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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Alpha August 7th 2014, 6:06 pm

Lights flickered across a monitor, showing vital signs as well as a rough scan of the subject. Travis Masters licked chapped lips, tapping an index finger against a table top rhythmically to a beat that only he seemed to know, looking over a glass test tube filled to the brim with a green fluid and a human subject. The green liquid was cast a multitude of different colors by the flashing lights that were moving throughout the room as fingers glided over a keyboard and caused the fluid to begin to drain itself. Slowly it would drain, a small opening at the bottom of the tube suctioning the fluids away until the unconscious humanoid form was left there, dripping still with vitamin enriched fluids and eyelids closed tightly. ”Initiate awakening protocol.” Travis spoke out loud, pausing for a few seconds as if expecting something.

“Command recognized: initiating awakening protocol.” A mechanical voice would confirm before the glass would split upon an almost invisible seem, parting like a door as the body would then be exposed to the open air. The seemingly humanoid figure would jerk violently for a moment before the eyes began to open, hair shockingly similar to the males dirty blond but facial features and hair style were different. An amused smirk formed along his features as the male would stumble from the tank, landing upon his knees and taking a deep breath, ventilated and purified air seemingly ambrosia to his lungs. Travis would give him a few moments to himself, to acquaint him with his body and to lean standing up. While he had been made better even than Travis, it was mostly in the department of making sure that he did not come fresh from the tube unaware of his new world.

Telepaths were a wonderful thing, and their uncanny ability to implant memories proved useful. Information was similar to memories, so that was already a good start. They would shake, cold perhaps while looking up to the male dressed in white lab coat, white button up shirt and dark slacks. ”You’re awake and you haven’t flown into a rage, progress already.” Travis muttered typing into the large computer that dominated the room, numbers and figures flashing across the screen and then stopping. However all the male did was sit there for a moment, dressed in only specially made undergarments, hair dripping wet and stare seemingly vacant. ”Can you speak, or understand what I’m saying.” The male would only sit there however, looking to Travis for a few moments before nodding slowly. It was a start, but not one that was exactly to specifications, not that he could complain.

”Stand, I can’t have you kneeling on the floor like some kind of dog.” Travis said with a motion of his hand before turning around, male following the order and standing to their feet. They would walk through the seemingly sterile underground research facility, footsteps echoing as Travis would bring him to a room containing clothing for him to wear. Stark white pants, with a shirt and jacket of similar design, with red fabric composing the inside of the jacket. Both comfortable and efficient, something that Travis had personally designed for his test subject, his siblings. ’Are the clothes to your liking?” Travis would request, looking back to see if he would nod.

’Yes.” he would say with a shaky voice, offering a small smile, adorable almost. If Travis cared to feel such emotions, he would have been touched but he wasn’t, all he could feel was pride within himself for such a perfectly made project, another brother to add.

’Well, its excellent that you find the clothes to your liking.” He would then go through the pains of testing him, for latent psionic capabilities, as the physical ones were not a problem at all. He was obviously beyond the average human, muscles already defined and dense, as well as the skeletal system. The tests only took a day, running through diagnostics and whatever else. He was a powerful telekinetic like Travis was, strangely enough however he was equally as powerful but then again that was to be expected, even if his pride was wounded in the process. To expect himself to be at the apex of his new races evolution would have been pure hubris, there would always be a superior and that was how it was to be. After all of, he would test out his new sibling, let them out and give them one order with their new power. To disguise himself and cause a little mayham, enough to gather real world data upon their ability and to perhaps even test out a few of the local metahumans on this. Travis would of course escort them but he would keep his hand out of the actual test.

The location would be the Windy City of Chicago and Travis masters would be making a private flight there. Meanwhile his friend would be going there through different means, completely unrelated and that was how it would work. They would meet up in a hotel of Travis choice and from there he laid out the plan. Destruction, and civilian casualties were allowable, yet not required to test his scope, so long as he managed to gauge what he could do effectively. The police would come and so would metahumans, yet that was an allowable price. When their meeting was done, he would leave and make his way to a place far removed from where he had met his half sibling Travis, the new born enhanced human donning a mask of black in the darkness of an alley before emerging. His first target was, with a flick of the wrist it would lurch forward jerkingly, slamming on its top and into a car, crushing both. If a person was in either he did not care, all he did care about was following Travis’ orders and that was testing out what he could do. With that done he would step forward further into the light and raise both arms, causing cars to rise into the air and with a motion slam down, causing a loud boom. Travis watched interestedly from a nearby building, safe enough that he would not be harmed by what happened but close enough that he could watch anyway. Traffic cameras also helped, once hacked into anyway.

Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 6:55 pm

The hero from another world emerged from the train station. He loved riding these new founded technologies the humans from this world had created, for in his reality Supers didn't need vehicles or planes, they could fly or run super fast, or run regularly...

Colossal, or Q as he liked to be called walked off of the platform and onto the streets of Chicago. Immediately he saw several crimes happening, yet they were happening to humans so... who cared, humans were scum, they killed his people off. He walked a little further on down, yet this time he saw several cars levitating off of the ground.

"Hmm... so, there are some strong Supers in this reality." Q spoke to himself.

All of a sudden Q ran down the street to see what was happening. Several cars were levitating off of the ground, all seemingly controlled by this one man who was wearing a black mask.

"Hello! Who are you? I'm Q." Colossal shouted out to the man in black.

All of a sudden he saw the man smash a couple of cars. "The humans have corrupted these Supers!" he thought to himself angrily.

Q ran at the man with all of his might and would then try to strike him in the face as hard as he could to try and stop the man.

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Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Corgi Defender August 7th 2014, 9:29 pm

Fourteen thousand. Fourteen thousand, three hundred and nineteen. The deaths had been expected to reach two thousand, at the very most, and that was if the experiment were a failure. Of the sixteen thousand people who “participated” in the procedure, over eighty-nine percent did not survive the first round of the exams, and those that did were still a failure. Three subjects were passable results, for this being the first run, and one of these three was a major success, except for the brain function. While she was more intelligent than a human should be, she was still not as excelled as originally hoped. These results were not overly pleasing, but neither did they concern Vegail to any noticeable extent. After all, it took over four years to finish the first atomic bombs, and what he was doing was far more important to the betterment of the human race than that. When he was finished, human would no longer be a term that “superior races" sneered at; it would be a name to respected, and feared. Once again, the human race would be the dominant species.

   For the past two months, he, along with several dozen members of his company that belonged to more “clandestine” sectors, had been working to recreate the experiment that had produced him, but on living, breathing adults, instead of unborn embryos. It was much harder to do so this way, but once the process was perfected it would allow for rapid creation of Metahumans, and eventually all of humanity would be superpowered (though, if all were metahumans, that would, by definition, mean that none were metahuman; however, the technicalities of language were not a major issue to Vegail, as they had no relevance to the experiment).

   Michael Velon slowly folded the paper he was holding, detailing the  results of the tests, into half lengthwise, and the half again, before dropping it into the small bin at his feet; as it passed through the container’s top, the water turned into a watery pulp, the words dissolving in seconds. He glanced out the window, and the car continued to head towards Ontario, where the next “batch of participants” could be found. His eyes lit up from a flood of information passing in front of him, and he was alerted to a large disturbance in Chicago.

   Vegail glanced to the upper right corner of his vision, where a clock was visible; going to Chicago would take him maybe forty minutes out of his way, given that the “disturbance” did not take too long. He thought the instructions to drive to the Windy City, and they would appear on a monitor in the front seat with the driver. The driver would heed the instructions, without questioning them; or so it would appear. Martin was incapable of betrayal, and, even if he were to be capable of such a travesty, without the ability of speech it would be difficult to tell anyone else of Mr. Velon’s whereabouts.

    The car would arrive in Chicago twelve minutes later. Vegail chose a new form, then exited the armored vehicle; not the best of ideas, but why should the superior race fear a lesser being, even if this one was throwing vehicles? As he arrived a large man rushed towards the assumed perpetrator, and attempted to strike him in his countenance with the large shape of flesh the people called a “fist”. It seemed to be a very counterproductive move, as the other being appeared to be far stronger, at least with his mind.

    Vegail stooped down and picked up a rock, approximately the same size of his hand, and wielded it as he watched the confrontation in front of him. There was no need to involve himself yet, but if one were to present itself, a rock thrown at the speeds he was capable of would surely be helpful.
Corgi Defender
Corgi Defender

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Alpha August 7th 2014, 9:47 pm

The telekinetic paused for a moment, turning towards the metahuman that had called out to him and considered him, eyes glaring through the holes within his and weighing up what they had said. It seemed that whatever this being was, it meant to do him harm, so he would beat him to the punch and do the harm to him. Afterall, his sibling had requested he do something, and it seemed like Travis had a strange hold over him, almost as if no was not a viable answer. Each movement the strong male made was calculated, counter measures created and ways to deal with them thought up as well within a mind that worked as a super computer. All it took was a casual hand motion, conservative enough to be able to allow for reaction, but enough that it would likely take the male by surprise as a powerful burst of psionic energy rippled from the place that the hand wave.

