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Fracture point

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt June 26th 2017, 7:21 pm

The dark haired woman approaching the half way point between the two cars with the staccato of heels echoing off of concrete. Her bodyguard kept a few steps ahead of her, an unassuming male in a black suit dressed more like one would expect of a bodyguard of a rich woman. Eye lids made up with brilliant gold eye-shadow narrowing an almost  contemptible expression.”No, you were the one who had summoned me. Unless...” A low melodious hum that stretched across a few seconds. ”It was someone else entirely who invited us. As if I would want to meet with an uninteresting man like you.” A scoff, seemingly checking a few painted nails. ”Even if I were to meet with you, I would have sent someone else rather than coming in person. I have much more important things to tend with, so someone else must have wanted us together. For what I cannot tell.”

Bolt however found himself trying to pick up what they were saying. Something was happening, and it seemed vaguely criminal, so he was in the right place. Though he didn’t expect a woman with an overly ornate dress there, but maybe some just preferred their villainous deeds done in style. ”That does beg the question as to who set this up.”

The Bolt
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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Humanity June 26th 2017, 10:02 pm

It wasn't long for the question to be asked by the condescending queen that a blur arrived and a strong gust of wind swept through the area, lightning and electrical energy sparking off of a pulsating and vibrating humanoid form with it's hand around the throat of a young man. The man was covered in a dark grey ringed armoring with blue gloves, spandex and a star of chaos on his chest. His tanned face and spiked hair played with the simple domino mask and eyeblack that covered his face as he dropped to the floor.

"My apologies for being late. Things were a bit...chaotic." The vibrating man said with a monstrous growl as he gave a swift kick, forcing the young man to roll over. The young man had been a thorn in the side of their operations for quite some time, though to have him finally captured should have been a relief. Though it was not an intention to impress anyone, it was a simple complication.

"I have brought here, every successful and most discrete and influential powers of this city's underground. Don Travaglioni's representative could not make it. He refused to come and so he has been dealt with." The Speedster said as he stopped vibrating, his shaking and blurring effect fading as he walked, his grey shabby trench coat swaying back and forth as his hood kept his face masked over. "I have decided that Eyeshot will inherit the Western district operations that were once held by Travaglioni's men. Go now, your men will find all opposition has been eliminated." The older man made a motion and one of his armed guards got on a cell phone, beginning to call in.

"What's your play? If you eliminated Old Trav's enforcer, what keeps you from trying to do the same to us?" the older man asked with a scoff. The speedster stopped and then looked to The Queen of Cinders.

"The Queen of Cinders will assume control of Northern and Waterfront districts." The speedster stated. Though immediately the older man spoke up.

"Now how does that happen? The Waterfront alone is worth eight West districts-" He stopped as he suddenly realized that the speedster had vanished from sight and was now in his face, a horrific mechanical mask of death itself in his face, lifting him up.

"You shouldn't look for the faults of a gift..." The man warned before releasing the man and speeding back to the middle of the room, placing a foot on the hero known as Khaos, pinning him back to the ground as he tried to crawl.

"Oh shit... A-Alex, I think the cameras are being looped, what's going on?" Cypher asked, beginning to panic a little.


Fracture point - Page 4 Humani11
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt June 26th 2017, 10:51 pm

A blur moved into the room, holding onto someone that looked like around as young as him. Well,that might have been the person that had run in and killed that weird guy. Releasing an odd, growling and vibrating voice that made him sound a little menacing, though The Queen of Cinders seemed rather intrigued by the whole thing. Something was being handed to her and she was not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. ”Travaglioni  taken down huh?” She mused, looking down to the male that had been kicked by the stranger. Whoever this was, they knew what they were doing.

”I appreciate the boon, but  nothing comes for free. Especially in our line of work." Eyes narrowed like daggers upon them, turning the other one that had been drawn into the meeting. In a blur the speedster had been gone and returned with what looked to be a familiar face. Alex found this speedster a little easy to keep track of, enough so that he wasn’t as caught off guard as the others were when he produced what looked to be a masked someone. Not like the look of them meant anything to him, but it did seem like it meant something to the others. Thos hero looked like they were having trouble, and Alex did not like the idea of someone being pinned down like that.

