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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Shael Atterrius December 5th 2015, 1:14 am

"Didn't know there were s'posed to be fireworks tonight." Sebastian muttered to himself, one hand slightly shielding his eyes as he watched a distant explosion of color light up the night sky. Wasn't quite New years or that one holiday, so he had no idea why the light show was popping up. Dressed up in the usual casual of black jeans, a white shirt and leather jacket over that, he was planning to just see where the day took him. Appeared like someone had given him a reason  to do something. Could have been a time sink, but he wouldn't know until he got a closer look. Something told him it was something more than a fireworks display, maybe some metahuman trying to give the city a cool display with their flashy powers. Either way, sounded like a fun time for everyone.

Pulling his hood over his head, Sebastian slipped through the shadows of the roof, appearing on the street below. It was around a block to walk, and so he had some time to consider what he was doing. "Psssh, no time to think." With that he jumped past the whole walking thing, slipping into the shadows before  appearing rather close to the incident in question. People were running away from whatever the scene was, there was fire and a lot of smoke billowing from something. Definitely not what he was priorly expecting, which was slightly an annoying prospect. Sebastian was really looking forward to some quality fireworks, yet here he was dealing with some kind of dumb metahuman crime. "No fireworks? Wow, this is just lame." He noted with a roll of his eyes, glaring at what appeared to be someone in a slightly bright looking costume.

Well, he could give them points for not trying to be hardcore like some villains these days. The question then, well it was what their gimmick was and why he should give a damn. Bad guys rarely sold themselves well today, always ended up looking more like jokes than actual threats like they probably wanted to be. Obviously he could do something about them, but then again that would have been a little too much work for him. "Looks like they need a little direction, how to villain right." Sounded good enough, so pulling his hood over his head, Sebastian would slip onto the scene via shadowy magical stuff. "Hey...umm...color guy. Can't help but notice you got this nice store held up, but...well I don't really dig how you're doing things." Okay, he was bored and needed something to do. Not like there was anything better that he could do, maybe this would end up being fun.

"Who the he.."

"Hey now. It's rude to talk when people are tryin to talk here.' He stated cutting them off, peering out of a broken window and looking up to the businesses sign. Looked like some kind of small time diner, likely one they were holding hostage or whatever. That gave them enough time to turn their power towards them, seemingly trying to unleash a powerful bolt of something from their hands. Moving into a fluid motion, he kicked upwards, causing their hand to jerk upwards to unleash the glowing sphere through the window, colliding into a tree as it was reduced to a ruined mess. "Now that is rude. I come here to help you and ya try to blow me up. Real class act, let me tell you." The motion was quick, as he slammed his foot down and turned around with a knee in their stomach. With their breath knocked out of them, that gave him a quick enough movement to floor them when a knee was what met their face.

"Damn, first time on your knees and already tuckered out."
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Humanity December 5th 2015, 3:05 am

Well a lot had been poured into this little searching spree Austyn had found himself on. Honestly the trail to this person was so mysterious at times that it were as if he had been chancing after a ghost. Then of course you have the occasional breakthrough that garners enough results to remind him that whom he was chasing was very much real. It was sort of pathetic to be honest, the person wasn't even discrete really. They just knew how to keep themselves out of the freaking internet. Of course with enough digging, Austyn was most certainly able to get one piece of crucial information.

"So you take a small country, and then still operate out Chicago and L.A?" Austyn found himself at a slight loss. Of course he could take the direct approach and storm Belarus with Seraphim, however that was not diplomatically sound, nor was it really precedence. The man did take the country rather peacefully...for a mother murdering savage. Perhaps there was something he could do to draw Lucius to him. His lieutenants were one way, his allies were another. But what was the safest way? Probably to use the front door, or request an audience. But he needed to in some way send a message while he did this. He needed to find a way to tell this man he wasn't joking. He wasn't toying around, and unlike his lovable now-older brother; Austyn wasn't an idiot.

