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On my own

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen June 22nd 2018, 11:06 pm

”Now I know.” Samael stated with an almost unamused tone, arcing a brow while considering if he was being messed with or if the man actually spoke in such a thick accent. If so then he likely had difficulty with other clients, or typically worked in New Zealand. That meant he was dealing with someone that had a deeper reason to leave their normal stomping grounds. So many questions, none of which he expected to have an answer to by simply asking. That was what made dealing with people difficult, and yet interesting at the same time. Hesitantly he followed the older man, keeping his senses peeled while the two walked. They were going somewhere, but for what reason he couldn’t tell.

Where they ended up looked to be some kind of raving area filled to the brim with bright flashing lights, face paint and just headaches. He couldn’t help the headache that came from sensitive senses taking in the sensory. Stepping past the flimsy tarps that served as doors, his expression shifted further into annoyance. This was so Vegas, but no in the way many would have expected.

In the end it just pissed him off.

”We’re seeing someone who probably hates you and has weird eyes. Got it.” Was all he said, silently processing the information and compartmentalizing it as best as possible. However what he found when looking to where G.V once stood was that he was gone. Instead he stared at a familiar face, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.


Instantly he went on guard, reaching for one of his weapons but found the wrist arrested by one of her hands. ”There’s no need to be hasty little brother. If I wanted you dead, well we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” The red haired nephalem quipped, releasing his arm and taking a step back. ”I’ve just noticed we’ve been following similar leads, or rather similar cults. Our father doesn’t seem too pleased with their existence.” He had just noticed she was painted up on bright neon blue paint, bedazzled with glow stick jewelry.

”That’s great. Give him a round of applause for not being as bad as he could be.” Was all he said with venom apparent in his tone, eyes narrowed behind sunglasses like daggers.

”Well, I had been hoping we could work together on this matter but I did notice you were walking with an...interesting individual. Thought you would have your pet vampire with you.” She seemed to drink something from a cup. ”Whatever. Try not to  get yourself into anything too dangerous. What we’re dealing with is bigger than just a few bad vampires or wendigos.” Before he could ram the dagger hidden in his sleeve into her, Asmoday danced backwards into the crowd and seemed to vanish. That left him confused, and turning to see G.V looking for him.

”Let’s just meet this Ez person and get this over with.” Was all he said while motioning for him to lead the way.

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Humanity June 23rd 2018, 12:12 am

That smell... he was certain of it. It was a smell unlike any other. It was so easy to distinguish once you got close. Demons relied upon the senses of the mundane and carnal, fortifying their sensory while the Angels and celestials seemed to hone their senses into something...above them. Something that is not entirely inherent to them. It was hard to believe that oh so long ago, Asmodeus saw the similar common ancestor of the two warring beings. This smell was not one he would ever forget. His heart began to pace itself as his hair stood on end. A rush ran through him, like hot water into veins, his heart racing. He knew he was concealed from everyone, anyone who wanted to find him. Not even the most powerful of the Archangels could find him. Ezra couldn't find him, if he didn't want to be found. Nothing could see him for what he truly was. At the most even someone with the existential power of True-sight could see would be a Hellhound. Though as he followed his nose he finally got his eyes fixated on Sammy. He didn't get the opportunity to see the other, but he smelled them. The young man's disposition changing even made it more apparent that something, or rather someone had just pissed on his parade.

"Maaaaate." Giovega said, his eye wide as he looked to Samael, his voice had a tinge of worry hidden behind irritation. "Thought the cult claimed 'notha one." He said, though Samael quite rudely made the comment about getting this over with. Asmodeus could understand that this place. These people must have been taking a toll on him, perhaps even whatever he had been dealing with now...

"Right. Well. Let's git." Asmodeus huffed in relief as he brushed off his suit, walking. His eye was all over the place. He made calm, smooth motions, he would turn and smile at a woman, he would nod to a young man, he would whistle as a waitress who walked by. But if someone had been paying just enough attention, they'd notice that his eye was never on the person you thought it was. He was scanning the area, and using these little gestures as every excuse to assess his surroundings. Finally, they got up to the doorway of the manager's office, the two large individuals stood with crossed arms and looked at the two approaching gentlemen. The man in the red suit wore thick black rimmed shades, while the black man in the white suit wore white-rimmed transparent glasses.