So he did what he did best, gathering electricity in his hand to blast at them while also darting forward with a burst of speed in a follow up movement to maybe push them off.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac June 28th 2017, 6:47 pm

"Travaglioni is still very much alive, and his global empire is still more powerful than you'd think. But this city belongs to you now." The speedster said as he looked to the Queen of Cinders. He slowly turned to walk away from her and take his spot back in the center of the two, the heart and hubcap of the meeting as he looked back and forth. "You would be correct, but at the same time, you are wrong." The man acknowledged through his voice modulator as he nodded to the Queen of Cinders, taking out a pack of the finely attuned superdrug known as "spark".

In a near instant there was a blast of lightning, a spark seen and generated. The speedster began to vibrate themselves as the lightning flashed towards them, splicing and dancing off of them, the bolt diverging and branching off into two angles beyond their back. They made contact with the wall, almost touching the ceiling of the hangar. The lights began to flicker and the speedster moved from the downed hero, disappearing into the darkness. Bolt could look about and do as he pleased, but the speedster was gone, leaving the older man and the woman to stand there a moment.

Bolt might believe himself to be safe, but if he were to remain oblivious he would feel the force of a mach 2 fist sending him out towards the ground. The attack was fixated on bringing him into the light. If Bolt managed to dodge the attack, however, the man would be quite impressed to say the very least.

Fracture point - Page 4 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt June 28th 2017, 7:16 pm

The Queen of Cinders was quick to note how the speedster had diffused the lightning, though his method was unknown. They were however gone as Bolt ran to the scene, checking on the down person that had a foot on their chest only seconds ago. Eyes narrowed upon them as he shook their shoulder with a hand. ”Hey, can you stand?” He asked,  barely taking note of the running figure moving at him, a rush of wind as he barely managed to avoid something touching his back. Turning around to glare at however had tried, that while also turning attention to the other two that were there as well. Likely dangerous within their own right.

Rising to his full height, Alex let out an annoyed sigh. ”Well, isn’t this an interesting development. She sighed with a roll of the eyes, making a casual flicking motion which appeared in itself harmless, save for the fleck of liquid that shot out from her fingertip onto the ground. ”So, what do we do about you?” A rather dangerous glance at him, not something he wanted to find out the answer to.

”Well, i’d suggest giving up now.” Had to keep an eye on the three of them, though the speedster seemed more of a threat. ”Breaking up this Spark trade thing you have going on here.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac July 3rd 2017, 1:35 pm

The speedster stopped and looked to the liquid he watched the Queen of Cinder's flick. There was a primal hesitation from within him, uncertain if the liquid was able to be triggered by friction. If that were the case than any of his movements could cause a horrible explosion that would be bad for most parties concerning. Considering that the Queen herself seemed to care very little, it was safe to assume that she was resilient, or at the very least exempt from the backlash of her own powers. Bolt had rushed over to ask the other hero if he had been okay, the hero "Khaos" groaned as he tried to stand up.

"I'll live. I've been through worse." He said, standing up and stretching out a bit as his slightly spiked hair matted off to the side a little from the brutality he had been through. Reaching to his side he pulled out a baton-like weapon that seemed to electrify a little. "Y'all lucky that the guy who taught me instilled a reeeally big belief against killing." He said out loud as he looked to the Queen and then to the older man.

"Then we can clearly see where you have inherited your misguided beliefs." The Speedster said before looking to the Queen and nodding. "Please, do not waste your time. I will deal with them, and then we may resume our discussion. I understand your time is valuable. I will be quick." The man assured them all before looking to the small fleck of liquid hesitantly. As if willing to take the risk, the speedster then moved at mach three speeds around the liquid and stopped himself just before Khaos and Bolt.

"The Bolt. I thought you were in retirement..." The Speedster said with a sense of familiarity to the title and moniker that Alex now wore. "Either way. You will not interfere with my plans." They stated before a fist went out towards Bolt at mach three speeds. Khaos swung his baton at the trench coat covered speedster, whom seemed to duck underneath it.

