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The Bank Heist - [Open]

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Knight Royals August 2nd 2016, 1:24 pm

Five mercenaries stand at an abandoned warehouse with a laptop  displaying the face of Knight Royals on screen, and him sitting upright in his chair and smoking a cigarettes while speaking to the five of them.

"I want this city to know that I am still the King around here... and hiring you mercenaries for the job is risky businesses. However, since I don't want any of my own guys associated with this task, I believe you Ex Marines can take care of this assignment. Some of you do it to help family members, others do it for their own greed, I don't care why you five have showed up for the task, all I want is the job to be done."

With that being said, the laptop blows up into pieces to where any information of recovering anything would be a slim chance to none. The five mercenaries wearing all of the same suits, and the leader of them being the red haired individual and the only one wearing black aviator shades. The leader of the group spoke up to the rest of his team and with his arms to his back he was ready for this assignment.

"Alright you guys, he wants a smooth operation, he doesn't want any screw ups, all he wants us to do is get in and take the money.. that's it.."

All of them nodded to one another, and the scenery quickly changed to all of them wearing military like uniforms with a black vest and red sleeves and cargo pants underneath. Strapped up with pistols,  grenades, flash bangs, and Ak 47s. These five were ready, wearing a black plated mask which only allowed their eyes to be visibly seen. The leader made his mask different from the rest, putting a red X across his mask. The five of them heading to the bank at the hours of midnight, breaking into the front entrance of the bank, with the alarm going off right off the bat.  The mercenaries didn't waste anytime with the five of them heading to the vault while two of them started shooting off the security cameras as they advanced forward. Two of them cracking the large vault, while the three of them watching their six.

Upon the vault being open, the five of them rushing in and placing 100k in each bag and being easy to carry as they each have super strength. The five of them rushing to the entrance of the bank, where they hope no police officers or anyone else has arrived to stop them in their tracks.  While these five rush to the entrance, the leader making a call with his phone to the Knight.

"We got the package, we are heading out now."

Knight replying back as he sits in his office chair and sips an expensive glass of wine.

"Excellent, don't fail me.. you know what to do next."

Knight snapping the flip phone in half after the call ended and tossing the remains in the furnace fire. He continues to smoke and drink his wine in peace. The leader of the mercenaries snapping the phone in half to where its beyond repair or traceable, he tosses the phone in a nearby trash bin. The five of them panting and just one corner hallway away to the entrance of the place.

Last edited by Knight Royals on August 2nd 2016, 8:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
Knight Royals
Knight Royals

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2016-07-31

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Bliss August 2nd 2016, 2:33 pm

"It's an attack. A well planned one too." Abby sat behind a computer terminal, watching as security cameras all fell one by one. "They keep knocking out the cameras though."

"Of course they are, Abby." Bliss took another step towards the bank, using her telekinesis to propel herself from rooftop to rooftop. Wanting to get the most use from her idea, not only she continue using her purple and black skirt, boots, and leotard reminiscent of sailor moon, but also insisted the rest of her team use it in the field.

"Abby, trace the location of each of the downed cameras and make a trail." Tsukimi begrudgingly accepted the outfit Bliss forced upon her. At first Bliss assumed Tsukimi rejecting it merely came from Japanese tradition, but in actuality, Tsukimi just hated the number of bows along the outfit. It made fighting more difficult, and unlike Bliss, Tsukimi could not create force fields to protect herself. "I'm pretty sure I'm close to the pattern they are following." Tsukimi found herself two blocks removed from Bliss, in a better pursuit angle.

"Be careful. I don't want to have to bail you out of anything." Bliss pushed herself over another roof, landing within eyesight of the bank, and the men retreating. "They're in a hurry."

"I can do this." Keeping herself hidden for the time, Tsukimi opened her satchel of non lethal weapons. She pulled a pair of electric gloves over her hands, cracking the air from her knuckles before nodding her head. "I can't fight all five- I don't think I can at-"

"No, you can't fight all five." Bliss shimmied down a drain pipe, landing in an alleyway. Commotion began to surround the bank, complicating Bliss' approach. Two police officers bumped Bliss from behind in their haste. "Hey! I'm walking here!"

