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On my own

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 12th 2018, 5:40 am

Asmodeus was honestly shocked at the expression he felt radiating off of Samael. He was a strong kid, you could tell in his Devil-could-care attitude and his headstrong sense of duty. Not to mention his willingness to embrace danger, and persevere when common snese says to back down. So when he felt this strange wave waft over him, it was shocking. It wasn't any supernatural power, it wasn't any form of inner connection or demonic familial-bond. It was just two people, and the empathy between them. Samael was in a hurry, which Asmodeus could see as he would be brought to the first floor, back to the dancerss floor. He asked about some form of tehcnology, something about a thermal detection item.

"No, but I actually just might know where to get one..." Asmodeus said as he began to tug and straighten out his cufflinks, shaking his arms out as he walked towards the exit. His eye shifted throughout the area, looking for the strange energies he sensed. He could feel it, and there was no doubt Ezra could too. Despite he had no reason to worry, as a father he couldn't help but wonder if it was his duty to ensure what he felt wasn't a threat. He sighed and turned back to Samael.

It took a small while to get back to the motel room where Asmodeus has escaped as a German Shepherd. He walked them both over to the door where Matthew had brought him, and with a quick jimmy of the lock, he started to pick the lock. "So what's the plan? I assume there's a reason we need this thermal detector, or whatever." He said, the lock finally shifted and Asmodeus was in. He stepped in, the motel wasn't anywhere the standards you'd expect of the likes of Gio, let alone Asmodeus.

The hotel room was a regular one, rather standard. The only home touches were a few duffel bags hidden around the area and a frame with a picture of six people, and another frame with a picture of a young man, a boy and a German shepherd. Asmodeus was busy shifting through all the bags, attempting to discern which of these devices had been the one he knew his pet human had used for the thermal thing Samael needed.

"We've got some time before they come back...I'd imagine a day or we should have this in and back before they even know it's gone." Asmodeus mumbled under his breath as he began to look about his second bag, the one hidden in the ceiling cubby of the closet.

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 12th 2018, 9:11 pm

Samael stared death in the face often. Honestly he didn’t recall when there wasn’t someone trying to kill him, at the very least since his adult life began. Vampire, demons, angels and even humans wanted him dead for as many reasons as one could think of. Truly one could say that his birth was damned since he took his first breath. Even so he eyed the other demon, one revealed to be more than he had said he was and didn’t even seem that fluxed by their existence. If he was helping then that was more than most could claim about demons or princes of demons. Already his hurried steps had brought them to the first floor as he scanned for his sister. He thought he had caught a glimpse of her at the bar but that was just another painted up red headed slut.

The two stepped out the back door as Asmodeus mentioned knowing where they could find the equipment. He seemed to hum, intrigued by that but saying nothing more than that. From then they moved to a small motel, nothing that would have stood out to anyone but he had gotten used to picking the least flashy thing for hiding. If he hadn’t borrowed that apartment that doubled as a demi-plane then Samael would have found himself fucked entirely. Not that Lily let him used the thing that often considering how much she liked her privacy. A little lock picking and they both walked into the cozy room.

”When the whole sacrificing business begins there will be a massive hole in the thermal detection. With the device that makes it easy to find out where they are. At least that’s what the source told me.” He explained, looking over the couple of pictures that were on the wall. Well, one of them looked painfully familiar but he didn’t really say anything. He didn’t really want to stay in here longer than he needed to. They had young humans to save from painful sacrifice. Now he was just being a little more heroic than people would have expected of a half demon like himself.

”Know what you’re lookin for?” He queried looking to the demon prince who seemed to being having problem finding it. ”Not that I know anything about thermal tech.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 12th 2018, 11:06 pm

Asmodeus continued to search for the device while Samael did nothing. Well he became twitchy and started glancing around, but otherwise began to look along the lines of some too-cool-for-school greaser monkey from an 80's film. Asmodeus began to look at Samael as he spoke, an almost irritated look as Sammy explained just how much he didn't know about the device they were looking for. He would have scoffed, but he hid it behind an expert little smirk, a slight laugh of the situation was all the more it seemed.

"It looks like one of those...face things." He said as he brought a hand through the air across his eyes. "'A, like a black box thing that goes over the eyes, and an arch that keeps everything rested on your nog." He tossed his bag off to the side as he walked past and began to search the final bag, this time taking a bit of care, recognizing the small faded tag on it. Quickly pulling rhe bag open, he found that there were more than enough things to help him. Starting with an oversized cross that he pulled out. There were radiant rings around them, the top of the cross seemed to breach into two opposing directions, making a split like horn, all while being wrapped in a slightly stained cloth.

"Alright. Listen up kid...if this breaks. If any of this breaks...we are in some serious shit. There's not a God of Destruction I would hate to face more than who actually own this shit. So keep that in mind." Asmodeus said as he pulled out the headset and then passed it over to Samael. He was the demon, hopefully he would have some use for it. He noticed Samael looking at the photo, a hint of familiarity as he recalled the events with Samahin. "A boy, his brother and his dog. Remnants of a life that belonged to a good man gone crazed with his own sense of vengeance." He said as he seemed to rectify the his mind at least. If someone wanted to jump to conclusions they would.

