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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 11th 2016, 11:12 pm

"Stop, Freddy! Damn it." Polly's order, though technically unlawful, rang loud through the block as she gave chase to a man the community had dubbed "Frostfingers Freddy". Nobody really knew who he was or where he came from. All anyone knew was what they had passed along to Polly. He was essentially a robber. Only difference is, he didn't use guns, he used ice blasts from his fingers that would temporarily freeze you in place. Some actually preferred to get robbed by him than some of the other, rougher folks around the block, but nonetheless he had to be stopped. Especially since he had tried to use his power to rob an actual bank recently, which failed when he couldn't freeze all the people inside the bank, including the one he should have tried first, the armed guard. By sheer luck and bad aim from the guard Freddy managed to escape, but now he had a whole other breed of justice chasing him down.

The fleet footed ice slinger tossed a finger over his shoulder and fired an ice blast at Polly, who was wearing her tight blue suit-of-many-capabilities. She threw a forearm up and the blast shattered across the fabric but didn't pierce her, although her forearm and elbow became a little cold and numb. "I'm gonna beat the ice out of your ass if you don't halt!" Her threat was met with a string of obscenities as he got more desperate and started firing off multiple blasts, all of which the 5 foot, 110 pound former Olympic gymnast easily evaded.

Polly was starting to gain on him. He may be a metahuman but cardio damn sure wasn't one of his powers. He can sprint fast, yes, but he had outlived that burst and Polly, fast in her own right, was catching up rapidly. Polly entertained the idea of using one of her ranged gadgets or weapons to bring this to an end but suddenly he changed the game. Freddy made an abrupt right and charged into the hall of an apartment complex, bowling over several people in the process. She followed in his wake, leaping over people and verbally ensuring he will pay for that as she kept on trucking. It did delay her some, so she lost a little bit of ground, but still had him in her sights.

She ran up several flights of stairs before seeing him sprint toward a closed door at the end of the hall way. The poor bastard probably thought it would be like the movies, where he would go crashing through and escape out a window. Wrong. He careened into it and only half way opened it. The impact sent him stumbling back a few feet but, being a tough customer in his own right, Freddy maintained his wherewithal and clamored through and fell into the apartment.

Polly closed the distance quick and did not hesitate to use her strong, succulent leg to kick down the door the rest of the way, justifying such rude behavior as being for the greater good as long as she catches the pipsqueak. She power trotted on in and saw another ice blast hurtling her way. Having uncanny reflexes for a human, or perhaps just her impeccable gymnastics background, she bent backward almost in half like something out of the Matrix and the ice bolt hit the wall behind her. As Polly made her evasive maneuver, she also simultaneously procured her baby boomerang from the utility pouch around her waist and flung it at him with great precision on the way up. It found its mark betwixt his eyes and sent him over into a small nap, the baby boomerang returning to her hand. One hell of a headache would welcome ole Freddy upon waking up.

To be continued by Valkyrie

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 13th 2016, 2:28 am

Pressing a pin into the photo, Valk had added a new photo to her collection, a hobby if you must. If the Hobby was collecting photo's of people you shouldn't have on your wall full of photo's that really shouldn't be there. She had all kinds, a man with a teen girl, a man in armor, another man in armor and a man in a demon like mask. While her collection grew to others, they were the main ones she were investigating. She took a step back from her wall as she looked it over, a small crooked smile that seemed dangerous reached across her face. She was happy with her work.

Walking to the chair that rested in the corner of her room, she would begin to pull back a fist when all of a sudden she heard a loud bang at her front door, and turned to see it had been opened half way by something. "Who the hel.." She was interrupted when whoever had ran into her door decided to fall right in. Her head turned as she looked at the intruder when all of a sudden her door was almost kicked off it's hinges as a woman clad in a blue suit barged in like she owned the place.

