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mythic monster mash

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mythic monster mash Empty mythic monster mash

Post by Jeannie Rose January 9th 2016, 3:01 am

so it would appear to Jeannie she's became quite the monster hunter yeti's, ghost vampires and now well she's not exactly sure what just that there have been a number of odd sightings in Greece so she decides to check it out. she's not exactly the most normal person herself so why should the bounties she goes after be normal. excited to get a chance to try her newest toy a helicopter she flys over to see what she can catch this time. once getting to Greece, she gets distracted and hungry and decides to try some yummy greek food look out gyros her she comes.

at the restaurant Jeannie's distraction proves to be useful as while sitting down for lunch she hear some guys talking about some odd stories,looks like she's going to have a whole zoo to round up, this time, bull-like creatures, unusually large dogs, snake, and other animals and even monstrous humanoid types of creatures maybe even demons and dragons what a crazy town this is. she ask them more about the sightings,they are not sure what make of the petite blondie in a Ramones t-shirt, blue jeans and leather jacket that looks more like she's going to a concert then a monster hunter wanting to know where the beast is and proclaiming she will rid the town of its monster problem what are you guys laughing at I'm the greatest hunter in the universe really,I've caught an abominable snowman and slayed vampires really just tell me were the are and I'll get your monsters

after awhile she gets some of them to tell her more about it apparently there's been all kinds of strange animals sighted in the woods says a farmer,s sailor tells her about strange shadows he and his crew saw in the sea the other night and oddly large birds around the cliffs. An old man rambles about the gates of hades busting open and ill omens huh well looks like she'll have to find this gate and stick the monsters back in it then, so after collecting information Jeannie goes back to her lunch while pondering which lead to pursue first. umm for the sake of all this yummy food it has she'll save the town
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Kourage January 9th 2016, 12:19 pm

Field trips had gotten weirder since the attack at the school. It seemed lately that the teachers would do anything to get the students (and themselves) out of Chicago for as long as possible. Of course that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. With all the strange occurrences, well… occurring, getting the innocents out of the country for a while wasn’t a bad idea. This trip to Greece, for example, would be a nice getaway for the school faculty as well as a futile attempt to help their students understand the concepts behind Homer’s works of literature. “Futile” being the operative word there. As it was, half of the eleventh graders were sleeping, and the others were goofing off, checking their phones, and otherwise focused on not learning. One student, however, was wide awake, listening intently to the loudspeakers on the bus. Kylie Henderson was determined to get something out of this.

It seemed that wouldn’t be quite so easy a task. In fact, it may have been the hardest thing she’d had to do in weeks. Kylie had faced gang wars, bank robberies, and acid-spitting mutant creatures, but none took more of her willpower than the fight against being lulled to sleep by the monotone narration of their tour guide. How on earth she wondered, did this man land a speaking job? Surely they had conducted interviews or something…   Perhaps it was part of their evil plan to lower the intelligence of the general population. She was joking of course, but she’d heard weirder stories. After all, Kylie had grown up in the criminal underground of Chicago, a city already infamous for its political corruption. It wouldn’t be surprising if there were an evil plot lurking behind every routine civic activity.

Suddenly realizing she had lost focus, Kylie tried once more to decipher the tedious rambling of the nearly-hypnotic voice. The man on the loudspeaker was saying something about the maze of waterways below the Colosseum. Apparently along with your standard “gladiator forced to fight to the death” the large arena had also been home to ship battles. That was actually really cool. She looked down at her hands with a guilty smile, observing the calluses and scars that lined her knuckles. She would have fit in well in a culture so obsessed with violence. And honor of course- from what they had learned so far in class, few things were more important to the ancient Greeks than their warrior’s code. That was why Achilles had chosen fame over life and was considered right in his actions, and why Odysseus’s hubristic nature had led to his downfall.

she muttered. “That sounded like an essay thesis.” It was time to stop focusing on school, or her brain might implode. She instead turned her attention to the window, where large birds appeared to be circling around the bus. She’d never seen one quite so enormous before. Curious, she slid closer to the side of the bus for a better view. It was then that the tour guide came in again with the same droning voice.

“By the way, for your own safety, please stay toward the center of the bus. Here have been rumors of monster sightings in the area.”

Monster sightings? Perhaps this trip would not be so boring after all.

