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House Call

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INV ONLY House Call

Post by ghost May 2nd 2020, 1:54 pm

The moans of the creatures have always bothered Gashtin, it was the kind of thing that would strike fear into the normal human mind, but he push past it. The small guttural sounds didn't travel far, luckily when the Zombies weren't attacking or feeding they Spoke in an inside voice. There were twenty zombies that he scattered through the woods, directing them in a circle around the target area. Soon the circle will close on a small cabin, his target would be inside, hopefully asleep, it was always better when they woke up to the slaughter.

Gashtin was wearing his normal priestly attire, black shirt, black pants, black shoes, hell, even his gun was black. He held on to it with a death grip as he maneuvered past the trees and over the brush littered ground. It would be fine if the target see the zombies but Gashtin didn't want to become a target too early in the game. His companions stomped and moaned there way closer and closer to the cabin, it wasn't till one had bashed in the window that the lights inside flickered to life.

And it begins... he thought.

Closing his eyes he could almost see what the zombies see, not a literal vision, but a sense of sort. He could feel them, their presence floated around him like oil in water, a dirty thing, a nasty thing, the type of nasty that a shower couldn't fix. The sense was like guilt, it took a lot of prayer to wash off. Bashing in the windows, pounding on the doors, the small cabin had death on every side, it wouldn't be long till they find there way in. Nothing about the building was fortified, the door was cheap, it started to splinter as Gashtin directed five zombies to pound on it till their arms fall off. He ignored the screams coming from inside.

A gun went off and a bobble of oil popped on the edge of his mind, one of the zombies deaminated near the rear window. Gashtin moved towards it, he didn't want his target to escape. Thinking, Gashtin filled the space with three more zombies, pounding on the window, what was left of the glass was pushed inside the cabin.

Gashtin could hear three distinct voices in the cabin, each yelling as the zombies closed in, a young girl, an older male, and an older woman. The male was the target, Gashtin would do his best to control the zombies, prevent them from attacking the innocent. He moved in closer, now only yards from the window. He could see the man, pointing a shotgun at the zombies out the window and with a bang one of them fell. Then two more shots rang out, two more zombies deaminated and Gashtin's view was clear. He pulled up his handgun and pointed it through the window and pulled the trigger, four shots left his gun, the man fell to the ground. Gashtin could see blood sprayed across the back wall. With a thought Gashtin forced the zombies to disengage, it was difficult, like pulling fresh meat away from dogs, but they obeyed. They were now walking away from the cabin, he would have them hang around for a bit longer, he still needs to confirm the kill.

And what do I do about the other two? he wondered.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 3rd 2020, 3:24 pm

"Get out of me!"  A shriek echoed out from outside the cabin, "Not threat! Not Monster! Stop biting! Not food!" A broken looking human buried its head inside of Pori’s yellow hood. From a distance, it would look like the zombie was biting into a young girl in a rain coat. Blue liquid ran down the creature's neck. The girl attempted to push the creature off with her sleeves, and maintain her human appearance, but the size difference was too much. She tried to pull back but the creature just lunged forward, tackling her to the ground. Then it returned to its gorging of what was to be the Pori's face. A puddle of blue liquid seeped onto the ground forcing the two to the thrash around in a sticky puddle. "Oh wait. Umm... ouch pain. It hurts. Stop. Now get off please. Not food not food!"


Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 7th 2020, 8:00 pm

Gashtin walked inside the cabin and took a look around. He knew that the two ladies where in the back room but habit forced him to clear the house before he took care of them. It was a small structure, the inside was cramped full of antique furniture, each peace, though beautiful, was simply too large and made the walkways less then comfortable to walk through. Gashtin searched each of the three rooms quickly, bathroom, kitchen and dining room, then the bedroom where the ladies sat huddled in the corner.

"I wont hurt you." He said. The women was in shock, staring into the distance towards her dead husband. The little girl cried while crouched under her mothers arm. Gashtin pulled out a wad of cash from his back pocket and set it on the bed. "This is for you. Go find somewhere to stay for the night, tomorrow give this phone number a call, they will take care of everything from here on out." He set a peace of paper with his contact information next to the money. "No one will hurt you, not even these... things that you saw walking around tonight." He finished. She said nothing in return, though her gaze slowly made it's way to his face. Lost for any more words he left the house.

