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Something just had to go wrong

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger November 23rd 2011, 10:22 am

The Ranger grunts feeling himself pushed up into the wall so that his ass is practically sitting on the bricks listening to what she's saying with a frown on his face though it doesn't show because of his hood. As she steps back he stands up a bit only to then be hit in the chest by the smushed drugs, whichever they were he doesn't know, and has to wipe them off; flinging them to the ground he looks up at her. "Thanks for that but I don't smoke..." Ranger mutters underneath his breath inaudible to those without enhanced hearing or some type of gadget that enhances ones hearing. As she starts to walk away he only shakes his head in disaprovale, "you say your not a hero and though that may be true in some cases but there is good in you; so why give away the chance to bring it out even further and show the world what you can do." He mutters unsure if she can hear him or not, it doesn't matter to him if she did or not only that she can't see the good in herself that he can. But then again he always seems to see the good in everyone even if its deep down and they themselves won't admit that they can do good.

Last edited by The Ranger on December 19th 2011, 7:05 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine November 24th 2011, 5:08 pm

. o O ( Number one: She let you go. Number two: She just tossed the pack of cigarettes at ya', not at your face particularly.)

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger November 24th 2011, 6:05 pm


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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine November 27th 2011, 1:23 pm

Just go re read my post, please. :] Thoroughly. If you don't understand what Paine has done to The Ranger, then you should calmly find a way to exit this topic.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 6:57 pm

Paine knew he was right. She knew everyone was right. She hung her head for a moment and stopped. Her feet were shoulder width apart, and the wind caught her hair. It blew it around for a moment. She turned back around and stared at the Ranger. "No one.. has ever really said anything like that before." She wasn't lashing out, and she wasn't being rude. It was weird. Her voice felt small. Shit, she felt small all together. Weak, and hopeless. She shivered a bit, the cold getting to her. She was never cold. This was weird. She blinked and furrowed her brows, but then frowned and felt a few tears well up in her eyes. "What if you're right? What if I am good?" She had always been the only one that cared about her. She had never really had anyone go out of their way to tell her that she was something more than what people first saw. A hero. A real one. Not just those poster heroes that boast of their accomplishments. She was the kind of hero that did the job, and let someone else take credit for it. She clenched her left fist and then swung, punching through the concrete wall. The bricks collapsed upon her arm, but did not harm her. She pulled her hand back and just stared down at it. She opened her fingers and stared at her palm. She was more than just a girl who stirred up trouble and saved lives. She was a hero.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 7:49 pm

“They say it takes a stranger to show one whom they really are,” The Ranger says softly to the first thing that comes from her lips before the obvious confusion and feeling of weakness washes over her. He watches her closely trying to figure out everything she is feeling just by taking note of her body language, facial expressions, and everything else practically emitting off of the pour girl from the new experience she is going through. At the next thing she says a faint smile comes to his emotionless face, though it quickly disappears as he answers her question, “why the what if? There is no what if, you are good Paine you just haven’t admitted it to yourself and have tried to keep it buried deep down because of the way you grew up and everything that you have gone through in this short existence we call life.” The Crimson Archer says pausing to take a breath before continuing, “Because you are good though you should take up the true title of ‘hero’ and show the world who you really are and not what others want you to be.” He whispers softly watching the show of her strength and near invulnerability before him knowing now with such hard skin she is a tough person to get through to but somehow by only saying a few words he did get through to her. Well, his parents did always say that he was good at getting under peoples skin and that he was always good at listening to others in need; hell his mom said he should have studied to be a psychiatrist or therapyst instead of a lawyer and one point.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 8:05 pm

Paine nodded, agreeing with him. Maybe he was right. No, he was right. He was. "You're right. You are completely right.. I am a hero. I may not be able to take the credit, cause I'm not that kind of person, but I do enjoy helping people more than helping myself nowadays..." she trailed off and looked at him. A sudden thought crossed her mind. She walked back to Ranger, crossing the three to four feet separating them. She moved her arms around of his neck, hugging him. She had let her cold "armor" vanish, leaving her skin a normal warm temperature. She was an odd girl, but she was learning to be more courteous of others. Realizing she had basically pounced the guy, she stepped back, one of her fingernails getting caught on a loose thread of his hood. The motion was odd. She pulled down and back. It made his hood fall off, revealing his face to all the eyes around of them. Luckily, they were on a deserted street, all of the attention still on the bank. She was wide eyed, one of her hands moving to cover her mouth as she gasped.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 8:24 pm

