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Training's over [Danny, invite]

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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis February 28th 2015, 12:28 pm

Right hook, jump back, left sweep, target is now on the ground. Move in, incapacitate, move to the next. Opal repeated these motions, alternating between her left and right. Left hook, dodge, right sweep, dodge, right uppercut, incapacitate, jump back, next opponent. It was nearing the end of her week here and she had been training almost every single day. She had improved significantly, her power made it easy to learn the moves, but the trouble relied in making them second nature. Through out her training she had been able to copy Danny's moves once she saw them, but recalling those moves later on when sparring was where the trouble rest. Although right now she was training against a bunch of training dummies. It was still relatively early in the morning, around 7 am on a Friday. Normally waking up at this time would of been hell for Opal but she couldn't sleep. Even though she improved a lot she felt like she hadn't improved enough. After what happened awhile back it had been giving her nightmares. She could of died there and all because she was to cocky. If Danny hadn't been there she would of been blown up into little pieces, never to see any of her friends or family again.

Opal lets out a frustrated yell and punch the training dummy as hard as she could. She broke throw the padding on the dummy and hit the metal rod that was it's core. Even wearing padded gloves she felt it. She pulled her hand back and shook as it that would get rid of the pain. After moving her hand and fingers a bit she realized her hand wasn't broken and she was just over reacting. Panting Opal walked over to her water bottle and took a drink. Opal was wearing a light blue sports bra covered by a very lose fitting grey sleeveless shirt. She wore a pair of black yoga pants and a pair of blue shoes. Opal sat down on a bench and took off the padded gloves, tossing them next to her on the bench. Sweat covered her body, honestly she had no idea how long she had been wailing on the training dummies. As far as she knew Danny and the other where at school. She honestly never talked to the others much, usually she had to deal with Danny tell her to run laps or do some other workout
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 28th 2015, 11:43 pm

After a long day of high school activities, Danny got ready for some release. Dropping her bag to the ground, Danny walked towards the punching bag with a crack of her knuckles. "Those things don't punch back." Sweat still rested on her pink tank top and green shorts from the hours of cheerleading practice. Before Opal got around to saying anything, Danny would throw a punch at Opal's face. "Villains don't wait for formalities either."

Spinning to change her stance, Danny got ready for her next move. "There's no plant lady to tie you up, so you can't blame losing on that." Knowing Opal possessed a weakness in that she needed to see Danny work first, Danny held back in a defensive stance, daring Opal to come at her. "You sound smarter with tape over your mouth." Provoking the first blow would be the first thing she needed, but not the last. Danny wanted to get Opal mad, but not furious. Not yet at least. "Wanna hear a momma joke? Yo momma so protective, she keeps you from knowing about life and you eventually become a drug addict out of rebellion."

Training's over [Danny, invite] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 1st 2015, 12:28 am

Opal sat on the bench staring at the ground, still breathing pretty heavily. She had been at it all day. She sensed someone come in but didn't look up, she didn't really have a need to, it's not like she would be in danger. Or that is what she though. She sensed it before she even looked up. The vibrations traveled through the ground, Opal dodge as she looked up, a look of surprise on her face.

"Well we aren't villains!" shouted Opal in surprise, jumping up. She took a final sip of water and tossed her water back on the bench. Opal was tired but apparently Danny wanted to spar.

"Oh come on I've been at it all day can't I get a break really?" said Opal, trying to ignore Danny's rather annoying insults. Opal was doing her best to ignore Danny and then the your momma joke happened.

"H-Hey! That was just uncalled for, my mom was a great Mom!" said Opal, visibly ticked off now.It wasn't even a good your momma joke either.

