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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Hound May 1st 2011, 2:29 am

Galaxy Labs; stood atop the countless research and development companies, becoming one of the top three most powerful, and most advanced companies. Specialising in military weapon advancement and tactical defence, but not limiting itself to any one field. It's main head quarters, located in the Chihuahuan Desert, is, to state mildly, massive.

Surrounded by three story high solid concrete walls, over a meter thick, and resembling something out of a prison movie, the facilities, including 13 separate laboratories, 20 industrial factories, storage facilities, and an actual town at the heart of the massive complex. Housing more than 3,000 employees and their families.

Truly a marvelous feet of engineering on it's own, this is where some of the greatest pieces of technology are invented, break through in medicines are found, and experiments to better all of man kind. Naturally of course, this makes it one of the prime targets for super villains wanting the latest in high tech goodies. Especially for those tasty little trinkets developed in secret for the military, which they hide in the sub levels, hundreds of feet below the earth, where only a hand full of people ever go, and even fewer come up.

So a typical week for the Galaxy Labs private security and a division of the Unites States Military stationed at the facility, is to fend off at least 12 separate attacks from various C list Villains.

In fact, just yesterday, a man calling himself "The Janitor," a man with the power to create from his sweat pores, a slippery, soap like substance, which reduced friction to less than half of smooth ice, he threatened to "clean up" and take the facility with all it's secrets.

A sniper team on the west wing took him out in the first 30 seconds of his assault. No one even raised the alarm. Hell, the civilians inside didn't even hear the gunshot thanks to that special material all the buildings were constructed from, making them as tough as tanks.

Yes, this entire facility ran like clock work, and it was all thanks to one man; Major Summers. The Major was top of his class, decorated over a dozen times for acts of bravery and quick thinking, not a single blemish on his record. Since he took over security of one of the key strategic points to America, not a single super villain has successfully breached the compound.

With one minor exception, a man calling him self "The Germ" capable of shrinking down to the size of an ant for an hour before returning to normal size penetrated the inner walls; and was subsequently stepped on when he infiltrated into the labs. Quite the nasty mess when he returned to his normal size. Could have used that "Janitor" guy for that one.

So you can understand when I tell you, he was not expecting this to change any time soon. Especially not today, on his birthday, as he sat in the mess hall, with the majority of his off duty forces, enjoying vanilla cake, with lemon frosting. But the alarm sounded. A collective sigh came from the men and women in uniform, followed by moans, groans, and curses as they all began the walk to the door. They knew from past experience that the snipers on duty would take out the majority of threats before any off duty personal could even hop out of their bunk and put on their boots. However standing orders required all personal to rush to their pre-assigned positions during an emergency.

The door opened, and stood before the first Corporal to leave the Mess, was a bear. Not just any bear, a bear that looked like it had just jumped out of the pages of Disney, wearing a bright green bowler hat, and a big silly red bow tie. It smiled, or I think it smiled. Regardless, the Corporal barely had time to raise an eyebrow before the bear swatted his entire head clean off his shoulders.

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Bontakun9kmvc0

In a matter of seconds, the bear had tore through the 30 some odd soldiers in the galley, a single man left alive, quivering before the bear, the Major. The bear growled, showing teeth as he stalked the last of his prey. The Major screamed in whore as the teeth dug into the meaty flesh of his shoulder. The scream fell short as his life ended. A perfect record until today, the day he died, being ate hole, by a giant, super intelligent bear, named Bon-Bon

Else where on the compound, at the communications tower a man in full black and white futuristic body armour stood over the bodies of the communication officers. He was shutting down all communications and signals out of the base. He had been three seconds too slow to stop the base distress signal from getting out, but he was quickly sending out an all clear signal. Hopefully no one would investigate.

After finishing he took a few steps back and raises his arm, a small plasma energy gun popped out of the gauntlet of the armour and fired a small green pulse of energy, destroying the interface, and preventing anyone from raising the alarm again. He pushed a small button on his helmet, "Whiplash, this is Bot, Tower captured." He spoke over an the private communications link.

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Tumblr_l8k9hsTpfK1qcdhh5

"Excellent" Replied a woman, who at the moment was atop a building, electrocuting the last sniper to death. "Snipers are taken out. Status report from the rest of you." She barked.

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends 03_June_by_lady_voldything

"Twirl, twirl, twirl, armoury is rigged with explosives, give me the word, and no cowboy civilians will be able to get their hands on any nasty hardware that could give us problems." the voice of devil in angel's skin spoke. She was only 16 but delighted in the evil she was performing.

"BOOM BABY!" Shouted the small fire imp that sat atop her shoulder, at the same time a giant stone Golem stood silently behind Twirl.

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends 20070420022001Shiho_hime

"This is The Situation." Said the voice of a man, who's voice alone screamed vanity "I, The Situation, have killed all the guards at the Barracks. The Situation, has the situation, all under control."

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Acc32189dd

"Mistress Whiplash, I have secured a transport truck and am moving to the building where the target is now." Said the last member of the Sensational Six, Piranha, "Are you please mistress?"

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Claymore-02

"Yes you did very well Piranha. Everyone converge on the target, we must hurry before anyone plays a hero." Whiplash ordered and all members, with the exception of Bon-Bon, who couldn't talk, acknowledged.

Ten minutes ago, in the nearby town of Langly, Texas, a huge, muscular man, dressed as a Luchador sat, rather uncomfortably I might add, in the back of a police cruiser. An officer sat in the front filling out a report. "Officer, there must be some sort of misunderstanding. I am Carlos, the man of love, the Shark of the land. I am the greatest Luchador in all the world, and I fight for love, justice, and freedom for all."

The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Carlos

"Uh-huh." Replied the officer, who continued to fill out the report. "Is that why you were shaving and oiling yourself in the Dinner, and.... broke six chairs?"

"Officers, you must understand, Carlos must always be maximum sexy. A perfectly shaven chest is key to being perfectly handsome. Oiling after shaving is just good common sense. Plus the ladies love the oil." Carlos' genuinely believed every word he was saying, which made it all the better... or worse. "And the chairs must have been faulty, all I did was sit in them."

"They love is so much, you made poor Mrs. Branstien faint. I'm taking you down town for indecent exposure and for the property damage, Pal. You can tell the judge all about being the fish of the land, or what ever. " The cop started his vehicle after setting down his paperwork.

"Shark, Officer Bill, Shark of the Land. Please, it is very important to Carlos that you get it right." The masked man said with a friendly smile.

At that moment an automated distress call came over the police radio, it was designed to be received by all emergency vehicles for maximum effect. "Galaxy Labs under attack." A female computerised voice announced, "Requesting immediate assistance. We under attack by super villains. Repeat..." Then the voice went silent. After a moment it returned, "All is well at Galaxy labs, we apologise for the for the error."