"There we go..." He said as he finally locked on where he needed to be. So he was chasing after a man by the name of Lucius Alba. Though would it surprise you that it wasn't for the same reason as his brother? Would it surprise you to know that his intentions were not hostile? With the way Austyn's birth was covered up, it was unlikely Lucius was even aware of his existence right now. Or even connecting the dots that he was the Seraph for that matter. So imagine his surprise when an L.A hero shows up at one of his bases of operation looking for him. Of course that sadly means he needs to find said base...and that wasn't happening. It was just easier to find and track a lieutenant. More importantly Daniel. The man was a teleporter, but that really didn't matter. Especially not when he was going to be coming to Austyn. It would just so happen that Daniel was rather frequent at visiting a local coffee shop. The lucky bastard could just teleport in at any time and grab a cup. Honestly, Austyn wouldn't deny it. He was jealous. But his jealousy aside; Austyn actually managed to commandeer this place, the owner was nice enough to vacate as Seraphim rented the place, though only The Seraph was inside with a few usuals on the inside. Of course there was one person there with Austyn, and this person was someone to help him temporarily jam Daniel's teleport. Unfortunately, that would need to wait.

For soon, the entire front would blow out and a hole in the roof could also be seen as Seraph rushed out from the back, looking to find Espada beating the shit out someone and making a silly quip about being on their knees. Honestly, Seraph wasn't certain that this person wasn't the one responsible, he couldn't tell who was whom at this point. Drawing his sword and pointing it outward, he began to walk and approach Espada and the now unconscious man.

"Don't move. This trick was meant for a teleporter, please don't make me use it on you."


Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Red December 5th 2015, 3:42 am

Daniel bounced all over the planet most hours of the day. He could get a taco in Mexico and get a side of pizza in Italy before it stopped burning his mouth. Despite the seemingly low level meta gene, he loved his powers. Probably wouldn't know what to do without them. This didn't make him a slouch though. He handled all of Lucius' affairs, comparable to a presidential chief of staff. He was skilled and very, very smart. Knew how to make sure everything went smoothly and safely. But he had his bad habits like everyone else.

He was sort of a sucker for a certain coffee house in Chicago. Nowhere else in the world made coffee as good as them, or at least he felt that way. So he would drop in every now and again and grab one, likely the only public place he was repeatedly and ritualistically. But hey, it was worth it......or so he thought.

If someone is after you, they will use anything. A habit, your schedule, whatever. Nothing happened for so long Daniel didn't even consider the possibility, but he was about to port into some manner of trap it would seem. All the way from China he came, and there he was, instantly, in Chicago, staring at some kind of confrontation between a group of people.

"Um....hey, didn't expect anyone to be here this late. Is Phil here?" Daniel asked casually, ringing the cashier bell several times to see if the usual guy was there. Then he noticed the hole and damages......realizing something wasn't quite right here.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Shael Atterrius December 5th 2015, 4:43 am

With the annoying metahuman downed, it appeared that he played the heroic end of things this time. Not that Sebastian really minded occasionally helping people, but he sorta went against the whole helping this guy do his villainy thing. Hands buried within his pockets, the male tapped the tip of their slightly tattered shoes against them a couple of times. He didn't want to accidentally kill them, that would have been pretty lame indeed. After the third tap they ended up making a low groan that suggested that they weren't dead. With that off of his conscience, that meant he could go on without a single problem.  "Guess that'll teach ya not to mess around with exploding stuff." He noted before taking notice of the fact that someone else was coming onto the scene. They said something about a teleporter, which made him wonder if they were talking about him.

Afterall, his power let him do something along the lines of teleporting, so that made sense when he thought about it. They were expecting either him or someone else entirely. Kinda strange when he thought about it, because people that were after him tended to be more apt to trying the whole killing thing on him. Holding both hands up while looking at the sword, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive when they mentioned something about a trick meant for a teleporter. Maybe they had somehow shut his own power down or something along those lines. "Woah woah, point that thing somewhere else. Gonna poke someones eye out if you keep running around with it." He noted with a toothy grin, not quite abated from telling a terrible joke even if there was a weapon being pointed at him.