"They're good kids...The kids we're tryina save could be to. Each photo, each memeory. Let's help them make some more, yeah?" He asked as he seemed to hold an open haind out to the doorway, ushering Samael out, and following his lead.

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
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Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
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Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 13th 2018, 4:06 am

Samael and advanced technology didn’t always mix very well. Magic had been something that saturated his life and from that he knew he wouldn’t be able to pick out the proper gadget. That always happened when he went diving for tech. Either for retrieval or something else entirely.  Asmodeus seemed to be trying to explain what he was looking for and that came down to a...face thing? His mind worked over what that even meant and came down to him likely looking for a mask. ”Like a mask?” he asked, reaching for the information that seemed to be hiding within the darkness. Adjusting the shades he joined the little search while trying to keep himself from breaking anything. ”Sounds like goggles actually.”

However the other seemed to find that thing before he knew what he was looking for. Well that made things much easier, and he didn’t accidentally break something with his sometimes clumsy fingers. Still he grasped the headset and looked it over, eyes narrowing as if trying to consume how the item worked. There were a few buttons and he could wear the thing over his head. Honestly it looked like he could size it to his head, keep things from sliding off and shattering. ”Don’t break it, go it.” He said with a small nod, turning back to Asmodeus who mentioned something about someone. He was speaking about the strange man that Adam had ended up working with at some point.

What was his vampire boyfriend doing hanging around with another potentially crazy person? Either way he didn’t think too long on what Adam did with his life. Instead they had places to go and evil rituals to stop. Putting the visor into a place where he could keep it until needing to be used, he turned to the one leading them out with a shrug.  ”That’s what i’m doing this for and I wonder why I do each day.” He quipped sardonically as the two stepped from the secluded little motel room.

Now came the waiting.

They had to wait for the massive temperature dip within the city and converge on it. That could have been an hour from now, or even an entire day. Even thinking about waiting that long was something that made him antsy. As if the time would pass by and they would miss their chance to stop this damn cult in their tracks. Small little thoughts that moved throughout his head, pushing away any others and leaving the cambion worrying. He took the prince of hell back to a safe house of his own, waiting out until he noticed it. The massive drop in temperature in the distance. Blue blossoming out and consuming the other vibrant colors that represented heat.

”Looks like things are starting.” He stated looking through the device, eyes narrowed and small smirk forming on pale pink lips. Checking over every weapon that he had on him, he considered himself ready and then they moved out. He had to protect these children from people and their cruel daggers. The reason was unknown but he did so anyway. Unfortunately he didn’t break the stereotype of being edgy, because he took his motorcycle to the epicenter of the cold spot.

The closer he got the colder it felt. Hair raising, coolness breaking through his jacket like daggers. Samael curved through the winding backstreets, eventually relalizing that he had found the boonies pretty quickly. That was when he thought he saw something flutter beyond vision and the vehicle under him seemed to shatter? The ground flew under him like a blur and glass shattered against body.

Was it glass? Someone screamed loudly. Sounded like a kid, and they were crying. Well he found the kid they were looking for, but they were tired up in some kind of circle and...were those people in robes. Yeah, those were people in robes. Samael quickly pushed himself up in a quick motion, blast of force colliding with his chest and throwing the cambion into one of the dirty walls.

”She’d told us we had to wait and you would come. Our goddess never fails to produce.” A woman spoke, wearing what looked to be thick black robes with stars and the moon embossed upon it in silver. A hard glare looked from beyond the shadows of the hood, fingers crackling with indigo energy. ”Bind him you idiots.” She dismissed the other cultists as they  seemed to chant and he felt his arms grow weaker.

Well shit.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 17th 2018, 6:59 pm

Asmodeus had his own way of getting to the site. He just wasn’t making it clear what that was, to be sure. He was already growing aware of the Cambion’s suspicions of him. But that wouldn’t matter here come long. He also took note of the way he seemed to mull over the picture of the individuals happy with the dog. He didn’t like this at all, in fact he was starting to regret this already. He knew all too well the intuitive power of prediction and underestimation. Any child of Hell was not to be underestimated, by anyone. Ever. He excused himself to go get his car, while Sammy decided to be Lord of the Edge. The more he thought about it, that actually sounded like a title one would hold within Hell. Asmodeus let out a small sigh as he watched Samael speed off. Asmodeus would soon be in tow, as a fierce warrior dog...the German Shepherd.

Samael had his own little entrance to be made. It was actually almost comical, how much the universe must hate this poor kid. As if he weren’t suffering enough in his half-breed status, and murderous family. This crap too seemed to be a constant in his life. It was actually a wonder how this kid hadn’t already gone full genocide. Asmodeus continued on his way, watching from a safe distance. He could hear with his superior doggo ears that they identified and were in fact waiting for Samael. Something about their goddess delivering. The not so little dog crept closer, the pads on it’s paws keeping it quiet. He quietly made his way to the cracked door and walking in as quietly as he could.