On the way out he could hear screams from a girl, coming from around the back, he ran that way to find his monsters eating her. He had thought all of them had left, his mind busy at work, failed to realize two were still about. Gashtin pulled up his weapon and shot both in the head, his awareness of them vanishing from his mind. Large globs of brain matter and red mist sprayed into the darkness of the woods. He was expecting to see a young lady, hurt, maybe in pain, but instead he only saw a glob... He pointed his weapon.

"What in God's name...?"

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 8th 2020, 1:57 am

As Pori wrestled against the weird human, another one made its way to the feast. Digging into her coat, it ripped through her slime mass as if it was gelatin. Pori shifted her core to a safer spot before screaming, "Stop, what is wrong with you!" It was becoming clear that they did not deem her human. What human would attempt to try to eat another after all? Every time she tried to reshape her body, the humans destroyed her form. Pori was getting annoyed, angry, it was finally time to lash out.

Suddenly, the two humans’ faces splattered into red mist. Another explosion, though not nearly as loud as before, echoed through the forest. Her form was spared. She could resume pretending to be human to escape, or so she thought. Before she could lean up like a human, she saw that explosion noise maker pointed at her head. Then it clicked.

The loud bangs were just the human range magic weapons. She had nothing to fear except getting revealed as not human, and the weird humans already did that. There was no point in hiding, until she heard the man spoke.

There was a chance! She would have to use all of her human studies to convenience the guy that she was still human. If she failed, her coat would be filled with holes and she could not afford to get a new one. Plus, she really liked this coat.
"Uhm... Pori can explain... Ummm Pori... is dying from other humans eating her face. Yes, this is normal human body reaction," Her slime mass that made up her "head" twisted until it shaped the face of a girl, "No need to make more explosions. Pori will probably die soon. Especially if you turn away. Best deaths happen that way."  

Pori then shifted her hands to her chest and gave an exaggerated cough. Slime sprayed out of her mouth as she tried to mimic human bleeding. Her free arm reached for the sky as she gasped for air. "Pori's life was short... if only Pori could have tasted the sandwich with the green stuff. Way was Pori. Pori sees the light. Pori is dead. Bleh!"
She stuck out a tongue and tilted her head to the side. This was her best performance yet. There was no way anyone would know she was faking with this grade A acting and knowledge of how humans actually die.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 8th 2020, 9:52 am

Gashtin watched as the show continued. The large glob seemed to take the shape of a girl. Pretending to die, rather dramatically, he stood a few meters off. Lowering his weapon to point diagonally at the ground but keeping it ready. His face took on a questioning look. The glob like creature seemed to want him to believe it was a human. It went on about seeing the light and saying it was dead, which no human would really do.

"Are you alright?" Gashtin said.

Taking a step forward. The lady was wearing a yellow coat. It gave the darkness a kind of creepy ambiance and he couldn't help but point his weapon once again.

"Who are you? … What are you? … I'm not stupid you know." He said.

A feeling of anxiety washed over him, he had to get out of here, the attack on his target would have alerted the others in his order and who knew how fast they would retaliate. I can spare a few moments. he thought.

"Are you an alien of some kind?..." Gashtin said.

He has seen odd things in his life time. Werewolves, Vampires, witches and wizards, all kinds of odd things. He wondered what kind of ungodly sorcery the devil had in store for him today. He hesitated to raise the dead from around him, what will this thing do? he asked himself.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 8th 2020, 11:21 am

The man wasn't leaving. He just continued to watch while holding on to his magical weapon. Still, he wasn't shooting her so he must have believed her. She did all the right things that the TV showed. She even practiced this routine with "her." There was no way she messed it up.

"Wha-wha-What do you mean!" The raincoat jumped off the ground to give the impression that Pori was sitting, "Pori thinks you are not alright. Pori is dead. Did the seeing light and 'Bleh' and everything like normal human!" The hood leaned forward to hid her face while her rain boots poked out the sides underneath her raincoat. Then her sleeves pressed against the ground. "There... think this is correct sitting posture for human."

However, the man was not buying it. Somehow, he saw though her act. He must have been truly one of the smartest people she has met. She was disappointing that her human impressions were not good enough yet. She guessed it was time to reveal herself. If the man was going to shoot her, she wanted to be shot where the coat would not get harmed.

"Pori is Pori and Pori can be very scary if human tries to shoot Pori with Human's magic weapon." The slime inside the coat melted into a puddle that slowly spread out underneath the coat. The coat slowly collapsed on itself. Human's hesitate to act against slowly moving things. It was another fact she saw on the TV. She just had to focus.