In the back of his mind he was trying to think of a few ways to get out of here, should this person get stab happy with their metal friend. This was not exactly the kind of stabbing he would have been okay with, not in the least. Despite how relaxed he may have looked, well he was preparing himself for whatever they would have thrown his way in a sense. That was when someone else joined the party, a third party to be exact. They seemed to be here for whatever was here, likely not even noticing the total destruction that had been reeked upon the place. "Didn't expect to be held at swordpoint after stopping a crazy firework dude, but," pausing to shrug, he looked from Austyn, to the unconscious guy to Daniel. "Stuff happens I guess. While we're on the subject, you really need to lower that sword. I like being uncut personally, don’t wanna change that anytime soon."
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Zell December 7th 2015, 1:40 am

"I- I don't..." Austyn said as he was trying to wrap his mind around the fact a guy just started a conversation with the fact "oh hey, don't point your sword at me. Oh, by the way, my dick is totally in tact. Yeah, just throwin' that out there." Keep in mind he was throwing the fact out there, not the proof of his actual lack of circumcision.  Why was his mind still on this? Well it was pretty sudden... "Stay still. Don't move. I can't trust that you didn't do this. If you're blameless you've got nothing to worry about." The Seraph said with a bit of a disrupted train of thought. He was being entirely honest however, he simply wanted a moment to identify the situation and prove this man was not in fact guilty of doing anything...other than plaguing Austyn's mind with random personal information.

 A woman came out from behind the barista with an uncanny chipper personality, the type of person who was quite literally seeing the front of the store missing and there was absolutely nothing bothering or unnerving her. "Hiiii there! I'm afraid Phil is currently out there making sure that the man who did this to our lovely establishment is held until the proper authorities arrive. Mmmmkay? So if you'd like I can get you a drink, or if you're willing to just wait for a little bit Phil would be more than happy to get it for you when the authorities arrive." The overly preppy woman said as she still seemed to smile with pep and cheer glimmering in her eye.

Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Red December 11th 2015, 5:52 pm

Daniel didn't know what to make of this situation. Sure the building was partially blown up and there was like three obvious superhumans, or at least humans trying to be superhumans, in the room. But then again, he was just getting coffee, and he could leave in an instant. They seemed to be in business still, so nothing to worry about, right? Right.

"Your building is half gone............but alright, I'll take a tall Turkish coffee, extra sugar, my usual." Daniel said, counting out exactly $3.08 from his wallet as he knew that was the exact price of his favorite caffeinated drink. He may have been a rich man, but you don't get rich without pinching a few pennies. After paying and getting his coffee, he turned to the three others in the shop.

"Ya know, the cops aren't the only people protecting this place. Scram before i cause you guys some major trouble." Daniel said casually with a half smile as he drank his beverage. It really was some of the best Turkish coffee around. He would have to make sure Lucius payed for the damages done to the shop. He didn;t know if the three knew who he was, but he had made the news quite enough as he was currently Lucius' Chief of Staff. So it was entirely possible.

Last edited by Red on December 11th 2015, 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Shael Atterrius December 11th 2015, 7:31 pm

So it seemed like they were still pointing their sword in his face, an annoying prospect but not like he could just push the damn thing out of his face. "Seriously, your trusts issues aint my problem." He noted with a roll of his eyes, granted Sebastian didn't really do anything beyond showing his annoyance with someone threatening. Seeing their reaction to his reluctance at hearing his little quip was amusing though, so he was caught between that amusement and annoyance with being threatened. "If you're lookin for this the guy, then look down a little." He noted tapping his foot against  the downed criminal he had taken the time to deal with before being accused of being them. Then there was this chipper lady at the counter, acting as if the store had not been horrifically damaged by a sudden explosion.

I feel like I'm in some kind of bad anime. He thought to himself as some blonde guy just walked up to order a drink, before issuing a similar but more vocal threat to both of them. " about no." He said with a  smirk before turning his attention back to Seraph. "So can you get that metal extension out of my face before someone gets hurt?" The tone delivering the line was by no means threatening, more matter of fact than anything else. "Hey I'll have one of those spiced chai things, ummm. largest size you have." He then ordered from the woman behind the counter.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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Registration date : 2015-08-01

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Zell December 12th 2015, 3:27 am

"Well of course sir! If we can keep selling our product we can perhaps at least get a start on fixing the damages, and I may not end up without a job for three months and get evicted." The girl said while trying to still keep her happy and customer friendly cheer. Sadly, however, it just so happened that this guy just wasn't helping himself. At all. Seraph pushed the blade forward a little, basically telling the guy to shut his trap. The woman on the other hand quickly gave Daniel the desired beverage and then moved onto Espada's order.