The men were chanting in what seemed to be a form of lulling spell, a grigori chant, but not one he had ever heard. He could gather only some of the words, discerning that this would be very effective against any demon of moderate standing, let alone a half-breed. Asmodeus had a choice to make at this moment. How far was he willing to go in order to protect the spawn of a sibling? He couldn’t fool anyone. Family was the whole reason he helped Rochelle. It was the reason he hid, to be with his love. Why his son mattered, even after changing his name to Ezrail, Ezrael or whatever it was. Samael was family, one way or another. Even if helping him was a risk of alerting the other Princes that he still lived. Asmodeus was about to go in when he smelled something within the air. Turning about a moment he noticed another dog, a darker colored coat as it shuffled through the street unleashed. Asmodius paused, and realized that now wasn’t maybe the best time to be a dog…. Or maybe it was...

In a few more moments, the dog walked into the room, looking around as he saw the child with the knife. He didn’t whine, he didn’t give any indication that he was anything other than a stupid dog. It walked through and started panting, looking about as if it were a scavenger, explorer or otherwise a free spirit.

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 17th 2018, 8:33 pm

At this point Samael was convinced that he had been cursed sometime before he had been born and life was just enacting that bit of terrible luck. Here he lay now, bound by invisible chains that sapped away his energy and left him to the mercy of the bitch and her gang of losers. Not to say this was the first time he had been bound, however typically he had someone to help him. Instead he was alone, Gio not in sight and the gleaming sacrificial dagger within the hand of the high priestess. Silver too. Now he knew things were stacked against him, feeling the faint bruises along his legs and arms already healing. That faint itching sensation that made him want to scratch and yet his limbs did noting more than lay at his side. Oh yeah, he also fell against the concrete with his head making an audible thud. It stung a little, nothing that he didn’t feel before. Hell, it was nothing compared to a gunshot.

People liked to shoot him.

Black eyes turned towards the child, looking down on him with wide silver eyes. Goddamn he wouldn’t have minded Nate jumping in and doing that whole righteous thing involving slaying some cultists. Sure, that meant he had to run as well but he wouldn’t have been bound like this. ”A child of the divine and the damned, just what we need. Soon the final seal will break.” The high priestess spoke, tapping what he now saw was a staff within her hand. He gave a weak smile, trying to draw on the shadows around him and they did answer. Not like he wanted, only feebly shuddering rather than ripping through human flesh. Now this was not a good feeling. If he thought he was powerless, then this was even worse.

”Sorry kid, wasn’t expecting this rescue to fail so spectacularly. “ Even if this kid were angel or partially angel, he didn’t deserve to be served up to some dread god like this. He glared at the head priestess as she seemed to brandish the blade within her hand. Would she kill him or the kid first? A part of him wanted to escape, run as far as he could and that human half was...well more annoying. It wanted him to save someone that actually deserved it instead of the killer that pretended he deserved more than to be carved up like the sacrificial cow.

So he tried another futile attempt to conjure the shadows, this time going a little further but nothing of worth. ”Now, let us begin the sacrifice.” As if reacting to the words, the symbols began to flare with arcane energy. Glowing a deep purple that cast dark light across the room and gave the place an other worldly look. That was when the dog came, a German Shepard padding aimlessly across the floor and sniffing about. ”Who let the dog in? I swear we had this place warded against those mongrels.” She sneered, motioning for one of the cultists to shoo it away.

“I’ll do it.” Squeaked one of them, sounding around sixteen, voice still cracking as if going through puberty. He walked over to the dog and knelt before it. “Hey big guy, shouldn’t be here. Real nasty stuff going on. If you come with me we probably have some kind of non-human meat somewhere around here.” He looked to one of the other, the uncertain face visible under the hood. Either way the grand priestess turned attention away from the dog back to the angel child, quivering as he could do nothing else.

”Now, let your blood be given so that fate may be enacted and cleanse this world.” She raised the dagger and Samael did what he did best. That being shit talking.

”Leave it to a cowardly chicken shit of a god to have a useless priest like you.” The dagger stopped half way in its descent. He had a feeling it worked. ”Killing kids. Sounds like something a weak god would call for since their pathetic followers can’t get real meat. What afraid someone big and strong might give you a little...” Thwack. The staff came across his face, bringing with it the taste of blood and black droplets dripping from his now swollen lip.

Okay, that damned thing was blessed.

”Leave it to the spawn of evil to judge that which they don’t understand. Very well, I shall shut your mouth before you speak anymore blasphemies.” Again the dagger rose, shifting and morphing into a short sword. Like the sword of damocles came down.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 23rd 2018, 12:19 am

Asmodeus watched as the woman smashed Samael with the blessed weapon. He looked up to the young human. He nuzzled against him as his voice projected into the boy’s mind. He was trying his best to be stealthy, to act inconspicuous as the people in the room began to act a little differently. Some of them shifted around uncomfortably in their oddly cultic attire.

