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The Bank Heist [ Open to 1 Hero ]

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The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] Empty The Bank Heist [ Open to 1 Hero ]

Post by Vik June 5th 2015, 2:50 am

"Down on my luck, what else would a criminal do? I lived on these streets for decades, I killed people who deserved the death penalty. I don't proclaim myself as being a messenger of God or a God myself, I'm just doing the right thing am I not? What would a smart villain, no, man do at a time of despair, when your bill comes to you by the door."

Vik laid on his single twin size covered in dust and mines and roaches everywhere on the floor. Some dead, some barely moving, and the others in hiding. Vik said this in his mind as he stared up into the ceiling. Vik finally arose into an upright position and twisted his body towards the left ledge of the bed and had his lifeless legs just dangle to where they hit the floor. A deep sigh escaped his breath as he extended both hands and grabbed each arm rest metal bars of his wheelchair and lifted himself up into the air for a brief second and turned his body around to where he could sit properly. Vik sat properly on his chair as he used his remote controller on his chair to move himself forward towards the door that had been knocked only two to three times to give the signal that mail was here. Vik opened the door and the mail man opened the door and smiled at Vik.

Mail Man: Hey Mr Vik, Here's your mail for you. I hope you have a nice day now.

Vik: Thank you so kindly, Bringing me my mail every time is very generous of you. I appreciate you taking the time to deliver this mail to me.

Mail Man: It's my pleasure, well I will see you later Vik.

The mail was exchange and the door closed peacefully like any other, yet Vik had a frustrated look on his face as he read his eviction notice.

"I have only a week to come up with the money to pay the rent... I guess I will have to visit the bank today to withdraw some money."

Vik didn't rush anything and approached a homeless man who was down on his luck and only receiving that of dollars bills and coins. Vik placed a hundred dollar bill into his jar and showed him a note in concealment to where no one around would be able to notice it. The message was clear and the homeless man nodded and as proof of his powers, the truck right behind him blowing the smoke that exited out of the top of the vehicle would blow massively loud into the sky and covering it for a brief moment. The precise timing was exact and the homeless man had confidence that Vik could pull off this heist. The next hour was crucial and the homeless man came with himself and three other guys as they all were dressed up in a black ski mask and held a 9mm in their right hand as they busted into the bank and one of them shooting down the only security guard in the bank. Vik was next in line from the teller as he turned around to look at these armed men and without being noticed, used his mind to generate a large thick smoke, which covered the interior of the bank and suffocated everyone within the bank except for Vik. The smoke cleared and all of the people within the bank were knocked out cold and Vik obtaining ten grand within minutes and as he placed the money in his brown worn out leather bag which was right behind his wheelchair being held up by the bars. Vik then proceeded to head to the front exit of the bank.

Status :

Quote : Think Before You Make A Move

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2015-06-04

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The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] Empty Re: The Bank Heist [ Open to 1 Hero ]

Post by Bliss June 5th 2015, 4:42 am

For some reason Bliss kept getting stuck with 'go to the bank' on her list of things to do. She may or may not be married by now, but it did not matter if she kept getting all the boring jobs. A few years ago she fought off some robot devil to keep New York from looking even worse. Then, she founded a company. Now, she ran errands to banks in the middle of the day like a college grad living at home with their parents. Even the coffee she picked up did not taste as good. Of course not, they put all the college students to work during the day and they all think they're too good to work there. Wait til they work their same jobs and pay student loans on top of that.

All the spite in the world still failed to take the ambition out of Bliss' step though. Neither her sneakers, nor capris, nor her T-shirt looked any the unkempt as she began to turn from the parking garage onto the main street. A sudden vibration shocked Bliss into dropping her coffee onto her laces. After a few swears in Japanese, Bliss pulled her phone out of her back pocket and tried to glare at whomever happened to be on the other side. "What?"

"Miss Fukuyama, this is Oriascorp. We are calling you to let you know we will be serving you a cease and desist letter today on behalf of our benefactor."

A vicious splash of coffee coated the side of the wall after Bliss unleashed a telekinetic blast to disrupt the molecules in the area. "I have never heard of any of you! Who is wanting me to stop what?"

"The order will tell you everything. You still live on Lyndale Street correct."

