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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 6th 2016, 2:27 am

Southern California always found a way to be interesting. Anywhere else, a cheerleading camp would only draw overzealous parents and pervs, but for some odd reason, a slew of influential fashion designers found their way to this years Southern California Cheerleader Competition. Most likely they just wanted to scout new talent, but something sinister lurked under the surface. Because, everything found a way to be interesting in Southern California.

Danny found the perfect persona to infiltrate the event- herself. Tsukimi did not know the ins and outs of this odd culture, but found the red and black outfit to be fine enough for her infiltration. The outfits contained some secrets to put them a step over the competition. Mitsuko threaded out a pair of special fabrics to increase the revitalization of their muscles and increase the speed and force they could generate force. Not bad for non requisitioned gear. The sleeves on both outfits could ground electricity, keep body temperatures normal, and held Danny's bracelet in perfect place for access.

Their solo investigation took a few hours, but the two girls from rival schools finally met back up behind the main auditorium. Something needed to be discussed. "This is kind of a trashy event. The ones in Northern California are way better." Danny backed herself against the wall in her regular school colors of green and yellow.

Tsukimi watched Danny drop her posture to show some level of fatigue. "In Japan we have cleaner public buildings. Also, those fashion designers hired one of the cheerleading teams to help them rob a weapons facility hidden among the civilian population four blacks away."

"And how did you-"

"This school is doing it." Tsukimi stretched out the logo on her sweater. "I don't think I can go back to their group again since I kinda spied on them."

"Well, strength in numbers I guess. We can call in Mitsy if we need her. She wants to do cheerleading things, that don't require coordination."

Mitsuko made her way through the vast amount of cheerleaders, examining their outfits in her own blue and black outfit. Her reconnaissance rested entirely upon discovering what these fashion designers hoped to launch in the fall, but the amount of attention the little woman put in her effort came across as very suspicious to the would be thieves. Lost in all of the information the three girls barely pieced together all rested with just whom was behind this plot, and why Danny felt like punching someone in the face so badly.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 6th 2016, 5:55 pm

"You're sure this is exactly what they have?"Alpha asked with a raised brown, looking to Zeta while his fingers still worked over a keyboard rhythmically. The sound of their clicking was the only thing that filled the air for a few moments before they spoke up.

" 110% certain Alpha. My...erm contacts know stuff and this is part of that stuff." Not exactly inspiring of confidence but then again if they were right then this would likely be something he would want. The male had even gone as far as to provide plans of the location they were going to steal this device from but nothing extensive about the device itself. Likely the people were under the assumption it was some manner of weapon and on the wrong hands that was what it was. However, Alpha had better plans for it rather than reaping lives. Along with him was Theta who had insisted that she be brought along with them on their little expedition.

All of them were dressed in casual attire, save for of course Theta who was ready for an infiltration role. While Danny may have known who he was, that didn't meant that anyone with her did, and he didn't need that small fact getting around quite yet. Reveals would be made in time, but Travis didn't feel like he needed to be Alpha now. "You have sources? I didn't know booty calls provided reliable information."Alpha noted with a slightly devious smirk. For some reason that caused their cheeks to turn red for a brief moment before Zeta actually responded.

"No...I have actually informants." He responded nonplussed, pouting and turning his attention to the window.

"Seems a little odd for some cheerleaders to want to rob a weapons facility." He muttered to himself as the vehicle pulled up before what looked to be their location.Getting Ellen into the entourage was a little difficult but something Alpha managed to do nonetheless. After all, not like they would look too suspiciously upon a female within their group rather than someone like Zeta. Not that he wouldn't go against being a cheerleader but that was beside the point. So as the female stepped out of the vehicle Alpha would do the same. It was slightly chilly, but nothing to complain about, in fact the breeze felt refreshing when one thought back on it. There were fashion designers here, some of them that had hired one of the cheerleading teams to steal something and he had an idea who they were. regardless, the fashions presented were decent, and would have been his type if his chromosomal makeup was different.