Your soul is too pure to be here, kid. I get wantin’ to fit in. But why don’t you do something great with yerself? Not follow this crowd of losers that are gonna be killed by a telepathic dog? The voice was right in the boy’s mind, but as he tried to speak he would be silenced. The boy hadn’t noticed, and Samael and the angel creaturer wouldn’t have noticed, but many of the people in the area began coughing, waving their arms in front of their faces and screaming out in pain. I’m gonna leave some directions in yer head here. If ya wanna be a good boy, so home. If you wanna be a great one...go there. The dog proceeded to bark and ran up to the woman whom had hit Samael. The dog proceeded to whimper when looking at him, but then looked to the woman. He allowed this woman to be unaffected, primarily because he needed answers. How fortuitous that the miasma that filled the area began to choke the cultists.

With the cultists no longer capable of chanting and their eyes turning blood red as they gasped for air, Asmodeus had assumed that the binds over the two hostages would lessen up. The dog sat at the feet of the head cultist, noticing that Samael had already received a lesser wound than one that could kill. The dog left his tongue hanging out in its own derpy way as it seemed to smile, tailing wagging and bouncing off the floor as it sat. It was left looking to the woman as if she were its owner. The dog’s eyes seemed to be sparkling with life and love as it looked to the woman, as if she were infallible. Although that was just the traditional look dogs gave their owners, unless they were an abuse case. Once the kid had been out, and there were no more chanting, Asmodeus assumed Samael would be able to save himself and the kid. Hopefully before he had to actually transform and make a right mess of the woman. But if not, he had this covered. He just sincerely hoped this woman tried to hit him.

Samael may be injured, but he would be fine. Well, he should be fine. Even with a sacred or blessed weapon striking him, part of him was human; and the mist would keep him from feeling more than discomfort. With less pain means more wits are about you.

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
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Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 23rd 2018, 1:13 am

Samael expected this to be the end, weapon plunging through his chest and likely rupturing something important. Token attempts to move came to no avail, muscles flexing pointlessly but bringing about with them no actual movement. That was when a cacophony of coughing rose, black smoke floating along the floor and rising upwards from seemingly nowhere. With the chanting at an end came a certain level of motion, something that rushed back all at once. Just in time for him to move, a sudden twist of the body in an attempt to move away from the weapon. It didn’t happen as cleanly as he thought, turning to where the blade bit into his side. Slicing through demonically enhanced flesh and the thin barrier of energy that cracked; then shattered.

Pain rose from the impact point, spreading outwards as he felt like what he assumed to be holy residue spreading through the wound. A leg lashed out, kicking at the priestess and forcing her to step back while the blade came with her. Sudden wrenching from the injury, then just that dull aching pain that came with being stabbed. Rolling away from the woman, he felt the sudden wooziness that came with being stabbed in his side. The angel boy looked shocked, even worried over the person that had just gotten stabbed before them. Black blood oozing, bubbling and staining the white shirt that lay under his jacket. ”Okay, now that hurts like a bitch.” He cursed under is breath and looked to the kid with an apologetic smile.

Pressing a hand against the floor, his fingers morphed into long black talons. He didn’t even notice his blood had begun to sink into the runes that glowed along the floor, causing a few of them to glow a dark blood red. Thankfully whatever pain he should have felt beyond the initial seconds seemed to fade, leaving him more euphoric than anything else.

”You fools! Cease your insessent coughing!” She barked, language giving way to a gutteral language that reverberated. Full of sharp consonants and soft vowels, and with a stamp of her foot a massive gust burst outwards from the woman and sent everyone around her flying away. Samael slammed against a crate, shattering the  wood as the child seemingly held in place by a series of shadowy tendrils. ”I don’t know what it is with you dog, but I know well enough that you’re in the way. Why don’t you begone?” Purple lightning crackled along her fingers, and arced towards the dog that stood in their midst. Bolts crackling off and melting the shadowy shield protecting the angel boy, simultaneously cutting through the ropes binding him.

”Should probably run away while you have the time kid.” Sammy offered the kid, hand resting over his wound which just did not stop bleeding. ”I’ll take care of this bitch.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 26th 2018, 11:02 pm

Asmodeus watched as the woman belittled and demanded that the mortals that followed her stopped coughing. Which left him in a mixture of amused, confused and slightly concerned. She could see some of the miasma as a slight haze, so could she not actually put together that they were really gasping for air? Perhaps she simply didn’t care. Then she let out a powerful violet, well- violent lightning was sent streaming towards him. It hit him, causing his hair to stand on end as he felt his insides warm and then suddenly go cold. The Lightning bounced form him, arching off as it closed in on the angelic-adjacent child, closing in deathly close. Miraculously the shadows rose to the child’s defense, leaving Samael’s power to be exposed, much to Asmodeus’ amazement. The dog let out a whine, a yelp and a weakened howl before it seemed to fade away into shadow. Samael made the comment of killing the woman himself, but there was no such need. From the shadows there would be an inky figure that seemed to emerge, a blood stained glow forming it to shape, it’s glowing eyes fixated as a sickly yellow white began to seep forth from it’s face, forming an upper skill and face.