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by superguy1 January 9th 2016, 2:00 pm

Greece. Drake was in Greece. And damn did it feel right. He remembered all of the times he and looked over ancient Greek artifacts, and talked about the rich history. As much as he HATED his father, he couldn't help but be fond over those memories. Minotaur was loving it too. "My home." he thought. "HAHAHA.. MY HOME!" He would laugh, heartily. As they walked along, Minotaur would explain things about Greece, and talk about his experiences in the old days. "AHH..and that is where I slayed the old Basilisk..she was a real.". "Stop, remember why we're here, ok?" Drake thought in response. "Ah, Yes..yes...the beasts." thought Minotaur. Minotaur had sensed something was happening, a type of magical disruption, followed by quite a few reports of "monsters" being spotted around Greece.

They followed his senses, which led them to the famed Parthenon, and began to look around. "Something is here." Minotaur thought. As if on cue, the ground began to shake furiously, and people were looking around confused. Shouts of 'Earthquake' rang out, but Drake suspected something more. "Oh. I know what this is." Minotaur thought. right after that, the ground in the Parthenon began to slowly crack, and open, as a roar rang out. "Demon Worm." Minotaur thought. A large worm like beast, bigger than an airplane, shot out of the ground, lashing about, and wrecking the large pillars that held the building up. "We've gotta stop this!" Drake yelled, and began the transformation.




Carl Gator:
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Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Nightdread January 9th 2016, 7:04 pm

It was hard to believe Night was so far from home, since escaping those Project Perfection assholes the amount of freedom he had was odd to him. Night had busied himself with fulfilling many requests and jobs from many people across North America, but Greece was by far the farthest he had ever been. There where stories of how Europe boasted a large populace of monsters and meta-humans alike which seemed promising to Night's efforts to build a network of people he could trusts in his own agenda.

Night sat at a small cafe half halfheartedly sipping some coffee, listening intently to the crowds around him chattering away. Suddenly as Night began to leave, he caught a fragment of a conversation between two men. "Did you hear about that monster sighting earlier?" one of the men asked "Yeah crazy isn't it? They seem to be getting more and more frequent!" Night caught the rest of the conversation and headed to the reported sighting.

The area was no other than the Parthenon, often considered the most important surviving building of ancient Greece and a busy tourist spot. As Night arrived however most of the tourists where running for their lives. Pulling his hood over he head Night pushed against the flow of tourists attempting to see what they where running from, only to see a giant worm monster erupt from the Parthenon. "Holy sh-" Night was cut off has a piece of debris sailed past his head, just barely missing him. "I was not ready for this" Night muttered sarcastically to himself as he sprinted closer, catching sight of the worm thrashing about inside the ancient building. Night looked around for any tourists who may have foolishly stayed around, but seeing none he felt better being able to actually test himself against the beast. Planting his feet Night raised his right hand and formed a gun shape with his fingers, just for fun. Lightning crackled and sparked to the tip of his finger and with a flex of his finger Night fired a bolt of blue electricity into the building, striking the worm, barely damaging it but getting its attention none the less.

Status :

Quote : Your in for a shock now!

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2015-12-03

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Jeannie Rose January 9th 2016, 9:01 pm

so Jeannie is finishing lunch when she notices a news report on the tv apparently Zeus and a minotaur are fighting a giant worm at the Parthenon. well, that settles where to start her monster hunt at she springs from the table leaving a pile of money on it some lucky waitress got the tip of her life as Jeannie couldn't be bothered counting the money for her meal exactly and guessed what she thought should be enough.

the bounty hunter hurry to her motorcycle and shouts out to the nearest person she sees hey buddy which ways the Parthenon? the man points to the right and Jeannie takes off. once there she makes her way through the crowd of fleeing people. once there she sees the biggest worm she'd ever seen and a guy shooting lightning from his fingers, huh Zeus looked older in the movies and a bull man fighting the worm. she pulls her pistol from her jacket looks at the worm then the tiny gun, yeah time for the big guns she goes back to her bike.

looking through the saddle bag, she finds what she is looking for and she smiles and points the rocket launcher at the worm hey Mr. wiggler suck on this!
she shoots a bunch of rockets into its mouth, blowing it up from the inside out splattering worm bits ever where Jeannie ducks behind one of the pillars to hide not wanting to get splashed by worm goo then pop back outgotcha!!!!what a mess, hopefully, some else have to clean it up she don't want to, she calls out to the man that the worm was attacking to see if he is ok.

hey mister Zeus you alright,well your a god so I guess you are ok, that was interesting huh wonder where worms that big come from, look for you an expert hunter like me came along, I know the secret killing all kinds of monsters, he was all scalely so your lightning couldn't crack his shell but there squishy on the inside,huh wonder where it came from she puts her weapon away and began looking around for clues to where the beast came from while talking to the manthis monster miss most be pretty big if the king of the gods came, you sure are a lot younger in person, but you guys are immortal so not sure why they make you old in movies, the bull guys a good monster right? is he your minion or somthinglooking at the minotaur curiously