"Me bloke 'ere wants to talk with the guv. Needs a favor." Giovega said as he motioned to Samael. They looked to one and other, the two suited gentlemen standing ever vigilant before their eyes settled on the visitors. On the polished rosewood door, there was a golden symbol etched into the door, a very fine and excellent lacing of gold into woodwork, framed perfectly. It was a symbol Samael would likely remember, having just had a dog point it out to him at a crime scene not all that long ago.

"Very well. He may enter. You, may not." The large dark skinned man of muscle said as he pointed to Giovega, causing his eye to narrow, then he looked to Samael.



On my own - Page 2 Humani11
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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen June 23rd 2018, 12:48 am

Samael didn’t immediately grasp the tone beneath the surface as his attention was more towards getting out of here and away from his sister as soon as possible. She was a threat he didn’t want to deal with, not now of all times when he was dealing with something that sounded like a big problem. Whose problem it was he didn’t know. G.V had said something, though Samael didn’t really appreciate the implication that he could be killed by a few humans with fervor for some unknown god. All he knew was that he wanted to stop their operation before they did something that hurt the people he actually cared for. A place like this normally would have been a drain on him without his senses, and yet the brightness managed to make it all the more annoying.

There was no argument that they should be getting this going, and the two approached what looked to be two men standing before a door. Bodyguards, that much he could guess. His eyes considered the symbol etched into the wood, a term he had read from the sacrificial point. There had to be some connection to the situation, and yet he didn’t know what that was. Another hint, and yet one that didn’t give him any information at all. His eyes narrowed, making sure to keep that deep in mind further.

One of the two spoke up. Saying that he could enter, but his detective was not permitted in. Well that was an odd thing, but then again there was likely a reason for it. ”Sounds fine to me. ” Was all he said with a shrug, not even considering Giovega. In the end he wanted to know who was killing kids and probably stop it. ”I’m sure these two can keep you company while I talk things over.” If the two didn’t stop him from walking through the door he would do that. Still all too prepared for anything that would threaten him.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus June 23rd 2018, 3:41 am

Asmodeus was far from happy with the response he received by these two. After all he knew them both so well. Samael would get his meeting however, going through the rosewood door with the Nephaelim rune on it. Once he broke the door it would be an almost otherworldly transition as he stepped into a very calm, soothing area. The decorum was high class and sophisticated, but the marquee lights around the personal bar lit the place just enough for it to be comfortable. There was the faint found of laughter as a man stood over by the bar, a cell phone in hand. The young man had blonde hair atop of dark brown roots. A clean shaven face with a jovial smile took his face as he turned his head and noticed Samael. He cleared his throat and murmured a goodbye before placing the phone in the pocket of his dark blue sports coat, turning around with a glass in hand, revealing prying eyes of an aqua green hue.

”Well, well. This is an interesting visit. A cambion walks through my doors. You going to try and drain my powers too, or are you here for a favor?” The man asked, though his tone held no malice there was a sense of curiosity. He walked forward, a sense of confidence in his step as he walked over to the black leather couch and sat upon it, sinking down as he looked over to the piano, eyeing it a moment. Then he turned to Samael and questioned him. ”You play?”

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
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Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen June 23rd 2018, 4:20 am

Samael stepped through the door and felt the world itself shift with the next step. Dilapidation gave way to luxury, and his senses quickly acclimated to the lessened stimuli. Frantic sounds gave way to calmness, his eyes scanning over the room quickly. What drew his attention was a male standing there, talking on their phone until he drew their attention. From looks alone he could tell this guy would be a massive asshole, and that predisposed him for a certain kind of response. In this business a smile tended to mean anything but kindness. He spoke the damning word, stating what he was and question his intentions here. ”Couldn’t care less about your powers. All i’m here for is information, since someone was so nice to point me in this direction.”
His eyes followed him to the leather couch, but Samael himself didn’t make a move to take a seat.

Then came a question about him playing the piano. ”No. Broke the last piano I tried to to play.” Was all he said as his lips shifted into a faint, upturned line. Having no discernible irises made looking away from his eyes easy, especially  considering he was wearing his usual trademark dark tinged sunglasses. Made keeping his intentions veiled rather easy. Until he had to deal with one of those telepathic sorts. ”I heard that if there’s something I wanted, you would be able to get that. Though I guess it comes down to what you want for that information. You types never really do anything for free.”

