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Something just had to go wrong

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 1:01 am

Becca ended their little kiss, wiggling her feet as a motion to be put down. She was still smiling, her makeup-free-face beaming. She just chuckled and stepped from him and toward the fridge, looking for another Coke. "So.. now what?" She rose a brow and looked at him, just kinda laughing. She grabbed a can of Coke and popped the top, taking a sip of it before leaning against the counter. She couldn't get that kiss out of her head. It was so weird. She felt like it was fate or something that they had met. She was in Chicago for a fight club meeting, and then she ran into Rey Miller, the Lawyer, whom is also The Ranger. She was so freaked out right now. But, it was a good feeling. She walked back to Rey. "So.. does that mean I call you Rey?" She rose a brow and just looked at him curiously.

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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 11:40 am

Rey laughs as she pulls away wigiling a bit and lets her down, watching her as she walks off into the kitchen to probably find another coke or something of the sort. " we can do..whatever you want I guess, I'm not really one who is good with doing stuff, my line of work occupies most of my free time." He says shrugging as his mind wonders back to the kiss and how quickly it all happened, The Right Hand of Jesus chuckles and says a silent prayer to the big man for all the good he's done unto him this past couple months. With what she says next he smirks placing his hand on his chin like he's thinking, " you get to call me Rey, yea know I'm not sure if you do..." Rey says jokingly as he trails off waiting to see her reaction before finishin, "yes you do Becca, why wouldn't you get to?"

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 12:25 pm

Becca sipped on her Coke and just leaned there, against the counter, eyes on Rey. Without the makeup, her eyes seemed brighter. Maybe it was because of how happy she was. Relationships, when it came to more than just sex, Becca hadn't experienced that. She had "friends" but none she could really confide in. She would "hang out" and etc, but she was mostly taking care of herself, making sure she had a bed to sleep in, and money to take care of expenses and the like. She was from a wealthy family on her mother's planet, but when in Earth.. things were a bit tougher. She had to have help from Raine when she first moved to Earth, but after a year, she had settled in nicely. Becca turned her attention back to Rey, chuckling from his joking rejection to being called by his first name. "I would have used it anyway, Rey." The word, name really, felt foreign to her lips. The foreign feeling was so good, though. She just smiled and felt a blush creeping her lips. She stepped forward and leaned in, giving his cheek a soft, sweet kiss.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 12:53 pm

Rey smiles and looks over at Becca eyes looking into hers and ‘bathing in the happiness just shooting out of them’. He strides over to her and stands in front of her with a streaking suspicion that he knows this relationship might actually be going somewhere and that is something he is very happy about. Upon hearing what she said he laughs slightly, “I’m sure you would have Becca,” Rey mummers softly as he notices her once again blush and then feels her kiss his cheek he places his hand lightly on her cheek, as the other arm slips around her waist pulling her closer to him, and moves his thumb so it is lightly rubbing her cheek. “Hmm, you are so easy to make blush, did you know that?” he whispers teasingly as he continues slowly rubbing her cheek content with just standing where he is now.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 1:29 pm

Becca looked back and forth between Rey's eyes, just watching him. She was embarrassed, but it felt right to be. She was embarrassed because her guard was down because of her silly hormones, and she did sort of like it. She wasn't fighting back, but she didn't really want to. She lost the will when they kissed. She liked it too much. It felt better than the plain, almost robotic kisses she shared with other "lovers" in her past. She cooled her skin off, making herself feel freezing to Rey's touch, but her blush vanished. She let her skin return to a normal-ish temperature and the blush tried to come back, so she just focused on keeping her cheeks cool. She sorta shoved Rey in the chest, listening to his whispering words. "Well.. no. I'm just vulnerable is all." She was right, too. She was vulnerable.. vulnerable with a handsome guy, holding her, and he's also a model citizen and hero. Such a good combination.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 1:40 pm