Fracture point - Page 4 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt July 4th 2017, 11:58 pm

The hero was alive, even able t o stand from what Alex could tell. That much mean that he hadn’t quite let another person die right before him. Now that meant he could focus upon the threats, the unknown woman in the ornate dress and the speedster that he had a feeling would be tough to keep up with. Said speedster would appear before him, speaking his moniker and making him wonder who this person was.  Luckily he was also dealing with a hero that was not too keen on the killing people side of things. ”Retirement plan wasn’t that great to begin with.” he said with a shrug, seeing the motions that preceded and with the punch that came through faster than the one before.

His body went into motion, trying to read the attack that was coming in his direction, and pivoted into a dodge. A baton came in the direction of the speedster, ducking under it and continuing in his direction of the attack. This attack breeze past him, Alex  gathering electricity within his left hand and ground it into a fist. We’ll see about that. He thought, features twisting into a grimace as the drove the fist forward with a jolt of bright electricity arcing around the fist. The strike had been for his mid section, something he hoped would wind, and even stun the speedster with the added jolt.

Ignorant to The Queen of Cinders running the palm of her hand along the ground, leaving behind an odd looking but almost imperceptible smear along the floor. ”He’s right. Time for us to take our leave.” Heroes and the more invested criminals would fight it out, while she made her leave. Her bodyguard would open the door for her, allowing the woman to slip in.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac July 5th 2017, 12:35 am

The speedster was tapped with an electrical fist. The current sent through him was enough to force his armor into locking, the speedster frozen for just a moment while Khaos unleashed a baton blow to the back of the speedster's neck, though the baton simply bounced off, revealing that there was armor plating there too. The stun had lasted for only a moment before the speedster was back in action, pushing off his feet into a Mach 3 backflip and then delivering a Mach 3 spin kick towards Bolt, then turning and intercepting another incoming baton strike, grappling both Khaos' weapon, and his wrist.

The Speedster then spun around, throwing Khaos towards Bolt with rather impressive speed, if Bolt had moved, he risked Khaos hitting the ground at a rather detrimental speed, and it would surely cause damages. Banking on the heroic instincts, the strange speedster then moved, still moving at a rather sluggish Mach 3 to try and intercept the body guards of the older man, stripping them of their weapons and leaving them both dazed and confused as they looked about, uncertain as to what just happened. The older man barked for them to get in the car and to get him out of there, though they had moved too slowly, as the speedster was now armed with two rather impressive assault rifles, one in each hand.

"I find myself curious...How fast can you go?" The speedster asked with a little chuckle before raising the guns and unloading a clip towards the older mans' bodyguards and the other clip being unloaded towards Khaos.

Fracture point - Page 4 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt July 5th 2017, 12:56 am

Knuckles collided with his armor, delivering the electrical load within his knuckles into the armor and likely causing some manner of damage. Alex smirked in an almost pleased sense, feeling the energy coursing through him, seeming to allow the slower of the two of them to let off a strike at the odd speedster without much success. The reaction was quick, another swift kick coming while Alex tried to pull himself back from the momentum that he had thrown into the punch. That recovery did not come so well, when the foot came around into his face and knocked him back enough. Recovery from the attack was quick however, Alex only really feeling a slight pain through his nose and ignoring it quickly when he saw the hero being thrown in his direction.

Time slowed in this instant, focusing upon the person thrown through the air at speeds that no human would survive unscathed from. Letting the speedster do whatever he was doing, Alex ran to catch the male being thrown through the air, feeling them impact him and sliding back a few feet. Stopping the painful momentum was the idea, but that did not stop the unknown speedster from picking up the new guns that he had and aiming them at the people within his sights. Well, now things did not look within anyones favor with the bullets whizzing through the air in that slowed perception. No time to be slow, he had to move now and fast.

Even faster than the words that issued from the man forcing him to make a choice.

