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Cult of The Raven

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Cult of The Raven Empty Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen November 4th 2016, 10:58 pm

Supernatural troubles were never truly at an end, in fact it always felt like they were doubling upon him. Not even a few weeks after the disaster in Chicago did he find himself looking after something else. This time it was in his home city of New York, meaning that he didn’t have to do too much moving around to find out what he was looking for. It started off as an odd string of murders that had been happening around the city, nothing that normally would have caught his attention save for one thing. Each of the bodies had been ingrained with an odd sigil, one associated with the cults that worshipped his father within this plane.

Cults dedicated towards Malphas were a rare thing, but were still something that existed. From time to time they were something that had proved an annoyance, and yet they were never sloppy enough to leave their human sacrifices out for the world to see. Samael considered the documents slipped to him by an associate with a few good connections, pictures stapled onto the appropriate pages. The bodies were gruesomely mutilated, large ornate looking symbols caved into the sternum with what looked like some manner of craving instrument, despite the effort he imaged was put into each one.

These murders had been happening for the last few days, all with an almost predictable regularity and something told Samael that detectives would start working on this case soon enough. Humans had their ways of going about things, and yet they were mired within their own skepticisms. Cultists were just insane, so at worst they were put into institutes and at best they were put down like one should do with fanatics. The implications of your dime store humans meant that he wasn’t dealing with anything dangerous, much like that annoying wendigo that had nearly reduced him to a pulpy black mess.

So he brought along with him a few daggers stowed away, along with firearms in case he needed to do a little long ranged things. Hiding them under the leather jack and the legs of his pants were easy enough, though that came along with him having a decent amount of experience with hiding weapons. He dressed up in priorly mentioned leather jacket, slightly frayed blue jeans with the legs tucked into the boots, and a light grey shirt. Once finished setting up, he went out into the city following a few clues that was mostly given with the recent few murders. They usually acted around less than populated areas, where someone that didn’t want to be caught throwing out their corpses could do that.

The air stinking of something didn’t help any, and yet he was here mostly to shut down a less than desirable people in the city. There was the sound of a dog barking in the distance, though he didn’t quite know what that something was, until the faint sound of the same dog yelping could be heard. Then came silence, sounding somewhat concerning, and so Samael found himself walking in that direction. Turning around a few corners he found himself looking upon something, large and inhuman in shape munching on formerly mentioned dog with blood running down its chin. Teeth like daggers were flashing from within its maw, stained with blood and viscera as it took notice of him, surrounded by what looked to be people wreathed within black cloth robes.

Deep black eyes darted from the dog food to the corpse on the ground, matching the image he had, plus what looked to be demon. “N…nnnneeeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat.” The thing growled, drawing out it’s vowels  as it let the mangled dog carcass flop to the ground with a plop.

”I…really hate my luck these days.” Samael growled, realizing he hadn’t brought a silver blade with him, and so he turned to run. It took this as the que to run and took chase, bounding on all four limbs after him with loud huffing, and gaining quickly even.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof November 5th 2016, 12:41 am

Jake stared out of his room's window that looked into the street, he was lucky to have two windows, one next to the fire escape of there apartment and this one, when he wanted to think. Today was an odd day for him, his Mom was getting ready to go to work and he felt he'd have a good amount of time to go do what he wanted but he also had this off pain in his back that kept coming and going which was a first for him and he didn't think he should go out but then he'd feel pathetic for letting some back pain stop him.

Whitest contemplating on what he should do, a firm knock resounded from his door and he turned, his mom opening the door a few seconds after. "Your back still sore?" Amy asked with soft curiosity, she herself not exactly knowing of what these pains had meant which just made her worry more but Jake just gave a smile and turned back to the window.

"It's fine Mom, might just be growing pains, you always said I would grow to be big." He spoke to reassure his mom but he himself wasn't too sure if what he spoke was true, he was a meta after all, an evolved human, these pains could just as easily be related to that as much as they could be growing pains. "You should hurry to work, Tom will be waiting." Jake teased to which his Mom gave a fruity laugh.

