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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 5th 2015, 10:04 pm

Annie couldn't help but smile as she made made some considerable damage to the little bots. However, her moment of triumph was shortlived as the remaining robots increased their fir on the two. She ducked as the blasts shot holes through the door, before ultimately shattering it in half. So much for her cover. The air was hot, the lasers were deadly, and several close calls singed the edge of her clothes. However, with every laser fired by the annoying little things, Annie returned it with a poison needle. Even better was her new friend, who seemed to be doing decent enough damage himself. They seemed to be working pretty well together, for just meeting under these circustances. She was about done with these things.

"Stop being a coward and fight us yourself!" Annie called out into the darkness.

Scratch Board
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 6th 2015, 6:09 am

His requisitioned machines had done some damage, shattering the door and releasing a small shower of debris upon the scene, while Alpha continued to overlook through the sensors of a smaller and harmless survey machine that had been watching over the battle. Around the size of a ladybug, but it could do more than the others could do when trying to follow. His weapons would be gone soon enough anyway, either to the wave of energy or the needles, in the end they would all go down upon being struck. The explosions were audible, but not large enough to prove to be any danger beyond being loud. Still, Alpha had no intention to fight them head on, not until he knew enough about their abilities to be sure that he could use any weaknesses against them. After all, he had other things to do, rather than letting heroes slow him down.

Pressing a single button upon the black mask that covered his true face, Alpha linked into the com system, and would allow his voice to radiate through the hallways the heroes were likely still in. ”As much as I would love to fight both of you, I have more important matters to attend to. After all, these machines seemed to be doing their job just fine.” His voice, slightly filtered by the mask would flow through the building, allowing the heroes to hear him. His tone was dismissive almost, and that fact alone was discernible even through the heavy filtering that the mask had offered him. Not that he would ever underestimate a hero, but they seemed to act less rational when someone talked down to them, so he would do that if that made them slip up in any way.

Alpha stepped before the elevator that could lead him to the lower levels, where the more interesting things were kept within their containers. She had decried him as a coward, but Alpha simply did not want to waste life so needlessly. A single finger would press against the button pointing downward, turning to look behind him, considering and deciding against the action. With a bing the door would open, and Alpha would prepare to step through.

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty sorry guys

Post by Fredpool February 6th 2015, 1:07 pm

(Sorry guys, I cant access a computer till Sunday night. You guys can skip me a couple time if ya need too and also feel free to use Aiden for anything you need. Just don't make all the good stuff happen Razz)

(Either you guys didnt see this or you waited for me. Either way, thanks:3 )

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 8th 2015, 8:48 pm

Aiden continued firing sonic blasts, keeping the final bots at bay. They weren't much of a threat to him at this point, with all the sound they're making from their gun, he could return most of the firepower back to them as best he could. He continued firing and moved over to Annie, ducking behind the door. "So you wanna kill these last few or should I?" he asks cockily, knowing that either of them could finish off the drones. His cockiness was soon interuppted by the distorted and echoed voice of Alpha, going through the hallways towards them. Aiden saw the color of Alpha's voice. It was a distorted green and it was quite unique, something he hadn't quite seen before. "More important matters?!" Aiden yelled, feeling as if this was all a game to Alpha, as if the lives of the officers who died outside were nothing. A red and volatile energy formed around Aiden's hands as he begun drawing in the sound from the drones blasts but not firing. He was storing it up. "Come here and I'll show you important matters!" he retorted, using some of his energy distortion to make it sound throughout the halls of the building.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-12-08

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 9th 2015, 1:11 am

Annie nodded as she fired a few last needles at the remaining bots.

The voice was definitely intimidating, but somehow, the tone of its voice had made her angrier. "We'll find you, asshole! Whatever you're planning, it ends here!"