Head to two the shadow seemed to solidify, as if something had come from the void itself and stepped into being. It’s armor was a sleek dark charcoal color as the hairless head formed, the fanked upper skull curved against the inky darkness made metal. Blood began to float from the eyes of his victims that began to show the signs of true asphyxiation, flying to stain some of the creases in his armor, solidifying into stained metal. Across the breastplate appeared to be runic markings of an alien type of language. Upon his forehead the inky shadow burned through, creating a runic circle of some kind, leaving the figure all the more strange for it.

”How gracious of you to offer… ‘entertainment’ for us. Please, allow me to give your “Goddess” a gift of my own.” He said, snapping his fingers. His unholy voice still rumbled with a laying giant within, a sense of dread seething from him. The sophisticated yet horrific tone to the voice, the accent not as prevalent, but all the more horrifying. In that moment, the souls of the men left their bodies as the darkness began to wrench and peel the flesh back like grapes, pulling at strings of flesh and muscle as it began to evaporate into nothingness. The men offered no screams, their souls forced away. ”Unfortunately there was no receipt...I hope she likes.” He said as his shadows formed several knives across his body, all of them bearing holy emblems. He attempted to reach out to Samael with his mind, warning him to get back, as Asmosdeus began to feel the bloodlust inside of him itching, after all the fresh would be difficult for him to hold back for anything other than a sadistic sense of drawing out a kill.

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
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Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 26th 2018, 11:43 pm

His eyes widened in silently dismay at seeing the dog struck, expecting the smell of burnt canine flesh to permeate the room very soon. Instead all that existed was the scent of singed fur as the mutt yelped, child breaking from frayed ropes and scuttling away from the conflict. The dog looked to fade into the shadows, but he was more interested in making sure the kid was unharmed. People screamed, though he was trying to keep the little guy from looking on something truly messed up. Not that he knew too much about what he had seen within his life, especially since that lead to them on the chopping block of a cult. He knelt to the little angel boy, looking them over for anything that might have denoted that he was hurt. Looking closer he noted the kid was younger, perhaps around thirteen or fourteen. In the end beyond a little irritation around the wrists from being tied up, he looked fine.

Well that was good.

”Should probably run along home new kid. Something tells me things are about to get messy.” He didn’t like the idea of leaving a kid in the middle of anything that might have lead to them getting hurt, let alone killed. His attention turned to the form rising from the shadows, black with a shock of white in the form of what looked to be a mask with strange runes inscribed into the forehead. With just a glance he knew this was a little beyond him, and dying to beings greater than him was not high on his list. He reached to grasp the kid by the arm, and felt the stabbing pain lance through his stomach. It felt as the wound were getting worse, bleeding more than what it was should have. The attempt to grasp faltered, leaving him lightly wrapping fingers around their forearm.

”You’re hurt, and it looks pretty bad.” He noted, brows furrowing in an almost defiant fashion as he seemed to feel over the injury on his side. More pain came, fresh and new. ”You can’t fight her either. We should run instead if you being stupid.” Now the kid was being painfully direct, drawing an annoyed look from the cambion.

”What the hell do you know?” He growled, despite the fact he was already turning to leave the fight.

”That woman is a real monster. A friend of mine tried to save me from her and they...” He frowned, almost as if the silence alone was enough to imply what had happened. A small sigh worked from him as he as the two worked through a hole within the wall, even further pushed by the strange voice within his mind. What the hell was going on.

They managed to get a few more steps down the alleyway as he felt the pain once again bloom anew and slammed against the wall, sliding down with a fleshy skidding sound. ”Looks like you can’t get any further...not without my help anyway.” He knelt down, pressing the flats of his hand against the injury. A low golden glow emanating from his hands and the injury as it began to close.

Samael looked at him, dumfounded. An angel had wasted their time healing him. Now that was an unknown feeling. ”Why?”

”Because everyone deserves a chance, even demons though you don’t seem to follow the whole stereotype.” He said calmly with a weak smile, looking over the break within the shirt that had once been gushing. His hands now smeared with blood like onyx paint.

The child didn’t even notice what came next.

Meanwhile the priestess confronted the demon prince. ”She holds no interest in your paltry offerings demon.” She spat, noting that her followers had been reduced to nothing at all. Men and women who had offered their lives, and in the end knew what that would amount to. Nothing more than what had happened. ”However, I can see you’re not something I can simply brush aside like the ones sent by The Raven. Therefore you should feel grateful.” Black flames  came to life, flickering from the folds within her cloak. Devouring the fragile cloth as it faded, crumbling ashes fluttering into the air. Underneath was a lithe woman, wrapped within a leather armor inscribed with a myriad of symbols that seemed beyond mortal minds.

The blade she had wielded gleamed with a dark radiance. ”Don’t bother screaming.” At once she was gone, just a flitting shadow and flash of a blade. ”You’ll only last a second.” Down came the blade, like a guillotine that was aimed to decapitate the demon prince with a single stroke.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 27th 2018, 12:09 am

Asmodeus watched, the woman was gone and then reappeared. Unfortunately for her, the Asmodian dogma he practiced, the regiment and fighting that he’d done against Gods, Angels and even other Princes of Hell had trained him well. That as well as any anime he ever watched. Ever. What? The Prince of Lust is able to watch anime, thank you very much. That aside, he found that enemies that disappeared ended up attacking the most obvious blind-spots. Above, Beneath or Behind. Unlike Anime, however, he believed in the most practical response. The Demon Prince leaned his entire body back, pushing himself back into the woman. The sheer force of this would likely throw her off balance, as well as beset an attack, or throw it off from any mortally wounding area. He’d taken note of the hand she struck with, his opposite hand coming up to grab at where he wrist should have been to have aligned with a clean chop of the neck.