"Tom is just a friend, you know that." Amy defended herself to which Jake turned and reached to his bed, grabbing a pillow and softly throwing it at the door. "Just go already!" Jake smiled to which his mom sighed and closed the door, calling out a single goodbye as her footsteps grew more distant. His smile dropping, Jake got up and walked over to the door, picking the pillow up and then quickly throwing it to his bed as he made his way to his bag and opening it, his red costume, recently repaired of odd colored patches to be a somewhat perfectly red color laid inside. He looked to his television, wondering if he should turn it on and see if the news had anything relevant but decided that it would be better today if he didn't go chasing after anything to big, in case the pains got worse.

Pulling his costume out, Jake was about to start putting it on when all of a sudden his head pinged with pain and his vision went to an extremely bright red. "What.." Jake's confusion grew as he looked at the ground and found he could see there downstairs neighbour, Sally. As the red settled to that where everything was tinged in it rather then brightly lit, he could see almost everything, the floor he stood on, like a thin plate of glass, the kitchen sink and all the pipes that were under it in Sally's apartment and Sally herself, her body a strange, pulsing red. Closing his eyes to figure this out and stop looking, he found himself realizing that he could still see. Like his eye lids didn't even exist. "Stop it, Stop it." Jake repeated and tried to focus on his eyes and turning whatever this was off before suddenly all he saw was blackness and upon opening his eyes, everything was normal, like the red didn't happen. "....Huh.." Was all Jake could say as he looked to his costume. Huh indeed.

Several minutes later, Jake was on a roof a few blocks away from his home, his costume fully on and his accent ready to go, but first he wanted to test this... red vision he had just before, seeing if it was just a weird one time fluke. Focusing his mind and his eyes, Jake waited silently in this focus when his sight suddenly turned red, the surrounding buildings opened to his sight and he saw everything and everyone, looking around, he saw people inside cars, buildings, on the streets, all pulsing with a red light, some brighter then others but everyone was bright, even animals like the two cats staring each other down in the nearby alleyway could be see, the woman in the shower... Jake turned away from that building, blushing as he realized that as long as clothes were on he couldn't see but he... Jake stood straight as he saw what looked like a large gathering of bodies a far distance away.

Jumping across the buildings and streets to get closer, Jake saw four more figures, one was inhumanly large and inhuman at that, the red light still pulsed around it, but differently, another was normal, and by the looks of it, it looked like the man had walked into this and was not exactly invited, the other two figures however were.. dangerously different, rather then the brilliant red pulsing light that everyone else had, the human and dog like shape were black and still, almost like they were... Dead. Jake faltered for a moment, realizing that this power... this power was so much more then just seeing people though walls, he could see crimes in action.. This realization however, would have to wait as the unfortunate man turned to run and the inhuman creature began to chase, to which Jake sprung into action, he was close and so he made one giant leap into the air, rising and falling, he was going to land close to the inhuman creature, Jake saw that he was going to land extremely close to the creature, almost right in-front of it. Twisting his body midair much like he did in his gymnastics's training so that he faced the creature, Jake threw his hands out and grabbed the creature, before gripping hard and bringing his hands down with the rest of him, slamming the creature into the ground with him.

Groaning from the impact, Jake would quickly stand and with a surge of strength, would pick the creature up and quickly throw it back at the men in hoods before it could get a chance to react. With that done, Jake would turn to Samael, there height the same as Jake stared at him with completely blazing red eyes. "If you want to live, I'd run." Jake called to him in his Canadian Accent before turning back to the cultist and the strange, disgusting creature, somewhat unsure if he could take them on. But still he held his clenched fists high and waited for them to make there move, Focusing his eyes so that his vision cleared and his eyes returned to his blue color so he could get a better picture of what they looked like without all the red. The creature was mildly terrifying and the men that surrounded it were all in a black cloaks, which told Jake that this was not going to be simple or easy, not at all.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen November 5th 2016, 1:05 am

The creature was fast, at the very least faster than him anyway. Samael dashed through cramped alleyways, making use of adrenaline as he threw a large trash can in the things way, and it was thrown out with a single casual lash of the arm. This thing was strong, more powerful than him when it came to the whole physical might thing. Unless he found a way to do some kind of damage, then likely it would be snacking on him much like the poor dog beforehand. That being until the sound of something heavy hitting the ground could be heard, Samael turning to see the thing being grappled by something far smaller than it.