 "Don't make me make my problem your problem, Punk." He said through his teeth before listening to Daniel over his shoulder. Of course he knew that this was the person he was looking for, so unfortunately he needed to make this quick. "Seraphim secondary this is Angel 7732 and sending relaying coordinates for an envoy pick-up. We got one downed and I need satellite confirmation of a secondary party. Male, Ethnic 2, maybe 3 with black hair..." He said before a moment of silence and a long, drawn out sigh. "...and an uncut foreskin.". After that he immediately pressed the button on his little "secret" device. This immediately canceled out the ability of molecular, existential, cosmic, shadow and any form of meta teleportation, while also putting a tracking code on any electronic device in a 50 foot radius.

  "We've got it Seraph...The requested identity is unknown, however we have confirmation that he was NOT responsible for the explosion....but Seraph...Yeah?" He stopped for a moment, the silence before the radio voice sounding out (loud enough for everyone nearby to hear) as he lowered his sword. "Foreskin is not a valid means of identification...How do you even-I don't, it was a....long story." He cut the woman off before severing the communication link.

 "Sorry, couldn't be too careful...Now... onto more personal business." He said as he turned around and pointed at Daniel. "You. You're not going anywhere. We need to have a little chat. Mutual friend said you might know something I'd like to know."

Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Red December 15th 2015, 2:54 am

Daniel really hated it when people said 'you aren't going anywhere'. Because going places was sorta his thing. After getting his coffee, he was about to just port away as the kid spoke, but much to his disdain, he couldn't. How was that possible? Lucius and maybe Alpha were the only ones Daniel knew of that were smart enough to make such a device, but here it was. Now he just had to figure out what to do....

So Daniel did the unexpected, staring at Seraph for a moment as he took a long, final swig of his drink. After that, well he tossed the hot beverage at the male, dumped a table in between them, and bolted for the door.

"Might not have teleportation, but i still have legs!" Daniel said just when he neared the exit. Ironically, he wasn't really a fast runner. But he was crafty enough to at least sorta get away from the kid.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Shael Atterrius December 15th 2015, 8:59 pm

Well, aside from having a sharp sword being pointed in his face, at least he would have a nice toasty beverage. Just can't catch a break from this guy can I? He thought,rolling his eyes rather annoyed now that he had time to think about this whole situation. Well, he was a little serious until they mentioned one thing that did not seem to stay out of this guy's mind. In fact he couldn’t even stop himself from laughing as they mentioned a rather awkward fact that he may have unintentionally mentioned. A hysterical laughter that went on for a minute or so until he could eventually catch his breath. ”’re mind is so stuck on what’s in my” There was a little more laughter a shis sides began to hurt, but that was when he actually got a little control of himself.

”I mean, if you reaaaaaally are so interested in it there is a bathroom in this place.” He noted with a click of the tongue, now less worried about the sword and more amused than anything else. Their attention shifted towards Daniel, putting less pressure towards him as he backed away to grab his drink which appeared to be done. Damn tasty thing too, explained why he got it rather than any of those bitter drinks anyway. Digging around in his pockets, he placed down a five which looked like the price plus a bit. That was when blondie made their run for it, something he would have helped stop but his teleportation seemed to be on the fritz.

”Huh...that’s really weird.” He muttered taking another ip of his drink.”I’ll let the guy who’s obsessed with mah junk do it.” He shrugged before taking himself a seat.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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Registration date : 2015-08-01

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Humanity December 16th 2015, 9:33 pm

The man tried to teleport away, or that's what Austyn was assuming, as he quickly remarked that he could do so and then began running. Of course the man wasn't exactly an olympian, but then again Austyn wasn't either. Taking off after him, Austyn ran at a steady pace, making sure to keep his eyes on the individual with great discernment of his targets movements. Eventually He'd ware himself out, and Austyn would be able to just pick up the speed a little and charge mask first into him. He was determined to catch this man, he had to. There was entirely too much riding on this in order for him to screw up. Hopefully all the training with Seraphim paid off...because if not he might need to resort to something else in order to get to Red Tide.


Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Red December 19th 2015, 4:49 pm

Maybe Daniel should have jogged a few more times around the Sanctuaries track, because this kid was keeping pace without even sweat, whereas Daniel was....well, not. When you have teleportation, walking and running are just redundant. So yeah, Seraph would catch him once Daniel slightly tripped, bringing his mask into his back and knocking him to the ground.

