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Out Of the Woods

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose June 29th 2016, 7:43 pm

Jeannie giggles amused at the idea of her in a bathing suit as a distraction will could work. Her in a revealing outfit does grab the attention of most males and some females.ow that's such a nice thing to say,your sweet. well, I still got it on under this clothes if we need to try that plan she gives him a thumbs up.

So they go about checking the places on his list dead ends and Jubal seems discouraged she have to cheer him's not a total loss we now know one more place his not so where getting closer ! She listens to the video he wants to know about the sounds of the bells. huh let's see ding dong ding dong yup the same bell,they sound alike,and vibrate the same so made out of the same stuff,huh there sounds like it's crowded you can hear people in the background. And some circus-sounding music also sounds like machines too,your guess about the about the carnival Jubal sounds like the rides at a fairy. We should check it out and maybe get some cotton candy! I love fairs we could ride some rides too well I guess we probably should find the missing people first huh?

Jeannie Rose
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer June 30th 2016, 2:22 am

Clownish is setting up for the show when he is met with the psychic.

How's the boy i sent you, we got a Meta this time.

Hahahahaha I knew we would get lucky sooner or later. How powerful do you think he is?

He is a very powerful young man, maybe even more powerful than you. I would turn him into a doll quickly.

He isn't going anywhere and I have another show to prepare for the show must go on. You should get back to your post and transport his mind into the dolls with your mind tricks .

The psychic smiles as she walks away.

~ several minutes later ~

Kolson who is still stuck in the chair tries again to free himself to no avail finally the door opens, and in walks the psychic.

What are you doing here? Can you let me out of these?

I'll set you free all you have to do is free your mind. Now clear your head and stare into this gem.....

As Jeanie and Jubal get closer to the fair what awaits them is a serious amounts of twists and turns.

The mind transfer to the dolls is sorta like this at 12:55
Day Dreamer
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jubal Anders June 30th 2016, 2:46 am

Jubal laughed softly as Jeannie said that she still had the bathing suit underneath her clothes in case they needed to use it later on "good to know", then came him listening to her say that the bell sounded the same to her. "Yes let's keep the fun times until after the clown has been found and brought to justice" his hand flexed slightly as he said this and his eyes were a bit cold as he thought about how best to bring the clown to justice for what he had done to all those people. He began to walk towards the fair his eyes scanning the crowds of people and looking at each of the clowns, he stared at them hard making many of them uncomfortable as his gaze seemed rather piercing. He wanted the clown to know that he was looking for him, he wanted him to know that they were onto him that way he might panic and make the mistake of running or showing unusual activity around them, if they did that then he could act but unless he knew exactly which clown was the culprit for sure then he couldn't act.

"Stay together Jeannie, we don't know what the clown is capable of and it would be rather foolish to go after him by ourselves" Jubal said to her rather calmly as he continued to unsettle the clowns who were just trying to do their job. "Don't underestimate him even if it turns out that he is just your run of the mill psychopath as we have no idea what kind of tricks he might have up his sleeve", Jubal was a rather cautious man never taking chances unless he absolutely had to do so. "Let's go to the show perhaps we can find the clown there" he said in the same calm tone as he looked around not seeing any of the clowns here to be the one that he was looking for. His brow a bit furrowed as he was annoyed with himself, he wouldn't have expected the clown to do these things so close to a crowded area like the circus here, there was such a high risk to being caught Jubal thought to himself, was the clown just that confident or was he just that stupid he wondered as he walked towards the show.
Jubal Anders
Jubal Anders

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose June 30th 2016, 2:27 pm

so do you know what the bad clown looks like? If we have to check every clown here it is like a needle in a haystack,or in or case clown in a carnival. She looks around trying to see if here super senses can pop anything up.Finding the bell will be a good start since it's our only clue so far. Let's see or in this case hear. She closes her eyes so she can focus on the sounds,She listens to the sounds picking out the bell.

Then makes a map in her head from how the sound travels bouncing off things. She then opens her eyes and points in a direction . Our bells that way! bet it's probably a haunted house or a house of mirrors. A fun house is a pefect place for a nutty clown to hide in plain sight. As they take off in the direction she thinks the bell is something catches another of her super senses.

This time, her nose ,nose something it wants her to know. Jeannie's nose twitches as she sniffs around trying to figure out which scents which. She then jumps up and down excited.i smell Kolson! yay, his a friend of mine,wonder what his doing here? If we find him,he could help us find the clown guy.
Jeannie Rose
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Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer June 30th 2016, 7:27 pm

As Jeanine and Jubal walk through the carnival the Circus Leader sets his sights on them!

Circus Leader:
Young people, young people come here for you shall witness the show of a lifetime! We can make anyone or anything disappear!

The circus leader ushers the couple to come inside the tent.

Circus Leader:
Inside, you will witness the great Clownish in action as he makes you disappear! (Just then the bell rings indicating the final warning before the show starts our heros better make there choice)


Meanwhile Kolson is finally under the spell of the psychic who starts to transfer his mind and thoughts into a doll as she tries to start the ceremony one doll who is watching suddenly jumps and attacks the psychic. It's the detective!

