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House Call

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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 25th 2020, 2:01 am

"Yes They are. You Said it! Pori thinks." Pori couldnt remember how the topic even came up. Her thoughts were in a frenzy of fear, confusion, and hunger. The man before her who was suppose to be her friend was the man who summoned the aliens that wanted to eat her. The man she was holding on too was also dangerous. He threw a fire magic at Pori which put her it this spot. At the very least, Gashtin said he did not want to hurt Pori. Her slime started swirling around the magic man's legs ready to lunge out at the first thing that called itself a threat. Little did she know, the biggest threat was inside of her.

The man burst out laughing and said something about using seals of death. Magic talk for magic people Pori supposed. Her attention was really focused on the man's glowing hands. Her slime bubbled. She could feel the heat on her core. It wasn't safe to hold on to the man. She tried to pull herself off of him but she was too slow. A chunk of her slime just evaporated as the man exploded with heat. Pori tired to recollect herself but the Heat quickly ate up her slime. Every time she gain control of a piece of her mass, it would disappear from the heat. There was only one thing she could do, and she wouldnt like it. Pori Spat her core out of her mass towards the hotel.

Vulnerable and helpless, the core painfully bounced across the ground before being stopped by a piece of debris. From here Pori just watched as the fireman attacked Gashtin. There was nothing she could do to help as her slime mass was eviscerated by the mans heat. Hopefully he would thing he killed Pori and leave her alone.

Last edited by Row on May 25th 2020, 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 25th 2020, 6:43 pm

The rounds hit their mark. A scream filled the air as the Sparrow's chest bloomed into a red flower and sent steaming hot blood spraying to the ground behind him. The red liquid steamed and bubbled as it hit the atmosphere, like lava from a volcano. It should have ended the fight but the man's hands continued to glow a red hue, lifting them, the sparrow radiated a beam of heat at the car Gashtin was behind.

Gashtin groaned at the heat. The vehicle beside him began to melt, metal creaked and popped as it became a heaping ball of fire and rubber. As the man focused on his new target Gashtin decided it was as good a time as any, he ran as fast as he could towards the fire hydrant. His tentacles of hate reached out towards the dead around him. Maybe if he could lift their bodies and send them at the man he would be occupied long enough.

Zombies rose, four of them, all wearing the black SWAT like armor. Their eyes glowing a deep red, mouths dripping with blood and saliva. They didn't watched were they were going, debris and metal in their way was pushed about by their sliding legs across the pavement. Each burst in to flame as it closed on the man.

Before he made it to the hydrant Gashtin slid on the ground, picked up a shotgun and lossed four rounds at the man. Body, thigh, and shoulder all exploded into an arch of pain for the Sparrow. Heat pushed its way toward Gashtin as the man lifted his other hand.

He didn't know how, maybe a combination between heat and the force of the strike, but once Gashtin flipped the gun around and hit the hydrant with its stock, it opened up with the force of a hurricane.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 25th 2020, 7:16 pm

The air was hot. Despite being so fare away, Pori could feel the heat scraping the outside of her core. The man let out a wailing of screeching metal as his upper torso exploded. Red light erupted from magma like blood. Pori's core trembled, unable to fathom what was happening before her. Her stunt literally saved her life, dreading what it would be like to have molten red human slime rain down over her core. The best she could do was wait this out and try to roll away when people left. Only the volcano man was not finished.

A stream of heat beamed at a vehicle. The human was still alive! Pori has never seen a human survive an explosion. More Aliens were rising from the ground and moving towards the volcano man. A good thing Pori supposed since she did not want to deal with them. The Volcano man didn't care as he found Gashtin and shot him with more fire beams. Gashtin used another weapon to shoot the man back but it only resulted in more metal screeching and fiery explosions. The volcano man was pissed and launched one more heat blast at Gashtin who unless a wave a water in response. Steam flooded the space. It was the perfect cover to try and move around. So Pori did just that. She rocked her core and tried to move towards the only thing that could help her. A large wad of slime filled with Zombies was glued to the motel wall. If she could collect some from there... then maybe she would not be so helpless.

Poring Flan
House Call - Page 3 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 25th 2020, 7:50 pm

Water hit the Sparrow full force in the chest. It put him on his back and sent steam rising all around the area, it was like thick fog. Luckily Gashtin could use his zombies to feel about around him. They crawled toward the man's last known position. Hunger. He was starting to understand the different kind of moans the zombies had, and boy did they want flesh. All of the greasy bubbles in his mind converged on the space and... they were satisfied. No doubt eating the man now.

He heaved the shotgun over his shoulder and began to walk towards the building. It was too bad he wasn't able to figure out who sent the man. And what was he talking about, 'the seal of death'? All of these magicians love to speak in flowery language. Never at you strait. It was something he had to learn about his family early on. Maybe the Cardinal had a spy amongst his ranks, someone that knew about Gashtin's activates, where and when he'll be.