"Where is this Galaxy Labs?" Carlos asked casually."

"25 Miles west." The cop replied with out thinking. Then before he could blink, the door to the cruiser was torn off and Carlos was gone, leaping great distances towards Galaxy Labs.

"Carlos feels a tingling in his mask that trouble is afoot, and Carlos, man of love, is need!" He shouted to himself. After all, all normal people talk to them selves. Right?

Hound, The Tracker, The Archer, The Hunter
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound110
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound3
Voth, The Lizard King
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth-1

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Location : Canada
Age : 37
Job : Military
Registration date : 2011-04-21

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by The Bolt May 3rd 2011, 7:17 pm

Aaron stared in wide eyed amazement. Flabbergasted at the blatent idecent exposure. The guy was fucking oiling himself. In public. Aaron of course shaved. Thats how he kept a clear face. Well clear face,legs,arms, well you get the idea. Yet he never ventured to do such a thing in public. Not even wanting to let his eyes wonder to see Kanders reaction. Though the Jinn was probably less affected by the act. It was just a human oiling himself to the guy. Well what took the cake was him trying to sit down. Every chair he tried to sit in. The broke under him. Aaron burst out laughing at such a spectacle. Then the cops were called. Good thing he was just passing through. Instead of the reason for their visit.

After all he was just a kid to them. Wearing loose blue jeans. A simple clean white shirt and cream sweater over it. Which seemed out of place in the desert. Though he could honestly care less. Hair a light brown swept to the side. Eyes like sapphires sparkled in the sunlight. Well the guy was taken outside. Which was to the relief to Aaron. Buff guys kinda creeped him out. The police were bout to take him away when he tore the door from the car. Which made Aaron go "what the fuck". He jumped up. "Kander lets follow him. We do have nothing better to do." Aaron said as he walked out of the building. To the motorcycle he had parked in the parking lot. A vehicle he knew how to drive well. He planned to find out where the guy was running to. Maybe add some fun to this day.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Hound May 4th 2011, 1:01 am

I don't know where everyone else is, so I am going to continue. Also, since we're lacking in people, Voth and Valkyrie will be joining the party.


The Official story of Galaxy Labs and the United States Military is that all labs of Galaxy Labs are above ground, and open to all civilians for a free public tour. All weapons research us purely for defence of the nation, never offence. Lastly, all harmful chemicals, biological, organisms radiological, and nuclear weapons are only kept on base in small amounts for producing adequate countermeasures in case an enemy country were to use on of them in a war.


However as The Bot hacked away at the elevator controls, accessing the subterranean labs that only those with the highest of clearance could enter. Whiplash watched carefully over his shoulder as he worked, as the last security locks were disengaged she smiled delightfully. "Good work." She whispered into his ear.

The Bot turned to the woman handing her a small digital pad, "This will give you full control of the elevator, and all doors. The targets are on Level 56, the elevator will take 2 minutes and 34 seconds to go that deep. You must obtain as much as you can. I may be going to mine the Data, but if we have to create this thing from scratch going purely off their calculations, it could take months for a first test." The older man was greatly concerned, and his voice rang true with emotion.

"Worry not, my dear, Dr. Gyou, you will have every drop of the compound in 10 minutes. You just worry about your job. I want every kilo-byte of data on all their projects. We'll be able to sell the research for trillions on the black market and still keep the best toys for ourselves." The young woman licked her lips seductively, and she gripped her leather whip on her hip. The feel of leather, against her fingers was arousing. She brought her self back to reality and tapped her communications device in her ear.

"Situation, Twirl, Piranha, open up a second channel and maintain continuos radio contact. I don't care if you all have to sing as a trio. Guard this building at all costs. It's the only entrance to the subterranean levels, if any supers or the military decided to investigate despite the all clear signal. We'll need to know about it immediately, if you don't maintain contact, they might be able to take us out one at a time and we won't even know they're coming."

"Your wish is The Situation's command, Beautiful." Immediately replied the narcissistic voice of the one and only Situation as he sat in a rather comfy chair behind the security station at the front of the main Lobby. Several guards laid face down all around him, their necks broken.

"Twirl, Twirl, Twirl. Emergency Fire Entrance all clear." Chimed the young voice of the team's Magician. She was busy playing Go Fish with her Golem, her Imp, and a dead guard she had propped up like a doll.

"The Laboratory's supply loading bear is also clear, my Queen." Piranha announced with pride, "I have fuelled the truck, and loaded the supplies you requested. Have I pleased you, my Queen?" The man sat eagerly in the cabin of the truck, ready to start it at a moment's notice.

"You did well Piranha." Whiplash replied rolling her eyes. "Remember, any sound what so ever out of ordinary, Situation, if you see the cameras flicker for any reason, report to me at once. Do not shrug it off, do not attribute it to the wind. Call me, even if it's just a rat." She turned her communications link off and turned to Bon-Bon who had been standing quietly in the corner of the elevator.

"You are going to be my crowd control, once we identify the three we need, you can kill any of the others if they get out of line, but do not kill the three I identify unless I tell you to. Understand?" She was oddly firm with a super intelligent bear (well, by a bear's standard he was super intelligent) who could eat her before she could even blink. But the bear nodded in understanding, and that was the end of it.

She turned back to Bot, "Everything is ready, Go!"

The armoured super genius took off at a dashing speed that would put racing cars to shame. Whiplash held up the small control and activated the elevator which began her decent to level 56.

There were 56 floors to the compound below ground, as the floors increased in number and descended further below, the work they did grew exponentially in the danger and power they presented, as well as their potential worth in the billions to the right seller. As such, each floor was self contained, with it's own generator, food supply, emergency response kits in case of an accident and the employees were required to remain there for days at a time. Not only that, but each department had anywhere between 3 and 30 members working on the project, the elevator was large, and designed to take 50 people at once, as well as lift up to 15 tons, combined with strict working hours, all employees on the same project started together and ended together. The supervisor had complete independent control on the work and had to maintain a constant supervision of the work.

These things all combined, allowed the Bot to seal all of the employees in their respective zone, with out any of them even noticing. This meant no civilian would stumble upon their work.

The elevator's bell chimed and the doors slid open, needless to say the 22 employees all looked up, and were very surprised. Not only was someone breaking routine, it was a woman dressed in leather, wielding a whip, with a bear at her beck and call, who wore a green bowler and a red neck tie. "What is the meaning of this?" Yelled a man slightly shorter than Whiplash in her boots. He had a bit of a tummy and his hair was in the early stages of receding. He was one of the few in the room who did not wear a lab coat, instead he wore, of all things, a fishing vest over a grey T-shirt, and grey sweat pants. Clipped to his fishing vest was a security tag with a royal purple out lining.

