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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Humanity July 3rd 2015, 5:27 pm

Lights polluted the skies and drowned out the stars, the human race continued to thrive and flourish within. Their very existence a scar, a stain; and one day nothing more than a bad memory. Hopefully Humanity could change that. The Welcome to Pittsburgh sign was illuminated as Humanity drove past into the city. Pennsylvania's crowned city, it's prized jewel and where both the best and the worst of humanity gathered within the state. But humanity was not the point of this little misadventure, no in fact the reason that The Villain had come here was to do nothing less than ascertain the whereabouts of a fellow antagonist. The particular antagonist in question was one that could not be easily found by any common man, and anything less than total commitment to finding her would leave you chasing nothing more than a ghost. In fact, The Villain knew that this fellow antagonist wouldn't be able to be found by him at all. Despite all of his searching, no matter how close he got he was only human...and she...well, she was hardly human.

However, The Villain had determination and human ingenuity on his side. He wouldn't fail in finding this target, and he most certainly would not fail in recovering a most precious piece of his life. That is why it was here, in Pittsburgh that The Villain had managed to come across the general of the once infamous Elena Vexus and effectively "procured" him as a hostage. The details of which were easy to configure. The Villain did his homework, conspired with his own reflection two or three hundred times before carrying out this plan. Videos of Vexus, isolated incidents with her general and a close inspection upon the target in question. After countless, sleepless hours of study he implemented the most quickly thrown together plan in history. First he appealed to the concept of Elena Vexus' personal security. Humanity made it quite clear that he was coming for Elena Vexus for kidnapping a young child that went by the name of "Victor Franklin", doing this under his moniker "The Villain". Of course Vexus would find nothing on this person when she searched for him, primarily because there was no one by that name that actually existed. This would play to paranoia that many intellectual antagonistic beings had locked away deep in their mind. It was almost unfortunate how closely genius and madness mingled together. Psychological warfare was a game between villains and heroes. Humanity just didn't fight fairly.

Even if paranoia didn't strike form the sheer anonymity of a person threatening to kill her, he ensured the point would be spread as he went to her old lab in Chicago, where she held the Spirit Artemis hostage and left a rather bloody message in the form of a viral video stating that he knows he and her habits. It didn't matter that it wasn't true, but his time spend observing in the mind of Shi did prove useful in some regards. After that she had actual proof that her personal well-being was in jeopardy because of a "metahuman" who thought they could outsmart her. Easily traced she likely sent her general to obtain or dispatch of her target. Humanity obviously being this target. In his standard gear he did absolutely everything he needed to in order to ensure the general didn't escape. This included leading him into an old junkyard and posting threatening messages throughout it about this place being his tomb, and how junk like him and Vexus always ended up in a place like this. When the General finally had arrived at Humanity he saw nothing more than a person bound to a chair, one of Vexus' goons. The next thing the General would likely realize was that he was thrown into the air with tremendous force as a large magnet that was normally used for moving larger metal scrap picked him up instead. To make matters worse, there had been three car batteries jury rigged to send electrical energies through the magnet, which would most likely be strong enough to force him to shut down and reboot himself, not exactly strong enough to destroy him.

The deactivated General was then examined, using what he knew of robotics he managed to dethatch the two arms into four and then bind them back against the large magnetic table. To be sure he had secured the thing in place he used additional "securing devices" which were large nails before turning this General into a Jesus allegory and piercing him down, while not letting any of his circuitry or hardware take any real damage. From there it was just a matter of making a few "changes" to the general, attaching a signal scrambler up by his head and searching him over for anything that looked overly suspicious. What he found wasn't what he was expecting. It wasn't a bomb, but rather a unique looking chip that he had no idea what it's function was. He resolved to test it with his laptop and found that the charge it sent through the chip literally teleported his laptop across the room and dropped it on the floor, shattering it before transporting the laptop back.

"Well..looks like we're going back to Desktop." He groaned as he had to make some quick configurations to his "workspace". When the general finally came to, it would find itself in a very undesirable circumstance. It was hooked up to a desktop computer, it's chest area would feel substantially heavier and it was bound to a large slab of a magnetic table. The Signal jammer seemed to prevent it from reaching out to communicate, and prevented it's optics form sharing information with Elena, though she could still likely track him, it was impossible for him to send any message or information out to her. Humanity continued to shift through his things as he looked at his workspace. He had prepared for this...sure it was probably the fastest plan he'd ever thought up of...but it was the life of someone precious to him on the line. He couldn't fail...he just couldn't.

"At ease, General." The Villain said with a little smirk on his face behind his rather thick glasses. The only light in the room was on the General, the rest was so dark that the room seemed to stretch only into infinite darkness. The area surrounding him, however was mostly that bricks and mortar while the damp air gave a musty smell. "I hope you can forgive the paranoia... you see I have a few questions to ask and...well, let's be honest. I'm only human. There's nothing keeping you from killing me if I didn't take these precautions..." He said with a smile and a sigh as he sat down with a little remote in his hand, a button that his thumb hovered over.

"So...shall we begin?" The Villain asked as he pulled the beanie off of his head and messed up his black hair and smiled to the General, seemingly nice enough...for a person sick and twisted enough to do this.


The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus July 7th 2015, 3:31 am

For quite sometime now that's all Elena had been focusing on. Meeting here, trips there, delegations elsewhere. She was very busy at this time. Her little organization, Deus Ex Machina, was picking up speed so as the leader she was working on the proper funding. Elena had hired a professional young(er) woman named Eleanor to present DEM as an efficient energy company. It was under a different name, Eleanor did all of the speaking, didn't raise any flags at all. Completely under the radar. Vexus simply acted as her assistant. Though, during all of this time Elena had her General accompanying other members of DEM on missions in her place. He would send back reports of their progress and Elena would send them more information on things she needed done. It was all going quite well.
Vexus had procured all of the necessary components to complete her long awaited 'Celestial Arm'. Although, the method of obtaining the Dragon Scales was rather difficult for her as they were taken from a child. Right now she kept the poor thing in a stasis chamber. There was a program running which erased his memory of her and everything she did and replaced it with a very believable and elaborate story that checks out. It was odd feeling guilty, and this provided her with temporary relief knowing that the little thing wouldn't entirely remember what had been done to him.

Not too long after the kidnapped brat came and bit her in the ass. Someone was looking for him, though she had thought she looked throughly to make sure that absolutely no one would. She was still busy with her business affairs so she has her General dust up the trail to hopefully buy some time. It didn't work. Whoever was looking for the child was now directly looking for Vexus. They were smart, she would give them that. Knowing that if they found Elena they would no doubt be able to locate the child.
On what little down time she had Elena tried to dig up what she could on this person trying to locate her. "The Villain". Such a broad name. Again, another intelligent move. There was not anything she could find on this individual. Whispers, tiny little bread crumbs, but nothing to adequately search for. No one in her organization had any information, and none of their contacts did either. Incredibly frustrating.
While in the middle of a meeting just as she thought this search for her had died down, a figurative bomb dropped right on her lap. Immediately she had to excuse herself from the boardroom claiming an emergency. She had received a video from an old laboratory of hers in Chicago. This was trouble, whoever this individual was meant business. It was time for Elena to get serious right back.

She analyzed the video and was able to get a location, and from that location she could trace a signal. Elena was no fool and could only assume this was a trap, whether it be for her or whomever went in her place. Per-usual, Vexus was busy on business so her General was sent to the location for her. He was an extremely capable individual and if anyone of her organization could handle dealing with a minor threat, it would be him. The Scene was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
During all this time Vexus had not been seen with her general. She was playing the part of an assistant to a wealthy CEO of a major company that no one had ever heard of. It would make no sense for a seven foot, four armed robotic bodyguard to be following her, or this faux CEO around. While Vexus was in the city, her Bodyguard roamed the more industrial areas. There were threatening messages written on the walls, a cute intimidation tactic. Though The General could see what Vexus sees, Vexus cannot see what he sees without aid. So, through a special link on her fancy new watch she was able to keep an eye on the situation while in this meeting. She had a small earpiece in and every so often would glance down slightly at her watch. The General was also giving her the play by play knowing that she could not keep looking at her watch every five seconds, that would be incredibly unprofessional.  Her Bodyguard soon found one of her hired meat-shields tied to a chair, like creator like creation the General rolled his eyes and approached to check if he was still alive. None of the goons had any valuable information, if they did it was all fake anyways.
As soon as the Guard was a couple of steps in Vexus could see on her tiny screen her General being quickly hoisted up into the air and him yelling in shock. Instantly following there was a robotic screech and then silence. Her seen was black and there was no word from her General. In the midst of all this her eyes had gone wide and hand covered her mouth. She had only been like this for a split second and then immediately sneezed into her elbow. She knew the board members were looking at her expression and Elena needed to quickly cover it up.
"Terribly sorry, please continue." she said, going into her small purse to nonchalantly use some hand sanitizer. Thankfully no one suspected a thing.
Nothing. Vexus got nothing from her General for the remainder of her meeting. They were in the same city. Elena was the closest to her Bodyguard. This assassination just turned into a search and rescue.