The first intruder seemed to be fighting back by firing a bolt of ice at the other intruder which the woman almost effortlessly and gymnastically dodged out of the way before throwing her own little object at the man, a sort of boomerang that returned to it's owner upon contact. Valkyrie was a little dumbfounded, her door was most likely damaged, so was the wall that the man on the floor shot. And she had these two, just barging in her own home. "Who. The hell. Are you. And What are you doing in my HOUSE!" Valkyrie would yell at the woman as she walked towards the man on the floor, her Irish accent could be easily heard from the angry Irish woman. She, she would need to recite some numbers soon, Valk realized, even if the idea of going crazed on these two intrigued her the slightest, she needed to be in the right mind.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 14th 2016, 1:30 am

Polly moved swiftly into position of her downed prey and began forcing his hands behind his back to cuff him with her special made manacles (cuffs), when out of her peripheral she spied a woman approaching and heard her voice rising with an Irish accent.  Polly stood upright, placed a boot on the captured man's chest, and held out a warning hand to make sure the woman stopped her advance toward them. "Ma'am, hold it right there. I've got things under control. You should probably know who I am by now if you watch TV, but if not then I'll tell you. I'm Polly Pocket. Hero. Kind of a big deal." It was only then did she look around and notice the woman did not have a TV... nor a door (now).

Polly sighed. Yep, this chick definitely didn't know who she was. The hero quickly remedied it by offering up a business card of hers, which pretty much outlined how to contact her if she needed any evil doers dealt with.  "Here's my card. I will be in this community a lot, cleaning it up, so feel free to hit me up if you see anything shady going down that the authorities might need to be left out of. " Polly flashed her that million dollar smile and looked over at the door.

"And no worries on the door. I will buy you a new one and have them install it for you for free.  it might take 24 hours to get that all together in a rush, though. Look at the bright side, thanks to you and your door, there's one less whackadoo on the streets." Once again she smiled that infectious grin, but the wall behind the woman caught her attention. It had pictures of people. Some looked familiar. Polly nodded at the pics. Family of yours???"

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 15th 2016, 3:22 am

Valkyrie ignored the stop warning and got almost in the woman's face, remaining a small distance away to not make it uncomfortable but close enough if she needed to punch her she could. As the woman spoke, Valk felt her patience lesson, soon enough she would be handed a card that she'd take a glance over for a second to read everything on it before throwing it away. She thought maybe she could stay her anger till the woman left but it seemed this Polly Pocket would not leave so easily, asking about her wall of photos but Valkyrie had had enough of her, she had broken her door, barge in after another ass and then tried to sell her name and a card, somehow all of that just annoyed the Irish woman.

Bringing her hand to grab the top part of the suit that Ms Pocket wore, Valkyrie would go to lift her with superhuman strength with the single hand, her lip began to quiver a little, oh the things she wanted to do to this woman. "I don't care. Who you are. I just want you to leave. If I ever see you in my house again. I will kill you." Valkyrie would say as her grip on the suit tightened and she began to mumbled thousand take seven. The words began to smooth her over and her lips started to remain at a stillness that they should. But the threat was very much Valkyrie, she wanted this woman gone.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 15th 2016, 2:53 pm

Polly was taken aback by the woman's abrupt grab and lift, with one hand nonetheless. The resident had grabbed her by the shoulder from behind and hefted her off the ground. After the initial surprise subsided, Polly sighed and just shook her head. This person was most likely a metahuman, and judging by how defensive she just got in regards to the photos on the wall, she was likely up to no good before the intrusion.

She heard the woman mumble thousand takes seven. "Actually, it's four, not seven. And kill me? Really? How about just toss me out the door or beat me up real bad to the point I wish I was dead? Those are at least reasonable. But full blown murder just for breaking down your door and seeing a few photos? Darlin', you are not a few fries short of a happy meal, you're missing the whole damn meal itself... and the toy" And with that, the Olympic gymnast turned pro MMA fighter turned hero snapped her foot back toward the woman's sternum with truculent force.

If the blow landed, it would no doubt knock the wind out of the lady, and if it didn't land then no worries because it was actually being delivered as a diversion anyway. Simultaneous with her kick, she snatched her special pistol from its small holster and shot the hand that held her aloft. The pistol was armed with an advanced projectile known as the inhibitor round. It was specially crafted to be used against entities with enhanced strength and other enhanced abilities, but only for a short amount of time. Just enough to either get the upper hand or escape a crappy situation. More of a defensive weapon than an offensive one.

In the case of this instance, it would reduce the woman's super strength to that of a regular human for a short time. Polly violently twisted her body while doing all of this and managed to free herself. But as she landed on her feet she noticed "Frozenfingers Freddy" sitting on his knees, back facing her, his face looking over his shoulder at her with a mean glare. The hero then noticed several ice bolts heading toward her from his cuffed hands. Polly hit the ground with fascinating speed, falling prone in the knick of time. The bolts missed her but were headed in the direction of the apartment's owner, which wasn't a bad thing.