Rey watches her eyes catching ever little movement they make wondering if her hormones are flying crazily just as much as his are and then he realizes that they probably are even more so then his are. As her skin starts to feel cold he laughs yet keeps his hands and arms where they are, thumb still slowly rubbing her cheek. “You can’t get me cold Becca; I was born and raised in an ice rink,” he whispers to her as he gets a bit braver after she lightly shoves him in the chest, because of this he brings her closer to him and kisses her from her forehead down to her lips, making them quick except for the one on her lips which he lingers for a little bit before pulling away but it still doesn’t give her enough time to kiss back. He does this just to mess with her though, to tease her and keep her begging for more, that and for some reason watching her emotions spark or seeing her blush is something he can’t get enough of.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 2:00 pm

She kissed him back, enjoying the smaller kisses from her forehad down to her lips. She broke the kiss, yet again, though. She stepped back from him and held her right hand up, palm firmly flat. It was a stopping motion. She held her hand out, separating the two of them. "What about your life? What about mine? I'm just some girl, that causes trouble wherever I go. I'm not built for a guy like you. I'm reckless.. and I'm new to things like.. like this!" She was talking faster, and louder, as she rambled. She was so confused, but she couldn't help it. She had yet to experience a real, meaningful relationship. But... was she really ready to take the risk? Was she? Or, was it going to end with her running away like she had from all of her other problems in her life?

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 2:50 pm

Rey blinks slightly confused as she breaks the kiss and raises an eyebrow as she holds up her hand putting it between them, making him listen to the words she speaks next. He thinks about what she said running all the words through his head over and over again, when she finishes he places a finger on her lips making a ‘shh noise’ to stop her yelling and quite her down. “Look Becca…you aren’t just some girl that causes trouble wherever you go, you proved that today at the bank and even more so when you listened to me telling you about how you are a good person. You may be new to things like this but it will work out just trust me alright? We aren’t going to end up like some sad Romeo and Juliet sob story, this will work out.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 23rd 2011, 1:02 am

"But.. how do you know?" She asked, tears threatening her eyes. She was a bit red faced, and her eye brows were stitching together. Her lips were trembling, attempting to fight back the frown. She had no right to deserve a healthy relationship right now. She needed it more than she could imagine, but she felt she didn't deserve it. She had sabotaged the relationship she had with her mother, and came to Earth thinking it would be oh-so-easy to just go and kill "dear old dad." She was so naive, yet... smart. Intelligence was very potent within Becca O'Day, but sometimes.. just sometimes.. she acted like a true woman. Just, a girl with those little emotions that drove her to think like this. She was nearly committing social suicide. She let a sob heave her chest, tears finding their way down her cheeks. She was a mess. "I'm so sorry.. so sorry." She said, pressing her hand to his shoulder to have him step out of the way. She then walked toward the door, planning to leave.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 23rd 2011, 9:22 am

“I just do, I can feel it…” Rey whispers moving a hand close to her eyes and whipping away whatever tears fall from her eyes. He feels bad knowing it had all moved so quickly and with all the past relationship problems she has most likely had she has to think this one would only be the same, but he wants to prove this one will be different. Sure usually when one says or thinks it everything goes wrong but he cannot tell what will go wrong with their relationship, he’s a super genius the press has nothing on him and he is a Phantom, he could keep this whole thing secret for years if she wanted him to. Though that might not be the only two things making her like this as he once again wipes her tears, “don’t be sorry…” he whispers then blinks as she pushes him out of the way, momentarily stunned he doesn’t act as quick as he can but when she moves he sprints in front of her and puts a finger to her lips signaling for her to be quiet and let him speak. “Just give it a try Becca, just because your relationships with your parents didn’t go well, and that may be because you chose for them not to, doesn’t mean this one has to. We can make this work but you have to put in the effort, you gota try and believe in me. This will work.” He says and then just for a little joke he ads on the end, “trust me, I’m a super genius.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 23rd 2011, 9:10 pm