Without wasting a second he pushed himself into a run, not even holding back within speed as his hands reached out through the air. Bullets were plucked from their flight path, still feeling warm within his palm. He had enough time to stop the ones that would have hit Khaos, but the other man was another story. Danger was not something he could guarantee removing him from, and yet Alex tried anyway. Keeping up the full speed dash, knocking a few off their trajectory and managing to catch a few more as they whizzed past him.

All within the span of less than a second, a few of the men letting out cries of obvious pain, and even the boss man having a hand rush to his leg. Bleeding likely but they were not dead. ”Probably fast enough to kick your ass.” He growled  a little, pushing off with a leg, seeing that the speedster had not shown anything faster than he could go and rushing him seemed like a good idea. A fist lined with electricity was aimed for their face, followed by a rapid volley of strikes meant to hurt pretty bad. Maybe even knock him down, but killing was not within the slightly anger addled mind.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac July 5th 2017, 1:54 am

The speedster was actually shocked to see that Bolt had moved as quickly as he had, in fact he was truthfully concerned at the moment,. As of this moment, he had only moved to Mach 3, but Bolt had just successfully redirected full clips form assault rifles that traveled around 905 meters per second, which was roughly 2026 miles per hour. TO move so quickly as to not only save Khaos, but to redirect, alter trajectory of, and spare all parties from mortal harm. That level of speed would be at the very least 4.5 Mach, possibly even Mach 5.  The Speedster itself began to prepare itself, noting that at it's current speed, it was grievously outmatched. It would take time to adjust where it needed to, however. Bolt did not seem the type to take things slow.

  The speedster rationed that it needn't fear death, as Bolt himself seemed to be very "pro-life" in this situation. Unfortunately, all that the speedster could do for now was play rag doll, and hope that things went in it's favor soon. Bolt made an off comment about kicking the other speedster's ass, then proceeded to give a charged electrical punch to the face of the being. The man's "face" felt like a very heavy and durable metal, so much so that Bolt hardly scuffed whatever mask the man was wearing, though the entire speedster was thrown back through a wall with no issue at all. It shakily attempted to stand, trying to use Mach 3 speeds to charge back at bolt, though it honestly seemed as though the cloaked speedster was moving at only a fraction of Bolt's speed. A flurry of super fast fists would make contact all over the speedster, but they only seemed to grunt and growl. The barrage of blows continued to keep the speedster locked into one state of a defensive stance.

  The older man roared in pain, stating he needed to go to the hospital, meanwhile Khaos had already taken off after The Queen of Cinder's vehicle, only stopping when he realized that another major distributor in the Spark industry had been captured and hand-wrapped to him, ready and waiting to go to jail. Khaos growled a little as he let the car go, turning back and walking towards the car with the wounded older man, opening the door and literally dragging the man out of the car. "Richard Johnson, you're under arrest under the grounds that you're a total asshole and both your first and last name are alternative words for a penis. I so much as hear another word out of you and I'll take my sweet time getting you help for that leg." He growled as he dragged the man, forcing him to hobble out of the hangar as quickly as they possibly could.

   "Bolt, I'm trying to get access to the feeds but it looks like there's something wrong. A-are you fighting? Your kinetic output is insane....O-oh no. None of these are actual feeds!?" She yelled as if she just realized something was amiss. Meanwhile, Cypher was in full panic mode as she began to try and decrypt the computer commands, looking around as she began to try and focus. She didn't even hear the door open or close down the hall as someone stepped in through the hole in the wall, a loud bang as a bag dropped on the floor. Cypher, shaken, turned to look and her eyes widened.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt July 5th 2017, 2:15 am

Hitting the odd speedster again felt cathartic in a sense. They were a criminal, so he should feel good about hurting them but in the same instance that was not something he should have felt. The blows that followed were meant to do some harm, though all they did was keep him in a defensive formation. Protecting himself but with no obvious sign that he was anymore than inconvenienced.  Out of the corner of his eyes he could see the Queen of Cinders peering from her window, leaving within the vehicle and even...waving at him? Something did not feel right within this situation, but that feeling was something that dug within his chest even while he continued to strike quickly at the machine.

