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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Re: Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 30th 2017, 9:36 pm

romantic? huh no that won't work your a guy and Jeannie likes girls Jeannie was disappointed there was no real Dessert

yeah guess that'll work, I'll get some doughnuts after you drop me off then

Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Number of posts : 2488
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Disappointment and Dough

Post by Detective Stone December 2nd 2017, 1:05 pm

Detective Stone's Apartment

Ron sighed.  Well, he'd misjudged and bungled this forwards, backwards, and sideways.  Hopefully she wouldn't be knocking on HR's door tomorrow to report unwanted advances.  Workplace encounters could be a sticky wicket.

"Come on, I'll pick some up on the way before I drop you at your car.  Might be I could use a few myself."

The next day, at the ME's Office...

The remainder of Ron's night had passed uneventfully, and now he had arrived at the Medical Examiner's Office to meet with Genie and see what the ME had to say about the body.   It was another corpse for the record books, it turned out.

"Another missing organ," the Examiner said, "Heart gone.  Healed injuries possibly consistent with its removal...  but apparently weeks old.   And I checked.  The wounds are similar to the first body, but not an exact match.  The more I look at these recently healed injuries, the more I think that the weapon was a sword of some kind, and not a knife.  I don't think you could leverage enough force into a knife to cleave through ribs so cleanly in one stroke.  I had to use a saw, myself.   Of course, with the possibility of metas, super-strength is a potential caveat to that estimation."

Ron nodded, taking a sip from his coffee as he considered the body.  "And the clothes," he asked.

"Perfect match for the old wounds, just like before.  You've got a real weird case this time, Ron."

"Yeah," Ron agreed, "They're all strange, but this one takes the cake."  He turned to look at Genie, "Any thoughts?"

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Re: Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

Post by Jeannie Rose December 2nd 2017, 11:08 pm

mm I want cake Jeannie was munching on doughnuts. so if it's a sword that means ninjas!or knights, pirates, samurai huh darn I thought that'd narrow it down but there a couple things that use swords.

but knights are good and samurai. and there no treasure so pirates wouldn't carry. so most likely ninjas! and you think they had super strength so we are looking for someone like this

she draws a picture of what she thought the suspect would look like and shows them. Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Acotilletta2--Kuroyama
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Crazy like a fox...

Post by Detective Stone December 6th 2017, 11:07 pm

ME's Office

Ron held back a bark of laughter when she showed him her sketch of what she thought the culprit might look like.  However, his mirth was short-lived as he remembered something from earlier in the week.  A break-in at the research hospital.  The theft of a prototype tissue regenerator.  And the robber had been caught on video...

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 375e8729da861876bbdf75c84ae68089--kendo-bushido

...Wearing a Japanese kendo outfit.  An outfit, complete with sword.   How had he not connected the two events before now?

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Ronald announced, "But you might just have solved this mystery.  Everything revolves around the Research Hospital and that stolen prototype.  I think it's time to pay the hospital's board of directors a visit."

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Re: Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

Post by Jeannie Rose December 6th 2017, 11:45 pm

i was right it is a ninja! and I solved the mystery yay Jeannie is number one Jeannie smiles watching the video prototype tissue regenerator?
what's that do? huh, think the ninja robber choped them, people, up. yay field trip time!
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty The Heart of the Matter

Post by Detective Stone December 8th 2017, 12:39 pm

Later, at the Research Hospital...

Ron sat in the office of Doctor Clarice Fannon, accompanied by Genie, as the last surviving member of the hospital's board of directors seized a kleenix and blew her nose into it.

"Please, Miss Fannon.  I understand it is difficult for you to have lost two coworkers and friends.   But I need to hear more about the tissue regenerator.  I believe it is central to the case."

Dr. Fannon, nodded, taking a deep breath.  "It was the invention of Doctor Fujita, working here in our radiological research division.  It is a portable device that uses radiation to stimulate cell growth and division.  It allows weeks of cell growth to occur in mere seconds.  It was our hope that the tissue regenerator would revolutionize medicine."

Ron looked over to a picture on the wall of her office.  It showed the Doctor and her two deceased fellow board members.  They were standing with a fourth man of apparent Japanese ancestry.  "Is that Doctor Fujita, there?"

Dr. Fannon nodded again, "Everything fell apart when his daughter was injured in that car accident."

Ron leaned back in his chair, the gears of his mind turning.  "Tell us about it.  What happened?