It was made simply to catch the metahuman up and toss him away, perhaps into a building for whatever it was that he would crash into. Yet with that done he would turn his attention upon the ground beneath him, tearing out a ragged circle of the concrete and causing it to rise much like a platform. It would take more than such a metahuman to hope to defeat him, as he was told he was perfection. The next step within human evolution and something that was to become humanity. He was humanity, and those that were called humans were the lesser, the pseudo-humans. One hand would raise proudly into the air as the cars that he had smashed against the concrete like bugs would harken to the powerful telekinetics commands.

Travis Masters was…impressed with how he was performing so far, not seeming to have any trouble lifting such a large amount of matter. However he had a feeling that he would soon lose his view via the street cameras, but by then he would then have to get in closer to get a good view of his sweet sibling destroying a possible metahuman. The Police were on their way to respond to the threat, likely with their special forces, which would then be something that he would have to deal with. With  a flick of the telekinetics wrist, all of the cars held within his thrall would fly towards the strong metahuman like large missiles, with the force that his mind could place behind them and likely enough to inconvenience him. Shards of glass would fall from their shattered windows as they flew, around ten in total and three of which were large vehicles, while the latter were just cars.

Telekinetic grid:

Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 10:06 pm

Colossal had gotten up rather quickly from the fling into the building. He had landed on the 3rd floor, enough of an over view of the street to where he had a slight advantage. This guy had made things personal and it was about to get rough. He wiped the broken glass off of his shoulders and cloths and then took a couple deep breaths. This guy was in for the pounding of his life. "You think that little toss is enough to stop me?!" Colossal yelled at the man.

Colossal flexed his muscles and then started to make a run for the opening of the office building to which he had been tossed into. However when Colossal was about to jump from the building and back onto the ground he saw all of the cars lift up in the street. They all kind of turned towards him, and with a slight acknowledgement he knew what was about to happen. The cars all came hurdling towards him in the 3rd floor of the office building, but Colossal was quick. He jumped onto the first car, and then jumped on to the second car. He then jumped towards the back bunch of the cars to try and land on the last one. Once he had done this he would have slid of the end of the rear car, twist around and grab the trunk of the car and then sling it down at the metahuman who was controlling all of the cars. If he was able to do all of this he would then land on the ground as the car he had grabbed and flung at the man was tossed towards his assailant.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Corgi Defender August 8th 2014, 8:35 pm

The fight in front of him escalating far quicker than one would have hoped, Vegail decided he would have to do more than just stand there with the stone, like a statue prepared to disturb the peace of a lake. While the telekinetic (or supposed telekinetic; he appeared to only be capable of moving objects with his mind, and as such one would assume he had telekinesis. If other powers presented, Michael would reanalyze the situation) was the initial instigator of the conflict, the idiot who identified himself (or herself; one could never be quite certain when dealing with people nowadays. Hormone replacement therapy could perform scientifically created miracles-though if they were caused by science, were they still considered miracles? Most likely not, as by definition miracles could not be explained, and science had to be explainable, at least by someone. So, it would be a figurative miracle, but not a literal one) as ‘Q’ made it far worse by first attempting to strike the Telekinetic in the face (or a poorly thrown punch to the throat), and then launching both himself and a car at the telekinetic. As such, Vegail far preferred the telekinetic at this time.

With a raising of his hand and a closing of his fist, he rapidly raised three cars near the Telekinetic into the air and would appear to throw them at the other telekinetic. However, they stopped before hitting  the masked man, and were left to prevent ‘Q’ and his projectiles from reaching the man on the ground. In the few seconds that followed, Michael would turn around and reach into the car, removing a small case holding a half dozen small metal spheres. When he removed them from the case, they swelled to have a diameter of twelve inches each. With an almost subconscious thought, he made them orbit around his body, increasing in speed until they would be almost a blur, appearing as a single, uninterrupted grey ring around his body.

Vegail turned back around towards the two (well, far more than two now, as police began to arrive on the scene, though they seemed wary to approach, and held back. However, it was likely specialists who dealt with Metahuman threats would not be far behind) and raised both of his eyebrows. “Can we learn to play civilly like big boys, or do our friends here need to take away the toys?”. With that last part he slid his eyes over the cars, and all of those within a hundred yards of himself would slide away into one giant group near a storefront at the edge of the block. He appeared rather nonchalant, but the moment one of them made a hostile move towards him he would obliterate them with the spheres forming the protective ring around him.
Corgi Defender
Corgi Defender

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Registration date : 2014-05-07

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Alpha August 8th 2014, 9:42 pm

Despite the ferocity that the cars flew towards metahuman, he seemed to skillfully dodge and duck around the powerful looking attack of vehicles that would have crushed the normal person. In the end of the assault, the male would aim to slam a car into him, but a wall of cars would rise to block the attack, one that he had not erected himself. A pleased smile would bloom under the mask, as he raised both hands, parts of the concrete ground he stood upon would splinter off to form chunks. These would then begin to form an orbit around the male, circling faster and faster as he parted the car wall that had formed before him. Then with a flick of his wrist they would all fly out towards the metahuman, all with an impressive amount of force that was meant to damage him, not even aiming to kill. It would at least however cause bruising.