"Love these kind of things. So many h..." Before he could finish the sentence, he found his mouth being forced shut by an invisible force.

"Yeah yeah hotties.SometimesI really get tired of that promiscuous attitude of yours Aaron. Anyway let's keep an eye out for Ellen and her....whatevers." Travis Masters was there more to show an interest in the fashion designers and that was what he would do. Walking along, catching the occasional eye of a cheerleader while chatting with a few of the designers about their latest lines and release dates that were coming up.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 6th 2016, 8:49 pm

"So you can't go back, but you know where they are, so it looks like you and I are going to spy on them and see if they do anything." Their conversation outside coincided with the arrival of Travis and his clique inside, catching Danny and Tsukimi unawares as they prepared the next portion of their plan. "All we do is play it normal and don't look suspicious."

"Don't look suspicious, while we are spying on people." Tsukimi opened the door back to the large exhibit room. "So we aren't spying."

Beyond the exhibit room laid a number of different rooms made into make shift locker rooms. "We are spying, but not looking suspicious. Does suspicious mean something different in Japanese?"

"It means doing it right. I don't think going back to where they are will do us very good if they spot me." Tsukimi brushed past Aaron, dressed in his casual attire, completely oblivious to his background and keeping Danny distracted.

"Well, then they won't spot us, they will just-" Danny reached out and grabbed Tsukimi's arm. "Suzy, stop. That girl works for Alpha." Danny watched as Ellen trailed off towards the squads of cheerleaders. "We're going to arrest her. Do you have a roll of duct tape handy."

"That sounds like kidnapping." Tsukimi shook her arm free while taking one step forward, before realizing she did not want to go towards the makeshift locker rooms.

"Kidnapping, arresting, they're cut from the same cloth, but we're arresting."

"Jesus is watching you and my ancestors are watching me. They won't be happy about this. Let's go get a roll of duct tape."

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 7th 2016, 9:01 am

Things seemed to be going as Travis planned for the moment, infiltrations and whatnot. Aaron seemed pleased with themselves anyway as they just took in the sights, whatever those sights were he could easily guess. It didn't require much guesswork to know what was going on his mind. "So many teenaged girls. Surprised I'm not getting heckled by anyone." He noted with enough volume that likely Aaron would be the only one to hear him.

"Try not to sound too disappointed. Who knows, maybe your girlfriend will be here." Just the implication of them was enough to put a frown on his face, as quickly as it faded away. Things should be going well, that being until Aaron's eyes stopped upon one particular person. "Speak of the devil and they will probably have duct tape. I see a Danny and...they probably saw Ellen. Not good at all." Aaron noted with a shrug, burying his hands into his pockets.

"I should've known the moment I was told this was a cheerleading competition." Travis sighed considering whether or not he should do anything about this small problem. Perhaps she could help more than hurt, if things were done right anyway. Ellen had for the most part burrowed her way into the squad of cheerleaders, so likely Danny would need to get her alone or at the very least in duct taping safe areas. This meant he could perhaps get the jump on her as well, if that were his prerogative.

"So what we gonna do about her?"

"Well I have my own plans on how to deal with Tamamoa, and you have your orders so go do those." Travis said rather sternly, an idea already brewing. With hands buried into his pockets, he approached the female and her companion. Socializing may have not sounded like the smartest idea, but then again being in public gave him his own personal shield. "Danny, what a coincidence meeting you here." He said with a slightly chipper tone, keeping an eye on the woman with her. This likely gave Ellen the time she needed to go about her little infiltrating.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 7th 2016, 4:30 pm

Mitsuko did her best to try and stalk a well dressed woman with her camera phone. Not drawing the attention of the woman walking with her Blue Tooth passed for successful infiltration for Mitsuko, however, Mitsuko's intentions had nothing to do with the removal of weapons, but for the taste of the woman's skirt suit. The success of her spying did not pass the approval of a cheerleader. A firm grip wrapped around Mitsuko's shoulder, pulling her around. "I'm going to need for you to come with me."

