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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 11:45 pm

I breathed in deeply as I prepared myself for a fight. Dressed in a set of jeans, a brown t-shirt, and a pair of fingerless gloves with small pieces of steel over the knuckles, I was prepared for the fight of my life. I needed cash bad. Really bad. I had been going a little bankrupt with how much I was spending on beer and new toys. So for that, I came here. Outside New York city by a good two hour drive on my motorcycle, and maybe a ten minute walk down into the literal ground where the fight was being held.

Only people who wish death enter the fight. There were different types of fights here. One on one. Random tag team, and then all out brawls. I was here for the Brawl. One on one, and it got too personal. Tag teams means there was a chance I would be ganged up on if I had a bad ally, but in a brawl, it was every man for himself. It was also were I could indirectly fight others, and still win. There was a science to this. I was glad that I cut my hair really short because then it couldn't be grabbed or yanked. The brawl had only one rule. There were no rules.

As such, I prepared myself. I had already charged myself up with electricity to the max. I felt like I could literally blast off into space with so much energy. I was going to conserve it though. I needed to stay alive for a long as possible. Even to the very end. I would be the winner. I will win. There is no stopping me.

Weapons were laying on the ground out in the field. The field of blood. And the Ring of Blades. I was prepared for this fight. Well, as much as I could be. Breathing in once more, I could feel my mind clear. And then the started filing everyone out into the field. Lining us up, they then put us in different places, And to make it interesting. Half of us were tied up either by ropes with our hands, or chains on our feet. Making it harder for some, and easier for others. I was tied with ropes on my hands. I smiled. Good. This will be perfect for me.

The Announcer then came over the intercom.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you, the twenty five combatants for the Brawl. Right here in the Ring of Blades. Combatants, prepare yourselves for death, and audience..... The bidding begins as soon as the fight starts.

Silence fell over the entire place. it had once been rumbling with the sounds of people talking, entering, making bets before the round even started. I felt nervous. Scared even. If you weren't, then something was wrong with you. Breathing in for one last time, I muttered to myself.

If there is a god, then he ain't here.

With a sudden ding, there was the announcer yelling,


Status :

Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Elena Vexus May 8th 2015, 1:07 am

Elena was doing some 'body shopping' so to speak. She was searching for bodies that she can use for experiments, cadavers if you will. Dead or alive would work for her actually. Also, if she got lucky, maybe a candidate for her new group for hunting magical beings. Though, whenever she attended these sorts of things she only ever managed to collect the bodies in the bags. The survivors generally faded out before she made it back to the lab.
She was one of the first to arrive and watched the auditorium fill up with spectators and the attendees tied up in their respective corners. Elena attended with her General, both of them were heavily cloaked, both of their faces and bodies covered by the robes they were wearing. The set up tonight was not as deadly as it normally was. Only ropes and chains, and the weapon selection was kind of mediocre. Then again Elena was no longer in charge of the underground fights. Less people began to come because everyone kept dying. She then handed it off to the man announcing now. He was doing a very bang up job so far. It was a very nice partnership they had going.


His voice rang over the speakers and the twenty five contestants went to work. A lot of them managed to break free, some in the chains were speared through very quickly. Nothing was interesting to her so far. Looked so far to just be another collection of cadavers. Boring. She turned to walk away, but her General tugged on her robe to tun back around. He spotted a kid holding his own quite well. Occasional 3 on 1, 2 on 1, 1 on 1 too of course. He was an impressive one. Not taking too much damage, picking out his opponents wisely, saving the more difficult ones for last it seemed. Maybe he was thinking that they would tire and if he conserved his energy he would be able to over power them.
The numbers were dropping. Twenty. Eighteen. Fifteen. He was breathing heavier now, but still had Elena's attention. She leaned over to the announcer and whispered something in his ear. At first he shook his head but then she handed him a hand full of large bills and he then looked the other way. At this point there were only about five contestants left, and one was coming up on him from behind and it did not look like he was going to notice. Vexus put her hand on the General and he sprung into action. Launching himself from the higher balcony he landed ontop of the man looking to run their new interest through the back.
The crowd burst into an uproar as the bets they had placed were going to shit. Another two contestants decided to attack the new cloaked player, but they were swiftly put into the ground by Elena's Bodyguard.
The General then made a full speed charge at the last two. Right before he was going to collide with their winning bet he jumped into the air, before landing on the last remaining contestant they skillfully moved out of the way. Though not far enough. The General was able to reach his throat with his powerful mechanical arm and launch him across the arena leaving a small crater in the wall on the complete opposite side.
He then began take slow powerful steps towards their new 'friend'. Not being able to see his face still created quite the intimidating aura, and also witnessing him effortless end the lives of four of the contestant in a matter of seconds probably didn't help. Once he was about five feet from the boy, from his cloak he handed him a bottle of water.

