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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 22nd 2014, 2:49 pm

It was Joey's first time in Phoenix, it was a lot like other big cities he'd been too, though usually they weren't this hot, especially at this time of the year. Sparky had traveled to tons of different cities to visit his dad because he traveled so much, so he got to go all over the country, and even to Canada once or twice, It was why he didn't live with his father and didn't visit him so much, because of costs and such. though most visits were just like living with his mother only in cooler cities, he was alone most of the time and told to wait till he came home later. Of course he didn't wait though, he was out as soon as his father left, off to patrol the city as The Shaper.

So he was out patrolling the streets for evil dooers to thwart, though he'd honestly yet to actually ever catch anyone doing anything, in all his time as a super hero... like a few weeks, he hadn't actually done any super heroics. Though he'd paroled plenty of times, and he did it out of costume, able to easily change into his costume with his powers, so he'd have the element of surprise. He was actually especially excited about this trip and city, not because he actually liked the heat, but because of the rumors he'd been hearing. Just things here and there about monsters of some kind frightening and terrorizing, the thing monsters usually do, so hopefully he'd be able to stop some of them, too!

Maybe he was going about this patrolling thing the wrong way though, he'd never even seen a bad guy or bad deed and no way big cities like this were that crime free, or maybe he was just unlucky... or the people around him were too lucky..., He started letting his train of thought get away from him, paying less attention to where he was going as he continued though the grid like city, beginning to get into the denser worse areas, thinking how he could increase his chances in encountering evil folk or those monsters. Imagine how cool it would be to catch the monsters and stop them in an evil act, maybe he'd even become a well known hero!

It was kinda funny, a Hero kind of wanting something bad to happen.

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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 22nd 2014, 3:08 pm

As heat filled twilight begins to settle, He hears a shriek of horror from a nearby alleyway.

The scream had come from a woman, being cornered by a pair of small apelike creatures, they are screeching, with shriveled grey skin and and withered legs. One of them has grabbed the woman's leg and its sharp little claws are digging in to her flesh

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 22nd 2014, 3:45 pm

"Gah it's getting late", he mumbled looking to the sky as he walked. He'd been out for a few hours now and he'd found nothing. Maybe he should head home, his father wouldn't be out much longer, but at the same time maybe this was his problem, maybe he needed to stay out later for once.

So he decided to not head home and as if on cue! A cry for help! This was it the moment he'd been waiting for, his pace quickened and he was nervous bit in a good way. He clapped his hands together and concentrated his powers into forming his costume out of the clothes he had on, his jacket turning into a cape, the change and rocks in his pocket turning into the metal plates on his gloves, his shirt changing to a simple yellow tee. It didn't take that long until he was running toward the scene of the crime in costume.

"Hold It right There Evil Dooers! Leave that woman alone or face the power of the Shaper!", he shouted standing at the opening to the alleyway, his cape flowing, he really hoped it was as cool as it seemed in his head.

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 22nd 2014, 3:55 pm

The screeching monkeylike beings cackle and dig their nails in harder, the second one getting a grip on the womans arm, they begin pulling, the woman begging for help and mercy.

You hear a sickening CRUNCH as her hip is dislocated, and the apes turn to face you, Knowing that their prey cannot escape now...

The wrinkled faces of the animals glare hatred at you, thick strands of saliva hanging below its jawline.

as one they inhale and make a bestial shriek at you... then each begins to sprint at you, their three jointed arms cause their hand walking gait to seem disorienting

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 22nd 2014, 9:22 pm

He had shouted before even seeing what the creatures were, a move that now seemed pretty dang dumb. They were huge and pretty dang scary, he had no clue how he was going to fight them off at the moment.. but that was supposed to be his thing right? thinking on his feet? that's what his teacher had taught him.

That poor woman's screams just made him all the more uneasy, all of this suddenly feeling surreal to the young boy as his pace got faster and his breath started to waver. "H..hey I.. said stop stay where you are!", he shouted snapping out of it as they suddenly charged at him, realizing he should plan, planning was good even if a tiny bit always have a plan! For example what was he gunna do?! He couldn't kill them they were living creatures! Could he capture them?

No time to think though they were heading at him what to do?1 Get away flee but to where they were faster! He could go up... or down! He quickly dropped to the ground placing his hands on the ground and in a flash of sparks the concrete pushed up so he was standing on a wall of sorts blocking the exit of the alleyway and what he thought was out of reach of the things, and only with about a second to spare, still crouched and panting.

"S... surrender now I don't want to resort to violence!", he shouted stuttering a bit atop the concrete wall.

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 23rd 2014, 1:14 pm

The animals are each waist height, their legs are shriveled and mummified, and as the wall rises before them they scream in rage, slamming their faces into the stone because their three jointed arms are carrying the apes with too much speed to stop in time...

The claws of the beasts scrabble at the concrete and discover that they cannot climb it, they split, one heading to each adjoining wall, and use their strength to drag themselves upward on the loose mortared bricks, trying to get to the assailant.