"Um." Mitsuko looked down to her camera. "No?" A moment of silence sat between the two until Mitsuko finally took flight. The smaller girl darted through the throngs of people, trying to put distance between her and the red and black clad cheerleader. Mitsuko flew through a door. Turning around, she searched for a lock and slid the bolt into place. She turned around with a sigh of relief and set her gaze on the squad of red and black cheerleaders, huddled around a hole in the ground.

After Tsukimi found a roll of duct tape, she met back up with Danny. It had taken a few minutes, but Danny kept her eyes focused on where Ellen disappeared off to, giving her a few guesses as to where Ellen would try to search. "Ready?" Danny examined Tsukimi and the tool she found.

"This seems shady. Just saying."

"Noted and-" Danny gave no heed at all to the approach of Travis through her blindside. "Oh, Travis, you're here." Danny looked for a few words to say, but kept them back. "This is Suzy."

Suzy put out her hand to shake Travis, but revealed the roll of duct tape. To save face, Tsukimi quickly put out her other hand, before just resorting to a bow. "Yeah. Respect my culture please."

"She is very- aw screw it. Why are you here?" Danny would give Travis a moment to explain himself before she developed a good idea. "Oh my god! It's Travis Masters!" Danny gave all of her emotion into the statement, while Tsukimi merely tried to understand why Danny changed so quickly. A horde of girls would amass around Travis, while Danny and Tsukimi would bolt towards the locker rooms.

"Who are you?" A blond cheerleader stepped towards Mitsuko, unlocking the door Mitsuko tried to bar with her body. The door swung open, shoving Mitsuko into the cheerleader who challenged her.

"She was snapping picture of Ms. Veracelia. Trying to find out why what we plan on stealing." The cheerleader who had pursued Mitsuko took the small girl by the arm again and led her into the locker room.

"No, no, I just liked her skirt and the jacket fit very nicely." The futile attempts Mitsuko threw at the cheerleaders did little persuade the cheerleaders as they pulled her closer to the tunnel. A few benches were pushed against the side of the lockers with pieces of flooring under them, completing the perfect disguise to fit over the tunnel once the deed had been done. "That's a nice hole. Did you dig it?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 7th 2016, 4:51 pm

Danny was understandably surprised by him being here, considering that likely she had not expected him to just walk up to her. Made it the perfect strategy, compared to his usual hide behind the scenes mastermind approach to things. Quickly she introduced her friend as Suzy, though something told him that was not exactly the case. They extended a hand gripping a roll of duct tape, before switching a hand in some attempt to save face, which he shook lightly but firmly enough. "It's a pleasure to meet you miss." He said with a nod, before withdrawing his hands to his side and listening to Danny who had asked why he was here. Didn't seem she was too keen on his presence, but that was usually her reaction to him being around. "Oh you know, the usual. Though, I actually was hoping to thwart a weapons heist, and I imagine you have similar goals." He noted, vaguely aware of Aaron's thoughts within the back of his head, transmitted through usual psychic connection.

Before any further talking could happen, Danny did something rather genius to get away from him. Within a minute he was being swarmed by girls, likely having recognized him from that one role in a movie he played, one of those teen movies that get thrown out there so commonly. It wasn't his favorite movie, but then again apparantly his acting added something to the otherwise bland film. Some of the girls were asking for an autograph, and others were just fangirling which made this all the more awkward. There was always something about having so many people close to him that just increased present anxiety greatly. Aaron I'm...a  little held up so you need to be sure Danny and her friend don't ruin everything. He sent the telepathic message to his underling before turning his attention upon getting these rabid fangirls off of him.