Either the cultists had managed to piss off someone else, or he was a little luckier than he thought he was. It thrashed about and yet that did nothing as it was thrown back at its supposed masters. It looked as if they would be crushed by the things massive girth, and yet joints quickly twisted in unnatural positions, large claws digging into the ground as it dragged along. Within a few seconds it was standing back up once again, the humans in their black robes then looking calm once again. The kid in his odd costume said something about him needing to run if he wanted to live, and all he did was scoff at that.

”I’d say the same to you kid.” Samael said with a sigh,  adjusting the dark sunglasses to the top of his nose as he took a little consolation in knowing that this kid could probably kill this thing. The fact these guys were running around with a hellhound meant they were dealing with more than just some cult that believed they held a tie to a demon. Maybe his father was really giving them something beyond the false hopes of power. Samael reached behind his back, producing a long, jagged and ornate looking steel dagger, and twirling it. ”You probably have no idea what you’re dealin with.” The creature charged once again, Samael doing the same as he leapt against the wall and used the strength within his legs to leap off of it and over the muscled creature now rushing towards Jake with slavering jaws.

Landing with a thump, his eyes were upon the cultists with a gleaming weapon. One of them raised a hand to unleash a stream of black flames, washing over Samael and yet he rushed through it with no visible damage beyond annoyance. The only thing that suffered any damage was his glasses melting away rapidly, falling from his face as he continued to charge, though that proved to be a distraction as the half-devoured dog rose from its death to clamp jaws around his ankle, making his rush towards them stop only a few feet. “we had a feeling you would come Son of the Raven. Your father had warned us about this a while ago.” One of them said as chains appeared from seemingly nowhere.

With a quick motion he sliced through the jaw of the revived dog, rolling away as only one chain managed to claim his right leg. ”Whatever you think daddy dearest can offer you, it isn’t exactly worth it.” He growled.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof November 6th 2016, 1:16 am

Jake watched as the creature twisted itself unnaturally so that it could keep standing before sliding into the robed fellows, making Jake slightly shudder before he heard the voice of the man behind him and gave a muffled but obvious groan of annoyance. "Says the man who was going to become the chew toy of... whatever that is.." Jake rebutted but grew wide eyed as the man who was previously running away, now charged the beast, saying something about him not knowing what was going on and to that, Jake had to give the man credit. He didn't know, that however was not going to stop him from finding out.

However, what he hoped to gain would have to wait as Samael leaped over the charging beast, leaving it alone to charge at the Meta that had thrown it away from it's prey and Jake could only assume it was ether angry, hungry or both. "So much for not doing big things." Jake said to himself in a low tone before charging at the beast, thankful his back had not started to cramp with pains as he closed in on it. The creature lunged at Jake, claws extended to slash at the smaller prey to which Jake brought his arm up to defend, a decision he immediately regretted as the beast's claws cut though the fabric of his costume and while not exactly digging into the flesh of his arm, it still stung badly. Following this, the rest of the beast crashed into Jake and they both tumbled away from the cultist and Samael, coming to a stop with the beast atop of Jake, huge dagger like fangs bore down on Jake's neck and he quickly thrust one of his arm's upwards, grappling the things neck and stopping it before it could lower it's fangs any closer to his body.  

Unsure of what to do now with this giant thing on him, the creature moved first and brought one of it's clawed hands to his chest, digging in to which Jake replied with a surprised yelp. Quickly, he tucked his legs in under the creature and poised them under the things ribs. Letting go of it's neck, the creature brought it's mouth down, loosening it's claws on his chest. Taking the opportunity, Jake would kick into it's ribs, sending the thing flying away from him and into the air. Standing, Jake would quickly jump into the air and tackled the creature, both going higher up and surprising it, Jake would quickly twist both his body and the creatures so that he was on top before giving it a hard punch, sending it flying back to the ground with a resounding thwack.