All small problems compared to what came.

Brilliant light, mingling with an odd smell that even he catch but not recognize. It was something that he had heard before; an explosion. First was the sound, a loud boom or rather that was the last before the heat that flowed through the room at an accelerated pace, all slowed down somewhat to his perception. Goddammit. His thoughts cursed,  turning from the speedster and running away from the explosion, already feeling the heat reach towards him as he ran away, letting some electricity rise around him in a weak attempt to curtail the forc.

With all the momentum he could muster, Alex slammed through a wall, feeling metal tear around him and the heat wash over him. It hurt and he felt like something was melting, or maybe just burning. Either way he was sent further, flying through the air and slamming into the wall of an adjacent building. Likely something was broken, but not exactly known at the time.

”Ow...that really hurt.” He groaned,  looking down to see most of the burn on his legs, looking bad but nothing that he could not heal.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac July 5th 2017, 12:06 pm

An explosion triggered and soon the place was engulfed with fire and concussive force. The speedster that stayed behind to deal with The Bolt had found himself caught within it, unable to escape from the beating and lockdown that he had been undergoing. The speedster only had time to turn it's head and look as the fire washed over him and the force lifted him from his feet. Even from the hangar doors the explosion had lasting effects, Khaos was thrown from his feet, as was the older man, both of them crashing to the ground with injuries. Khaos blinked his eyes, his head throbbing as he felt blood trickle down the side of his face.

Forcing himself to lift his head Khaos looked around. His searching was for him only to find that there was a sliver of metal sticking into his back. Khaos was not the kind to pray, nor give thanks to any deity, but in this moment he found himself the most pious and thankful person on the planet. He couldn't help but feel that lady luck was on his side for a change; that the sliver hadn't been enough force to pierce the third layer of his armor. Looking next to him, he found that the man wasn't so lucky, as a rebar type of rod seemed jammed through his stomach, saturating a white button-down with deep red blood.

"H-hey dick. You're leaking." Khaos grunted as he began to reach onto his waist. From his little belt, he pulled out a large pouch of powder and looked to the man with a smile. "Well this is gonna save your life, alright? Gonna hurt you. Really bad." Khaos seemed almost pleased by the development as he pulled the rebar spike out, sending the man into roaring pain as he then immediately began to dump the powder all down the man's wound, a small burning smell would take to the air as the man writhed and wiggled, trying to cope with the immense pain he endured.

The Speedster began to stand up from under a substantial pile of rubble before very weakly staggering forward, crashing to the ground on it's hands and knees. It seemed to simply wait there, looking down at the ground as it's trench coat had been torn a bit, tattered and frayed, and come strange glowing cyan-green color began to drip from him.


"Y-you're here!" She said with a smile wide on her face as she looked to see who the mysterious visitor was, though she couldn't help but feel she was snubbed, or given the cold shoulder when he just arched an eyebrow and smirked, walking past her. Of course she knew this was just how he was, but it was still nice.

Hit control, Function, then hit c. Type backslash override-hashtag-decoder. All of that is one word, no caps. He said very plainly as he cleared his throat. Cypher immediately delved into what she was instructed, and was horrified to see what popped up onto the screen. The area was in ruins, an explosion, a lone car has pulled out. She gasped and shook her head. Proxy, on the other hand just gave an amused hum before shaking his head.

"He's fine. Don't worry about that. See that car there? Get a license plate ID, identify that car. If it's leaving the scene that means it might be someone we need to make a house call to." Proxy stated as he seemed to take a sip of his warm drink, clearing his throat as he seemed so calm. Cypher would never understand how it was he could be so calm and collected in the face of danger, though her staring at him only got him confused as he narrowed his eye, arched his one eyebrow and turned his head to the side.

"B-but how do you know he's ok?" She asked, hesitating. Proxy let out an audible groan as he pointed to the small little icon in the bottom corner of the bottom-most center screen, a humanoid icon that was slightly green, save for some orange marks on the leg and a normal EKG. "O-oh. Right. I knew that. Ok...Uhm should I call an ambulance, or the authorities?" She asked as Proxy seemed to walk away, he only stopped to turn and glare at her, causing her to smile and nod, quickly reaching for her phone and making the anonymous call.

