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Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer]

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Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] Empty Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer]

Post by Alpha December 8th 2014, 1:21 pm

The reports had been scattered, but coherent enough that Alpha would have to check it out eventually. It was only upon standing at the fringe of the forest that he truly saw the size of it, this mysterious place. A forest of great density stretched out before him, branches hanging low with leaves of a ridiculous size. They were drooping from the rain that had fallen only a few hours ago, one that was almost unnatural in its ferocity, as if a miniature rainforest had formed up within the span of a few days. Some were speculating that some manner of goddess had formed this forest, nature slowly beginning to reclaim what was being taken from it. There were few metahumans that matched this pattern, and if it was the one known as Thistle, then he would have something prepared specifically for the botanokinetic. If they were someone else, perhaps he could try other means to help him out.

Zeta stood only a few steps behind him, a young male dressed in a similar fashion to Alpha, but with a single cigarette protruding through a mouth slit within their mask. They had only recently ascended to their rank, a member of the latest generation and perhaps a paragon of power compared to many that came before him. It was his power however that Alpha valued, one that would even any playing field that involved any manner of plant manipulator. Dull grey smoke would bloom from the burning end of the cigarette, curling before fading into the air. ”So, this is the forest with the supposed goddess lady.” He would mutter half amused, Alpha turning to the male with a raised eyebrow hidden behind his deep black mask.

”Yes, some humans have even come to worship this deity. Idiotic, I know.” Within that sentence, one could sense a sort of disdain within his speech, as the very thought of worship sickened him. Well, the premise of gods themselves were something that he hated, and anyone that claimed to be a god deserved only to be humbled. ”However, we are not here to dethrone a god. Only to…investigate, and perhaps to gather a little bit of evidence.” By evidence, he had meant the metahumans DNA, granted he did that with all metahumans, so it was not that much of a surprise. They would not suffer by his hands, and when they were done, he would return them to their lives as if nothing had ever happened. It was a fair arrangement really, as no one was hurt and he gained something out of it.

With a wave of his hand, the foliage of the forest would part. An invisible hand would force the plants to separate, allowing him enough room to step through the pathway created. ”Alrighty then, lets get this thing started.”

Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] Empty Re: Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer]

Post by Rozmer December 8th 2014, 9:54 pm

Rainforests don't just pop up out of nowhere, at least, not in this reality anyway. But here it was before Rozmer, a giant, lush expansive jungle complete with heat and climate. A chuckle passed his lips as he hovered below the canopy of the lush expanse. The Omniverse never ceased to amaze him. New rules and new experiences came to him every second. It was one of the perks to his ascension, never was there a dull moment. And now was no different. Hovering in the newly formed jungle Rozmer could hear rustling and voices. Evidently he was not the only one interested in the overnight appearance of a rainforest.

He would allow himself to climb higher phasing through the trees and foliage so as not to disturb any of it. His eyes moved from clearing to clearing as he drew ever closer to the source of the disturbance. As it turned out he wasn't far from it. Two masked figures moved calmly through the jungle, speaking of the supposed deity that had created this wonder. Not this again he rolled his eyes at the very thought. There were no gods, no all powerful forces. It was a fantasy and one that he would prefer would cease. Still following the figures he watched as one waved his hand at the foliage in front of him and it parted. Rather impressive, so there was more to these two than just an odd group of mask wearing weirdos.

Curiosity getting the better of him Rozmer descended before the two of them and spoke rather plainly. "What's up" he spoke, pulling out a cigarette from his shirt pocket. Then reaching to his back pocket he'd search for his lighter. Pulling it out he would flick it a few times producing only sparks. "I don't suppose either of you have a light do you?"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Registration date : 2014-08-13

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Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] Empty Re: Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer]

Post by Alpha December 11th 2014, 12:21 am

A voice would perforate the air of the forest, followed by the cry of a bird that he could not quite place. Alpha paused for a moment, letting his head slowly turn towards the source of the voice with a rather curious expression hidden by the black mask. Their manner of speech was lax, the opposite of their rather formal apparel, which did draw a small amount of curiosity from Alpha as he considered the male rather thoroughly. At the moment they did not appear as a threat, but then again that was just an assumption on his part, one that he would not have to put too much stock into. A light was requested, and that was something that Zeta was more than capable of offering.

”I think I can get you one.” He would say with a snap, producing a small flame atop his left index finger. He would hold the small flame up, offering it for the male who seemed to be lacking in the department of a lighter.

”We were investigating this forest, or rather the cause of it.” Alpha noted answering the prior question in the filtered tone.

Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] Empty Re: Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer]

Post by Rozmer December 19th 2014, 8:25 pm

"Well isn't that neat" Rozmer exclaimed as the male before him set his own finger alight to provide him with a light. "Thanks" he said, leaning his face in to touch the tip of his cigarette to the orange glow. With one long inhale a bright orange ember would appear at the tip of the cigarette then with a relieved sigh Rozmer would exhale, allowing the smoke to trail down his sides making sure not to blow it in the face of either of the people in front of him.

As the one in the one in the black mask spoke Rozmer listened intently. Unfortunately it was not elaborated on as to whether or not they had any actual information on who or what made the mystery forest. But at least their purposes matched for the moment. "Well what a coincidence. I'm here doing the same thing. The name's Rozmer by the way. Pleased to meet you." he said, planting his hands on his hips and standing proud before the two of them.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Registration date : 2014-08-13

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Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] Empty Re: Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer]

Post by Alpha December 27th 2014, 10:12 pm

”No prob.” Zeta answered simply, burying his hands into his pockets and looking onward into the large rainforest that had been formed. Alpha however found himself more curious of the individuals known as Rozmer, or rather as he had introduced himself as such. It was not a name he had heard before, and not a common one, meaning that perhaps it was just a codename much like Alpha was for him.

”Rozmer? Interesting name you have there.” Alpha noted with a hum, turning his attention towards the yawing opening within the forest. ”I’m Alpha, and this is Zeta.” the sound of an unknown animal reverberated through the forest, revealing that something else was moving through the forest. There was a manner of curiosity about the individual, but he had more important things to worry about, such as figuring out the source of the forest and…the strange feeling he was getting from it.

”Since you seem to have the same goal in mind, this might be easier.” Alpha noted with a small smirk, before making stepping into the dense foliage.

Tree huggers and other derogatory terms [Rozmer] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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