Dr. Fannon sighed.  "We were in the process of early testing on the tissue regenerator.  Various rodents, some primates.  Everything seemed very promising, but we were not cleared for human testing yet.  Then Osaru's daughter- I'm sorry, that's doctor Fujita's first name, Osaru."

Ron nodded, "I understand, go on.

Clarice dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.  Her mascara was a wreck.  "Well, his daughter was in a car accident.  Seriously injured.  But the main problem was her heart.  It, and the surrounding tissues, were heavily damaged.  So much so that an artificial transplant or even a live organ transplant seemed unlikely to save her.  Osaru was beside himself.  He demanded we let him use the tissue regenerator on his daughter."

"Despite it not being cleared for human testing," Ron prompted.

Clarice nodded, "We held an emergency board meeting.  Osaru was a member of the board at that time.  His was the only vote in favor of using the device.   The rest of us felt there was too much liability, and too much risk of reputation should something go wrong.  Osaru went ballistic, threatened to steal the regenerator and use it despite our vote.  We had to have him escorted from the hospital.  Shortly thereafter, his daughter died.  Because he had been forced out... he wasn't even there to say his goodbyes.   When it was all over, he sued for ownership of the regenerator.  But since it had been developed here, the hospital had legal ownership over it.  He quit shortly thereafter."

Ron looked to Genie, then back at Doctor Fannon.  "Do you know if Doctor Fujita had any hobbies?  Played any sports?"

Clarice thought for a moment, "Some kind of martial art.  Japanese sword fighting, I think.  He once mentioned that he had a 'Fifth Dan' ranking.  I guess that's like a black belt?"

Ron nodded.  He was only mildly familiar with the sport, having watched a few bouts on cable a few years back.  But he knew enough to recognize the outfit the robber had worn when stealing the regenerator.  And now he knew enough that Doctor Osaru Fujita was his prime suspect.  

"Doctor Fannon, I suspect that Doctor Fujita is behind the attacks on your colleagues.  I believe he has been using a sword to murder them, removing their hearts.  Then I believe he has been using the stolen tissue regenerator to 'heal' the wounds before the cells at the wound site can die.  My understanding is it can take minutes or even hours for the cells of our body to die even after we are technically dead.  With those cells still alive, they may be still capable of regeneration or replication, would they not?"

Clarice's eyes went wide, "Yes, but... oh my God.  That's horrible.  And their hearts?  He is taking their hearts?"  Her own hand went to her chest.

Ron nodded, "It's a ritualistic serial killing.  Most likely to do with the fact that his daughter's heart was destroyed, and the board here would not let him save her with the regenerator.   So my guess is that he is taking board member's hearts in revenge, and then using the regenerator on the dead bodies as a sort of mockery of that fateful decision."

He stood, "And that means he's got one more heart to take.  Doctor Fannon, I'm going to need to place you under our protection.  We'll move you to a safe house."

Clarice slumped slightly, then shook her head.  "No... you need to catch him.   You can catch him when he comes to get me."

Ron's eyebrows went up, "Ma'am... that would be exceedingly dangerous."

She shook her head, "I don't care.  I owe it to them.  He must be caught.  If I can help, I will."

Turning to look at Genie, Ron frowned a bit.  "Well, looks like I'm going to be in on a sting using civilian bait.  I think that ends your involvement in this case.  CSI aren't qualified for that kind of operation."  He said this with some sadness, as she'd been a surprisingly effective partner on this investigation up till now.

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Re: Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

Post by Jeannie Rose December 8th 2017, 10:31 pm

jeannie was crying finding the story incredibly depressing owww that's so sad, why not let him try and save his daughter. now his all crazy and chopping people up she grabs a kleenex and blew her nose too.

end my involvement? no fair I want to help catch the bad guy or kinda bad guy. oh well, so like what do I do then?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Lying in Wait

Post by Detective Stone December 12th 2017, 10:09 am

Outside the Research Hospital

"Well," Ron considered, "I suppose you could come along as an observer, if you want to see this through.   I owe you that much, for helping me to solve this thing.  But you're staying in the stakeout vehicle, all right?"

...Later that evening, outside Doctor Fannon's House

The extended cargo van was parked half of a block away, disguised with signage indicating it belonged to a plumber.  In reality, it contained four SWAT team members on loan from the local police force, along with Ron and Genie.  Radio and surveillance gear filled the remainder of the vehicle.  Hidden cameras inside and around the Doctor's house could be viewed from monitors.  A squelching sound filled the van, as a transmission came in on police bands.

"Dispatch to 3130."

Ron picked up the handheld, "3130, QSK."

"No sign of the subject at Location B."

