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Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Empty Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Post by Major Arcana December 8th 2012, 6:14 pm

It was a warm day in Chicago and Gavin Nacc (Major Arcana) felt like going for a swim. Not only was it a perfect day to go swimming, but it was also a special day for Gavin, it was a vacation day! No blaring sirens all day, no dying people who needed help, no eight hour adrenaline rush known as being a paramedic. Finally, some time to relax, Gavin thought as he walked down the busy Chicago street to the community pool. I don't have to worry about patrolling for a few more hours, so I am just going to jump into some cool water and maybe relax in the jacuzzi, he dreamed as he inched closer and closer to his destination. Gavin knew that he was going to have a great time, that nothing was going to bring this moment down. But, just in case, he had his dark green domino in his book bag, along with his official hero outfit, just in case something happened. But for the time being, he was far from anything that a hero would be caught fighting in. He was wearing a gray tank top, red Hawaiian themed swimming trunks, and brown sandals.

Gavin was relatively new to the business of superheroing. He started around six months ago, when he finally got settled into his new apartment and got settled into his job, he knew that being there for about a half year was definitely enough time to make a schedule of when to patrol the streets for crime and when to get sleep, or have any fun. He never found too much trouble, maybe a bank robbery, maybe a thug or two picking on some poor victims, but no big shot villains. Even then, he took care of the situation without even having to put on his costume, not even his domino. Military martial arts training definitely had its perks. But even patrolling the streets and finding a small amount of baddies was really putting a stress on him, he still needed to get used to it, and it was annoying him with how long it was taking. Gavin made a loud, aggravated sigh into the air, scaring an old woman who was walking past him. He felt his face turn red, I scared another one, dammit! His mood worsened a little, he hates scaring people, but he couldn't help it, he just looked so damn serious. Even though he didn't mean to be such a serious person, he found it difficult to change that about his personality. He has a kind, relatable side to him, but, of course, most strangers are too taken aback by how serious he was to even give him a chance. He saw the community pool in the distance and his mood instantly improved! Whatever, he thought. Forget about her, I'll probably never see her again, I'm so close to a few hours of some relaxation and all the me time I can get, unless a guy hits on me, that would make it even better! Nothing can ruin this day! Gavin was practically bouncing as he stepped closer and closer to the pool, something that many people don't see often.

Major Arcana's Profile
Major Arcana
Major Arcana

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Pittsburgh, PA
Age : 29
Job : Student, Clerk
Humor : Anything that isn't too immature.
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Empty Re: Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Post by Major Arcana December 9th 2012, 6:58 am

A few hours later and Gavin had one of the best days of his life. He had a great few hours and surprisingly met up with a few people from work and it made the day even better. He ended up not swimming, but, who cares? He had a great time with hanging out with his co-workers by the pool and got a great tan doing it! I fell a lot better, now I can't wait to go and patrol the streets tonight, Gavin thought, practically chuckling to himself. He knew that he needed something like that, but now it rekindled the fire inside him. He wanted to go patrolling tonight, to help people, so all he had to do was go home and get ready.

At home, Gavin frowned as the night was slowly coming, he didn't want to change into his outfit. It was going to be a scorcher tonight, and he kind of didn't want to change. "Whatever, I'll just go in what I wore to the pool, who cares what the haters say, I'd just end up kicking their asses anyway, whether they are laughing or not," he said out loud to himself. On his way out, he stopped in front of the mirror in the wall and looked at this reflection. "Damn, no wonder why I scare people, he muttered as he left his house in an unfitting outfit and a confident smile on his serious face.

Major Arcana's Profile
Major Arcana
Major Arcana

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Pittsburgh, PA
Age : 29
Job : Student, Clerk
Humor : Anything that isn't too immature.
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Empty Re: Vacation Day... What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Post by Hyperion December 10th 2012, 9:46 pm

The thing let its lips curl into a snarl as it crouched into a defensive position,Aaron looking upon it with an unconcerned expression. "You have nowhere to run now.” He said simply reaching into a leather bag at his side as he removed what looked like a scimitar,its blade glinting in the phosphorescent glow of a streetlight. The creature he looked upon was a small a human shape and even looked human,the only thing that differentiated the appearance was its pale skin and the way that its body could move with skill that humans could not.

”If you just accepted your fate,this would be over quicker. The Hale family has made many offers to reconcile with you Magnus but you continue to attack our family members,this is justice that you will have to face.” That didn't seem to please him as he leapt at Aaron with inhuman speed,aiming to rip his throat out with powerful teeth.

Before he could do so it was as if he was met with an invisible wall that held him suspended before being pushed against the dead end wall with great force. His back cracked loudly, a few bits of its vertebrae breaking upon impact,a howl of pain piercing the sky. It was likely to draw attention from anyone within the radius of at least a few blocks but he would be done far before anyone could appear upon the scene with misguided intentions. The silver blade began to hover as if on its own,slowly twirling in great arcs as Aarons green eyes narrowed into slits,face completely serious.

”As the Head of the Hale family I pass judgment upon you. For the crime of murdering two members of my family I condemn you to death.” The creatures howled its curses as the blade sunk into his heart,blood fountaining within its mouth. It snarled for a few seconds before reducing to a pile of ash,blue flames licking up the ashes as nothing was left of what once was a humanoid being.

He stood in a suspended silence for a second before whipping out his cellphone and dialing something in before putting the device to his ear as a voice picked up on the other end. ”Mission complete.” He spoke into the receiving end as a voice spoke.

”Good,don't know what we would do without you Aaron.”

”Think nothing of it.” Aaron said smirking lightly, tapping a single shoe against concrete.

”I hope you and the head of the Thiels family are able to make it to the gathering tomorrow.”

”Don't worry,I’m sure he will.” Aaron answered,the person on the other end saying a goodbye before hanging up,leaving him to the barely lit alleyway.

”Sometimes I hate my job.” He muttered under his breath before walking out into the street whistling to himself lightly,the blade depositing itself within the dimensional space of the bag before it could be seen by any pedestrian eyes.
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 421
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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