Got it d...Alpha. Aaron telepathically responded watching the small crowd form around him with a smirk playing across his lips. "I know someone is going to be jealous." He muttered with a roll of the eyes before following where Danny and Suzy had run off to or at least following as best he could. Keeping track of people in large crowds could at times prove difficult, even for someone like him. Not that it was by any means a big compliment since his attention span proved to be occasionally shitty. They were running towards the locker room for some reason and so he would have to follow suit.Sounded kinda creep, him approaching a locker room but then again this was Aaron, sometimes he was creepy. However, his attention was pulled towards what looked to be someone being pulled into the locker room, though he didn't know who they were.

"Now that looks suspicious. Guess I gotta check that out." He muttered with a smirk, attention now shifted onto the scene unfolding as he slipped about as stealthily as possible to gain access to the locker room. Since their attention was on Mitsuko, obviously they wouldn't be worried about him.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 7th 2016, 5:18 pm

As the sea of fangirls began to crash around Travis, giving Danny and Tsukimi a small gap to be able to push through. The duo managed to pry the door open and make their way towards Ellen in her attempt to infiltrate. "You're under arrest!" Danny jumped through the air, trying to tackle Ellen to the ground. "Suzy, get the duct tape!"

"Um, this seems really unbecoming." Foregoing any kind of quiet take down, Tsukimi ran back to lock the door before trying to get back into the scramble happening between Danny and Ellen.

"Someone's listening in!" The cheerleaders took a safe precaution and shoved Mitsuko in a locker before pushing it over so the door would face the floor. "You three, go steal the weapons. Everyone else, let's go get the visitors!"

The click of heels parted a row between the cheerleaders. "Mr. Masters!" A perfectly made up face with a beautiful bounce to her brown hair and a pair of deep blue eyes appeared to Travis. "Ms. Veracelia, It's so nice to have you here. Might I ask just what it is that brought you here?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 9th 2016, 4:12 pm

Plans were made and they were about to be interrupted absolutely. Danny suddenly jumped Ellen, and with little chane to actually do anything she found herself being thrown in a tackle."What is wrong with you psycho cheerleader?" Ellen shouted trying to wriggle out of any hold and doing a semi decent job at that. As usual she split her little bracelet into shards of metal to serve as a defense mechanism as she scrambled to press herself against a wall. "Seriously, you must be some kind of stalker....or Alpha has gotten terrible at planning."

Within a few moments Aaron found his own infiltration attempt to have failed, which was mostly obvious by the fact they mentioned he was listening. "Seriously, I really need to work on my stealth." He muttered with a roll of his eyes, stepping into the metaphorical limelight. "Okay I'm going to have to ask you to let the woman out of the locker. Really damn creepy, but I guess you can't always trust girls in pretty skirts huh."  That was when he took notice of the fact....they had run off to leave him talking to himself.Blinking a couple of times, he flipped the locker over with a a bit of effort and opened the door.

Yeah, so heroic. He thought to himself. " you okay?"

"Thank you, I just took an interest in the fashion going on around here. So I thought while I was in the city I might check it out." He said with usual courteous tone as the females seemed to part for the woman. That showed either some manner of respect or something else.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 9th 2016, 5:26 pm

"Dammit, Ellen!" Danny continued to try an odd mixture of squirming and wrestling to try and get her adversary under control. "You have way too much confidence for how much you mess things up." Once Ellen finally squirmed free, Danny pulled herself up by grabbing a bench. "Suzy, dammit, where's the duct tape?"

While Ellen would stay focused on Danny, Tsukimi would try to Pearl Harbor Ellen from behind. "You are under arrest! And this is not shady at all!" The efforts Danny and Tsukimi put into taking down Ellen were by no means of any expression subtle. Or quiet.

A swarm of cheerleaders burst into the room, grabbing Danny and pushing Tsukimi off of Ellen. "It's that girl who kept going through my bags!" A blond cheerleader with a pointed nose pointed a judging finger at Tsukimi.

"You thought there was evidence in their bags?" Danny tried to get her arm free from the trio of cheerleaders whom held her back. "At least try to find something worth looking-"

"I found the plans to steal weapons in those bags!"

