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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al)

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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 Empty Re: Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al)

Post by The Nekromonga January 3rd 2015, 8:58 am

Shauna laughed heartily as she fed her cat, Walter, some lasagna at the table. She didn't have anything more than the soup she made for herself. The story of Xiao believing in Santa and being all excited for Christmas painted her as a complete dork. A great big, super tough, super strong, transforming into a dragon dork.

"Awww... precious little dragon girl believes in Santa!" She pats Xiao on the head. Everyone had a laugh, but Shauna made up for it by hugging Xiao.

As the night went on and the liquor came out, which only the older people enjoyed, and Xiao still found horrible to her taste. And then, the merriment came to a pause, when a Speedster made his way into the apartment and planted gifts in everyone's hands. That was about the only thing keeping Dragon Dad from unleashing his Wizard Pirate powers, as he heartily took stock of the situation and shook his gift, wondering what was inside.

"Who the heck are you? Don't even say Santa Claus." Shauna was not so kind, her eyes powering up to barbeque Darren, were it not for Xiao and the others showing they knew him.

"Um... this is Darren, the Swords Master. I met him briefly, and Forcewave and Tyuki have mentioned him a couple of times. He is... a friend, I think." Xiao said. That was just good enough for Shauna. She looked at the gift in her hand and tried to take a peek inside with her x-ray vision.

"Ugh... Wrapped with lead." She said. Looks like Darren was good enough to take a precaution to foil Shauna's vision. She turned her attention to him.

"Yeah, not that it'd matter anyway! That was a pretty nasty spill by the way Hold a sec, I'm a doctor." Shauna commented, then her eyes went to Darren's ankle to inspect the damage. Yup, traveling at high speed then taking a spill like that, Shauna saw the inner workings of the joint completely destroyed. "It's pretty broken. We'll probably need to set it with a tourniquet, then later a cast."

Shauna peered over at Tyuki briefly. "Unless a someone with healing powers happened to show up and fix it for this kid lickety split. We will need to hold the bones together tight though. Either way... Xiao, hold Santa down."

"Okay." Xiao replied enthusiastically and attempts to pin Darren in place. There would be no escaping Dragon Girl's grip if she got her hands on him.

Last edited by The Nekromonga on January 4th 2015, 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 Empty Re: Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al)

Post by Chellizard January 4th 2015, 8:19 pm

Tyuki was still nomming on her rice cakes and enjoying herself immensely as they all sat around and talked and laughed. She was actually really happy and glad that she had decided to ditch Italy and come here. She felt bad for not inviting her band, or getting Xiao's permission to invite her band, but that was okay. The girls were all probably visiting Kyrie's family or something, seeing as Yui and Bonnie had practically been adopted by them.


The night was coming to an end, but Tyuki was not drunk enough. At this point, she wasn't drunk at all. She was only allowed 1 alcoholic drink, and she babysat it for a while. Just taking sips here and there. She was mostly enjoying those rice cakes, and the actual Christmas meal Xiao's mom had prepared. Setting down her glass, her hands were suddenly filled with a box shoved into her grip. She was surprised until she realized what had happened.

Darren had showed up. How he got the invitation was beyond her, but hey, it was Christmas, and magic was not fake. She was magical herself! Standing up, she placed her package down after shaking it a few times. She wasn't sure what it was, but she would open it later. Darren had actually hurt himself really badly.

Looking around, she was about to just blast the room with healing energy when she realized it would kill any buzz the 'adults' had. So, to keep them happy, she crossed the room to Darren and smiled.

"How ya been, bud? It's been a while. I think the last time we hung out was when I was still with you-know-who." she wouldn't speak his name, because she was not about to bring up that much of her horrible past relationship.

Grinning a bit, the alcohol in her own system - be it small - taking a small effect on her. She knelt down near Shauna and nodded.

"It's broken, really bad, but by the way it's hanging sideways, anyone could notice that." laughing, she moved her hands over Darren's ankle and shook her head, waving the others away. "no no! I can do this without it being set; my healing works differently. It's really odd, and knows how to repair things perfectly. Don't ask me, find a way to ask my powers." she shrugged, rolled her neck to crack it, then cracked her knuckles as well. Shaking out any bad feelings, she allowed her healing energy to wash over Darren's ankle, focusing the magic there. It wasn't even fifteen seconds later and all signs of pain were gone.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" she stood up and offered her hand to Darren, to help him stand.

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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 Empty Re: Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al)

Post by Swordsmaster January 4th 2015, 8:30 pm

Was he okay? No he wasn’t okay, he got caught. Santa doesn’t get caught, and Santa definitely does not break his ankle, this totally wouldn’t have happened if Peter Pan was still with him. Sure, the kid was tired and Darren dropped him off at his house but he could still blame his bad luck on the fact that the kid wasn’t here. Mainly because the entire time they were together everything was working out perfectly. Now he had to explain to two of his friends, the big scary Dragon Girl and her family why he was in the middle of their house on Christmas…Eve was it? Darren couldn’t tell, he had ran through so many time zones in the past couple of hours that he was completely los-hang on Force spotted him.

