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Off To Protect (Open)

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Vengeance Knight April 8th 2015, 6:22 pm

After the events in Washington DC and the meta human plan to attack James got the information. The meta humans main base was in Chicago, Illinois. They were planning the attack blue prints over there. After the blur prints and plan were complete they would attack the white house.

James didn't know when it would take place, he had to get on the next Flight to Chicago. He packed up his stuff, took his gear, and left on the next flight to Chicago. James would stop them right there and then, he would prevent the attack from happening. The plane arrived in Chicago, James got his things together and headed for the hotel.

James had no connections in Chicago what so ever. This time he would have to rely on his instincts, he was prepared. James  arrived at his hotel, got his luggage, and headed to his room. Getting in his room James put his stuff down and one suit case on the bed with his suit and equipment.

It was almost dark and time to strike, James took a few house of rest. The moon was out and it was time for action, James got up and unloaded his gear. He took out his suit and weapons and suited up. He headed out his hotel window on to the roof of the hotel and go the location settings on, James took off gliding and jumping building to building headed to the main base.

Last edited by Vengeance Knight on April 21st 2015, 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

James Kazama
Vengeance Knight
Vengeance Knight

Status :

Quote : "I am the dark of the night, the definition of vengeance, I am Vengeance Knight, I work alone"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Maryland
Age : 35
Job : Analyst
Humor : Decent
Registration date : 2015-03-29

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Forceaus April 16th 2015, 12:49 am

~The night before~
"What do you mean you're cancelling?" a voice yelled over the computer. Five friends were talking over skype about something that had been planned for the next night. They had just found out it was cancelled and nobody was taking the news all that well.

"I'm sorry. My parents decided to cancel their trip to Aruba, so I have to cancel the party." Kyle explained half-heartedly to the others.

"Well, there goes my plans for tomorrow night." John said sounding both bemused and disappointed. Now he had no excuse not to be on patrol like he had been asked to.

"But I bought the movie we were going to watch. I spent my hard earned money on it. You suck." Alisa said sounding kind of sad.

"Hey, don't talk about what he does on Friday nights." Patricia chimed in, the only one that didn't sound upset.

"You shut up." Kyle exclaimed incredulously.

"Anyways Alisa, let's go chill at the mall tomorrow. I want to buy some new clothes, and try to preorder concert tickets to Girl Alive's show in a few months." Patricia said while completely ignoring Kyle.

"Oh hell yeah." Alisa said sounding excited. So much for being sad.

"Hey John, weren't you there last time Girl Alive was in concert here?" Joshua asked. The rest of them had honestly forgotten he was still there.

"Yeah, the one that got attacked by the crazy plant lady. Don't remind me." John said sardonically.

"Yeah, let's hope something like that doesn't happen again, shall we?" Patricia asked of them before signing off.

"Well, that was abrupt." Kyle said sounding offended.

"I'm going to sign off too. Going to the mall tomorrow. Woooo." Alisa said and signed off.

"I guess I'm gone too." John said and signed off. Well, looks like he was going on patrol tomorrow night. The next day would come and go and night would arrive.

Now in costume, Forcewave was out on the streets just wandering around and making sure nothing bad was happening. Everything seemed relatively quiet so far. Forcewave decided to take a break from wandering around and sat down on the roof of a building next to where the staircase was. He was just relaxing and considering calling it a night when he heard some noise. The sound of footsteps drew closer. Forcewave stood up out of concern and started looking around. There, to his right. Somebody ran right by and leapt off the building and onto the next one. Somebody that he did not recognize.

"Okay." he thought. That was something. Forcewave stood there watching them leave for a second before deciding to attempt to pursue them to see what they either might be up to, or what may be going on. He got to running and following whomever that was.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Vengeance Knight April 16th 2015, 8:03 pm

James was almost there, his locator on track. It was almost time for the meet to go down. "Those bastards won't know what his them," James said to himself. He was the definition of vengeance and fear, he would fight to win.

"Ah, there it is", his locator tracked down the spot. It was an old abandoned area with a few buildings surrounding them. James looked around,"Ha, typical, the same old abandoned theme". James wondered why they always do that, he knows why he just get's tired of it.

"Well, let's have a look see here", James used his sensors to pic up anyone there. James went a little closer when all of a sudden he heard someone following him. Good thing he picked up the sounds, James blended in with the shadows on the building. He took out a slicer and got in a defense position.

Maybe it was a meta human enemy who spotted him. How can that be, James is always a shadow where no one would ever find him. Maybe his ideas were getting a bit rusty to have someone pick up on him like that. James saw the object getting closer, trying to track him down.

The person was on the same roof now as James was on. James saw the person trying to creep up and find him. This kid may have gotten this far but not to the finish line. "Who are you", James asked the masked individual from the shadows.

Last edited by Vengeance Knight on April 21st 2015, 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

James Kazama
Vengeance Knight
Vengeance Knight

Status :

Quote : "I am the dark of the night, the definition of vengeance, I am Vengeance Knight, I work alone"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Maryland
Age : 35
Job : Analyst
Humor : Decent
Registration date : 2015-03-29

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Forceaus April 16th 2015, 10:02 pm

((Hey, can you stop posting the images in your posts, please.))

"Just where is this person off to?" Forcewave thought as he continued to follow the dark colored clothing clad individual that running was from rooftop to rooftop towards something. This went on until he saw the person reach a building at the end of the road and slow down to a walking pace. They didn't seem to be going anywhere now. Had they reached their destination, or had they heard him following them? Oh, how he hoped it wasn't the latter. That could potentially suck.

Forcewave came to a stop where he was, atop the building next to the one he had last seen the person he had been following. They were still there, weren't they? He looked around really quickly and determined that they must be. They were just hidden by some of the structures atop the building. He prepared to leap off the building and onto the next one before realizing he would wind up falling short. Instead he took a few steps back to gain some momentum before taking off and landing on the roof.

