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Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.)

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Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.)

Post by Red August 9th 2015, 2:47 am

Lucius eventually got close to the fight, where he watched everything that was happening, calculating it. There was some trash talk, which was rather amusing. And Gravity Man made several impressive attacks. Lucius truly marveled at the males powers, their possibilities seemed to be endless. But despite his power, Gravitas was a good man, he really only had good intentions in the end, that and revenge. Lucius could respect him for that. Apex was a tricky opponent to deal with, very versatile. Lucius didn't know exactly how the males powers worked, but he guessed it was some form of adaption. Whenever Lucius threw something at Sean in their last fight, it seemed to have no effect. Only when he mixed and matched multiple at a time did he leave a scratch. To reinforce this, there was that blue energy Apex created, which was a perfect match against Lucius' Red Energy.

So, with all that information, Lucius came to the conclusion that yes, Apex had some form of adaptive power. That would make this tricky really, would he lead with his energy like before? Would he be able to adapt if he was also being hit by Gravity Man? Lucius didn't quite know, but he knew he had to be extremely unorthodox. Lucius found it funny Gravity Man was calling Apex short, which reminded him of Sean's rather violent outburst toward Daniel in their last encounter. Apex seemed to forget all about the hostages, which was interesting. Lucius wouldn't draw attention to it though. He wasn't worried Sean could stop what was happening, but he wasn't going to draw the focus back to them.

"Bold of you, Sean. Diving head first into a situation you know so little about. But don't worry, I'll be finished here shortly." Lucius commented as he approached the pair from the right. He was about twenty yards away, so he needed to make a plan of action. Apex was trying to use his speed, which was a mistake. Against Gravity Man and Lucius, speed was rather useless. Red's gear was fitted to fight enemies with insane speed. Lucius wasn't worried about his defense, just his offense. These three were very difficult to damage, so this theoretically could go on for a long, long time. He continued to make his way toward Apex, and once he got close he would draw his sword and use a bit of the blades energy to turn on its vibration function. This would hopefully do some damage, even if Apex was durable on an ungodly level.

This was a true test to see the level of Apex's adaption, because adapting is the only way someone would be able to resist it really. Using his speed assisters, Lucius swung his sword, his limb becoming a blur as it slashed at Apex. He wasn't just flinging steel around either, these were actual sword techniques. He was using precision and skill to feint and jab at his opponent, focusing less on power and more on just touching Sean with it because that was all that was needed. He was fencing with his left hand, and his right was folded behind him. It looked like a classical stance, but there was another purpose for it. Lucius was using his right hand to unclasp a very powerful bomb and activate it. With a sudden shift of his stance, Lucius would throw this at Apex, then activate his teleporter to get out of the explosives blast range. He was confident Gravity Man would be able to get out of there as well, that or just tank it. The bomb would explode violently, large and hot but luckily out of the range of any bystanders. That whole attack was pretty much just information gathering, and wasn't really meant to hurt, though it would be nice if it did.

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Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.)

Post by Arcana August 12th 2015, 6:30 pm

Eye leveled, considering how much he knew about this metahuman the irony was not lost upon him. I wonder if batman will mind if I just push this guy into a vat of acid?He thought to himself while then considering Lucius who was also here, making things so much more annoying. Well that just meant he would have to deal with two losers that thought black made them look villainous. With a motion of the hand the gyrokinetic would level a few buildings, perhaps showing his power or bringing his anger out on those poor examples of modern architecture. Sean however had found himself stopped by a pulse of gravity, leaving him even heavier than before and annoying him just as much. It reminded him that he really hated gravity powers, they were all so fucking annoying. If he had psychic powers right now, he would just mince the guys brains.

Can't exactly do anything like that when you're dead anyway...unless something happened when that happened. ”Gimme a sec Lucius. My parents aren't here so I don't think I have anyone for you to kill.” Sean noted upon hearing the male before restarting the method he had used last time, while he followed Gravitas with his eyes and considered another plan of action. Any attempts to turn solid would prove fruitless, so he would need to think of a better plan. Feeding a few xenogens into the ground was for a start but he needed to do something more. That was when the idea hit him, much like a metaphorical ton of bricks as they would flow around the general area of Lucius, more behind him than anything else. That was when the metahuman supremacist would come at him with a strange weapon, slashing at him with impressive speed, though if they thought they could get at him they would be surprised.