A pain. One of the zombies vanished. As the steam cleared Gashtin saw a figure in the parking lot. Amidst the damaged vehicles the Sparrow was there. His cloths torn and beaten, parts of his uniform were melted off his body, his hands red hot, blood dripped from wounds on his face and neck were the zombies were eating him. They were all deaminated. All of their heads melted.

"You... I will end you Seal Barrier!" The man ran towards them. A sprint.

A flash of light and heat.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 25th 2020, 8:46 pm

Pori finally made it to the wad of slime she left behind. The creatures inside stopped moving. Pori never killed a creature before, but she was sure nobody would be too angry at her. Maybe she would just throw them in a hole. Humans never look in holes. She slipped into her slime and allowed the cool goo to massage her burning core. Only she did not have time to relax and shed the dead weight. The Volcano Man was angry and running towards Gashtin. There was no time to think, She didn't want anyone to die, even if it mean... Pori lunged at the the glowing man with a body filled with dead aliens. She tackled him and trapped him within a ball a slime. A blinding light flooded through her slime. Then a burning sensation followed. Pori tried to dense up her slime as hard as it could, but she could feel the heat eating away at her mass. There was no time to escape. The energy will hurt Gashtin. It may hurt the people in the building. "Pori always wanted... to be a... Heroine." Then everything went blank.

The slime mass and bodies inside disintegrated. A crater with black smut colored the pavement. Smoke seeped from the singed rock. No sign of the slime or the man was left. However, a small sphere would fall from the sky in Gashtin's direction. It would be hot with smoke seeping from its body. If inspected, there would be a small crack running to the center.

Poring Flan
House Call - Page 3 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 29th 2020, 7:06 pm

The sun was just coming up when Gashtin opened his eyes. He was on his back, clothes all charred, yet nothing was warm. All of the heat from the explosion had dissipated. The only thing still on fire was the smoldering vehicle in the middle of the parking lot. Hours must have past.

As he stood up he could feel the aches of his body. His arm hurt where a burn marked his forearm and the back of his hand. The explosion was close. What had stopped it? The last thing he could remember was the man running toward him and... Pori? where had poor slime gone? He looked around and found a metallic looking sphere. It was out of place. He hoped it had something to do with her. Everything else was melted and charred but not the metal ball. It was sitting next to the hotel with a crack down the center. He held on to it as he looked around, maybe there was something else that Pori left behind, not to mention important information on the Sparrow.

There had to be at least thirty dead, most of them were wearing the SWAT type armor, others were in their burial clothes. It kooked like a war zone. The hotel was practically torn apart, windows shattered, bullet holes everywhere. They must have been the only people staying there this last night. It's remote location masked all of the noise, but Gashtin couldn't help but be surprised no one else stopped by for a stay or called the police.

He grabbed his stuff form the hotel room, the duffle bag and a bottle of water, threw them into one of the trucks that were still functional and took another quick look. None of the vehicles had anything that looked like documentation inside. All of the dead looked alike. But some wore red bands around their biceps, maybe to distinguish rank? He checked their pockets and found a picture of him, a photo from when he graduated seminary. Gashtin shook his head to push the unpleasant thoughts from it.

Jumping into the vehicle he headed north. Canada would be a good place to lay low. He'd be able to resupply and take a flight to Vatican City when he was sure it was clear. After he removed the weapon that was mounted to it's bed, he'd dump it into the woods someplace, mark its location on his smart phone for future use.

*** A week Later ***

The cardinal was dressing an all black and red robe that swept the ground when he walked. In his hand was a rosary that he rubbed when wen he walked.

"I don't know how they found me. I could have swore I covered my trail. Ditched my original car." He held up his fingers. "Swopped guns. Stayed away from outrageously public places. And they still had this." He pulled the picture of him out from his pocket. They stopped their movement down the hallway and the cardinal took a look. His face was expressionless.
"This photo is public knowledge. But it is still troubling." The cardinal raised his hand to his chin. "Maybe we can use this... Lure the low sparrow out, make noise that we have a big fundraiser going on, and attack them."
"Use me as bate you mean?"
"It could work." The cardinal shrugged.
"Maybe." They kept walking. "I also found this." Gashtin pulled out the smooth orb from the wreckage. "I think it belongs to a creature I met. It called it's self Pori. It was made of some kind of slime. Umm.. You can find all of that in my report. But I think you can maybe do something with this? Maybe help it, see if we can get her working again." He liked the little slime, it was rambunctious and helpful, yet naïve and child like.
"I'll see what I can do. Now, I must be off. Think about the mission I suggested it may be a good idea. I'll be in touch." He walked through an old wood door that was situated at the end of the hall.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

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