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Something just had to go wrong

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 28th 2011, 12:05 am

Her skin was icy cold when he touched it at first. She reacted to his hands by letting her skin return to it's normal temperature. 98.6 degrees of lovely heat. She leaned into his touch and kind of moaned from how good the pressure was. "A little lower.." She commented, leaning forward, her fork falling slack in her hand. She hadn't eaten too much, but she was going to finish in between the shoulder rubbing motions she was receiving at the moment. She sighed and closed her eyes, agreeing with his idea of staying the night. "Should I stay here, though? DO you want me to?" She rose a brow, her own thoughts trying to figure this one out. She could stay, and should possibly.. for the sake of seeing how things could go between them.. but maybe she should go sleep in a hotel or something. She didn't know. She was, though, going to stick to the "five date rule."

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 28th 2011, 12:58 am

He smiles softly as her skin starts to heat up to a normal temperature and he continues messaging it, chuckling at her reactions as he moves his hands to the spot where she wanted him to. “I do not care, I would feel better knowing you were safe here and not at some hotel though I know you could take care of yourself, and in all honesty it is solely up to you Becca so do what you wish.” He whispers kissing her cheek lightly as he continues to message her shoulders, as well as the part of her back he can reach, and her neck. Sure it’s a bit strange but she looked like she had some stress and he of course just wanted to get it all out, was a natural reaction or something of that sort. Either way he likes doing it and he can tell she loves the feel of it , which is enough reason for him to continuing doing so until he is told to stop by her or she does something that makes him stop.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 29th 2011, 6:39 am

Paine perked up for a minute to scarf down the rest of her food, chewing along with the rhythm of Rey's massaging hands. She smiled and leaned into the kiss on her cheek, processing his reply. "I could stay, you know, but.. would it be too soon? Would I be.. rushing things?" she asked herself, just contemplating staying and leaving in the middle of the night, or staying all night. She had none of her clothes, even though it was just a simple bag. She thought it through and shrugged, standing up and turning toward him. "I guess I could stay.. But your room is a bit messy, eh?" How was she one to talk, she hadn't really kept up after herself lately, either. At her apartment in New York, where she lives now, everything was probably dirty. She had to sell her beach house in Montauk. She was through hiding out on the beach. She needed the money for the move to the Big Apple. So she could be closer to "dad" and try to get to know him. Paine, though, was a nobody. She would always be that way if she didn't try to get Pain to know her better. Sure, he loved her as a kid, but she was an adult now. He had missed out on her childhood. She shook the thought and just smiled at Rey. "I'll need my stuff, too.. It's at the hotel I'm staying in." She leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 29th 2011, 9:35 am

Rey smiles still messaging her shoulders, watching her process what he had said wondering if she’ll take him up on his offer to stay even though she has the ‘five date rule’ set in; whatever that five date limit is for exactly he hasn’t yet figured it out. So, of course it starts to bug him to no end about what exactly it is then she says something about his room and it hits him; he laughs at his own stupidity a slight blush coming to his face at the realization, though it quickly disappears as he answers her. “Hmm yea it is a bit messy, but hey you got a good show from it, “ Rey teases poking her belly with a boyish grin on his face, about to asks her if she has all her stuff but she herself answers that question so he poses a new one. “Well where is your hotel? What is the street address and what room number, just give me your card key I’m sure I could get it much faster than any of the taxi’s around here; that and while I’m gone you could make yourself at home, pop in a movie, take a shower, or whatever you want.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine January 4th 2012, 8:16 am

"Yeah, the show was pretty good," she said, sticking out her tongue. Becca chuckled and poked him back in the stomach, giving him a little grin. She stood from the chair and picked up her drink, sipping it. She sat the glass back down and shrugged, fishing around in her pocket for a few moments. She presented the card and shrugged at him. "There should just be a bag on the bed, and whatever clothing that's on the floor is mine, too. Bathroom might have some stuff in it, too.. Heh. You sure you want to go alone..? My mess might scare you." She said, kind of trailing off when mentioning the messy room. The room probably wasn't that messy, but the bathroom was probably marked with a very girly essence. The thought of taking a shower pleased her.. though she had nothing to wear other than what she wore now. She'd end up finding something suitable. "All right, see you soon, eh?" She rose a brow, still a bit nervous about staying here in general.. but she had heard about The Ranger, or Rey, and he wasn't some twisted guy..

