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The awakening

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The awakening Empty The awakening

Post by Alpha March 28th 2011, 10:35 pm

It was a nice sunny day in Hollywood. By nice and sunny. It was blazing hot and unfriendly. People going about their busy daily schedule. People chattering on their cellphone, listening to ipods. Going on with their days. Unknowing that today chaos would break loose. Not knowing that that all hell would break loose. Just the way Elena liked it. Soon her plan would come to fruition. A good way to show S.C.A.R that she was worthy of joining. Not that they demanded any proof of power. She just felt it was right. So she had to.

Today she was wearing the ususal. Well she wasn't wearing the usual. Instead of wearing a tight shirt with over sized sleeves. She wore a sleeveless tanktop. Allowing the beeze the caress her arms. Tight black jeans with ripped knees, and black and white converse. Faded leather bound book cradled at her side. Thick flowing auburn hair tied into a ponytail. that fell down her shoulder. Blood red eyes scanned the area. She was looking for something. She had half of it.

Innocent and corrupt blood. In one hand she dragged a ragged looking man. Unconciouss and breathing slowly. Elena had made sure he wasn't dead. With a sigh she placed the book on a backpack. Torn and tattered on her back. Then she saw a young beeming girl. Hair like sunlight and eyes blue like sapphires. "She will do perfect" Elena smiled. People gave her strange looks as she approached the girl and what looked like her mother. Unconciouss man in hand.

"Excuse me miss i need to borrow your daughter" Elena said as the green tattoo on her chest glowed. Power surging throughout her entire body. "What the" was all the woman said. As Elena struck her in the back of the head. With only a mere fraction of her strength. Still rendering her unconciouss. Little gilr running to her side. Elena smirked as she struck the girl with a punch even weaker than the one used on her mother. Satisfied Elena grabbed the girl and began to walk off. As people began to scream things. Such as "Shes a pyscho." "Someone call the cops". It annoyed her but meant nothing. She had other things to do. An evil to awaken. After all. It was The Awakening.

Last edited by Elena Marie on June 2nd 2011, 12:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Sovereign March 29th 2011, 12:57 am

Nicholas Alexander Grimmholt soared high above the city, the trails of his black military standard issue greatcoat flapping in the wind as he cruised in at a sleek one hundred knots, the cerulean wings behind him leaving a pair of EM Repulse particles in the same color as a trail for a few hundred meters before they faded. His altitude, according to the fancy piece of equipment on his right arm, was just about a kilometer above the city, and his heading carried him on a low sweep of the area, banking sharp right as he reached a nice open area and finally spotted his employer for the job far below. With minor movements, he banked more to the right until he was nearly totally sideways, centripetal force keeping him from dangling uncomfortably as he spiraled down and and down through the rushing wind until he reached the hundred meter mark announced by his tactical watch and he straightened out, closing his wings and floating down on the concentrated token streams of energy released by his folded pair of resplendent wings in a directed thrust wave.

He flew rather like an Ultra-HIMAT jet, using thrust vectoring quite ably, and it was this that allowed him to coast to a stop next to the woman who had just struck the girl and her mother. His coat straightened up as he absorbed the small cloud of Electromagnetic Fog around him, and he walked after the woman. "Grimm Reaper reporting, miss," he said quickly, as he matched pace with the woman and his coat parted to reveal the pair of metal storage cases he was carrying, as well as a combat vest with several other small arms, magazines for what looked like a very, very big gun, and several other objects in his pockets. "I'm awaiting your orders,' he said, speaking in the professional military tone he adopted from his Air Force father. The weapons he had on him were quite extensive. In the cases was a monster Anzio Ironworks twenty millimeter sniper rifle, more of a cannon, really, that fired extremely large bullets originally used in the 20mm Vulcan cannons used on fighter jets. That massive weapon was over a hundred pounds, and more than six and a half feet long. He had five Depleted Uranium rounds and four five round magazines with a mix of High Explosive and Incendiary bullets strapped to his vest, along with a pair of Smith and Wesson 1911 Commandos and two magazines each on his hips and leg pockets.