An annoying sun got in the way of Bliss' perfect complaints to people paid to not yell at her. Sunglasses knew the job well enough. "I don't live in Chicago. I barely live in LA or New York." With her eyes caught off guard from the attention split, Bliss barreled into a man pushing a wheelchair. He kept an odd aroma around him, but he also looked fairly old, and in a wheelchair. Bliss let casual discrimination get the better of her and paid nothing to it. "Isn't there a ramp to keep his from happening or something."

"You are Missy Fukuyama? Correct?"

"No, asshole. I'm Bliss Fukuyama. I run Bliss Tech in Norcal. What kind of moron calls the wrong person, and out of morbid curiosity, what did Missy do to warrant a cease and desist order?"

"Sorry to bother you."

The sudden ending of the call overwhelmed for senses from Bliss than the hirrible smell coming from the bank "Excuse me?" A quick mashing of buttons began to pull the private number up for a speed dial when Bliss opened the door. Air pulled the hint of the gas towards Bliss, pulling her attention to the real danger of the situation. Bliss turned back, dropping her phone and coughing. "I smell that in my mouth. God!" Remembering the smell from the man she bumped into, and surveying the number of bodies strewn across the lobby, Bliss picked her phone up and texted her half sister. Mitsy, get to the bank. Lots of people need your help. Following close behind the man in the wheelchair, Bliss knew picking a fight with the man in the middle of the street would look horrible, so she did the next not as bad thing.

Using her telekinesis, Bliss would hold up two of the wheels from moving forward. An act of generosity would come over Bliss, or at least very superficially. "Oh, did your wheelchair stop working? I guess you have to tell me stuff then. What happened in there?" As Bliss got closer, the more she feared a man in wheelchair less. Placing her cell phone in her back pocket, Bliss would put her hand on the handle of the wheelchair and lean over to keep questioning him.


Mitsy's Boutique


The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] Empty Re: The Bank Heist [ Open to 1 Hero ]

Post by Vik June 5th 2015, 5:48 pm

"My wheels are stuck....." Vik said this to himself as he scanned the area and noticing a car going fast and about to pass the yellow light about to turn red as Vik focused his attention on that car alone and caused smoke to exit from the surface of the front and back interior engine of the car, causing the man to drift off of traffic and heading directly to the back of Bliss. The car then forming into nothing but a thick grey smoke and causing the whole area to turn into a dense fog and the smoke immediately spreading. Within close range of them both, it would be hard to see each other and confirming on how seriously thick the smoke was currently at. The smoke would immediately enter her system the moment she would inhale if she chose to inhale. Vik used this situation to cause the smoke to lift himself into the air and off the wheelchair, taking the money with him that's in the bag and shooting himself out of the bank and leaving the smoke screen behind as he reached into his dusty suit and pulled out his remote as he clicked the remote and causing the wheelchair to explode in the bank. Vik took his travel through the sky on his smoke cloud, he held the leather bag on his back and looked behind himself for a brief moment as he then looked forward and traveled through Chicago and heading back to his apartment. Vik hoping to allude her as he still continues to travel through the sky and using the cars that are in traffic as a leverage to still float in the sky with the smoke.

Vik pulling out his pack of new port 100s cigarettes and pulling all of them out and lighting up the tips with his lighter as the smoke starts to build up heavily on the cigarettes and held two cigarettes per fingertips as the lighter is then placed in his front pocket suit.

Status :

Quote : Think Before You Make A Move

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2015-06-04

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The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] Empty Re: The Bank Heist [ Open to 1 Hero ]

Post by Bliss June 5th 2015, 6:53 pm

No word came from the wheelchair bound man after Bliss accosted him. Her hand still rested on the back of the chair while neither of the wheels would go into motion. The bustle of traffic continued on in the background, completely unbeknownst to Bliss. Any onlookers compromising the incident could cause Bliss some hesitation, she but she remained completely oblivious to engine exhaust acting as the principle component of her compromised actions. Slowly the trail of smoke would reach out as a redeeming savior.

Again, the horrid stench of the smoke would crawl towards her, surrounding the two of them, and her hand would fall short of grabbing his shoulder. Both wheels fell from the grip Bliss placed upon them. Bliss needed a more compelling shield to keep this smoke away from her, and every little bit of energy counted. Telekinesis pulled the smoke apart, parting it to give Bliss a clear shot of the path before her. A flower shop with a painted sign, a deli cart, and the busy street traffic stood before her, but the chair sat empty. A quick jump put Bliss over the chair and out the door. Her initial scan of the street side offered her no possible leads, but the stench of the smoke still sank in her nostrils. Taking out her phone, Bliss began to bring up a number before a sudden blast knocked her into the side of a parked car. Smoke began to rise from the exit of the bank, and as Bliss followed the smoke trail into the sky, she spotted her mark riding a smoke cloud.