Sure, Force was able to react to a bunch of things but he had been going way faster than he usually could due to what he assumed was Christmas magic. Did that mean that upon delivering the last set of gifts that the magic just disappeared? Because that would totally suck. It made sense sure but if Darren had known that beforehand he would have come to these people first so they wouldn’t have been the ones to catch him. While they were all arguing and comforting or whatever John was pretending to do Darren finished eating his cookies. They were left out for Santa and Santa Darren was going to eat them. Except he was brought crashing, heh crashing, back into the conversation when the word tourniquet was spoken by the ‘Doctor’.

“What the hell kid of Doctor do you claim to be? A tourniquet is for last resort only or to stop blood and even then its last resort and I sure as hell ain’t bleeding or needing last resort life saving stuff. Also I am Santa…or rather Santa Darren!” Cue infamous Darren boyish grin as he motioned to his hat, bag, and then taking the list out of his pocked he held it up as well before giving it to John for proof. This was also the point when Tyuki popped over and fixed his ankle, hopefully free of charge. “Who?” He asked completely oblivious of course, hell it was only like a month or so ago when he met John and Tyuki’s apparent future daughter and even realized they were together.

Getting healed up actually didn’t feel like much, just a little glowyness, a small little zap and then his ankle was perfectly okay. “I shall thank your powers then and not ask them weird questions because I don’t think they could answer anyway, I mean if powers could answer questions I’d ask mine like a bazillion questions and I’m gona stop blabbering now.” Grinning, Darren always grinned no reason not to now right, he stood up and fixed his Santa Hat, taking the list back from John. Hoping the guy had finished looking it over by now to prove his story was true.

“Sorry for running in on the Christmas dinner by the way… Was just doing my job. I’ll take my leave now though so no need to worry. Enjoy the presents and Merry Christmas.” Or whatever, he wasn’t exactly feeling the Christmas spirit right now, hobbling to the door. He was fine, he’d totally be able to find his box before the dog took the entire thing again. Maybe he’d get lucky and find a hotel room for free. That actually put a smile on the face of the young Swordsmaster, hey a free hotel room was always a good thing to have because it meant he’d be able to score some free breakfast afterwards. Or well it wouldn’t really be free but what the staff didn’t see didn’t hurt them. This is also about the part where he touched the doorknob.

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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 Empty Re: Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al)

Post by Forceaus January 4th 2015, 9:19 pm

This was a relatively strange way to spend the holidays. Having dinner at Xiao's house whose family was very talkative. John was trying to avoid talking about his adventures, and Tyuki seemed to be trying to get drunk. He wondered if her limo driver was still outside. If not he might have to drive her home. If all of that isn't exciting enough for you, then how about Darren showing up dressed as Santa to deliver presents, and then break his ankle while trying to get away without being caught.

John had gotten up from the table to go check on his for once actually dressed friend. He wasn't kidding. This was the most dressed he had even seen the kid. Then again, he was homeless. Anyways, he was checking on his friend since his ankle was broken and all, and was also kind of wondering what Darren was doing dressed like Santa Claus and delivering them presents. Was this something he had just randomly decided to do? If so, it was hilarious and amazing. In the meantime, the others had all noticed that he was here, and that his ankle was broken, and were getting up too.

Shauna was trying to talk like a doctor, and not doing a very good job at it. Even Darren was aware of this. He was refusing to let her anywhere near his ankle. Meanwhile, Darren introduced himself as Santa Darren and produced a list that he handed over to John. John took it and started perusing it.  Xiao was trying to hold him still to keep him from moving while something was attempted on him. John put his hand up in front of her to let her know it would be unnecessary. He knew exactly how to fix him up. Or should he say who? I guess it would be whom instead? Anyways, the best person for this was Tyuki, and sure enough she came over and got to work on healing him. "Don't worry. She's got this." he told them all as Tyuki was healing Darren's broken ankle. A moment later the damage was gone as if it had never been there in the first place.

Meanwhile, John was reading through the list that he had been given. It had a bunch of names and addresses listed on it. Some were checked off, others were still blank. He saw his name and the names of everyone else that was here for dinner on the list, and all of them had this address listed. This included Tyuki, Shauna and himself, and they didn't even live here. It's like the person whom had written this had known they would be here. Okay, wow, this is kind of amazing. Wait? Does that mean Santa might actually be real? And that Darren of all people was helping him deliver presents? Speaking of which, Darren took the list back and was getting ready to leave. John looked simply bemused by what he had just read on top of everything else that had happened. "Good luck, Santa Darren. Thanks for the gifts, and Merry Christmas to you too" he said as Darren was about to leave. Oh, what a weird, but wonderful day this had been. A merry christmas to all, and to all a good night.

((Thread concluded and finished in time for double xp))

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Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 Empty Re: Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al)

Post by Chellizard January 6th 2015, 11:02 pm

approved for double XP.

All participants are granted 5 XP for their thread theme.

-My DeviantArt-
Merry Dragon Christmas (Double XP With Forcie, et al) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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