Those, along with a cut down .50 caliber Beowulf mod rifle based on the standard M16A2 frame and four clips of ammunition on custom slots on the side of the weapon and a trip of white phosphorus hand grenades rounded out his impressive collection of armaments. He was focused heavily on ranged firepower because given what they were attempting to accomplish, it was certainly going to attract Hero attention, and if the stronger ones were around, he wanted to be able to provide good support without actually getting drawn into close combat where he was bound to flounder. While in the air, at least a mile up, he could stabilize the massive Takedown rifle/cannon with his magnetic powers and use it to get more accurate hits than normal people could. With a distance of roughly 5,280 feet above ground, and in a stable hover, he could fire pinpoint accurate rounds that only took two point something seconds to impact with an astonishing 38,000+ foot pounds of force. The DU was a rainy day special, and he also carried chaff grenades and flares for anything in the way of aircraft. That said, the weight of his equipment would weigh him down, and he would expend more energy faster than normal, which would give him a limited operational combat time.

Still, he would be able to keep the heroes running for cover, the Angel of Death floating above them on stark cerulean wings.

The awakening Sovereign

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where women roam and men plunder
Age : 30
Job : This and that, mostly something Karate related
Humor : I haven't a clue what that is. Sounds like a fugus
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha March 29th 2011, 6:43 pm

Elena smirked. The help she called for had arrived. From the networks at her disposal. Good things were said of this man. Great things indeed. With him everything would be going smoothly. No hero would stop her. Noone could stop what was to be done. She as a proffesional witch would'nt let it happen. No way in the nine circles of hell.

She looked the flying man over with her murky green eyes. He could fly, and he had powerful looking weapons. Maybe his reputation was well earned after all. "Glad to see youv'e arrived, and people say theres no such thing as good help these days." Elena smirked a little. "I only have one simple task for you. If anyone tries to stop what im planning to do, or interferes in any way negative. I want them killed. I want you to not hold back one bit. You understand?" She knew he would, but it was her nature to be cautious. Ever since she decided to join SCAR. Thats how things were. Now though. She was to soon have someoen. A power that could make ruling the world easy. So it was written anyway. Afterall she never knew when Nightkill would call her. So it was always good to have a backup plan.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Sovereign March 29th 2011, 7:36 pm

"Wonderful. I've got a very big gun that I'll be using in the air, and anyone you direct me to kill only has two seconds to live," Grimmholt replied staidly, reaching into his coat and slipping a yellow packet from the custom made bandolier rung it rested in along with four others. "Twenty millimeter depleted uranium round. It can blow a hole straight through a tank, burn the occupants alive, and apparently causes cancer from being near it when it detonates. Just for your enemies, special order," he explained professionally, quickly replacing it on the rung on the vest. Nick had experience with the twenty millimeter Vulcan rounds, since his dad flew jets that actually had the massive rotary cannons that fired the shells at one point, and he got to see hundreds of them fed into a monstrous Gatling that literally ate metal, spat fire, and sounded like it was quite literally crapping thunder.

His father's friends nicknamed it "Chuck Norris" for this, and it still brought a cryptic smile to his face before he went back to the present situation. "So where are we doing this ritual of yours, miss?" he asked, looking around at the large buildings of Hollywood with blatant distaste. He needed to assemble the one hundred and thirty pound Takedown 20mm Mag Fed, and that meant a nice high roof he could cover her from, unless they were doing it right there, in which case he'd fire a few warning shots in the air with the 1911s to get the crowd to scatter, though as he considered it, the murmuring crowd edging away would tie the hands of any heroes that dared intervene, which made it much easier for him to fight them. "If we're doing it here, then do you want me to clear the sheep or shall we leave them around to trip up the goody two shoes?"

The awakening Sovereign

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where women roam and men plunder
Age : 30
Job : This and that, mostly something Karate related
Humor : I haven't a clue what that is. Sounds like a fugus
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha March 29th 2011, 8:04 pm

"The ritual will take place right in this park." Elena smiled. It radiated with a dark malevolence. It was almost the appointed time. About 30 minutes form now. When that time comes she could easily open the portal. Still "heroes" would prove to be a nuiscence. Didn't need do gooders ruining her little party. Her grip tightened on the collars of the two in her grasp. "I want all of these people to stay put. If you could." She smiled a beautiful smile. "I know how these hero types work. Threaten a civilan and they lock up." She knew that all too well.