Everything started as a black screen, and slowly a distinction between color began to appear, following were shapes. Eventually a clear picture came into view and it was not an idea one for Elena's precious General. He had been magnetized, restrained, communications jammed, and somehow this individual even managed to disable his emergency teleport. This man was far more cunning then both Elena and the General first assumed. He could hear this man speaking to him. He was confident in his words, but smart. He no doubt knew what her General was capable of, and it was entirely true that he would already been killed if not for these extensive precautions. This man obviously wanted information and seemed incredibly prepared to extract it by nearly any means necessary. The Bodyguard of Elena Vexus was not one to crack, so this man had his work cut out for him.
After saying "Shall we being." the General simply stared at the man, blinking slowly with with genetically modified eyes.
"On behalf of myself and my creator, we would like to congratulate you on a successful capture. However we are sorry to say that you have also hit a wall.
The voice was beastly, yet with a metallic echo to it. He had once had a voice of his own, though it was now edited and tampered with. As he continued to talk though, the tone of his voice began to alter.
"I have been throughly programmed to completely prevent the sharing of any vital information of my creator. This is the first time that this protocol had to be used, so we do apologize for any inconveniences you may experience."
The voice had started to shift from a raspy mechanical one, to a smooth sinister voice of a woman.
"The memory of this solider will be completely wiped if there are any repeated attempts at recovering information. Your location will be determined, and all accountable parties will be exterminated."
The small speech then skipped back to the beginning and continued in Elena's voice. It would continue to repeat until Vexus arrived at the scene and turned it off. It was being produced from his mouth and a number of locations that could also produce sound. If this man managed to remove or deactivate any of these he would unfortunately come to find that the speakers on his own computer had been compromised. Though to the General's dismay the speakers were all he was about to acquire. It would take a significant amount of time for his systems to get to his captor's. Not to mention most of his communications were being throughly jammed. If his kidnapper wished to go through with any sort of tortuous attempts, he would be more than welcome. The talking would just continue. Elena had removed anything pain related to make his fighting more effective. Torture would not be a viable method of extracting information.

All the while, Vexus had finally made it out of her board meeting and was triangulating her Bodyguard's location. The kidnapper may have disabled her General's communication systems, but right now she was going off his last known coordinates. If she did not find the culprit there, then there would no doubt be clues to aid her search. Vexus was, again, fully prepared that this could be a trap. She could not imagine any of her past enemies would have been able to find her in this current life, or that her Bodyguard would have posed so much meaning to her let alone even having a bodyguard. So someway somehow her most recent stalker much have devised a plan in order to capture her General. This was absolutely no laughing matter and must be settled as quickly as possible.
She arrived at a more industrial part of the city and immediately activated her Celestial Eye and dispersed in a terrorizing cloud of Technomatter. The silver sand like material would sweep through the alleyways and devour corners of buildings, adding too its mass and allowing Vexus to see inside to see if her creation had been hidden there. Soon though she did locate the building her precious General should be residing. The cloud of Technomatter grew exponentially and whirled around the building in a violent vortex that began to tear the structure apart, converting anything that was torn free into Technomatter. Soon the terrorizing stopped, as if entering the eye of the storm. Only a few seconds past before every single window and door was blown in by rushing streams of Technomatter. They blew past her general and forced space between the captured cyborg and the accused kidnapper. In between all of the streams of Technomatter converged in a tornado and quickly condensed and immediately burst away revealing Elena Vexus. The remaining matter spread out and floated like dust through the entire warehouse area awaiting instruction. She stood in black heels with red soles, a classic black pencil skirt, white button down with a couple of top buttons undone, Prada glasses, and her hair tied up in a chignon.

"Well hello. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. As I'm sure you are aware, I am Elena Vexus. You are now going to explain, in explicit detail, your case as to why my Bodyguard is currently being held against his will. And following, all accountable parities will be exterminated." she ended lining up perfectly with the last few words of her General's programmed speech, which had just now ended. Vexus was very stern with her words as she was incredibly pissed to say the least. She needed to know what his deal was, who he is exactly, his goals, and who he works for if anyone. If there was anyone higher than this fool, they would face an even greater wrath than this poor unfortunate soul that she now stood before.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Humanity July 7th 2015, 6:29 pm

The mechanical being spoke to him once he sat down and formally apologized for any "inconveniences" that would be experienced. A smirk formed on his face as the robot seemed to enter a trance state where his ever changing voice now seemed to emulate that of his creator. Of course Humanity didn't know who it s, so in his case it was that of a woman, a tone both sinister yet holding a sense of elegance to it. Add an accent and she's be any British spy villain ever made. The droning of the voice became annoying, however Humanity just chuckled before putting his hand on his knee and standing up. He walked over and began patting the robotic creation on the head. "Hit a wall? Whatever do you mean?" He asked before a little chuckle was released from him. Did this robot take him for a fool? This was going to be a most interesting encounter for the host of the divine eye and the fallen divine that was now rendered to Humanity.

"The memory of this solider will be completely wiped if there are any repeated attempts at recovering information. Your location will be determined, and all accountable parties will be exterminated." Humanity couldn't help but be overjoyed at the comment, despite it's incessant droning and repetition. Each and every time he had heard it he was only reminded of his success. He already had everything he needed from the robot, and he didn't even need to "take" anything from it. He was simply...viewing it, streaming it might be a different word for it. The creatures memory could even be wiped for all he cared, the thing he was looking at was a built in process, an observational process inherent to the machine. What was he looking at?  The answer was quite simple. He was looking at Elena Vexus... well... her vitals at any rate. That was just the icing on the cake, however. Her vitals were not as important as the very fact he had the machine itself. As the thing continued to relay the same message he walked over to his laptop with a smile on his face.

 The machine must think me a fool... did it really believe I could torture a machine without damaging any vital information I might have wanted? He could help but be leased with how easily the mechanism jumped to assumptions. In truth, while he knew a lot about robots, he could not do the superhuman...he could not use electrical devices to torture a robot AND secure all the needed data. Of course this brings to question the fact as to why he kidnapped the general to begin with? "I can't find Elena Vexus...I don't WANT information on her or what she does...My trying to find her is like man trying to find a God, and I would know. I don't have the patience to embark on a quest for spiritual enlightenment either. So, like all man...I forced the God's hand. I took something it wants. Invoked it's pride, it's jealousy...I had no questions for you General...but you were most certainly my answer." He mused to himself as he slowly began to continue with the more "important" parts of his master plan.

  The setting was staged perfectly as he needed it to be. He was quite pleased with the end results, however he needed to keep himself grounded. He would not let his pride get the better of him. He would not allow his greed to undermind him and he absolutely refused to let Elena Vexus go. He intended to see that his precious friend was returned to him...or that Elena Vexus would die. His dying was not an option and there would be no way he would lose to her. Failure simply was not an option in this endevor. The stage was set and the characters were all in place, save for one. Humanity was only missing one last thing for this show, he was missing none other than his fabulous co-host and her larger than life ego. Of course she did not disappoint, bashing through the structure above, Humanity's lips curling into a smile as the light form his laptop danced across his glasses. She would be here very soon. He stood up and began to walk towards the General, a lone remote in his hand with button on it. Techno matter seemed to funnel into the demi spherical room from the hallway and conserve between him and the cyborg, whipping and sending a gust that he had to almost double over and being his arm up as his trench coat like accessory flew and whipped behind him violently.

