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Swarm Infestation [Complete]

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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 19th 2019, 5:54 pm

Even without easy access to metal, Charon had other tricks at its disposal. Panels opened up all along the sphere and produced a large number of metal tentacles. Its central red eye lighting up and forcing Siren to let go and dart to the side, narrowly avoiding its laser. Floating just above the skyline, the alien and the mechanical flying octopus stared each other down.

Charon attacked first, letting loose yet another beam that Siren managed to keep at bay with her shield. She looked to see one of its limbs coming around to stab her with its drill tip. However, she used her telekinesis to slow it down and direct it so it ended up in the path of the laser and got fried.

The robot continued to attack with various metal weaponry and Siren kept slipping through them, glancing down briefly to see Emerl on a rooftop, "I'll do something about those tentacles and you do what you can to damage it! And Emerl?" She flashed a grateful smile, "Thanks."

Siren would then shoot upwards like a rocket and grow in size while transforming into some type of giant plated armadillo creature that rolled into a ball and forced the robot to use all its tentacles to hold them at bay, leaving it open.

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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 19th 2019, 6:48 pm

It wont work. Your too weak.

Emerl looked up while resting her claws on the ground. It was crazy how strong golems were. If only she could locate the controller, then this battle would be over. At last, she was force to just attack the golem head on, or when she had an opening. Remaining still, her skin color mimicked the color of the building. The last thing she needed was the golem noticing her and attack.

Why stall, are you scare? It won't work.

Lazers flew everywhere but Siren was tanking them with an invisible barrier. The golem started added tentacles to the attack but Siren managed to weave through the attacks. More weaponry popped out of the golem but Siren took it all. Then Siren flashed a smile. She had a plan.

Unleash my full power Dear, it's your only hope.

Siren flew into the air and then slammed onto the golem, drawing all of it's attention away. Now Emerl had her chance. She lunged from the building into the air and swiped her claw at the golem. Should it succeed, he claws would make a small scratch in it's armor before bouncing off.
"AHHH" her arm stinged from the backlash of the attack. The metal was much sturdier than she predicted. No... she was just too weak. She rarely uses this form and it was showing.

Nice try

She fell back to the roof catching herself with her claw. The voice was right. The only option was to go primal but could she stay in control. Would it work? How long would it take for the machine to go down. Her heart thumped. No, she had to save it. Maybe she could find a weak spot. If she hit it there maybe it would work.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 19th 2019, 7:01 pm

Emerl's slash did indeed put a scratch on the machine, forcing Charon to take its attention off Siren long enough for her to morph into a tiny green squirrel and slip through the grasp of its tentacles and onto its face where she would then transform back and use her sonic scream point-blank, scrambling its sensors briefly.

She then ran along its surface, slashing through its tentacles one after the other until she reached the scratch Emerl had made. Taking a deep breath, she jammed her blade into it...only for that to be a mistake as Charon let loose a brief yet power electronic wave that sent Siren into the side of a building hard enough to leave an indent.

However, the heroine refused to stop and pulled herself free, breathing heavily, "Don't give up, Emerl!" She called out as she flew to tackle the machine with a telekinetic rush then hit it with one psychic wave after another, denting it further, "Keep aiming for that scratch you made and we should be able to pierce through its armor!!"
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 19th 2019, 7:46 pm

She is going to get hurt...

Emerl watched as Siren just ran all over the machine. She was winning. She even made her way to the scratch and managed to hurt it. Maybe they could do it. They could bring it down. Emerl stood still and matched the colors of her environment again. She waited for another opening. But this time it was siren who was blast away. Emerl's world froze as debris surrounded her friend. Flashbacks to Her friends all dying in front of her eyes. She could not let it happen. No more death.

Trust me... I can kill it.

She let out a loud cicada chirp and her body started glowing. Her legs folded and the thorax and abdomen of a praying mantis formed over them. The abdomen curled up and wings formed on her back. 4 Legs spawned out of the mantis body. Finally Emerl's eyes turned red. Even though Siren spoke, Fear and rage where quickly enveloped the girl.
"Die... GOLEM"
With her upgraded claws, she lunged at the golem and swiped hoping to cut it in half.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 19th 2019, 8:22 pm

Siren could only stare in horror at Emerl's transformation, "Oh no, she's doing that thing again!!"

Before they could make a move, Aurora stopped Alan, "Wait, something feels different this time...I think...I think she's trying to aim it at that machine...she's trying to keep us safe..."

Alan watched closely as instead of going on a rampage, Emerl's Mantis form lashed out at Charon who brought its tentacles together as a type of makeshift shield only for it to be sliced apart by Emerl's claws and to receive a deep gouge in its armor, causing sparks to fly all over the place.