Acting with blazing speed, Polly bashed away Freddy's consciousness again, this time with a grounded roundhouse kick to the temple. She had put an end to that threat, but now she had to worry about the other. This may be a blessing in disguise she thought. She started the morning aimed at taking out one baddie but now might actually snag another one in one swoop.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 19th 2016, 7:43 am

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 20th 2016, 8:04 pm

Val had almost growled as the woman spoke, what she said was true but Valk didn't like sneaks. She didn't like wannabe hero's ether and this one insulted her with her numbers, and that is what made her want this woman dead now. Of course in all this thought, she forgot the woman could fight and with the impact to her chest good enough to make the super humanly durable woman take a step back from the impact, Val had to emit, this Polly had power but her grip remained strong till she felt a electric shock hit her hand, forcing her to drop the woman and back up and a few steps. Her muscles felt like they were tightening and strangely weak at the same time  but the had also given her ammo in the sense that the stimulated muscles also converted that electricity to plasma, painfully hot plasma.

Sadly however, as Valk looked to the hero, She instead saw several bolts of ice coming towards her, raising her arms to protect her head, she felt the ping of several shards of ice smack her body and arms. It was painful but not bad enough to complain about. Raising a hand to aim at the woman, Valk would make a clicking sound to get her attention, a ball of hot white plasma rested at the end of her hand. "I said. Take the ice shooter and leave. If I caught you here again, I'd kill you, you id-git." Valk would warn her as she rubbed her scars on the arm that aimed at Ms Polly. "OH and it's seven. I know. I know..." Valk would look a little distant as she said those knows, yet if the Polly made a move, Valk would fire her plasma ball at her, she was fast but was she fast enough to dodge something as fast as a bullet?

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 22nd 2016, 12:58 am

As soon as the fast moving Polly Pocket burst to her feet, she turned to the clicking sound and saw the resident standing there with a white hot ball of plasma pointed at her. "Well.. shit on a stick." Polly cursed her misfortune. She'd hoped the ice bolts would have knocked the woman down or something, but they seemed to have not done any damage whatsoever. Polly slowly lifted her hands in the air and dropped the gun she has shot the girl's hand with. She knew if she placed her hands anywhere near her belt-of-many things, the resident would likely shoot her down on the spot. White hot plasma is definitely not something Polly's suit has been proofed against.

Polly tried to ease her. ""What I shot you with was merely an inhibitor round. Won't kill you. All it does is zap your strength some, just enough to level the playing field. For some reason I thought you'd be more inclined to fight fist versus fist. Clearly I was wrong. You need powerful plasma and stuffs to try to take out little ole me. Fair enough. I'll take your martial insecurities as a compliment." Polly eeked out a fake smile at her. The hero noted the scars on the woman's arms and continued. "Scars or prison tats? I can tell you've been behind bars before; it's written in every line of your body. Yeah, definitely prison tats."

As the lady spoke most hatefully toward her, Polly observed the poor tactical position the resident had put herself in. Only a foot or so behind the resident sat a coffee table, and behind it was the couch. There was no way Polly could live up to the woman's demands now. The resident was clearly a bad person, perhaps evil, and held some kind of enhanced abilities. The hero's code of justice, her good heart, and fighting spirit could not turn a blind eye now and just leave. But what she could do is ruse her.

When the resident went distant over the numbers debate, Polly nodded, "Uh huh. Yes ma'am, you're right. The answer is 4 if in your cockamamie brain 7 is 4. But anyway, I'll take you up on your offer. We can let bygones be bygones. Thank you." With that, Polly slowly collected her cuffed suspect, "Frozenfingers Freddy", and took a few steps with him toward the broken door. The ice bolt shooting man was starting to come to when Polly spoke up again. "Once again I'm sor-" In mid word, Polly suddenly and very quickly lunged toward the resident, using Freddy as a human shield of sorts in front of herself.

