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Martyr Empty Martyr

Post by Martyr January 14th 2017, 9:08 pm


"Sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself; to protect those you hold the most dear."

The Bio

Real Name: Ashley Cresswell
Renegade Name: Martyr
Title: The Self-Sacrificing
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 21
Hair: Black Medium length very thick
Eyes:Green, Almond shaped eyes
Blood type: B Negative

The Looks


Martyr Costume

The Personality

Martyr isn’t quite what you would call a “villain” per se. He’s not a hero, either. By no means is he a hero. He will rob you blind without thinking about it later, but he is a villain with honor. He will no sooner try to murder you; then he would decide to throw you in front of a bus. Some say he’s a wimp, others that he’s stronger than most. But to Martyr; a score is just a score. If someone who he’s working with threatens an innocent; he’ll defend the innocent every time. Even if it kills him. He doesn’t accept murderers or rapists to even look at him. But he won’t kill them either. No, he would beat them down if they deserved it; or he would take every punch he could to defend an innocent, but he wouldn’t take their lives. He is a thief; not a terrorist. He will take on heroes who deserve it; or try to get in the way of his score, sure. But everything that is the Martyr is not evil. He will always sacrifice himself over an innocent.

Ashley, in contrast, is a man who loves his family. His little sister Joy and his paraplegic mother Jen whom he provides for. To him; this whole supervillain thing is just the means to an end, and as far as his family knows? Ash is simply a higher up in a company that someone from college wanted him to be a part of. At home, Ashley is the head provider and caretaker. Martyr to his family is just another super-terrorist who they will never agree with. Ashley needs to hide this so that he can continue giving his family the life they deserve.

The Story

Ashley was born to Jennifer Cresswell in a small town in the middle of nowhere Kansas where he grew up for the first few years of his life. These early days are not something he remembers well; although I suppose there were incidents that would’ve led to his personal career choice. Such as when he was 3 and his father walked out on him, due to constant fighting between his parents.

At age 5; his mother was forced to move to Toronto, Canada due to some troubles with the factory she worked at. Transferred to a new country and left to essentially his own devices, Ashley knew that he needed to go to school and get good grades. Because if he didn’t; he’d be just like his father. A deadbeat with no good qualities left whatsoever. There was only one problem. Ashley wasn’t extremely good in school. He was smart, don’t get me wrong. But he had some issues with an attention span that caused him trouble in class. Especially with his teacher. Constantly he would berate him for daydreaming, and would constantly fail tests after “zoning out” as he would refer to it.

While Ashley was having trouble in school; his mother would become pregnant with his little sister, a driving force in his life. She named her Joy, because of the Joy she brought to the family when she arrived. And they needed that Joy more than ever. Ashley would be forced to take care of his little sister while his mother was at work. This, of course, caused a strong bond betwixt the two. However, it also caused Ashley’s school work to become so much worse.

The failure would affect the young voting a way that left him desperate for any way to prove himself to his family. Thus, at the ripe old age of 12, he joined a gang of his fellow students. They had superpowers - at least some of them did - and he knew if he stayed with them; he'd be at least somewhat safe and so would his family.

The gang led to a good life for Ashley for a while. That is until his own powers manifested. A member of their group named Jeremy - a meta with super strength - decided that Ashley no longer deserved to be in the group - not only that however but that he no longer deserved to live. Ashley was only 14 at this time, and his mother had warned him multiple times that this may happen to him should he continue his current path.
Shocked and angry; Ashley felt something snap within himself. The other boy threw the first punch, but it was both who felt the crack in their noses. Ashley flew back into the wall, and the moment that he did; the other boy fell to the ground screaming in pain. Scratches found their way onto Ashley and the other boy's skin; both bled. However, Ashley’s nose cleared of blood quickly, the scratches disappeared on Ashley’s body… And although Ashley couldn’t walk; neither could the other boy. Ash stared at the other boy as he sobbed that he couldn’t feel his legs and Ashley… was confused. How had this happened? Did someone else throw a punch? Why couldn’t he feel his own legs? Did he need an ambulance? ...did he have abilities?

Soon, Ashley was able to walk once again. The doctors called it a miracle; others called it black magic, and fewer still knew the truth. The other boy never walked again, and Ashley quit the gang that day. Surprisingly enough, no one stopped him. He swore to his mother that he would never become caught up in something like this again, and he swore to himself he would never kill with this ability of his. Not unless he absolutely had to.

He kept one of these promises. Unfortunately, it’d prove far too difficult to do as his mother wished, for soon; he would be forced to once again take up arms just to survive. His little sister - now only 5 - was on her first day of preschool when Ashley got the call. The phone dropped from his hands as he had to quickly pick Joy up from school and take the bus to the hospital where his mother lay comatose. The doctor pulled him aside; asking if he was the son she had asked them to call. He nodded, and the doctor grimaced. “Son, it doesn’t look good.” He said and Ashley stared up silently. The doctor almost saw the teenager grow up before her eyes. Now 16 years old; Ashley was forced to grow up so fast, some say it’s what damaged him. He disagrees; saying it’s what made him.