A quick survey of the room showed he was different than most the employees who mostly shared blue lined security passes. Whiplash examined the card, "Dr. Frances Mckay. Perfect" she whispered and took a step out of the elevator. She glanced over at a young man, his name was not one she recognised so she pointed to him, "Bon-Bon, example."

If you pinked, you would have missed it, Bon-Bon moved with a speed that should not have been possible with his bulk, yet still he did it, his teeth tore into the flesh of the man, who didn't even have time to scream. The other scientists in the room however had ample time to.

Whiplash cracked her whip, silencing the crowd. "I already see Dr. Mckay, I need Dr. Matsumoto, and Dr. Wayne. If they do not produce them selves in ten seconds, I will have Bon-Bon kill another." Her tone was cold, commanding, like a queen upon her throne, she demanded respect and obedience.

"There is no need for further blood shed." A voice of a young man announced. "I am Dr. Wayne, and I assure you, if you keep your friend here from killing anyone else, my staff and I will assist you in any way possible to get this ordeal over with as quickly as possible."

He was tall, about six foot, a little on the skinny side, but surprisingly tone for a science nerd. His hair was cut short, almost militaristic, the stop was a little longer than the sides and spiked up with hair gel. He wore a white lab coat with a white dress shirt under, along with a black tie, and black dress pants and dress shoes. He looked very professional, especially in contrast to Mckay. Whiplash smiled as she eyed him, he was rather handsome. His security card was gold lined.

A Japanese woman with long black hair tied up into a sloppy bun also stepped forward. She wore a pink T-shirt under her lab boat with white pants, she was rather unremarkable, neither pretty, nor ugly. She was just... average in every sense of the word. "I am Dr. Matsumoto." Her security card was silver lined.

"Excellent, I so do love working with smart people. They make the best choices." Whiplash walked slowly up to Dr. Wayne, with each step of her high heeled boots, the walls echoed, no one spoke, most of the people were even holding their breath. If someone dropped a pin, they would have all heard it. Whiplash lifted her whip and used it to caress the Doctor's clean shaven face, a rather rare feature for the male doctors in the room.

She began to speak, it was soft, barely above a whisper, yet every single person in the room held on her every word. "Two days ago you reported to your superiors you had success with the T-600 Formula. Bring every drop of it to me and load it into the elevator, than you three will come with me. Your employees will be locked in, cut off from the outside world with a timer. In 6 hours, the lock will release and they will be free to go home to their families. Able to hug their children, kiss their lovers, all because you three followed my every order. Am I clear?"

"Very well. Johnson, do as she asks." Dr. Wayne ordered with out missing a beat. "May I say something?" He asked politely.

"You may." She replied whimsically.

"We were only successful in a trial on a pig. We are still weeks, maybe months away from human trials. With out the proper lab, resources, and personnel, this sample, and us might be worthless to you." He spoke calmly, as if talking about the latest celebrity gossip around the water cooler with a friend.

"Spare me, Doctor. You would not report to your superior unless you were confident you narrowing in on a success. He is a very busy man after all." She laughed as the one named Johnson rolled over two large barrels on a dolly. "And this just proves, the cost to manufacture this is staggering. No way you would create so much with out confidence."

The doctor conceded, she was smarter than he expected from a super villain. "Thank you Johnson. Frank, Kim, let us go." He took the dolly from Johnson and rolled it into the elevator.

"Stop. You are going to test it on someone first, I want to ensure it is the real deal. Not some decoy." whiplash smiled and grabbed Johnson by the throat. "Test it on him, or I kill everyone else in the room. Slowly."

Dr. Wayne sighed and did as she asked, he began to prepare a syringe. Johnson looked panic stricken, barely able to breath, "Please. God, no. I beg you, Stop this.""

Whiplash whispered gently into his ear, "God can't hear you down here." She cackled as Dr. Wayne injected Johnson against his will.

At first nothing happened, then Johnson began to scream in pain, his muscles began to bulge, his skin turned a dark blue, and he began to grow in size. His tiny, skinny frame was starting to look like a body builder in seconds. Whiplash had seen enough, she swung her whip, coiling around his throat and she unleashed her full power on the half transformed man. He screamed in pain as he fried like a hot dog in a microwave.

The corpse of Johnson fell to the ground, an electrically burned corpse. He looked a little like beef jerky, which made Bon-Bon lick his lips.

Whiplash and Bon-Bon herded the three target doctors onto the elevator and left the remaining 17 employees with the smouldering corpse of Johnson. As the elevator began to ascend. "Congratulations Doctors, you are the first to create a Super Soldier Serum, ripped straight from Marvel Comic's Captain America."

Whiplash's communication's link suddenly came to life. "We got a Problem Whiplash, some masked man just landed in the courtyard." Reported the Bot, "He fell from the sky and landed creating a huge crater. He's clearly a super. He... seems to be singing to himself and oiling up his body... Very weird. Do you have the targets?"

"All four acquired, data mine successful?" She replied as she bit her lip.

"42% Complete, there is a lot more here than I ever dreamed. They apparently share a network with all the other Galaxy Labs in the world, and they have projects even I didn't know they were working on." Bot almost sounded giddy at his last comment."

Whiplash regained her composure and began to take command of her troops. "Twirl, Join up with Situation, if the Hero investigates this building, kill him. Piranha start the engine, we'll be at the surface in 2 minutes. Bot, make sure you get the top level security information first in case we have to cut the information transfer short."

They all acknowledged and took to their jobs.


Carlos fell from the sky, performing a perfect swan dive right into the courtyard, the force of which blew debris of cement everywhere. The tall muscular man stood up and dusted himself off. The wind and dirt and removed most of his oil on his skin, this was unacceptable. He reached into his tights and pulled out a bottle of baby oil and began to apply a healthy coat to his magnificent muscles.

"Good evening, your dream is here for I am part of it. You think I’m sexy and your right, come a little closer I wont bite. I see the love that’s in your eyes, between my legs you’ll find a prize. For I am what your dreaming of, I am Carlos man of love." He sang, dancing in place, and oiling himself.

As he completed his first versus, he realized something wasn't right. No one had come to see him, no one was staring or paying any attention. This was bad, Carlos needed a crowd to please. He began to leap around and then he saw someone, a man lying sprawled out on a roof. He leapt up to the roof and checked the man, he was dead and wore a security uniform. "Carlos' mask was right. Something is wrong here."