Polly timed it right and leaped up and fired a punch right over Freddy's right shoulder toward the resident's big mouth, just as she shoved the man's body at the mean woman. Polly quickly combat rolled to the side, slid, and retrieved her gun from the floor while also verbally commanding her sentry drones to scan the pictures on the wall. The hero trained her pistol down on the resident as her two silent sentry drones unsheathed themselves from her belt-of-many-things. One took up position near the resident and outlined her in a faint red glow, while the other one started scanning pics on the wall. " Enough, lady. Here's the deal. There's two options. ONE.. You surrender and I take you to the local magistrate to see what dirty deeds you have been up to, if any. TWO... we fight. No sneaky stuff. No gadgets. Just hero versus whatever you are. If you win, then by all means toss me out the door and keep on your ways of evil." In all honesty, Polly hoped she picked number two because the hero felt a little embarrassed being lifted and bullied some by the bitch, and wanted to get some payback.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 22nd 2016, 10:11 am

Valkyrie smiled a little when the human cursed at the sight of the plasma which Val had to admit she wanted to curse at it too, may have been at the edge of her hand but her blood boiled and it would only get worse the longer she took to shoot the plasma out and away from her, of coarse she also didn't want a dead body on her hands, two of them just made matters even more complicated. The Woman decided to explain what the bullet had done but Valk already knew that, it was why her muscles felt weird and she had a ball of plasma at the end of her hand and when Polly went for a taught, Valkyrie ignored it, even with her strength this one was strong and competent, she could fight, Val couldn't.

But the mention of her scars as Prison Tats made her angry, her cheeks reddened in anger fact. This woman had made fun of years of torture in a matter of seconds but it was expected, she didn't know. And then once again she made a attacked at her numbers, not making her situation any more easier, she needed to recite the numbers again if she wanted to keep a stable mind and this rate it would have to be soon. But at least the woman was leaving, that was good, she could hide anything and she'd be calm, she'd be cal...

That was when all of a sudden, the ice shooter as practically thrown at her, stunning her for a second from the disbelief when all of a sudden she felt a hook to her mouth, not as painful as she expected but then again, years of physical pain and suffering tended to eliminate pain like it was a second thought. And of course her skin was harder then the average human, making the blow even more littler when compared to what she suffered. Grabbing hold of the ice shooter, Val would throw him aside as she looked back to the woman who had her gun back in her hand and then she offered two choices, to go quietly and leave or a fight.

In retrospect, Valkyrie had to laugh at the woman for a small bit before rubbing a small scar on the top of her head, as if trying to seethe back the madness that threatened to take over, or the innocent girl that just wanted to hide away and cry. "Think about this Ms Polly. You broke into my house with that thing over there. You attacked me when I asked you to leave, sure I grabbed your 'suit' and asked you to leave in a angry tone, Maybe even threatened to kill you but that is because you have insulted me far too many times.." Valk would let the Plasma reside back into her skin, a small wince of pain overcame her as she did this, it was like storing embers under her skin. "Oh and I'm PI! Those photo's are of the organization Rise, very largely known it seems." Valk would half lie but in all honesty sounded very truthful in those word's, it was her cover but it was very true about Rise and their leader, Lucius. This was her last effort in avoiding a scarp with the human, she wasn't looking for a fight but if she was forced then serious self defense would be put into order. "Oh and your right.  I've been behind bars. I was six teen and my charges?.. They were being a orphan that men wanted to take advantage of. Prison Tats my Ass." Val said this as she rubbed her scars once more, She hated telling people about her history but if she knew that if she corrected the woman, told her the worst part, then maybe she'd feel sympathetic and be more willing to leave. "Nine hundred and ninety three take seven equals Nine hundred and eighty six."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 22nd 2016, 3:25 pm

Polly smirked when the resident tried to recount what had just happened. It was asinine the way this lady thought, but then again she seemed crazier than a piss ant. Polly just shook her head and waggled her finger at the woman. "No ma'am. My only crime here is breaking down your door in pursuit of a criminal, which I will easily replace as I told you. When I tried to explain myself to you, you attacked me first by grabbing me and lifting me.  That's called simple assault. I was in fear for my safety and reacted accordingly and within the bounds of basic citizen use of force.  And of course you threatened to kill me as you were doing all of it. Think about this, ma'am, who do you think the authorities will believe? Me or you?"