Now falling, Jake would balance himself so that his legs would fall first and within seconds after the creature had hit the ground, Jake would fall into it, slamming both his feet into it's chest with a hideous crunch like sound from ether the ground beneath them or the creature's own chest, Jake couldn't be sure. Jumping backwards off the creature, Jake held up both of his hands in a defensive position in case the thing got up and lunged at him before he could react, the claws were annoyingly sharp, followed by the creatures strength Jake was sure he only just outmatched. He also hoped the stranger was doing okay with the cultist, for as soon as he was sure that this thing was down for the count, Jake planned to help out the strange fellow. Even if he was a bit of an ass for there first words.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen November 6th 2016, 9:15 pm

The chains were made of an odd red metal, likely a demon material considering their association with his father. There was the faint sound of conflict happening behind them, the odd metahuman whatever still fighting with the massive hellhound. However, Samael’s own problem as whatever these cultists wanted with him, considering they seemed more intent upon catching him than killing. “You should worry a little more about yourself than what our lord will give us.” One of them noted, as the chains tightening around his leg and causing a bit of pain from the sheer pressure. These types were never ones to really listen to reason anyway.

”More  idiot pawns.” He sighed,  seemingly giving up on struggling for a moment before reaching for the gun hidden within his jacket and letting off a shot before any of them could really react to the attack. The projectile hit one of them in the gut, causing a small gout of blood to spew from their mouths as they crumpled over onto the ground. That caused the binding to grow slack, as the large demon had been left a twitching thing on the ground. Its chest had been caved in, spine shattered and multiple bones reduced to the dimensions of matchsticks.

So that meant two problems were taken down and that sounded like a fine deal for Samael, yet the sound of gunshots were something that likely drew unwanted attention. ”Welp, looks like your friend didn’t take too well to the whole bullet to the gut thing.” Samael said pleased with his shot, and yet that didn’t seem to bother his friend.

“Quite opportune if you ask me.” He noted as a dark smoke began to suffuse the area, rising with the blood that pooled around the body at an almost unnatural pace.  It rose upwards, filling the alleyway with the scent of burning and brimstone. Quickly the blood would begin to move around, forming a form of  vague circle shape filled with various runic shapes. “You have become quite predictable; all it took was some predictable murders and you come running.” Samael quickly jumped to his feet, attempting to slash at his throat with a knife and yet he was thrown back by a wave of force into a wall.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof November 7th 2016, 4:51 am

Jake waited a few more precious seconds, the creature not getting up lifted a huge weight from his shoulders, seemingly it was down for the count. If it was any tougher, Jake wasn't sure if he could have actually fought the thing of as well as he had, even if his only advantage came from what felt like a panic of a plan kick.

Turning to face the more normal adversary's, Jake was met with a strange string of events. First the man he had 'saved' fired a shot into one of the robed men to which Jake almost stepped back in horror, but the worst came when the blood of the injured man began to rise and the smell of the surrounding area changed to a strange scent, something he had never smelt before along with strange mixture of something burning. Paused by these confusing events, Jake watched as the man attempted to slash at the robed man but was sent back by a invisible wave of force into the alleyway wall.

Deciding to act, Jake ran forward before jumping at the wall opposite to the one that Samael crashed into to get around the strange blood sigil, planting his foot onto the wall, Jake quickly crouched before pushing off the wall and flying at the robed man who seemingly summoned the blood rune, twisting his body so that his leg was stretched out and aimed for the legs of the guy, aiming to break them from the combination of his strength and the speed from the kick off the wall so that he could possibly stun the man and hopefully stop the risen blood. Not afraid that hit or miss, he was going to crash hard into the ground or the wall.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen November 9th 2016, 5:49 pm

The wall came hard, causing a crack as he felt something break and yet he didn’t know what that something was. Samael coughed, a small fleck of black blood staining his hand as it was pulled away. ”I have a feeling this is becoming a trend.” He noted under his breath, wiping the blood onto his dark colored jeans and standing up as the hero seemed to rush at the cultists. He didn’t notice the space itself warping around them, as they collided with an invisible barrier, holding him aloft for a few seconds as the sound of something cracking could be heard and an explosive level of force exploded outwards from the point of contact.

