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Training's over [Danny, invite]

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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Silus March 3rd 2015, 10:01 pm

Okay so Silus was late to the game again. That's cool. Because he was busy, really busy. See he had school in his eleven year old form. Then he went to swim practice in his eleven year old form. Right after that he goes to swim practice as his sixteen year old self, because he was on the older team as a "home schooled" kid in a co-op with their school or some bull crap. He forced his dad to do all that stuff, he just went to school. Excelled, as always. Then went to swim practices and excelled there too. Then he came to the Prodigy base and saw Danny in a chair with a gun and a punching bag. He froze and looked to Veronica, his hair still damp.

  "I totally know a villain you can text. He's super easy to annoy and he's like...a REAL DEAL villain. If you annoy him you can totes brag to everyone and they'll totally fear you as the squirrel girl of all villains everywhere." Silus said as he pulled out his phone. He quickly looked between "Diana" and "Dad" as he decided. Who was he going to troll Veronica with. Bloodthirsty lesbian vampire ninja, or gay man-whore extraordinaire? He made his decision. Danny made her decision too it seems. She decided that she was gonna make Veronica a punching bag.

   "Okay so yeah. Watching Danny turn the tables is like a clutch Blitzcrank grab in League. The only thing you can really do is accept the fact you've been chosen and get wrecked son." Silus said as he unzipped his jacket and kicked off his sandals. "Yo, this girl looks familiar...have I seen her anywhere before?" Silus asked as he cocked his head to the side and investigated Veronica

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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 4th 2015, 12:00 am

Okay, so he was dealing with the annoying girl that kept calling him a loser, and that was more than enough to annoy Ryan, who typically did not enjoy such things. So it seemed that she wanted to cause some trouble with his friends, an if that were the case, then he would have to beat her up, even though his mom did say that he should beat up girls. It seemed like a good enough reason to beat her up anyway, since heroes were supposed to beat up villains for being bad guys, much like that Red guy. Absently, Ryan felt over the amulet hanging around his throat, which send a small pule of cold flowing through his fingertips. ”Yeah....I can't let you blow my friends head off.” Ryan noted with a small frown, examining the situation as best he could without any sort of skill in that area.

Luckily, Silus seemed to appear from nowhere as he usually did, not that Ryan had any reason to complain about that. He had said something about having numbers for the female, but Ryan didn't know if heroes were actually supposed to be giving the villains anything. ” Silus.” He said waving to the male who was currently not younger than him. Well, his attention snapped to the whole Danny being pummeled by a punching bag after doing the same to veronica, which looked like it would kill his friend. So Ryan did what came to his mind, which was trying to protect his friend in some fashion. Letting the moisture gather around his fingertips, Ryan unleashed a burst of ice towards the wall closest to Danny, before it would rapidly spread to form some sort of wall that would spread out to protect Danny from the damage, or at least to give her time to scramble out from under it.

”I don't really know her, she just keeps calling me a loser. Her names starts with a V or something like that.” Ryan noted with a shrug.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 4th 2015, 11:50 pm

Adversity beat down upon Danny. "Opal, tag me out. You're doing way better than me." One, two, three shots and then Danny hit the wall.

"See Danny, I'm just better than you. And now, I'm going to steal all your cool stuff." Veronica threw a pink block at Ryan's head to try and knock him to the ground. "Why don't you come hang out with me pill popper? Be a lot better than these losers." Veronica turned away to look at the eleven year old who just strode into the room. "What is a Blitzcrank? Shouldn't you be watching Yo Gaba-Gaba or something."

Duress lifted under a sheet of ice. Danny lifted up and mouthed the words 'thank you' to Ryan. In a mixed effort of both running forward and picking herself up, Danny pushed forward towards Veronica.

I had mixed results. A line of pink ribbon shot out from Veronica's hands and latched around Danny, pulling her in to Veronica's fist, throwing Danny into the air. "Maybe you should redefine Blitzcranking to pulling someone from far away close to you and then punching them into the air." A large pink mallet appeared in Veronica's hands, hanging over Danny's form.

It fell more quiet as Danny threw her foot towards Veronica's solarplex, knocking the hammer from her hand. "I'll stuff your ballot box." Danny shot up to land a blow at Veronica's helmet, pushing the vizor to the side of her head. "Now get out of my gym." One brutal punch from Danny landed against Veronica.

