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The awakening

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The awakening - Page 5 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow June 2nd 2011, 11:36 am

Elena Marie wrote: The foot slammed into Malice's face hard. It hurt liek hell but he could deal with it. Not like it would kill him. WOuld take more than that to do him in. He flew back smashing into a tree. As it creaked under the strain. Though Malice only stood up with a bloodied nose. Slightly angry from the Pain he felt. That man would feel that wratch of true evil. As the shadows converged to his left hand. Forming a gian shadow axe. About 10 feet in length. With a blade ornate and curved. Legs flexing as he rushed forward. Jumping as he flung forward. Axe postioned to chop Arrow in half vertically.

Elena was once again free from the confines of the lasso. Glaring balefully at the girl who was now in combat with Dr.Everyone. SHe wanted to kill her for underestimating a powerful witch. No now was not the time. A new challenger appeared. He held a sort of energy blade. The nearest threat to Elena not occupied. So he would get immidaite attention. Elena pointed her right palm at the man. As all the red symbols covering her arm glowed red. Flames leaking from her palms. As a burst of flames erupted to destroy Paradox. He was a threat. So she was going to burn him down.

The Black Arrow felt his foot connect into the mysterious shadow master's face. It sent him stumbling back into a tree. Arrow was more then aware of his superhuman strength so when Malice was hardly knocked back into the tree, he knew that if had he held back on his kick Malice would have retaliated immediately. The Black Arrow doesn't normally go around fly kicking everyone, but in this situation it was the best option. With the little time he had before Malice would recover Arrow observed everyone's new locations. The park was up in flames due to Dr. Everyone's recklessness, but for whatever personal reason the doctor seemed to stop blasting. The inferno remained but at least it would be the end of it. On Arrow's other side, Elaine already adapted to the new situation by going after Elena. That just left Malice up to him. Perfect.

Turning his attention back to Malice, Arrow prepared for him to make his counter attack by getting into a unique stance. He kept his feet moving, held his right hand out in front of him palm open, and his left one tucked in close to block. This was one of Arrow's most strategic stance that he created by mixing mix martial arts and Goju-ru. At this point Malice was getting back to his feet. Blood leaked from his nose, and Arrow could see the anger in his pitch black eyes. The kick must of caught him by surprise to of kept him down for more then a couple seconds, because it didn't take more then feeling his hard skull to know that Malice's physical attributes surpassed mans peak by a long shot. With his right hand, The Black Arrow then waved Malice on "Bring it"

Malice stood straight up and stared eye to eye with Black Arrow as he crafted a giant axe made out of shadows. It was at least ten feet in length and even though it was made out of a seemingly harmless shadow it wasn't something Steven wanted to get to close to. But what Arrow wanted didn't really matter at this point. Malice lunged forward swing his huge axe vertically straight for The Black Arrow. Knowing the minor details about Malice helped Arrow's next move in this battle. He wasn't going to try and take this head on or try to push Malice back. Even with his superhuman strength he knew that, that choose of action wouldn't end in his favor. So that only left him with one option. In a fight you really only have two different options. You can either get in, or get out. But it's what you do with those choices can decide and match, so Arrow would have to think quickly if he didn't want to be sliced in two.

The Black Arrow kicked off the ground with his left foot and took a huge sidestepped to the right. He had to get a good enough distance because of the size of the axe, but he had to make sure not to jump to far out so he could still make his own attack. The Black Arrow could play defensive but because of the situation around him it was better for him to try to deal the best amount of damage as quickly as possible. During his huge sidestep The Black Arrow flung his bow from around his shoulder and wielded it in his left hand. He had a few feet from him and the axe, and would only have this split second while Malice was still swinging his axe to react. So with the short time he had, The Black Arrow landed on his right foot and kicked himself forward this time, launching himself straight towards the shadow master. Holding his bow in his left hand, Arrow attempted to swing it into Malice's gut. He knew he wouldn't kept this freak down, but maybe he could knock the wind out of him again and give him time to set up a better planned attack.