  With the powerful display done, Vexus revealed herself to be a stark contrast to that of Humanity. A more mature individual in a pencil dress with her hair back in what humanity believed to be a more professional grooming. Then you had him... a young man in a set of dark grey khakis, and a Kamelot shirt under a long black trench coat. Her Prada glasses opposed his thick-rimmed glasses that sat on his nose, light dancing across them as he took a step back. Unlike her nicely groomed hair his was concealed under a beanie, dark locks poking through from his forehead. All and all it was very much so beauty and the beast, unfortunately the beast decided to try and dress up while the beausty showed up like it was causal friday. The woman introduced herself, it was none other than Elena Vexus. Of course he considered the possibility of the fact she perhas sent a double in order to be more secure, as well as scope out the situation. However, that was the purpose of reading the vitals and keeping that information on watch. Humanity listened as she managed to speak and time herself perfectly with her robotic creature and delivered that last line for a grand finale. Humanity gave an excited little clap.

 "Well, If I didn't know any better I'd have said you both rehearsed that." He said with a little chuckle before pulling off his glasses, his rather unremarkable hazel eyes clear in perspective now. "Actually Miss Vexus, I'm doing it so I could have you explain YOUR case as to why you're holding my only remaining family member against their will." Humanity states simply, as straight to the point as possible. This smile phrase would likely be more than sufficient for the inhuman matter-manipulator as it explained in enough detail WHY he was doing this and it also explained that he was working alone. The stress of the situation wasn't really getting to The Villain at all, as he was perfectly calm and convinced that this would be a successful exchange. Thought it would likely end with a life taken. "Miss Vexus, I'm going to make this quite clear; we are at a turning point. This can be civil form here on out. Or this can be the way you traditionally do things. Mark my words...even though I am only a WILL return Victor to me. Or I will kill you."  

  His warning and ultimatum had been issued as he seemed to push the glasses back up the bridge of his nose and crossed his arms over his chest. He was anxious, this was true. But he was in the face of great danger and was about to snuff it out. Even David was anxious when moved upon Goliath. Humanity was just more well equipped to defeat Vexus than David was. Then again, one could argue that the will of God was like that of plot armor, or armor made of children. Vexus would not remember him like this, he didn't look the same, he didn't sound the same... but Humanity, Matthew...he knew Vexus from his time as Yamm, the Primordial of Chaos. His observations from Shi's mind allowed him to essentially preddict that this was not going to go in a civil manner. Vexus would never stoop to it, her pride prevented her. Which is exactly what he wanted. He could only imagine to the things Victor was subjected to because of her. This was the best way for him to get revenge and to find Victor. The big boob bitch needed to go... One way or another.


The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus August 2nd 2015, 3:03 pm

This was interesting. This man was standing up to Elena Vexus. She had taken something from him and he was not happy about it. Despite his lack of supernatural ability he still managed to draw Elena out. Impressive, most impressive. It was an interesting sight these two, as Elena was dressed very professionally and this boy looked like he was being sponsored by the Salvation Army. That was besides the point as Vexus knew that one could not be judged by their outward appearance.
Simply put, this man wanted to know what she had done with Victor. She immediately knew that this was the child she had taken in order to complete work on her left arm. Things were coming together now. It seemed the boy did have family, it was unfortunate as she did not enjoy messing with children. This, to her at least, was necessary and her project would not have reached completion without the child.
"So it is the boy you are after..."
She had a feeling that this day would come. Vexus tapped a couple of buttons on her watch and then placed her phone on the ground. A hologram of the boy suspended in liquid in a large glass tube appeared. There was a mask covering his nose and mouth and all kinds of different wires and tubes hooked up to his body.
"This may be out of character, I am unaware of what you know of me, but I would like to apologize. I took this child thinking  he was orphaned. I needed his unique abilities in order to finish a project I had been working on."

It was very clear what his intentions were. She would have done the same thing if it meant retrieving her Bodyguard, as he was literally the only thing in this world that she had any sort of attachment to. She was planning on releasing the child soon anyways once his memory replacement process was complete.
"The boy did not experience any pain. And he will not remember any of my... any of the work done. He is in this facility for a memory replacement program. He will not remember me, or the time lost in my lab. I was planning on having him awaken where I found him. Though if you would like me to alter it so that he wakes up in your care that can be arranged."
She had what she needed from the boy, and needed him no more. Returning him to this man would be no problem in exchange for her general, though it would take some time.
"I do have a couple of complications. His location is not one near to us, and I have not set up any teleportation method. So I would need to bring him to you. The location of my lab I would also like to keep hidden, if you don't mind. I understand asking you to trust me is a bit much. As it pains me to say this, you may hold onto my Bodyguard until your Victor is returned to you safely..."
She looked over to her bodyguard, he was not very operational at the moment. Elena saw the set up this man had, it was incredibly creative. He had used her bodyguard's monitoring system to confirm that the real Vexus had arrived instead of a decoy. She walked closer to her bodyguard and placed her hand on his head. Her heels echoed through the warehouse. As she stared at her creation her initial feeling of rage began to return. Yes should would return this man's child to him, but he needed to be taught that one does not simply mess with Elena Vexus.

The the Technomatter floating in the air began to come alive and form into perfectly spherical orbs. There were seven in total. This could be exactly what this man wanted. To get Elena mad. To see her at her lowest. But whatever he may have planned as  a retaliation could not possibly be adequate enough to over power her.
"Your child will be returned to you, but I do have a reputation to uphold. So you must be taught a lesson..."
The seven orbs surrounded the three of them, morphed into speak stuck themselves in the ground. Slowly the began to increase in size as the converted more of the floor into Technomatter. Each of the growing pillars were equidistant from each other completely encircling them. From the pillar nearest to her, an orb of Technomatter about the size of a melon removed itself and hoover behind Elena's head.
"Heh... Women and our mood swings..." she said with a giggle shaking her head slightly.
"Stereotypes aside, the ball is in now your court, my friend"
She was unsure as to what the man was capable of, if anything, so as long as she was able to witness something of his first she may be able to better counter if this conflict continued longer than it needed to be. If she was lucky, she may even be able to demonstrate the fruits of her labor. Allow this man to witness exactly what she had needed that boy for.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Zell August 2nd 2015, 9:37 pm

She was more human than he anticipated. She sympathized with the concept that one could bond with another thing. Even if it was a robot, she understood the gravity of just how much a single thing in this world could mean. Even when it was the only thing you could seem to rely on. Of course that was a double edged sword, as he was equally as guilty as she was. She would feel the same as he had. Anger, perhaps a bit of despair. No...if there was one thing Matthew was quite good at it was reading people. She wouldn't receive despair. Not yet. Her pride was wounded, something she wouldn't stand for. The same pride that all villains had, the same pride he had. The difference was that Humanity knew how to use it against people. Which is exactly what he was doing here to Miss Vexus. Anger, pride and that self-righteous personality playing against her. But those were just pieces to a puzzle. Without them you could still make out the picture, you could still see where the pieces fit in...but it wasn't as beautiful, or satisfying, a picture without having everything complete.

   Elena Vexus underestimated him yet again, that was thrice now since his pursuit of her began. Three times her pride had already defeated her for him, and he made out like a bandit because of it. She still couldn't see the fruits of his labor. He had already won. This place, this exchange...this "fight" in the making? This was the icing on the cake and a chance to put a crazy bitch back in her place. She had said quite a bit, from about her bodyguard to even displaying the holographic image of Victor. That was the mistake right there. That holographic image means that somewhere, on the other side of some frequency there was the real Victor. Humanity did not goes this alone. He recruited the assistance of a particular robot that owed him a great deal. This robotic A.I programmed itself within his phone and could latch on to any frequency in order to reach back and pin-point the location of the child. Humanity hadn't expected her to reveal or use technology in a way to try and put him at ease, but still. It was her mistake.

   "Those aren't complications, they're reasonable. The "complication" lies in the fact that, unfortunately, a human life isn't as easily salvaged as an artificial intelligence or a robotic husk it inhabits." Humanity said the modifier on his voice sounding a bit strained as he was gritting his teeth. The fact she seemed to think she was entitled to be angrier than he was. He wasn't angry, but by gritting his teeth it would give the emulated tone, giving her false assurance that he too was angry and prone to outbursts. She created seven spheres of her manipulative substance. This looked identical to the video feeds of the time she took the president hostage. This was very unique and utilitarian stuff he was up against. In fact he wasn't sure how hard it was going to be. But all he knew was what he was, who he was and what he represented. He was Humanity. He was better than Vexus. It wasn't pride. It was fact. Because of the hologram she gave away the only advantage she had.