Not that she practiced that before her untimely death. She just knew people. Knew how they would react,adn that was all she needed. With a sigh she approached the centert of the park. As the little girl, and man drug behind her. Now she had to prepare for the ceremony.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Sovereign March 29th 2011, 8:43 pm

"Good, I'll just set up the Vulcan and then black out electronics for about a block, that should disorganize and disorient anything annoying the normal police might do, and then I'm going airborne to reconnoiter the area and let you know what's coming," Nicholas said, fishing around in the greatcoat until he found the two military grade shortwave earpieces and walked behind her just long enough to place it into her right ear. "I'll be a kilometer up, and this'll let me keep in contact. Don't break it now," he said, walking over to a bench and setting both cases down, hearing the sounds of dragging clothes as his employer worked on moving the two sacrifices away.

The two opened with a pair of clicks, and not wasting any time, he quickly assembled the rifle's more than two meter long body, snapping the barrel into place, followed by the ultra high magnification scope and then the magazine. That left him with thirty rounds, five of which were depleted uranium and on his vest. He slipped the strap over his right shoulder and sent EM energy into the weapon, pooling it near the muzzle brake in front of him before he gripped just fore of the mag with his left hand and pulled the bolt back, allowing a long cannon round to come up before he slammed it forward and took a look down the scope. Still good. "Miss, I'm going to black out the surrounding area and take off now," he warned, the voice activated mic transmitting to it's paired partner.

With that, he placed his right hand on the trigger of the Takedown and slipped his other hand into the grip of the Beowulf .50 caliber rifle, raising it to point at the people around him. 'If you all move, I'll blow your legs off," he warned icily, before his wings appeared behind his back and poured EM Repulse particles into the ground beneath him, generating lift that took him off the ground slowly, the tip of the sniper cannon coming up a second later to shoulder height, a miniature jet of electromagnetic energy helping support the thing from just under the muzzle brake as he ascended to a height of ten meters. Once there, he directed thrust behind him and made a blistering sweep around the park, his EM Neutral particles wreaking havok on everything electric and causing them to lose function on the streets around the place before he slowed to a halt, and looked up. One kilometer. He spread the magnificent cerulean wings and streaked up into the air with a blazing trail of energy, reaching his intended height in less then ten seconds and turning around to float above the park.

He was just about one thousand and fifteen meters up, and stabilized, an intricate lattice of visible particles forming under his feet to keep him levitating in midair. Nick let the Beowulf drop down on it's strap and he shifted his left arm to supporting the sniper cannon, folding his wings in to reduce interference. The entire park was visible through the scope, along with his employer, and he only had to adjust it slightly to track the civilians inside the ring of fog around the place. The Takedown, though quite heavy, was easy to move, as he swept slowly across the target area, assisted by magnetic plumes of energy released from the muzzle brake that acted like retrograde thrusters on a spacecraft, giving him precise control and the ability to stand and fire such an unwieldy weapon. "Target altitude reached, and you have overwatch. God help the idiots that come." he said over the communicators. From this altitude, he could fire the big cannon and the shot would only take about a second and small change to traverse the distance and blow apart whatever he was aiming at. He also had an impressive view of the city for three blocks, and could quite easily pick out individual details with his sharp eyes. God help them indeed.

The awakening Sovereign

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where women roam and men plunder
Age : 30
Job : This and that, mostly something Karate related
Humor : I haven't a clue what that is. Sounds like a fugus
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha March 29th 2011, 9:32 pm

Elena smiled wider. All seemed to be going according to plan. If no mistakes are made. Then it would be over in a matter of seconds. Still even with all the preparations she still needed time. It was time for Elena Marie to return to the spotlight.

She walked onward. To the center of the park. Hips swaying. As she dragged the two in tow. Directly towards the center of the park. Listening carefully to all the updates she was given. Through a wireless earpeice. It all seemed too easy.

