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Something just had to go wrong

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 24th 2011, 12:20 am

Rey smiles as she nudges his nose into his cheek running his hand down her spine to mess with her even more, resting his hand just above her ass to tease the girl even more if that was even possible; though more than likely it was. He laughs slightly at the things she says only shaking his head, thus throwing around his ‘messy’ dirty blonde hair in every which way. “Well then let’s go get you some food, I could cook something if you want or we can go out; which would you prefer though?” He asks looking into her eyes holding her even closer now if that was at all possible.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 3:05 pm

She kinda bounced and poked him in the ribs, attempting to tickle him afterward. She was going to put him into submission, if he was ticklish, that is. "Perhaps you could cook? What's on the menu, chef?" She chuckled and went for his sides, tickling him some more. She wanted to see if she could bring him to the floor. If and when she did, she straddled his waist and sat there, leaning against his thighs. She smiled, her hands pressed to either of her own thighs, toes curling slightly. She rocked side to side, humming. "Pinned ya!" She smirked and leaned down, getting eye level with him. She allowed her bright blue eyes the chance to just admire his own gorgeous orbs.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 24th 2011, 3:33 pm

Rey blinks and laughs a little as she starts to tickle him, oHmm depends, you keep this up and you might end up on the menu." He teases then laughs as she keeps tickiling him, trying to move out of the way if at all possible yet to no avail as he is soon sent down to the ground with her ontop of him, leaing into his thighs. Rolling his eyes he puts his hands behind his head and looks up at her, "yea, yea, you pinned me, so what, you gona let me up now?" He asks laughing as he moves his hand placing them on her hips as he looks up at her unable to really move from this position at all, or only slightly if at all. Though he may like how she's sitting on him it's still slightly embarrassing that with all his reflexes and what not, hell he can dodge a bullet, but he was not able to stop her from pinning him.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 4:00 pm

Paine kind of blushed, this time not even worrying about fighting it off. She was barely holding him down.. so he obviously liked this position a bit too much. She slid off of him, sitting next to him. She didn't make him move his hands from her hips, though. She scooted up next to him and kind of just leaned over him, looking down at him. "Well.. you can have me whenever.. but let's not refer to me as food.. Chaos did that, and it's fucking weird.. I've been called apple, marshmellow, and all sorts of other stuff that is just.. disturbing.." That had happened a few weeks ago. She remembered sitting in the park with Scarletta, just swinging when her phone rang. She scratched that memory and pecked Rey's nose, then his cheeks, then let her lips hover, centimeters from his. "So? You gonna cook me a meal for champions, then?" Paine would love to be cooked for, and she would try to cook for him, but she only knew how to make a slammin' sandwich and a wicked bowl of cereal.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 24th 2011, 4:24 pm

Rey watches as she gets off of him and slides over to the side of him, he chuckles slightly and pulls her down on top him him, wrapping his arms around her. "Now, when exactly did I say I was going to call you food names? I simply was staiting that if you kept tickiling me I would put you on the menue, woulda cooked you up nicely, dressed you with a tingy sauce, and eaten you up." He says then blinks realizing how wrong and peverted all of that can be taken and laughs, "ooh,now I get what you mean....I didn't mean for it to sound peverted but if you want it can be." Rey teases watching her lips as she kisses his nose, cheeks, and then leaves them dangiling centemeters from his as she speaks. Kissing her lightly he laughs, "Hmm yes I believe I shall, how does Chicken Parmagian sound? It has always been my favorite food, that and a side of salad is the best meal in the world in my opinion."

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 5:06 pm

Paine chuckled, thinking about how he had worded everything. It was so perverted in her mind. He may have apologized, but Rey knew he was saying perverted things.. Becca just knew it. She smiled, though, and kissed him back then made a long, drawn out 'hmmmn' sound. She was playing with his hair, one of her hands just running through the dirty blonde locks. How could she be acting like this so easily? Maybe she was just being gullible. She hugged him, kissed his lips and then stood up, offering her hand to him. "That sounds good, but let's have a five date rule before anything too serious happens, eh?" She rose a brow and looked down at him, giving him a serious face. She still held her hand out for him, as well.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 24th 2011, 5:35 pm