In the meantime Vexus had made her way down to the arena the long way. She came through the door way, her face still hidden by the cloak. She stood in the middle of the area where her General joined her. Her arm emerged from the cloak, her hand holding a bedazzled microphone and her fingers perfectly manicured. She held the microphone up to where her mouth would be and cleared he throat.
"I do apologize to those who had bets placed on the individuals who were just removed. Your money will be credited back, in addition to what you would have made if your contestant won." She paused for a moment as the crowd subsided.
"Now then, young man, my bodyguard and I are rather impressed by your performance tonight. I do however wish to make sure that its not just a poor selection of other contestants tonight. For the remainder of this brawl you opponent will be.... Me."
Chatter resumed in the crowded. There was no doubt a female underneath all the robes, and it seemed peculiar that she wasn't going to have her bodyguard do the heavy lifting here as he had just effortlessly put three of the contestants down. She handed the microphone to her bodyguard who stepped back to the wall, Elena then began moving closer to the boy so that he could hear her a little better.
"Now, now. Don't be shy. You're really going to have to put fourth a great amount of effort here. Give it all you've got. If you beat me, I'll make certain that money will never be an issue for you again. I mean, that is why you're here, right..?"
A bit of light caught the bottom of her face and showed to at least the boy that she was giving a smirk and had bright red lipstick on. It was truly a once in a life time opportunity for the both of them. It was incredibly rare for her to find a skilled combatant in a dump like this. And all of them were here for the money anyways, so why not put exactly what this child was looking for right in front of his face. She was baiting him, yes, however she was not lying. Sparing a few thousand dollars a month would not be an issue for her. And if he proved to be as skillful as she thinks, then it wold benefit her in the long run too.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Adom May 8th 2015, 8:29 am

After the command to begin rang out. I smiled. Not really doing anything, I just stood there. Waiting for the others to free themselves and grab a blade. Why should I waste my energy fighting against the rope, when I can have someone cut it for me. Standing there, I pulled taunt on the ropes tied to my hands. The closest man to me got free. He picked up a short sword and began to charge at me. Swinging from my side, I fell backwards to avoid the strike. Letting the tip of the blade sing just a hair from my neck. The man tried to go for my leg, but I moved my hands in front of the sword. Well to be correct, I moved the ropes in the way. Watching as the sword cut through the rope, but missing my body.

The man's face held surprise as I slammed my fist into his jaw. My right hand grabbing his own wrist, and shocking him. Before the sword he had could drop, I took it, and used it to cut into his chest. Sending him onto the ground, dying from shocking, and loss of blood. Well, he would die of that at least. While no one else was paying attention to me, I used the sword to cut the rest of the ropes off of my hands. Looking up, I could see another man coming for me. Seeing as how he had just killed one of his own men, I looked him over. Carrying an ax, and having a lot of leather clothing. Probably to resist cutting from weapons. Reaching out with my left hand, I shot a blast of lightning at him. Sending the electrical pulses down the shaft of the ax, and electrocuting him. Making him drop the weapon as I charged.

