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Swarm Infestation [Complete]

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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 6 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 21st 2019, 7:29 pm

"Weakling. A being as strong as you... unable to punch me to save your friend, Scratch what i said. You are a terrible member for her colony."
She frowned, robbed of the one pleasure she could get. Her vengeance against that woman would have to wait. She needed Emerl to be stronger, strong enough to beat the alien. For now, it was pointless to keep the body. The alien would chase her and she could not fight back honestly. With time she would be able to close the gap. For now though, her eyes turned green and the will disappeared into her own soul gem.

Tears rolled down Emerl's face as she fell to the ground sobbing. She could have being gone, overtaken by the stronger will. It was miracle that she was released, one that may not happen again.
"Siren... So... sorry. I..." She closed her eyes and tried to turn around. Running away was the only thing she could think of. She was not strong enough to control her powers. She just made mistakes and almost hurt the people she cared about. She could not handle anymore people dying. She could not handle more people getting hurt.

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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 6 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 22nd 2019, 4:24 pm

Siren reached out a hand and grasped Emerl's, "Listen...I know you feel guilty...but what happened here today was not your fault. You're a victim of forces outside your control, I can tell. You definitely need help though. That's why..." She took a deep breath, knowing she was taking a big step here, "Why don't you...stay with me? I can use the company and I can help you learn to better control your powers."
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 6 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 22nd 2019, 10:47 pm

Emerl chuckled. After all of this, the alien was okay with forgiving the girl still. How she decided all of this, Emerl could not tell. The alien was nice. It was strong. He was hopeful. Emerl herself felt weak, tired, and lucky but mostly tired. Her mind felt dirty. Her head was dizzy. She knew she should not be here. There was so many chances, so many times she should have lost. This world was too hard alone. Plus, she was tired.

"Thank you... for kindness."
Emerl looked at the alien before lowering her head. Tears dropped from her face. All she wanted to do was cry, but that could wait till they returned home.


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