She was talking blindly. In reality, she didn't even know who this person was, nor knew what he was capable of, of if she and her friend would be able to stop him. She was just trying to be as intimidating as a teenage English girl could be.  After a few seconds of silence with no reply from the distorted voice, Annie resolved to walk down the hall, which was a bit clearer now. She beckoned her friend to follow. The guy had certainly done a number on the place, it seemed.  Glass was broken, debris was scattered, and Annie could have sworn she saw a couple of bloodstains. Finally, she reached the end of the hall, where two elevator doors stood. Did she dare see what horrors awaited the two on the next floor?

She did. With a shrug, Annie pressed the "up" button on one of the elevaters. She clung to the right of the entryway, should anything be awaiting them when the door opened.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 9th 2015, 11:23 pm

The two were easier to anger than Alpha had ever thought was possible, but then again these self righteous types were always on about justice, as if they could uphold it. If they only knew, perhaps they would have been more willing to allow him to continue. No, people were not as understanding as that so Alpha had stopped trying at this point. If they did meet, he would destroy them much like they seemed to want him to. The elevator would take him higher into the building, Alpha waiting patiently until the door opened for him. They would follow, there was no doubt about that, all it took now was waiting for them to wander into a situation where they had no chance. It took around a minute or so for the door to stop, Alpha stepping out into the expanding room before him.

It looked like some manner of laboratory, but this was not what he was looking for. This place was supposed to have some kind of hidden research center, but perhaps he was just not looking in the right area. With the heroes following this would only be more difficult for him. Well, unless they are stronger than he thought, then he would not have to worry too much about them getting in his way. If they wanted a fight, he would give them just that, if only to get a more annoying element off of his back. First, he would scan through the various consoles that dotted the walls, considering the elevator, he would have two to three minutes.

Last edited by Alpha Corgi Fist of Death on February 12th 2015, 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 11th 2015, 7:04 pm

Aiden waited patiently for the door to open, he was shaking uncontrollably and under his helmet he was going pale and sweating ^I need to calm down.^ he thought to himself. He knew that his anger was currently causing him to overlook his better judgment but he just couldnt stop the feeling. He thought that if he had just gotten there sooner, if he had just scanned the Chicago faster, then maybe those officers outside would not be dead. What was worse was the way that the voice , the voice being Alpha but Aiden couldnt put a face to the voice, the way it didnt really recognize the police who gave their very lives to stop him and how he just swatted them like flys and he didnt he sound like he felt bad. "When I see this guy..." he mumbled, an angered tone on his voice, "Im going to put a hole in his chest". He didnt like the idea of killing but he just couldnt think at this point. The person who he was after showed no remorse whatsoever.

The elevator was nearing now, only a couple seconds away from reaching his and Annies floor. Although he was angry, he remembered that he didnt even know who he was fighting alongside. She seemed talented and well trained as well as she seemed to be a Meta like he was. Putting on a calm voice he decided to speak to her, seeing he move out of the way of the elevator door. "You think theres something coming out of that elevator? I think the guy behind this's ego is too big to jump out of there and fight up. Either way, if Im gonna die, I kinda need to know who Im dying with. Im Bass-cannon. You can call be BC if you like." he said extending his arm out for a handshake.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 11th 2015, 11:59 pm

Annie was relieved as the elevator arrived, empty. She stepped into the empty box, pressing the button leading to Level 2, assuming that her friend would follow her.

"You can never been too careful. I've...learned that. Oh, um...I'm...Firefly. Having a hero name still sounded weird. But it was still necessary. Annie still didn't know who this guy was.  She shook BC's hand. "I'm part of a team based here in Chicago called the Guardians. I'"

"And...let's try to avoid the killing, okay? It's kind of against the Guardian code. Meaning that if you try to kill the guy, I'm contractually obligated to stop you. a last resort."

Annie sighed, the calming elevator music unfitting for their situation. If there was one word she could describe her impression of America with, it would be violent. Extremely violent. No wonder they were cracking down on metahuman restriction here. They were insane! This guy had just taken tons of innocent lives without any single inch of regret or remorse.

She wanted to go home. She muttered under her breath quietly. "Next big Guardians project: U.K. base."