After the man said alien, slime jetted off the ground and lunged towards the man like a stream of water bouncing off the ground. "Alien no, no, no. Pori doesn't like aliens. Pori does not want to be evaporated or put in another Jar." The slime would try to wrap around the man and anchor herself on his back. Should she succeed, He would feel a glob a liquid latch on to him. Then he would feel a thump as if a solid ball bumped him from inside the liquid. This would be her slime core and at this distance, it would appear as a darker blue inside the mass of blue slime. The rest of the liquid would follow the stream until it piled up and rested behind the man. The yellow raincoat would remain on the ground and the boots would bounce towards the man and the rushing slime mass pushed it away from her coat.

Last edited by Row on May 8th 2020, 2:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
House Call Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 8th 2020, 12:11 pm

Normal humans? Gashtin thought. He simply watched as the lady sat up, spoke, then lied back down, her body spread out into, what looked like, a dark puddle. The moon sent it's light trough the woods, casting odd shadows that danced around them, everything was so eerie looking at night. As the body dissipated Gashtin asked, "where are you goi-" The liquid leaped out at him, he twisted his body, trying to dodge the would be attack, but when he turned he didn't see her behind him.

Ah! The thing was attached to him, on his back. He tried to stay still now. "I'm not going to put you in a jar." He spoke slowly. Gashtin could feel his clothes weighing down as the slime latched to it. So it isn't leaching from my body. That's good at least. "Please, don't hurt me..." he said. His mind slowed with each breath, summoning zombies from all around him, it would take a few moments before they would start to be noticed in the woods. He couldn't even hear them yet. "What is it you want? Why are you here?... Do... do you work for the Low Sparrow?"

He quickly came up with a reason he was here, something that could possibly throw the thing off. He'd say he was the bodyguard for the dead man and after he heard the shots he came running. Gashtin hoped the Low Sparrow hadn't found themselves metas or aliens to align with, or what ever this entity is. And if they had, how in the world did he miss it? He spent four weeks planning this attack, vetting his target. This would surly be a surprise.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 8th 2020, 3:31 pm

Latched onto his back, the slime trembled. Her form settled into a wavering dew drop like a backpack drawn a stuttering hand. She would have never imagined aliens visiting her. Only then did she finally put together the story. Those weird humans were not humans. They were the aliens and they ate slime! It was her first real predatory on this planet and she would never have known about it if it wasn't for this human.

"But the alien's will. Aliens already tried to eat Pori. They think Pori is Jello." Two slime tendril shot out of her mass and wrapped around the man's waste. The man would feel his clothes become wet from prolong exposure to the slime. Terror filled her core as she searched for more aliens. Another tendril found it's way around the man's chest. Since the man stopped moving, she stopped focusing on holding form and allowed her slime to drip down his legs and form a small puddle on the ground. "Pori is scared. Pori doesn't want to be eaten. Pori only wanted to eat some food."

Pori let out a whine while she thought about that last question. Her core ran through the tendrils as she kept looking for aliens. The man would easily be able to feel her core running through the tendrils and see it as a dark sphere. With nothing near them, she returned to her main mass on his back. "Pori doesn't know what a Low Sparrow is. Do the aliens want the Low Sparrow? Pori is not good at catching birds."

Poring Flan
House Call Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 8th 2020, 6:34 pm

It took a moment but Gashtin started to understand. This thing was an alien, probably hiding on earth from another group of aliens, a story of Alien vs. Predator no doubt.

"Calm your self little one." He said taking a knee, in his mind he pushed the zombies away, commanding them to keep their distance. The greasy globs in his mind listened, the presence of them filled him with a dread that was difficult to comprehend. "Nothing is going to get you here."

He could feel the creature loosing it's binds on his chest and waist, he could feel something solid, a dark sphere moving around him. "Why don't you climb off my back. We can get out of here, go somewhere more safe. There are no aliens, well, I suppose we are all aliens to you, but we can go somewhere they can't find you. Would you like that?" He said.

Aliens exists? What does that mean about Christianity? Did they have their own Christ that died for them? Does God's grace extend to them as well? There are so many questions.

"We can go somewhere safe, were we can talk maybe, I have a car not too far north from here." Gashtin said.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 8th 2020, 9:46 pm

When the man kneeled Pori dropped a couple of straw like tendrils to reabsorb the puddle of slime. "Okay, Pori will be calm. But if Pori sees Alien again, Pori will fight back. Pori will give her all." Her voice was whiny, fighting the desire to cry. It was frightening to finally find some creature that was made to eat you. She felt like a poor deer in a forest of wolves. Her slime became denser and her form appeared more stable. Her core was still shaken up and parts of her tendrils would periodically become wavy.