Carlos began searching the compound more carefully. "Evil doers, come out and face the great Carlos, Man of Love, the Shark of the land. If you face Carlos in honorable combat, then your sins may be forgiven by the God of Wrestling!" He shouted at the top of his rather powerful lungs.


A little ways away from the compound a large lizard man was dashing across the desert at speeds no street legal car was capable of. The man was Voth, a human who had mutated to take on the traits of a reptilian. In the blaring strong sun, Voth ran barefoot, stripped down to only a pair of light tan shorts, his clothes stuffed into a back pack. His scales had turned a similar tan brown to his shorts, so they would reflect as much sunlight as possible.

Suddenly a figure landed a few feet behind him and leapt back into the air. Valkyrie was travelling with him, while travelling together they had picked up the distress call on a police scanner they had "acquired" in the last city they visited. Valkyrie had super strength, which allowed her to leap great distances just like Carlos to travel, her strength was great enough she could easily leave Voth in the dust, but she had learned to time her jumps so that she would always land a few feet behind Voth, so not to harm him or cause him to lose speed.

Voth's confidence has shot up like rocket since meeting the beautiful young woman, and she had influenced him to give crime fighting a second chance. Not only that, but she gave him such confidence, that he was actually starting to feel proud of his powers, using them at every opportunity and training to use them more effectively.

Up ahead, they could see the wall of the Compound coming up fast. "Let's go Nina, nice and quiet! There may be nothing wrong, after all." He shouted to the wonderful woman.

As they neared, they slowed down to a gentle jog. Voth leapt onto the wall, his claws barely dug into the stone , just barely enough for him to climb up at crazy speeds. Valkyrie leapt up in a single bound, meeting him at the top.

Voth could see a crater in the center of the compound, and a man running around in a Luchador mask screaming about honor and what not. Voth only had to watch for a few minutes to know exactly what was happening, this man, was clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was a hero. Something really was wrong at the complex. Voth's scales turned a cement gray, "Let's let the dolt draw them out, and look around quietly." He whispered before leaping down to the ground and running off to investigate the nearest building.

Hound, The Tracker, The Archer, The Hunter
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound110
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound3
Voth, The Lizard King
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth-1

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Location : Canada
Age : 37
Job : Military
Registration date : 2011-04-21

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Valkyrie May 4th 2011, 7:42 pm

Nina listened to Voth before giving a curt nod, glancing at the luchador once more before simply letting herself fall from the building, absorbing some of the landing by bending her legs. Her knees gave a slight twinge of protest, but she ignored it, opting to instead follow behind her reptilian cohort.

The sun abused her, soaking into her downy vest like boiling water, but the damn thing wouldn't fit into her already overstuffed backpack. She reached into one of its many open compartments for a bottled water, taking a delicate sip of the precious fluid before sliding it back, still behind her companion by a foot or two. She tried her best not to pummel the desert terrain with her combat boots, using every precise tendon and muscle to take feminine strides, as opposed to her usual soldiers march ( or, in this case, jog ).

The zippers on the many facets of her clothes and pack gave of the slightest metallic chimes as they covered ground between buildings, a sound so soft, she wished desperately to silence it. Nina hated the heat, and coupled with that was her hatred of open spaces. This desert compound had a hideously harmonious marriage of the two, which was plenty to set her teeth on edge. ''The sooner we are done here, the better.'' she groused, barely above a whisper, expending extreme restraint to not overtake Voth and simply sprint to the nearest town, find some ice cream, and sleep off the stress she had been accruing from this ordeal.

She wanted to help, but she also wanted to know why this distress call couldn't have come from an island paradise, or maybe a shopping district. A 2 star mall food court would be better than this... She thought bitterly, looking over her shoulder at every alien sound.

Post Mate
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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by The Bolt May 5th 2011, 7:55 pm

Kander decided not to join Aaron in his venture. Which he allowed. Since he wasn't ordered to do so. Sighing he kick started the motorcycle and drove on. Following the strange man. A good distance. Till he reached an interesting building. Only to be greeted by the same man oiling himself down again. Aaron grew sick for a second. Putting the bike up. Kickstand ready. As he approaching the hulk of a man. Just when he was about to adminish him the guy jumped. Up on the roof! How was that possible? Was he some superhero, or some shit like that? An anime hero he seemed like. yet Aaron kept his commentary to himself. It was a curiosity in its own right. So he would find out sooner or later. So it might be a good idea to draw the guys attention. Learn more about the situation. "Ummm hey! Mister wrestler dude!" He cupped hid hand around his mouth. Hoping the muscle bound man would hear him, or keep going on. Pulling the rowan staff from his back. Holding it lazily but firmly in his right hand. Midways on the pole. "I need to know whats going on around here. If you don't mind taking time out of your busy schedule to tell me! I'm willing to help!" He was hopin gthe ernest tone would help any. After all Aaron added it for special effect. The guy didn't seem too bright. So use it against him if need be.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Hound May 6th 2011, 2:52 am

Carlos leapt down from the roof and landed beside Aaron, the masked man examined the boy, and the motorcycle he had drove through the unmanned security gates. "Carlos knows you. You were in the dinner. Carlos deduces that you are not responsible for the 17 men I have found dead so far. Carlos also deduces that judging by your readiness to follow a man who can leap over all buildings, and follow said man into the desert, you are no ordinary man either." Carlos smiled. People always thought he was dumb. He was just as smart as the rest of them. Just a little odd.

Carlos turned his back to the boy, "You are young, most likely lack experience, but if you wish to help, Carlos will not stop you. You may follow, Carlos is bullet proof, so use Carlos as cover." He instructed. "Carlos believes it is best to start at the main facility straight a head." He pointed to the largest building straight ahead.


Meanwhile Voth and Valkyrie had been weaving in between the buildings, checking windows as they passed. The buildings were all on security shut down. Civilians locked in, unable to get out. The windows were all bullet proof with reinforced tungsten steel bars. The place made prisons look warm and inviting. A few buildings were empty with the exception of fresh blood covering the walls. Voth knew something big was going down.

He spotted the Masked man, and a boy heading towards the largest building. Voth could barely make out a man and woman with pink hair inside the lobby. They seemed to be arguing and pointing outside. They were the bad guys. Voth's gut told him so. Still, there was no way this was a two man job. More had to be else wear.

"Let's check the back." He whispered before leading the way to the back side of the building. In the rear was a loading bay, at least nine different transport trucks were lined up in a pretty little row. Only one had a driver. They moved closer and at a far distance they could tell he was no employee.

Voth more than anyone knew what it meant to not judge a book by its cover, but this guy was jittery as all hell, checking the mirrors every few seconds.