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger January 5th 2012, 7:42 am

Rey laughs at what she says and rolls his eyes when she returns the tummy poke, "yes I bet it was, though the front half will be a surprise for a while." He teases then gets serious and listens to what she says. The address and room number already memorized as he takes the card key laughing slightly and shaking his head. "Becca, I do doubt that your room is nearly as messy as mine is, you have hotel oom service to clean up; I on the other hand only have me and my lazy ass." He says then kisses her lightly and pulling on a jacket to look 'normal' when he stops going super-speed and no one asks why someone isn't wearing a jacket in Chicago during the winter, it is called the wind city for a reason. "Be back soon," he says giving a half-wave as he opens the door, steps out and looks around, closes said door and takes off at full speed down the street. After about five minutes he comes up to the hotel room and puts in the card key opening the door to walk in.

At the sight Rey chuckles shaking his head and looks for her suit case then a grin spreads across his face, picking up her first piece of clothing and placing it in the bag. 'Time to have some fun' he thinls to himself taking off at full speed and packing her cloths at around 150 mph in that tiny hotel room plus bathroom. When finished he stops sitting on the bed wirh a glass of water in his hand, whipping the sweat off his brow he takes a sweat looking at the time. Twelve minutes since he left, five minutes to get back so it should be about 17 minutes sense he left when he gets back. Rey shrugs downing the water and opening the door streatching a bit he takes off at full speed once again. Five minutes later he returns to his house and opens the door walking in. First he walks into his kitchen grabbing a water and taking a sip, than walks up to his room slowly opening the door and putting her stuff down on the bed.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine February 12th 2012, 2:01 pm

Paine was standing in Rey's bathroom, staring at herself. She had on no makeup, and had red puffy eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you, Becca?" she asked herself, in third person. She splashed water on her face and decided it would take Rey about twenty to thirty minutes to get back, so she peeled off her clothes and ran a bath. She left the bathroom door slightly ajar, because she wanted access to a shirt or something. Hopefully she could find something in his closet or dresser. She slipped into the bath and sighed with happiness. The hot water felt great. The tub was deep enough to cover her knees and upper chest perfectly. She slid down into the water, holding her breath while she laid there. She was staring at the ceiling, her ears muted but could hear that faint internal clock sound that everyone here's when they're underwater. She laid there for a good two minutes before she surfaced and breathed in the fresh, steamy air. She had found a wash cloth and a bar of soap in the bathroom cabinet, so she used that to further wash up her face. She used his unscented shampoo and washed her hair, dipped backward into the water, holding her breath and keeping her eyes closed while she rinsed. She then sat up a final time and heard a thud in Rey's room. "Fuuuuck... is he here?" She hugged herself, pulling her knees up to her chest, her free hand slightly sliding the shower curtain closed so she could peak toward the door. "Rey..?" she asked, confused as to how he got back so quickly. It had only been about seventeen minutes, or something. She had no idea.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger February 12th 2012, 2:18 pm

Rey rolls his neck and hears something come from the bathroom as he sets the suitcase down, which makes him raise an eyebrow. With a sip of his water he starts heading towards it then hears her call out his name and stops chuckling a bit, “Yes Becca?” He answered while knocking his knuckles on the bathroom door to let her know he was there, “I got your stuff and everything in case you need it…I’ll be downstairs in case you need me.” He said so she could hear and as he turned to leave of course he loses his footing and goes tripping backwards into the bathroom, the door flinging open and his hands reaching out to grab something to stop his fall. So, of course fate, or god, makes it even more awkward for him as his hands grab onto the shower curtain and pull it down as he himself goes down, still hitting the floor. With a groan he looks up only to see the shower curtain on top of him and covering him completely now, “ow…” is all he says as he removes the curtain from his head and sits up then blinks seeing Becca he pulls it back on, blushing madly. “S…s-sorry ‘bout that.” He muttered the blush slowly going away, though luckily he didn’t see much sense she was kind of curled up.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine February 12th 2012, 2:55 pm