”Are you sword fighting me now? I mean that's actually. Kudos.” Sean noted, weaving around the slashes before simply seeming to dissolve into what could only be described as dust. It wasn't as  simple as that of course, the xenogens that had been pumped into the ground served as beacons of sorts that lead him through the ground towards them and within a few seconds he would materialize behind Lucius. Aiming a superstrong kick into their side was the idea. ”I mean, where's that red energy of yours? It was a lot cooler than this whole sword business though, or would hotter be the right word?”

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Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.)

Post by Zell August 13th 2015, 2:07 am

"Finished." Gravitas said as he caught Apex trying to move behind Lucius. With a smile he brought his hands forward and clasped his hands together before grunting, pure force as the debris from the building came to collide with the area around Lucius. The area just beneath Lucius had a disruption in it's gravitational pull, forcing Lucius into the air most likely, leaving Apex all alone to suffer the damages. The collision of the debris would all have their own gravitational fluxations, which would cause a horrifically destabilized reaction, generating a percussive explosion as the entire area was equalized, and all gravitational effects he had initially instituted were null and void.

  "Adaptive capabilities?" Gravity man asked before suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. He growled as he realized he was fighting some form of Gizmo. He hadn't had the pleasure of encountering the Agency lapdog yet, but now he was getting a strike at it. If the son of a bitch wanted to adapt to his gravity effect he could do so all he wanted. Getting hit by debris and then an explosive force was nothing to sneeze at, regardless of your adaptive ability. Of course these adaptive types were all the same, and they could all be dealt with in a similar fashion. They all had a limit, somehow, somewhere. Didn't they? Damnit Atterrius you son of a bitch! How far are you willing to push this?! He wondered as he prepared himself for an attack from behind.

  This battle was going to be difficult. It was a slugging fest between three brawlers with intellectual prowess and moderate skill at worst. He'd be lying to say that he wasn't worried a little, however it was to be cautious. The soul of caution would be what saved the day for him. Closing his eyes and focusing his Gyro sense he concentrated to a more immediate area, heightening his reactive ability within that zone. A trade off to be sure, however when this battle boiled down... it was a process of adaptation and survival.

Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.) - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
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Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.)

Post by Red August 13th 2015, 4:10 pm

It seemed before Lucius could detonate his bomb and teleport away, Apex did something, turning to dust which caused Lucius to stop what he was doing. From the point of view of anyone else, Lucius' action was a complete failure. But in Lucius' eyes, it was the exact opposite. Everything he did no matter how odd was to gain something or give his opponent the wrong impression. It was physical chess really, that was the only thing fighting Lucius could be compared to. He wasn't just swinging a sword at you, he was setting up a fork. He wasn't just defending himself, while doing that he was moving in for the checkmate. Apex wasn't taking him seriously, which is what Lucius wanted. Apex evaded Lucius' attacks in a strange way, giving Lucius information. There was really no doubt about it now, Apex clearly had adaptive capabilities, the most powerful Lucius had ever seen in fact. That made this battle annoying if they really wanted to beat him, which they did, but then again that wasn't really the main goal here.

When Apex turned to dust Lucius immediately knew what was going to happen next. He had trained teleporters, people with scattering abilities, and invisibility users. Guess what they did as their first form of attack? That's right, they moved behind their target. So unbearably predictable, and this was no different. In one fluid motion Lucius sheathed his sword and somersaulted forward, moving away from Apex's kick milliseconds before it would have landed. After that he spun around, prepared to test this opponent a little more. Oh how it was fun to play with this guy. Though, before he could do anything he was launched into the air, most likely by Gravity Man though it could have been the other guy too. He flew upwards, remaining calm, as if he wasn't flying through the air right now, then activated his thrusters momentarily. He used the rockets to give himself a gentle push toward the ground, masterfully moving through the air and into a three point landing.

At this point he watched an explosion of some kind unfold, would be interesting to see how Apex did against it. Adaptive types were pretty easy to handle once you got a grip on their limits, but this one seemed to have a very high limit. Multiple forms of attack were key, because usually the adaptive being had to allocate a certain amount of power to each to defend themselves. If there was to many types, especelly opposites, then the being would experience an overload or just die. That's what needed to happen here, and luckily between Lucius and Gravity Man they had plenty of different types of damage. Lucius stood up and waited for the whole explosion thing to end, and as soon as he had Apex in sight he locked his scanners onto him. This insured that Lucius wouldn't lose track of him, unless somehow Apex became completely imperceptible in every way imaginable. It would help with reacting to him, allowing Lucius to keep him in sight without actually looking at him.