"Okay... If human promises no more aliens will come. Pori will come with. But Human, Pori just wants you to know. Pori is not alien. Pori from earth like Humans. Though Pori hasn't found others like Pori. Pori knows Pori is from Earth." She creeped down into a puddle, leaving behind a drenched coat and bits of slime. While the slime bits were sticky, his coat would have only absorbed the accessed water and would not be sticky or slimy. Then the slime puddle would bunch up, forming a dew drop shape about a meter long and wide.

She crawled over to her boots first. Each one was sucked in as if she was a vacuum cleaner. Then she slipped into the opening of her raincoat. The coat budged as her mass filled the insides with a human like shape starting at the bottom of the coat. He sleeves pushed the coat off the ground so that it appeared to be standing on hits waist like a toy with no legs. Then it off the ground enough so that you could see the long boots which would mimic human legs and feet. This was her human disguise. A little girl in a raincoat that came down almost her entire body. Where the coat ended, her long rain boots picked up. She stood at about 4ft but she kept her hood down.

She was already revealed way more than she wanted too. Now she just wanted to hide. "Pori okay with going in the magical moving cart. Only if no aliens. But where are we going? Pori does not like those metal rooms with all the buttons."

Poring Flan
House Call Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 9th 2020, 5:19 pm

"Not an alien huh?" Gashtin said. He hadn't noticed the puddle underneath his knee till it hit the ground. Then noticed the Pori leave his back and absorb it. This thing was remarkable, he couldn't believe it wasn't an alien, how that thing could come from the earth he didn't know, but God has his ways. A part of him was thankful that it wasn't an alien, he could feel the anxiety leave his body, it would have been a trying time.

Realizing the thing wasn't dangerous Gashtin pushed the zombies back till the oily blimps in his mind vanished. He disliked having to use them, in this day and age it was difficult not to, so many metahumans around made his job harder and harder. There was no doubt that this Pori was something like that, whether it came from a meta or is a meta. Maybe it would help him. A friend would make his job easier and he'd be in less need of using his own friends.

He watched in awe as the glob, slimy thing, filled into its clothes. "We will go to a nearby safehouse and wait out the civil reactions of what happened here." He smiled, "there will be no, 'metal rooms with buttons', its only one floor." He said.

Standing up Gashtin looked around. The woods were still just as dark as they had been. The ladies where finally moving now, but the mother picked up her cell phone, presumably to call the police. He turned from the window. "Lets get going." Gashtin started to walk back into the woods. He put his gun away in the holster on his ribs and headed north. About a mile from there was his car, well, a stolen vehicle, but he had possession of it, parked on the side of a dirt road.

"So, what exactly is... Pori?" He said. It sounding like, 'pour' but maybe in a different language. He had no idea what the lady, or thing, was made of, but it intrigued him. Was she conductive? What did she eat? Who made her or how did she come into being? Gashtin steadied his thought and would try to pay attention and remember the following conversation.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 9th 2020, 6:40 pm

Pori nodded. She was not a slime eating alien who put earthlings in jars. She was relieved when he did not object. The last thing she needed was him trying to capture, or worst shoot, her again. He also seemed to relaxed. It was also good that they were not going into that metal room with buttons. That didn't mean she trusted man completely. She was prepared to strike if she saw a human in that oversize white coat like on TV.

She made her best attempt to keep up with the pace of the man. Walking like a human was always a difficult task that took incredible focus if she wanted to appear believable. At his pace, she found herself waddling more than anything, ready to trip over the smallest lost of focus. She repeatedly swapped between looking at her on feet and looking at the man. She hoped that the walk would not take forever, but it did.
"This is hard... Pori does not like this walk. Human walks too fast. Pori cannot keep up."

Eventually, they made it the the metal cart. It was dirty, which was a relief. Those white coats always had fancy magical stuffy that always looked clean. However, it was nice to know she would not be messing up a good cart if she accidentally touch the seats. Getting in the vehicle, she sat on the knees of her boots and held the seat with the sleeves of her coat. It was the best she could do to stay and not touch the seats with her slime.

