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Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

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OPEN Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by CaptainGrue May 18th 2020, 7:59 am

I have recently returned
Got a new superdude just approved:

His name is Demetri Thales. He goes by "The Eclipse".
He is a light manipulating, Hispanic/Greek party boy with pitch black skin living in Brazil. He looks like a silhouette, fights pretty good and shoots blasts of light.
I would like to write things. I don't really care what the sitch is, could be super low brow criminal stuff, big powerful demon stuff, or maybe he just gets to hang out with a fellow super. He does want a couple friends. Feel free to spin out some ideas with me Smile

Bernard Fenns/Heart Attack:
Jeremy Bennit/The Octasquad:
Demetri Thales/The Eclipse:

Status :

Quote : "See alternate quote for punchline."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Australia
Age : 27
Humor : Light, dark, stale and zany.
Registration date : 2015-07-09

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by Jeannie Rose May 18th 2020, 11:20 pm

how about tomb raiding in egypt, like exploring pyramids running from mummies. had the idea this would be fun awhile ago but hadn't found anybody to do it with yet.

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by CaptainGrue May 19th 2020, 8:49 am

Jeannie Rose wrote:how about tomb raiding in egypt, like exploring pyramids running from mummies. had the idea this would be fun awhile ago but hadn't  found anybody to do it with yet.

I like it
I'm planning an outing with Chell atm about a museum raid, I could totally see Demetri getting involved in multiple ancient artifact things
Though there'd have to a superheroic reason for him to go to Egypt and start raiding tombs XD that stuff is sacred

Bernard Fenns/Heart Attack:
Jeremy Bennit/The Octasquad:
Demetri Thales/The Eclipse:

Status :

Quote : "See alternate quote for punchline."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Australia
Age : 27
Humor : Light, dark, stale and zany.
Registration date : 2015-07-09

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by Jeannie Rose May 19th 2020, 9:42 pm

ok then can't wait to start our adventure Very Happy
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by Jeannie Rose May 21st 2020, 1:52 am

so wich of us should start?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by CaptainGrue May 21st 2020, 3:29 am

Jeannie Rose wrote:so wich of us should start?

Like I said I'm doing a thing with Chell atm which is sort of acting as an intro for my character which I wanna complete before he goes off onto other things, and I'm not sure why he would be raiding tombs in Egypt Razz I could refurbish one of my old characters, Lissandra who might be more suited to something like that. She's an occult detective Jeannie could have hired to help her out.

Bernard Fenns/Heart Attack:
Jeremy Bennit/The Octasquad:
Demetri Thales/The Eclipse:

Status :

Quote : "See alternate quote for punchline."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Australia
Age : 27
Humor : Light, dark, stale and zany.
Registration date : 2015-07-09

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by Jeannie Rose May 21st 2020, 3:40 am

yeah she sounds like a better fit, plus jeannie likes girls better anyway
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by Jeannie Rose May 25th 2020, 9:03 pm

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Once in a blue moon, there is an Eclipse!

Post by Sponsored content

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