"Hey Bliss." Situated in a safe vantage point from a closed van, Abby kept monitoring the situation as in unfolded. "I think Suzy is going to do something dumb."

"Suzy don't do anything stupid." The crowd parted like a bog full of quicksand. Every step Bliss advanced, she found herself needing to move two back. "I'm almost there."

"You're too slow. I'm going to follow." Tsukimi spoke into her comlink as she kept her eyes set on the quintet. "Tell me where you are going to come from."


Mitsy's Boutique


The Bank Heist - [Open]  D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Knight Royals August 2nd 2016, 3:01 pm

Turning the corner and as they were about to exit the entrance of the bank in which they came from, they began hearing loud sirens. Two of the mercenaries closing the double doors immediately and breaking off a metal pipe from the ground and placing it underneath the door handles that pushes the doors inward. This securing the door for now as the leader spoke up to his team.

"We anticipate police.. however.. we didn't anticipate their arrival so soon..."

One of the mercs looking out the window and noticing about five officers drawing their guns out along with their cars stationed in a way to also cover them from fire. The Merc speaking to the leader as he brought his head back from the window.

"five cops are out there... What are we going to do!"

The leader turning his back for a brief moment from his team and opening up his necklace watch and seeing a picture of his son in poverty clothes. He closes the watch as he stops getting emotional and turns to face his team in anger and speaks to them.

"We have to get us out of here along with the money! The Boss said if we can't get out of the front. improvise!"

The five of them dropping their duffel bags on the ground and immediately forming a circle around one another and tearing off the ground in front of them. Causing a giant hole to be formed which leads to the sewers down below. The five of them now grabbing their duffel bags and placing it over their shoulders as each one of them hops down below the hole.

Upon entering the sewers, the five of them venture forward in a straight line fashion following one after another as they come across a pathway leading to many paths to take. The leader looking at his tracking device and guiding his mercs the right pathway as he speaks to them as they run.

"The boss says we will deposit the money in a garbage truck and have the paid employee take it to a junkyard. where we will regroup their later and meet with the Boss.."

The five of them finally arriving underneath a man hole which leads to an alleyway. The five of them climb up the man hole and looking their area of view as they reach the garbage truck that as the majority of the back part of the truck inside the alleyway. The four mercs dumping four bags into the garbage truck. One merc and the leader entering the inside of the garbage truck from the back with the money. The three remaining mercs hold the one decoy duffel bag and the garbage truck heading one direction, while the three of them climb up a fire escape.

The leader pulling out his other phone and speaking with Knight.

"Boss the mission is going as planned. we will be arriving at the meeting spot within twenty minutes.. The cops don't suspect and thing and we aren't being followed... Make sure to keep your end of the deal like we planned.."

Knight replying back as he finishes his glass of wine.

"Not to worry, will be meeting you as scheduled.."

Knight speaking to his two suited thugs as he snaps the phone in half and tosses it in the furnace.

"When they arrive there.. will give you two the signal once I get another phone call."

The garbage truck heading towards its destination, while the other three are running across rooftops and heading towards the same direction.
Knight Royals
Knight Royals

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2016-07-31

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Bliss August 2nd 2016, 11:28 pm

"Move." Bliss pushed the cell phone out of an onlookers hand as she pushed through the woman trying to look at his phone. "Move." Both police officers trying to hold Bliss back sank deeper in the crowd as the telekinesis began forming a little personal space for Bliss. "Thank you." The air cleared up in a physical manner, but the more Bliss pushed through the crowd, the more ill will she found herself garnering from those relocated. "Yes. I know. You all think you need to be here. You're all doing such a good job standing and inhibiting me from getting in there."

A woman in slacks with a badge on the waist pressing just out from her blouse stepped forward to see Bliss. "Mam, it's not Halloween-"

"Okay, cool, I've never heard that before. I need to deal with what's behind you, because you aren't, so if you don't mind. Move."
Bliss pushed past the brunette with as much subtlety as she felt like using in the situation.

"This is Agent Miller, we need someone to keep an eye out. Bliss Fukuyama is here." The downed agent sat up from her posterior. "We may need her help or she may need ours."