"Pori is uhmm... not sure. Humans called Pori, 'Slime Monster,' so Pori guess Pori is a slime. Pori works really hard not to be monster. Pori studies humans everyday and practices lots of things like talking and walking and losing limbs. That last one is harder though cause Pori does not have red stuff inside of her that makes her want to scream. Pori only has blue stuff and Pori is all blue so somethings Pori forgets Pori lost a limb. "

Poring Flan
House Call Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 9th 2020, 9:10 pm

The walk was easier than it was earlier, the moon was out in full bloom and cast it's light like pedals falling from a tree, though beautiful as they fell it also cast odd shadows all around them. As Pori complained about him walking fast he slowed and let her catch up. "Sorry about that. I guess I'm learning my way around." Gashtin said. "We aren't far now. You hear that?" A car passed down the dirt road they were heading towards.

A wood panel station wagon sat there. It wasn't the cleanest looking vehicle, dirt covered the sides, trash littered about inside the back seat, the chairs even had holes in them revealing the orange colored foam underneath. The smell wasn't bad, thankfully Gashtin hung a green tree sent on the rear view mirror. "Sorry about the mess." He grabbed remnants of trash off the passenger seat and threw it in the back.

"So you can't feel any of your tendrils?" he asked, starting the vehicle with a quiet roar. "Why do you try so much to look human? If you move faster and are more happy as yourself, why not just stay in your normal form?" He said while driving. The dirt road quickly turned to a solid paved one, they were off toward a small town.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by Row May 10th 2020, 2:18 am

The mans first question was a weird one and took the slime a couple of seconds to make the connection. "Oh you mean Pori's slime. Uhm, Pori can sense Pori's slime but slime does not hurt. Pori can only focus on so much slime at one time too. Normally, Pori only controls one part of mass. Any parts Pori not trying to move has... less feeling? Pori knows its there but Pori does not thing about it. If slime goes away, Pori does not care cause Pori can make more. Human understands? Sorry, Pori does not always understand Pori. Pori doesn't wear white coats." The slime giggled, happy to actually talk a little bit about herself. There was another part of it that she hid. Slime closer to her core is more responsive but she did not like telling people that she had a sensitive spot that people could hurt. Hopefully he would understand.

The next question came in a set. This was even funner to answer because she actually thought about it.
"Pori wants to look human because Pori wants to get along with humans. Humans thing Pori is a monster and dangerous. Even you had your magic weapon pointed at Pori when you first saw Pori. If Pori can appear human, then humans will like Pori more. Maybe humans will give Pori snacks for being such good human. Pori does not mind walking like humans but Pori needs more practice. A lot of times when Pori walks around, Pori gets hit by Carts and other humans. It caused a lot of problems for Pori so Pori practice less and less. Pori knows she should practice more but sometimes, Pori just wants to relax in peaceful spots. Once Pori finds spots, Pori does not get much done for a long time. But Pori is really happy when she gets human walk correct. So Pori wont give up."

Pori let out a sigh. Then she realized something important.
"Wait. Pori talks lots about Pori. Pori doesn't know Human's name. What is name. Pori's Pori Poring Flan! Is Human a Low Sparrow? Is Human a good Alien who doesnt eat slime?"
She was joking about the last question, though was ready to defend herself if he did say he was an alien.

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: House Call

Post by ghost May 10th 2020, 6:52 pm

"It is true that humans tend to freak out at the things they do not understand. When I first saw you, I wasn't sure what to do." Gashtin smiled and continued to drive. The cement wasn't far from where they were and the motel wasn't much further. "My name is Gashtin. And, no, I'm not apart of the Low Sparrow. You never heard of them?" This would surprise him a little. For the last year he had spent much time studying the occult arts, trying to understand them and wrapping his mind around why they do what they do.

"Do you understand what the Low Sparrow is?" He said.

They would soon pull up to the motel. It was a shabby looking place. One floor with many doors, each of them a dark brown color, near by the door is a large window, most, if not all, had their blinds pulled close. A sign sat out front, "The Highway Stop #5". It has been an active safe house for the last thirty years, as far as he knows anyway, the cardinal gives him in depth files of each location he is sent to.

Without waiting for her to answer he continued what he was saying, "The Low Sparrow is an occult organization that is in active aggression towards the church. They have been around for a long time, hundreds of years, it wasn't till recently they started to attack." He pulled the car up to a packing space. "They recently came under new leadership. I have been... acquiring... information from them." Gashtin opened the car door and popped the trunk open.

He would walk back, grab a duffle bag from the trunk, wave for Pori to come by the door. Opening it he'd gaze around the parking lot, making sure they weren't followed, then enter the room after the slim girl.

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