He realized what went wrong before I had stabbed him through the chest with the blade. I used an advantage of him not wearing gloves to take him out. Quite clever if you ask me. I pushed the man back, using my foot against his abdomen to yank the short sword out of his chest. Making a sickening slurp sound as the blade left his chest. Leaving the crimson blood that once sustained his life. Now I was going to be more tactical. Moving off to the side, I tried to make myself fight on the edge of the battle. That way I could keep all possible enemies away from me, as well as keep an eye on them. Never did you want to be between two men who wanted to win the money as much as you did.

I chose the opponents that were weak at first. Easy to tell by how the almost looked around in utter fear. A simple blast here, or a stab or slash there dispatching most of them with very little challenge. Disposing of the weak first, so that the stronger ones would fight one another, and wear each other out by the time they reached me. The numbers dwindled down. Eventually coming to five of the strongest players. Each one ready for a fight. I was about to go and fight a man who had been using two swords like extensions of his own arms. Yet in a sudden change, A man lept from the balcony, Landing on the ground, and literally slayed the other four combatants.

I was taken aback and picked up one of the swords the man had dropped. Letting both swords hang towards the ground as he stood there. Yet. not attacking me. I took a step forward to start fighting the man. Since in some games he would be considered the "boss." Only to stop as the intercom came on with a woman's voice Explaining the situation, and even telling me that I would have to fight her. I was completely surprised, and even more so when I could see the red lipstick that showed off from under the hood. As well as a smile that told me something more was up than just a "boss fight."

This woman was dangerous. I could tell that much already. And this would not be an easy fight. I needed to work as hard as I could for this. Whatever it was, she was willing to pay me for it. Answering her with a nod of the head, I took a step back to stand about shoulder with apart, and the swords drawn. The one in my left hand in a reverse grip, my arm crossing over my chest just a little and the tip facing towards her. While the blade in my right hand was held in a normal grip. The point also facing her.

Well then what are we waiting for?

Status :

Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Elena Vexus May 11th 2015, 11:12 pm

Fantastic. He was up for it. She would have turned around and left if he decided against fighting her. The swords were cute, though just incase, she raised her hands and her general threw her one of his swords. In the motion of bringing her hand up, she grabbed her cloak and threw it to the sky to reveal herself.
She was in a tight, light blue dress, matching gloves and appropriate heels. The sword landed in her hand. She was obviously in no kind of fighting attire. The outfit itself was probably worth more than every life in this stadium right now. She stuck the sword in the ground and put one hand over the other.
"My name is Elena Vexus."
She moved her hands and then began to slowly bring them together.
"Don't forget to do your best."
Her hands came together and there was a shockwave that was sent out. Her hair was flying about, her veins on her neck and forehead were very prominent, and there was an aura about her that was pouring out a gust of wind in all directions. Elena then slowly began to reach for the sword in the ground.
"And also, stay alive."
And with that, she was off. The ground behind her had be torn apart by her sheer speed. She came at the boy with her right fist aiming to place a deadly punch to his face. She had the sword in reverse grip in her left hand. The amount of power behind this first punch could very easily send the boy crashing through the solid rock wall behind him. If the boy managed to read her blinding speed and retaliate with the swords, she would rotate her body counter clockwise and block with the sword. If she had to block, she would the push his swords back and move to face him then move her sword to her right hand in a regular grip. Holding it with a single hand she glared at the boy waiting for his move, assuming he had not had his face broken by the first punch.

Elena would remained in her heightened combat state as the fight continued, and somehow her heels were still completely intact after launching herself forward at such insane speeds. Hopefully she could end this quickly, as remaining in this state for elongated periods of time became incredibly painful and ridiculously strenuous on her body. Though this was nothing compared to what she sustained when utilizing her Celestial Eye.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Adom May 11th 2015, 11:53 pm

The woman was smiling even more it seemed after my words had been spoken. It was from here that she rent her cloak from her body, exposing a dress that was rather open at the top, as well as leaving very little to the imagination. The body may have been nice, but the face? Oh the gods were not kind to her with that kind of face. It looked almost like someone put plastic into their lips and face just to look younger, which in fact, did the opposite in my mind. my eyes went wide, and however she took it was fine with me. I was not up to getting anywhere near close to her. Yet, she had taken the sword from the man and began to speak.