The Ranger nods his head as she finally comes to realize the truth in his words and with herself. He watches her come twoards him and blinks slightly at the sudden hug not expecting it in the slightest but what happens next suprises him even more so in the fact that he never would have thought it to happen. Her nail accidently cuts through his hood and makes it fall off and onto his back, his eyes widdeing slightly as he realizes what transpired, quickly going to grab it and pull it on but the threads are to far broken and wouldn’t do him any good to put it back on. As his hood falls down the face of the famed lawyer undefeated in court, Rey Miller, is shown to her and unless she doesn’t read the knews she will now know whom he is. He chuckles slightly at her reaction and runs a hand through his dirty-blonde hair as he reajusts his voice box to his normal voice, knowing that the fake one he uses while in costume will do him no good here now. “Well…it seems that you now know my secret identity miss Paine….or I assume you do if you watch even the vaguist of news reports.” Rey says in his normal voice, the calm, comforting, singer’s voice that he was borne with.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 8:35 pm

She let her hand move back to her side, her wide eyed surprised face relaxing. She then smiled brightly. "Well, damn. You're.. wow." She laughed, thinking back to the news from a few nights ago. Rey Miller, the famous lawyer who has yet to be defeated in the court of law! It made her want to giggle, laugh, and just burst into a fit of the sillies. She smiled at him again, shaking her head. She held out her hand and chuckled. "Becca is my real name. Rebbecca O'Day." She shook his hand, being gentle. She just chuckled some more before she turned to look behind of her. A reporter caught them out of the corner of their eyes. "Fuck." was all she had time to say. Becca was fast, but not as fast as the Ranger. She had no idea, though. She looked at him, giving him a 'fucking run!!' expression before sprinting away as fast as she could.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 8:54 pm

Rey laughs slightly and shakes his head, “thank you…I’ve been told that a couple times…and you yourself are very beautiful.” He says though it may only sound as if he’s just being nice but he truly means it, for he is not one to lie being a strong christian believer, for the most part. A slow smirk comes to his face as he shakes her hand back, “I know, Black Arrow and Black Knight tend to keep watch on everyone back at Phantom Base…you yourself have been followed quite a bit.” He says hearing her yell out fuck and starts to run off makes him turn around only to see the reporter and a slight groan escapes his mouth. At speeds unfathomable to the human eye and the short distance between himself and the reporter he takes off grabs the camera and sprints back after Paine herself, knowing she isn’t as fast as he is he quickly puts his arms around her and picks her up briddle style, unconsiously though not knowing how it would look to her because of how he’s carrying her. Though no where near as strong as she, his own strength can compete with even the strongest of human olympians and with his speed they are out of there and racing down the ally in seconds, already a block away. “Sorry if you’ve never travled this fast before outside of a car, but I’m not take any chances so just tell me when you’d like to be put down.” He whispers just loud enough to hear as he keeps running, subconsiously, to his his home not even realizing that’s where he’s headed to yet.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 9:11 pm

Paine was somewhat fast, but she knew she wasn't fast enough. She felt arms grab her up, and nearly screamed. She flailed for a moment but realizing who it was, she sort of relaxed. "You stole the camera? Wow! I can see it now, 'Good morning, Chicago! We're here on Channel 4 with breaking news. The Ranger was seen carrying off Paine, just moments after he stole a video camera from a reporter. We have no footage of this, but there's a cellphone picture here. It looks as if the Ranger's hood fell off!' Woow.. hahaha." She found this funny, but that didn't change the situation. She felt weird, though, being held that way. After a few seconds she felt okay, though. She had never been carried around by another, considering her dating life was slim to none. She looked up at him, smirking to herself. She leaned her head against his chest and just enjoyed the ride. The wind whipping through her hair felt good. These speeds were very pleasing. "Everything is fine.." she said, just loud enough for him to hear. She had no idea where they were headed, but she didn't mind.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 9:35 pm

Rey blinks as he realizes that he did still have the camera and shifts Rebecca a bit in his arms as he throws it over his shoulder knowing at these speeds unless it was one of those new ‘indistructable’ cameras it would shatter into a millon pieces. “Oh, shut up….not like anyone would believe one of the ‘elusive’ Phantoms stole a camera and then ran off with a beautiful young herone.” He says grinning slightly and keeps running a bit now realizing where he’s heading and laughs to himself, yet keeps going anyway coming up to his house through his secret entrance in the backyard. Once inside he stops and sets her down lightly before shedin g his hood and cape, which fall to the ground. Looking back at her he says,”hmm…yea so this is my house, or the basement of my hourse…as I go upstairs to change take a look around and make yourself at home.” Taking his leave he grabs his hood and cape then sprinting up the basement stairs then to the other stairs and up to the second floor and to his bed room. He closes the door, or so he thinks as it is actualy cracked open, and discards his hero costume while trying to find appropriate civillian clothes.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 9:43 pm

She blinked, squinting a bit to catch the view of a house. She rose a brow and then felt her weight shift and then she was standing. She swayed for a moment, catching her balance. "All right. I'm starving.." she said, her stomach speaking. No, her stomach actually yelled. She took the stairs two at a time and found her way to the kitchen. She rummaged around, looking for anything good to eat. She settled on a sandwich and a glass of milk for her first course.