"And we can't have you going around talking about that. It looks like they were trying to capture one of us so they could interrogate her." The blond moved over to help Ellen up while prying the duct tape from Tsukimi's hands. "You must be the special agent Ms. Veracelia was sending. What orders does she have for us? And what do you think she wants us to do with these two?"

Mitsuko grabbed Aaron's hand and pulled herself out of the locker. "Yeah, those girls were not as nice or cheerful as their attire and name would lead you to believe. Just between you and me, I feel that cheerleaders may be mean and predatory towards others." The room emptied out, leaving the tunnel completely unguarded. Mitsuko grabbed Aaron's hand and pulled him towards the tunnel with her. "I'm Mitsuko."

A cramped feeling overcame any senses once the tunnel was the only thing Mitsuko could see. The initial tunnel led into a small crawl space under the building with a few walls clearly dug through. Pipes continued to run through parts of the tunnel making it difficult to fully navigate without crawling under major obstructions. "Just keep up. These cheerleaders are trying to steal weapons. I was supposed to be working with my half sister and another girl, but I'm sure they're doing fine."

"Mr. Masters, you've worked with Ms. Fukuyama before. How did you find her to be?" A vast syndicate of entertainers made themselves up a dew decades ago to manipulate the media and use fashion and entertainment to control impressionable youth. Ms. Veracelia joined the organization some years ago, but by no means stood as the highest member of the organization. Still, the organization could always use new members. A fledgling girls dream actor held no prestige, but perhaps Travis could bring something to her. "I would love to discuss a business opportunity with you. One of great prosperity, but it might be a little under the table. You're okay with that right?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 10th 2016, 7:55 pm

"Said the pot to the kettle." She growled at the jab about her own competence, but then again that was just a sore spot for the female. Well, with attention on Danny that made trying to avoid the sudden surprise attack impossible as she was slammed face first into the floor. That made capturing her a little easier as the metal shards were sent skittering along the floor, as she tried to squirm her way out of the situation she was on. That however proved a little less possible, but luck still was on her side as the very people she was infiltrating appeared likely with the intent to help her out. With the weight pushed off of her, Ellen moved to her feet with the help of one of the cheerleaders and let out a sigh. "We should be ready to act soon, within ten minutes. As for these two, tie them up and put them somewhere they won't be an issue."She kept her composure while saying this, despite how flustered she may have looked.

With the command given, the cheerleaders would make use of the very duct tape to tie the two up before relocating them to the nearest broom closet. Why? Because no one ever learns,or perhaps it was the best place they could think of.

Giving a pull, he helped the female out of the locker as she seemed to be thankful he had helped her out, or maybe that was just all in his head. "Really? I guess any teenage movie with any frumpy girl ever was right about those bitches." He noted with a smirk, momentarily forgetting that he actually had a mission beyond rescuing damsels in lockers. However he found himself being pulled by the hand towards a tunnel, which was not part of the plan actually. " I'm Aaron." The tunnels were starting to get cramped, but luckily he wasn't exactly known for being a big person. Some might even say that Aaron was short, they wouldn't have been wrong to call him that either.

"So where are we even going?" Not that he stopped running after her anyway.

"Well if that question is off the books, she's actually quite off putting. However that would be putting it lightly." Which would be true, though for entirely different reasons than just the movie they had acted in together. Which was both stupid, and in a sense actually fun. However, the mention of a business proposal did catch his interest even if it were under the table as she put it. That only caught his interest even more. What could she possibly want with him? Well, beyond the billions of dollars he made, but then again gold diggers weren't a problem usually when you were telepathic. "You have my interest piqued. Why don't you lead the way? I'm sure you would like to discuss something like this in a more private venue."

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 10th 2016, 8:45 pm

Squirming did little for Danny to get to her bracelet before two cheerleaders pressed her to the floor in the same position with her hands behind her back Tsukimi found herself in. "And what exactly are you doing in ten minutes Ellen? I'm sure all these girls would love to hear about the plan you know all about." Rolls of duct tape peeled off and wrapped Danny's wrists together. They pulled her up and tied her ankles, knees, and arms together before they pulled her and Tsukimi away towards a closet.