Once she reached the park center. Both of her sacrifices were thrown out in front of her. Then in a flash of motion she pulled a large leather bound tome from her back pack. Flinging it forward. Landing directly in the middle of the two. Opening to the middle page. Then Elena pulled out 4 oversized crystal. Stabbing them into the ground. One pointing north, on to the south, one to the east and one to the west. Emmiting a strange resonating white light. The preparations were made.
"Now let the chaos begin"

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Danger March 31st 2011, 8:04 am

Seemed like crime never stopped in this city. A signal from Phantoms would certainly come to her any moment now, but something else called to her. Spirits within nature whispered in her ear of the coming evil that stirred within the park. A seance perpetrated by a member of the undead seeking to claim the life of a small child. With all the patience of the squirrel, Elaine quickly tuned out the spirits and loaded her pistols into her overcoat. One of the spirits muttered something about a second undead, but who can really make out what these spirits now a days go on and on about.

Under the guise of a brimmed hat and black overcoat, Elaine prepared herself to bring her armament to bare upon park. She loaded her right pistol with explosive sounds, and her left with armor penetrators. Up her sleeve she kept a small six shooter with bullets that would release a smoke screen when they impacted into the ground.

She crouched along the outskirts of the park. Discretion rarely suited her, but in this case it seemed most suitable. The high presence of magic and undead within the area gave Elaine a suitable advantage at hand. Whether she acted against her self described super genius in her regular non sequitur way stood for her to establish within the confounds of the next sequence of moments. But hey, it's L.A. who doesn't do that.

From her position within the outskirts, Elaine could hardly make out what she needed to break for. She could feel a sense pulling her attention towards a clearing in the middle of the park. It would take her some time to move towards that spot; risking the danger of exposure Elaine leaped from her stealth position and made her way into the park.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow March 31st 2011, 5:13 pm

Early that week...

In the city of Chicago, Illinois The Black Arrow has been hunting down a weapon specialist who has been causing chaos throughout the town for some time now. This weapon master was highly intelligent and nearly impossible to track down due to his skills, but this time Arrow had him just where he wanted him. After over hearing a discussion, Arrow found out that a messenger was coming through to deliver information to the specialist. In the dead of night, Black Arrow cautiously lurched behind a man who would soon lead him to the weapon specialist. The Night Hunter followed him from a safe distance into a back ally hidden away where no one would ever think to go. Once there, Black Arrow went to the top of one of the surrounding buildings and glared down at the messenger waiting for his target to reveal himself from the shadows.

At last he came. The two spoke for a few seconds before Arrow stepped in. Throwing a smoke bomb into the air above him so it would take a few extra seconds to reach the ground, The Night Hunter swung his cape out and glid down from the rooftop. The smoke bomb landed perfectly between the two creating a smoke cover for Black Arrow. Leaning back and putting both feet forward, Arrow did a glide kick into the back of the messenger, knocking him straight to the ground. Then The Black Arrow began to fight the assassin hand-to-hand. After a very short brawl, Arrow easily out maneuverer and defeated him. Soon after he learned that it was only a decoy. The assassin was smart enough not to show his face so he'd live to wreak havoc another day.

Black Arrow wasn't going to just let this trail die though. Then a idea flashed through his mind, Arrow knew just how he'd find this assassin again, or at least another clue to where he might be. After hand cuffing the decoy assassin, Black Arrow gripped a hold of the messenger and lifted him off the ground, holding him directly out in front of himself. After punching him a couple times in the gut, Black Arrow began to interrogated him. Some heroes would consider his actions wrong or against the law, but when people's life's are in danger, Black Arrow would do what it takes to save them. He would never kill someone, but he has no problem severely injuring those who deserved it. It took some time and a lot of beating, but the messenger finally broke down and gave Arrow all the information he was suppose to deliver. It was about a plan that was going down in L.A. in a few days. A women named 'Elena' was planning something big, some kind of ritual that she needed extra protection for. Too bad she didn't expect The Phantoms to find out about this and come crash the party. Even with her protection, knowing this information would give The Phantoms a chance to put a stop to her.


Present Day...