He stated plainly, honing his hearing to check their heart rate, even looking for minute changes within bodily composure. Anything that would suggest he didn’t like what he heard.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus June 23rd 2018, 5:24 am

The Nephaelim watched Samael as he frowned at him. He had the distinct feeling that Samael didn’t quite like him. He couldn’t figure out why not though. Of course he didn’t ask, nor did he really care. Most people who came to him were either incredibly sheepish, or incredibly resentful. This was common ground usually. He heard Samael make a comment about the whole wanting something in return, to which he just scoffed.

”Relax, It’s not like I have any use for souls. They’re a tad overrated. Nope. Typically how this works is you ask for a favor. I make it happen. Then eventually someone else needs a favor, then if you can help me, I call you up. Favors square off.” The man tried to explain as he took a sip, trying to keep it quick and simple. He leaned back in his seat, lounging before looking to the foreigner. ”People call me Ezra.” He said, making it quite clear that he wasn’t going any further without having acquired the name of the person he was “working” with. This “Ezra” cleared his throat and motioned to a seat across the coffee table, where he set his drink.

”So you’ve come for information. Well I can assure you there’s very few more supplied than I on that particular front. Ask away.”

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen June 23rd 2018, 5:56 am

When it came to people, even angels and demons they tended to expect things in return. Tit for tat so to speak. This man would be no different, though he had to wonder what the man would want as payment, Something that he mentioned only a few seconds after Samael questioned what that was. ”That’s good then. I doubt many people would have much use for my soul.” He had to wonder what eye contact would actually do. Not like there was much margin for error, and at the same time he was painfully curious. There were some pretty interesting abilities out there, and he had fallen to Adam’s little hypnotizing trick once before when they first met. ”So a favor for a favor. I can work with this.” His gaze lifted just enough, considering the mans face without connecting with his eyes; instead lingering around the cheeks and jawline.

Ezra spoke their name and he had a feeling they would want his name. ”Most people these days call me Samael, or many other colorful names for people who know me better.” He had to admit he made quite a few enemies within his time. Not many people were willing to deal with him, at the very least not many people that wanted to avoid his fathers ire. Which ended up being a good amount of people in the long run.

”Hope that isn’t all talk because I have quite a bit I need to know.” He interlaced fingers, furrowing brows and worked over what he wanted to ask. ”I’ve been following a certain cult across the country. They have a thing for sacrificing young humans for a god they call The Black Beast. I don’t know too much because most seem to die before they actually tell me anything but maybe you might know a little.” He expalined that much, expecting that he would have heard of his own murders of a few cult members. Apparently someone had wanted him thrown in jail, and he managed to escape not too long after that.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus July 4th 2018, 2:42 am

The Nephaelim watched as the cambion spoke about The Black Beast. He gave no visual indication that the name meant anything, but his heart certainly did stop for a moment. Despite the lack of reaction, it was quite clear that the name had some powerful meaning. The young man with his contrasting hair leaned forward, no longer lounging as he looked at Samael intently.

”I know that the Black Beast is not something that you want to get involved with. It is a being...or rather a lack of being. It isn't even...a thing." Ezra said as he gave a heavy sigh, immediately downing the remainder of his drink as his mind rapidly processed ways to try and enlighten the cambion. "Humor me for a moment. I don't ususally take the long way to explain something but.. i'm at a loss." Ezra was genuinely apologetic that he had to make such a mental detour in explaining to Samael what exactly he was up against.

"Okay, so I'm going to ask you three questions, you'll answer. After you answer, I can better explain." He said, rubbing his hands together and letting out a slight exhale, his mind finally wrapping around the information he needed. "What is cold? What is darkness? What is Apathy?"

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
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Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen July 4th 2018, 4:01 am

Samael didn’t know what he was expecting from the meeting with Nephaelim, and yet he didn’t let that unspoken expectation show on his face. If he could give information, the cambion was more than willing to listen if he could stop these continually pointless murders. All he got at the beginning was that he didn’t want to deal with this thing. Something that anyone could have told him, yet he didn’t want to hear that information. It was a both a thing and not a thing at the same time. Paradoxical possibilities that  not many would have been able to understand. Unfortunately he was one of those people, looking as if he had been cursed out in Sanskrit or some other language no one spoke this day.

”Something your at a loss for. Now that’s interesting.” He considered, wondering what exactly he was dealing with. The concepts and natures of gods themselves was more than enough of a confusing concept, let alone the fact that this thing was apparently even worse than that. Had he been asking about a deity like Ares, well maybe an answer would have been able to be given without an issue.

This was a different thing entirely.

