's having a party without me.." she muttered, scrunching her perfectly shaped eyebrows as she quickly bounded to the source of the commotion, her light dash barely disrupting the scarred earth underneath her.

The lumberjacks who were lucky enough to escape the gigantic beast's wrath had bounded in every direction, a mix of fear and shock evident on their sunburnt skin as the adrenalin kicked into their stocky legs sending them sprawling into the very environment they were trying to destroy. However, a predator was perched on a branch several feet above the ground, a malicious grin spreading across her flawless face as she eagerly watched the men scurry away from the commotion not far from her current position. Although she wanted to play games with the men sprinting underneath her the commotion just a few meters away looked to be a bit more entertaining than a few calorie filled lumberjacks.

As she launched herself off the branch and onto a nearby tree, another explosion cracked the atmosphere sending a warm wave of heat her way, the mechanical disruption instantly followed by another bellowing roar. Swinging from her current branch Daji proceeded to somersault from one thick trunk to an adjacent tree whose branches spread out, providing her with a comfortable place to land and finally see what all the fuss was about. An ecstatic gasp escaped her lips as she eagerly observed the sight before her.

Located right in front of her, amidst the burning, crackling equipment and severed corpses stood a massive hulking beast, its gigantic furry brown form appeared to dwarf the various man-made vehicles that were already upturned and ablaze. A giggle escaped the woman's lips as she watched the massive grizzly bear storm around the working ground, swinging its paws, swatting away anything that stood in its way. Hopping off her branch and lithely landing on the ground with a muted thump Daji strolled over to the great mammal, her hands clasped behind her back making her look like an innocent observer, "Why hello Mr Bear, I do hope you've left me some things to play with" she said light-heartedly not expecting the great beast to respond..

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by The_soapmaker June 27th 2012, 11:05 am

The bear furiously turned to the fearless human who had dared to approach him and he roared violently. Saliva dripped from his canines. But at the same time the roar filled the air, a voice spoke, oddly close, as if it came from within the mind: "Do you think this is just a GAME, human!?" The bear straightend his back, towering even higher into the air. His arms dangled freely on the side of his body. The crackling energies in his eyes ceased, though a faint glow remained.

He stood a grand three feet taller than his human, at least that's what he presumed, adversary. The soft breeze, untouched as ever by the violence that had occured, rustled through his coat. Again, the voice spoke, though the bear did not move its jaw: "You are oddly calm for a human." It was a soothingly soft voice, low in pitch, though also suprisingly stern. It reminded of autumn leaves and a catholic minister holding a sermon. From the bear's head seemed to radiate a faint white-yellowish glow, almost like a halo, though it could also have been the sun shining through his fur.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 568
Age : 33
Humor : Puns, lots of em.
Registration date : 2008-11-24

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by Mr Wonton June 27th 2012, 11:48 am

Daji involuntarily jerked back at the loud voice which boomed in her head, bouncing around her skull like someone had stuffed a radio inside; the voice was mighty and slightly if the creature simply thought she was just a little lady lost in the woods. The creature was glaring at her, its beady black eyes masking something much more intelligent than a simple grizzly bear..there was a supernatural existence at work within the great beast because there was no other possible explanation for the glowing aura that wrapped itself around the growling predator.

Daji by all accounts was dwarfed by the huge mass of fur, her petite figure barely getting past the bears mid-section. When confronted with a beast so large many humans would've scrambled much like the lumberjack's did, only a foolish man would come face to face with an animal much more powerful than him. Scrunching her brow Daji looked up at the creature, "I'm more than just a human Mr bear..or whatever it is I call you" she smirked, looking the mammal up and down as if she was at a zoo and he was a prized exhibit on display.

"And if you really want to know, a creature such as yourself has no dominion over me" she spoke, raising an eyebrow as she stepped over a rusted remnant of one of the lumberjack's chainsaw's keeping an eye out on the strange creature who had relaxed only a bit. To any passing observer, to which there were none, it would appear extremely strange to witness a young Asian looking woman having a conversation with a creature that towered over her and the very thought of it made the woman laugh out loud, a light-hearted almost sarcastic chuckle escaping her red lips.