"I told you this was shady." Tsukimi pulled against the duct tape, but failed to make any strides. "Shady. A. F."

"It's not shady. Do you have a phone on you?" The broom closet door closed with the girls in dark silence.

"No, but I have the next best thing. HELP!" Tsukimi began to yell from inside the closet, hoping to bring anyone to their aid. "HELP!"

Danny propped herself up as she dodged a falling mop. "Suzy, stop it! You're only going to attract Ellen if you do that!"

"Maybe Mitsy will here. HELP!" A new round of kicks came from Tsukimi against the steel cabinet, dropping a number of cans on the ground. Tsukimi continued to roll for luck on her screaming for help, but Mitsuko already left the facility behind.

"I have no idea where we are going, but I will once we get there. Something about stealing weapons, but I'm not sure why. I think a few of them went to secure the place, but we'll have the element of surprise!" As Mitsuko laid out her plan, the element she would plan for opened up before her. The three cheerleaders sent in to secure the weapons did a fantastic job of arranging the crates by the loading door. Mitsuko squeeked by under a raised platform to spy on the crates. 'Audio Mind Control. Be Careful Near Pop Music'. The message could not get more clear than that. "Okay, so my plan was to find this place. How do we fight cheerleaders? They seem really athletic and mean."

"Mr. Masters." Ms Veracelia led Travis towards a secluded area she reserved for herself. "I'm not going to lie. What I want you to help with is rather illegal, but many great things were illegal at certain times. Slave revolts were always banned by governments because they feared losing power. Print is censored because the powers that be hate change. I'm going ot trust you with information. You could ruin me if you told anyone about it, but I believe so strongly in this, and see a companion in you, that I know you won't betray my trust." She took a seat and offered Travis a plush chair as well. "I'm right now trying to steal military weapons, to keep the military from having a monopoly on control." She reached over to put her hand on Travis' knee. "They keep us safe today, but what about tomorrow? What about when we try to speak against their protocol. These weapons will help create a more free society, one where control is given to others, instead of hoarded by an establishment too strong to fail." Her hand floated back to her side and she smiled. "I know this is a lot to take in, but what do you say?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 11th 2016, 4:49 pm

"Wouldn't you like to know, She scoffed [/color=silver]But these plans are given out on a need to know basis. You just don't happen to need to know, so have fun sitting around in the closet."[/color] With that, their interaction was done as Ellen, or rather it would have been if she didn't remove her phone to snap a quick picture. "Really flattering photo of you though Danny. Might put this on my instagram." She teased, before shutting the door behind her. Hopefully these cheerleaders were as good at tying people up as they were with their routine, otherwise...well Danny was probably going to get out eventually. All Ellen needed was her to be tied up long enough for her to get to those weapons, and then from there came the best part. "Now with those two out of the way let's get down to business." If Alpha had his whole pan thought out there was some passage way that connected this building to the one where the weapons were stored. It sounded really poorly designed but then again these buildings weren't exactly new.

Besides, something told her they were made for more than just connecting things. She could hear what sounded to be the faint yells of their captives, but hopefully no one was around to untie them.  

Meanwhile, Aaron found himself doing something else entirely, with some girl he had just met in fact. Running through dark tunnels had not been his plan for this evening but here he was anyway. What they found was a bunch of crates with a few cheerleaders around them, and if he looked close enough he could see that they were labeled as some kind of mind control device. "Well that looks pretty conspicuous." He noted keeping what he read in mind in case that was what Alpha wanted from this place. As for dealing with the cheerleaders, he knew enough about fighting to keep his own, though the whole no killing stipulation made slinging fire around something he could not do. "Well I'm pretty athletic, not sure about the mean part though. So leave the cheerleaders to me, you secure whatever's in the boxes."