Tsukimi kept a distance between herself and her mark. In a normal outing she would remain closer, but since Bliss decided loud boots were better than quiet flats, Tsukimi needed to adapt. The men began to break into panic. It allowed Tsukimi some distance between herself and the quintet, but the sound of their actions brought some pause to her action. The electricity from her gloves might take one or two of them down, but to disable all of them would be troublesome- and probably end up bad for Tsukimi.

The next set of actions made Tsukimi appreciate her tact on the situation. The floor opened up as the men peeled it away like an onion. An onion made of concrete and metal. "Abby. They're going to the basement." She peeked back around as they dropped down. Tsukimi ran to the edge, and immediately regretted the smell coming up to her, but she did catch the direction the last man ran off in. She checked her bearings to the direction. North. "Abby. Sewers! Where do the sewers go."

"They head in every direction. I'm looking to see if any sensors have gone off recently." Abby kept using the default function Bliss programmed into the terminal to override any administrative restrictions placed upon the systems. "I can only find one camera terminal- and it looks like went north."

"What's north of here?"
Trying to do everything in her power to avoid the sewer, Tsukimi began heading for a back exit to the alley.

"I'm not sure, but I can access traffic cameras to let you know where they come out."
A tab opened with traffic cameras showing any exit point the men could come from. Unfortunately, Abby could only cover so many cameras at once.

Tsukimi ran out the back and crossed the street just as squad cars began to fill in around the bank. Darting into the alley, she kept moving to find the next manhole cover. Using the manhole coverings as a reverse trail of breadcrumbs, Tsukimi assumed she could track these men down to their next comings. Until she realized to herself she may have gone too far. She leaned over to catch her breath, leaning against a garbage truck.

A lid slid open. One man popped up, then another. Three more emerged, happily letting her know she found them, but unhappily letting her know, they very easily could find her. She trusted her ability to fight, but figured at this juncture, she could take the low road, hiding under the truck, and latching onto the bottom of the truck. Three men ran off in a different direction. This could get interesting.

"Bliss!" Abby watched as three men crossed a traffic camera. "Three of them are heading east. They have a bag with them. Go get it."

Bliss checked her visor's HUD to coordinate the egress point the men came from. "Why couldn't they have stayed put." The bank before her looked like it would take the path of most resistance to get in, but now Bliss could move to a less crowded section of town to try and get a jump on these guys. Her telekinesis pulled down the ladder on a fire escape, letting her scale the building more quickly. "Back to rooftops. Always rooftops."


Mitsy's Boutique


The Bank Heist - [Open]  D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Knight Royals August 3rd 2016, 12:48 am

The garbage truck coming to a complete hault at a red traffic light. A well dressed individual in a suit carrying a slient sniper over his shoulder looking into the scope. Having terminal signatures attach within the scope, he discovers a fourth individual. Pressing a button attached to his headset, he speaks to a mobster who is right outside Knight's private quarters. Upon receiving the information and telling Knight about what has just been discovered, Knight dials the leader's phone. The leader picking up and speaking to Knight.

"Hey boss, we just got stuck on a red light... But we will be there soon.."

Knight replying back as he tightens his wine glass to the point where it shatters to pieces.

"How many people are in the truck?"

The leader replying back being puzzled at first and then replying back after looking at his partner.

"Only three of us sir.. The driver, myself, and the other merc."

The red light turning green as the truck takes off driving. The sniper receiving the orders from Knight and firing his sniper shot directly at the front tire of the trunk. The impact ripping through the tire completely and causing the truck to crash to a nearby store. The truck fully entering the store and the driver flying out of the truck and into a nearby wall, where he dies immediately.

Knight speaking back to the leader on the phone.

"There's a forth passenger on that truck. Now I normally never give second chances but you aren't right in front of me at this moment. Now I'm going to give you one chance to get rid of the intruder.. If you fail, then your son will know what it's like to grow up without a father."

The phone hangs up and as the back of the truck opens up, a sniper shot fires into the skull of the leader's partner, ending his life immediately. The leader seeing the sniper walk away from the edge of the rooftop and taking his rest. The leader getting out of the truck in a rage as he awaits for the individual to get out from underneath the truck.

