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Something just had to go wrong

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 10:42 pm

Rey laughs grinning at what she says giving him the idea of a perfect reply“Hmm, just the backside ehh? Too bad for you then, missed out on the front” he says jokingly easily catching the pillow thrown at him. As he hears the ding on his pizza he jumps and goes over to get it taking the pizza out onto a plate, once that’s done he pours the coffee into a cup adding his honey and stirring it up. Taking his food he walks back into the living room taking a sip of the coffee he hears her question and shrugs, “hmm…just the first place that popped into my head really…well besides the Phantom hide out but I ain’t to sure Black Knight would like it too much if I brought an outsider into the hideout, even if she is a hero herself.” He says eyes quickly scanning her subconsciously as he thinks of a topic to talk about as he takes a bite out of his pizza then realizing he should offer her some food he coughs slightly. “You want something to eat or drink?” He asks trying to be a good host anyway he can , “or do you wana do something? I’m up for anything as long as we lay low here for a bit, they won’t think to look here.”

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 10:58 pm

Paine chuckled and shook her head. "Nah, it's okay. I'm fine living with the first horrible nightmare of an image. It's stuck in my head forever now, you know." She was flirting. Wow. She hadn't done that in a long time. She blushed mentally and told herself to calm down. Once his pizza was finished, she kinda peeked out of the corner of her eyes to see him walk away. She chuckled to herself and looked up at him, her eyes following his face as he sat down next to her.

"An instinct, of course. Home is safe." She shrugged and looked toward the pizza. She had just eaten, and she supposed it would be polite to let him know she rummaged through his kitchen. "I kind of made myself at home and had something to eat already. I have a Coke on the counter. Lemme go get it." Becca stood, her odd socked feet padding the floor as she walked. She slid across the tiled kitchen, grabbing her soda once she was close enough. She slid back to the living room, her socks making her halt once she hit carpet.

She moved back to Ranger and sat down next to him, but a seat cushion away. She turned to face him, crossing her legs Indian style yet again. She held the can of Coke, just looking at him. "Well, we could just ask questions about each other's lives? Like.. where were you born?" she asked, tilting her head a bit curiously. She fiddled with her lip ring, making it flip up and down slightly.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 20th 2011, 11:16 am

Rey laughs grinning at what she said, “Oh, so it’s a horrible nightmare of an I as he mage now is it? What happened to damn…wow?” He says teasingly as he takes another sip of his coffee watching her walk back into the kitchen to get her coke. ‘Well when I said make yourself at home she obviously took that saying to heart it seems’ he thinks to himself with a slight chuckle as she comes back in and sits down where she was sitting already. At her offer of what they should do he nods and then smiles at her offer, “I’m from Atlanta, Georgia born and raised there and only moved to Chicago a couple months ago; what about you?” He says smiling at her as he yawns leaning backwards against the couch, finally finishing his pizza.
((sorry its short....))

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 20th 2011, 8:34 pm

Paine sipped the Coke and then leaned, placing it on the coffee table to her left. She had her right side leaning into the back of the couch, her back settled against the armrest. She nodded and shrugged. "I've never really been to Georgia, but I've heard a bit about it." She was a bit timid now. She hadn't ever told anyone that she wasn't born on Earth. She decided it would be okay to lie.. maybe. She bit her lip for a moment, her tongue pressing against her lip ring. She sighed and looked at him. "Promise you won't laugh, okay?... I'm not from Earth." She looked at him with a bit of fear in her eyes before continuing. "I'm half Super-Human and half.. Alien? I guess I'd be half alien.. but my mother's race is alike to the human race, they are just blessed with innate abilities.. like my ice powers. I got those from mom. Dad gave me the strength and durability." She grabbed her Coke and sipped it. It was a bit warm, so with a bit of "magic" she cooled the liquid down and took another sip. It was more refreshing the second time. "All right.. so, your question."

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 20th 2011, 10:03 pm

Rey smiles listening to what she has to say raising an eyebrow, “Yea ‘course I won’t laugh.” He says then he hears her finish the sentence and blinks looking at her confused, earlier this month he was told that he has a daughter who came back from the future and now this? ‘Ehh, what the heck, I can believe it, besides why would she lie?’ Taking another sip of coffee before replying to what she said, “Hmmm so I have a pretty young alien sitting on my couch it seems, well certainly never thought that would happen.” He says grinning slightly at her as he finishes his coffee and places it down on the table next to him before thinking of a question that he could ask her and laughing at the one that comes into his head. “So, ever thought you would ever run into another hero or be in this situation? You know the whole almost losing your secret identity thing?”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 20th 2011, 10:13 pm