"Do you know what? Fine, you wanna fight, you can have one. I really hoped we could actually be friends and I may of actually would of made a friend by myself. " said Opal. She then moved on the offensive, repeating the motions she had been practicing for hours at this point.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 1st 2015, 6:45 am

"Friends?" Danny would catch Opal by the wrist with a defensive hold before pressing her foot into Opal's torso. "Let's redefine friendship as me kicking your ass and get to know each other." Once her footing looked secure, Danny would roll back to flip Opal over. "Your offense sucks. I can get a bucket of ice if you think that would help you lose faster." If Opal tried to get up too quickly, Danny would try to deliver a soft kick to Opal's injured ankle to remind her of what went wrong last time. "I'm not going to tell you how to win this fight by showing you an offense." Danny would step back to her feet and keep circling the mat, dead stared and as provocative of her opponent. "Throw something, momma's girl."

Training's over [Danny, invite] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 1st 2015, 1:30 pm

Next thing Opal knew she saw flat on her back. The training mat supplied some comfort but it still hurt like hell. She squirmed light and Danny tapped the ankle still covered in a brace. Danny shot another taunt and Opal stood up, still frustrated. She was still breathing heavily from her earlier work out but she had gotten in one of the practiced stances she by now was almost used to. Opal walked over to her water bottle and took another drink of of it, at this point she kinda wished it was something stronger then water. She got slightly annoyed as Danny kept taunting her.

"Fine!" said Opal, she tossed he bottle of water at Danny, running up to her as she did. If any of her kicks or punches connected she would sweep her legs from under her then grab on of her arms and hold it behind her back. If wasn't anything Danny had taught her in the past, Opal was just flipping through the channels and saw the same move when the channel landed of wrestling for a few moments.

"I don't have to watch you attack to be able to fight." said Opal.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 1st 2015, 2:09 pm

What plan Danny laid appeared to be working, but working and helping did not seem correlated. "Is the water for your swollen pride? I can see where that would..." The thrown bottle caught Danny off guard. Without time to think about her next actions, Danny merely tried to catch the bottle, leaving Opal for her impromptu display of martial arts. Three of the blows got through before Danny could access her bracelet for an escape plan. Memories began to swell in Danny's legs, but Opal pinned her arm behind her back, cutting off her supply of knowledge. "Alright, you got me. Now get off!" Losing the supply from her bracelet took away Danny's otherworldly fighting skills, making her Opal without the television supply.

A sound of clapping came from the halls. "Good job. It's nice to see Danny get what she deserves." Stepping out from the corridor into the gym, a blond woman clad in all pink spun a gun around her trigger finger.

"Veronica, you need to get out of..."
Frustrated at her position for arguing, Danny tried to get her head around to Opal. "Can you get off me? I go to school with her. We don't exactly get along..."

"Danny's jealous of me. Can't blame her."  

"What are you wearing? And how did you get here?"

"First, this is what my parents got me for my quarter birthday. The best meta enhancements to do this..."
A large hammer formed in the air and crashed into the ground. "At first they didn't want to get me the gun, because it's like dangerous, but how dangerous is this?" A blast fired towards a punching bag, igniting the bag. "I just followed you home Danny. Not very good superhero work. I'm here to join this hero thingy. My first order is to kick Danny out of course."

"Okay, you've had fun, now leave, before I make you leave."
As Danny poked Veronica harshly in the chest, pink bars would wrap around Danny's arms.

"Do you see how violent she is. And hurtful. We don't need this level of toxicity from a spoiled rich girl."

"You're holding me back with technology your parents bought."

"Danny, please be quiet while I talk with my new teammate. Hi, I'm Veronica."
Extending her hand like a sleazy politician, Veronica would put forth her bubbly exterior against Danny's condescending one. "Don't you just hate how Danny always talks down to everyone. I mean, who does she think she is? She's so arrogant she led me here; what if someone dangerous followed her?"

Training's over [Danny, invite] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 1st 2015, 3:02 pm

Opal got off of Danny, rather proud of herself. Although this new guest seemed to be less then welcomed. Opal could feel bad vibes coming off this girl. She had learned to most avoid people like that but it seemed like it might not be the case this time. Opal watched from a distance and Danny tried to deal with the girl, only to be caught in come pink bars. She then approached Opal with a bubbly personality. Opal didn't need her seismic sense to tell how fake it was. But Opal matched her bubbly demeanor, although Opal's seemed more sincere.