You little bitch! I'll show you. (The psychic reaches forward to grab the doll only for her to run away) Foolish never mind i believe it is complete. Lets put this on you. (The psychic starts awaken Kolson powers, but she has a necklace around his neck that makes him obey her until someone takes it off of him.)

Kolson who is a doll feels his powers in his body he looks at his own body he would usually freak out but he points to it pushing him over to the corner of the room with his repeal ability.

The psychic smiles as she thinks of all the money she can make with her new toy.
Day Dreamer
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer July 1st 2016, 9:37 pm

Ooc: going on a retreat this week not sure if I'll have internet if I do I will Try and update. Happy 4th weekend
Day Dreamer
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jubal Anders July 3rd 2016, 4:03 pm

OOC: Apologies for the wait had a bad couple of days.

"He was shown in the video that I saw however I can't be sure he still looks exactly like he did in the video, if it were me I would have one look for the police and one look for when I wasn't showing off to the police" he paused as he thought about it. "However I also thought he wouldn't be so arrogant as to stay within a circus which seems rather obvious, I'm a little surprised that the police haven't discovered this place yet, the only thing I can think of is that it is constantly moving". Jubal paused as Jeannie seemed to be going into a more concentrated state as she listened and sniffed at the air, was she a bloodhound he thought to himself a bit playfully, he had to follow after her after she took off before she began jumping up and down with excitement while mentioning a friend of hers. A friend of someone who was looking for a creepy clown wanted by the police in the same area as said clown, that sounded like more than just a coincidence "he might already be looking for the clown if he is here Jeannie" he said offhandedly.  

It was just after this that he was approached by the circus leader claiming to see the great clownish, Jubal froze in place and he looked a bit shocked "there's no way" he said as if he couldn't even think about the possibility. "Jeannie before we find your friend we need to check if this great clownish is the one from the video" he said before making his way towards the tent to confirm this, the star of a show and a psycho clown that was known throughout florida right now seriously? he thought as he entered the show.
Jubal Anders
Jubal Anders

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose July 3rd 2016, 11:38 pm

yeah the joker looks different in every batman movie so this clown probably has many faces,it's a clown thing. Yeah, he could be thinking to hide in plain sight might be effective cause who look in the most obvious place cause that be the first place one would look so it seems like a bad place to hide but really a good on cause it seems too easy to look there.

Sneak clown using reverse psychology,but jokes on him cause I figured it out now it'll be no laughing matter when we catch up to him!
Jeannie smiles proud of herself for figuring out the clever clowns sneakiness. Some circus guy is talking to them about a clown in a show that seems to confirm her suspicions,Jubal seems to think it's worth checking it out ok then

ok then,actually I think we might find kolson if we go to the show his smell went that way. He most be after the clown too,will if all three of us go after him,there's no way he'll get away. Me and Kolson once took down a whole island of nazis before so with you too Mr. creepy clown should be no problem! And even of it's not the right clown will get to see a fun magic show.

Jeannie follow Jubal into the tent so they can check and see if they got the right clown while looking around to see if she see's her friend in the crowd.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
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Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer July 7th 2016, 2:51 pm

OOC: Since i don't know when exactly i'll have internet again i'll try to do as much story progression as possible I'll break it up in parts so that way once you reply you can quote part 2 Sorry for the inconvenience. Also the detective doll is an NPC use her how you see fit.

Part 1:
As the two heros enter the circus tent the show is underway the performers and performances. But everyone is awaiting the main event that is Clownish. Clownish a common name among those in the carnival world so many pick it at a novice level but our Clownish was no novice you see he too was a meta! He and the psychic would play their mind tricks on the cops who would and investigate his circus by making them believe that Clownish was innocent. It also helps that one of his powers allows him to alter his facial features. Tonight however Clownish was feeling very very good! He was going to put on a grand show for tonight.

Somewhere in the crowd the detective in doll form is watching all of this. How can she stop Clownish? How is she going to get back in her own body?

Part 2:

The psychic is walking to the basement with Kolson in her arms holding him like a favorited teddy bear. She gets to a door and sees all the mindless people. Whose minds she has helped take with Clownish. She there just to check to make sure nothing is going wrong, nothing is out of the ordinary so she leaves and retreats back upstairs. She wonders if they should leave town soon as she heads up the stairs, she gets a phone call.


We've got company....2 they''ve followed me back here i think we should give them a warm welcome. hahahahaha.

Clownish hangs up as he is being tailed by the two hero's but they have no idea whats in store for them in this ultimate house of horrors.
Day Dreamer
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose July 18th 2016, 9:05 pm

So into the circus we go,Jeannie looks around taking in the sights and sounds to bad she is at work she'd love to just enjoy the circus. Well maybe after the clowns are made less homicidal she come back since she was supposed to be on vacation anyway.