She smiled slightly, looking down at the sudsy water. "Thanks, Rey.." she trailed off and let go of the shower curtain. She gasped and nearly jumped out of the water to help him up, but decided it wouldn't be too good to do so. She instead, hugged herself tighter, making sure nothing of importance was showing. "Geeze, Rey! Get out! Get ouut!" She splashed around int he tub a bit and froze herself over, becoming an icecube for the whole tub. It froze all the water in the tub, too, and made things hilarious. She looked like an unfinished ice sculpture. Her hair was stuck with soap in it, but she could move freely throughout the ice, which was a good perk to have. It was kind of embarassing, though. "Shit.. I froze my bath water.. Could you just.. get me a towel, please? and leave it here? Oh.. and err.. get me my bag? Or just leave the room and wait downstairs?" She was trying not to snap on him and become a complete bitch at this point. She wanted to laugh at herself, considering her situation. She didn't wanted to unfreeze the water just yet, so she stayed put, the cold not affecting her.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger February 23rd 2012, 4:36 pm

Rey hears Becca yelling, or not really yelling but talking loudly, "g-getting out now." He mutters shuffling backwards with the curtain still on his head so of course unable to see where he is going he hits the door," Ow..." he mumbled chuckling a bit and then hearing what she said next. He stands up and takes the curtain off tossing it lightly on her, "I think I'll go down stairs Nudesicle, I'll see you when you finish up here." With a playful smirk he turned around and opened the bathroom door, exiting it and then exiting his room shutting the door behind him and continuing downstairs to the kitchen. Once there he slides down into one of the 'bar stools' by the counter and reached for his paperwork on his current case that had to do with domestic violence, it was a subject he despised but as a defense lawyer he often came across it in his line of work. Quickly reading through it, and understanding all of it, he shook his head and sighed from what was presented the man obviously did it there is no denying it and his client will take the plea bargain whether the man likes it or not. No one, not even Rey himself, could get any jury to believe the man hadn't done it when the ass hole had his 'buddy' record him 'teaching his wife a lesson'. 'Like honestly who would do that and expect to get out clean?' Rey thought to himself as he mulled over it again, sighing his name where he should and what not, all the usual stuff he has to do, and thankfully sense it's a plea bargain this won't affect his winning streak as it won't get past a preliminary hearing.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine March 7th 2012, 11:08 pm

She sighed and allowed the ice around her to turn to a fluff of snow. She reached down into the mess of white powder and unplugged the tub. She then started up the hot water and grabbed the shower curtain, shutting the door. She danced on her toes, the embarrassment chipping away at her ego for a few moments while she put the shower curtain back into place. She stepped into the hot shower and rinsed all of the soap out of her hair and off of her body. The snowy mess she was standing in melted and was washed down the drain. She stepped out and pulled a towel around of her and tucked it just beneath her arm. She then leaned forward and wiped her hand across the mirror.

She stared at her face and narrowed her eyes. She was changing. So many things had happened, and for what? For them to come crashing down later? There were so many disappointing things occurring over and over again in her life, and some how she was letting it happen again. Maybe things would turn out differently, but she had no idea. She leaned closer to the mirror and breathed upon the glass. She then brought her hand back up and pressed her palm to the glass. She pulled it back after leaving her palm print there. With a sigh, she turned from the mirror and slipped her towel off and tousled her hair with the towel. Drying off, she stepped into appropriate clothes. Shorts, and a random t-shirt. She was wearing underwear, but instead of a bra, just a tank with 'padded' cups for support.

She stepped from Rey's bedroom and took the stairs one by one, kind of bounding down them until she reached the first floor. She looked around and spotted him hunched over paper work. She slipped around the counter and leaned there on her elbows, admiring his studious stare. "So, what'cha doin'?" she asked, surprised at herself for being so nosy. She chuckled inwardly and stepped toward the fridge to find a Coke. She popped the top and stepped back to him, standing on the other side of the bar.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger March 8th 2012, 4:55 pm

Rey sighed softly pushing the paper off to the side and then grabbing another set and reading over it, having more than one case to represent this month. This one would be a lot more fun to represent as it gave him a challenge, well it would have if he hadn’t been the one to stop the idiot from robbing the bank. Though he still somehow slipped away from the police and the video camera’s tape from that day was gone when it was checked to see who had done it. He simply chuckled and started to fly through the paper already knowing what happened or almost everything and as he was about to turn the page he heard Paine and blinked looking up. “Hmm… hey…and I’m just going through my court files for this month, top secret though so shh.” He said joking about the last part though as he watched her get the coke he put the work to the side and leaned back in the chair a bit smiling. “So uhh… we won’t talk about that little experience in the bathroom and my clumsiness for a while right?” He grinned and spun his pen in his hands before letting it rest in his mouth.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine March 29th 2012, 6:13 pm