Everything looked amazing until Danny actually made contact. "I got implants Danny. You like?" Danny grabbed her fist and held in a silent scream, before falling over on her side. Pink ribbons wrapped Danny up as Veronica walked towards Silus and Ryan. "Okay, I can't remember what large amounts of money are. A billions a lot right?" Veronica smacked her lips and tangled with her finger. "I want to hang out with some cool villains. So like get me the number and you can hang out with these other losers and give me a billion dollars."

"Okay Opal, I'm now doing as good as you."

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Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 5th 2015, 2:06 pm

"Nope I think you are doing better, you aren't tied up and slowly be crushed to death in what could only be described at a 5 year old's dream superpower." said Opal. She was able to roll herself to the side and out of the way of the fight. Not use being in the fight she was just waiting there. The only down side is that she was now facing a wall and was watching the fight through a mirror. Their was a better way to watch but hey Opal was feeling a bit lazy.

"Someone just give her a number already!" shouted Opal after she felt the pink ribbons tighten around her and then possibly the best thing slipped out of Veronica's mouth.

"I understand you are an air head but when you spend money to make your boobs bigger then your brain is it really worth it? I think you need to reevaluate your life." taunted Opal. Then the ribbons tightened again.

"Ow ow ow, ok! I get it you can kill me at any moment. Just give her the damn number. I don't feel like dying cause we wouldn't give her a phone number." said Opal in obvious pain.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Silus March 5th 2015, 8:17 pm

"pfft... yeah. Sure. I'll go watch that while I continuously text these villains about this weird girl with a V and implants thinks she's cool because she's beating up kids." Silus said as he continued to play on his phone before looking to Opal and glaring at her and using his foot to tap her in the leg. "STOP GIVING THE ENEMY TACTICAL ADVICE!" he hissed quietly to her before looking to Ryan and sighing. Ryan wasn't the brightest and to be honest he was pretty sure he was smart enough to not do that. He quickly returned to his phone and began to punch buttons as if he were texting someone.

  "So I'm totally telling everyone that Danny and Ryan are the latest ship.  We gonna call it "Dyan" because you pretty much dyin' here boss." Silus said as he walked over to Danny leaned down and tagged himself in. "So crazy pink V girl. You just wanna get yo text on right? I tell you what. I'll give you the number of like...the best of the best Villain. He's so good at what he does that people don't even know what to call him. They jsut started calling him Apex, because those other villains are total nerds and he's like...totally the top of the top." Silus said as he started moving through his phone a little.

  "So his number is totally exclusive, but I can't just give ANYONE his number or he'll like...beat me up. So how about we take a selfie of you on a defeated Danny and then I can send it to him and give you his number, so he knows you're legit. Then you can bug him about hacking Danny's parents bank account and taking all her money." Silus said before turning his phone onto camera mode and wiggling it.

 "C'mon. Take a selfie with me. I gotta show the people on Facebook and twitter that Danny got beat up." Silus asked as he tried to tempt the strange V lady with the phone. Of course by now hopefully his friends realized he was just diplomatically solving the issue as he always did. He had his reasons for it too, but hey. No one questions Danny for kicking ass, no one will question him for taking a Selfie. Except for him. He was about to take a selfie...oh god....


Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 6th 2015, 3:30 pm

The energy cube had collide with Ryan's head, yet what happened was what appeared to be him spontaneously being reduced to a puddle of water, droplet spattering outwards as the construct would collide with the wall. This small body of water however, would slowly begin to reform into a Ryan, who looked slightly annoyed by the sudden reduction to liquid. ”Ow....” Ryan grumbled, rubbing his chin even though it hadn't even hurt, but then again that was expecting logic from Ryan. It was then he noticed that Silus seemed to be helping the villain, saying something about knowing someone named Apex, even though he had never heard that name before anywhere.

Maybe it was one of those villains a cool hero like Silus beat up all of the time, though he wasn't too sure of it. Maybe Silus was making it up, or maybe the former answer was true, Ryan was not very sure at this point. That was when he noticed Opal and her...crushing dilemma, with a solution to her problem. Okay, it may have not been such a good idea but then again, this was Ryan. Silus had all of this under control, so no need to do any sort of fighting.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 7th 2015, 3:33 pm

"Hey water-boy!" Pink walls began to form around Ryan to trap him with his watery form. "Don't spill all over the floor. You guys clearly can't afford a decorator. Is Water boy's mom the janitor or something?" While Opal continued to squeeze herself to death, Danny began to quietly roll into a better position. "Yeah, that guy sounds pretty cool. He'll definitely want to meet me. Danny's parents look at bones and stuff for a living. I hear they only get a new car every other year and I hear they bought a Mercedes E class. They probably buy Danny books for her birthday or something."  Veronica left behind her villainous monologue when Silus interrupted her about taking a selfie. Under the scope of her vanity, Veronica continued to ignore Danny. "I would love to put a picture of me and Danny up online. We can do a selfie, but you could take it of me and Danny. Like a far away selfie taken by someone else."

