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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Row February 18th 2018, 1:57 pm

Unable to see Poring quickly bunched up into a ball and reduced her size. She hugged the ground as she glided over the smooth surface with only a flickering light as a guide. While her sight was useless her noise was picking up rotten meat. This smell was not in the store so where was it coming from? Her stomach growled, wanted to eat something to calm her nerve. While bad meat was no problem, unknown meat was. She couldn't eat it if she did not know what kind it was. What if it was human meat. Their would be no turning back.

So she gritted her teeth and continuing inching to the dark.

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Registration date : 2017-07-29

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Gray March 4th 2018, 7:21 am

As the small slime-being inched forward, The miasmic odor grew stronger and stronger, until she came face-to-face with a broken, seemingly-spotless, door.

Out of all the grime and muck and rust surrounding her, this is the only thing here that doesn't look rotten.

Still, one could tell that the stench emanated from behind the door, it was just a matter of time before it was pushed open for her to witness what lay beyond the wooden door's frame.

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Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Row March 5th 2018, 8:56 pm

Pori stopped in front of a weird door which she could not describe. Her body trembled as the idea of magic filled her head. The physical world was no problem for the slime. Even fire was beatable if she moved fast. However Magic was her number one weakness. After all, jars are just magic barriers from the humans to capture stuff. Pori was not a stuff!

However she had no where to go so she just sat their and watched as the door opened.

Poring Flan
Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Gray March 22nd 2018, 1:40 pm

As the door opened, a loud static-like noise could be heard from deep within. She could hear it calling out to her.

A small child's voice can only be made out from the static that drilled into her ears.


The encroaching dark was surrounding her slowly.

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Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Row March 25th 2018, 5:32 pm

Pori lowered her body, compacting the slime to protect her core, after a loud static buzzed through the air. She was confused and scared, but the noise did not hurt. It was only just surprising. Poring was scared at all, despite her trembling slime. She was just cold. Yes that was it. The lack of sun made the air chilly and pori had on no clothes. As she battled with her ever growing panic, the static turned into a cry for help.

Pori hesitated. It was a trap. She was not dumb enough to fall for it. But what if it wasn't a trap. What if the person had crackers and would share some. Pori's stomach started overriding her brain and she charged in.


Poring Flan
Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Gray March 26th 2018, 2:46 am

She would find nothing but an empty, desolate room. Nothing except a tall and thin man hunched over in the corner, whispering to himself.

The whispers sounded like drafts of air. The door slamming shut behind her as her shouts echoed throughout the room.

She'd hear nothing except the whispering.

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Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Row March 26th 2018, 10:05 am

Pori immediately regretted her decision to save the kid. This man who spoke of wind was not in need of help. So she started to turn around but the doors slammed shut. The slime still charged at the door seeking a nap or a hole she could squeeze through. This man was probably a wizard and wizards we're evil.

Poring Flan
Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Gray April 19th 2018, 9:46 am

A being of black bones and skeletal physique rose from behind with bright, glowing blood that dripped from it's teeth and eyes. It stood taller than her and was preparing to grab her with it's long spindly fingers.

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Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Row April 19th 2018, 3:48 pm

Pori froze. She was in the sites of a wizard and wizards were overpowered. Helpless she just watched as the hand came towards her.

Poring Flan
Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Posting Apprentice

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Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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Does a Pori Fear? (Gray) - Page 2 Empty Re: Does a Pori Fear? (Gray)

Post by Gray May 11th 2018, 4:44 am

As the foreboding entity grabbed her, it immediately opened it's gaping maw, revealing massive oversized teeth with human eyes that lined the cavernous mouth inside.

It attempted to bite down on the young slime's body.

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Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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