Paine chuckled and shook her head. "Yeah, right. It'd be so much different if I were an ugly alien, eh?" She reached for her Coke, bringing the can to her lips for a sip. She slid one foot out from underneath her and let it touch the floor. It was her left, obviously. Her right knee was pressing into the back of the couch, but her right foot wiggled off of the edge of it. Her knee rubbed against a spring, making an almost annoying squeaking noise. She stopped wiggling her foot for a moment. After adjusting herself, she started wiggling her foot again. She thought about his question and shrugged. "Well, my identity isn't really a secret, just my real name is hard to come by. Plus, my hair is not this color.. but, something like this could have happened.. it's kinda funny that it happened to us." She started laughing, a smile plastering her face. She was actually attractive, especially when she wasn't scowling.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 20th 2011, 10:32 pm

Rey grins at the ugly alien thing and gives a small smirk “Yea it would, ‘cause if you were an ugly alien then I wouldn’t be so distracted.” He says half-jokingly and half-teasingly then cringingly slightly at the annoying noise from the squeaking noise scratching the back of his head, “yea I gota get that fixed…” He mummers softly then hears out what she says and shrugs knowing what she was saying about her identity and all was really true, though with him it would have been really bad if it got out. “Hmm…yea that’s true but would have absolutely sucked for me if my identity got out…I mean you know how many people I’ve put away in jail that would just love to get their hands around my neck if they knew I was both Rey Miller and The Ranger? More than 2,000 about now if I got my math right…” he says chuckling slightly before adding on “hmmm and it is your turn for a question I believe.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 20th 2011, 10:44 pm

She had no idea if he was trying to flatter her or flirt with her, but she didn't mind. He was being nice, that's what mattered. She rubbed a hand through her short pixie cut hair and smiled. She sort of wished it were longer. It had been growing out now, so her hair wasn't that short anymore. It was actually starting to cover up her ears her neck. She needed to trim it, though, so it didn't look like a mullet. "Oh yeah.. my question. Tell me three things about you that no one else in the whole world knows." She finished off her Coke and then crushed the can in her hand. She folded it up into the shape of a plane and then threw it toward the trashcan in the kitchen. It missed, but barely. "Crap. Hold that thought." She stood up and walked, picking up her makeshift plane and threw it away. She nearly skipped back into the living room, plopping down on the couch, but sitting a little bit closer this time. "All right, continue!"]

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 20th 2011, 11:09 pm

Rey watches her and smiles slightly, though she isn’t like most of the girls he usually ‘dates’ or hangs out with she is pretty cute and funny, though he still hasn’t figured out if he is flirting with her or simply being nice. Knowing him though it is probably a little bit of both of them, maybe a bit more so of being nice but only god knows the true reason. Upon hearing her question he whistles lowly wondering what exactly he is going to say because she knows the main thing that no one else knows about him and maybe he could tell her about the futuristic daughter but would she believe him, we’ll wait of course she would she is from a different planet for crying out loud. So, that’s one thing he can tell her, only two more things he’s got to think of and her getting up to throw away the coke after missing, which makes him laugh slightly, gives him the perfect opportunity to turn his super –brain on full speed churning out just about every little possibility until he comes up with the three perfect things to say, one to make her ask if it is really true, one to make her laugh and maybe throw a pillow at him, and one to make her look at him like he’s crazy or that she’d never believe. Once she sits back down and tells him to continue he laughs and shrugs, “alright miss alien you might not believe these three but I’m a tell them anyway because they’re the complete and utter truth. First one is that I have a daughter with The Huntress from an alternate future who came back to our time only to try and join The Phantoms and fight alongside me. Numeral Dos, is that a couple months back I had sex with a mermaid…yea you might not believe it and neither did I at the time but it happened and I dunno how exactly.” He stops a bit to laugh slightly and run his hand through his hair before finishing with the final one, “Third one is that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.” He says winking as he throws in the curveball, knowing that she would have never seen it coming at all, well that and the fact that he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 20th 2011, 11:42 pm

Paine rose her brow, a bit curious about the daughter thing. She kind of admired that. It was really strange, though. So.. that means the Phantoms must no longer exist in the year that his daughter exists. Paine shrugs and then laughs, quite loudly, at the Mermaid sex. The final secret caught her off guard. "Hey... that's not a secret.. or.. well, that's not what I had in mind for a secret, is what I mean.." She blushed. She actually blushed. She looked away from him for a moment and sighed, keeping her eyes closed for a moment. She then started to giggle and grabbed a couch cushion and tossed it into his chest. "Are you trying to flirt with me? Cause if you are, it's kinda.. well.. whatever." She stood up from the couch and hugged herself, walking toward the bathroom. "Which way is the bathroom?" She asked, not giving him her secrets yet.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 20th 2011, 11:59 pm

Rey laughs grinning at her reactions to everything he said, a faint smile dances across his eyes at her blush and giggle. "Your a little pink Paine," he says poking her in the cheek right at the center of the blush before she replies and to that he only shrugs. "Maybe I am, why you like the truth?" He asks catching the pillow and watching her get up, only to slide off the couch and follow her, or sprint next to her, as he comes up beside hr he smiles "Bathrooms up stairs, but tell me, why you running away when you haven't even told me your secrets yet Rebecca, can I call you that? It's much better than Paine, kinda rolls off the tongue in my opinion."
((sorry it's short xD phone is gona die and wanted to get it out))