Polly smirked again when the lady retracted her plasma ball. It seemed like what Polly just said got through to the woman's thick skull.  "I do not care what your name is, this isn't a meet and greet." Polly wanted to make sure the lady's effort to hoodoo her were in vain.  But then the resident mentioned Rise, which perked Polly's interest a little bit. She had heard of them. Polly rolled her eyes when the lady tried the classic "I'm actually the victim of  a tortured youth" excuse. "Why is it that every single baddie ass i kick has some sad sap story of how they are actually good deep down inside? Is that in some villain how-to manual somewhere or something? "

It seemed like the lady didn't want to fight now, which was a very smart move on her part. The hero figured she was trying to do the pity party routine now. "Just stay put for a moment. Don't move." Polly said. Seeing as the woman wasn't going to fight,  Polly placed the gun back in her holster and moved toward the photos, stepping over Freddy's unconscious body in the process. One of her sentrys still had the lady spotlit in red light, making her think she would get hurt if she tried anything (or at least that's what most baddies thought). In actuality the sentry drone was using the light to feed the lady's physiological make up (both in and out) information into its memory and would send it to Polly's main frame computer back at her base. The other sentry had done the same with the photos on the wall.

Confident she had the situation in complete control now, Polly turned her back to the lady and traced her fingers over a few of the photos. There was a vague familiarity with some of them that she just couldn't put a finger on. As much as the hero didn't like the prospect of leaving here without the resident in tow, she was warming up to the idea of using the woman as an informant of sorts. Well, kinda. The lady wouldn't know she was an informant. Polly could easily flag her apartment as a point of interest and monitor her. The lady would eventually lead Polly to some bigger, badder baddies and that was a worthy long term plan in exchange for taking the lady in right now and sorting her out.  Polly, still with her back toward the lady, sighed... "Looks like it's your lucky day. I'm feeling generous. Your sad tale has warmed the coogles of my heart. I'm out of here."

Polly whistled and the drones headed toward her belt-of-many-things. With her back still to the lady, Polly took one last glimpse of the photos.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 22nd 2016, 4:06 pm

If Val hadn't seen it before then this woman appeared to be partly mad, that or she actually thought that anything she claimed as evil was evil, it was in the way she spoke, it was in the way she acted that told Valkyrie what the woman already thought and planned, it was something Valkyrie was good at, staring at faces all day long, telling if they slept right or they were in pain, then again those days she was the only one in pain, the doctors just thought she might not had survived their next procedure and with that closed her eyes and aimed her hand to the ground shooting the plasma right though it and reliving some of the hot boiled tension in her blood. As Valk would look around her room for anything damaged, she'd noted two little dots, small enough to escape sight from most but her eyes didn't miss the smallest specks of dust it also had a annoying light aimed at her, she wasn't sure what they were doing but whatever it was she didn't like it. When the woman spoke of feeling generous and turned to walk away, Valkyrie dashed forward before the little drone could get away and picked it up, such a small lithe thing. With that thought she crushed it in her fingers, her muscles seemingly calm from the electric shock from earlier and back to what they were before.

"Actually the police wouldn't be able to know who to believe, do not think just because you call yourself a hero doesn't make you one, all I've seen is a woman who's too up tight to realize how much of a Cac she's been. Who's little drones were taking pictures? Of me and my work." Valk would say as she sprinkled away the crumples of a drone from her fingers. "Just taking photo's of me I could file a statement, not sure you have a PI's License hiding behind those thick headed eyes of yours is there?" She'd say as she moved to the photo's on her wall and ripped one off, before ripping another off and another. Before turning to Miss Polly once more. "So I'd run, Miss Polly Pocket, before you get yourself in trouble, I don't think it would look very well on your... What is it. Credibility? Oh and by the way, your foot never reached my ass, actually I'm pretty sure the only one who was actually hurt here was that little thing inside your head called pride. And the man you failed to lock up who proceeded to attack me." Valk would taunt the woman as she ripped off another photo she didn't have much use for anymore, it just became a hobby after her meeting with Lucius, she even had a picture of dog that lived in the alleyway, it was such a alone little thing, something she didn't have time for. She only had time for one thing, her future.