She then rummaged some more and found some cookies to go with her milk. She then snatched up a banana and devoured that, then found a can of Coke and popped the top, tipping it up to guzzle the contents in large gulps. She let out a large belch, but behind closed lips. She was attempting to be a bit more lady like. But, since no eyes were on her for now, she could eat. She finished part of the Coke, but sat it on the counter and took to the other parts of the house. She wandered until she found Ranger's room. She noticed the door was cracked. She pushed it open and saw the bed. She then looked around and saw Rey, ass bare, but his back to her.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry!" She shielded her eyes and turned, pulling the door shut behind of her. "Shit! I cannot believe I just went in there.. I'm dumb! She smacked herself in the head and then made her way to the living room. She laid down on the couch, assuming it was comfortable. Turns out, it was. She had instinctively walked toward it and just flopped down, relaxing happily. "Ahhh..." she said, sinking face first into a pillow, hiding her embarrassment.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 10:05 pm

Rey looks around trying to find some clothes that aren’t pieces to his costume or things he would wear to court though so far failing greatly, having only found a pair of socks. He mutters to himself standing up straight and scratching his head as he looks around in front of him, and then it happens, what he was hoping wouldn’t happen at all. Paine comes in and sees him ass naked, literally, and this only makes him cringe even more as she yells out and runs out slamming the door shut behind her before running down stairs. Groaning slightly he chuckles at the scene knowing to anyone else it would have seemed funny, as he finds clean boxers, jeans, and a shirt all right on his bed where he left them this morning. After changing into them he walks down the stairs and into the kitchen where he heats up a frozen pizza and coffee, coming out to the living room he walks over to her scratching his head in embarrassment, “so how much did you see exactly, and how much did you love?” He asks in a joking tone, winking to let her know he’s kidding if she didn’t catch it in his voice, as he sits down on the arm rest next to her head sot that his legs are in front of him and his head turned to the side looking down at her. Oh, sure it’s a bit awkward and she will probably slap him but he feels like messing with her right now just to lighten the mood and try and make it less awkward by simply joking around with her.

Last edited by The Ranger on December 19th 2011, 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 19th 2011, 10:11 pm

She laughs and sits up, looking at him. She was clutching a pillow. She tossed it at him and laughed. "Just your backside, thankfully." She stuck out her tongue and chuckled, looking to his pizza and coffee combo. The smell was nice, but her stomach had quieted down for now. She leaned back into the couch, kicking her shoes off so she could relax a bit more. "So, Rey Miller has a nice house." She looked around, noticing your average every day home. It made her miss her real home out in Montauk on the shore of New York. She shook that thought and pulled her legs up so she could sit criss-cross-apple-sauce, her hands in her lap. Her phone vibrated and she checked it, noticing a casual text from Scarletta. She texted back, asking how she was and etc. Paine then looked back to Rey, chuckling. "So, how did we end up here, again?" Honestly, Becca was feeling a little high on infatuation at this moment. She couldn't help it. She still had raging hormones at this age.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 10:42 pm

Rey laughs grinning at what she says giving him the idea of a perfect reply“Hmm, just the backside ehh? Too bad for you then, missed out on the front” he says jokingly easily catching the pillow thrown at him. As he hears the ding on his pizza he jumps and goes over to get it taking the pizza out onto a plate, once that’s done he pours the coffee into a cup adding his honey and stirring it up. Taking his food he walks back into the living room taking a sip of the coffee he hears her question and shrugs, “hmm…just the first place that popped into my head really…well besides the Phantom hide out but I ain’t to sure Black Knight would like it too much if I brought an outsider into the hideout, even if she is a hero herself.” He says eyes quickly scanning her subconsciously as he thinks of a topic to talk about as he takes a bite out of his pizza then realizing he should offer her some food he coughs slightly. “You want something to eat or drink?” He asks trying to be a good host anyway he can , “or do you wana do something? I’m up for anything as long as we lay low here for a bit, they won’t think to look here.”

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