"Tell me, why on earth would a bear like you be trashing a human's logging area when it could be down by the river catching fish?" she asked in a snarky tone, a cheshire grin spreading across her youthful face...

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by The_soapmaker June 27th 2012, 1:43 pm

The bear appeared not amused by Daji's cheerfulness, but then again, I don't even know if bears smile at all. Maybe they're grumpy by nature. Never heard a bear talk, though. Anyway, he, the bear, pointed one of his immense claws in the direction the lumberjacks had fled and 'spoke': "These humans with their things of noise and destruction, they destroy the trees. How would you feel if your house was being wrecked? One takes action!"
Standing on two feet appearantly tired the bear, as the lumbering behemoth dropped to his front paws in a smooth manner and he sat down. He gazed to the ground for a second before he turned his head to the Chinese demonlady. "My brothers and sisters are too scared of the noises. So they asked me to intervene. And behold, I have." The inner voice called. "But what do you do here? You seem not one of them."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 568
Age : 33
Humor : Puns, lots of em.
Registration date : 2008-11-24

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by Mr Wonton June 28th 2012, 12:00 am

As the air hissed out of her clenched teeth as Daji listened to the bear's reasoning behind its rampage, it was a fair and reasonable argument for someone who usually did not care for reason whatsoever. Daji would not have normally listened to the sad tales behind a person's actions, she would much rather prefer to study their different pain receptors with her sadistic practises. However this was no 'person' but rather a bear gifted with strange abilities and simply because it was not human Daji could tolerate it's woeful story.

Twirling her braid, Daji gave the creature a dainty smile, "It is because I am not one of them.." she said flatly, kicking a burnt corpse out of her way as she circled the massive creature, her eyes glazing over its dark fur, "Let's just say that I intend to wreck the very same destruction you displayed today on a grander scale" she spoke coldly, her previous tone drowning in a more sinister one, a snarl forming on her dainty lips.

An awkward silence crept in as the large bear continued to stare at the woman with its piercing black eyes, the glowing aura never fading from its shape. It was only until Daji hopped over a chainsaw, which was still running albeit very slowly, that she began to speak again, "So tell me..what demon has possessed you and given you the power to speak?" she asked wryly, her eyebrows raising with the direct question..

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by The_soapmaker July 5th 2012, 4:57 am

A sense of unease fell upon the bear when his adversary changed the tone of her voice. The coal black eyes of the bear followed every move of the prancing demon princess hopping lightly over obstacles and floating on her feet. When she asked what demon possessed George, a furious fire ignited in his heart. He rose to his feet, held his paws out as if he was reciting a poem and as the sky seemed to darken and his eyes seemed to radiate with deadly energies once again, his voice resonated in a loud, preach-like chant: "No demon has tainted my heart! I am a herald of the One God, The Holy Creator and the Destroyer of All Evil! I carry out Its will to obliterate Its enemies. How dare you to make such remarks!?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 568
Age : 33
Humor : Puns, lots of em.
Registration date : 2008-11-24

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Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only) Empty Re: Beastly Instincts (Soapmaker, invite only)

Post by Mr Wonton July 9th 2012, 10:40 am

"Oh I see.." Daji mused, a patronising tone rising in her voice, "well Mr bear if you've come to vanquish all evil, you have obviously failed because I'm still alive" she said rather flatly, moving her hands down her body, displaying her petite form to the hulking creature. She knew for a fact that she fit the criteria for what was considered 'evil', ignoring that would have made her an ignorant child...she knew her actions weren't exactly what many would consider heroic or just and she actually did not care, anyone who stood against her often found their limbs coming off in seconds.

Upon stating this she exuded some of her chi (chinese for life energy) making it known that she held great power within her, to the normal man it would feel like a weight against his chest like an invisible fog had rested on top of him. She was simply leaking out the aura of the entity that resided within her...a challenge to the self-righteous mammal.

" seem to of changed your posture" she deviously said in an innocent voice pouting her lips as she cocked her head to the side, "Would you really kill such a small woman like me, swing from your paw could end it all" she spoke, trying not to smile...baiting this dull creature was a game in itself and she'd enjoy the chance of tussling with this strange beast..

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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