Seeing that it was outmatched, Charon did the only thing it could think of...fight dirty. It spotted the device on Emerl's arm and began to hijack it remotely.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 19th 2019, 10:17 pm

Emerl lashed and slashed. She felt a sense of ecstasy as her claws carved through the metal. She giggled as she cut through one tentacle. Then chuckled as another one split in two. Finally, she busted out in a eccentric laugh as she Carved through the armor of the golem.
"Golem, weak... Unable to handle... Power of Turman Strong... Let me cut you more!"

However something grabbed the metal on her arm.
She turned to her arm and saw nothing there but when she tried to move her arm, it would not budge.
"Confused... confused... help!" Her eyes flickered blue, then turned purple, "I'm Trying dumbass... but something has your arm brace... I guess your losing your arm sweetie"
Emerl's free claw hovered over the captive arm ready to slice down but emerl's eyes shifted blue. "Noooo! fight..."

Her eyes shifted purple, "Dont worry. it will only hurt a little. Then we can kill his Golem"

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 19th 2019, 10:29 pm

Siren narrowed her eyes at seeing Emerl seemingly fight with thin air. It was then she spotted the device on her arm and remembered this thing had the ability to control metal. "Of course..." Siren gnarled her teeth and darted like a bullet straight at Charon, "LET MY FRIEND GO!!!"

She crashed into the machine hard enough to create a shockwave and dug in with all the strength her telekinesis afford her, ripping off chunks of the machine with brute force. It released a blast of electricity...but Siren activated her Absorption ability and took in the damage, fighting through it to punch the eye, cracking it.

"EMERL! I don't know what's going on...but you are NOT alone anymore!! Your friends are still with you in your heart!" The machine fired off random electrical bolts in all directions but Siren continued to pound and tear into the machine with her electrified hands, even as cuts and scars formed on her, "YOU ARE STRONG! You are strong because you care! I know because that boy you helped didn't look at you like a monster! He looked at you like a hero!!"

Charon was beginning to short-circuit...and yet still it tried to hang in there. To complete its mission.
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 20th 2019, 12:44 am

"HAHAH wow, to think this uhh... Alien? whatever you are... made friends with this weak girl. Listen up sweetie, I have been waiting Years for this chance and I wont let some Golem or power of friendship..."
"No... Will... release... form!"
"Do it... and your friend will continuing getting hurt."
"Dont care..."
"Neither do I"
Emerl jerked her body away from her arm, dislocating her shoulder. Emerl Screamed. Tears rolled down her face and her eyes turned flickered red before turning purple. Despite the pain, emerl managed to smile. Her purple eyes glanced at the alien who so ripping the robot pieces. That was a good thing. It looked like she would be freed no time.
"Remember... Hero," Emerl shouted to Siren, "Need to... Release... my form." In a small glow, the insect body disappeared. Now Emerl just needed to wait for.
"Fight, Fight Siren!"

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 20th 2019, 5:02 pm

Siren continued to pound on the robot until she tore open its shell and exposed what looked to be some sort of reactor. She dug her hand in and started to absorb all the energy from it.

The light in Charon's eye went out and the robot slumped over before shutting down. Breathing heavily, Siren pulled herself away from its corpse and glanced over to her friend, "Emerl are you al-" She stopped at seeing the purple eye color, "...You're not Emerl, are you?"
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 21st 2019, 4:12 am

Emerl chuckled grabbing her injured arm. It was free and safe from amputation. The alien completely demolished the golem. It was a bit surprising how strong she really was. Emerl was not sure if she could just beat her. Her purple eyes watched with a smile.
"Yay. Siren Real strong!"
The alien was not buying the act. It seemed the Alien was sharp and could noticed the subtle differences in the Turman, or at least the will wished she could say that. Picking up a small piece of metal and looking at the small reflection.

"So that's how she expresses herself. Interesting trait." She dropped the metal and then grabbed her arm again. There was no point in playing injured if the game was over. Emerl Slammed her arm back into it's socket.
"AHHH... much better."
Then she looked at the alien. "Depends who's asking. Nice world you have here. It's so... grey. Its nice to see this in the first person," a chuckled followed as Emerl moved closer to Siren. Base on what has happened so far, it seemed that this alien was found of Emerl. She went into a rampage after the girl was caught.
"In my country... the body keeps it's name. The mind only operates. So Yes, I am 'Emerl.'"

The girl let out a sigh. Holding out her hand, a mantis claw grew around it. "I wonder... do people of this 'Dirt World' have soul gems. Aurins don't. Neither do Mechins. I know... I had quite a few test subjects. So many messy failures. Know how hard it is to get blood out from between your fingernails?"
Then the claw disappeared, "Today is not a good day to fight such a interesting person as you.. Siren. Not yet. So tell me. If I'm not Emerl. What are you going to do about it?"