  "Actually...since you've been so gracious. I will return the favor." Humanity said with a sigh as the spheres were constructed. "I will keep your lab's location a secret. However....I anticipated that you would be here. Your general, you. I had enlisted the assistance of an individual that had embedded itself into my phone. Even now he's likely retrieving my son. He will submit to your mind-wiping if you wish... but you must understand...It's not as if I knew you were going to accept a diplomatic ends." He said. Unfortunately it was true, but he knew that Guilty Spark would honor his debt. He was only alive because of Humanity's actions in liberating him through the time warp. A memory erasure would not bother the A.I much. But now he had the ball in his court. "Truthfully... I can't say that after events transpire that you'd still have spared him. I cannot trust this. It's better off this way. The boy is safe regardless of our actions... and we can proceed to do exactly what it is we've come to do. No matter the end result." He said, explaining his reasoning as it being better in the end. A child's endangerment was ended. If there was any part of Elena Vexus that was still human, then that was acceptable.

  "As far as the ball being in my court... I know." He said before pressing the button on the remote. In that instant Elena Vexus would find herself regretting getting so close to her body guard. Humanity rigged him to explode, but the problem was what he rigged him to explode with. The General's front plate would likely be launched forward as well as his back. His processing and actual computer was not tampered with and he would still be very much salvageable, but the explosion release something alongside it. A strange gas of some kind. Elena Vexus would likely be confused, concerned or riddled. Her general just exploded and fumes were released, as such Humanity took the time to release two small spheres of his own towards the techno matter spheres. Humanity smile as the smoke cleared and his 0K grenades went off. The Science behind all of this was precise, showing that Humanity knew EXACTLY what he was doing. The first gas released by the shorting out general was a smoke-screen, alongside with his own fear gas. The gas was point blank to Vexus, though it was almost unfathomable that she didn't inhale it, the toxin even being able to soak into the pores. Humanity knew better than to rely on it. He knew from her vital readings and that information that she had her regeneration, though he had designed this fear toxin with that very thing in mind. Regeneration didn't save people from fear. The small spheres he sent out, the 0K grenades were called "0 K" because of 0 degrees Kalvin, also known as Absolute Zero, the point in which all matter ceases to move, function or become stimulated. These grenades as their core were able to flash-freeze virtually any living thing, spreading it's chilling cold through the air as a vapor. All set up perfectly in tandem.

  The air was now completely toxin, and riddled with freezing nitrogen. If effected by the fear toxin, Vexus would likely be interested to see how more horrifying the experience was when she heard his voice through the modifier. "Your turn." Humanity said. Frozen techno matter being unable to be process left Vexus with 4 spheres, even if they were slightly slowed they were nothing she couldn't manipulate. True enough he perhaps had a nice opening, but this wasn't about show. This wasn't pride, this didn't go to his head. But if she weren't already aware...she had a lot to be worried about. least he was nice enough to shoot the remote, disarming the secondary bomb in the General that he initially wanted to use to wipe both it and Vexus from this side of the planet.

The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus August 6th 2015, 4:10 am

Something was off. There was a strange shift. Not something she had felt before. Just a simple feeling. A natural human feeling. Like when there's that feeling of being watched. This was very similar, just a very bad feeling. He knew too much, had far too much planned. This was so complex. So incredibly intricate, everything he said just revealed how deep this whole plan went. Elena kept her composure through every sentence. It was only when she found herself on the ground, that everything began to go terribly wrong.
Her ears were ringing and her Technomatter immediately surrounded her in a protective sphere. But enough damage had been done. Elena was immediately aware that her Bodyguard exploded, what damage that had been done to him she would assess later. This issue now was removing this man from existence for causing extensive and unnecessary damage to her precious creation. Inside of her protective sphere she managed to find her slightly cracked Prada glasses and quickly slipped them on. Though damaged, they were still able to inform her that the air immediately outside of her sphere was at Absolute Zero, and that her bodyguard had been rigged with these explosives. This man would pay for his insolence. She had agreed to return his child, yet he continued to damage her property. And now he even had someone of his own heading towards her private base. Elena was fuming, and would take this man down dead or alive. She could always extract the information later. After she dealt with this nuisance she would hurry back to her laboratory and deal with the other grunt that went to retrieve her test subject.

However it appeared all that would be too easy. As she analyzed the situation outside, she had failed to realize her own worsening condition. Her anger turned into a blinding rage, which then she found herself on the verge of tears. Almost immediately after her sobbing turned into frantic screams as if something was attacking her. She was safe inside her sphere of Technomatter, though her violent mood swings more than likely could be heard from outside the sphere. The Technomatter in the area was also reacting to her mood. Becoming more fluid when she his low points, sharp and precise when angry, then random and chaotic when scared. After a few episodes her glasses notified her of a irregularity in her brain patterns. There had been an incredibly powerful hallucinogen in the explosion, no doubt. Elena was trying to recollect her composure before exiting her protective orb. She stood and the Technomatter formed to her figure, protecting her from the extreme temperatures. Elena was still a little off balance from the toxin in her body, though hopefully the effects would subside sooner than later.
Under the protective layer of Technomatter she still had her glasses on, this time they were on an inferred spectrum which would help her to differentiate between the hallucinations and her target. As the Matter settled more, it began to fit her body much more flatteringly. Before it just looked like a hunky suit of armor.
"You... YOU!"
Her voice was shaky, her balance still wasn't all there.
"I ensure the safe return of your child and then you go forward and destroy my bodyguard!? You boy was handled with the upmost care..."
Elena stumbled backwards, falling into a slowly moving pile of Technomatter that cushioned her decent. Because of the low temperatures she was having difficulty adequately controlling her substance. Though eventually it formed into a nice throne for her.
"Your plan, whatever it may be. Will not work. You may be clever with a handful of tricks up your sleeves, but I guarantee your efforts shall not succeed..."
The Technomatter she was sitting on helped her back up to her feet as this drug was still wreaking havoc on her mind. Keeping her amor on, she was not about to try anything offensive as she may just end up hurting herself at this point. She would first need to wait for it to warm up just a bit before deactivating her Celestial Eye, once she managed that it may be able to help metabolize the drug a little faster. But until then she would just wait and see what other tricks this one had up his sleeve.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Zell August 6th 2015, 8:20 pm

"His requires systems are intact, and I have no desire to kill you. Just make you understand that you cannot simply threaten me without punishent." He spoke. He was speaking the truth, as the general's vital pieces were entirely operational. He did not kill this general, all he did was blow off a little casing as his gas moved through. The most unique portion of his "fear" toxin was that it was but one component. His voice modulator added a underlying layer that functioned at below 20 hertz. This stimulated an area of the brain to induce fear, where the toxin itself actually functioned on metabolic processes and tricked the body into creating more. Miss Vexus would find herself very sorry to learn that all her "regeneration" had done was instill the fact the fear toxin would last longer. He designed this stuff with regenerating metahumans and the durable in mind... He turned their own body against them. Her thermal detection was a very clever tactic to dispel the truth of illusion from reality, and the proper respect was given. Sadly Humanity knew nothing of this tactic thus far, and so did nothing to counter it.

   Visual illusions dispelled, the auditory and physical sensations could not be ignored so easily, the whispers coming from every end. Voices of those she had wronged, or those that had wronged her. The sound of footsteps echoing throughout the room and the feel of mosquito bites. Vexus' mind was formidable and she could persevere, though her own regeneration was working against her now, and that would make it more difficult to push through than someone who was only superhumanly intelligent. Giving a moment Humanity took a little cover as he contemplated the situation it it's entirety. Miss Vexus was about to learn that giving "The Villain" time was a mistake that even The Archon and Elena Marie would deeply regret. As she began to formulate her throne and sit, Humanity checked his belt. He had more of his chemically formulated grenades to respond to a variety of situations. It was just a matter of working up the nerve to do it.