She didn't know what clicked, or whatever made her internal flame spark up, but something did. Perhaps it was like all those romance movies, and subconsciously Becca wanted to just try and walk away, and be stopped. Rey stopped her. She looked up at him, a bit of confusion in her eyes. She kept thinking to herself, "Why would anyone bother..? Why?" She sighed and started to laugh, despite the tears streaming her cheeks. He had said something so irrelevant to the conversation, striking up happiness at just how silly it was. "Okay," she said, just giving him an answer. "I'll try.. as long as you never give up on me." She was the one that was either dumped, or forgotten about. It was probably her overpowerful attitude, but she just couldn't help herself sometimes. She moved her arms around of Rey and just hugged him, holding onto him. She was certain they could try and be together. She would give him herself, as long as she received him in return. She leaned up on her toes and kissed him. A bit of passion filled the embrace as she warmed up and felt a tingling sensation from the top of her head, and in her fingers and toes. It was wonderful.

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 23rd 2011, 9:26 pm

Rey smiles to himself whiping away the tears on her face as she says okay. He smiles for the simple fact that he knew sheld give in but also because she actually came back, that and what she says next makes him a little bit happy for some reason. "Now, why exactly would I give up on you?" He whispers and kisses her back the same way, putting his arms around her waist as he picks her up just a little, deepening the kiss. He knows that this may not last but he wants it to and will strive to make sure it does as best as he possibly can. After about ten seconds he slowly pulls away and looks down at her but not yet letting her go or letting his hands move from where they are. "What should we do now?" Rey asks laughing slightly at the randomness of the question but he didn't know what else to say, so it probably would have been better to have remained silent but it is to late for that now.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 23rd 2011, 11:39 pm

She leaned her face into his neck, just holding onto him. She snuggled into him, smiling to herself. She pecked a kiss upon his neck and then leaned back, slightly. "We could watch a movie or something, or go out and fight some crime..?" She was half joking with the last half of her proposal, but she wouldn't mind if they ended up going out to fight some crime. She had only eaten a little while ago, but her stomach sort of growled. With her makeupless face, her eyes looked so red and puffy from the crying she did. She was glad she had stopped with all that jibber jabber, but hey, what's a girl gotta do to get the guy to follow her? She was glad he did. She had seen stuff like that ina movie a few times, so she secretly wanted to try it out. She was glad she had. "If not a movie, or fighting crime, what do you want to do?"

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 23rd 2011, 11:58 pm

Rey smiles as she places her face into his neck, kissing it lightly, loving the feeling he gets from it but not letting it show as he listens to what she has to say. “Hmm all of those are great ideas, but are you sure you’d want to actually fight crime Becca?” He teases putting a hand on her cheek then sliding his finger down to her stomach raising an eyebrow as it growls, this only makes him chuckle and kiss her noise lightly. “Ahh well it seems that you are hungry, why don’t we go satisfy your hunger first and maybe we will hear a siren or two afterwards and then go deal with whatever problem we hear? Hmm, how does that sound or would you like to do something besides that?” He whispers in her ear just loud enough for her to hear but also so it slightly tickles her ear from the vibrations of his voice.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine December 24th 2011, 12:07 am

Becca chuckled from his finger moving down to her stomach. She kinda made a little innocent face, peering up at Rey through her thick eyelashes. Once he kissed her nose, she chuckled and nudged her nose into his cheek. "Food would be really good.." she said, a shiver running down her spine at his hushed whispering voice on her ear. It made her kind of shudder and nearly fall out of his grasp. Her knees kind of melted. Her stomach, though, did not. It growled again, ruining their little moment. "Crap.. I really am kinda hungry.. haha."

Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong - Page 4 Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger December 24th 2011, 12:20 am

Rey smiles as she nudges his nose into his cheek running his hand down her spine to mess with her even more, resting his hand just above her ass to tease the girl even more if that was even possible; though more than likely it was. He laughs slightly at the things she says only shaking his head, thus throwing around his ‘messy’ dirty blonde hair in every which way. “Well then let’s go get you some food, I could cook something if you want or we can go out; which would you prefer though?” He asks looking into her eyes holding her even closer now if that was at all possible.

The Ranger
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