”Oh I’m so sorry my dear.” He ducked down as he put as much force as he could into spinning the woman around, catching her and pulling her closer. A holy symboled blade between his forefinger and middle finger, lined up with the woman’s neck. Her blade aligned with his own throat with a strange pause, almost as if both of them expected the other one to make the first move. ”I don’t let anyone behind me on the first date. Shall we dance?” His jest was met with a motion from her, his own blade coming to meet hers, the clash ending with Asmodeus pushing force to redirect her momentum, then diving down to the woman’s side with a somersault, spinning while still low to the ground, knife up by his face, eyes narrowed as he screened the room. She was gone again, the Miasma in the area cleared, he would not allow that to be the only reason he defeated this woman. This was the first prey he had in a long while. He intended to relish it. He began to focus on all of his senses, fixating on anything he could gather.

The others would likely attempt to escape, but the priestess was likely smart enough that if she didn’t keep focused on the demon, it would find her. It would kill her, and it would never stop until it was her eternal tormentor. Or her lover? Things were probably very skewed at this point. Either way it was both flattering and likely disturbing to see how casually this demon was taking things. On guard, but relaxed. Like war was the only way he knew how to be still. Hopefully the angel boy and Samael were already on their way out. If they were they might have seen a very familiar face walking the streets with a smile on that pale skinned face and messed up black hair as he took a sip of the large plastic object in his hand.

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
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Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
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Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 27th 2018, 12:42 am

The woman had gone with the obvious route, though any lesser man would have fallen for such a cheap trick. Asmodeus was no such simple person, turning the strike into something else entirely. Leaving the priestess to back off once contact had been broken, retreating faster than she had ever before. Where once a woman stood was nothing, just stale air as she watched the man from the shadows. There was something dangerous about him, beyond the average demon and maybe even beyond what she had faced in the service of her goddess. They had crossed the great divide together, yet now something like this appeared before her in a way that only made her even more frightened. That was when she noted something, a dark presence that filled the room to the brim with malevolent intent.

”I’ve never seen her run so scared in her entire life.’ A voice noted, female and strangely soft in composition. Should Asmodeus turn, he would see a deathly pale girl dressed in black leathers. Something more akin to the love child of a biker and goth chick with thick studded boots tapping against the concrete, steel ankh hanging around her neck on a thin silver colored thread. Her black eyes scanned the darkness ponderously, before turning to the demon. ”It’s good to know that demons are taking such good care of my friend.” She smiled, lips parting into a tight grin.

”My goddess I...” She apologized, seemingly appearing next to the woman I black, kneeling for supplication. Forgiveness for a slight that she alone perhaps saw as once but the girl only laughed.

”No need for apologies. This one was beyond you anyhow.” She pressed off from the wall she had leaned against, holding what looked to be an inky black walking stick within her left hand, depressed against the floor. Second glance would reveal it was more of an umbrealla. ”Luckily I cleaned your little mess up.” As if on cue tendrils of shadow broke through the few remaining windows on that side, broken forms rolling along the floor and slapping onto the center of the still glowing circle. Gold and black ichor had been strewn about, leaving it a macabre scene.

”Never have I seen a demon defend an angel so vehemently. Even when I told them they were essentially dead.” Those with sharp enough hearing could tell what looked to be Samael was breathing but the others breathing was shallow, as if he was close enough to death.

”Of course. I’ll deal with this thing at once.”

”No, The Good Sister has been waiting long enough. Even her patience wears thin eventually.” She stepped forward, twirling the cane on an index finger while looking over the demon. Runes across the floor blossoming with shades of deep purple and brilliant golds. ”We have about thirty seconds to play before I have to go. Make this fun won’t you.”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 27th 2018, 2:58 am

The new woman was something else. There had been tendrils and a fast paced entrance of sorts. She looked like the form a demon would take, if forced to. Spikes, studs and leather. This biker bitch bit off way more than she could chew by coming after him in this way. He could do it. He could unleash the full wrath. This woman, this “goddess” would know why Asmodeus was known as the God slayer, before that impotent human coveted the phrase. But he had to hold back. He couldn’t have fun with this one. He needed to do this. The angel boy was in danger. Asmodeus doubled his efforts, the Miasma was a full on smog now that flooded the room, obstructing the servants eyes and forcing her to feel the fate of her fallen underlings. The angel and Samael would be in the clear, while the goddess would be unable to see. The miasma, the was part of him.