  Humanity had no desire or intent on the murder of Elena Vexus. He personally owed the woman for her "proper treatment" of Victor. But a threat to him was a threat to Humanity. On several levels. He would bring her close to death if he could, or he would die trying. With the King's Scepter he fired off an explosive shot at the ground in front of him. Why was he doing this? There were literally several possibilities, and in a state of fear, even minor fear would amplify something of that noise to a greater magnitude. Was that it? Was he just showing off? Trying to continue on intimidation? Did he truly believe that would work? Perhaps all of the above, perhaps none of the above.  

  "If you continue to wait for me you'll find yourself back into a corner that even you can't get out of." Humanity said as the K 0 grenades continued to lower the temperatures around them, the cold seemed to spread like a sickness, a plague. Unshelling a bullet and reaching into his pouch he took out another. It looked like your typical reload. There was only one way out of it, and Humanity would properly do it. She was staggered, she was hindered where he was not. In this fear he had freedom, in this smokescreen he had clarity and while her body worked against her, he was free of all inhibition. While she still suffered he took one shot that she would find virtually impossible to stop, though it was not a shot she would feel inclined to stop. The King's Scepter raised and Humanity took the shot. The bullet moved past Elena though, not hitting her. Not touching her though it was close enough to be an honest mistake...human error. He was only human after all.

  A human with a virtually superhuman aim and incredible combat training.

 As the bullet moved past he turned and began to run. The bullet would move back, as it went past Vexus and hit it's true target. As he ran he stepped on the plate that was once the front of the General and sent part of it up so that he could grab it. He dove for the hole and placed the General's armor over his back, using the knife to secure it to something he could hold. You see that special round was one of several he had. It was full of an element called Caesium. Caesium was an element that has a horrifically explosive reaction to water. Especially cold water. Meaning that four spheres of Absolutely frozen water an nitrogen that is spreading throughout the air was about to make this place light up like a freaking Christmas tree. One gram exposed to warm water would cause immediate third degree burns to anyone in a two foot radius. This bullet was lined with a highly compact and compressed amount, and it was  headed to a chain reaction of four spheres.. as freezing dampness filled the atmosphere of the enclosed space. If any of them were alive at this point in time....that was a freaking miracle.

    The entire area would be ruined, the underground dome struture beginning to fall apart. Humanity pushed and shoved a few rocks off of him as he stepped out from the rubble. He managed to protect himself enough, but not entirely. With a snarl he looked to his Sniper rifle and clicked his tongue before tossing it aside. The atmosphere was uninhabitable now. When Caesium mixes with water it leave a lingering poison known as caesium hydroxide. This substance was so powerful that it is able to eat through glass at an alarming rate...something that even stomach acid is incapable of. This chemical solution was now lingering in the air, devouring and eating away at everything....except for Humanity's Mask and The General, as the Generals smoke screen was created with a concoction of chemicals that reached with the nitrogen that was propelled outward by the explosion. He felt the percussion of the blow, but he was safe from the thermal exposure and the lingering poisons for a good while. If Vexus had entered her Technomatter state she would find reforming to be quite the task for her regeneration as it tried to eat her alive as she reformed.

  "Human. That is what you all call me. A man...looking down on me with your vanity. But look at what I can do. I... Humanity... can stand amongst Gods. This isn't even me in my entierty. Look your eyes down upon me. Laugh at me, threaten me. " Humanity drew out his knife and beandished the blade combat style before looking around for Vexus. "Now... my gloves are finally coming off." He said as he scanned around and sighed.

  "Tell me when you've had enough."

The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus August 13th 2015, 12:29 am

Things were not going very well for Ms. Vexus. The hallucinogen that she had taken on was messing with her mind. Most of her senses had been disrupted, though she had managed to dispel illusions with the infrared setting on her glasses. It was definitely time for her to get serious here. Elena would need wide range, powerful attacks. In her state she would be unable to aim properly for anything more precise. Her thinking process was constantly being interrupted by conflicting voices and ideas in her head that she had to shake aside. She stood once more, but her opponent shot an explosive round into the ground which caused her to jump back. Something so minor should not have startled her. Whatever drug she was dealing with had most definitely been messing with her mind significantly. Once this was over she would need to make sure to create an antidote to something like this, or even recreate it to use at her own disposal.

At this point, deactivating her Celestial Eye would be nearly suicide. With the surrounding temperature constantly dropping not even her regeneration would be able to keep her conscious. Vexus had a thought that she may be able to end this quickly, but was this man really worthy of witnessing her most powerful weapon? He was moving to take another shot. It was clear to her that he was reloading with what appeared to be a normal bullet, even if it was an explosive round her Technomatter armor would be able to protect her. Elena had already decided on this man's fate, so hopefully he had made his resolve when challenging her.
As he reloaded she began to put her hands through a set of specific hand formations. The microchips in her hands needed to line up, so she moved the Technomatter from those exact spots so that they could make contact. This way her hands remained protected from the cold. She mad it to the third hand formation required as he fired his bullet. It all happened in slow motion. As the bullet traveled though the air, her glasses told her that it was going to miss. She moved to her fourth hand position when she realized that he was missing on purpose. No one so insanely meticulous would miss a shot like this. Elena needed to move fast. Not only to prevent her body from freezing, but also to defend herself from whatever was going to result from this bullet.

It passed by her as the Technomatter lost its form on her body and fell to the ground like sand. Simultaneously the skin on her left arm appeared to unravel revealing an unpleasant result. From her palm to elbow her left arm was covered in strange looking eyes. Immediately after Vexus was cloaked in a bright sphere of white light, however in the very same instant a massive explosion rung out from directly behind her. Through the light she could not see what was happening, though it was assumed that her opponent could not see either. Whatever was in that bullet was making quite the ruckus, she could hear everything around her falling to pieces and it was driving her crazy. She was covering her ears an switched her glasses so that they could allow her to see through the light of her defenses.
Everything around her looked as if it had been destroyed. Her General was still all in once piece surprisingly, and she could see her opponent emerging from the rubble. It was difficult, but she focused and thinned out her barrier so that she could see through it at least a little bit. Elena was taking deep breaths and continued to flip through the settings on her glasses before she put down her defenses. Reports informed her that the air was completely acidic, though she did not need glasses to see this. The rocks around her were being dissolved right before her very eyes. With her arm active, she would be eaten alive by the very air she breathed. Some filtration would be necessary.
Elena let out a powerful grunt as her barrier quickly expanded outwards, eliminating the conflicting elements in the air that were causing the rapid decomposing of the land around her. She made a point of completely avoiding her general, though if the man who had started all this got caught it would more than likely be the end of him. Vexus' breathing was very heavy, but controlled. She was beginning to deal with the mental restraints, and her newly activated abilities were draining. Glancing down at her arm, she watched as already a third eye closed. Her glasses gave her the all clear so she let down her shield. In a perfect circle around her laid piles of Technomatter. During the explosion, anything that would have fallen on her barrier or simply touched it had been instantly converted into the dark grey sand like substance. It did no good for her now as she was unable to control it. The same grey substance was sprinkled around the battle field, since she had fired her barrier to expand, everything it touched was converted into technomatter. Even the corrosive air.
Seven eyes remain.
"I am impressed. There are not many that have forced me into a corner like this. However you do get to witness the fruits of my labor."
She raised her left arm to show off the unorthodox enhancements she had made. It was a strange, pale white color with a total of ten arms that had been implanted in it. They were shifting around as if they were examining the area, though three of them had already closed from her efforts in defending herself.
"With many thanks to your child, this is the result of my experiments. What it does exactly I will leave you to figure out, as I am sure you are more than capable of doing."
Her breaths had slowed, but they were still deep. Her vision blurred in and out and she was struggling to keep her balance. She would need a moment to regain her composure before she used this arm again. The Supercharged Technomatter that she was manipulating put an incredible strain on her, even more so that she was not operating 100% mentally. Protecting herself how she did would halve only normally utilized one, maybe two, of the eyes. But due to her current state overuse was inevitable. Be though as it may, Vexus was very confident that she would be able to bring this conflict to a close without the use of all the eyes.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Humanity August 23rd 2015, 3:34 am

"Impressive, be assured." Humanity said as he looked at the arm, realizing that it looked like something ripped straight form a manga. His voice modifier was still pumping out the same microhertz frequency that would continue to make things more anxious and feed into fear, also designed to keep her body and mind form being able to adapt to the gas or allow her to settle in. If the "poison" was always fluctuating many metahuman types had difficulty getting grasps or coming to terms. Unfortunately, the fear toxin was not something once simply recovered from. Though of his monstrous creation he was convinced it paled in comparison to this arm. What was this woman doing to Victor that resulted in this cluster fuck of a creation? Stark beauty in it aside, this arm was likely nothing more than a weapon, a tool of war. The toxins in the air...something was wrong. The feel in the air was much different than what it was moments ago. Humanity had known and used these tactics before...though never like this. He growled a moment as he looked over the arm, noting that seven eyes were opened, and there a barrier. She used the molecules in the air and converted them into a unique substance akin to her usual drawl.