Carefully walking towards the center of the building, Forcewave looked for any sign of movement. Then he heard a voice come from nearby, asking who he was. He looked around to see where they were as he attempted to answer. "Me? Uh, I'm Forcewave. I'm a superhero and I sort of protect this city. Who are you, and why don't come out so I can see you?" he asked trying to sound nonchalant.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Vengeance Knight April 21st 2015, 7:39 pm

(Yeah yeah sorry)

James looked at him, still in the shadows, Moving slowly to the side a bit more. James saw this guy might be telling the truth. Still, James was prepared just in case. "What do you want", James still in the shadows.

James wanted to test this kid out, he thought of a plan. James really didn't work with others if this guy was trying to team up or something. James had this kind of thing happen a few times before. A person would show up, he would try and team up with James.

At times those guys turned out to be fakes. They tried to attack James from the back. James always managed to take them out and get away though. This time James didn't trust anyone, anyone.

James crept up a bit close to the guy, with his weapon ready. "So, how did you spot me", James asked the kid. James would be more careful next time, maybe a black suit as a back up. He threw a slicer at the other side of the building ledge, James wanted to see what this guy would do next, he waited.

James Kazama
Vengeance Knight
Vengeance Knight

Status :

Quote : "I am the dark of the night, the definition of vengeance, I am Vengeance Knight, I work alone"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Maryland
Age : 35
Job : Analyst
Humor : Decent
Registration date : 2015-03-29

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Forceaus April 21st 2015, 10:20 pm

Forcewave was standing on a rooftop at night talking to someone that didn't want to be seen. They spoke and a male voice asked what he wanted. He brought his left hand up to his face and clicked on the nightvision feature on his mask. His vision went green and he could finally see a figure nearby trying to hide in the shadows. Forcewave briefly looked away to give the illusion that he didn't know exactly where this guy was before answering. "I want to know where you're going and what you're up to. This doesn't seem like you're just heading home to be honest."

He answered with complete honestly, though didn't this guy would believe him. Why should he after all? Forcewave figured he might as well answer honestly because you know, honesty is the best policy. Taking a quick look around the area to keep track of where this guy was, Forcewave noticed him trying to move closer to him without being noticed. Forcewave just let him act and made no sign of noticing. He did however bring forth his strange electrical energy and prepped it for use just in case. He would go along with whatever this was for the time being. If this guy decided to attack him, then so be it.

Forcewave stood there acting like he wasn't aware of what this guy was doing as he was asked how he even seen this guy in the first place. Forcewave bit his lip and smirked under his mask before answering. "Well, I heard your footsteps and it's not that dark out what with all the streetlights." he said as he heard a noise behind him. Forcewave quickly grabbed one of his tonfas and spun around to face this man. "Now, do you want to talk or are you going to force me to fight because I kind of don't want to do that?" Forcewave asked now kind of suspicious of this guy.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Vengeance Knight April 26th 2015, 4:44 pm

James was surprised how this guy moved. He was good, very good, James could use his help. However, the way this guy was acting now, not so sure. James didn't trust anyone, at least at the moment.

"Stay out of my way boy, you don't know what you're dealing with". James secretly has a button to blast this guy away with a blind flasher. James was running out of time and needed to do what he had to. James thought maybe this guy was part of the meta human beotherhood trying to stop him.

James acted to give in, prepared to press his flasher when least expected. "Okay you win, if that's what you call it", James sobering his voice a bit. He looked in the kids face,"You don't seem like a threat I guess". James lowered his arms, his button planted in his right glove.

"I am just here to do some nightly rounds". James trying to convince this kid, maybe he was a hero or some meta threat. James looked at him again with a smirk,"Well I got plans tonight sorry bud". James pushed his flasher causing a bright white light for a few seconds.

Hopefully blinding the kid James jumped to the edge of the building. He spread his glider cape and jumped off gliding. James had to time for all of this for now, he had to do what was needed to be done. James got his tracker in motion again and glided to the warehouse.

James Kazama
Vengeance Knight
Vengeance Knight

Status :

Quote : "I am the dark of the night, the definition of vengeance, I am Vengeance Knight, I work alone"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Maryland
Age : 35
Job : Analyst
Humor : Decent
Registration date : 2015-03-29

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Off To Protect (Open) Empty Re: Off To Protect (Open)

Post by Forceaus April 28th 2015, 2:48 am

The man in the cloak that liked to try and sneak around told Forcewave that he should stay out the way for he had no idea what he was dealing with. He was partially right. Forcewave didn't know what he was dealing with for this guy wasn't too keen on letting him know, but he didn't think it was something he couldn't possible handle. After all, he had dealt with a fair share of all types of things over the years. His response was to mention something along those lines.

"I would if you would tell me about it. I can probably help you out." he said sounding a bit impatient. "So, what's this big thing going on you don't want me to know about?." he went about asking hoping some information would be provided. Forcewave did indeed feel like he could be of assistance to this guy if he was actually a hero trying to do something heroic. Come to think of it he couldn't be sure this guy was one. He could be a villain running off to kill someone or something. Perhaps he'd find out if this guy were to talk. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

A bright, blinding light came from something in the man's right hand. It left Forcewave briefly unable to see. He kept his barrier up expecting to be attacked while blinded, but nothing came. Instead he heard the man running away. "Dammit." he said as he rapidly opened and closed his eyes to try and regain his vision. Forcewave couldn't tell if it being nighttime made it easier or more difficult for his eyesight to return, but it did. He looked and saw the man flying away on a personal glider towards a warehouse. Not willing to let him get in there without knowing why first, Forcewave started running and aimed to catch up to him and intercept him before he could get in the place.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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