Soaring through the skies above, Black Arrow sat in the 'Blackmoblie' having a disscusion with his mentor, The Black Knight. They were flying from the Phantom's secret lair in there newly upgraded vehicle. A specially designed machine able to drive across any terrain, fly through any storm, and swim through any current. The Black Knight wasn't going to be joining Arrow on this mission because duty called elsewhere, but according to his data the newest of the Phantoms was in the area. Elaine Angara. Black Knight had his own mission to complete but he felt his prodigy, The Night Hunter with the help of Elaine could handle a couple of mercenaries. The two flew through the skies for awhile until they reached Black Arrow's drop off point. The Blackmoblie hovered high above the clouds in L.A. out of site from anyone below. Something was diffidently going on down there. Even from up here they could tell that someone below was trying to block out there technology with some kind EMP repulser. It was a good try, but Phantom technology was more advanced then that, it would take a lot more then a EMP wave would take out our tech. "Alright Black Knight right here will do fine." The aircraft then came to a halt directly over the center of the city. "You take care of your mission, me and Elaine can handle this one, but just in case keep in contact, we might need some intel along the way." He said patting The Black Knight on his shoulder before moving the back of the Blackmoblie. The back door slide open and Black Arrow stepped forward to the edge and looked off, staring at the clouds below. "Good luck." Leaning forward, Black Arrow dropped out of the back of the mobile. Spreading his cape out wide, Arrow began to glide through the air. A large smirk came across his face as he soared through the air. It was a great feeling to fly, even if it wasn't the same as actual flight, it was nice to glide around in the clouds rather then plummet to your death. He didn't know where Elena would be holding her ritual, but if thing was as chaotic as it was foretold then it wouldn't be hard to locate, especially not from a bird's eye point of view of the city.

Gliding through the cool wind, Black Arrow glared down at the city of L.A. trying to pin point exactly where Elena was. It didn't look like anything had happened yet, which was a good thing but it also made it harder to put a stop to Elena's plan. Since he couldn't glide forever, Black Arrow prepared for impact as he tried to land on the top of the tallest building in the center of the city. He had a lot of speed but any damage that would have been caused to him from landing would have been absorbed by his armor. After recovering from his plummet from the skys, he began using the enhanced vision scopes from his mask to try and locate Elena. While searching, Black Arrow hit the button on his wireless communicator so he could start trying to get a hold of this new Phantoms Black Knight has been telling him about and who was a signed to help him take Elena down. "...Elaine..." Large amounts of static came through the mic. That EMP was messing with the communicator. It still worked, but there was going to be alot of static until the EMP was taken down. "Elaine come in. This is The Black Arrow, one of your fellow Phantom's. There is something going on in L.A. and I am going to need your assistance. If you have noticed anything out of the ordinary around the town now is the time to let me know. I don't have much time to explain, and the longer we wait the more life's that are put in danger. If you have any information at all that could help me out it would be appreciated."

Mindlessly scanning each street trying to find a clue of her where abouts, Black Arrow was trying to stop this thing before it could start or anyone could get hurt. Only one thing caught his eye. A man hovering in the sky, above a park. He looked suspicions, but he was pretty far out of the way that if Elaine contacted him saying she was the other way, he'd lose a lot of time. For all Black Arrow knew that guy could be a hero just relaxing making sure everything was fine and he just wasted his time going several minutes in the wrong direction. Black Arrow couldn't fly or run at the speed of sound so it took him longer to travel, so he decided to just wait a moment and give Elaine a chance to respond and give her info.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on April 1st 2011, 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The awakening Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Dr Everyone March 31st 2011, 5:35 pm

A hawk swooped down from the sky, heading right for Elena. The hawk then burst into flames and turned for the ground. A blast of flames seemed to come out of the ground the moment the bird hit it. Out of the fire a scientist looking man did a somersault army roll out of the flames, his clothes and himself untouched by it. The man wore a black and white metal mask with green metal gloves. Other than that, he wore dress cloths and a lab coat. A typical looking scientist. Typical enough.

Th scientist man began to clap and then began to talk.

"Nice Elena, I may call you that, yes? I am the greatest of all villains, Dr.Everyone. I can be anything, everything, everyone. Flame obeys me more than it obeys nature and the supposed God that made it. Why am I introducing myself and clapping? I like what you've done, and I can help. Obviously your trying to do something magical, and I'm obviously interrupting, but I'll let you carry on. First of all, heroes are no doubt on their way. You could have prevented this by kidnapping the girl more discreetly, and maybe even waiting until dusk came to do the ritual. Now I am done being a critic, I want to know. What will this ritual do?