However that was not the end as far as an attack went, the male causing more of the platform he had formed to break apart and form more projectiles that would break apart and move out towards the metahuman. All in all he was aiming to damage the metahuman perhaps stop his trying to kill him. He knew that he could not afford to get himself killed, as Travis would not be pleased with anything along that happening. As that happened, Travis let his fingers trail along his laptops keys, following after what appeared to be someone hacking into the same network he was and tracing it back to one individual. A male that he saw through one of the cameras, a young male with something trailing around him, suggesting some kind of power that interested him.

Enough anyway that he took notice of a wireless network near him, one that he could hack into if he used a little effort. With a few keystrokes, he would let his mic access it and send a message through Lucius. ”You, yes I’m talking to you. Interesting power you’re showing off, telekinesis right?” he would start off, a small smirk forming upon his lips as he waited for a response. ”Interesting little network you have.” he would add letting the information of his location and the room he was in get sent through the network, allowing the male to come to him if he so chose. ”I’m sure you can find the way from there.” The message would end before Travis continued to watch his feed of the battle as it escalated.

Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Galaxy August 10th 2014, 8:52 pm

Colossal smiled. This was the first Super that was actually good in a fight. No other had been able to take him down, he took them down. But this mind of matter guy was making Colossal work for it.

He saw the pieces of concrete started encircling him. He smirked once more and then stuck his arms out on either side of him. The concrete surrounded him on either side and then went in for the crush. The pieces in front of him and in back of him sandwiched him but either piece on his sides were halved from the sheer force of his arms. he couldn't be moved.

He stepped back once and knelt regaining from being hit in the chest, head and the back. He breathed in a couple and then pushed off the ground. He pushed back so hard that the concrete he was standing on cracked from his force. He hurled himself at the Telekinetic who was attacking him, he tried to tackle him, if his attack was successful they would both be shot backwards into the adjacent office building, the first floor, he would then try to get up and face his attacker.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1] Empty Re: Superiority complex [Vegail and open to 1]

Post by Odien August 17th 2014, 3:17 am

A voice spoke in Vegail's head, something that usually indicated one was experiencing mental delusions; with Vegail, however, it merely meant someone had managed to contact him via Lucius. Not an impossible task, but most certainly a difficult one; he had seen to it that both of those statements were true. Addressing the male inside of his head, he stated mentally, "No, I have Vehiclekinesis. Rather potent tool, especially in an area such as this." Micheal grinned to himself. He had been practicing his use of sarcasm lately, as it was until recently a concept foreign to his mind. Sarcastic Vegail was merely one of several personas he chose to play; they usually varied based on whichever character he was currently being, along with his appearance. He glanced towards the confrontation between the masked person, male judging by their body type, and the body builder-like other man. They seemed quite capable of quarreling amongst themselves without any further interference on his part. As such, he waved to them. "Gentleman, I am afraid I must take my leave now. Strange saying, isn't that? I am not literally fearful of the prospect, and yet I said I was, for it meant I wish I did not have to, which is also not true, otherwise I would not go. English is a very strange language. Either way, I bid you adieu, and wish you good fortune in all of your endeavors."

Vegail, through Lucius, wiped all of the footage from local ATMs, traffic cameras and from the police vehicles; even looking like this, he did not want to risk himself being caught on camera, mainly because the vehicle was using was owned by Vegail Industries. He stepped back inside of his car, directing Martin to drive down one alley, turning at the end onto a busy street, crowded with similar cars. Here Vegail exited, walking briskly to the building in which he was instructed to meet the male who had contacted him, unless this was some sort of "trap", though even if it was he knew the other person was at this address, as he had briefly hacked back into them, when speaking to them. He walked inside of the building, to the floor he was given, and knocked upon the corresponding door, thrice. Acting upon a sudden impulse, he opened the door from inside telepathically, before striding in and looking around. Speaking to the other occupant of the room, he asked "So, come here often?".

Posting Master
Posting Master

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