In the beginning of her chase, she wondered why he failed to cut across buildings, take any degree of short cuts. She ducked into alleys, pulling down any obstacles in her way with her. It may not be the best way to apprehend an old man, but Bliss came up with a plan. Once she emerged with two trashcans in haul, Bliss would throw one of the cans towards the cloud, not looking to beat an old man with the plastic containers, but instead to break up the flow of smoke keeping him afloat.

After the first can flew forward, Bliss decided to go against her initial decision of clemency and deploy the more aggressive technique of targeting the man riding the cloud. Tossed in motion like a trebuchet, the arching shot would attempt to hit the man, but even if it avoided him, it would kick the smoke a little, giving Bliss a look at the satchel the man carried.

A new plan came into Bliss' mind. Instead of chasing this man down, she would try to telekinetically grab the bag from his possession and bring it down to her. No reason chasing this guy down when she could bring the fight to herself. If she managed to peel the money from Vik, she would try and open the case, dropping money on the street beneath him. The next portion of her plan would involve creating a circulating current using a rubber water hose. Once she yanked the tool from the wall, Bliss would throw hose towards the middle of the street, underneath Vik. For the next few seconds, she would split her attention on holding the bottom section of the hose while focusing her attention on the head of the hose to rotate it in a clockwise fashion.

Water began to fill up around the street beside her. The traction from her shoes offered little support, giving Bliss the option of continuing this from her back, or releasing the whip and pursuing on foot. At least her ploys would slow Vik down slightly as she let go of the hose, dropping it a car beneath Vik. Dashing forward to the end point Vik looked to be coming to, Bliss sought to make his landing as turbulent as possible, throwing an assortment of containers towards the smoke beneath him.


Mitsy's Boutique


The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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The Bank Heist  [ Open to 1 Hero  ] Empty Re: The Bank Heist [ Open to 1 Hero ]

Post by Vik June 5th 2015, 7:52 pm

Vik road his cloud straight and almost within range of his apartment window as he looked over his shoulder and scanned the area to see the persistent girl still chasing him. Vik notice her lifting up two trash cans or what appeared to be trash cans with his terrible vision. Vik pulled out his glasses and placed it on his face which properly corrected his vision to that of the average young persons vision of 20 20. Vik hated to wear glasses but he needed his vision this time around. Vik now confirming that the items are indeed trash cans and he quickly saw one coming towards the cloud and with a simple smirk leaving his face, the trash can turned into smoke and mixed in with the cloud and created a much bigger one. The time passed by and he notice another trash can heading towards himself this time and he quickly threw two cigarettes from his right index finger and turned them and the trash can into large smoke which he then used to create a smoke screen force field around himself and leaving his frontal direction in the clear and his back side and his side view completely concealed. The smoke screen itself would stop her from allowing to concentrate on his book bag. Vik started to notice from far below that water started to form and quickly took the next left corner directly which would conceal his whole entire figure because of the building. Vik then caused the cars below him to release so much smoke that caused the section of the entire block to create such a dense and grey smoke surrounding that it concealed not only his appearance but the city of that block for a brief moment. Vik then threw the 18 remaining cigarettes to different areas of the one blow and turned them into fire which exploded the nearby parked cars and cars on the street. This massive explosion would avoid his building and some other building to take the impact of the explosion since the fire didn't spread around. Vik then entered the open window of his apartment using his arms alone and laid on the ground inside his apartment  as he closed the window and locked it as he crawled to his bed and stashed the money underneath his bed and touched the clothes that he was currently wearing, from a full suit to a casual golfer uniform and his nearby pencil into a golf club and crawled to his other wheelchair which was much different in appearance than the other one he used and climbed onto it and left his apartment as he locked the door behind him and placed his black shades on as he rolled down the hallway with his golf hat on and smirked as he had hoped he got away from the woman.  "What a nice day to golf."


Status :

Quote : Think Before You Make A Move

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2015-06-04

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Post by Sponsored content

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