The scenery changing to the three mercs coming to a hault as they witness the truck smashing into the enterance of a store. The three mercs witnessing all of this as the sniper also notices that the three mercs are being followed as well and tells the information to Knight. Knight giving the orders, and one of the mercs is immediately shot in his skull, dropping to the ground and being killed immediately. The other two mercs receive the same information if they don't get rid of their pursuer.

The two mercs ready themselves for the pursuer to come their way as Knight smokes his cigarette in his headquarters as he starts playing pool with his other mobsters.

Knight speaking to the sniper as he is now in a fit of rage.

"I thought I hired professionals, not amateurs.. Make sure to take out the leader as well if he screws up.."
Knight Royals
Knight Royals

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2016-07-31

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Bliss August 3rd 2016, 2:43 pm

Tailing the bottom of a truck came with a great deal of risks Tsukimi so stubbornly discarded prior to her hasty plan. Stop and go traffic kept the truck from picking up to speeds of a very detrimental problem, but the stop and go friction kept her grasping at the undercarriage. They barely got a few blocks down the road before major turbulence finally shook Tsukimi. One of the front tires exploded, sending the truck into a storefront. Once the initial hit took place, Tsukimi lost her grip, knocking her to the pavement as the truck rolled on by with one of the back tires coming just inches from hitting her in the face.

Without her cover, Tsukimi took off to hide somewhere from the incident while still managing to remain somewhat covered. It felt shady, but Tsukimi needed to figure something out about this super strengthed mob squad roaming the streets. "Abby. The truck crashed."

"Yeah, I can't do anything about that. You're just talking to talk at this point."
While she moved from Tsukimi's monitor, Abby checked out the situation as Bliss made her way towards the stalled trio. "Bliss is on to something now."

"But, I need to-" While Tsukimi tried garnering more information about the situation she currently observed, one of the men slumped over. The second man hopped down, waiting for something on the undercarriage. "They knew I was there, Abby."

"Well, find out why. I cannot."
Abby kept up her part of the observation as best she could, but the half sisters kept demanding her full attention.

Bliss caught up with the trio as they became a duo. The blood splatter did enough work for Bliss. "Abby. Check out the east for any possible locations for a shooter to hide out." Bliss cracked her knuckles and approached the duo. "I'll take care of the rest."

Abby tried getting every vantage point and angle she could to find where the shot possibly could come from. The possibility of the two incidents being connected helped Abby put the two locations together, now she just needed to find a traffic camera or security terminal somewhere in the vicinity to get a pull up of the screen.


Mitsy's Boutique


The Bank Heist - [Open]  D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Knight Royals August 3rd 2016, 10:09 pm

The leader who wore the red x mask started to look around his surrounding after realizing that the target wasn't underneath the truck. The leader merc not trying to waste any more time as he enters the garbage truck and grabbing two duffel bags of money as he takes his charge within the interior of the store and opening a staircase door and immediately bomb rushing up the stairs as it leads him to a hallway and at the end of that hallway a dead end as he reaches the end of it, dropping the bags and leaning his body against the edge of the wall. Sitting in an upright position as he pulls out his ak 47 and aims it to the entrance he just came in, and begins to stare at the picture of his son.

Tears rolled down his face as he began to pull it together due to the current situation he was in. He began speaking to himself in low whispers.

"Daddy will find you son.. This monster will pay for kidnapping you.."

The leader shaking his ak 47 as he swallows spit and awaits to see if he will be followed or not. The scenery then changes to the duo, who then begins to pull out their own ak 47s and begins to take aim and fire directly at Bliss, trying to shoot at her legs and upper chest. The duo wondering what happened to the leader and their other teammate. The scenery then changes to the sniper who walks into the building that he stands on and enters the interior of it from the rooftop and walking down the stairs. The sniper whistling and being nowhere near the mercs and being in his own building as he pulls out a cigarette and begins to smoke as he takes his steps down the staircase. Sniper getting into contact with Knight.

"Boss, will be on standby on when you want me to activate the bombs that are strapped within the back of their necks."

The sniper holding the remote in his left palm and waiting the orders. While that is happening, a bird in which joins a whole flock of birds on a thick wire pole, observes the fight happening on the rooftop and being a fellow mobster in disguise just watching what will happen. A common house fly being attached to the ceiling and also being a mobster in disguise and watching the leader sitting up against the wall with his gun ready. Knight speaking to the two of the thugs with his bluetooth device in which they could only hear from it.