Ron clicked the handheld, "QSL."

A team had been monitoring Doctor Fujita's home all day, but he hadn't shown up.  No doubt he had made a lair for himself somewhere else.  It looked like watching the next potential victim was the only way to catch him.

Turning to the SWAT members seated on benches in the back, Ron said, "Remember.  If he shows, I take the lead.  The rest of you support my position.  Take a defensive posture."  He turned to Genie, "And you stay in the van, no matter what."

Last edited by Detective Stone on December 12th 2017, 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Location fix)

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Re: Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

Post by Jeannie Rose December 12th 2017, 8:45 pm

ok then Jeannie wasn't sure why he didn't want her to help maybe helping in the van might help somehow she guessed. she amused herself asking one of the swat guys about all the gadgets in the van finding them interesting.

so are we going to build a trap like on scooby doo to catch the naughty ninja.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Night of the Samurai

Post by Detective Stone December 18th 2017, 10:24 am

Undercover Police Van

The SWAT team members in the van weren't entirely sure why a CSI employee was in on a sting operation, but that didn't dampen their enthusiasm for demonstrating the function of different pieces of equipment.  She was a very attractive young lady, after all, and they didn't know her preferences.  

"The wifi cameras we placed in and around the house transmit to these monitors here," Officer Stametz said, being sure to flex the muscles of his arm as he pointed.  The effect was somewhat muted by his soft body armor.

"And this is the radio transciever that connects to headquarters," Officer Dimmel supplemented indicating the radio gear that connected the team to dispatch.

"And these are AR-15 variant rifles, Officer Faraz said, holding up his firearm, "made by Heckler and Koch.  One of the premier firearm manufacturers in the world."

Officer Bell, the only woman on the SWAT squad, rolled her eyes and nodded towards her coworkers, "And these are dumb guys, flirting badly."

At that moment, a shadowy figure could be seen approaching the house on one of the monitors.  "We've got motion on the property," Stametz said, pointing to the screen.

Ron clicked his radio, "3130 to dispatch - Clear the air.  Onsite Team Engaging."   Then he turned to the others in the van, "This is it.  Remember, stay behind me.  Engage only from cover.  This subject has access to regeneration tech and is a skilled martial artist.  He should be treated as a meta until we know differently."

QSL.  Air is Clear.  Repeat - Air is Clear.  3130, you have local control.

Ron then disembarked from the van, and the SWAT team followed behind him in a two-by-two staggered formation.   It only took them seconds to cross the distance from the van to the home.  It was an odd assembly of people.  The SWAT team looked normal enough, mirroring a scene from many a police film or COPS video.   But the man leading them looked like he belonged in an old Noir film, his long beige coat streaming behind him as an artifact from an earlier era.

The shadowy figure that had been approaching the Doctor's home stopped and turned to face them.   It was a figure out of Samurai fiction- wearing the padded armor of the Japanese martial arts, which seemed half-Ninja and half-Samurai in the night-time illumination.  The sword he drew was all Samurai, and held in a sure grip with an expert fighting stance.

"Drop it," Ron ordered, his .357 snub-nosed revolver glinting in the limited light coming from street lamps and the home's own motion-control security floodlights, which snapped to life as the SWAT team came up onto the lawn.

Fujita, looking every bit the ancient warrior, sprang into action.  Ron didn't hesitate.  He pulled the trigger of his revolver, sending a heavy lead slug into the Doctor's chest.   The SWAT team, fanning out to either side, followed with single shots from their rifles.   All four of the .223 caliber bullets tore into Fujita's Kendo uniform.  

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 1412697841148

Fujita dropped like a stone... but almost immediately a bright light shone out of his uniform, emanating from the bulletholes like tiny spotlights.  Replicating the action of an agile zombie from a post-apocalypse horror show, Fujita flipped back to his feet, charging forward for a second time.  Ron fired two more bullets into the man's chest, but this time Fujita's momentum carried him forward regardless of the impacts.  His sword flashed, and Ron found his chest sliced into by the razor-sharp steel of the blade.  Then Fujita followed with a harsh kick that sent Ron backwards onto green of the lawn, the air momentarily knocked out of him.  

Rifle fire filled the air as the SWAT team responded to this unsettling development in anger and fear.  Fujita rolled, rising up before one member of the SWAT team, his sword flashing in quick swaths of silver and red.  Then again, and again, and again.  The villain moved through the whole team with surprising rapidity and precision, shrugging off the rifle bullets without concern as they tore through his body, followed by flashes of bright white light.  Within moments, the entire SWAT team was on the ground, bleeding.  Dying.