"Nina, he has to be the get away driver, which means what ever they are after isn't loaded yet. With the two in the front, that means there is at least five people. Because there is no way they are after something so small that only one person could load it on to a truck that big. You can easily rip through that truck like its butter, and I doubt that guy holds a candle to you. I'm going to sneak in. When shit hits the fan, and you'll know it when it happens, take that guy and the transport out." Voth explained with out trying to sound to bossy. When he was sure she understood the plan he slipped past the open dock door with out Piranha noticing.


"Status report." Whiplash barked, the elevator still had just over a minute before arriving at ground level.

"49% I need more time. The security system keeps trying to lock me out, I can't stop hacking for even a second." Dr. Gyou immediately replied, agitation in his voice. "10 Minutes till completion."

"Not good enough Doctor." Whiplash respond with a growl.

"Not to be a downer on the party." Twirl now spoke over the intercom. "A Luchador and a brat who looks like a girl are approaching the doors. They are going to be a problem."

"Take the fight outside, Situation will destroy the building if he fights indoors. We need to give the Bot more time." Whiplash instructed, clearly agitated. Bon-Bon moved to pat the woman on the shoulder, his general demeanour was far gentler towards the woman.

Dr. Wayne took this as an opportunity, and whispered into the Asian woman's ear, "Take cover when I give the signal." She quickly passed the message onto the third hostage's ear. The three doctors nodded in agreement before Bon-Bon turned and glared at them. He made no action but his stare lingered for a few moments he returned his attention to Whiplash.

"What should I do?" Asked Piranha, now adding his two cents.

"Guard the truck, we already have billions of dollars worth of prototypes on board. We can't afford anything happening to them." Whiplash was no starting to have a migraine.


"The Situation will handle this." He announced with a smile before opening the lobby doors and confidently strutting up to Carlos, only a few feet away now.

Twirl sighed as she followed, her Golem directly behind her. She normally would have outright attacked, but their goal was time, if they could leave it at a stare off for as long as possible, all the better.

The Situation removed his sunglasses and eyed Carlos, he noted the fact Carlos was topless, covered in oil, and well tanned. The Situation took this as a challenge. Carlos may have been taller, but they were almost equally built. The situation began to strip off his jacket and button up shirt, revealing his well toned, well bronze tanned, shaven, glorious body.

Both men stared for what felt like a full minute before they began to flex at one another. Both revealing rather impressive builds. They each took a step closer, now in arms reach.

"Carlos is impressed." Carlos said with a smile.

"The Situation agrees with that statement." Replied the Super Villain.

"Sadly, we must do battle."

"If we must."

Carlos slammed a fist into the face of The Situation with explosive force, only to find that the Situation literally blew up with explosive force. Carlos was unprepared for the shock, both men were completely engulfed in the explosion and Carlos was sent flying, smashing through the thick cement wall. The smoke cleared and the Situation stood unmoved. The tiniest of marks on his chin. "The Situation believes he was just hit by a gnat."

Carlos stood up from the rubble and smiled, "Carlos is impressed, most fights end with a single strike." Carlos leapt through the air and landed in front of The Situation. Carlos swung a fist, which resulted in another explosion as it hit the target. The smoke cleared, bot men seemed unfazed, and the slugfest continued. With every hit, another explosion.

Twirl cupped her ears, the sound was annoying to say the least. She pointed to the boy and growled at her Golem, "Squash him like a bug!" She ordered before pulling out a small book, it appeared old, bound in a leather, weird writing on the cover in red ink like substance. She began casting, her green eyes glowed red as a magic circle appeared below her feet, about 2 meters in diameter, glowing bright hot pink. "MAGE ARMOR!" She Shouted as a glowing white dome covered.

The Golem charged at full speed at the boy, preparing to swing it's massive fists.

The small monkey like imp remained at Twirl's side, not moving, just cackling with glee at the expected site of blood.


Valkyrie and Piranha could both hear the explosions. Piranha knew what they were, but that did not change how nervous he was becoming due to it. He fiddle with the keys, not sure if he should start the engine, or go help.


Voth crawled along the ceiling of the building, searching every room, so far he had found no one, no employees, no other super villains, but a lot of blood. Still he was amazed at how little damage the building had, clearly the attack was organised and well planned so as little damage would occur. As to why, he wasn't sure, but he guessed it had to do with the big pay day at the end of the job.

Suddenly the main elevator door dinged and slid open. Voth took cover in a shadowy room as a woman in a leather outfit, a giant bear, and three scientists wheeling a dolly with some weird metal barrels came out of the elevator and began making their way to the back door. This was bad, Valkyrie couldn't handle this many people. He had to make his way back before they did.

An explosion occurred outside, followed by another, and then another. What was going on outside?

One of the metal canisters nearly fell off the dolly after the last explosion, the three doctors all gasped in horror and the tallest one, a man who looked real uptight leapt forward and caught it before it hit the ground. He set it back in place.

"Very good, Dr. Wayne. You are proving useful in more than one way. You might just survive this little hostage situation." Whiplash jokingly laughed. "Get a move on. Bon-Bon. Go help Situation and Twirl take care of the annoyances." She suddenly ordered and the large Bear turned and headed for the main lobby.

"Sit rep, Dr. Gyou." Whiplash tapped her comm. link.

"63% We're almost done." The Bot replied.

"What is taking so long?"

"Are you kidding? We're moving 300 Zettabytes, do you have any idea how much information that is? My compression algorithm changed this from a 3 day job to a 20 minute job. You should be bowing at my brilliance." Anger grew in Bot's voice.

"My Apologies Doctor, but the longer we are hear the more chances Heroes have to stop us." She explained trying to keep him calm.

Voth had heard all he needed, he knew who were bad, who were good, and what the situation was. He would have to take out this leather clad lady, free the hostages and then find this Gyou character. But how to do it with out anyone getting hurt?

Hound, The Tracker, The Archer, The Hunter
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound110
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound3
Voth, The Lizard King
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth-1

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Location : Canada
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2011-04-21

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by The Bolt May 6th 2011, 9:58 pm

Well now things were bumping. First two weirdos came out of the building. Then more shirts were removed. (None of the guys were hot at all.) Followed by this little girl starting an attack on him. Which supried him. A summon what it looked like charged him. Though Aaron had enough combat knowledge to move. Body reacting. As he performed five flips back. Making sure to keep his footing. As he glared at the strange golem like creature. "Pretty nice i have to admit. Let me show you my pet." With that the air shimmered. Glowing red for a second as somethign came into existence. It looked like a giant bug. Well a giant mantis to be exact. Large, green and grotesque. Though Aaron didn't mind it. Its arms were sharp blades that seemed to be made of some strange organic metal. Eyes a prism. "Mantis kill it. Also do what you want with the little girl." He sent a telepathing message to the thing. As it charged the golem. Arms about to swing in a crisscross slash. He knew what its blade arm's could do. Let's see if this thing could hold up. Hopefully it didn't. It would be a pain if a fight ensued longer than needed.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Valkyrie May 8th 2011, 2:09 am

She wiped the back of her gloved hand across her forehead, already her short fuse burnt to the base. ''Watch the truck...'' she said bitterly, stomping over to it without masking herself at all. The loud booms had made her jumpy, and gave her a sharp headache. I guess the shit's hit the fan She thought, thankful to finally be able to take action.