"Opal." said Opal greeting Veronica. The moment Opal had her in the hand shake sure shifted her stance and flipped Veronica. She quickly grabbed the strange fire gun and then walked over to Danny, helping her out of her pink restraints.

"I think Danny was pretty clear when she asked you to leave. Also don't try to lie with me, you couldn't even if you tried." said Opal, pointing the gun at Veronica.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 1st 2015, 4:16 pm

"First of all, how dare you. Second, you have no idea how hard it is to pretend to be nice to people like you. Now, if you don't mind. I'm going to need that back." A large pink fist larger than Veronica appeared in front of her. It opened it's palm to that of a large slapping gesture and shot forward towards Danny and Opal. Freed from the pink bindings around her, Danny grabbed Opal and pushed her out of the way before the hand could crush them. "Hey, Danny be careful. She has a brace on her ankle." Another fist would show up above Opal and slam down on her ankle.

More beams of pink constructions would form and make vicious swipes at Danny and Opal as Veronica continued her attack in the gym. "Okay, we need to work together." Danny jumped behind the weight rack as a large fist barely missed her. "We'll go at her from different sides, but launch the same attack. Got it?" Even though Danny's plan sounded good enough in theory, it overlooked the fact that if Veronica managed to snag Danny, Opal would need to come up with her fighting moves.

Training's over [Danny, invite] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 1st 2015, 4:42 pm

"At least I'm not the one trespassing and acting like I own the place. I kinda like this gun, maybe i'll keep it." teased Opal. The pair dodged a flurry of pink fists, soon taking cover behind a rack of weights. Opal nodded with to Danny as she listened to the plan, she put the gun at her side, using her pants to keep it close enough in case she needed to draw the gun. She waited for Danny to start before darting out on her own. She followed Danny on the opposite side of the room. So far so good, this girl seemed to be more focused on Danny at the moment. Opal followed Danny and then it got to the point where they could attack. Then Opal noticed something, not through her eyes but through her seismic sense, there was something under the ground, it looked like a metal hand of some sort and it was head towards Danny.

"Danny, watch out! It's coming from under you!" shouted Opal. She rushed at Veronica, she wasn't sure Danny would escape in time so she needed to get Veronica. Opal would try to slide, knocking her legs out from under her. If that work it would then become a struggle to try and hold this girl down.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 2nd 2015, 1:02 am

Part of the plan went off without a hitch. Sadly, it was the part where they both charged Veronica and not the part where they subdued her. When the first barrier swung for Danny, she dodged it nimbly and saw her opening for Veronica. Unfortunately, Veronica took sight of it too, and put up a pink construct to hit Danny square in her solar plexus. Danny dropped hard. "Cheap hit. I'm going to knock you from the top of the pyramid."

On the other side of the room, Opal got much closer to Veronica. Close enough the try kicking her legs out from under her. Sadly, Opal stopped just short of her goal when the slide ended in a pink wall. The wall grew in stature until Veronica blew a kiss towards it. The balance shifted and the construct would fall upon Opal wrapping her from head to toe in pink ribbons. "I'll be taking that back if you don't mind."

Once Opal could no longer put up a fight, Veronica would take her gun and point it directly at Danny's head, a split second before Danny's fist were coming towards Veronica's head. "Not so fast."
"I'm glad this isn't the backseat of a car or the universe would've exploded." Danny put her fist down to try and deescalate the situation. "I'm sorry, you don't get that. I called you a slut." Situation escalated again.

"You think you're so smart, but all that thinking just gets you good grades."

"Wait, is that it? Was that the insult?"

"Yeah, cause people who get good grades are nerds."

"Just like the embryo of the first pregnancy 'scare' you 'avoided', this will not end well."

"You said that when I cheated to edge you out for cheerleading captain. Now look at me. Bet you didn't see it ending like this."