From there Lucius would step forward, preparing for a rather odd attack. He would get within range and then activate his sonic wave emitter, which would at the very least take up some adaptive power or cause annoyance, though at the top end it would have caused bleeding from all orifices, but Lucius had a feeling it wouldn't effect Sean in the same way it would a normal human. After that he unclasped two of his powerful bombs and four of the six shock modules he had. Then he let out some energy, an aura pretty much, it was in its normal acidic state except for the energy around his bombs and shock modules, which was solidified and allowed them to just sort of float in the aura of energy. Hoping the sonic emitter and the aftermath of that explosion Gravity Man unleashed would keep Apex from running off, Lucius sent the energy around him outward, along with the objects floating in it.

Just as he did this, he unsheathed his sword and charged it with energy from Hectors core, then shot a blast toward Apex with it. Now, the red energy attack was very wide and tall, running around it would have been impractical, especelly with the objects inside, which would activate when they got close to Sean. All together, Lucius was shooting red energy at Apex, followed by an explosion of fire and electricity, enough to power a skyscrapper, and then a blast of the brilliant blue and white energy from Lucius' sword. Lucius was confident the varying forms of attack along with Gravity Mans own actions would cause a lot of damage.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Try me (Gravity Man, Apex.)

Post by Arcana August 13th 2015, 4:55 pm

”Oh come on, is everyone procogniscient now?” Sean growls as Lucius seemed to dodge his attack seconds before it would strike him. A counter attack was already brewing within his head but that would likely not com to fruition was gravitas had a response in mind, something that seemed to be not all gravity attacks. Debris would slam into him for an annoyance, though his body had already adapted the durability to withstand the attack even if it did keep him from moving. All in all, the damage was a pain in the ass but then again that was to be expected from these two. Yeah...going to kill them all and then I get a vacation. Might go to Hawaii or something. Then there was an explosion, wherever that came from anyway. Now he found himself buried under a large amount of debris, annoyed more than anything by the two metahumans as he began to dig his way out of it.

Alot of dust had been thrown up by the explosion, leaving visibility somewhat null really. Already his wounds were beginning to repair themselves, XENOGENS reforming what appeared to be a alrge portion of his leg removed as well as an arm, both of which hurt like hell but the pain was lessened enough for him. Add in this annoying high pitched sonic screeching sound, and you make things even more annoying. Luckily, sonics were easy to adapt to compared to this attack and so with some sonic dampening around his ears as well as a few things done to prevent the waves themselves from doing damage, he was fine. That was until he noticed that another attack was coming at him, and damn did it look pretty deadly. ”Okay, that's enough playing around with me.” So Sean made use of the xenogens that had still been within the ground, not all of them having been made to make Lucius a viable target.

A few had been spread out for mobility purposes, and so he made use of them. With all of the energy moving around, it wa snot likely Lucius would see him do anything, and so he performed the little maneuver done easier as he funneled through the ground and around or rather underground of the attack. Within a few seconds he would have been free form more damage and thge explosion caused by said attack would happen. Now with the force from the bombs assimilated into his xenogens, Sean had something to work with and that was more than he had a few moments ago. Unfortunately there were no powerlines within the immediate area, meaning that he could not pull the EMP trick twice on Lucius but that did not worry him too much.

He was still human afterall, so he produced bioelectricty. All it took was a variation of his own personal electrical impulses, amping them up to a nearly impossible degree and then propelling them outwards, atleast in theory anyway. The xenogens made the impossible a little more possible, as they conducted the bio electrical energy and amplified them to that impossible degree, and within an instant they would release this pulse outwards in to shut down anything technological within a certain radius. Flexing his now reformed hand, Sean looked from where Lucius was standing to where Gravity Man was. ”Now, it's time I step things up a little.” If he took out that annoying tech, well that meant Lucius would likely have his energy, and maybe that annoying sword if he knew anything about well...anything. That was not any regular energy that the thing shot out, perhaps some manner of energy created by Lucius. Either astral energy or life force.

An intimidate counter attack was not wise, so instead he would have to play the field, set things up and all  of that. In the end it all came down to setting up things in the right place. Kicking up a small rock from the ground, he turned and hurled it with great force at Gravitas, hoping to gauge something quickly.

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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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