''Oi!'' she yelled, cracking her knuckles and neck ''Out of the truck, sparky.''

The figure turned to her, his eyes widening with confusion and fear from the sudden new figure. Nina's temper was lost now, the heat had fried every ounce of her patience, and she didn't even wait for the persons reaction before tearing the drives side door off the truck. ''Th' names Valkyrie.'' she growled, cupping a hand over his mouth while the other grabbed his throat firmly. ''I'm taking your truck now.'' She effortlessly shoved him into the passengers seat of the trucks cabin, ''You better stay fuckin' quiet.'' Her voice was hard, void of anything remotely human or feminine. She picked up the discarded door and climbed into the drivers seat, slamming the door back into its original frame, pinching some of the metal around it so it wouldn't simply fall off.

With a sigh, she rested a hand on the wheel. ''Don't make a single sound, ok?'' she mumbled, rubbing at her left temple. ''I'd hate to have to crush your skull like a Cadbury cream egg.'' She turned to her new companion and gave a bitter grin. ''It's messy.'' she said with a flat assurance.

Post Mate
Post Mate

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Registration date : 2011-04-29

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Hound May 8th 2011, 6:00 pm

Explosions continued to rattle the very foundations of the buildings as the various battles began to unravel. The giant stone Golem collided with the praying mantis in combat. The two mindless brutes striking at each other with all their might with no real strategy behind their movements, battling purely off instinct.

Twirl smiled, her opponent summoned creatures, that men he was a fellow caster? Interesting. She began to laugh an evil, haunting cackle as started casting her next spell. Small white balls of magic began to form all around her, each one the size of a baseball. They suddenly began to launch at the boy, they were fast, and fairly accurate for a ball of energy being lobbed about, but they weren't all that strong. They wouldn't kill him, but hopefully they would hurt him or at the very least keep him from noticing the little monkey imp sneaking up from behind him for lock of his hair.


Piranha stared in shock, completely flabbergasted by the woman. Who on earth was she? How did she rip that door off? Is she with the masked man in the court yard? All he truly knew was that she was stopping him from completing his mistress' orders. That was unacceptable. "This is Mistress Whiplash's truck!" He screeched in a high pitch, almost whine like voice as he lunged forward. His jaw seemed to dislocate as it grew in size and slammed down tight around Valkyrie's arm. His teeth were sharp, and his jaw strength was insane, a normal person's arm would have been gone in a blink. Nina's tough skin however kept her arm right in it's place.

It did not stop his teeth from penetrating her skin and drawing blood. He squeezed with all his strength but could not tear through her muscle and bone. Not yet anyway. Given time, he might do it, but Nina would probably not give him time.

Piranha realised this and began swinging with in human speeds his fists at her kidney while he maintained his bite. Again, his weak punches probably wouldn't do a thing, at first anyway. But how about 5 in the exact same spot? 10? No maybe 50! Piranha swung as fast as he could, he had to protect the truck.


Carlos stood over the Situation who had finally been brought to his knees. Carlos' fist was scorched, his skin peeling and charred. The Situation's face was purple, and swollen. The fight was nearly over, Carlos was winning. He raised his fist for a final strike when suddenly a brown, furry blur slammed into Carlos. The blur was Bon-Bon, and the two began punching and clawing at one another. The large bear tried to rip Carlos' face off, trying to force the man down into a pinned position.

Carlos would not stand, er, lay down for such a thing. Using his superior wrestling skills, he slipped out from under the bear and grappled Bon-Bon from behind, squeezing down on his windpipe. Bon-Bon tried to buck the wrestler off, but he could feel his lungs begin to burn, running out of air. Bon-Bon took off at full speed, running around the compound with Carlos on his back. Taking the sharpest turns he could, trying to shake him off.

Bon-Bon fell to his knees, black spots began to appear in front of his eyes. Carlos smiled, it was nearly over, when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. Carlos turned his head and he was met with a fist to the face that suddenly exploded. Carlos was sent flying, freeing Bon-Bon. The Situation had returned to the battle just in time.

Bon-Bon glared at the Situation and pointed to some burnt hair, a result of the explosion. "The Situation believes a few burnt hairs is better than being knocked out, fur-ball. Whiplash wants the Heroes dead, now."

Carlos sat up, shaking the confusion from his head as the two villains lunged at him...


Whiplash shoved the young female doctor, "Keep moving, we're almost at the docking bay." She ordered. The three glared, they knew they were running out of chances to escape, but if they made a run for it, one of them would most likely die, her whip had a long reach to it after all.

"Not so fast!" Roared Voth as he slammed a kick into Whiplash's stomach, he has used all his restraint to only use about 50% of his power, in case she was a normal person and he didn't kill her. Big mistake. She flew back and slammed into a wall. The Doctors took this opportunity and ran in all directions.

"I hate heroes." She scowled, Whiplash cracked her whip, which Voth guarded against by raising one of his arms. What could a whip do against his hard, reptilian hide? As it made contact, a strong electrical current flowed through Voth, dropping him to his knees as he screamed in agony. She cut off the current before she killed him and kneeled before the reptile. "Idiot. This isn't the comics. Even the police aim to kill during hostage situations, you should have killed me in that first strike, now you're dead."

Voth slashed his right claw at Whiplash who jumped back narrowly in time, tearing a part of her costume. "You talk to much." He growled before she sent another wave of electricity through the whip, still hooked to his arm. He screamed in pain again, he was beginning to smell like fried chicken.

"This is too easy." She said with a smile, enjoying the torture of the helpless would-be-hero.

"NOOO!" Screamed a man's voice as he tackled Whiplash, it was Doctor Wayne. He knocked the whip from her hand before she grabbed him and tossed him like a rag doll at random, he soared through the air and smashed into the two canisters. As he crashed, they shattered into pieces, the green fluids splashing and soaking the doctor . He coughed, and wheezed as he accidentally swallowed some of the contents, some sweeping into his eyes.