His mother came too soon after; however, she and Joy were forced to live at the hospital. In the meantime; Ashley told his mother that he would find a way to make money and she nodded, glad to see that her son would be there for them, yet saddened that he was forced to do this. It was a wild, desperate act… but he went to the lost and found, and scrounged together a super suit out of finding materials. Some things were a bit big on the 16 and a half-year-old teen, but he figured he would make it work. Soon, he was out in the world. He tried robbing banks but found it was much more difficult than he thought when other villains beat him to it. Instead, he resorted to pickpocketing and shoplifting to make enough money to pay for his little sisters' food costs and housing. It was way more difficult than it looked, but he made it work. That is until he found himself face to face with a super villain who caught him stealing from him. He grabbed Ashley by the arm and broke his wrist. The man’s arm didn’t even make a noise when Ashley was lifted from the ground and face to face with a monstrous walrus of a man. “You really shouldn’t be screwing with someone like me…” The man growled, and Ashley was thrown 60 feet away, through a plexiglass window, and straight into a security guard.

Everything… Went… Black.

For a long time, nothing happened. Truly nothing at all. At least, in Ashley’s position. He couldn’t feel anything, he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t smell, couldn’t hear… Nothingness had overtaken him. Then, suddenly. Everything came back to him in a rush. He was cold, it was dark… He felt nearly frozen metal at his back and he yelled out; pounding at the ceiling above him. Light. A man's face covered with surprise. “Alive?” He asked. Ashley nodded as if this was a stupid question, and the doctor fainted.

The impact had apparently killed him. His regenerative powers brought him back, however, and it seemed to Ashley as though it was almost meant to be. This meant that he needed to continue his work. He had no choice now, he got free of the cold chamber and quickly found a new set of clothes - a trench coat from the rack, and a bowler hat. He stole the doctor’s shoes and socks as well, plain white sneakers with flat bottoms. Quickly deciding to run home in this outfit; he realized he’d need to take backstreets for this to work. He ran through backstreets, catching the eye of many people including a police officer who tried to stop him; but couldn’t catch him as he dove through a dark alleyway.

Finally, at home, Ashley closed the door and grabbed himself a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, as well as a pair of better fitting sneakers. He checked the phone beside his bed; it was now November 3rd. It had been 4 days since he died. He knew the risks, why had he taken them? God, why was he so stupid? He heard his little sister running down the hallway; a strange sound considering she was supposed to be at the hospital with their mother. Then, he heard the squeak of a wheelchair.

“Ashley?” His mother's voice called. He was overcome with joy as he ran to her. “Ashley, you had us worried sick. We were just about to go to the morgue and check for yo-” Ashley hugged his mother and smiled. “Mom, I have a new job!” He said grinning, and she smiled. “So that’s where you’ve been, huh?” Ashley nodded. “Well, where are you gonna be working?” She asked. “Well, an old friend of mine called me up and offered me a job at his law firm. I’m gonna be a bodyguard for a while, then he said if I was interested; he’d help me pursue a law degree.” He said coming up with the lie on the spot. “That’s wonderful sweetie!” She said and meant it.

Ashley would continue with his lie, and has until this day. Now a 21-year-old man, Ashley has “inherited” a pair of dueling pistols from a pawn shop and is using them in his pursuit of villainy as Martyr

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Reaction
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers

Power 1: Mirror Damage, Ash's main power is to reflect damage done to him unto the person who is dealing the damage. I.E. Someone stabs him with a knife; a wound opens in the exact same spot on their own bodies. With the proper concentration on a target; he can direct this ability so that his own self-harm causes damage to them.

Power 2: Regenerative Healing Factor to the point of self-resurrection. Power Functions: So let's say he has a scratch on his face. This will take moments to heal away due to its relatively minor nature. If however, he loses a limb; it could be up to a month to 3 months depending on the complexities of the extremity. As for resurrection; it's a relatively slow process. Basically, however, his brain works on overdrive with the healing process. So if he were to die from... let's say a strong poison. He could be up and running before the funeral even begins. But if he were to die from extensive injury to the brain; it may take years to heal, if he's even able to heal at all

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: Psionic attacks cannot be reversed as they do not physically affect Ash in addition; He cannot heal his own mental state - thus if he is turned into a vegetable due to psychic or mundane means; he will not be able to recover supernaturally.

Weakness 2: If the person giving the damage is immune to their own damage given; they will not receive damage from it. I.E. A person with both Pyrokinesis and Fire Immunity hits Ash with a fireball, they may feel what they feel when they throw the fireball; but they won't receive the damage given to Ash - Burns and the like, in addition to this if he goes up against a person with durability beyond whatever weapon he is currently using to injure them; the weapon itself will take the damage, while the other person would only feel what they would normally when hit by such a weapon with the durability still intact. For example; should he choose to use his self-harm extensions - let’s say with a blade of some sort - on someone with rock skin. The blade will be completely dulled into a state of uselessness; while Ashley/Martyr bleeds, and the rock skin gets slightly scratched.