”Don’t even know what’s happening and you rush at it.” Samael sighed, pushing himself to his feet, feeling a sharp pain flash through his left arm. So that explained the sudden breaking sound he heard, though the shadows were already rising to fix his injured arm. First of course the pain itself was something that would begin to fade away, though his mind was already on how to stop this odd ritual that was going on. It didn’t look like anything he knew of, but anything involving his father was never good. This was shown by a sudden dark sensation flashing through him, as the fluctuations within space continued to increase.

“Your friend cannot stop us now Son of The Raven.” That was when he took notice of what was happening, this rapid undulation of the air around them that continued for a few seconds before a rapid expansion occurred. As if the air had cracked and within seconds a pulse passed over him, not overtly dangerous and yet he felt something odd. The world around them waved, before rapidly changing as if a veil had been pulled away from around them. Buildings became rising spires of burnt rock, cracks with glowing orange splits within them and the ground itself took upon itself a similar appearance. Yet he felt a familiar energy around him, one that his father had born around him. There came the sound of ravens, cawing as they gathered upon the rising spires of rock around them, looking down upon them with dark black eyes.

The night sky was dyed a deep red, like bleed spread out above them. ”So, this was what he wanted to do.” His stance laced with tension didn’t change, as the man in black robes stood where he was, almost awestruck as if this were the desired result.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof November 11th 2016, 4:59 am

Jake had never been quite perplexed as he had then, his body hanged midair but he felt like he had just jumped into a wall. That was till a sudden, explosive wave of force came forward and smacked right into him, sending him crashing into the building wall and bouncing right off, a sharp pain sprung though the majority of his back as he landed on the ground, where he stayed for a second before slowly standing and backing off. Jake wasn't sure what the hell was going on, heck he had never dealt with something like this before, demonic Speedsters, assassin's, really strong people but this invisab... no.. The air looked funny, as if it was pulsing which was only stranger then an invisible barrier.

"The hell does he mean by Son of Raven? The hell is going on..." Jake called out to the robed stranger and the one he had seemingly joined sides with but then the strangest of all stranger things happened. The entire world changed almost in the blink of an eye, buildings replaced by burnt rocks, the ground changed to match that of it's new surroundings. The caws of Ravens took Jake's attention and he looked up, taking note that the sky was no longer blue but red and Ravens had indeed taken interest in the trio. "I... I.. I don't..." Jake was lost for words, he was utterly confused and slightly terrified.. Was the world changed? Were they in the same world as just seconds ago? Jake's shoulders sunk as he looked around, becoming even more terrified as the seconds passed. "What... What happened?" His muffled voice was devoid of all accent as he spoke those words, no longer a costumed vigilante but a boy lost in a strange world.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen November 12th 2016, 7:55 pm

Samael had expected that the boy would be surprised once the sudden transition happened, and yet he did not find himself wanting to deal with it. Not that he had much of a choice, and he did feel sorry for the kid. ”He’s talking about me. A lot of people call me that these days.” Samael noted in reference to the whole Son of The Raven thing, though knowing who The Raven was would have likely helped give context to things. The caws of ravens came to him in exhalent tone, almost praising in a sense. Despite how his father saw him, ravens themselves could still see when a lord amongst them came.

”As for the where, I believe many people would call it Hell.” He set a calming hand on the males shoulder, feeling somewhat terrible for him. Just from his words he could tell they he was nothing more than a child, and it brought to mind a child he knew. ”I’ll get us out of here, don’t worry.” He said with a said, walking up to the robed man and grabbing them by the throat. His red brows scrunched up into a rather angry expression, letting his black eyes bore into them.