 The barrier. The eyes. The molecules in the air were trans mutated into this substance. Pulsing the barrier. Substances were being converted. Undesirable, but not overwhelming. Not yet. The thoughts crossed his mind as he noted the sand like substance. Psammokinesis, manifestation of specilized telekinesis. Telekinetic and telepathic abilities always stem from ones mind. She's dangerous, but The more she tries to move the more she's going to strain herself. The thoughts finally came together. He knew how he was going to deal with this woman. This battle would be over before long. The reason being quite simple. He had the technology, he had the know-how and she was in his territory. Humanity took one look at his knife and looked to Vexus.

 "I believe now is the time to change the game a little." Humanity announced before pulling the pin on the sphere that dangled on his belt. If this woman found a way to filter the air then he would need to do something she couldn't convert. He needed to affect the environment in a way her specialized telekinesis couldn't affect. The pin produced a little smoke before he simply held it in his hand. In an instant there was a brilliant and blinding flash that made it look like Humanity was holding a small sun in his hands. This chemical compound was a synthesis of Argon gas catalyst and flint sparked magnesium. Of course there was a lot to be said for this. Bright white lights with Huamnity's talking, producing the most blood curdling screech while shadows amplified in the most horrific way. This was not the only magnesium grenade sent out. Humanity followed up with another and then vanished behind the immaculate and blinding lights. The thermal energy produced by the magnesium grenades was nothing to scoff at.

 Now you can't see me. You can't hear me. Those grenades produce over 3000 degrees Celsius. Heat will stimulate the molecules in the atmosphere, which will increase the difficulty of holding onto your sand-like molecules. Providing you're not utterly blinded by those eyes on your arm, you'll probably roast alive. If that doesn't happen then your element will be harder for you to manipulate. You can transmute all the substances you want...I sincerely doubt you can absorb heat, that would require you to reach out and latch to every molecule. Virtually impossible...but I've been wrong before. he quickly thought as he repositioned himself. Once more his barrage didn't end there. Every move set up for something else. He has had more skill, he had the thought process. He activated his mask and there was a shrill drop in the infrasound, utilizing riot technology to create a noise that could further capitalize upon a compromised state. This infrasound being produces triggered reactions within the brain, slowly shutting it down, rendering them unconscious. Not instantly of course, first came the delayed thoughts, the sluggishness. That's what he was using. In conjunction with all of these things, added to her natural strain, and with his skill verses hers... how could she hold a barrier against an atterium blade? compromised by fear, overwhelmed and over-stimulated by blinding lights, and Infrasound working to stop their brain, now add the increasing heat baking at them all and complicating things. Out skilled on top of that.

 Holding up the coated ballistic knife he fired it out, sending the unique ballistic blade careening right for Vexus' arm.


The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus September 15th 2015, 12:20 am

So it was now that he wanted to step up his game? How insulting. Vexus was now wielding one of, if not the, most powerful weapon in the known universe. The abilities that this arm possessed where far beyond what he could possibly expect, and even beyond what she knew. Even though she created the extremity, there were still aspects of it that she did not fully understand. It seemed as if he still did not truly understand with whom he was dealing with.
With her shields down, the man pulled out a grenade and a knife and Vexus took a stance ready to counter. He pulled the pin, but did not throw it. It began to smoke before it released a brilliant light. Elena screwed her eyes shut before adjusting her sunglasses in order to adequately see through the blinding light. With her currently deprived senses, his voice with the combination of the light was causing an overload forcing her to cover her ears while still trying to keep an eye on him. He released another one, and the temperature in the area began to immediately rise. This was a problem, and she needed to do everything she could to get out

She pulled her hands from her ears and formed a single formation with her hands. Her skin darkened, veins became more visible on her neck and arms, and an aura formed around her body. She had already began to burn from the air so Elena immediately launched herself backwards. With her now heightened speed and strength she was able to get herself out of range of the heat in about a bound and a half. With her physical boost still active and the setting on her glasses allowing her to get at least a decent image of where her opponent was currently at. She raised her Celestial Arm, extended her middle and index fingers together with her thumb up as if it were a gun and took aim. Vexus took hold of her left arm with her right hand to help steady herself. This drug was still heavily interfering with basically everything she did. And using this physical booster was making everything excruciatingly painful. The signals that her microchips were sending to her brain were slightly dulling the effects of whatever neurotoxin this man had used, however the side effects were a near unbearable pain. She needed to endure for only a few seconds more as this temporary power sharpened her aim dramatically.
An orb of light began to gather at the tips of her fingers that grew in size until it was about the size of a large melon. As she released it, her feet dug into the soil and the ground cracked a little beneath her. The large beam rocketed forward at an incredible speed hoping to strike her opponent dead center. Right after it would cleared through him or missed, Vexus lost her focus and the beam split into five smaller ones that spiraled out of control in every direction. Once the smaller beams hit something, they exploded in a dazzling light disintegrating everything within the blast radius. They did not come very close to the two of them, but even Vexus was concerned at the power that she wielded.

After the attack had been launched, yet another eye closed on her arm as Vexus stood at a distance. She desperately hoped that she made progress against this man. At the moment she lost focus firing the beam, her physical enhancement had deactivated and she was not sure she would be able to endure activating it again. To her complete surprise, the knife he had was still speeding towards her. Out of natural reaction she put up her left arm to defend herself, since the Celestial arm had been significantly enhanced durability wise. What started as a casual defense ended with a now blood covered arm. The life had pierced straight through her hand. She stared down at it with disbelief. The Supercharged Technomatter itself is unable to damage this arm and somehow a simple weapon cut straight through it. The only plus here is that the eyes on her hand and palm had already closed, but she would still now have to replace two eyes here. What baffled her the most is how it had been unaffected by the blast of SuperTechnomatter she had fired just a moment ago. That was unheard of, this form of the Technomatter could convert forms of energy. Standard Technomatter would have been able to devour such a trinket in a matter of seconds. This man's tricks apparently had no sort of limit.
With her right hand she pulled the knife out, gritting her teeth and cringing at the pain. She examined it with her glasses, but could not register anything immediately. Her left had was shaking terribly as it now bled heavily. She pointed the knife to where he would be standing.
"I will use this very knife to carve out your eyes in order to replace the two you just destroyed..." she then kept the weapon on her person so that she could fulfill her promise, and also examine it further and figure out exactly how it managed to damage her arm.
With now six eyes remaining she needed to move forward and gain control of the situation. Her breathing was heavy and she was still recovering from using the physical technique. She would not use it in combat since it would more than likely damage her muscles. And without being able to regenerate at the moment, she could not take on that kind of risk. What she had done with it just moments ago was very minor and she only felt a little sore. Anything more than evasion would result in an injury that she could not afford. This was a serious opponent, despite his apparent lack of supernatural abilities he was truly a threat. Even to the likes of Elena Vexus.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Humanity September 20th 2015, 4:40 pm

Elena Vexus had her time to strike, making a gun with her fingers. Generally that would not be taken seriously, however Humanity was in fact "Genre Savey" and knew that he should probably get the Hell out of the way. He dove off to the side as his Ballistic knife utilized it's back up Atterrium blade slipped through. Using this knife to his defense he rolled out of his dive and up started running. Another blast was fired and then another, earth being disintegrated, even a good portion of Humanity's coat. Unfortunately for Humanity he was about to receive a powerful blow to both his ego and his body. Elena Vexus' dazzling beam did in fact come to hit Humanity. Even with all the training in the world he was truly only human. The knife took the brunt of the contact and spliced the energy but he was still propelled back and crashed into the ground, his back cracking as he bounced off the ground and rolled onto his face.