Fracture point - Page 4 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt July 5th 2017, 5:57 pm

Alex lay there for a second, collecting his scattered thoughts looking to the collapsing wreckage that was once a hangar. His mind was already racing with what could have caused the explosion, and yet all he could come up with was maybe some hidden explosives. Pushing himself to his feet, his mind jumped to first finding a source of electricity, eyes darting around rapidly. Eventually they settled upon what he assumed was  a power line downed by the explosion, the lines themselves exposed through black material. Standing up, he felt a sharp pain through his left left, followed by smaller burning pain. Okay, now he needed that more than ever.

Limping there, propped against anything that could sustain him, Alex managed to grab a hold of the line, feeling the buzz of electricity still running through it. All it took was a force of will, the desire to have this energy run through him and it would do so. Energizing his cells, and filling him with energy. Pain had already begun to fade, as his skin began to turn from that burned look to something smoother, even repairing the hair roots that would have otherwise been ruined. Any damage to the bone was the last to be deal, taking around a minute or two before he could let go of the line, clattering to the ground with an almost pleased sigh.

Yeah, he could appreciate the quick healing that came with his powers.

That was when his mind snapped to the hero that had been with him, wondering if the male was lucky enough to escape the explosion. So he ran to where he last recalled them leaving, lucky enough to see him and one of the criminals despite being in a terrible condition. Someone else stood within the wreckage, by the looks of them the speedster that he had been fighting with only moments ago. He looked to Khaos giving him a small nod, while then turning to Zodiac and darting off in his direction. This involved moving around the wreckage, though something he did with ease as he stood before the downed thing.

”Guess this is the part where I say you’re going away for a long time.” Bolt said, still prepared for anything the speedster would do.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac July 7th 2017, 10:17 pm

"Alright, you'll live. For now." Khaos said as he looked over and say Bolt, he nodded at him. Khaos wasn't exactly sure why he nodded at him, but that was a thing that happened. He nodded at him. He just sort of hoped that he wasn't doing the thing where he was pretending to be Batman, silently and broodingly nodding as if that was somehow a universal expression, question or statement that he was magically supposed to know what it means. The older man had passed out from pain, though the other guards had been roasted alive.

"Okay, break it down. What do I know about this guy? Speedster, electricity stuns him, but the anti-metahuman baton doesn't seem to work on him....unless..."

The other speedster looked up to Bolt, there was no way to see his actual eyes, but if anything he looked rather defeated. The Speedster took a gamble on Bolt's level of empathy and lawful morality. The gamble paid off, though it was annoying to know that his body had been punctured, and that the green-cyan biopaste dripping from him was the equivalent of a pipe puncturing through his rib. The Speedster had to acknowledge the level of power that The Queen of Cinders held, as if it had been any mundane explosion he would have been almost entirely unscathed. The sheer kinetic force from a wide of a hand, however was just astronomically different. The Speedster listened as Bolt made his comment about going away for a long time. The Bolt believed he was prepared for anything that the foreign speedster would do. But was he? Was he really?

"Am I? Is that what you told your prisoners sister? Did he go away for a long time?" The speedster asked with a dry sense of humor bleeding through. It would seem as though the innocent question was to try and get under Alex's skin, however the speedster seemed to quickly enough change the topic. "Is that what you told yourself when all of those people died today? That they were going away for a long time?" It was just the Speedster goading Bolt into aggression, though it was hoping to have a rather scathing success.

"What about right here? Right now? There's a man bleeding to death over there, a vigilante I've brutalized and an entire hangar of the airfield destroyed. Does my going away for a long time remedy this somehow? Does that undo the two men that you just let die in this explosion? Does that make you any more safe from me? Any more safe for your family?" He asked, musing aloud.


"Bolt I have an ambulance and the authorities on route, but they're going to be a few minutes, can you keep him busy?" Cypher said as she began to type away, her fingers clicking and tapping on the keyboard. Of course she found herself shocked as Proxy found himself a seat and slowly began to work at his station alongside her, showing her specific ways to accomplish specific tasks.