That was when it came down to thinking, planning out what he could do to take them down without having some kind of drawn out fight. His last one ended with Danny striking for the jewels and he did not want a repeat of that with these cheerleaders, who likely knew that weakness. Breaking out into a sprint, he rushed the girls hopefully before they could make any kind of move against him aiming a good right hook for one of their faces.

The woman had led him to a secluded part of the building, one where this less than legal talk could go on. Taking himself a seat, Travis would listen intently to what the woman had planned. If it was anything of interest, he would side with her but that all depended on what she even had in mind. From what she was saying, well it sounded like she more than anything wanted the people to be armed against the government. A protection against tyranny as he likely would expect them to say, which to an extent he could agree with. If Travis weren't so disinterested in the idea of governments altogether, he would have been more passionate about this idea, but his interest was all they could garner at the time.  "I must admit, it's an interesting proposal. My only question is what exactly will these weapons be used for once in your hands? I want to know my support would be towards a good cause. I wouldn't want weapons to go from one unworthy hand to another. I'm sure you can understand."

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 11th 2016, 5:28 pm

"See?" Tsukimi squirmed over the cans towards Danny. "That brown haired demon isn't going to do anything."

"And no one is coming to save us." Yelling did nothing to loosen the tape around any of the girls. "Hey. Can you get my feet untied?" Using her lower body strength, Danny got to her feet and hopped over to Tsukimi, tripping over Tsukimi. Danny's knees poked into Tsukimi's stomach, putting her feet in Tsukimi's face.

"With my mouth?" Tsukimi tried to maneuver Danny off of her.

"No. Roll over and use your hands." The two girls began to slither around, putting Danny on her back, while Tsukimi put her back towards Danny. A ruckus continued to ring out as the two sprawled cans and metal bearings around in their attempted escape. Tsukimi tried with little effort to grab Danny's ankles as she tried to put them in her hands. "Come on Suzy! You aren't even trying!"

"Why don't you untie my hands! Why do I have to do everything!" The shouting match continued to carry as the duo continued their self rescue attempt.

The plan sounded good. Mitsuko offered Aaron a high five for luck before he shot out to take down the three sentry cheerleaders.

"Oh my god!" A blond cheerleader standing just taller than five foot eight grabbed her hands over her mouth. "You punched Cindy in the nose!" A cheerleader with a tint of Indian heritage in her fell to the ground, bracing her bleeding nose. Whether Aaron aimed for the Indian cheerleader out of instinct to avoid fighting someone with similarities remained in the air, but the girl was on the ground. "Why would you do that!" She almost began to cry sooner than Cindy and her bleeding nose.

"Because we're stealing this thing!" A firebrand of a brunette stepped forward to re enlist her counterpart to the fight. She turned to deliver a blow to Aaron's man factory, but the distance was too close. "Um?" A fierce slap came after. Take that.

Mitsuko grabbed the crates and loaded them on a forklift. While it would not fit in the tunnel, it would give the petite Japanese girl some aid with carrying the device to relative safety. A piano dolly on the side of the warehouse dropped to the ground while Mitsuko loaded the crates on top of the dolly as she started to push it into the tunnel while Aaron dealt with the rest.

Ms Veracelia took Travis as a possible candidate and smiled. "The general belief is the collecting of these items by only one group will ultimately cause them to be used for the gains of the few, but if those in power fear the weapons they built being used against them will keep them less confident." She tapped her acrylic nail. "It's a bluff. It's all about appearances. One of the reasons we feel you and I and others of our regard can deal with this. We're good liars, aren't we."

A chime rang from her phone. "I'm sorry. I need to see this." Veracelia reached down to pick up her phone, looking at the screen as Aaron fought off three cheerleaders for the mind control device. "It seems other groups are onto the same path- or perhaps they are some youth government group. The Prodigies or something with their dumb little brunette service girl. This boy probably just wants to steal this to try and win a date with her."