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Kourage January 11th 2016, 10:10 pm

Next destination: the Parthenon. Kylie looked eagerly out the window, half hoping to see the monsters they had been warned about. Was it right to hope that there were monsters about? Probably not. But Kylie couldn’t help it. She loved school, and even enjoyed learning, but she had to admit that it lacked the excitement of a good battle. Looking out the window at the great building, she wondered what sort of action had taken place across this ground. She remembered the stories they’d heard in class of great beasts and demigod warriors imbued with special powers. That would be such a cool thing to see…

It seemed her wish would soon be granted, for as the bus approached the building, an alarm bell sounded. The students around Kylie awoke, terror in their eyes.

“What’s happening?”

“Where are we?”

“Let’s get out of here!”

“What’s going on?” Kylie muttered, straining to get a better view from the widow. Wow… she thought. “How on earth did I miss that? A grotesque vision met her eyes from behind the many columns lining the ancient temple. It was a gigantic worm. The creature was both large and hideous, and on top of that it seemed to be holding its own against three superpowered individuals. There was no way she was going to sit still on the bus. Her skin began glowing with excitement. At least this wouldn’t be boring.

Without stopping to answer the questions brought on by the whole “radiating light” thing, she pushed open the emergency door and jumped out of the still-moving vehicle. She landed perfectly across from the building, kneeling to absorb the force of the impact. It probably looked really cool, but man, did that hurt! She’d be fine though. After all, she was a quick healer… Without another thought, she rushed in to join the battle.

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by superguy1 January 11th 2016, 11:14 pm

The woman had stopped to question him, but he rushed past her. The creature was already pulling itself back together, and Minotaur wanted to take advantage of its temporarily weakened state.

Lift a large column above his head, he smashed it upon the works head, which was currently reforming. Two others had joined the fray, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, Minotaur was glad for the help. The worms tail had fully healed, and Minotaur wrapped both arms around it, digging his hooves into the ground, to lessen the swing it had taken at him. "Be still beast!" he shouted, attempting to crush it by squeezing it close to him. This attempt was thwarted, however, when the wriggly beast swung it's tail up, throwing the Horned Hero far above the Parthenon."Shit." Minotaur said. "Shit." Drake thought, as they began to plummet hundreds of feet towards the battle. This wouldn't kill them, not by a long shot, but oh boy would it hurt.




Carl Gator:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Nightdread January 12th 2016, 8:46 pm

"Eh? No,no,no you got it wrong, I'm no god!" Night laughed at the woman who had appeared as suddenly as the monster almost. His smile faded to a rather shocked expression as she pulls out a freaking rocket launcher and proceeds to eviscerate the monster. She seemed very proud of herself, but the monster began regenerating quickly and launched an attack against the giant bull man, sending him flying several stories upwards.

"Well shit" Night said looking up and placing his hand over his forehead to block the sun "I know for a fact I definitely cannot catch him, but he looks like he should be... fine I guess? Focusing back on the worm Night fired another bolt of electricity at the beast, but it remained mostly unfazed. The woman mention the insides where weak, which was a given because Night was pretty sure the insides of most things where not meant to be exploded. "Alright, it regenerates that's lovely, so any ideas on how to but it down permanently?" Night asked the woman, hoping that she would have an answer since she seemed rather knowledgeable. "I mean like I can keep shocking it till we have a plan or something " Night said holding out his hand an delivering another dose of electric shock to the worm, staggering it.

The worm seemed done with being ignored though and quickly lunged towards Night and the woman. The worm was surprisingly fast for its size, easily closing the distance between it and the two. "Watch it!" Night said jumping towards the monster instead of away "You just made the mistake of getting close to me!" he laughed as he hopped onto the worm and delivered a elctro pulse to its head, bringing it to a halt at the woman's feet. Night sat down on its head proudly, even though it was only dazed. "I'm no god, but c'mon that was pretty cool though!" he smiled "the names Night and this thing still isn't dying by the way" he added as the worm began to stir once again.

Status :

Quote : Your in for a shock now!

