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Appropriate Countermeasure

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Appropriate Countermeasure  Empty Appropriate Countermeasure

Post by The Lost October 3rd 2016, 9:30 pm

Appropriate Countermeasure
"Yes, it's okay to harass others."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Appropriate Countermeasure
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Counter
Title: Emergency Countermeasure Project: Countermeasure;  Tabiris Rei
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 0
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 4ft, 6in
Weight: 90 lbs.
Blood type: O

The Looks

Appropriate Countermeasure is a clone of The Lost, without any of the chemical enhancements that gave him his powers. Instead, he was created with several other chemical treatments. The main focus of this treatment was to accelerate his age to the point where Lost deemed he would be the bare minimum of field worthy, while still giving him a few years of his childhood. So even though he was just recently born/created, he already has the body of a sixteen year old. Despite being artificially aged, he pretty much looks like a regular human teenager. If everything went right, he will continue to age at a regular pace and his appearance will change to match that. His build is tall and lanky. Tall for his age group, that is. His skin is a light, pale mocha color, due to the ethnicity inherited from The Lost's DNA. His hair and eye color is black, also inherited from Lost. His hair is kept cut in a short buzz cut.  

The Legacy

Personality: The one thing that Tabiris Rei did not inherit from The Lost, is his personality. He's a completely different person, despite being a genetic clone created solely for The Lost's machinations. The Lost did not pay much attention to programming Tabiris's mind. Instead, data was just downloaded into his brain during the development growth phase of his mind. This data was just the regular amount of information a teenager would have at this age.  Now that his mind has fully formed, and has passed that growth phase, it is too late to add more programming. He didn't have a regular development phase, so he is still finding himself. The basic groundwork is all there, he just needs his experience to catch up. He is very much a blank slate and is very impressionable and naive. However, just like Lost, he is a fast learner. He is very stoic and not very expressive. This is due to him simply not understanding the innate feeling and understanding of conveying emotion through facial expressions and body language. This is something that Lost assumed any human would have, and so he neglected to program it into him while his brain was developing. Without the regular years of development that normal people have, Tabiris never had the chance to learn these things from his surroundings. He's already passed the growth period of the brain where it'd be easy to pick this up, but it is still possible for him to actively learn normal expressions if he applies himself. When surprised, he is already capable of saying, "Ah." Though, it is in a monotone voice. He seems to be very polite, though perhaps only because he was simply told to be that way and has not yet learned to be rebellious or that, that is an option.

History: After a certain invasion of one of his secret laboratories, The Lost became desperate to protect himself and his properties from foreign invasion. He would have to develop a countermeasure for a irregular ability that seemingly allowed someone to be completely intangible, teleport seemingly anywhere, and have knowledge of seemingly anything. From his perspective, that was what the intruder had been capable of. He did not know what exact powers that irregular had, and that made matters worse. There were too many possibilities. Too many unanswered questions.

It was as if he was completely powerless. It was as if he was at the mercy of higher powers. It felt that way, because that is how the world is. While he knew this was likely always the case, and would likely always be the case, that didn't mean he had to like it. He may never have full control of the world or even his own life, but that doesn't mean he should just give up and stop trying to do anything. So, he set his mind to the matter. The result of his effort and refusal to give in was Emergency Project: Countermeasure. The answer came surprisingly easy to him. He just happened to get lucky and the first answer he thought of seemed to fit. Its rare that it happens, but not impossible. The mysterious intruder seemed like he could do anything he wanted. It was as if he was boundless.

So the answer was simple, create a power that could Bound the Boundless. Setting out to do that was not exactly easy, but he managed to pull it off. He developed a special clone of himself, and used a mixture of genetic engineering and chemical treatment to develop powers that could Bound the Boundless. Satisfied with the result, he finally felt like he could relax.

However, that was just the start for young Tabiris. He had just been created. Through the process he had been artificially aged to what Lost (almost arbitrarily) decided was the bare minimum of field worthy, while still giving him a few years of his childhood. The Lost had skipped school himself, due to his super intelligence, however Tabiris didn't seem like he had inherited that ability from Lost. Lost hadn't counted on this since that ability was natural in him, so he later made arrangements to have Tabiris home schooled. The Lost decided hat he personally should not teach Tabiris, because that would be weird, and that his time was far, far too valuable. Tabiris would be allowed to live his own life. However, if at any time The Lost found himself in a situation where he might have to deal with that intruder or any entity like the intruder, The Lost would always have Tabiris to call upon for backup.  So even after creation, Tabiris life was largely decided by The Lost, and almost all of it decided arbitrarily. However, that was not much different from regular parenting, and personally Tabiris did not find it too outrageous after being told that is what happened and how things are by The Lost, himself. Tabiris did find it odd that The Lost referred to himself as The Lost, and asked him what his real name was.

The Lost replied that The Lost was in fact his true name, and the name that he self identified with. However, he used the cover Jonathan Javian to run his CEO. He went on to say that before that, he used the cover Abel Ausama to found the company when he was too young to publicly do it as Javian. He rambled further, saying that Tabiris Rei was another name he had used for an extended, but he couldn't remember what for. It was then that Tabiris decided the first thing for himself. He declared that he would take that name as his own, and began to self identify as Tabiris Rei. Though, technically his name was Appropriate Countermeasure.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Bound the Boundless: Tabiris has an odd ability to Bound the Boundless. This wonderful oxymoron somehow works because of complex science. It seems to work by inflicting bounds upon the boundless. Normal things have to operate within boundaries and limits. Exploring and testing these limits is fun, but apparently there are those who are Boundless. This ability allows Tabiris to restrain any creature that would otherwise be Boundless. This power is not absolute. The grip of his power gets weaker the further Tabiris is away from the target. The closer he is, the more effective the affect is. It only aims to completely restrain the target. Any target that is completely affected by this power is restrained and is unable to attack others in any way. Those affected also have their senses disabled if they have any. This is all done by a field of Boundless Bounding energy that Tabiris naturally projects without effort or limit. Ironically, this power only seems to be effective on entities that are Boundless. The less bounds an entity has, the more effective this power is on them. The more bounds they have, the least effective it is. This power basically has no effect on regular human beings, but can somehow seal gods. Both Tabiris and The Lost are unaware of most of the fine details on how this power actually works, but it seems to work just fine. This works on both creatures that exists and that don't exist.

Regular Teen: Tabiris is otherwise a regular teenage human, with regular human teenage weaknesses. If he is stabbed in the heart or brain, he might die. He's also extremely naive and impressionable. Even more so than your average youth.

Boundless Bounds: Bound the Boundless is not absolute. Normal humans are basically immune to this. The grip of his power gets weaker the further Tabiris is away from the target. The closer he is, the more effective the affect is. The exact range of this power is ill-defined, though. It seems to wax and wane. It seems to work based on a you stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you concept. Due to complex science reasons, of course. This leaves neither side at the mercy of the other's whims, but allows both to have at least a fighting chance.

RP Mechanic(s): Tabiris is kind of lucky. He always seems to be at the right time and right place, or at least it feels like that sometimes. He is allowed to live his own life, but at any given time, he may show up around The Lost or other people who need his power.

Physical Priority

Agility 4
Endurance 2
Reaction 1
Strength 3

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
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Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Appropriate Countermeasure  Empty Re: Appropriate Countermeasure

Post by Chellizard October 3rd 2016, 10:08 pm


Check your PM soon.

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