Fracture point - Page 4 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by The Bolt July 7th 2017, 10:55 pm

Alex had thought he was ready but he was not ready. If there was a scale from one to ten of not how ready he was, the number would have been a twelve at the least. The odd speedster spoke up to him, leaking an odd bright green fluid as if it were not harmed at all. All defenses failed, leaving him with an expression that was caught off guard, slack jawed for all of  a second. He had no idea what he was thinking now, mind going blank for a few moments save for the roaring of thoughts that tried to keep themselves together. The images of people dying, and the dark red viscera splattered across the sheer white room.

He tried to bring up some defense, but nothing really came to except for anger. That this person had the gall to say  or even suggest that it was his fault those people were dead. Two more people were dead, regardless of who or what they were. The gut punch this time didn’t feel as intense as last time, though he couldn’t help blaming himself anyway. He should have been fast enough to grab those two, and yet they were dead regardless.


It wasn’t his fault, just the man who was speaking down to him as if it were. They had killed the creepy guy, that much could be pinned on them but that was just one person. Thinking over everything forced everything to slow down, even the words somehow taking on a slowed down tinge to them. Thought didn’t come into the next action, as the heel of his foot slammed into the downed persons head, likely knocking him over but not out. He didn’t even need to think about the force, the legs just putting everything he had into it.

Not like he was worried they would die over something like that. That explosion should have already killed him.

”If you mention my family ever again, i’ll make you wish you were dead.” He growled, feeling the energy running through him, along with something else.

The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fracture point - Page 4 Empty Re: Fracture point

Post by Zodiac July 8th 2017, 12:07 am

Bolt had kicked the speedster over, this time a loud roar of pain could be heard, more of the strange bio paste seeping from him as he began to press into his side, the slopping liquid bleeding through the cracks of his armor. The colored liquid ran through the creases in his fingers, causing the speedster to growl a little as they fought back a bit, trying to prop themselves up. Bolt's kick has done a real number, pieces of metal had flown about at the highest speeds and soon enough, the speedster was displaying difficulties "breathing".

"D-did I touch a nerve, Bolt?" The man asked, a little chuckle escaping his pained groans, on his knee, one foot up, as if he were about to run, but still not moving. A small click was heard as his knee buckled and he laughed, gasping for air. "You still look so young...It's almost like you're.... a different person. So tell me, who shouldn't I threaten? A son? A daughter? A wife? A mother..." the Speedster laughed a little, shaking it's head and clearing it's throat with a little chuckle, the armor's kinetic bracers at maximum capacity.

"Kris, this job is more than just phoning the cops and watching some cameras." Proxy said as he cleared his throat. Cypher was shocked that he even called her by name, looking to him almost startled, knowing full well that she wasn't even able to recall his name at the moment. She looked to him, concerned that she was being judged, but the truth of the matter was he seemed perfectly fine with her, he seemed...patient almost. She smiled as his eyebrow furrowed, pointing to the control button. "He's being taunted. He's being goaded into thinking that those deaths. All of them, are his fault. His family is being threatened. He's being pushed to the edge, to the brink of his own line. This person is gonna try and break him, try to make him mad and get the better of him, or worse could turn him into a killer." Cypher heard the words and they resonated, echoed.

Of course she could see it now, hear it now. She could see Bolt slowly feeling the hatred, making crucial blows. She felt horrible, but looked to the button and the microphone. She was at a loss for words, curious as to what sort of words she could say to inspire her friend, to keep him on the side of sanity. She wasn't used to these superhero antics, and the superhero movies made it seem like this was a moment to say something theatrical, dramatic, to play it up because these words could change the world. "Wh-What do I say?" She asked him, trembling in fear that she would fail.

"You tell him what he needs to hear. What's in your heart, and more importantly....what's in his." He said as he looked to the microphone, recalling any advice he gives Bolt, ever. He looked to Kris, smiling at her and motioning towards the microphone.

Fracture point - Page 4 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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