”Take us back.” Samael demanded.

“I can’t take us back.” The cultist responded with a chuckle, finding themselves taking a fist to the face.

”Well you better fucking learn.” He growled through gritted teeth, being greeted only by a grin of blood and now broken teeth.

“He won’t let you leave. You’re in his domain now.”

” Everywhere has a back way out. So I guess we’ll just have to find that.” Slamming a fist again in his face, Samael had rendered the useful human unconscious. Turning from the downed man, he walked back to the poor boy as the ravens just began to hop around and caw at him.

”Come on, let’s get moving.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof November 13th 2016, 1:02 am

Jake tensed both by Samaels touch and words. Hell. They were in hell. The place that flat-line came from, the place people prayed to never go inside churches and here he was... In hell. Jake turned and saw the interaction between the robed man and Samael and just.. watched. Clenching his teeth, Jake tried to think this though hard. They were not in New-York anymore but hell, which means that there would be demons and stuff. With there only quick way out being a now unconscious asshole and with no clear back up plan on leaving... Jake just wasn't sure.

When Samael came back and said that they should get moving, Jake finally had a good look at the fellow, they were both the same height, only his eyes... Jake stared into his eyes, a questioning eye brow rose as he practically burnt holes into the mans black eyes till something in his brain clicked. Son of the Raven. "Yea... Names Zaap by the way... Are you a demon?... Are you the son of the devil!?" Jake asked, quite intrigued now by this news. It was possible he was talking to the devils kid.. Wow. Somehow that made all of this kinda worth it. Meeting with the son of the devil.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen November 18th 2016, 5:46 pm

Samael found himself laughing despite himself as the male asked if he was the son of the devil. Now that would’ve been rich, though it would have also fed into his own father’s massive ego. If one thought he was the devil, then he would have likely not denied such a supposition. ”Don’t let my father hear you go about saying that. He might get a big ego.” he considered the name given to him, Zaap sounding like something that wasn’t normal for a person. So either it was short of Zaapiel or maybe this was some odd hero name metahumans loved to give themselves.

”Besides, I don’t think The Devil has ever been called The Raven. No, that’s my father Malphas. He’s a prince of Hell, so…I doubt that’s any better.” He then added, feeling the demonic energies that were swirling around him. It sent odd tingles of euphoria through him, and yet Samael tried to ignore it as his mind ended up thinking more towards  how he would get himself and this poor person out of here. In a language only he could understand, one of the ravens cawed something.


The caw held a scorn within it. Samael looking to Zaap curiously but saying nothing. ”If we’re where I think we are, then there should be a back exit somewhere around here.” He added, ignoring the ravens and going on his way.  ”Just prepare for a fight. I doubt any demons would pass up a fresh soul like yours.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof November 18th 2016, 6:27 pm

Jake simply stared at the young man with curious yet slightly disappointed eyes, rather excited to have met the son, but rather he met the son of a prince of hell.. Whatever that meant, still meant something cool. And so Jake followed the man surrounded by Ravens, understanding there presence, the earlier names, the son of the Raven. Which simply just rose even more questions in Jake's mind as they went on.

"Ok so thinking about it." Jake said in a formal Canadian accent, whilst trying to shoo away a Raven that got just a little too close for comfort. "Your the son of a Demon known as Malphas, and he is the king of Ravens. But if your his son then why the hatred unless..." Jake fought for it for a second, there was a name for it but he just couldn't grasp it.

"Your a half demon? A urrr... Nephilim? I think.. And besides, did you see how well I took that wei... Oh was that a demon? Well. I took that demon down fairly easily. With only a few scratches to show for it." Jake boasted as they went along before giving a grunt in pain as his back began to cramp and he decided to shut up and follow along.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen December 26th 2016, 1:13 pm

”Is everyone your age stupid or are you just retarded?” Samael grumbled, reaching around his pockets till he produced a half used packet of cigarettes, finding a lighter and lighting said cigarette. ”I’m not the son of a fucking angel. Those guys are pricks anyway, with their goddamn wings and holiness. Maybe you’re the Nephilim.” Samael noted, taking a deep drag of his cigarette, releasing the smoke from his nostrils in a cloud. ”I’m a cambion, way different than a Nephilim. That’s like pointing at a fire and calling it water.” He didn’t like being the child of demons, but being related to angels was no better within his mind.