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 11th 2016, 5:48 pm

Aaron answered the high five with...well a high five as their plan had been hatched to deal with these cheerleading guards. Just like that he was off, slamming a good punch into one of their faces but not exactly knocking them out. As evil as many would call Aaron, well he did feel bad for punching someone in the face, especially when they started crying after the fact."Sorry bout that sweetheart, but you have something we want." He noted trying to play it off, half successfully at that as Mitsuko jumped in to help him before he made himself feel worse. One of them turned to deliver a strike in the no go zone, but instead ended up slapping him. "Did you just slap me? Come on now." He noted feeling some humor within that before knocking one of the cheerleaders off of their feet with a sweeping kick.

Things were going as planned, save for the fact it was a three on one and he tended to do poorly without those hot powers of his. "Look I know was probably rude to sock you in the face but maybe we can talk this over." That likely would not happen, so he went with punching them in the face more.

Something told Travis that his response was satisfactory to the female if only by their smile. Skepticism was probably something that they respected more than blindly following anything that they said. He could have dig through their mind, however that would have exposed him to the potential they could sense his presence within their mind. That lead to more questions than he would have wanted to deal with, though the time was coming close for that reveal. "We all have our masks we wear." He noted with a smirk as they mentioned something about Prodigy, which made his mood sour slightly. They were a group he hoped to fund, but a single problem decided that he was too evil to be allowed to do that. Just thinking about it made him fum internally.

"Prodigy? Leave them to me, I've dealt with them a few times before." He noted with a confident smirk standing to his feet. "I know how they operate." With that done, he left the room with a small wave.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 11th 2016, 7:35 pm

Mitsuko stole the device just as she planned. But, then she remembered her plan never involved stealing anything. It was to stop people from stealing this device and currently she was on her way to giving the device to those cheerleaders. No one followed her. Not even the guy she just high fived. That was a sacred bond and Mitsuko would not throw it away lightly. With an about face, Mitsuko rushed back to the weapons facility.

The three cheerleaders did not take kindly to Aaron and his demeanor of settling things with punches. The three girls coordinated a strike to try and pin Aaron to the ground while they could get him into a better position to interrogate him. Just as the fiery brunette would raise her hand to try and strike Aaron into submission, Mitsuko would leap out from the crates, latching herself to the brunette's back. One of the cheerleaders would run to grab Mitsuko, unsuccessfully grappling the small woman.

The brunette backed herself into a corner, letting Mitsuko know she needed to hop down. Her shoes squeeked and Mitsuko got low enough to avoid the off hand grab, allowing her to knock both girls off balance. It was in this moment Mitsuko remembered her fighting reflexes needed some toning. Maybe Danny could teach her a thing or two about rubbing a bracelet.

Instead of physically fighting, Mitsuko decided to lead them on a chase. Both of the girls gave in to trying to chase the little rabbit through the halls. Mitsuko tried her luck with a few doors, each one locked, and each stop allowing the cheerleaders to catch up to Mitsuko each time. The first time Mitsuko just jumped back in the cheerleader's arms, pushing her into the wall. The second time, she preempted the grab by stomping on the other girl's foot. The second attempt let Mitsuko know the best door to go through was right behind her. Quickened footsteps led her and every bit of force she could muster helped her pull down a large stash of crates to blockade the cheerleaders behind closed doors. "Hey! Take care of that cheerleader and then we can figure out how to keep people from stealing this thing and not steal it ourselves!"

"I'm sure they're gone by now." Tsukimi backed herself against Danny, giving up on their plan to escape. "HELP! A CROW EYED SKANK TIED US UP AND PUT US IN A CLOSET!"

"Not in my ear!" Danny placed herself opposite of Tsukimi while she continued to rant. "Good message though. ANYONE WHO CAN HEAR ME! ELLEN IS A LYING FRAUD WITH NO TALENT!" The duo continued to yell, trying to garner more attention from the outside world, but only feeding their voices directly into a vent feeding into the locker room with the squad of cheerleaders.

"Many masks indeed." Veracelia watched as Travis took the initiative. These Prodigy whelps would finally meet their match. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Masters."

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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