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No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge)

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No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge) Empty No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge)

Post by White Star May 2nd 2014, 5:08 pm

"Alright...water plus sodium yields...damn, I can't concentrate right now. Hmm...I wonder if I should just go for a walk...or a run. Kekeke..~" Jorge closed his chemistry book and got up from the wicker chair on his porch. His home in Spring Hill was a quiet one compared to that of Tampa Bay, which was good for him to concentrate on his studies. It also made his superhero job much easier, having a home that was disconnected from a lot of the major crime sprees in the city. The speedster looked around for witnesses before zipping inside the house and changing into more travel-appropriate clothes. They were made specifically to withstand his incredible speeds without wearing or tearing, convenient for someone with powers like his.

After packing a bookbag with a couple of things, like his super suit, for one, Jorge pulled on a hoodie and strapped the bag over his shoulders. The boy opened the door and walked out into the driveway, breathing in the fresh air of spring before his adventure. Quietly whispering to himself, he crouched down into a typical track position, "Five...four...three...two...ONE!!!" Jorge's shout vibrated through the air before he took off, sprinting towards Tampa Bay through the streets of his hometown. Once his feet touched the highway, he went full speed, avoiding cars completely as he stepped side to side to keep his speed up.

--- Tampa Bay, Florida ---

The speedster had a little trouble coming to a stop in the city, sliding along the streets at speeds too fast to control, as a sudden rainstorm had come across the whole state. News reporters everywhere were being splashed with water as Jorge came by, along with everyone else crazy enough to be out in this storm. Jorge finally came to a stop as he came to an intersection, grabbing onto one of the light posts with all he was worth. He sighed with relief, still clutching onto the pole like it was life support, and looked around. It was smart to wear a hoodie that day, even if it was only to conceal his face. Only a couple white strands of hair, covered in rainwater, stuck out of the darkness of his hood.

A woman, about as old as Jorge was and probably in the same college as him, walked into the intersection with her phone in her ear, completely oblivious to the car speeding by. As it noticed the woman walking by, it tried to break, but slid in the rain similarly to how Jorge had. The woman heard the car coming, but in her frantic attempt to get out of the way, she too slipped and started to fall. Jorge took all this in and rushed into action, pushing off the pole in an attempt to get a good starting ground. As the woman was about to hit the ground, a flash of white zipped past her, and she was gone. The speedster skidded to a stop, sticking his hand out to catch himself on the wall of the building right next to the scene, hurting his arm a bit, but it was worth it.

" you...wh-who are you?"

Jorge pushed up the glasses he had put on beforehand to conceal his face even further, a flash of light catching on the glass and creating an imposing look as he smirked.

"Nobody special. Just a guy that was in the right place at the right time."

Jorge then got the lady back on her feet and got her on her way home, waving a hand as she walked off into the distance. When she was out of sight, Jorge looked down at his hand, blushing as he closed and opened it cautiously,

"I-I...I touched her chest...I guess she hadn't noticed..."

Ignoring that fact for a second, Jorge decided to get to a higher vantage point. He got back into his stance and pushed off the wet ground, getting his speed up slower this time. When he came to a vertical incline, the speedster simply stepped onto that as well, using his momentum to bring him up to the rooftop. He stood upon the edge of the roof, his arms crossed and his eyes scanning the area below him, waiting for something to happen again. No telling what could happen with this rainstorm, which was currently showering Jorge in water.


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge) Empty Re: No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge)

Post by Alpha May 2nd 2014, 7:14 pm

The day had started off sunny and warm, but as soon as that the clouds began to form, large and dark ones that were pregnant with rain. A small crack of thunder sounded off in the distance and then the rain began to fall, first a small trickling until it would increase to a large flow that soaked anything unfortunate enough to be under it. This was where Ryan had ended up upon trying a small talent of his, one that allowed him to move through puddle of water, a useful trick but one that he had no control over. Sure within stressed situation it had its limit, but sometimes it seemed to be a random sort of thing, sending him anywhere. The young male pulled the hood over his head, letting the rain soak that for a while, as he sought out some kind of shelter from the rain; a rain that he had caused.

Stepping out of the alleyway, he would join in with the other people trying to get out of the rain, walking along the sidewalks and doing other things. The male was an unimpressive individual, dressed in a jacket around three sizes too large for his thin frame, faded blue jeans with a large rip in the right knee and battered Nikes, with the front peeling off. He rubbed his aching stomach lightly, the low rumble escaping from it and becoming lost upon the loud sound of the rain that fell around him. It seemed that he had made a habit out of mostly starving himself, yet when it came down to it; he just did not have the resources to really feed himself on a regular basis. The only thing that was never a problem was hydration, seeing how water practically fell from the sky.