"Top secret, huh?" She ran her finger along the rim of the canned soda pop, letting her thoughts take over. The way she was leaning exposed her bosom quite well. She was semi-glad she put on a t-shirt, or Rey would be gawking at her chest. Hell, he probably would anyway. "Well, we don't have to talk about it.. hehe." She felt a small blush cross her face. "You know.. it's hard to look right at you.. but, I'm glad we ran into each other." She was avoiding his eyes as she said this, but managed to glance into them while she stepped around the bar to stand next to him. She placed her hand on his arm and peered through her lashes into his own eyes, a small sweet smile lacing her lips.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger March 29th 2012, 7:55 pm

"Hmmm very top secret," Rey whispered jokingly as he looked at her, noticing the exposed 'fruits' but saying nothing and eyes only drifting for a second before returning to her smile. He mulled over his thoughts on how this had happened, having never been a believer in love at first site, or any of that crap but it felt good to be around Rebecca, very good to be honest and something he hadn't felt in a couple of years. Always the oblivious one he didn't catch that she couldn't look at him in the eyes until she said so, and he chuckled a bit. "Well then it's even better we met then, soon you'll look at me." He whispered putting a hand on her face and slowly rubbing her cheek with his thumb as he kissed her lightly on her forehead, then lightly on her lips. "So, when were you planing on leaving again?" He whispered softly into her ear still slowly rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine April 8th 2012, 4:05 am

She was smiling, leaning her face into his caress ever so gently. She parted her lips to speak, her voice alike to a feather laying on a cloud. "Not until tomorrow afternoon.." She leaned in for a kiss, and was gracefully swept into the romance. Her arms wrapped around of his neck and she leaned up on her toes, so that she was taller than his sitting form. She tilted his head back in the process and moved a hand to brush through his hair. Pressing against him, she let her eyes flutter closed for a moment while the kiss lasted. She broke it, though, and looked back and forth between those eyes of his. Her own cerulean irises bright with passion and... love? "Should we take this elsewhere..?" she muttered, her still damp hair pressing to her forehead, and sticking up at odd angles.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 6 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger April 8th 2012, 4:30 am

Rey smiled right back at her still carrasing her cheek as she spoke, "then we have all the time I'm the world." He whispered back and when her arms went aaround his neck, his own moved down to her lower back holding her. When she pressed against him he held her even closer and continued the kiss, eyes closing ever so slightly as he had himself get caught up in the kiss. Actually feeling this again is something he never thought he would do again. True he loved all people even if he didn't like everyone, but to truly love, yes he had admitted it was love he was feeling, was not something he saw coming for quite some time. When she pulled away he lingred for a moment longer than listened to her words chuckiling slightly as he ran his hands through her hair then down her body to her lower back messing with the shirt. "That depends...." Rey whispered into her ear.

Rey smiled to himself as he woke up, he knew Becca would be leaving for New York once again today but he had something planned before she left. He was going to propose to her, but he was going to do it his way and his way only. With a grin after giving her a light kiss on the forehead he slipt out of the bed and silently went downstairs. Once there he flipped out the black box containing the ring inside. He then of course got out his old hockey stick and started to stick handle with the box a bit before michagining it up into his hands with a laugh. Sprinting off and around the kitchen attempting to make breakfast as superhuman speeds. Which was working perfectly up until he tripped over his hockey stick and went flying, the pots, pans, and plates clattering all over the floor more than likely waking Becca up. Not to mention the pancake batter that flew into the air landing on top of our homeowner and covering him in it. When the mistress of the house finally came down he rubbed the bacck of his head got on one knee, held her hand and the box with the other. "Im not too famcy but I tried making you breakfast baby and as you can see that didn't go to instead I'll ask this. Will you marry me?" He asked flicking the box open to reveal the beautiful ring inside.

(( you pick what ring looks like xD))

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