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 21st 2019, 6:08 pm

Siren scowled at the entity before them. It was clear this was not Emerl anymore, but someone else wearing her skin. Did her friend have a split personality she didn't know about? No, that seemed unlikely with all the talk about Soul Gems.

The heroine clenched her fist tightly...only to let it go as she figured that getting physical was not gonna fix anything, "I don't know who you are..and I don't really care right now. All I want is my friend back...and you're going to give her back whether you want to or not," She stomped towards the possessed girl until they were face to face...

And then she pulled "Emerl" into a warm hug, "Emerl...listen...I know you're probably in a lot of pain right now, maybe lost somewhere...but I'm here to let you are NOT alone...and you will never BE alone...because your friends are right here with carry their love inside your heart. So my voice...and come back to me..."

She then began to hum a soft melody, ignoring whatever blows or scratches the possessed girl might rain her and focusing only on the sound of her own voice...
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 21st 2019, 6:58 pm

The girl chuckled. A hug? This girl has clearly never dealt with a Turman before. Thinking back though, she did remember Emerl recovering some sanity last time the power of friendship was used. It is told that a Turman's humanity is found in her colony. She was not like the other wills. She did not willing give her powers to help the girl. In fact, her powers and life was stolen by this family. Still, it would be funny to play along.
"Ahh... I wont let you come out... nooo... Arghhhh... Your love is too strong. It is too bight. I am fading.... Eck." Then Emerl closed her eyes and went limped. Her left eye turned green as a small piece of conscience was allowed through.

A tear ran down Emerl's face as she looked at Siren. Her body trembled fighting to gain more control but overall it was futile. Then a dark thought ran through her brain. Emerl started sweating, her heart race. She wanted to speak but voice would not respond. If Siren was reading Emerl's mind, She would hear two voices. One begging her to run. The other laughing while debating on what act to take. Then should Siren not release Emerl, an exoskeleton would grow on the back of her hands while her eye shifted back purple. Finally Emerl would use her strength to try and rip the alien off of her.

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 21st 2019, 7:02 pm

Siren narrowed her eyes as in her mind, she did indeed get the impression two beings were clashing for control. On instinct, she backed away to avoid the possessed Emerl's swing, "Nice try, but I'm not so easily let my friend go and go back wherever you came from!!" Her eyes started to glow, "Do NOT expect us to ask again!!!"
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 21st 2019, 7:13 pm

"She has instincts... sharp ones. You picked a good person to join your colony."
Emerl smiled while folding her arms.
"What part of this don't you get. I am Emerl. I own this body now. So what are you going to do about it? And dont try hugging. The girl may have influenced me to not stab you... but you wont get lucky twice." The exoskeleton disappeared and a mantis claw grew on her arm.
"I may not be able to win but... oh... heres an idea!"
The girl giggled before removing her hood.

"How about you punch me hard in the face. Do that and I will go back into hibernation." Then Emerl leaned forward tilting her head, "This is my good side."

Poring Flan
Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by GamerXZ February 21st 2019, 7:20 pm

Siren raised her fist, and for a moment, it looked like she would actually do it, even going as far as to pull back her fist, sweat dripping down her brow...only to lower her fist again and sigh, "...I can't do it...she's caused me a fair amount of trouble since we met...but that doesn't give me the right to clobber her in the face,"

She eyed the possessed girl, "I..I know Emerl will come back...the Emerl who loves sweets and napping and is curious about every little thing. Emerl if you can hear're stronger than you think you are! I know you can please, come back!!"
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Swarm Infestation [Complete] - Page 5 Empty Re: Swarm Infestation [Complete]

Post by Row February 21st 2019, 7:29 pm

"Weakling. A being as strong as you... unable to punch me to save your friend, Scratch what i said. You are a terrible member for her colony."
She frowned, robbed of the one pleasure she could get. Her vengeance against that woman would have to wait. She needed Emerl to be stronger, strong enough to beat the alien. For now, it was pointless to keep the body. The alien would chase her and she could not fight back honestly. With time she would be able to close the gap. For now though, her eyes turned green and the will disappeared into her own soul gem.

Tears rolled down Emerl's face as she fell to the ground sobbing. She could have being gone, overtaken by the stronger will. It was miracle that she was released, one that may not happen again.
"Siren... So... sorry. I..." She closed her eyes and tried to turn around. Running away was the only thing she could think of. She was not strong enough to control her powers. She just made mistakes and almost hurt the people she cared about. She could not handle anymore people dying. She could not handle more people getting hurt.

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