"Now you both understand why I needed you guys on this mission. keep me up to date on what is going on."

The connection hanging up and Knight now being in his jacuzzi and smoking a cigar as he drinks a bottle of whisky with his fellow mobsters and girls surrounding him.

Knight Royals
Knight Royals

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2016-07-31

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Bliss August 9th 2016, 12:59 am

"Okay, calm down." Bliss walked forward the rifles as they lifted into a firing position. Her hands raised to her chest with her fingers pointing away from her body as she walked at a leisurely pace. "So, we're done chasing and now going to jail." A steady hold of telekinetic force pushed against the firing mechanism to jam the guns. Holding the rifles at bay took too much strain from her mind, making Bliss go for another method- popping the magazines out of the rifles and popping the current round out of the chamber. "Cool, we're all going to jail now. Abby, send my coordinates to the police, and try to do it quickly. I have things to do."

"Right on it, Bliss. You're so welcome, Bliss. I'm glad I can work with you, Bliss." Abby pushed down a few keys as she began to upload the coordinates to the local police servers. "I don't even get paid that well."

"You get paid in thanks. You're welcome!" Everything on the rooftop looked good enough for Bliss in the immediate danger with the rifles- or as good as they could. "Now, where are you guys planning on running? And where are the others?"

Tsukimi caught her breath. The assailant made his way out of her sight, leaving Tsukimi with nothing other than her undeniable sense of justice. "Hey! You must stop! I demand it!"

A voice crawled into Tsukimi's headset. "Suzy, this is Abby."

"Who the hell else would it be? There's three of us and you sound nothing like me!" Another voice entered the chorus of discord.

"Okay, Suzy, your wicked half sister is in the process of detaining half the robbers. What's your status?"

"I'm going to bring in the other. There was a gunshot wound to kill the other." Tsukimi made her way up the stairs, continuing her conversation as the exertion pulled air out of her lungs. "Something is going wrong, but I'm bringing this guy in." As Tsukimi turned the corner, she lost her balance, falling to the ground just before turning the corner to the hallway where the leader made his stand. Tsukimi began lifting herself off the ground. "If you come out, I will not be forced to use force and can inform the authorities in your cooperation." Both of her gloves still coursed through the wiring. She wanted this to end nicely, but assumed it would get ugly.


Mitsy's Boutique


The Bank Heist - [Open]  D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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The Bank Heist - [Open]  Empty Re: The Bank Heist - [Open]

Post by Knight Royals August 9th 2016, 5:46 pm

Heavy breathing, sweat, tears, anxiety, and stress all combined together in the leader's interior and exterior. He dropped his weapon to the ground as he heard the commotion of footsteps coming up the stairs. Then he heard the woman speak and swallowed spit before speaking to her.

"There is no option for me! The man who has my son, his name is Knight Royals and his current location is-"

What the mercenaries didn't realize from the start of this operation that their whole conversation was being recorded by the special gear they wore on their specialized crafted uniform. Before he could even finish the word location, his head exploded instantly, having blood and other organs splattered on the wall. Any sort of identification on these guys were nothing more but a passport with a fake name and address, along with their country.

The other two mercenaries also met their fate in case they were planning to spill the beans as well. Knight couldn't risk more exposure. Knight approached the confinement cell that he had placed the leader's son in and shot him point blank on his forehead with a silencer on. The mobsters burned the boy's body in the furnace and that was the end of it. Knight then sat down in his security room and folded his hands together as he looked at the news on his television.

"In today's news, five suspects were taken out by vigilantes."

Knight smirked and raised himself from his seat as he spoke to the sniper.

"Your services are no longer needed. Your the last one who can give away my location."

Just like that, the sniper's head exploded just like the others and Knight approached a doctor who was implanting news bombs on four more individuals who were in deep sleep.

The doctor spoke to Knight with his arms to his back.

"What will they be doing?"

Knight smirked and then spoke to the doctor before leaving.

"I have a shipment that's going to come to my Yact. The two officers and mobsters will be perfect for this assignment. I will be with them in this mission."

Knight Royals
Knight Royals

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2016-07-31

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