Whiplash let out a loud frustrated growl, "No! My billions!" She turned to take her rage out on the Hero who was already standing up behind her. Voth slammed a fist into her face, not realising yet what was happening. She flew into a wall, the drywall cracking and crumbling from the force of her.

"Help me!" Doctor Wayne weakly said, his face twisted in fear, as kneeled on all fours on the ground. He looked up to Voth and stretched out a hand, his skin seemed to be... moving, like a fluid.

Voth moved to him, and stretched out his own hand, fear filled Voth, he had never seen such a thing. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how. He grabbed the man's hand, which immediately squashed, like grabbing pudding. Voth fell backwards, freaking out, what was going on? The man melted before his eyes, turning into a silvery pudding like substance.

"What the hell is going on?!" Voth yelled to no one in particular.

"What just happened, is you just cost me 13 billion dollars. It's going to take me months to replicate that serum, and the worst part, the leading scientist just died." Whiplash was on her feet, gripping her whip with rage, "I'm going to make you pray for death for what you cost me!"

Hound, The Tracker, The Archer, The Hunter
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound110
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound3
Voth, The Lizard King
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth-1

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Location : Canada
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2011-04-21

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Valkyrie May 8th 2011, 7:05 pm

Nina screamed and slammed her arm back, repeatedly bashing his head against the dashboard and back of the seat. ''Stop it!'' she cried out, shocked at the fact that someone had actually harmed her. With one forceful tear, she grasped the back of his neck and tore his jaws free, leaving gashes down her skin that wept a bright, cherry-red blood.

Her eyes teared, kicking her leg out randomly to stop his fists, she was desperate for the pain to stop. He was weird looking enough, but now he was actually powerful enough to split her skin, and fear began to trickle into her bloodstream.

''You're hurting me!'' she squealed, pushing him back with an elbow as she started the truck, slamming a foot down onto the gas pedal while shooting her fist out, hoping to strike him as she pealed forward and sped the truck away from the building. Nina prayed that Voth was alright, and hoped that maybe if she couldn't help him, she could at least throw a wrench into the works. ''Bastard!'' A punch connected with the strangers temple, sending it into the dashboard and leaving a sizable dent.

Post Mate
Post Mate

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Registration date : 2011-04-29

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by The Bolt May 10th 2011, 8:44 pm

With nimble motions he dodged each of orbs. Somewhat suprised by the flexibility of her magic. Though it would take more than that to beat Aaron. After all he had trained his body to deal with more than this. Yet one thign he wasn't paying attention to was the monkey. Which had disappeared from the guys shoulder. Which he didn't notice till the last second. As he felt a tug as a peice of his hair was pulled."What the hell?!?" Aaron spat swinging his staff from his back at the thing. Hoping to kill it. Hopefully anyway.
((OOC: sorry if its short))
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Hound May 10th 2011, 11:24 pm

In Valkyrie's rage, the truck sped off, her attention to focused on Piranha, she didn't even see the building in front of her, the truck slammed hard, crushing the front of the truck, and the wall at the same time. Piranha smashed his head on the console, passing out. Valkyrie on the hand was made of sterner stuff. Despite the bruise now forming on her head, she was still spry and able to move, which would be a good idea, as the roof of the building was about to collapse on the truck sticking out of it's side. Valkyrie was going to have to move fast, she could either make a run for it alone, or take Piranha with her. If she left him, her would probably die from the weight of the roof. But it was her choice...


Aaron clipped the monkey like imp, but he managed to return to Twirl, still grasping the few strands of hair needed. She grinned with delight taking the strands of hair, this was it, this was all she needed for the spell. Soon Aaron would have so little luck, he wouldn't be able to walk in a straight line with out breaking a bone, much less beat her.

She began the ceremony of placing the hair in her book with suddenly Bon-Bon was through at her, smashing into her mage's shield. She screamed as a headache over came her, Bon-Bon sliding the ground. The force has been so great, and so draining on her mana, that she could barely see straight now. "Idiot!" She cried as Bon-Bon tried to stand, groggy from the impact. Carlos was bleeding from a large claw gash in his chest, but it was hardly serious to the man of Love. The Situation was barely on his feet.

Twirl glared with anger as her strength began to return and launched her magic missiles at Carlos, forgetting all about Aaron. The magic smashed into Carlos' face, disorienting him, giving Bon-Bon the chance to charge in at him.

The Golem, and the Mantis continued to battle, they seemed evenly matched, they were headed towards a factory facility, if left alone they would most likely cause some serious property damage.

Aaron could either try and stop the Golem, preventing serious property damage, or take the opportunity to attack Twirl while her rage blinded her to him. Still he would have to be careful, the Imp, though injured, was with her and could potentially warn her of any threat.


Voth hunched over the puddle of liquid silver and pile of clothes that use to be Doctor Wayne. He had failed, let a man die right in front of him. It was all for money. Whiplash cracked her whip, snapping him out of his self hating trance. "Sorry? Did I interrupt? I want to beat you now, if it's convenient for you. Right?"

"You just killed a man, for money. Doesn't that mean a thing?' Voth growled through clenched teeth, glaring at the woman.

"I've killed a lot of men. For a lot of reasons. But that man? Died because you played hero." She swung the whip at Voth, who leapt out of the way narrowly. His tongue shot out of his mouth and smashed into her eyes, she screamed in pain and Voth took the opening. He Grabbed the empty canister and smashed it over her head with full force. She collapsed to the ground, knocked out, but not dead. The lizard man grabbed her own hip and began to tie her up.

He took a glance around, the other scientists were long gone and in hiding, so with a sigh he dragged the woman towards the lobby. Voth spotted the fight outside, but who was good and who was bad? The bear was bad... so he just had to observe for a few minutes and see who was hurting and who was helping the bear...

Hound, The Tracker, The Archer, The Hunter
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound110
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound3
Voth, The Lizard King
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth-1

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Location : Canada
Age : 37
Job : Military
Registration date : 2011-04-21

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Valkyrie May 11th 2011, 4:57 pm

Nina groaned, sitting up as dust and debris pattered on the windshield. After a moment, it dawned on her what was happening; she had crashed, and the building was aching to collapse on her. Fear was a powerful thing, tearing into her and making her even stronger than usual. With one well-planted kick the driver's side door shot off and skittered in the dust as sheet rock and wooden splinters began to rain down on the trucks roof. She slid out and ran about four steps before looking back.

Inside was the freaky creature, the one who had hurt her, made her bleed. He posed a direct threat to her, and he lay unconscious in the vehicle. Before she could even think she was wrenching him free, dragging him away from the wreck as the building slid onto the truck in thick sections, crushing it.