Humanity struggled to stand for a moment as he struggled to try and catch his breath. His back hurt to near unbearable pain, his legs were numb and like jell-o. His coordination was flawed now. He was not broken, he would not be beaten. He finally got to his standing position as Vexus spoke to him. She vowed to remove his eyes to repair the ones he had just Humanity just laughed for a moment as he sighed. He looked at Vexus and smiled at the blade she held. Even now it was continuing it's onslaught of her system. His body was sore enough to be sure...but he had won. If not for this simple reason...then for his final tactic.

"I've won." Was all he said as his hands came down and slapped his sides, the knife still contained in one hand. Humanity pointed to the knife in Miss Vexus' hand and sighed. His mask had been mostly obliterated covering his left eye and the left half of his mouth. But he wore a smile and let out a final sigh of relief. "Your power works by deconstructing matter in all of it's various formations and converting it. But in doing so I can't help but notice that your body doesn't recover quite as well. The metal knife you're holding is a unique metal that super powers and magic akin don't work on. Even your powers. The blade in your hand is coated in Polonium 210. Generally a slow death by radiation...but it's highly concentrated on that blade. One gram of Polonium 210 has the potency to kill 4 million human beings. What's better is that it's a poison, not a toxin. Even now by holding it you've ensured my victory." Humanity explained as he held up his new knife, the secondary shot being a grappling shot, something for utility if nothing else.

"Without your healing factor you'll die...very quickly. But if you activate you healing factor once more, my agent will be amplified along side it because of the way it was designed. You're either going to die here, or you're going to drop into a debilitating madness. Your own powers are MY weapons. The worst part is through Osmosis the Polonium has taken property of the Atterrium a little...there's no removing this poison from your blood stream." Humanity said finally before reaching into his coat's inner shreds and pulling out a small square like box with a green light on it.

"The kid's already safe...Our business is already done. This is over. How it ends though.... you need to decide that right now." Humanity said as he flourished the ballistic and held the small cartridge in hand. This cartridge was his final tactic. Named "Endgame" for a very specific reason. Humanity had won the day, even if he died here... That made everything worth it in the end. Didn't it? All he had to do now was wait for Elena Vexus' own intellect to kick in and realize just how screwed she really was. just how badly the highly intelligent, mistress of perfection was out-played and out classed by a lowly human. "So what's it going to be Miss Vexus?"


The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus September 24th 2015, 2:46 am


Impossible. The lies of a human being can NEVER topple someone as great as Elena Vexus. She had survived for over a century by being at the top pf the evolutionary path. A man of this caliber should not pose any threat to her. Yet here she is. Dying. The rage within her was building rapidly. The knife was thrown aside, as Vexus' breathing became intense.
"WON!? You are a child before me! How DARE you assume dominance! I am Elena Vexus! You are nothing!! A lowly human!! Now you will be reduced to dust! Prepare yourself, primal scum!"
Vexus threw her hands together and hr body exploded with energy. A crater being created around her. Knowing there were only seconds left for her, she worked very quickly. Her opponent was crippled and she would take full advantage of this. She took note of him bringing out another item of some sort, but at this point she could not be bothered by it. This was her last attack. She had to exhaust all of the eyes on her arm so that her regeneration would resume. Even if she was stricken by the madness of his toxin it was better than death. She could repair herself from the drug, she would not be able to repair herself from this death..

She clenched her left fist, and immediately vanished in a blinding burst of speed that shattered the ground beneath her feet. In the next instant she was behind this man releasing a devastating punch from her left hand point blank. Her fist released a massive orb of Supercharged Technomatter that would totally envelope her opponent. Following through with a punch, her entire left arm coated in the substance, would pierce through the orb in order to strike her target. If the sheer strength and force of her punch was not dramatic enough, then the Technomatter that covered her arm would surely be the end of things. Whether contact was made or not, the orb would explode and expand outwards in all directions turning anything it touched into Technomatter dust.
Vexus was thrown back, caught in the blast. However her condition would fair much better than this man's who would be at the epicenter of this entire event. Elena hit the ground, bounced, and continued rolling until she hit a small boulder that still remained. Most of her body had been destroyed. Her left arm was the only thing 100% intact due to its incredible durability. She was missing a massive chunk of her torso, from her nose down her face had been completely removed, her right arm all the way up to her collar bone had been erased. Her right leg was gone, and her left was destroyed up to the knee. She was not breathing. Slowly her left arm was being covered by the artificial skin as it deactivated. Once that had finished Vexus' chest began moving again, taking slow breaths. They were few and far between, but she was still alive.

Her body began to heal itself as she lie there motionless. She could feel the insanity settling in. She just needed to keep still and jeep calm. It had to be over. She barely survived her own attack, she would damn near lose it if this son of a bitch managed to survive such a ridiculous blow. Her head rolled to the side as she looked at the crater that had been created. It was massive, as if a meteor had struck the earth. She gave a chuckle and closed her eye and tried to regulate her breathing. Her mind was racing as this toxin worsened. Her limbs were being restored but her mind was being destroyed. Once she was whole again she would immediately retreat, and take her General with her. She would need to conduct a complete overhaul on her body. Major changes and improvements needed to be made to ensure that such an incident as this would never happen again. Elena never wanted to be pushed to this level. It she had exhausted any more of her Faux Celestials eyes simultaneously, there may have been nothing left of her. Not to mention the ridiculous strain this had placed on her body. Even with her regeneration fixing everything it still felt as if her blood had been replaced with fire. It could have been that concentrated radiation poisoning, but it was so hard to tell now.
Elena Vexus curled up into the fetal position and just remained on the ground. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to cope with everything. This was not a defeat. This was a learning experience. Another threat had been vanquished. Through her tears Elena smirked, She had an incredible weapon at her disposal. The field test was definitely a success. And as she improved, she would mover further up on the evolutionary chain. Vexus is, and will remain, unstoppable.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Zell September 25th 2015, 1:29 am

This was it. His heart was beating heavily, pounding against his chest so loudly his eardrum throbbed. Unfortunately he knew all too well the feeling he was experiencing right now. Why did dying feel so familiar to him? The final moments he couldn't help but entertain a lot of thoughts flashing in his mind. If I use all ends here... In that moment he pressed the button and raised his knife, firing the grappling knife at Vexus, though smashing into the ground she vanished, leaving his knife to dig into the ground rather than into her. A tinge of hesitation, no. Not hesitation. He had to admit. In that moment he felt fear. Quickly he tugged on the grappling knife as it immediately pulled him forward with incredible speed as he dropped the Endgame from his hand. If someone vanished you ALWAYS assumed that they were behind you, or above you. Below you was even possible for some foes. As the knife pulled him forward he turned his head back to see Vexus sphere of Technomatter.

Her spike drove through it and actually managed to pierce Humanity through the armor, assimilating some of it into Technomatter while it slipped through the skin, shearing through sinew before biting into the bone of his ribcage. But along with that...the endgame ignited as the sphere exploded. With that Humanity closed his eyes as his grip on his ballistic knife loosened and he released, being propelled past it, hitting the ground and rolling several feet before landing on his stomach. Half of his mask was obliterated now, and his entire armor was brought down to a tattered ruin. He couldn't move. He didn't want to move. He and Vexus were at the edges of ruin. The very farthest points of a circle, equal distance from the center mass, where the technomatter and the endgame were in contradiction with one and other. In his mind, Humanity recalled vaguely the facts of the Endgame when he created it, knowing full well that this was his last hoorah. His last resort. The Endgame initiated with what looked like a laser light show, lights flashing in the air.

Activated by strong lasers which cause the stripping of protons and electrons, removing iodide from some of the chemicals within. In desperation to restore equilibrium the molecules will siphon power from nearby things...including projected energy and substances. In this fashion it would actually minimize an area of an explosion, however it then caused a whole new problem in it's own right. Shed iodide collides with the Nitrogen triiodide, which causes Coulomb explosions...molecular explosions that happen to spark a chain reaction in the Nitrogen triiodide. This makes it nearly impossible to maintain molecular bonds...her technomater can't save's bond can't stick. If she tries to assimilate it... Nitogen Triiodide is too sensitive, it'll all chain react and blow early. He thought to himself, and in theory it was perfectly right. However it was quite unfortunate that this devolved into the fact that there were now pockets in space that were being filled with energy, energy that finally caused the explosion. It had only taken three seconds to spark everything.