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]The awakening DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha March 31st 2011, 8:27 pm

She smiled at the newcomer. Seemed she would have to explain it. Not a problem to her though. "The girl? Her kidnapping discretely would ve wasted too much time."She sighed." Anyway if i did wait till dusk my chance wouldv'e been gone. This is a once in a lifetime chance. I'm not going to waste it. Especially for the sake of some self righteouss fools. Who call themselves heroes." Inly five minutes till the ritual was to begin. until then she had to hope noone interfeered.

"In regards to what im doing. Its quite simple really. I'm going to perform an ancient ritual of summoning." She paused. "Well more of a conjuring spell. To do that i need blood. Of the corrupt and innocent. Thus my need for the girl." She took an uneeded deep breath." Which would bring an evil so vile in the world. that humans went as far as to wipe it all from history." Then she pointed at the tome she threw to the ground. "In that book it holds the spell that holds that evil bound. In about five minutes the sun will become eclipsed. On this place of power i will be able to harness it. Thus bringing that evil back to this world." All this talk of her plans only got her cold dead blood warming up. She wondered if the man would help her, or would he oppose her. Either way it was of no matter. In the end she knew the outcome. her confidence made sure of that.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Sovereign March 31st 2011, 10:02 pm

Nicholas noticed a tinge of movement as he swept the scope of the massive Takedown across the park, a slight thing, near the edges of the park, and he didn't think it was the wind, though given the distances involved, it was hard to tell without increasing magnification and taking his eyes off the macro scale of the situation. He tilted the weapon down slightly, the movement fluid and with as close to zero shake as possible, allowing him to see a flaming bird of some kind pop down into the earth and a man appear from it quite casually. The crosshairs hovered over his head, two ticks right and one tick up to adjust for drop and a decent wind coming in from the east. However, Elaine didn't seem all too bother by him, so the odds were high that this person was a friend or a non threat, and he had more important things to do. This was only a minute before something tripped the field around the park.

Someone was sending a signal out, or in, and he could detect that much, but he didn't see anyone yet, and that meant someone was doing something stupid in the crowd. With a sigh of disappointment, he quickly swept the park crowded with people, the magnified crosshairs gliding seamlessly across the heads, torsos, and otherwise disinteresting body parts of the crowd, but he couldn't find what he was looking for beyond a shadow of a doubt. So he decided to move back up to the spot he swore he saw something move beyond the bushes that ringed the park, and selected a nice tree. He flipped the safety off on the weapon and his finger curled around the trigger, squeezing ever so slightly. There was a loud explosion as the barrel discharged a single iridescent 20mm cannon tracer round that sped towards it's target at over 2200 feet per second.

The magnetic field that allowed him to maneuver the unwieldy gun and aim precisely without using the bipod also reduced the recoil in addition to the oversized muzzle brake that flashed as the shot traveled. One second later, the lower trunk of the tree shattered in a spray of bark and concrete as the shell blew apart both it and a section of wall beyond, terminating with the round smashing into asphalt and cracking it with more than 38000 foot-pounds of force. That was a sufficient enough message to whoever among the hostages, he figured, as the small tree came crashing down within the confines of the park. Given his altitude, it was unlikely anyone would hear the same loud report of the rifle, and since the muzzle brake helped with the flash, and it was broad daylight, he was pretty confident he was safe.

The awakening Sovereign

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where women roam and men plunder
Age : 30
Job : This and that, mostly something Karate related
Humor : I haven't a clue what that is. Sounds like a fugus
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Danger April 1st 2011, 6:48 pm

Trees provided her a sense of cover as well as a guide to the center. A voice crackled into her headset. "This is Elaine." The path before her was paved by the drag marks of two humans. "I would say I've noticed something, but it would distract me from getting there in the park in...shit" Without warning, a shot rang out and collapsed a tree near Elaine. "If you saw that, go there." Flak kicked up and sent a piece that scrapped across her cheek. A few steps closer to the tree and she may not be talking right now.