The soft chime of the elevator notifying the two that they had arrived on the next level snapped her out of her thoughts.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 12th 2015, 3:54 am

The chime of an elevator, enough of a sign that his time had run out as far as the heroes being behind him. Not that it was anything for Alpha to worry about, just that the show would begin now. Data had been streamed through EVE, before being deposited into his own mind, everything that this small lab had within it drawn out within a matter of seconds. Its protection was considerably tougher than the last one, but it did not better in the end. If he knew anything, they would want blood and they would have it, just not his own blood. No running, Alpha stood in the center of the large lab, pulling up one of the chairs and sitting down in it almost cockily. He would wait, until they appeared through the elevator to see him sitting there without a care in the world.

”Took your sweet time, didn't you?” he would ask, voice filtered by the mask. ”I would say welcome to my lair, but this building isn't mine really.”

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 12th 2015, 1:33 pm

Aiden waited patiently for the elevator door to open. His anger was still there, he was attempting to keep his cool but he was pissed. That one guy was mere seconds away from him and he couldnt wait. His blood was boiling. The lives of the people who had died. They had familys, lives and  didnt deserve to die like they did. Aiden took note of what Firefly had said but at the same time he didnt care at this point. Ever since Sarah died he never liked to kill unless the person responsible was a 'Monster' in his eyes. He would have to learn that it was not up to him to decide. This would happen in time though. "I cant say that I wont kill him" he said sternly. "I'll try not to but theres no promise. Just putting that out there.". As the the chime of the elevator went off, Aiden let the energy flow from it. It was a light blue, a stun color not meant for killing. He walked through the elevator and went a tad further out and saw him. The man causing this, Alpha. Aiden anger grew more, he's just sitting there, not a care in the world. "You!" he yelled, his anger finally taking the better of him. "You killed all those people! Why?!" he demanded, his hands leaking red energy that he had been storing up from before. He was shaking but not in fear. In rage.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-12-08

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 14th 2015, 1:46 am

The doors opened. They had arried. And Annie was greeted to who she assumed was the one behind this. A man, it seemed, of average build, who wore some kind of mask. He was sitting in a chair, as if he had been waiting for the heroes. He seemed calm, and Annie somehow knew that there was a good chance that the man was smiling under that mask.

It all served to fuel her anger. And she was just about to have an outburst, just as BC over here did. But no. She knew that anger only got people in trouble. And she had already made an outburst earlier. The man seemed amused by it.

After a few seconds of her standing there, fuming in rage, Annie made her decision.

Annie walked past BC, who was shaking in rage. Step by step. The noise of her feet hitting the ground rang out through the room. She came to a stop in front of the masked man. She looked him in the eyes. She took a deep breath.

"I don't know who you are, or what your goals are, but it's caused destruction. Innocent people are dead. Husbands, wives, and children will be getting phone-calls, telling them that their loved ones won't be coming home. You understand that you have to face the consequences for that, don't you? We can't let you walk out of here succeeding in what your planning." After a brief pause, Annie sighed. "But I know your type. You won't go down willingly. And we need to make a mess of things."

With that, Annie unfurled her wings, fluttering lightly in the air. She produced two long and sharp needles from her palms, ready to be thrown at top speed with killer accuracy at will. She was ready for the inevitable fight that was about to ensue.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
Scratch Board
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 14th 2015, 8:49 pm

Their anger was obvious, though one had been showing more of it than the other, likely for the callous murder of the officers. Even before seeing them, he had created an invisible barrier between him and anything that would come his way, mostly a test more than anything. Yet it seemed that the heroes would not initiate the conflict, they wanted him to do just that. ”The answer is simple really. They were in my way, so I disposed of them.” Of course he could argue the semantics, but heroes rarely ever wanted to. Always so one sided in their logic, sure of how right they were. This sonokientic would be the one to snap, and he would be the one to threaten his own teammate through his anger. ”Now, are you going to...make me pay for my crimes? Because, i'm sorry to say but you don't have the firepower.” In an instant the air would waver, and it would take seconds to unleash the telekinetic burst of energy.

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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