She didn't know if the woman would turn and attack her while Val had her back to her, or turn and yell more obscene things for Valkyrie to snicker at or just plain leave, in all this, she practically made a fool of her in normal logical sense but something told the young woman that this 'hero' wasn't very practical, it was such a strange habit of the so called hero's. Be a even bigger jackass then the ones they call jackasses. At least if she left, Valkyrie could focus on getting the hell out of this low level apartment into something nicer, and maybe ask for a restraining order while she was at it on a Polly Pocket. Just in case she decided to get a little too close for comfort.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 23rd 2016, 1:02 am

Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Tumblr_nqf83800oV1tdr1qyo1_500

Polly heard the plasma burst hit the floor and she combat rolled out of the way, retrieving her inhibitor gun in the process. When she popped back up the woman had dashed forward and caught Polly's little drone and held it in her hand. Polly restrained herself from shooting the stupid heffer. The hero hoped she wouldn't hinder the little bot as she spoke to her in more idiotic ramble. But then she crushed the bot in her palm and tossed the remnants onto the ground. Polly was pissed. It took a lot of time and money to build those things. Sure, she could just build another one, but that would take her away from fighting crime for a little bit and she didn't want that. Her face reddened and anger boiling, Polly came so very close to firing every single inhibitor round she had at the woman, but unlike the woman across from her, Polly had self control.

Through gritted teeth, Polly offered up words of wisdom to her, "I am a hero. I don't need PI license. All I need are these glorious words, Probable Cause or Reasonable Doubt. And just because you have a PI license doesn't mean you can use your apartment as an interrogation chamber, which I assume you do since you've acted the way you've acted and have gotten so defensive over your 'work' on the wall. Your apartment is probably a torture chamber also, isn't it? Yeah, I bet it is. Just because you're a PI doesn't mean you can act like a renegade or villain at your leisure. it doesn't make you the world's greatest detective."

Polly became even madder as the woman taunted her, rubbing in the fact that she had hurt Polly's pride earlier. "Oh honey, I gave you plenty of chances to hurt a lot more than my pride, but you were too scared to act. I'll take hurt pride over cowardice any day." Polly smirked as the woman aggressively ripped photo after photo off the wall. Just to dig into the woman further, Polly chimed in, "Oops you missed one." and with that Polly shot the inhibitor round at one of the remaining photos on the wall that the resident hadn't ripped from the wall yet, and destroyed it. "The way I see it, you could have just hurt the person living below you with that plasma shot had it been powerful enough to rip through the floor. I could lay you out right now and all the statements you filed afterward would be used as toilet paper by my buddies at the precinct" The remaining bot that the lady didn't catch finally reattached itself to Polly's belt.

Polly calmed down a little bit. After all, the information the destroyed drone retrieved had already been sent to the main frame computer before it met its demise. The other bot had made it safely to her belt-of-many-things. Polly could still keep to her plan using the lady as an informant of sorts. She smiled. "But it's all good. Like I said, I am feeling generous today. That bot you destroyed already did the job I assigned it to do, and I can always build another. Oh, and if you're sooooooo certain of your claims of who would have whos side if the authorities got involved, then by all means go ahead and call them. Better yet, allow me." Still keeping her gun on the lady, Polly used her free hand to procure her fancy shmancy cell phone from her belt and dialed a number. She put it on speaker too.

It rang several times before a man's voice picked up on the other end. "Detective Keller. Whom am I speaking with?" Polly chirped proudly in response, "It's me, Polly. How are you doing today and how's your kiddo too?" The man chuckled. "I'm busting skulls as usual. Megan is doing fine. Thank you again for showing up to her birthday party last week. That was the best present ever. You're her favorite hero. So what can I do for you today? Polly glared right at the lady across from her. "I apprehended Frozenfingers Freddy  but  could you send a few of my pals working the beat over in the cause way community area over to my locale? I have an unusual situation going on with an unruly apartment dweller who likes to fire plasma shots at her floor, which has me worried about other occupants in the building." The man let out a groan on the other end. "Holy hell, plasma shots? Geez. Um, yeah I'll send a few over to give you a hand. Oh and congrats on another apprehension. What the address of this unruly dweller you speak of?"

In all the excitement and foot chase Polly had not gathered the exact street address or even the apartment complex name or apartment number. She only knew the name of the community area which covered several blocks. Polly looked over toward the broken door to at least get the apartment number.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 23rd 2016, 11:30 am

Anything Polly might have said passed though Valkyrie as she held a hand to her mouth, she had enough of this woman, so god damn much yet her a part of her brain wanted to say the words, to keep it's sanity, she bit her lip and held her mouth tight shut with enough strength she could hear her bones click and shudder, she could break her jaw if it wasn't for the still sane part of her head which slowly degraded as she thought about her old life, cells and Needles and whips and chains and all those Wonders of inventions made for the simple purpose of pain.