”tsk tsk tsk…” Asmodeus said, clicking his tongue. One could have just imagined  ”No true-sight beautiful. That would be cheating.” He said as he opened up the assault, throwing two daggers in adjacent areas to where this goddess was. She didn’t have much to worry about at that second in time. Asmodeus’ attack was rather straightforward, drawing out a response, the purpose of the two blessed silver knives into the fog didn’t seem to be for anything in particular. Asmodeus’ speed was fast, very fast. As his blow connected, a concentrated pool of miasma formed over the area. The short movements were beyond anything human, and his perceptions seemed to be more than a few steps ahead of even the most masterful metahumans. His blows were very specifically timed, but easy to block, though he never seemed to put enough force behind them to warrant a parry, or dead-on counter measure. First it was by her left shoulder, then it was down to the waist, then back towards the face. Three easy blocks for any goddess worth her salt.

Unknown to anyone within the fog, the child began to stand and walk away, despite his wounded state. His eyes burned a strange maroon in color as he stumbled into the alleyway, coughing as he began to look around for help. His wings sprawled out. He attempted to use his eyes to see, but he had to rely on Asmodeus’ blessing. He felt it, a spark. He looked up to a man in an alleyway, one with wide eyes and a laugh as he took another drink of the yellow-white liquid in the jug. He walked over and saw the angel boy trying to heal himself.

"Awe. Look at you. You’re adorable with your little white feathers and your golden blood!" The man said as he walked up. He knelt down for a moment before a small smirk arrived on the guy’s face. Asmodeus was forced from the boy’s mind, leaving him with a small moment of lucidity as Asmodeus’ blessing remained internal. "You wanna live right? C’mon. Show me. What would a weak, adorable little angel do to stay alive and get back home?" He asked, each and every word seemed to egg the angel boy on, only for the man to slip a knife into his hand.

"C’mon kid. You’re gonna die. Show me that fire inside. Show me how much you want to be alive." The taunt was just enough to do it it would seem...

Last edited by Asmodeus on September 14th 2018, 6:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
Post Mate
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Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 27th 2018, 3:17 pm

The miasma rose, dense as it blocked out all sight. The only response it drew from the goddess was a smirk, tapping the cane like object within her hand against the floor a couple times, eyes seemingly scanning through the dense black cover. ”Now now, the man hiding behind his smoke shouldn’t lecture me about fairness. Here I thought you would be so much more.” Knives breached the thick miasma, aimed for her but seemingly nowhere in particular. They seemed to slow in their trajectory to her, and with a casual motion she whipped the cane in hand and batted the knives away from their course. Skittering along the floor as she continued to gaze through the blackness. ”Instead you resort to cowering in the darkness. I suppose that’s so very demonic of you isn’t it?” The goddess raise a hand, fingers splayed open and smile growing by a margin.

”Why don’t we clear the air a bit?” From her hand radiated something. Not quite tangible, but the air violently, even visibly fluctuated from the point she held out her hand as the wave collided with the miasma itself. One would have expected nothing to happen, however the force itself seemed to collide with the miasma and then the section was one. Destroyed, if one wanted a term for what she was doing in this instance. Unleashing waves of sheer destruction that consumed and eradicated anything that it touched without much haste. She would smoke out the demon, even if that meant destroying every single mote of miasma that had been secreted here. If he wanted to play ball, well she would show him a good time before she had other things to perform.

Before Armageddon had to be brought.

The angel child had already walked out of the building, bleeding from various grievous injuries and finding himself barely in control of his mental faculties. Each step, despite the lack of pain he felt was haggard and even weak. In a haze he stepped before someone, drinking from a plastic container though that wasn’t the important part. His body had in some vain attempt tried to fly, wings played outwards as they weakly broke through the back of his shirt and vainly flopped about in an attempt to fly.  The man asked him a question. Did he want to live. His lips, feeling as if they were full of cotton opened, him gaping at the other as if understanding what he said but not completely sure what to say.

The cold press of a knife settled into his palms, fingers curling around the handle without conscious effort. Why did he need this? What did it do for him now, when he was dying like this? He looked down to the knife and then back to the other, finally understanding on a fundamental level.

I wanna live!

His thoughts screamed out, given audible voice only a few seconds later as he felt the knife slam forward. Striking the other square in the chest. A second past, as he realized what he had done. Eyes wide in horror as he watched the knife sink into another living being, shame,  sadness and so many other emotions poured from him as he stepped back with shaky legs. Eyes still glued on the scene before him.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 30th 2018, 7:02 pm

”Ouch, my pride.” Asmodeus said, unamused although with the trace of a sense of humor behind what he had said. ”Come now, small weak little blows like those wouldn’t have scathed you even if you hadn’t deflected them. I’m obviously not trying to play unfairly. So what else could little old me be doing?” He posed the question, only for there to be a comment about airing the place out. Well he had to give the woman credit, she had a brain on her. But did she really realize what she had done? The careless slinging of energy was just enough to give Asmodeus the information he needed. Whatever this woman, or rather this “goddess” had dominion over, it was sheerly destructive in nature. She also seemed to target the miasma motes, including the one he had left right there, in front of her by the ground beneath her. The miasma was being destroyed, and despite the fact it was an extension of Asmodeus’ will, it put up a paltry struggle. It allowed itself to be cleansed so easily, it was almost alarming. The miasma itself began to bind into the cracks and crevices in the ground, trying to tie itself into the floor and all. Her energy began to erode and erase everything, absolutely everything. Pieces and parts of the walls. Parts of corpses, Asmodeus began to fear even his flesh would be next. The floor, the ceiling suffered from the sheer destructive power and erosion. But that didn’t stop Asmodeus...