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 12:13 am

The way he poked her cheeks made her feel like crawling under a rock. He was doing it on purpose. "Wow.. Becca.. calm down.. he's just messing with you."After he admitted that he might be flirting, she blushed a bit harder. She looked toward the stairs and then back toward him. She shrugged and looked him in the eyes. "Well, honestly, you could call me Becca if you'd like.. but, Rebecca is fine.." She said, smiling slightly. She started up the stairs, calling back to him, "I'll tell you my secrets when I get back down here." She then made it to the bathroom and closed the door, locking it. She looked herself in the mirror and blinked. She grabbed a washcloth and got it wet with warm water. She started cleaning off her makeup. It was only eyeshadow and mascara, but she decided she'd try and be a little less punk. She really wore the makeup as part of her 'guise for her fans. A "cliche punk heroin".

She was thinking about getting rid of makeup all together. It would run down her face if she was sweating. She continued to clean it off and then looked at herself. The piercing was all right, but maybe it was a little much, too. She looked at her cheeks, noticing the pink was still slightly there. She cooled herself off, making the blush vanish in seconds. "Better.." she said aloud, her head nodding. She finished with her bathroom visit and stepped out, taking a deep breath. She started down the stairs, thinking. Once she saw Rey, she gave him a soft smile and started to tell him some secrets. "I act tough because I have daddy issues. I hate my mom. And I like it when you try to flirt with me." She finished the sentence, stopping just a few inches from him; a little less than a foot. She was nervous. So nervous, but she had already said it. She couldn't take it back.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 12:28 am

Rey laughs slightly as she practically runs up to the bathroom, okay that may be a bit of an exaggeration but she sure was booking it to get away to the bathroom. He smiles as he stands by the kitchen waiting for her to come down the stairs knowing that even though she’s a punk type of girl, she’s still a girl and it’ll take her awhile to finish so instead he simply thinks about the good things that have happened in his life so far, an odd thing but still what popped into his mind. Oddly enough along the top of them in his crazy hormone filled mind was meeting her, he can’t explain why but to him meeting Becca was something that just seemed to click and he’s perfectly okay with that because she’s a great person. When she finally comes down stairs he gives a half wave and readies himself for the secrets to come, the first two are obvious that he could tell back in the ally after he told her that she was good. Though the last one catches him off guard but also brings a smile to his face, and though it may be daring and might earn him a slap he has decided to do something. “Good…’cause I like watching your reactions when I try to flirt with you, just like I want to see the reaction to this.” Rey whispers before quickly kissing her, giving her no thought of reacting to his voice or anything, simply because as soon as the last word escapes his lips they touch her own.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 12:37 am

Paine blinked and her next reaction was strange. Her eyes widened and she almost pulled back from him, but didn't. She returned the kiss, only allowing their lips to touch. She pulled back for a moment and just breathed, looking back and forth between his eyes. "Well.. I.. wow. Uhm.. hehe." She was so nervous it could have put her into a coma or something. Well, that was an over exaggeration. She did, though, blush. Hard. She had to go all "freeze mode" to make her cheeks look a normal color. She smiled, though, like a fool. "I'm going to do that again.." she said, not even letting him say "okay" or anything. She gave him another kiss, moving her arms around of his neck, hugging him while she stood on her toes. This was odd, but she actually liked it.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 12:52 am

Rey smiles as she kisses back chuckling and the half-sentence, if it can even be called that, watching her face light up and blush even more than she did in the past ten minutes combined. To make things even better she doesn’t stumble backwards or anything like that, no she actually kisses back and with some force too. As she kisses him he feels her arms slip around his neck and he does the only thing he can think of, he kisses her back and slips his arms around her waist picking her up abit and holding her to him to make it a bit easier for the both of them. Oh, sure they just met a couple of hours ago while trying to stop a bank robbery but hey, stranger things have happened, hopefully it won’t be as bad as Romeo and Juliett.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 3 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 1:01 am

Becca ended their little kiss, wiggling her feet as a motion to be put down. She was still smiling, her makeup-free-face beaming. She just chuckled and stepped from him and toward the fridge, looking for another Coke. "So.. now what?" She rose a brow and looked at him, just kinda laughing. She grabbed a can of Coke and popped the top, taking a sip of it before leaning against the counter. She couldn't get that kiss out of her head. It was so weird. She felt like it was fate or something that they had met. She was in Chicago for a fight club meeting, and then she ran into Rey Miller, the Lawyer, whom is also The Ranger. She was so freaked out right now. But, it was a good feeling. She walked back to Rey. "So.. does that mean I call you Rey?" She rose a brow and just looked at him curiously.

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