Now he may not have been the fastest guy around, but Daniel was a fighter. He whipped around and had his gun in his hand pointing up at the boy, ready to fire. His stance was good and trained, easily able to avoid any disarming attempts quite easily.

"Hold it, right there." Daniel said, and if the boy did the teleporter would get back to his feet all while pointing his gun at the kid.

"Not very wise kid, attacking me. Even if you manage to win, i have a whole country and thousands of metahumans at my back. Who are you?" Daniel said. He didn't intend to kill Seraph, as that was always something he avoided. But that didn't mean he wouldn't beat the living daylights out of him.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Humanity December 19th 2015, 11:02 pm

Well with everything that had happened The Seraph couldn't say he was surprised. In fact he proved it by shaking his head just a little bit before blinking. Then he gave a small sigh and spoke. "Remember when you were in school? Halloween and Easter how the teacher would always put a jar up in the classroom with a sheet for everyone to estimate how many jelly beans or candy corn pieces were in the container?" He waited a moment for a likely bewildered Daniel to answer before he clarified. "Great, we're gonna be playing that game again. Except this time you're gonna estimate how many fucks were given in the man behind the mask." The Seraph said as he just began to walk forward, not really caring if he got shot at. First of all he had some extra durability, and the second part being he was wearing an armored exosuit

"A thug pulled a gun, no way! Next you'll tell me that politicians lie and that guns kill people!" He added as he made use of his own Seraphim combat training to keep himself alert and ready to move at a hair's drop. Of course there had to be just that one little event that happened in order to draw both participants attention away as there was a loud coughing noise. Slightly startled by the sudden noise a mysterious figure stepped form the alley-way, this figure appeared to be a light shade of blue with a white underbelly, from feet to nose, or fin to nose rather this creature looked at them with strange white triangles and felty black eyes staring right into them. Unfortunately this figure was wearing quite literally a beach ball duct-taped around it's stomach. Leering at the two it reached from behind itself before revealing a piece of cardboard with black writing on it. The sign read...

Spoons made me fat.

And with that the enigmatic Left Shark took three steps back before disappearing into the darkness, not to be seen again tonight. However the event left Austyn perplexed as he looked to Daniel. "Was that guy with you?"


Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Humani11
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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Red December 19th 2015, 11:28 pm

Daniel couldn't help but laugh at what Seraph said, it was pretty funny, he had to admit. Though that didn't put him in any better of a position. He held the gun firmly, but just dropped it. Putting his hands up and kicking his weapon to the side. He was about to respond....but then a shark like being showed up, distracting them both. What the hell was that thing? But as suddenly as it showed up, it was gone, so no real need to worry.

"Um, no. But ah, yeah, you won. So do you want to blow up another favorite coffee shop of mine or are you going to tell me what you want?" Daniel said, putting his hands down to now stand in front of the sword wielding boy casually. Daniel truly wanted to know, but he could make an educated guess that this kid wanted Lucius. Teenage heroes always seemed to want to hurt the man for some reason or another.

"Lemme guess, you want Lucius? You probably could have just asked for an audience......if you have a decent reason for wanting to meet with him." Daniel said. As his Chief of Staff it was his job to set up meetings, so this was not the oddest way he had gone about it.


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Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red] Empty Re: Explosions and much more [Seraph and Red]

Post by Shael Atterrius December 20th 2015, 8:49 pm

It took a little time, a minute at most before he realized that sitting around and drinking coffee drinks was a little boring. Watching those guys try to beat the snot out of each other would have been a lot more interesting really...or stab the snot out of each other, he wasn't so sure at this point. Regardless, curiosity was something that kept him from just sitting there and so he would act upon that curiosity. Setting the now empty cup down, he removed a few crumpled bills from his pocket and set them down on the counter, some kind of tip or whatever it was that baristas got these days. Burying his hands into his pockets, he walked out of the building now wondering how he could follow the blonde and their conspicuous stalker. There was of course just walking around until he found something, but that didn't work really.

So he would have to try something else to find his source of entertainment, whatever that was. They couldn't have gotten a few blocks away, but then there was the whole things about direction that made all of this annoying when he had to think into it. Luckily people talked and so he followed those talking people, and within two minutes he found them. "Looks like someones going to shoot someone. I could stop it buuuut....they look like they'll be fine." So instead he waited to see what happened next.
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