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2015-12-03

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Jeannie Rose January 12th 2016, 11:31 pm

huh, good question night had for her she was pretty sure blowing it up would have worked, but it appears to heal from that, huh to bad for the mr.bull night can't catch him either but like night said he looked pretty durable. huh, some odd fairy girl popped up to she noticed or, at least, she thinks she's a fairy they glow right, Tinkerbell's a fairy and she glows.

well seeing as how it came back from being blown up this things going to be hard to beat she guesses if they'd have to destroy it completely so there nothing left to regenerate or somehow negate its regeneration some how. well seeing how night's lighting is like tasering the thing and her rocket left enough for it to regenerate,mr.bull appears to be just a melee combatant so he can't blast it and she isn't sure what the new girl does.

well she could get over to her and ask, and calls out to herhey miss fairy what can you do exactly besides glowing? if you can do something that cancels healing it be helpful our if you can fly catching mr.bull and get him down would be nice , maybe use some fairy magic to send the worm back to where it came from. or a big fireball to blast it with she then ponders on ways to stop it from coming back, right when in Rome do as Romans do so in Greece do what Hercules would do.

hey night i got a idea,when Hercules killed the hydra he burnt the wounds to cauterize it and keep the heads from coming back,if me and mr.bull bust him up the you zap the blasting the wounds with your lighting should do the same thing,oh yeah I'm Jeannie nice to meet you even though fighting a Mongolian death worm are odd circumstances to meet she smiles then goes to executing her plan grabbing her rocket launcher to blast the worm
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Kourage January 13th 2016, 12:06 pm

As Kylie ran to join the fight, she was approached by a woman with a rocket launcher. Seriously? she thought A rocket launcher?!? If that hadn't been able to take the thing out, she didn't know what could. And how much help could she be? Kylie had above-average fighting skills, but she couldn't say she'd ever gone head-to-head with a giant worm before... besides, most of her unnatural abilities had to do with healing. That was what rocket launcher chick was talking about now.

"Um... I'm not a fairy. As for blocking healing..."
Kylie began to respond to the girl's questions, but she had already turned her attention to someone else. It was a boy, about Kylie's age, who seemed to be channeling electricity through his hands. He was performing a rather impressive stunt that seemed to stunned the monster as she was entering the building. The woman was telling him about a plan.

At least she had a plan. Kylie looked around for this "Mr. Bull" that was mentioned, but saw no one other than the two in front of her. The monster began to stir, and she looked up at it. That's when she saw him. A huge bull-like creature, like the Minotaur they had been studying, was plummeting down from the sky above them. Seemed like they needed him... perhaps if she couldn't attack the worm directly, she could at least help with this.

"I'm Kylie,"
she grinned in response to the introduction. "Nice to meet ya!"

She then jumped past the awakening worm, positioning herself to catch the falling hero. He looked pretty heavy. Her skin glowed brighter as it hardened, preparing for the impact. She held out her arms, ready for what was to come. "This is gonna hurt."

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by superguy1 January 13th 2016, 7:12 pm

Minotaur felt something grab him, slowing his decent slightly, although he was still falling. Thoom! He sat up, blinking, before looking at the crater he'd left below. Hopefully who ever had tried to catch him was okay. He rose to thank her. "Ah..yes..many thanks, young female mortal." he said as sheepishly as an ancient bull god could.

The others were engaged in fighting the worm, and one had even stunned it. The Minotaur roared, lowered his head, and ran. He charged at the worm, roaring and huffing as he ran. The worm had recovered, but not fast enough. Minotaurs horns where already piercing it's sides, and he was still moving forward with just as much momentum as before.

He roared again, and raised the worm above his head, attempting to tear it in half. He turned to the others. "The head! You must destroy the beasts brain, or it will pull itself back together!" he yelled. The monster was thrashing, but Minotaur was too strong to escape, and he tightened his grip.




Carl Gator:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Nightdread January 13th 2016, 8:39 pm

Night fell off the worm as it began to wiggle again, but managed to roll to safety before he was crushed by the giant worm. Now things were getting interesting as a new glowing girl showed up to the party, he believed he heard her name was Kylie, and she managed to catch the bull man. Either she was on mad drugs or she too was a meta, Night obviously chose meta. The bull man got right to work, impaling the worm with his horns, attempting to keep it pinned. It was odd hearing all giant bull man talk, but weirdly enough Night had seen weirder things.

"Destroy the head? Gotcha, I think  Jeannie over here has got the necessary fire power for that!" Night laughed as he noticed Jennie reading her rocket launcher once again. "So you think you can do the whole explody thing again?" Night asked Jennie "Because that seemed like it was almost perfectly effective the first time, and I don't know how much longer he can hold it" Night said pointing towards the Minotaur, "I guess we are pretty lucky this isn't a hydra, that would be a real pain in the ass!