Rey smiles, chuckling at her 'hmmm' noise and playing with his hair, kissing her back and then looks up at her as he listens to what she says. Nodding he takes her hand and pulls himself up, "Its a deal, but you sure you can make it that long?" He says the first part serious but after he says 'its a deal' the rest of it is all teasing and joking as he ducks, expecting a hand to go out at his head, and walks into the kitchen. Once there he gets the spegettie noodles out of the fridge along with the cold chicken and everything else he needs to make the food. Putting everything where it needs to be he starts to cook the noodles and the chicken at the same time, not in the same place though because that wouldn't work at all. Though it may not be smart seeing as how he is the only one cooking he has done in countless times before and watched his mom do so...before she died of course. A frown comes to his face as he remebers their deaths and then of course that brings the memory of only a few weeks ago when he himself took the life of the man who killed his parents, something he didn't intend on ever doing.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 27th 2011, 1:07 pm

She couldn't help but laugh, her hand shoving him slightly. She was a bit sad that he would duck, but she laughed anyway. She plopped down on the couch and found the remote, flipping through a few channels before settling on the news. Maybe they would be seen fleeing the scene. And, not even a few moments after a commercial, here comes the news. "Not even hours ago did an odd event occur. After the bank robbery being saved by an odd girl and The Ranger, was a pair of supers seen running away. We have a cellphone camera video here to prove this event." Paine could not help it. She started to laugh, and double over, and giggle. It was Ranger, from what she saw, stealing the camera, and then grabbing up Paine in less than four seconds flat. He was so fast the camera only showed his blonde hair. So, his identity was hidden. That was good. Paine smiled and hopped up, laughing as she walked over to Rey. "Did you hear that?" She asked, looking toward his face. She saw the frown and her own happiness drained. She frowned as well and then pulled herself up onto the counter, sitting there. "Want to talk about it?" she asked, a bit indecisive as to whether or not she'll be able to help him through this one.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 27th 2011, 1:25 pm

Rey hears the news from the kitchen as he continues making the food but his mind isn’t anywhere near this house right now. His mind is back in Atlanta, Georgia three years ago where it all started, every little reason for him becoming a hero; the gun shot ringing out perfectly in his mind. That’s all it took to end the lives of his parents, one stinking shot from the gun of a super-powered thief who just happened to decide that he was going to rob a family walking to their car after their son’s hockey team just won a game. The expertise was greatly shown in the thief as he was able to kill both his parents with only one bullet from the gun, grabbing what he wanted and leaving the stunned sixteen year old boy alone to deal with the death of his parents. Right after the scene finishes his mind ricochets forward to a couple weeks ago when he killed Phillip James and he hangs his head in defeat sighing softly, snapping out of it only upon hearing Paine’s voice. He looks up at her, having subconsciously kept making the food the entire time, and shakes his head putting on a fake smile. “No, its fine Becca don’t worry about it, alright?” He says turning of the heat on the noodles and pouring them into a streamer over the sink so that it gets out all the excess water, the chicken still cooking though so it will take another ten minutes or so before they can actually eat, maybe less.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 27th 2011, 2:04 pm

She reaches, grabs his hand, and presses it to her chest. Her heartbeat, so strong and full of life, was vibrating against his palm. She breathed calmly and softly, just letting him feel the beat. She gave him a smile. She had no idea where she had learned this. Probably from a movie, or a book. She chuckled and let his hand go, turning her attention to the chicken. She grabbed the spatula he was using, flipping the chicken around in the seering hot pan. She then set the spatula aside and hugged Rey. "Whatever it is, and wherever you are, I'm going to accept and be there with you, beside you." She sunk into him, breathing him in.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 27th 2011, 2:26 pm

Rey smiles softly as she grabs his hand at puts it to her heart, letting him feel the beat surprised at movement but letting it go none the less. As she starts to turn her attention to the chicken he simply watches her knowing that this has been a very eventful day, a day to remember and also one he thought would never happen. Blinking at the hug he returns it smiles at her words, “well then I’m glad to have you there with me, whether it is beside me or in my arms.” He whispers softly kissing her forehead and just holding her for a bit longer before kissing her forehead and moving out of the hug to get the chicken onto plates, adding the noodles and sauce, putting cheese on top and quickly microwaving for fifteen seconds to melt the cheese. Taking the plates out he sets them down at the table and grabs silverware and napkins. “What would you like to drink?” Rey asks her as he pulls out two cups and opens the fridge to reveal all the drinks he has, none are alcoholic beverages; he himself never having had it and they are underage anyway.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 27th 2011, 2:51 pm