He was well concealed within the shadow, doing what it was he did best…

Ruining everything, for everyone, forever.

Her destructive energies let out a powerful pulsation of energy, and the miasma all vanished, leaving only the crippled building and revealing that the summoning circle she had placed was now eaten away by her own power. She wanted a challenge? She had one.

”Well would you look at that…” Asmodeus said as he stepped out from the shadow caddy corner to the goddess. His eyes seemed to burn a faint yellow, narrowed in a way that made them look as though they were laughing, giddy and overjoyous. “looks like I cleared your schedule.” He said, now he actually took a fighting stance. His one arm raised, his knees bent a bit and his other arm bent jutting his elbow forward as the hand found its way to the cross-like throwing blades. He threw two more blades, though these weren’t even in the same direction as the goddess, they arched out in a cone like projection as Asmodeus charged forward, barreling into a frontal assault. She knew he was, or that he wasn’t a standard demon. She needed to be removed, somehow, someway.


The boy shoved the knife into Ares and at that moment, the child’s mana fluxed. It changed and it seemed to become more. It wasn’t just a single tether, it was multiple now. The man watched as the boy backed away in shock, realizing what he had done. The man smiled and pulled the knife from his body, the child would watch as he looked down, seeing his body entirely restored to nothing more than dried blood, scabs and bruises. He was healed? The man smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

”Yeah. You wanna live.” He said, oddly enough he seemed to appreciate what he just witnessed. It wasn’t corruption. No, this was revelation in it’s purest sense. Someone who saw the world a little less dark was finally seeing the shades of grey it could be. Not the shades of the kid, because he had more than as few, and not like the book either. The man tried to read it, but it wasn’t exactly an enthralling read. ”It’s okay. People like us, we’re different. We’d give a little bit of ourselves to help each other. A little bit of ourselves to help others. Even though we’re different from each other, we’re still the same that way.” He offered these things up almost as if he were explaining something. What he was explaining there wasn’t exactly much of a clue for an external ear, but the young nephilim would likely know what the man was saying.

”I’m no angel. But I can help you.” The man offered, his own black mana synergizing with the area, pulling at the small Nephilim’s own new attachment to the darker side of life. If nothing else he was trustworthy, right? He wanted to genuinely help, right?

Oddly enough…

...he did

On my own - Page 3 Asmode10
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 30th 2018, 7:38 pm

The energy of destruction consumed all it touched, leaving not even a single mote in its wake. Unfortunately it also tore through that miasma, taking with it concrete and portions of the foundation of the building itself.  Bit by bit the coverage was washed away, eventually leaving her with a better view of the building itself and the one that had created the cover. However it was just now that she realized her overzealous use of her gift had caused unintended damage. The building was of no consequence, but the circle that had been inscribed into the ground found itself with massive gouges within the matrix. Black eyes widened in realization as the demon spoke, giddy almost in their triumph. ”Now I see what she meant.” Nyx noted, stroking her chin thoughtfully. ”That pushes things back a little. So that means I have plenty of time to punish you.”

That was when the demon charged, a frontal assault that likely would leave her open to the thrown knives that might come back. His confidence within the weapons showed that they were not simple man-made creations. ”I hope this is you getting serious demon.” She stepped forward, and when collision would occur he would find himself likely phasing through her as if a mirage. She noted that the red haired combion was gone, meaning he would have to hunt down more with the blood they needed. So many inconveniences that made this whole thing annoying.  Many in this world did not believe in gods, true gods anyhow, so she would have to teach this one what it meant.  ”Your blood will work for a replacement.” The shadows rose, undulating and uncertain figures that took the form of flowing blades.

The goddess turned to where her opponent likely had gone once he slipped through her for, cane itself becoming uncertain and then breaking into shadowy fragments. With a flick of the wrist it lashed through the empty space between them, followed by the variable blades that danced around them. All of them aimed for vital spots, knowing that any half-hearted measure would be batted aside easily.

She at the very least acknowledged that this was not someone she could take lightly.

He had wanted to live. Despite the revulsion he felt towards the act he had performed, he truly did want to survive. Still that sensation existed until he noticed that the other wasn’t dying. Choking on his blood, as the life itself drained from their eyes. He had seen that terrible sight before, people torn apart without even the ceremony of a personal stabbing. Burned into his mind, brought to the surface with this action. Instead he was alive, stab wound nothing more than a remnant with a small amount of scabbing around the puncture wound. Were they really no different?

He couldn’t tell. He had just met this person, they had asked him to essentially stab them and now this. ”Help me how?” he questioned, voice still quivering but not as much as it was before. He was still shaken by the concept that he could have taken a life from someone like that. It took all he had not to fall down, paler than he had been a few minutes ago.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 3 Empty Re: On my own

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