She folded her legs under her and sat on the ground, resting the creatures head on her lap. His eyes remained closed, but as she put her ear to his nose, she discovered he was breathing. ''You better not bite me after this...'' she said, gently placing her hand on his forehead. Blood still wept from the slices in her arm, and she frowned at them as they darkened, already beginning to clot. She wondered if it was right to save him, but pushed the idea away. Letting him die was just as good as murder, and even though he was one of the bad guys, Nina wasn't a cold-blooded killer.

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by The Bolt May 16th 2011, 4:34 pm

Aaron had to be careful Now that the golem was out of the picture too busy fighting with his summon. He could atatck the pissed off little girl. Which was a more sane plan than seemed. As about three wasp crawled from his left sleeve. Flying silently to the other side of the girl. They were to be but a distraction. He would have them explode close to her. Catching the little imps and her attention. Just long enough while he chraged full speed. To sweep her feet out from under her. Then most likely try for a second attack. To knock her out. This girl was a dangerous magic user. Whatever she could do he didn't want to mess with. Especially if she was nywhere as scary as his sister. No way would he want to deal with that. So whaen the wasp were only about a foot away from Twirl. Aaron charged. Silentyl knwing not to ruin his chances. As the wasp's exploded. Creating a deafening but not too potentially damaging explosion. Hopefully the plan worked.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Empty Re: The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends

Post by Hound May 16th 2011, 8:58 pm

Voth pushed open the lobby doors and dropped the tied up, unconscious woman on the ground in plain view as he observed the fights. He had already figured out who was on what side, and then he saw his first opportunity.

Aaron's exploding wasps weakened the magical barrier enough for him to slip through. Twirl spun on her heel and prepared to cast a spell at point blank range in to Aaron's face with a pink whip like thing wrapped around her magical book and yanked it free from her grip. She gasped in shock, watching the book fly off and land in a large Lizard man's hands, just as Aaron slammed a fist into her gut, knocking the wind out of her and dropping her to her knees.

Twirl's concentration broke completely, her magical barrier faded away to nothing, her stone Golem groaned and crumbled into dust, and her magical imp disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. She wheezed for air as she looked up at air, humiliated by her easy defeat.

Voth and Aaron looked to see Carlos standing over a large bear and a man, both unconscious at his feet. He was breathing heavy, and had several gashes all over his body. His pants and mask were torn, but still kept everything they needed hidden.

Carlos grabbed both of them and dragged them over and set them down near Twirl and Whiplash. "Hello fellow heroes. I believe Carlos is winning. 2 for Carlos, 1 for each of you." He said with a laugh. "Is there any more?"

"At least two." Voth said calmly, examining the book in his hand. It felt weird, like leather, but no leather he had ever seen before. He tossed the took down beside Whiplash. "I left my partner watching one of them. Can you guys watch these four while I go get? She's probably beat him by now."

"Carlos will keep watch. Be careful, young Chameleon." He smiled brightly. Voth nodded and ran back inside, taking the short cut through the building to the back. As he ran down the hallway he slowed as he passed the scene where the doctor had died earlier. To his great surprise, the silvery pudding was gone, and only the clothes remained. Had it absorbed into the floor? Voth was no scientist, so he figured something logical happened. Not like liquid can walk away.

Voth opened the back door of the cargo loading bay and spotted the mess. The transport truck was now sticking out of another building, which had collapsed on the cab. Valkyrie was watching over Piranha, he seemed out cold.

"Nina, are you okay?" He asked as he spotted the dried blood on her arm. Voth explained what was happening so far and picked up Piranha, carrying him over his shoulder, he lead Valkyrie to the group out front. He set the fish man down. Five super villains. "I am positive there is a sixth one."

Suddenly a huge energy blast struck Carlos, sending him flying once more, smashing through, yet another building. Voth and the others saw the one who had fired the shot, a man in thick advanced armour stood atop the main building. "Useless. Being beat by such trash. I shall destroy you heroes for interfering." The voice boomed from a speaker in the helmet, the suit reminded Voth of a black and white painted Ironman, only less lame looking. The armour seemed more practical, almost military like.

"Know what this is?" The man asked holding a black box, about the size of a brick. "It's nicknamed "Freak Buster" by the military. It's scheduled to begin production next month. Among the things we are stealing, we are setting them back to square one, so they can't use a weapon like this on supers. Do you know why?"

Carlos leapt from the whole in the ground he had been blasted into, and landed beside the other heroes, he glared up at the man, waiting for an explanation, he wasn't as dumb as he looked, and he didn't want to fight till he knew what it was.

The man laughed and tossed it at the group. Carlos caught it curiously.

"That, Heroes, is a 20-kilo Ferris plated sub-space bomb. Feel the weight, surprising for something so small. When it detonates, it expands to a 1 kilometer sphere, and lasts for five seconds. It impacts with the force of a 38-kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city-buster dropped on Hiroshima in world war two. It uses energy drawn from subspace to completely disintegrate everything organic in the field before dissipating harmlessly, causing no damage to the surrounding areas, and leaving no residual radiation." The man suddenly began to hover.

Voth turned to Carlos, "Throw it!" Carlos nodded and turned and tried to throw it towards the wide open desert. But to his dismay it remained in his hand.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to mention, the Ferris plate is build with pores that, when activated, secrete a compound that fuses flesh to metal. And you have... 8 seconds to it blows. Bye." The Bot took off at full speed, flying through the air and in seconds was gone from sight.

Carlos examined the bomb then looked at the other Heroes. "It has been an honour." He said with a smile and lowed his stance, and focusing all his strength, he leapt into the air. He too disappeared out of sight, going even higher than the clouds, a truly impressive feat. Then the sky lit up, a blinding white light filled the sky, and seconds alter a horrible, ear bursting blast rattled the entire compound, windows shattered.

Voth grabbed his ears and dropped to his knees. His ears rang horribly. When he recovered, he checked on Valkyrie and Aaron, they were fine, so were the villains they had in custody.

Was that it? One villain got away, prevented from taking billions of dollars of technology, but who knows what intangible data he got away with. On the reverse side, his five accomplices all lay at the hero's feet. Additionally, hundreds of soldiers, scientists, and a hero were dead.

The battle's done and we kind of won, so we sound our victory cheer, where do we go from here?

Voth pulled Valkyrie into a hug, and he kissed her forehead.

When does the end appear? When do the trumpets cheer? This is nothing like the comics.

(9003 world count at the moment)

Hound, The Tracker, The Archer, The Hunter
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound110
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Hound3
Voth, The Lizard King
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth
The Sensational Six Vs. Carlos, Man of Love, and Friends Voth-1

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Number of posts : 80
Location : Canada
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2011-04-21

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