"That's called taking a picture!" Danny bit down hard on Veronica's ankle.

"Danny! No biting!" Veronica kicked her leg up and sheltered her hand around the wound. "Gross! I have Danny germs on me."

Putting her center of gravity between her shoulder blades, Danny lifted her legs in the air, supporting her frame with her wrapped arms. Once her legs came to full point, Danny brought her legs down on Veronica's head. "Maybe you can learn to read in prison." Throwing forth the strength in her legs to put her into an upward position, Danny jumped off her ankles to land on top of Veronica, putting the pink bindings wrapped around her legs against Veronica's throat.

"Danny...can't...breathe...Danny!" Veronica turned from pink to red to blue. Danny finally let go of Veronica once the pink bindings started to fade away. Without consciousness, all the other pink energy constructs would begin to fade away.

A harsh glare shown on Danny's face as she braced herself with her freed hands. "Does anyone have a problem with how that was handled?"

Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 7th 2015, 4:05 pm

"Do you really think if she killed somebody who is being called a queen her underlings would just go quite?" Opal quietly hissed back. Well she honestly didn't know, but it was a safe guess. She rolled around to view the fight after she heard a large splashing sound and couldn't find where it came from. Apparently the first guy what showed up was make of water. It was interesting. And then something surprising happened. While Veronica was distracted Danny was able to get the pink bindings around her neck. What followed was slow and drawn out as Veronica gasped for air. Once she past out the pink bindings disappeared and Opal gasped loudly as she felt the air return to her lungs. She sat her self up and looked at Danny, still catching her breath.

"Considering I'm no long slowly being crushed to death, no. You'll get no complaint from me, once again you saved my life." said Opal. She felt around the brace that sat on her ankle and seemed to be relieved when putting pressure on it did nothing more then make it feel a bit sore. Opal of would of hated to be forced to wear this damn thing longer then she had to.

"Well I was going to complain about my final day here not having any action but I think I am actioned out for now. Anyone wanna catch a movie?" said Opal. She walked over to Veronica and looked over her suit. She pulled some plugs and removed some parts of the suit, but nothing that would leave the girl indecent.

"I can probably make some stuff out of this suit, maybe upgraded security functions." said Opal as she looked over some of the parts.

"She must of been dying in this suit. A lot of this stuff is really heavy duty."
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Silus March 10th 2015, 2:12 am

Come on can Danny just pull a reversal here and get this done already! Oh hey look she reversed this. Then she asked if anyone had a problem with how she handled that. "Well you didn't murder her and you're still cooler than Gamma. Nope you did everything right. Even took advantage of my distraction." Silus said with a chipper tone. Oh he knew what she was glaring at, but he really didn't care. He honestly was all about her doing it herself because if he tried to fix the situation for her she was gonna yell and bleed everywhere, or that's what his dad said girls do when you try to fix their problems. Silus didn't want Danny to bleed everywhere because if she did she might die. And she was pretty cool...and Ryan's girlfriend so he totally had to remember that. If anything happened to Danny Silus would feel awful. (Cue the piano falling on her!) Silus quickly blinked three times with a deer in headlights look to the window above, hoping to God that the humorous stray thought didn't actually cause anything to change. This is why him being 16 was an issue. Damn hormones messed with his powers.

  "Uhm..okay so you're not a bad guy? Uhm...sure. Do I have time to like... get into actual clothes? 'Cuz I don't wanna just like...walk around in my warm-ups." Silus said. He quickly vanished into the prodigy base and went to the armory. A.K.A the storage room so he could quickly change. Despite sliding on his own swim suit a little and bagged by a wreath he was relatively happy. Quickly deciding that it was time for a shift he changed ages and emerged form the armory, hair still a little damp despite his best efforts. He put his older forms clothing into a Wal-mart bag and tied it before reuniting himself with the others. Naturally he stuck with his more familiar friend and stood next to Ryan, substantially smaller than him now that he was his 11 year old self. "So something about a movie?"

Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 12th 2015, 5:34 pm

Ryan had been expecting some kind of epic fight with the weird pink girl, but in the end Danny ended up choking her out, though the sight had been rather....unnerving. Not that Ryan would say anything about it, because she was just too scary at this point, and it suddenly got really hot in here. Now the question was....where the hell did his shirt go? Because one minute it was there, and now its on the floor, sort of sitting there like “Why did you abandon me Ryan?” That aside, he had totally forgotten about said shirt the moment movies were brought up, because man did he love movies. ”I like movies.” Ryan said with his usual chipper grin, burying his hands into his pockets and sort of looking around.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 14th 2015, 5:10 pm

Danny put the patented Prodigy villain restraining device around Veronica's wrist a little tighter than the generally well meaning hero group would recommend in their "How to Avoid Hero Brutality" Section. Danny did not write that section. Or, at least the Danny currently cuffing Veronica and dragging her by her feet did not. "Move sounds good. I'll meet up with you guys later. I'm going to take her down to the holding cells. I'll be sure to count every stair on the way down."

Danny stood at the top of the stairs for at least two minutes before she decided not to drag Veronica down the stairs with her head hitting every stair on the way down. The stupid suit was thrown down with little to no care, leaving Veronica in the tight, pink designer villain regalia she acquired. The click of the heels echoed through the hallway with each step sounding out. Without much comfort, the door to the cell slammed behind Veronica to lock her in tight.

After showering and slipping into something not covered in sweat, the only thing Danny needed to do before walking out to meet up with the rest of the group currently occupied a cell in the basement. "It's kind of creepy our cells are in the basement. Like we have a girl locked up in our basement. Maybe we should get a space jail or something." Flipping on the light switch to the prison block, Danny stepped out to see all the cell doors wide open.

"Danny, this place is boring. What do you guys even do around here?" A pink bar shot out and thrust Danny into the wall.

"You broke in. I would say you can leave, but you are a criminal and need to go to prison." Half of Danny's words slurred through the half of her face smeered against the wall.

"Nah, that sounds boring. Sounds more like something up your alley."

For the next few minutes, Danny would occupy Veronica's old jail cell. Right up until the ever resourceful Danny used her ever resourceful bracelet to help her get the cell door open. Hoping for a chance to catch Veronica in the act of doing something stupid, Danny only found the entire inside of the Prodigy mansion recolored to a very hot pink. A pink banister rail gave Danny an ample place to bang her head against. "Ow. That is so much harder than before."

The person responsible for this would probably leave behind a pink trail to follow, but for now, Danny would just make her way to the theater before informing everyone of the ill befallen upon them. "We should get a space jail."

Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 15th 2015, 10:25 pm

"Cool, this one is on me guys." said Opal. Although before she left she ran up to her room and took a quick shower just to get the sweat off of her. She could relax after she returned from the movie. She walked down the stairs and met up with Ryan and Silus before heading out with them.

"You sure it's ok that we don't wait for Danny?" said Opal as they trio walked towards the theater. Opal was mainly following them and she just realised she still had no idea who these guys names were.

"By the way guys what are your names? Mine's Opal. I know I haven't really introduced myself but Danny has been working me to the bone with last week. Oh also what was with that weird age changing thing you did? That was pretty cool." said Opal, soundly slightly annoyed by the end of her sentence and then focusing on Silus. After a short walk they arrived at the theater and Opal looked up and the now showing sign.

"So since we have to wait for Danny to decide but that do you guys want to see?"
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Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Silus March 23rd 2015, 10:45 pm

So they should get a space base? Silus actually smiled. He wasn't able to tell them about "The Vigil" or he'd totally recommend they steal it from The Agency. Sadly doing this made him twitch from the little shock that the shackle shot through him. He looked to Opal and then to Danny again. He might not be able to help them with a space base, but he DID know how he could help them with containing villains.

"Well I suggested I just make paintings and then like...throw them into it like a portal and trap them there. But apparently something about that obstructs the justice system apparently... I still say you let me make a painted prison though. Can't get through those easy." Silus said, slightly proud of himself as he pondered the abilities of the painted prisons he used to contain plenty of villains...when he wasn't busy distracting them or talking to them.

"Oh, what movie should we see...uhm. I dunno. Danny, Ryan?" Silus asked.

Training's over [Danny, invite] - Page 2 Lucife10
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