Then came the three questions, all of them having a similar answer. He didn’t even need to think about it longer than a minute. ”A lack. Of heat, light and interest. All of them are just a sort of lack, but what does that have to do with this Black Beast thing?” A question pushed as he desired to know what he was trying to suggest. He pursed his lips and waited for an answer.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 6th 2018, 1:01 am

”Well that is it. The Black Beast is the balancing factor of creation. It isn't the exact opposite to Existence itself, but rather the culmination that counters creation. The Black Beast is a being of sheer destruction, that is exactly what it's name implies. A beast, riddled with a need to destroy and balance." Ezra said as he seemed to tap the couch with his hand in a rhythmic fashion. He stopped and let out a deep sigh as he seemed to be bothered. Of course his mind was riddled with secrets that he wouldn't entirely share, mostly because he didn't know the validity of this information. He gave Samael a very curious look before nodding, reaching up and pushing his hair back a bit.

”The thing that concerns me is the fact the Black Beast does not make his home within our world, or even our reality. he lives in a reality that runs near ours, but never crossing. By the very nature of the beast it cannot breech it's parameters. It's nature. However...for it to truly be coming here, for the knowledge of it to even be here...this means that something has compromised the balance of it's OUR reality." Ezra said, spitballing his theory as to the random activity to these cultists. His theory may have struck true, it may have fallen short and it may have been wrong altogether. But it was certainly a concept to contemplate.

"Hope you don't mind...I let myself in." Gio said as he walked in, wiping blood from his hand with the little handkerchief in his breast pocket, tossing it aside and looking over to Ezra with an almost somber nd apologetic smile, a sad spark in his eye. "Heya Kid." Ezra simply ignored the man, looking to Samael and smiling a little, his temper was obviously tested in this moment.

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 6th 2018, 4:13 pm

A balancing factor? He would have asked what the point of that was but in the end destruction countering creation made sense. Likely empty assumptions based on this unknown person, and yet he didn’t know what was true. Something riddled with the need to create balance through destruction. Silently he listened while the nephalem explained everything as best they could, despite the feeling that something was being held back. The people in this industry always tended to hold things back in reserve whenever they needed it. Something had compromised balance within its own reality, universe or whatever it was that he was talking about. Despite the fact that he had a feeling it delved into the multiverse theory of popular fiction, Samael knew that either way this was something big. A little above his pay grade or even his fathers.

”That begs the question as to what the hell could throw balance off like that?” Was all he said, seemingly truing to work through what could have caused such an issue. That was when Gio decided to let himself in, reeking of blood even. He turned to the male for a moment, giving a silently questioning expression as he spoke to Ezra who ignored him without even a slight consideration. What was the story there? Now that was something he wanted to know, only when the universe wasn’t being threatened by eldritch monsters. Ignoring him beyond that, he continued to press the male further about this Black Beast.

”So, know any way this thing can be stopped? Doesn’t sound like something you can just walk up to and stab a lot of times.” Joking managed to hide the fact he was anxious. Even thinking about something that big was a little daunting. It was something that was beyond even his father could deal with. ”Not that I would mind it that.” His fingers flexed, clenching until the pale knuckles turned even whiter. He was no stranger to fighting things stronger than him, and yet he had never faced something that made the concept of strength itself pointless. On the edge of his senses he smelled something, a scent similar to Ezra but not him.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 6th 2018, 11:35 pm

"Okay then..." Asmodeus said as he sighed and placed his hands in his pockets. Ezra let out a little sigh as he contemplated everything Samael asked, though a small and almost mourner's smile took to his lips. He turned both wrists and gently sprawled out both hands in defeat before slowly shaking his head. Was he admitting he didn't know, or apologizing because of the answer he would share? Sammy would soon find that it was the unfortunate latter. It was not an easy answer to swallow.

"You can't. He's part of their universe. To end him would be to end...decay.. It would cause exponential creation with no limiting factor. That entire universe would swell up, like a hematoma, and bleed into the space between realms. It would cause an utter destruction of a HUGE section of the multiverse. As far as what would cause such a cosmic prolapse? Well... I only have my own theories. But now, a question for you." Ezra explained as he turned his eyes to Asmodeus, a glare shot as his eyes narrowed. "So let's see. Why do a cambion and Prince of Hell need information The Black Beast? I find that a rather interesting concept."