Weakness 3: Ashley can only reflect one person at a time

Weakness 4: The time for regeneration and subsequently resurrection depends on how extensive his injuries are. For example, a small scratch will almost immediately disappear; whereas brain damage/loss of a limb may take up to a month to heal from, in addition, if his head is completely removed; he can't resurrect from that, and poisons affect species differently, so if he places the effects of Cyanide on an alien who merely gets sick off of it; Ashley will die while the alien only feels mildly ill.

Weakness 5: If the wound can't close - due to something blocking it or otherwise - he obviously can't regenerate that wound.

Weakness 6: Fire slows/stops regeneration because it cauterizes the wound as it burns

Weakness 7: He can only reflect the damage if the damager is in sight, in addition; in order for the power to work; he must focus on his enemy and know that damage is incoming and if he cannot see his enemy; it cannot be reflected onto them.

Weakness 8: Freezing him also stops/slows regeneration/resurrection

Weakness 9: He has a tendency to “zone out”, causing his powers not to work for brief moments in time. Hit him during one of these; he won't be reflecting it.

Weakness 10: Incredibly extensive damage - losing all limbs, catastrophic damage to his internal organs, etc. - can take years to resurrect/heal from. Perhaps even decades.

Weakness 11: He can only reflect damage on people/objects directly damaging him. If he's sick; he's sick until his immune system kicks it. He can't force it on someone else so they can feel his suffering.

Weakness 12: When Martyr is using his ability, it takes a moment to take effect. He emits a green energy beam from the wound and if it hits you; that's the main damager.

The Items

A pair of dual pistols with silver engravings of a rose and mother of pearl inlay on the handles

A ginsu knife that can cut through a quarter

A pair of Jet Boots that can fly at speeds up to 70 MPH
Item Weakness 1: Very limited gas supply
Item Weakness 2: They start to malfunction at heights of 156 feet into the air, and completely fail at heights above 200+ feet.

The RP Sample

From a roleplay/blog website called Seth on Survival - now semi-defunct

Reaper sat next to the bed of an elderly woman. The Ringmaster had scared him, but… He had a job to do. Her pulse was faint. It wouldn’t be long. It was always hard for him when someone he cared for passed on. He wore a dark gray dress shirt under a black lab coat and a pair of black slacks. His name tag read ‘Sephtis’.

He stroked the woman’s hair, smiling weakly. He was tired. Very tired… But there ain’t no rest for the wicked until they close their eyes for good. “I’m sorry, Amelia…you don’t have much time left. I will never forget eating cookies and milk and listen to you tell stories… Or all those times you invited me to spend the day with you just because I hadn't seen you in a while… I’m sorry I wasn’t there towards the end, but… I hope you know how much you meant to me…” In the room stood her son and other assorted family members. They didn’t see him, of course, they didn’t. Her mind had started going… Amelia turned to her son and said her final words. “I think I’m going to take a nap.” She smiled at him. Her son nodded. “Yeah, I think that’d be good mom.” He smiled back.

Then she closed her eyes. She winked at reaper, knowingly. Reaper choked back a sob. He could reveal himself now… He could show them who he was… But… He didn’t. He stroked her head once more, collecting a soul gem for her. Everything was silent, all except the steady beeping of the heart monitor.

Then… Flatline. Amelia went peacefully. A bald man got a phone call, it was his son wondering when he was going to pick him up. The man choked back his tears as he told his son… His aunt had passed on. Curious, he flew to the boy. Standing next to him. He was shocked, dumbfounded. The boy was 17 at the oldest, 300 pounds with brownish black hair and blue eyes. He was crying… This was the nephew… The one Amelia had confused him for, for so long. He touched his shoulder and the boy shook slightly but felt slightly comforted. He could feel it in his bones. The poor kid missed his chance to say goodbye…

Eventually, the white pickup truck picked up the boy. His life would now be filled with pain and suffering. A new challenge every day… But reaper would be there to help him.

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Last edited by Martyr on January 24th 2017, 10:47 pm; edited 3 times in total
Post Mate
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Quote : "Do you want segregation?! Because that is how you get segregation!" - Ashley Jonah Cresswell

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 101
Age : 28
Registration date : 2017-01-11

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Martyr Empty Re: Martyr

Post by Thorgron January 15th 2017, 12:30 pm

Oh yea, this guy is awesome Smile Just a few things need consolidated with the weaknesses.

9, 14 & 15 are different facets of the same weakness and need to be all written as one

The same is true for 2 & 13

4, 6 & 12 need to be combined as well

And finally 1 and 7 need to be combined into the same weakness

After those edits this guy should be good to go!
Happy editing! Smile

Martyr Pbucket
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Martyr Empty Re: Martyr

Post by Martyr January 15th 2017, 2:01 pm


Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Do you want segregation?! Because that is how you get segregation!" - Ashley Jonah Cresswell

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 101
Age : 28
Registration date : 2017-01-11

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Martyr Empty Re: Martyr

Post by Thorgron January 15th 2017, 3:19 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Martyr Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Martyr Empty Re: Martyr

Post by Red January 24th 2017, 10:06 pm

Unapproved upon mod request for edits.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Martyr Empty Re: Martyr

Post by Red January 25th 2017, 7:09 pm



Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Martyr Empty Re: Martyr

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