Then, as if to punctuate the moment, the sprinklers in Doctor Fannon's front yard came on, doubtless acting in accordance to a timer.  Water sprayed up into the air from multiple spouts, sending droplets back down to rain upon the combatants.  Some of the drops of water landed on Fujita's katana and dripped off like tears... mingled with blood.   Beyond the sound of the sprinklers, the night had become terribly silent and oddly peaceful, in a moment which might have been a mere second, or the whole of eternity...

Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Re: Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants)

Post by Jeannie Rose December 18th 2017, 9:23 pm

jeannie was amused as the swat guys showed her their toys yay those look fun to play with!

so they went to catch the bad guy, Jeannie stayed in the van like mister stone asked huh she'd be more help if he let her come.

she watches the video, oh no there in trouble! Jeannie goes to the radio umm hello we need back up and ambulances, officers down! hurry they need a doctor.

Jeannie thinks of how to help bullets don't seem to work well they're supposed to shoot zombies in the head, oh yeah that might work.

hoping into the driver seat of the van she rev up the engine and heads straight for the zombie ninja running him over knocking into the building Jeannie keeps going and stops right before hitting the wall pinning the ninja between the wall and the van.

squishy zombie! take that! she grabs a rifle left in the van. she was pretty sure smashing him with the van would stop him but he did just shoot a bunch of times.

if she learned anything from the walking dead got to make sure with zombies. she felt kinda bad considering how things end up for the ninja guy but he was a monster now, and need to be stopped she shoots through the windshield into the ninja zombies mask popping his head like a balloon. huh is it police brutality if the suspect is a zombie?

she then looks for a first aid kit and goes to try and help the swat guys. don't worry guys I called for help, let's see if we can stop that bleeding. huh, you guys might want to invest in better armor, and bigger bullets if zombies keep popping up.

jeannie did her best to help them she wasn't a doctor but did have a basic knowledge of first aid, luckily she could hear the ambulances she called coming. sounded like they'd be here soon that's good.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 Empty Conclusion

Post by Detective Stone December 20th 2017, 1:46 pm

...In the Aftermath

Just like that, in a single moment, Genie defeated the villain and rescued everyone.

It was not a shining moment for HOME's first field operation, as they were all rescued by someone who wasn't even a proper law enforcement officer. The embarrassment of the agency was further exacerbated when it was learned that Genie wasn't even a CSI tech. In fact, she had no apparent occupation with the police at all.

Ron discovered this fact the next day when his 'ride along' form got rejected due to an incorrect name for the rider. It turned out it was impossible for 'Genie' to be riding along with him. She had been hospitalized with a severe illness, and was out on extended leave. Had been for the better part of a month.

Bizarrely, Ron discovered that some mysterious person had impersonated 'Genie,' the true CSI tech, merely to get in on the investigation. Camera footage and facial recognition technology eventually revealed that the 'Genie' Ron had worked with was really 'Jeannie', a renowned bounty hunter who often got mixed up in metahuman affairs.

Fortunately, all of the SWAT team members on the strike team had survived... thanks to Jeannie's quick action. Ron's own injuries were only skin-deep, and he was never even hospitalized. Just some butterfly bandaids and beer. Within hours, the wound was barely noticeable.

Fujita, their serial killer, had been killed. The regenerator had been recovered. And Doctor Fannon had been saved.

In the end, the whole affair got swept under the rug. HOME's first investigation was technically a success, albeit for all the wrong reasons. Ron, despite being a qualified detective, had somehow failed to detect that his partner on the case had been a bounty hunter in disguise.

The next evening, Ron drank to his 'victory' at The Black Russian. It was his usual haunt and watering hole. He drowned his sorrows and shame in bourbon, and woke up the following morning next to a moderately attractive woman that he didn't recognize.

She seemed to remember him, though, and claimed to be pleased with the evening. They shared coffee and quiet conversation while she waited for a cab. He paid for it, and somehow avoided needing to say her name. As she walked out of his apartment to meet her taxi, Ron reflected on recent events. It had been quite an odd couple of days.

"Well," he muttered to himself with a shrug, "You're still breathing and still employed. You'd best call that a win and move on with your life."

And that's exactly what he did.


Home is where the Heart is (Detective Stone, Open to H.O.M.E. Applicants) - Page 3 UMDPiL3
Detective Stone
Detective Stone

Status :

Quote : "You haven't really failed until you stop trying."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Age : 49
Humor : "I get knocked down, but I get up again."
Registration date : 2017-10-19

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