Reflexes kicked into action as Elaine's super intelligence told her to shoot the explosion. No, thats what the explosion wants. Elaine refocused on the clearing before her. Two victims lay incapacitated before a witch and a scientist. The seance looked ready to begin as any moment, within a square of crystals. Those looked promising.

Not wanting to let an adrenaline rush go to waste Elaine sprung towards the seance spraying three smoke bullets that would provide her screen as she approached. Hopefully any large caliber rounds would be useless if she got close enough to the seance. She fired two explosive rounds towards the crystals in the ground. "Stop or I'll shoot." As the bullets flew she rethought her choice of cliches. "Well, some more." Elaine kept her self ready for any retaliation that would certainly come for her from the dastardly villains.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow April 1st 2011, 10:58 pm

The Black Arrow stood tall on top of a skyscraper with his arms crossed across his chest, glaring down at the streets below. Finding Elena was proving to be a more difficult task then he originally thought. More static began to come through the mic, followed by just the words he wanted to hear. "This is Elaine." She went on to fill in Arrow on her situation until she was interrupted by the sound of gun fire. This gun made a extremely loud bang, loud enough that it rang through Black Arrow's ears even from the top of the building. Quickly turning to his left to meet the noise, Black Arrow realized he was closer to them then he thought. They were practically under his nose the hole time! From a top the skyscraper, with his enhanced vision Black Arrow stared at the man flying in the air. After taking a closer look, Arrow could see that he was holding a sniper rifle that looked more then capable of making that loud of a noise. Elaine's voice came through the mic again. It was clear that, that gun was shot at her. Without wasting any more time Black Arrow started to move.

Sprinting forward at full speed, Black Arrow leaped off the edge of the building and put both arms together at his side, spiraling down wards towards the ground. The park was barely a hundred feet away and he knew he wouldn't need to glide for that long to reach it, if he started gliding to soon he would over shoot the park, or worse. Get spotted and shot at by that mercenary who shot at Elaine. From the amount of destruction that first bullet had, Black Arrow wouldn't be able to keep gliding if he was hit by it, and his armor couldn't absorb being shot and plummeting into the ground at his speed. As he got closer and closer to the ground, Black Arrow calculated how much time and height he would need to reduce his speed and land safely at the entrance of the park. By counting the amount of windows between him and the ground and using basic math, Arrow was able to tell almost his exact height, and when he would have to spread his cape out and start gliding. When the time was perfect, Black Arrow spread out his cape, starting to slow his speed down and lower the amount of altitude he was losing by the second. Once he was at a safe speed and was not plummeting to his death, Black Arrow spoke into his mic. "I'm on the way Elaine. I'll be there in a second, but for now you need to watch you back." He was close enough now that he could see a woman matching the description he was given of Elena standing in the center of the park with another man in a lab coat, the same sniper hovering the in the sky, and Elaine as she started to approach Elena and her other accomplice unaware of how terrible she was outnumbered. She was covered by smoke, but with a sniper in the sky she wasn't fully protected. "Elaine watch out! You are severally outnumbered here, you need fall back into your smoke. There is a sniper in the sky above you and he probably has his scope on you right now! We can't risk you taking any serious injuries yet, take cover and I'll be there in as soon as I can. We may be out numbered but we are a team. You make sure you are safe, once I get a clear shot I'll knock the one out of the sky."

The Night Hunter's feet slid against the concrete street as started to make his landing. Once his feet hit the ground Arrow started sprinting forward towards the park. He landed not even ten yards from the entrance, but as far as he could tell he still had the element of surprise. Quickly sprinting up behind a tree around the outskirts of the part, Black Arrow readied his bow with a toxin arrow. Aiming up into the sky at Nicholas, if his arrow was able to connect he probably wouldn't be knocked out, but it should be enough to have to land and get some oxygen in his lungs. The toxin from the arrow isn't deadly but it fills the lungs with a poison that makes it so hard to breath to point that it would render a normal person unconscious if they were in it too long. Taking no chances in this situation, right after The Night Hunter released his grip on the arrow, he prepared another one. Only this time he readied one of his frozen arrow's. Shooting that arrow might of given his position away faster then he wanted so he wanted to be prepared for anything.
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Guest April 1st 2011, 11:34 pm


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The awakening Empty Re: The awakening

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