Truthfully he had half expected this to turn into an introduction of half brothers or some swill from the moment his father walked in the door, however Ezra was beginning to see that this was something entirely out of the picture from anything he painted within his mind. There was certainly a powerful message to be sent here, though Gio, Asmodeus, thought nothing of it, not even batting an eye as he stood there and looked over to Samael, expecting him to answer. Samael was technically the prince of a prince, so...he was a prince to the throne of Malphas' domain, and honestly Asmodeus hadn't even considered that Ezra was even speaking to him. He was literally oblivious to everything that was going on.

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 7th 2018, 12:45 am

So he couldn’t stop this thing. That was all Samael seemed to get out of the statement. His heart felt as if it had sunk in his chest, a weight that made him feel as if he couldn’t breathe for a few seconds. A being of destruction that couldn’t be stopped was not something that he wanted around, especially when he had so many people he cared about in this world. Even thinking about them not existing was something that drove him a little scared. Rather than saying anything, black eyes widened and stared at the male from behind his shades. As if he were speaking vile, accursed blasphemies. However he didn’t say anything until hearing something about a prince of hell and a cambion.

”A prince of hell? Don’t see any princes around here.” He spoke, almost dumbly before looking around and then settling his attention on Gio. He knew he was a prince, but no one ever called him that. Not even the demons that likely would have recognized he was a prince.  ”As for why, i’d been following cults that take to offing children for this Black Beast. I don’t know what they’re trying to do. I’m just not about the whole kid killing thing.” He was upfront, not telling a single lie to the nephalem. Not like he would have gotten anything from it in the long run. A slight sensation of hopelessness was rushing through him, anxiety like poison.

He even took to a little pacing, wondering what he could do with what he was given. His eyes scanned the room, catching on one of the windows. What should have been darkness beyond reflected a shape, humanoid but dressed in black armor. His heart stopped for a second and then that shape was gone. Leaving him even paler than before while staring at the dark window.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 10th 2018, 4:42 pm

Asmodeus listened to what Samael had said, then he immediately began to search the area around. He began to feel uneasy about the whole situation. It was true, no one would ever be capable of knowing he was a demon prince (without his direct intervention), he still couldn't help but feel on edge in this situation. He watched as Samael froze in the mirror for a second. Samael had seen something, he could tell. The only time he'd stop like that personally is if he had seen something jarring. He couldn't be sure that Samael hadn't seen a small slip through the myriad. In contrast, he couldn't be sure that Samael hadn't seen something else...

"Oh. Well you may not be able to stop the Black Beast...but truthfully id doesn't sound like you need to. You need to stop his petty followers. Which...leave it to mortals to misinterpret the will of those beyond them. Isn't that what you taught me?" Ezra said as he stood up, the entire time he looked to Sammy, only for the very part about Mortals to shift his head to Asmodeus.

"Amazing. You remember that trivial life lesson, based on a very simple mistake I made. But your Holy arrogance seems to cloud your judgement of my repetency. You completely forgot about all the life lessons in your career that warned you against acting like a little shit." He said as he stepped forward towards Ezra. The Nephaelim smiled, though it could be seen how his shoulders tensed. So far they were just arguing individuals, former business partners of a sort. Secretly they were the picture perfect pair of why you don't go into business with family. "Now, you're gonna tell us where we can find this little...piss party might be, and we're going to go stop them." Asmodeus said to Ezra, his voice was low and scratchy to be sure. The course voice seemed to hit Ezra's soul to it's core as a slight look of distain had shown on his face, but he seemed to resign as he looked to Sammy.

"Fine. But I tell Samael. You can see yourself out the same way you came in.... old friend." Ezra said, though despite the apparent rebellion, Asmodeus was at least pleased to hear that last part. A form of secret acceptance and proof that his son had been sworn to keep his identity secret. There would be a time for Asmodeus to reveal was not now. Heeding and abiding by respect for his "old friend" Asmodeus stepped back, pivoted and walked out. When he opened the door a warm air flooded the temperate room. "I'll be outside, Kid."

"You're going to need thermal imaging on a mass scale. The next kid they sacrifice, there will be a large dead-zone in thermal detection. As if it isn't even there. In a city like'll know when you see it." Ezra informed him before reaching into his wallet and pulling out a business card of his own. Then on the back of it, he pulled a pen from his coat and wrote down a few addresses. "By time it happens, another kid is killed. Your best bet is to go look for similarities in the victims other than an age range. given the frequency of the attacks...I'd say you've got at least a night to look over some of these places...I may have misspelled Dunlawton Avenue." He said, the last part added as if it were still part of his list of important information to expel at the last moment. Ezra looked to Samael and scanned him over a moment.