Paine kissed his cheek and smiled, stepping away to sit down at the table. She watched him finish cooking, smiling with a kiddish grin plastering her features. She waited patiently for the food, and when ti was presented, she nearly started to dig in. Instead, though, she sat there, hands in her lap. She looked to the fridge and shrugged. "A Coke will do," she said, waiting for him to join her. When he did, she scooted her chair closer to his and relaxed. She was sitting on the longer side of the table, Rey sitting at the "head" of the table so that they could see each other. She grabbed a fork and twirled up some of the pasta and got a piece of chicken along with the bite. She stuck the food into her mouth and savored it, chewing it slowly. She nearly sighed with happiness while she sat back in the chair. "Wow, this is some five star food right here," she continued to eat, pausing to look at Rey. "I'm not an only child," she said, giving him another piece of information about her.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 27th 2011, 7:56 pm

Rey nods and fills up a glass of coke for her and a glass of water for himself, and then walks over to the table setting them down in front of the respected plates. He sits down and smiles as she moves closer to him laughing slightly and squeezing her hand. Taking away his hand he closes his eyes saying a silent prayer thanking God for the food and everything that has happened today, he also asks God to help him to continue doing good and become better at the things he does. After the prayer is finished he starts to cut up his chicken and the noodles laughing slightly at the comment Paine made about his food. “Thank you for the complement but I am certainly not that good.” Rey says and then goes on to start eating his food. Only then does he realize he completely forgot to get the garlic bread out of the toaster, getting up he runs over getting the bread and brings it back to the table setting it down where it needs be. As he sits down he raises an eyebrow at her statement, “well neither am I Becca, but what do you mean by that?” He says now slightly interested as he looks up at her while taking a sip from his water.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 27th 2011, 8:26 pm

She shrugged and took the warm bread, setting it on the side of her plate ontop of her noodles. "I mean just that.. I'm not an only child.. But, sometimes, I wish I was..." She stared off into the wall. Her stare became complacent, just watching the wall while she thought of her encounter with her brother, John... He was so weird. So odd.. so.. destructive, in his own creative ways. He was one reason why Becca wanted to turn her attention away from the evil things she had done and switch over to the good side. It may have taken her a while, but it happened. She sighed and shrugged, taking another bite of the food. "This is really good, though.. The food." She smiled at him for a minute. "So, I'll need to head back to New York for a few days, but I should be back in Chicago soon. I should leave tonight on a red eye, but I could stay one more day.."

Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 27th 2011, 9:20 pm

Rey nods and takes two pieces of bread, putting some noodles and a piece of chicken on one while placing the other on top of it. “Becca, we all wish that at some point in time, but in the end we learn to love or family because their family and we can’t live without them. Even if you can’t see it now, your family is always going to be one of the biggest supporters in your life or one of the biggest reasons you do what you do.” He says shrugging at the complement once again, “thanks but its nothing…” he blinks and listens to what she says then shakes his head as he finishes his food, whipping his mouth. Standing up he goes behind her and kneels down and messages her shoulders. “Hmmm that’s a choice for you but I suggest you sleep in tonight and leave tomorrow don’t leave tonight nothing good ever happens during the night on road trips, trust me I know.” Rey whispers in her ear softly still messaging her shoulders.

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 28th 2011, 12:05 am

Her skin was icy cold when he touched it at first. She reacted to his hands by letting her skin return to it's normal temperature. 98.6 degrees of lovely heat. She leaned into his touch and kind of moaned from how good the pressure was. "A little lower.." She commented, leaning forward, her fork falling slack in her hand. She hadn't eaten too much, but she was going to finish in between the shoulder rubbing motions she was receiving at the moment. She sighed and closed her eyes, agreeing with his idea of staying the night. "Should I stay here, though? DO you want me to?" She rose a brow, her own thoughts trying to figure this one out. She could stay, and should possibly.. for the sake of seeing how things could go between them.. but maybe she should go sleep in a hotel or something. She didn't know. She was, though, going to stick to the "five date rule."

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 5 Paine1
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