Danny sat on her thoughts for a minute. "This is definitely a surprise."

"I came here for one reason and one reason only, first, to turn all your friends against you, two..."

"You should really go to math sometime."
A quick hit of the pink pistol smacked against Danny's head. With a grimace, Danny returned her hands to the up right position.

"Two, to get your villain list and find some cool bad guys to hang out with. What about the guy who kidnapped you; what's his name?"

"I hate him with almost every fiber in my being, and even I would not send you to him."

Training's over [Danny, invite] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 2nd 2015, 5:54 pm

She felt it when she hit the pink wall that appeared almost out of nowhere, in a matter of moments the wall fell on top of her then became ribbons to tie her up. How it worked she had no idea but she had the feeling she would feel that wall tomorrow morning. Veronica walked over and grabbed the gun. Every time Opal tried to free herself the ribbons would tighten and holder her down even tighter then before.

"You know I can understand why people liked to be tied up, I don't think I am one of those people." said Opal trying to free herself. After a few moments she stopped and gave herself a break, thinking of what to do and listening to Veronica and Danny go at it.

"Wait! Is that really what this is about? Danny called you a cheater so you go all super villain on her. For the love of god do you even think? Tell how does that suit even work? What would happen is someone cut those wires that connect the battery pack. Yes it's a smart design for defensive measures, put the battery in the back of the suit under the armor but it must generate a lot of heat." said Opal, her eyes where closed but that was because she was looking at Veronica's suit.

"Between the cheap metal and only two really exhaust ports you must be burning up. You can't even sit without raising your body temperature can you." said Opal trying to taunt Veronica while trying to help out Danny in anyway. Opal tried to struggle against her binds even more, only to be crushed a bit by them. Opal mentally face palmed cause now they where tight enough where it was become heard to breath. Opal opened her eyes again to look at this horribly colored suit, cringing a bit when she did.

"Ok, suit weaknesses aside did you really think you could storm in here and everyone would trust you? Hell Danny doesn't trust me enough to let me go a week without a drug test, what makes you think anyone else would trust ya when they barely trust me."
said Opal, gasping for air at this point.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 2nd 2015, 6:39 pm

Reading, once Ryan had gotten an understanding of it, he actually enjoyed it. That was what he was doing in his room in the Prodigy base/manor thing, squinting fiercely and trying to read a book Silus had picked out for him to read, and so far he actually liked it, aside from a few words he did not quite understand. True, it wasn't one of those long novels but he was getting there, as far as the whole reading thing was concerned. Well, he was reading until he heard what sounded like something crashing, though where was the question. It was like a teenage boy couldn't read Harry Potter half naked in their room without people trying to destroy their homes these days. Digging around the crumpled sheets for his book mark, Ryan shoved that into the book before slipping on some shorts and a muscle shirt.

Dropping the book down on the bed, he slipped out into the hallway still wondering what that sound was. Wait, wasn't Danny supposed to be training that one girl she brought home not too long ago? That probably explained the whole loud noises thing, and if that were the case, then he would need to check up on them in the weight room. Running fingers through slightly messy light brown hair, Ryan made his way to the weight room now more curious than anything. If he remembered, Danny had cool kung fu skills, but he did not know what this other girl did, so he would have to find out. This involved remembering where the weight room was, and knowing Ryan's memory that was something he would have somewhat of a hard time doing.

Okay, it only took a few minutes but that's not the point at all. What he found at the weight room was not the expected thing, since it involved that really mean blonde girl who's name he had forgotten; except that it started with a V. New girl was tied up and Danny had a gun to her head, all of it not cool at all. ”Woah, I don't know whats goin on but this does not look right.” Ryan noted probably loud enough for everyone there to hear him. ”Danny, what's goin on here?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 2nd 2015, 10:06 pm

"I much prefer to do the tying up. Right Danny?"

"Why would I know what you are referring to? This isn't even an inside joke or a..."
The pistol smacked Danny in the head again.