Telling me her name. Elena Vexus, and that I was to do my best to survive. if I survived, then I passed the test. Well, at least that was my guess. With how her guard acted, I was sure that she was even more powerful than anyone else I had ever faced. Even that girl that walked into my apartment a few weeks ago. I prepared myself by bringing my swords out to my sides, open and ready to backhand slash her, or bring it over my head, or uppercut her. I was prepared to get into a sword fight with this woman. That was, before it all changed in an instant.

Her hands came together. Almost as though she was doing some Yoga routine, when there was a wave of energy coming off of her. I raised my left hand to cover my eyes as the wind blew into my face. Two words ran through my head. And you could have guessed them easily with how my face looked after she was standing there. Telling me to stay alive.

Oh Shit

With the wind blast, I could have guessed anything from the wind, to telekinesis, to even enhancement of her body. And when her body became a blur as she raced towards me in godly like fashion, and I had to give her credit, heels were not the best fighting shoes. I was sure she was ready for me, far more so than I was. Instead of facing her right off the bat, I would let her expend her power. see where I can find a gap within the armor. There was no rushing into this fight. I could have charged, I could have ran. I could have flown even for a minute. But instead, I held up the flat of the blade where my head once was, as I sidestepped. Allowing her to punch the sword.

Making it fly from my hand and landing off in the distance, I didn't have the time to think about where it landed. I moved. I fought back. My right hand lashed out with a stab as soon as she punched the sword. Attempting to send it at her abdomen, either just keeping her on her toes, and keeping her close so I can still easily attack her, but keep her far enough away that the punch wouldn't threaten me. With the kind of power she had already shown, I needed to not show pure brute strength, I needed to show how smart I could be. With two swords, I was limiting my powers and abilities that I could use. if I had one sword to use as offense and defense, as well as my powers, then I was already ahead of the game, where she only showed aggressive, and rather exposing powers.

Since she was also punching with her right, my own sword would keep hers away from me. And I doubt she had some kind of conduit to keep the electricity from touching and harming her. But, she was full of surprises. Within my left hand, a ball of blue light erupted from the palm. Flying from my hand towards her. The voltage was low enough to stun her and keep her back if hit, maybe cause minor burns, but not kill her. if I missed, it was hardly any energy wasted.

She too was smart. Cunning, and would likely play a smarter game as I had now shown her, that simple tricks and quick thinking, are not the only abilities I could use.

Punching my face won't help yours.

I was one nasty bastard when it came to words.

Status :

Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Elena Vexus May 27th 2015, 1:26 am

Impressive. He manage to block her punch, though the sword was a different story as it was launched from his hand. Though he quickly retaliated with trying to stab her in the stomach. She used the force of her punch to rotate around him to avoid the stab. They were still in very close quarters with each other, so after avoiding his attack she quickly took a small leap back. It only put a few more feet between them but it was enough to give her just that much more time to react.
And just in time too. With his left hand she could see him charging and firing a blue energy. The way it moved she only had time to assume it was a form of electricity. Elena extended her left hand while simultaneously sticking the sword in the ground. Her left arm took on the electricity, and with the sword grounding her it exited her body with minimal damage. There were a few burns on her arm and chest, but those were quickly cleared up. However her heightened combat abilities were negated by the electrical charge. She figured that had been an unintentional side effect from him, though if he planned that then she may be underestimating him. She did not have time to dwell or wonder whether or not he intentionally deactivated her powers nor did she need to reactivate this ability, instead she quickly placed her hands in another position.
Immediately after she launched a powerful wall of fire from her mouth. Since she wanted more space for reaction time, this also gave him more time to react. However she went with a wider range attack hoping to catch him in the devastating blaze. Her muscles were preparing themselves as this point as the burst of speed and the punch she performed caused a lot more internal damage that one may initially think. And right now more damage was being done as she torched the inside of her body with this incredibly hot blaze.