Night felt bad about not being able to do much in the current situation, but with the Minotaur holding the beast, he could risk using any electricity for fear of injuring his ally. He really hoped the next rocket would finish the job because if not, this thing was definitely a major problem. He then remembered the Kylie girl who had caught the Minotaur. He ran over to see if she was alright after catching a giant bull man. "Hey you alright? That was a sick catch, I'm surprised it didn't crush you! Unless you have super strength, than that's expected not to crush you. Kylie was it? I'm Night nice to meet you. Now we should really get on that worm problem."

Status :

Quote : Your in for a shock now!

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2015-12-03

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Jeannie Rose January 13th 2016, 10:59 pm

the head duh, why didn't she think or that, night called out to her about exploding things yup can do, with the Minotaur pinning it down she should be able to get a better shot and finish this thing off. she runs over to the worm she assumes at closer range she will be able to get the head and brain this time.

open wide you nasty wigglershe sticks her rocket launcher in its mouth and pulls the trigger boom!!!!!!!! the worms head explodes into bits knocking her back falling on her but. she then sits up and smiles giving the minotaur a thumbs up I think we got him, this time, no more head nice and dead she looks over and see night was with Kylie good he's ok. so what do we do with the rest of it? I say we use it as bait to catch a big fish all the excitement made me hungry, snack time first, then we can deal with the other monsters I heard the town's full of them, old guy at the bar was rambling about gates to hades something like that,sailor guys mentioned thinking they saw sea monsters, weird stuff

Jeannie sits pondering on where she can get a large enough fishing pole to use with the worm to catch a big fish then big time fish and chips waiting to see other think they should do next
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by Kourage January 13th 2016, 11:32 pm

“Yeah, I’m good!” Kylie grinned, although her screaming muscles would beg to differ. The impact had caused a crater to form in the ground beneath her feet, and may or may not have broken one of her arms. Oh well, she’d heal.  At least Bull Dude was okay. He seemed nice enough, stopping to thank her before running back into the battle. Now it was the other boy who stood above her, looking at her with obvious concern. She struggled to stand upright, focusing her energy on healing her wounds. The arm snapped back into its original position, and a few seconds later her muscles ceased to ache. Apparently being not normal had its perks.

“Nice to meet you too, Night!” She smiled, extending her now fully-healed hand. “And thanks! You seem to have some pretty sweet moves yourself!” She returned the compliment, remembering the stunt she had witnessed when she first entered the building. “As for the worm problem, I see they’ve got that monster taken care of. Man, that thing was huge!”

Rocket Launcher Chick, or Jeanne, as she had called herself, was talking to Bull Man about what to do with the remains. Kylie looked past the columns, trying in vain to see where the bus had gone. It seemed to have taken off without her. That was good. It meant her fellow students had gotten away from the danger. It did, however, leave her stranded here. The gates of Hades thing sounded interesting… perhaps she could hang out with these people for a while.

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Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

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mythic monster mash Empty Re: mythic monster mash

Post by superguy1 January 14th 2016, 12:04 am

The woman with the rocket launcher was able to make quick work of the death worms head, and it's large body slumped over, as Minotaur threw it down. He heard the others converse, but he leaned over to get a look at the creature, shrinking steadily, as he returned to the human form. 'Why is it here?' Drake thought to Minotaur. 'I don't know..but I sense there's more to come. Something is causing a magical disturbance.' Minotaur thought back. 'Okay Yoda,' Drake responded jokingly, 'Let's go see what the others know.'

Drake headed back over the the others after retrieving his clothes, which he had thrown behind one of the pillars, so he wouldn't have to walk around in his under garments, and waved. "So..I take it you guy's are just a clueless as I am, huh?" he said, nodding over to the large creature, which had started to rapidly turn into dust. 'That's not supposed to happen.' Minotaur thought to him. 'Unless..oh no..' The immediate worry in Minotaur's voice, was followed by a sudden gust of wind, as the ashes of the beast began to spin like a cyclone.  They began to rise int the air, and in the cloud of dust, a large pair of glowing red eyes could be seen.

"Nieks batu fari" a voice from within the cloud of dust roared, in a language Drake couldn't understand. 'It says "We will rise again.." Minotaur explained. "Fir gou enxe le KA!" the cloud/creature shrieked, before taking a form like that of a dragon, and flying away. 'That,' thought Minotaur 'Means "You will all die screaming, the mark is on you all." Minotaur explained. Drake explained what had happened to the others, who he doubted could speak ancient monster.




Carl Gator:
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Age : 25
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Registration date : 2011-10-10

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