Three others walked alongside him, one of them was a female a little older than him, playing around with her cellphone. Ryan would only spend a small amount of his attention examining her before letting the hazel orbs fall to the wet ground, water sliding down his face in small droplets, a wonderful cold to the touch. While he had stopped where the sidewalk ended, the female seemed to keep going, on a collision course with certain disaster, but it seemed that she had a guardian of her own. All he saw was a blur as he lifted his head, but something had saved her from a messy death, and that something he would find out soon enough. It was some kind of hooded male, a heroic figure perhaps helping those in need, one that…Ryan had heard about from time to time, or rather metahumans that performed heroic deeds.

Standing beside him was a strange tan male dressed in what appeared to be in a camouflage jacket and punky looking clothing, and someone else, a male with strange silver eyes flecked with neon green. He was dressed rather strangely, in a simple white polo shirt and light pink colored shorts, yet something about him spoke of danger. A dark sensation wriggled within his chest, causing it to feel as if something were squeezing his ehart, the short tan male beside the other short male turned towards him and smiled widely, revealing canines that looked as if they could rip through steel and flesh, before letting the smile vanish and both began to walk across the street. His eyes were wide as he watched them move on, and then a loud explosion echoed on in the distance, followed by a large plume of smoke echoing within the distance. Something was rampaging there and that something seemed to have quite a bit of destructive power behind it.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge) Empty Re: No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge)

Post by White Star May 2nd 2014, 10:07 pm

"Alright, looks like all's clear for now...not many people are out in this storm...y'know, besides me. A-...ACHOO!!" Jorge nearly fell off the roof ledge he was standing on with that powerful sneeze. Hopefully he wasn't catching a cold...or was someone simply talking about him? Usually he didn't believe in those kinds of things, but he had a feeling that it was the case this time. It seemed that as he sneezed, an explosion rocked in the distance, displacing a part of the building near the blast radius. "Jeez, I knew I was powerful, but blowing things up with my sneezes?!"

That's when Jorge heard the distorted roar, and he knew that something big was happening over in that area. Instead of running over there in a flash, he grabbed the strap of his bag and grinned, "I've always wanted to try this." The speedster started running in circles extremely fast, creating a small vortex out of the rain and wind while he changed into his super suit. In a couple of seconds, no longer was Jorge standing there, it was White☆Star, the Shooting Star who could do anything. "Alright, let's get going!!" Star left the bag on top of the roof, then zoomed downwards in the same fashion with which he had climbed up the building, then took off down the road.

When White☆Star got to the site of the explosion, he looked around for the cause. He had heard some kind of distorted roar coming from the area, so he was looking for something big. Well, it wasn't too hard to find, the only reason for Star not being able to see him instantly being the darkness of the storm. It was a strange creature, with a grotesque appearance. White☆Star ran close enough to the thing for him to be seen, then picked up and tossed a stone at the speed of a bullet towards it to get its attention.

"Oi, you! Big, stupid, and ugly! Let's see you try and pick on someone half your size!!"


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge) Empty Re: No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge)

Post by Alpha May 3rd 2014, 9:39 pm

The imperfect looked upwards, dark red blood falling down from its maw in rivulets. Clenched between the razor sharp teeth was an arm, dangly limply as it chewed on it, the morbid sound of crunching bone sounding off from the severed limb. Rain intermingled with the blood, falling down the dusky body as something hit the imperfect, drawing a low annoyed grown from it as it turned towards the source of annoyance. The small rock would bounce a few feet from where it collided with the beast, claws scraping along the ground as the dark eyes narrowed upon the one that had drawn its ire. The tail as long as its body would whip about, raising a small cloud of dust as it seemed to slowly approach the male that had challenged it.

Ryan was close upon the scene, pulling his hood over his head and mostly covering facial features as he wanted to see what was happening. It seemed that the hero was trying to challenge the monster and that seemed dangerous, yet he had a feeling that the hero would be fine. Not that he would allow someone to throw themselves against such a beast alone. Hands were dug deeply into his pockets as he watched the thing consider the prey before it, eyes narrowing for a moment before it rocketed forward with full strength, a blur almost. The grace by which it moved was both feral and full of a certain technique. Its teeth were aimed to rip out the males throat with one vicious jerk, if it landed anyway.
Imperfect Grid:

No Love for the Hydrokinetic? (Deluge) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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