So this clownish fellow is part of the show? This circus apparently doesn't do background checks. So with him center stage she'll be able to keep an eye on him at least. Might have to wait till after the show to nab him don't want bystanders to get hurt in case his one of them stubborn has to be brought in the hard way bounties.

Plus she wants to do some more checking to make sure his the right clown. All the sudden her animal senses pick up something out of place in the crowd. An irregular heartbeat much slower than most of the crowds whose were faster more excited like you'd expect the crowd anticipating a show. It was even low for a normal no excited person, a heart attack maybe, the breathing was shallower than normal two.

Jeannie worried someone might be having a medical emergency,she might not be a doctor but she is the only one in the crowd noticing it so she's has to help. Looking around she identifies a source as a woman in the back of the crowd. Huh Somethings off about her,she's got an odd blank expression. Is She sleepwalking maybe she's on something, whatever the case Jeannie goes over to check on her.

hey miss are you ok? you seem a little out of it.

Jeannie Rose
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Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer July 19th 2016, 12:48 pm

The Detective turns slightly to see Jeannie talking to her and gasps. She's been found!

Who are you? Friend or foe?

Meanwhile the circus is going on without a hitch. Today Clownish's face has taken on a more rounder appearance. Much different that his face earlier slimmer and narrow. He begins to talk to the crowd with even a different voice. No wonder he has evaded capture so far.
Day Dreamer
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose July 19th 2016, 2:46 pm

? friend or foe how weird is she hallucinating or something, maybe someone's after her? Jeannie guesses she'll play along. I'm Jeannie and a friend I guess. That a funny question to ask are you ok? You seemed like you were in a trance or something. Are some after you? Jeannie looks at the girl

Huh, you look familiar she takes a picture out of her purse and holds it up to the other woman. It's you! the missing detective lady I found you! yay part one of mission complete now gotta catch the bad old clown guy.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
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Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

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Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer July 20th 2016, 6:37 pm

The detective listens to the girl she just met response. She then begins to tell her everything.

A mission? You must be the FBI, or CIA they finally sent someone to help. Ok well what i know so far is that Clownish is a meta. He can change his voice, and facial structure which is how he continues to evade capture. He's been going around all of Florida and when he got to Tampa I was supposed to ambush him and bring him in but he found me and turned me into this doll.

She stops to let the woman catch up and understand the story.

I followed him back here because I was going to expose him in front of everyone but I'm starting to think that's not such a great plan anymore. I noticed that I can do much until I'm back in my own body which is a little ways from here along with the other missing people I'm pretty sure most of them are alive. How do you think we should go about capturing him?
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose July 20th 2016, 7:54 pm

FBI and CIA kinda I'm a bounty hunter,they hire me to catch bad guys!

Jeannie listens to the detective confused by her interesting story
wait you're a doll? but you're a real person and need to get your real body back? the real you was trying to catch the clown and he turned you into a doll she puts her hand on her head getting a headache from trying to figure this out.

I need a pay raise for some the stuff them silly suits expect me to deal with. I guess we should find you body then sense you don't think you can do much how you are. Do you know how to get back in once we find your body?  As for catching the clown, we should build a comical over complicated trap that always works for scooby doo and the gang when they have to stop the monster.

so would the other missing people dolled ? Cause then we'd have to find the dolls to turn them back too.  Guess will look for your body and see if we can find something to build a clown trap with.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
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i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

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Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Day Dreamer July 20th 2016, 10:03 pm

The detective agrees to help the woman and leads her back to Clownish's hideout.

She leads Jeannie down a back entrance that leads to a trail behind all of the tents that the carnival is built upon. The have to cross through the woods to Clownish's house.

Careful of the Jaguars and gators they blind in and strike very deadly.

The lush woods is very dense and one wrong turn could leave have you lost but the trail has been marked as someone has gone through here many times before.

The sun is setting making it a lot more darker than it needs to be to make it safely to the house.

Unbeknownst to our duo is that the Psychic and her favorite new doll Kolson are waiting for them all.
Day Dreamer
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Out Of the Woods  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out Of the Woods

Post by Jeannie Rose July 20th 2016, 10:35 pm

So Jeannie and the detective are on their way to the house in the woods that is the evil doers hideout somehow feels she's seen a scary movie that suggests a cabin in the woods is a bad thing. Jeannie how she can figures out how to change the detective back if they find her real body. Maybe there is a voodoo for dummies book laying around.

So like does the real you look like the dummy you so I know what to look for? Huh sure is creepy in here.Jaguars and alligators yikes if a creepy clown wasn't enough huh Jeannie looks the hideout maybe they can set a trap in here for clownish when he comes back. Then she smells something, Kolson!

She smelt him earlier but lost track of him in the crowd,his closer now, though. His scent is much stronger she looks around for him. kolson come out come out where ever you are, I like to play hide and seek to but I got catch the bad clown first. If you come out and help we can play later and get snacks I'm getting hungry again.
Jeannie Rose
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Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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