Exploding with a detonation velocity of over 8000 meters per second and a temperature of over 4000 degrees... in Celsius. Hydrogen fission generating a pressurized energy as it let out a torrent of concussive force. There was a brilliant display of colors, a plasma sea foam green sparked against the blue flames that were being pushed by a pale golden light while a violet, and violent, core twisted and warped before seeming to implode on itself. Then the light seemed to get sucked in, as well as the flame and the plasma energy spark as yet another concussive force was released, though this one more gentle than the other, yet somehow lasting much longer. In the end... all was still. It was over. It had to be. This was where the struggle between Elena Vexus and Humanity ended. However, the victor was not so clear in this match.

Battered, buried and bruised. There was nothing to describe the scene other than that of sheer destruction. The overall result was a crater that looked as if a small meteor had impacted the ground. The overall area of effect was destabilized, though you had Elena Vexus regenerating slowly but surely. the only wish Humanity had from the afterlife was the ability to see the hulking cancer-ridden mass as it tried to stumble and bramble about as it clung to a pain-ridden existence by it's sheer regenerative factor. From the nose down missing in a bloody mess, a missing chunk of the torso and gore strung about as she sat there calmly, chuckling at a time too.

Across form the crater there was dust settling as a horizon line of it's own. The result of the chaos was a shivering, black lump moving a little before dropping down again, pushing the dust aside a bit as it danced around the form and curled. The lump rose again, this time in a slow, more clear fashion. The human survived. It tremor, struggled and clung to it's life, very similarly to how it wished to see Vexus in it's own death. But alas it struggled to stand, even doing so for a minute and taking a step forward before groaning and dropping to the ground quickly and eating dirt in the process. It's chest was moving faintly, shallow breathing. The slippery fucker was still alive. Though at a close look it was quite apparent that the damage he sustained was not something one simply "survived".

His face was scratched up on the right side, his right clavicle was quite literally shattered, with a nice wedge of flesh gone. his rib had been punctured and there was a rather serious laceration on their left leg by the calf. Their armor was durable...but not enough tit would seem. Part of their right side was missing a chunk by the abdomen while a large gash on the forehead aided in the bloody masquerade he had partaken in. A wound the entire length of his bicep was present as well, as his arm was left limp. The human seemed to take pieces of their battered cloth over jacket, or what shreds remained and attempted to reach down and with one hand wrap the wound. The movements were so slow, so tired and weary. Even if they survived the blow...the likely hood of them every rising up again was horrifically unlikely.

"Fuck..." He said as he tried to stand once more, this time lasting longer than one step. He seemed to be trying to make his way towards Vexus too, grabbing the ballistic knife as he tried. But in the was useless. He dropped the knife and coughed before looking at Vexus, his vision blurring. He had a choice here... no matter which one he was wrong. He dropped to his knee again, but this time he found his solace. He looked to Vexus, not so far away form her. They both survived not only her assault, but his as well. The regenerator was quite a bit better off...though Humanity had one last trick up his sleeve. One that he fully intended to use now.

"We....We're both gonna die here at this rate." He said as he rolled over onto his back, laying there for a moment. Apparently he felt now was as good a time as ever to talk. "I kept my're General's fine....But you still didn't beat me." he said with a bit of a chuckle as he reached over for his watch. A moment of hesitation before he did it. There were a ton of things that ran his mind. What about Victor? No...he couldn't worry about them. HMS would help him for a time.

"That won't be necessary." A voice said, obviously through a voice modulator. Humanity hadn't even noticed the shadow over him as a rather strange figure arrived at speeds faster than sound itself. The figure reached down and with hand and grappled the Human's wrist, twisting their own metallic arm in order to snap his wrist. Humanity yelled out before hissing as his wrist broke. "Don't worry. This will only take a moment." He said before stripping the watch from the human and letting him drop there, squirming and groaning.

The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus September 30th 2015, 8:59 pm

It wasn't over? How was that even possible? She could hear him moving. How was he still alive? Was that last item of his really that powerful that he had been able to survive such a ridiculous attack from her? This was the only thing she felt was real. She could hear his shaky footsteps as she was pressed up against the ground in the fetal position. She sprawled her body out, with her eyes remaining closed. She didn't want to look at anything, she didn't want to hear anything. Elena also wanted to conserve energy. Her regeneration had basically finished piecing her body back together, but there was need of a new one no doubt. She would not be able to function at maximum capacity in this state.
Elena then thought she heard another voice, but that could have easily been part of this horrid drug she was being forced to endure. However, she heard a cry of pain. Her eyes shot open and she quickly brought herself to her feet, and stumbled back a few steps.
"Wh-Who are you? What is that watch? What are you doing?!"
Elena was trembling in fear. The man's voice was setting her off, it was not normal, just like the one before him. This was too much, both of them needed to go. She needed to go. Elena closed her eyes and put her hands over them apply pressure as if they were irritating her.
"No.. no, no, no... NO...Nooooo...."
She was taking shaky steps backwards. After she stepped back about twenty or so feet, blood began to run over her hands. She pulled them from her face, hey eyes still closed.
"I do not know who you are, but if you are in association with this mad man then you will share the same fate as him!!"
Vexus' eyes shot open to reveal the activated true Celestial Eye on the left and a fake in the right. There was blood down the sides of her face, a side effect of activating these two eyes despite her drained condition. She extended both hands outward with her fingers curled in as if they were claws or talons. Since she had reactivated the Celestial Eye and her regeneration had ceased, her mind was beginning to clear a little bit now that the drug wasting being mass produced. Her breathing began to hasten as Technomatter began to form in a circle around her feet, growing in density.
"I refuse to die here!! I refuse to die.. I refuse to die..." She kept repeating those words even under her breath. Her arms began to lower and it was clear that she was beginning to lose consciousness. Elena fell to one knee and the Techonmatter stopped moving. She had closed her right eye holding the Faux Celestial Eye. Still breathing rather heavy, she spoke again.
"I... Only need a single grain of this matter to destroy either of you.... Speak your businesses immediately..."
Normally she would have obliterated this new individual where he stood, but in her completely exhausted situation she simply couldn't perform any major attacks. Hopefully this would all be over soon and her and her General can return to safety and fix each other up.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Empty Re: The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus

Post by Humanity October 10th 2015, 10:59 pm

"My business is not with you. My superior mandates the apprehension of this individual. Violence is not required. But; if you ARE going to use that, you'd best select carefully. The one you don't kill will be the one to turn your brain into a paste, and from the cancer cells that will grow in it's place will live you no more intelligent than a tub of mouthwash." The man said with his blonde hair in a mess. His one arm twitched and the other moved slightly before watching to see what Vexus was going to do. If she were to respond with hostility then there would need to be a hasty reaction indeed. Thankfully however, this man was standing quite still.

"Don't be foolish. Don't waste time. Go seek the help you need for yourself and your robot. This one belongs to us now, you needn't worry." The man said quite simply as he seemed to try and stress the emphasis on the lack of a need for conflict. If there was something clear in all of this, it was that Pride was indeed the greatest killer of all mankind. Even someone "beyond" is and so close to the pursuit of perfection was able to fall prey to the wounds of their ego. Yet here she was, likely contemplating making the very same mistake. What is all the intellect in the world if you weren't alive to enjoy it?

In a few moments three jets seemed to arrive, starting to circle the area while two helicopters began to hover, lines dropping down and common foot soldiers walking towards them. Their guns were trained on Humanity as they circled him, one man even reaching out and going to tase him. Humanity didn't feel like dying, or fighting this hard just to be someone's prisoner. Reaching out he quickly grabbed the man's arm, closing the circuit and causing the man to taser himself as he tried to maneuver the gun from his hands. Unfortunately the fight in the dog didn't matter anymore, as his body was battered and he was sorely outnumbered. Humanity was chained down, and if there were nothing else to be done of it, he would be taken awqay and out of Elena's hair. Likely forever. But everything could change on an action, a whim...a movement on Vexus' part and things could turn into a rather bloody and ugly scene for everyone. For the man, for the captured human, for Elena herself.

Unfortunately in this situation it seems as though no one truly wins. There's just two people whom have lost. The captured soul and the wounded pride. There was no victor here, there was no one defeated, there was no winner. There were only losers on this interference. But how it ended now...was up to Vexus.


The best of Humanity vs. Elena Vexus Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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