”Besides, if you think that’s the worse demon around then you have another thing coming.” If anything, should the lords of this realm realize they were here then they were likely screwed. He knew this kid would likely draw more attention, especially if he were a Nephilim. The soul of one born from angels, likely a delicacy for demons and there was just bad blood between the races. First they needed to walk through what looked like the equivalent of a flat expanse of land, which a mountain that cut an imposing presence ahead of them. Well, he would likely have to climb it but then again not like he really cared. It should be easy once he made use of his claws, though Samael preferred not to do so.

Out of the corner of his eyes creatures skittered from under upturned rocks, nothing that looked threatening and likely posed no threat to him, or muscle boy over there. Samael slid down an inclined within the sand, landing on what sounded like something cracking. Looking down he took note of bones, human ones black and cracked with age. Samael frowned, kicking them away. ”Our exit should be a four hours walk in that direction.” He pointed past the mountain/plateau ahead of them.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Shadowoof December 26th 2016, 1:47 pm

Jake held up his hands in a faux surrender to the mans bout of anger while also biting his tongue before his mind and mouth worked together to make the half demon's mood worse. "Earnest... Mistake.." Jake stopped to think a second about what else the half demon.. Cambion. Said. Maybe your a Nephilim. Jake looked at the cambion, still not knowing his name yet but now taken slightly aback, he knew the guy might have just been rhetorical because of Jake's unwitting belief of what the two half breed races were but none the less it made Jake think.

Continuing to follow his only guide forward, Jake remained silent as to not further upset the man while also avoiding the crow's that seemed to stick around like noisy mosquito's. As the cambion slid down a incline, Jake jumped down instead, landing into a rather disgusting sound of a crunch, causing Jake to look down and see the ground had charred remains, bone but in Jake's mind still disgusting. "Four Hours? Could I carry you and jump. We'd make up so much more time then walking. Running too." Jake said before finally taking note of the mountain that challenged there path. Sudden pains coursed though his back as he stared at the Mountain range and with a grunt, started walking forward, realizing the quite possible insult in his words to the cambion and thus started walking rather quickly to avoid any verbal assaults from the half demon.

"AND. If that Demon wolf thing was nothing. Then what should we expect. Giant Crows?" Jake quickly added, hoping to focus the cambion on other thoughts then Jake's words. He wasn't Lorelei, more a Redline. Jake knew how to deal with a Redline.. ish. Just had to not say anything stupid and while he couldn't take back what he said, he had an idea on how to talk to the man from now on.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Cult of The Raven Empty Re: Cult of The Raven

Post by Samael Christensen January 2nd 2017, 1:14 am

”Yeah yeah.” Samael said with a shrug, continuing to take drags from his cigarette and enjoying the buzz if nicotine. It stopped him from getting even more annoyed with the circumstance around him, being trapped within likely his father’s domain. Even as he slid down the incline, he felt that he was drawing closer to what felt like something dangerous, causing his chest to grow dense. The male said something about carrying him, Samael turning to him with an arced brow.

”As nice as that sounds little guy, I would prefer not to get carried around.” He said, drawing the last drag from the cigarette and letting it flutter to the ground. ” Besides, I don’t need you dropping me along the way.” Samael added, seeming to take a running position and then he darted forward at a speed that was a little quicker than any human was likely able to. It would still take an annoying amount of time to get there, though he ended up skidding to a stop a few minutes into the run, as a shadow flew over them.

He looked up to see a giant black bird flying above them, looking about as large as a bus. ”The answer is yes, a giant raven. Though that is likely still not the worst. ” It let out a cry with a few more beginning to circle, flying down with sharp talons at the ready.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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