With that, her hands let go of her mouth and she turned back to Polly who was currently on the phone, chit chatting away at someone. Chit chat Chit chat, Such Sound of Chit chat. On silent feet, Valkyrie would walk behind Polly as she looked towards the broken door, that reminded the Valkyrie, the woman had broken her door. "Peek... a boo." Valkyrie would say in a child like voice as she went to uppercut the woman right in the chest or back, depending if Polly turned to the voice, this woman had enough power in her kick to knock doors down, enough in her punches to feel like a mosquito, Valkyrie had enough to kill people just by hitting them in the right area or just plainly in the chest, enough to pick up cars and throw them, and she had enough of this little 'hero'. The woman was ether going to die right here or force the mad Valkyrie to retreat, ether way, Valkyrie wouldn't quite know.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Polly Pocket January 23rd 2016, 2:20 pm

Polly couldn't make out the number or letters on the broken down door so she decided to turn back and ask her lame brained "friend" for her address, when out of nowhere the woman was right there in her face uttering "Peek..a boo" in an almost playful kiddie voice. The hero's reflexes are top notch to say the least, but the resident had the drop on her and the speed to deliver a hard uppercut right to Polly's chest, causing her body to react accordingly. Polly's finger was still on the trigger of her inhibitor gun and jerked back on pure bodily instinct, sending several of the projectiles hurtling at the mad resident at very close range, one was bound to strike her. Luckily the crazy woman didn't have good tactical fighting sense otherwise she would have knocked the inhibitor gun out of Polly's hand first, at least that is what the hero would have done if the shoe was on the other foot.

Polly's suit absorbed most of the impact, dispersing the kinetic energy outward, causing the hero to not feel as much of the pain as another person probably would have. However, the punch was still pretty damn powerful and hurt like hell. Not only that, it uprooted Polly from her feet and sent her soaring through the air. The gun and cell phone flew from the pretty little hero's hands as she careened into the wall. The back of her head knocked against it with a dull thud, sending a wave of affliction through her brain-case for a split second, before she dropped to the floor on her hands and knees.

The punch had knocked the wind out of her and her chest felt like it'd been hit with a sledgehammer or something, but Polly was triple tough and the mad woman's actions had served only to piss off the hero now. Polly snapped her head upward hard, blond hair flinging out of her face, hand held over her hurt chest. Her face was a mix of anger, confusion, and awe. To her dismay she found Freddy running toward her, well, toward the door which Polly was right next to. The Cutest of the Cute jumped to her vertical base and spun through the air like a human tornado, delivering a spectacular 720 degree spinning round house kick to his face. She felt the harsh impact travel through her foot and leg and knew right away it was a instant knock out blow.

As soon as her feet reached the floor again she bolted toward the crazy woman. The coffee table was between them and Polly used it as a launching platform to soar through the air at her. The former Olympic gold medal gymnast and UFC/Mixed Martial Arts Straw-weight Champion feinted a flying knee strike at the woman and instead brought a huge looping overhead Superwoman Punch down toward her face and head area. Polly's movements and execution were eye blinding fast and with precision technique. Super powered or not, this looney tuned skank was going to pay for her insolence.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie) Empty Re: Not Your Typical House Call (Tag: Valkyrie)

Post by Shadowoof January 23rd 2016, 8:06 pm

Valkyrie giggled as she her hit sent the woman practically flying, however, a few of those little shots had hit her, sapping her strength again, they however, also gave her a lot of ammo. With the crack of her jaw, she'd watch as the woman spun around and kicked the ice shooter, her fingers doing a little spin to mimic the action. "Spin, Spin." Valk would say as she spun around before looking back to Ms Polly who was already on the move, using her coffee table as a sort of lunch platform to perform a flying kick, Valkyrie was going to wait to grab the woman's foot but she suddenly switched to a punch that surprised the Mad Valkyrie and made her take a few steps back as the punch smacked her in the cheek before she started to giggle again.

"Punch and Burn, just like they punched and burned me." She'd say as a dangerous looking balls of black plasma arose from both her hands, forming them into multiple small balls that she shot at the woman with the speed of bullets. A mad grin on her face arose as she did this.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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