By this time many of the audience members were beginning to flee, as a handful would easily be cooked love in the wave of fire. Still some remained, only moving to hire ground. Making their own bets on the fight. Some picked Elena voting it was the obvious choice, only because they may had head the name before. Other's did not like the face that she was a ditzy looking barbie. One way or the other they would have their answers, and Elena would have her's.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Adom May 27th 2015, 2:03 am

She moved very fast for the body shape of hers. Even more so with avoiding my sword attacks, and my blasts of lightning seemed to slow her down just a little. maybe? I couldn't be too sure. But I do know one thing. Even if it did no real damage, burn marks if staked, can cause serious injury. Even if you were a weird maybe cyborg looking thing.

It was then her hands changed. Shaping into something weird from the distance between us, Giving both of us time to move if needed, but seeing as how suddenly a wall of fire came out of nowhere from her mouth, I had to move fast. Rushing forward, I jumped as high as I could, then used my thrusters. Using enough power to move over the top of the wall of fire, but I could still feel the heat through the soles of my boots. I let the thrusters shut off as I dropped down. Rolling to reduce the impact of the fall, and when coming up, sending two electrical blasts once more at her. The first one was more for just keeping her on her toes. And had a chance to miss completely. But none the less, if it did, I hoped that if her systems were slowing down, then I could have some chance against her.

I then stood after firing those blasts, and rushed her with the sword. prepared to get close once more.

Status :

Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Elena Vexus May 27th 2015, 9:39 pm

Up had been the only logical answer, and she was glad to see that he had figured that much out. Logical; yes, practical; not so yes. Yet again he has not failed to amuse Elena as some rocket boots kicked in to propel him up and over the fire. She cut off the fire and spun around to face him, holding a hand over her mouth so that he did not see that breathing the fire caused damage to her.
He rolled up to his feet and fired to more bolts of electricity at her. Elena quickly made another one of her hand signs which charged electricity on both her arms. She transferred it to her left arm witch she used to take the blows of the two bolts he fired at her. Because it was already charged with electricity, the added bolts did nothing. While he was charging at her, she released the lightning from her are sending it screaming towards the boy as he ran towards her. She wanted to see how he would react when faced with his own element.

After she released the electricity, her left arm would fall limp at her side. she pulled the sword out of the group and held it tightly in her right hand. Elena's left arm was visibly burt up from both her and the boy's attacks, though they were healing up rather quickly. It was the nerve damage caused by the electrical attack that would take a little more time to regenerate use of. However with out boosting her own combat abilities, this boy may out class her in physical power. Though there was only one paper way to fid out.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus] Empty Re: The Ring of Blades [Elena Vexus]

Post by Adom May 27th 2015, 10:19 pm

After firing my blasts, I had come closer to her. Charging the woman as she had taken the blasts from my electrical attacks. Literally having lighting coursing over her own body to simply absorb it. Nice way to do it. Rather ingenuous in fact. However, I knew what was coming next. I stopped myself, sliding to a stop on my feet as a blast of electricity was thrown at me. I raised my sword at the blast, and then raised my left arm.

The electricity went for the sword first. it was more conductive than my hand, and it was closer to the bolt anyways. But as soon as the bolt struck the sword, My left hand lit up in the blue tendrils of electricity. The energy had moved across my body, and instead of letting it ground itself through my feet, I had channeled it to exit my own left arm, right back at her. If she really wanted to keep throwing lighting around, I was fine with that.

As soon as he bolt of energy left me, I brought my sword up with both hands and stood there, ready for what may be next. If she was going to continue firing bolts of lighting, and walls of fire at me, it would be best to stay back where I would have more time to react to the situation. Sure, right now I wanted to rush in there and chop her up, but I needed to play smart if I wanted to survive.

Status :

Quote : Shut up, and let me enjoy this cigarette.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 70
Location : North America Typically
Age : 28
Job : Vape Shop Manager
Registration date : 2015-05-07

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