"You good to go take this on?" He'd ask, oddly enough it almost sounded as if he were concerned.

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Samael Christensen August 10th 2018, 6:15 pm

He stood there wrapt in silent shock, unable to really understand what had shocked him to his very core. It was an animalistic fear, tension that caused him muscles to become taut metal cords. Turning away he felt the tension fade and looking back all that returned the gaze was himself. Black eyes hidden by the shades he so often wore, as if he didn’t wish to allow anyone else to see his cursed pits. Breaking from the sudden stupor he heard Ezra speaking once again. Perhaps there was no way to stop this creature but maybe they could just stop the evil god from being called to this world. Like the foolish humans who had wanted to stop dread cthuhlu rising from his long submerged city. Cataclysmic power beyond the quaint mortal notion of strength.

Just put to rest these mortal followers and the rest should have followed easily. That meant he had to know where these followers were, how many existed and if they would be an issue to eliminate. That was when the other began to argue with Ezra, seemingly continuing an argument they once had. He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose and let them continue for a few minutes. Not like he wanted to get in the middle of what felt like a family spat. Eventually Ezra agreed to tell him something but only him. Gio left, and that left the two inhumans alone with his hands buried into his pockets with a single brow raised. There was mention of thermal detection but he didn’t have anything like that.

Honestly his technology was rather lacking. Not like a poor demon spawn would have access to anything excessive.

”Can’t say I have any access to tech like that but I might know someone that does.” Was all he said, the brief change in temperature being something that he noticed. Now he had a feeling he would need to call a certain someone for their expertise.  There was mention of him misspelling something and then a statement he had never expected to hear.


”I’ve taken on a lot of things bigger than me and come out on top. This shouldn’t be any different.” He felt himself being scanned, knowing he was found wanting. Not the first time someone thought that and likely not the last. ”Well, thanks for the help. Just contact me whenever you want that favor. I’m sure you’ll know how to do that.” He managed to regain some of that dry wit, pressing down the corner of his shades to wink before stepping back through the door. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time he met the nephalem.

Now he was looking back to Gio or he hoped he was. ”Got an idea of what we should be looking for. Got access to any high scale thermal detection stuff? Because I sure as hell don’t.” He seemed to lead the two down to the first story without thinking, already working over what they would do next.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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On my own - Page 2 Empty Re: On my own

Post by Asmodeus August 12th 2018, 5:40 am

Asmodeus was honestly shocked at the expression he felt radiating off of Samael. He was a strong kid, you could tell in his Devil-could-care attitude and his headstrong sense of duty. Not to mention his willingness to embrace danger, and persevere when common snese says to back down. So when he felt this strange wave waft over him, it was shocking. It wasn't any supernatural power, it wasn't any form of inner connection or demonic familial-bond. It was just two people, and the empathy between them. Samael was in a hurry, which Asmodeus could see as he would be brought to the first floor, back to the dancerss floor. He asked about some form of tehcnology, something about a thermal detection item.

"No, but I actually just might know where to get one..." Asmodeus said as he began to tug and straighten out his cufflinks, shaking his arms out as he walked towards the exit. His eye shifted throughout the area, looking for the strange energies he sensed. He could feel it, and there was no doubt Ezra could too. Despite he had no reason to worry, as a father he couldn't help but wonder if it was his duty to ensure what he felt wasn't a threat. He sighed and turned back to Samael.

It took a small while to get back to the motel room where Asmodeus has escaped as a German Shepherd. He walked them both over to the door where Matthew had brought him, and with a quick jimmy of the lock, he started to pick the lock. "So what's the plan? I assume there's a reason we need this thermal detector, or whatever." He said, the lock finally shifted and Asmodeus was in. He stepped in, the motel wasn't anywhere the standards you'd expect of the likes of Gio, let alone Asmodeus.

The hotel room was a regular one, rather standard. The only home touches were a few duffel bags hidden around the area and a frame with a picture of six people, and another frame with a picture of a young man, a boy and a German shepherd. Asmodeus was busy shifting through all the bags, attempting to discern which of these devices had been the one he knew his pet human had used for the thermal thing Samael needed.

"We've got some time before they come back...I'd imagine a day or we should have this in and back before they even know it's gone." Asmodeus mumbled under his breath as he began to look about his second bag, the one hidden in the ceiling cubby of the closet.

On my own - Page 2 Asmode10
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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