"I'm the one doing the talking here. Now, tell me where the book is."

"You can't be making this up as you go." Danny deflected the pistol before it hit her again, but knew she still couldn't rush Veronica just yet. "Why would a villain even want you around? You're more high maintenance than a death ray and half as smart." Before Veronica could accost Danny with any direct attack, Ryan wandered in looking even more lost than usual.

"What's up loser?" Veronica turned her head to Ryan before poking Danny in the head with her gun. "I'm going to blow your girlfriends heads off unless someone gets me the phone number of a really cool villain. I need to get my text game on." Veronica performed a massive hair flip before awaiting Ryan's reply. "I'm waiting..."

Danny shot directly down and grabbed Veronica's leg, throwing her off balance and putting herself on top of the pink villain. "Danny, stop, you're punching too hard."

"I'm. Not. Done."
Blow after blow landed on Veronica before a pink hand finally threw Danny across the room, hitting a punching bag.

"You're so done Danny." A pink fist grabbed the punching bag, ripping it from the ceiling and beginning to pummel Danny with the massive bag. "This is how a cheerleading captain gets things done."

Training's over [Danny, invite] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Artemis March 2nd 2015, 10:28 pm

"Oh hey umm... give me a moment... You are Ryan right? Sorry I am bad with names. Anyway cliff notes hmm... ok. I was sparring all day so I am rather tired, Danny shows up from after school and we start to spar cause Danny is slap happy. I pin Danny, which by the way is a major accomplishment for me anyway, when Miss Pretty in Pink shows up, tries to join and kick Danny out. We fight a bit, I gets wrapped up and they fight a bit." said Opal, feeling really helpless at the moment. She struggled against the pink bindings, only to have them tighten again.

"Oh yeah, did I mentioned all this happened because Danny called The V word over there out on cheating. Also I am also getting crushed to death every time I move even a bit so breathing is kinda hard right now." said Opal. There really much she could do now unless she could escape but as it stood she was stuck. Then an idea popped in her head.

"Oh hey Veronica you want to know of a cool villain? Danny and I heard of one when in New York... kinda. We ran into one of her subordanants but they kept talking about a Queen of some sort. So how about instead of beating us up now you go to New York, kick this queen's ass and return with an Army? Whatca say? Why have a shallow victory now when you can have a greater one later." said Opal, just thinking of some way to get this women off their backs.
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Training's over [Danny, invite] Empty Re: Training's over [Danny, invite]

Post by Silus March 3rd 2015, 10:01 pm

Okay so Silus was late to the game again. That's cool. Because he was busy, really busy. See he had school in his eleven year old form. Then he went to swim practice in his eleven year old form. Right after that he goes to swim practice as his sixteen year old self, because he was on the older team as a "home schooled" kid in a co-op with their school or some bull crap. He forced his dad to do all that stuff, he just went to school. Excelled, as always. Then went to swim practices and excelled there too. Then he came to the Prodigy base and saw Danny in a chair with a gun and a punching bag. He froze and looked to Veronica, his hair still damp.

  "I totally know a villain you can text. He's super easy to annoy and he's like...a REAL DEAL villain. If you annoy him you can totes brag to everyone and they'll totally fear you as the squirrel girl of all villains everywhere." Silus said as he pulled out his phone. He quickly looked between "Diana" and "Dad" as he decided. Who was he going to troll Veronica with. Bloodthirsty lesbian vampire ninja, or gay man-whore extraordinaire? He made his decision. Danny made her decision too it seems. She decided that she was gonna make Veronica a punching bag.

   "Okay so yeah. Watching Danny turn the tables is like a clutch Blitzcrank grab in League. The only thing you can really do is accept the fact you've been chosen and get wrecked son." Silus said as he unzipped his jacket and kicked off his sandals. "Yo, this girl looks familiar...have I seen her anywhere before?" Silus asked as he cocked his head to the side and investigated Veronica

Training's over [Danny, invite] Lucife10
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