The Black Arrow
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The awakening - Page 5 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha June 8th 2011, 2:55 pm

Well it seemed his attack came to nothing. The guy dodged it with little to no effort. Though Malice tried to think of another plan, which didn't come along great. All he was good at was killing things. Then the bow came across his gut with a hard whack. Malice was winded but his mind had a brief thought that may work. As the weapon struck him, he reached for it. Hoping to grasp it hard with his right hand. As the other lat go of the axe. Aimed as a fist at The Black Arrows face. He hoped to break something. Though killing him was what went through his mind. After all he was a simple being like that. Killing was like breathing to humans. It was natural.

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The awakening - Page 5 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow June 10th 2011, 1:24 pm

The Black Arrow felt the full force of his bow smashing into Malice's gut. Just being hit by something this hard would kill most men, but Malice wasn't like most men, and Arrow knew that. All of the gadgets Black Arrow has used so far today have been non-lethal because none of the people his gone up against yet have shown any signs of having superhuman durability, expect for Malice. So now he just had to pick which gadget to use. The Black Arrow's mind scanned through each gadget on his utility belt and his quiver and pick the one that would actually be able to keep Malice down for more then a second, the quickest, and the best one for his current situation. Not only was Arrow's mind fast enough to process all of this in the time it takes for Malice to react, it's able to process it and think of the best way to get it done.

After a couple split seconds of thinking The Black Arrow narrowed it down to his C4 arrow, because of it's highly powerful expolsion that would be more then capable of keeping Malice down for while, and because his bow could withstand the force of this explosion. The Black Arrow knew he couldn't rip his bow out of a grip like Malice's so this was one of his best options, the only thing left now was to actually do it.

Arrow smirked at Malice as he made the shadow axe vanish then cuffed his fist. "Hold this." The Black Arrow uttered as he let go of the handle on his bow, then ducked down low under the punch, and the bow. Arrow then quickly reached back into his quiver with both hands and swung out a C4 arrow in each hand. Not wasting any time Arrow tried to quickly jump past Malice. During his jump, if Malice wasn't able to catch him, Arrow spun himself around and threw both the arrows a once straight for both of Malice's shoulder blades.

The Black Arrow's feet slid back through the grass as he began to land out of his jump. The second the arrows left his hand, he held his left wrist out in front of him and just smirked. "It's over!" The Black Arrow then pushed two buttons on his wrist and made the C4 arrows explode. The explosion was loud and would mess up a piece of this park for sure, but after today there isn't much of a park left here.

The Black Arrow ears popped and his vision became blurry for a second, as a aftermath to the explosion. He quickly tried to regain control of what was going on around him. As his eye sight came back Arrow saw Paradox trying to fly away from the park with both Elaine and Elena under his arms. Perfect. Expect that not far behind them Phil, one of the new comers was charging after them at great speed. The Black Arrow then stopped and pressed in a small button on his right forearm. Once he pressed it, it started to flash red and make a faint beeping sound. After he turned the device on he ran to check on Malice, and to get his bow back. Malice was stilling laying on the ground unconscious so Black Arrow picked up his bow and began running in the direction that Paradox and Phil took off in.

Not long after he began running he heard the motor of a very powerful engine racing towards him. It was a small black bike with a red stripe across it. It was Red Scarlet. The bike peeled out in front of Arrow and the top of it opened up to reveal two seprate rows each with a single seat, a thousand different buttons scattered all over the place, and two handle bars. Arrow hopped in and twisted his wrist then started blasting down the road.

Black Arrow started to ease on the gas and hit the break when he saw Paradox flying in the sky, but with only Elena under his arm. After getting his attention, Paradox explained what happened to Arrow. He then handed Elena over to The Black Arrow then went his seprate way, for now. Arrow threw her in the second seat of his bike then jumped in himself, and began riding towards Phatom HQ. After he was done there, then they'd work on getting Elaine back.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on June 20th 2011, 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Arrow's application,
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The awakening - Page 5 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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The awakening - Page 5 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow June 10th 2011, 1:26 pm

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The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The awakening - Page 5 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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