He could tell that the beasts were clever, though not at all smart, incapable of higher thought. Just acting instinctual and trying to get to the would-be hero, so that they can tear him limb from limb.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 23rd 2014, 2:26 pm

Well at least he had a second to think now, and maybe try to stop shaking. They were such weird looking creatures and a lot smaller up close then they seemed to him before. It had also seemed he'd hurt them a bit. They weren't that smart were the- "Gahhhah! they can climb!", he shouted as his train of thought was interrupted.

What was worse was that they were both climbing on opposite sides and his arms couldn't reach both, he'd only be able to deal with one at the moment, at least for the idea he had in mind. Well he could probably come up with something for the other one later, taking out one now would make it easier at least and make this job half finished.

He got up and quickly ran over to the left wall of the alleyway still on top of his own wall, which while big was only half the height of the rest of the alleyway. His hands contacted the wall and luckily it was a solid foundation not bricks, bricks would make it harder for him. He was running out of time though, he pushed his power into the wall and with some sparks tried to form a fist from the wall material to punch the creature below in the face. Hopefully hitting and hopefully knocking it out. Though one would not it was very rough looking fist, the boy was still practicing. Of course now there was nothing stopping the one behind him from climbing up.

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 23rd 2014, 2:43 pm

The creature's face is pulped by the fist. Shattering the bones in its face and sending it to the ground, where it lands with a wet crunching noise.

Its form seems to waver and warp as its life leaves it. Melting like ice under a blowtorch, the monster disintegrates.

Behind the hero, the monkey creature's three jointed arm launches forward with immense strength for such a small creature, using one hand to spring toward the unaware attacker and the other to strike.

An eye opens... Schism is aware that one of the chitterlings has died, but does not know where or how...

"Wisp. Ghii." he says silently. Focusing his will into manifestation.

A ball of orange flame and a mass of green ooze come into being, and the wisp takes flight, streaking through the air, and the ooze melting through a grate.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 23rd 2014, 3:12 pm

Joey was distracted and somewhat horrified by the sudden demise of the creature he'd hit. Well maybe more confused than horrified, he was happy it hit but .. did he kill it? He didn't really have much time to think about that though. "Wha holy crud wh-", was all he could say about the matter before the sound of footsteps behind him reminded him he wasn't done.

He quickly turned to try to see what was happening, an attack as probably expected but would he be able to dodge it? He'd try at least. Unfortunately he'd fall short, in the tight space and with the limited time he had he couldn't avoid it one of the beast's fists impacted his shoulder at an odd angle and sent him stumbling backward into the wall with a thud as he shouted out in pain. This wasn't good his shoulder didn't feel right now as he fell to a sitting position atop the wall. "Get away!" he shouted and with his hand now on the ground he sent up another roughly shaped fist of concrete up at the creature, aiming for it's chest and middle.

this wasn't going at all how he thought it would.

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 23rd 2014, 3:32 pm

The creature catches the fist in the chest, and from the impact it, flies up into the air, its long arms bend one hundred and eighty degrees backward, grabbing onto a nearby fire escape. The angry simian glares hatred at you over its shattered ribs...

It screeches in pain and anger, grabbing an air conditioner from a nearby window it yanks. Shattering the window and flinging it one handed at the cause of its pain.

An orb of yellow/orange light streaks over and hovers above the alley like a disembodied eye...

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 23rd 2014, 4:05 pm

Another hit! Maybe this was going good for him, he even had his opponent on the run. "Heh got ya now what?!", he grinned standing up on the wall having a bit of difficulty with his hurt atm, but not too too much, though it may make the rest of the combat a bit difficult. Speaking of which his foe seemed to flee, not taking having been hit too well and Sparky guessed he was pissed off about his dead friend, deciding to think more about the fact that he just killed a thing after he was safe...

Oh and after the lady was safe.

"Stop resisting and come easy and I won't have to hurt you anymo-WOAA GAH!", he began but his speech broke down as he shouted in shock at the air conditioner suddenly flying at him. He leaped off his wall to avoid the hit hearing the chunk of metal crunch and smash as it landed. As for the boy he rolled as he landed making sure to roll on his good shoulder but it still hurt, it was definitely dislocated.

He'd put his hand to the ground before standing, lifting his hand as he stood turning the concrete into a long pole hopefully to use to defend himself. He wasn't too sure he could confidently pull of an attack at this range so it was better to add to his defenses for now.

"Hold tight i'm not gunna let him get to you", he said to the woman and looking at the beast before noticing the eye thing in the air above it.

Huh? Another monster?

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 23rd 2014, 4:26 pm

The Chitterling swings its arms upward, its long three jointed arm tears a chunk of railing  off of the fire escape, whirling its arm around its body, in a sickening fashion, each of the three joints seems to not fully connect to the other half of the joint, spinning freely in the socket.

The arm folds back, around and then all of the muscles tense and the arm whirls around the body, using centrifugal force to hurl the bent piece of metal like an improvised spear.

The orange orb starts to sink, floating down, moving closer and closer to the woman. She is still screaming in agony from the dislocated joints, the orb is deceptively warm and inviting. All electrical appliances start to buzz and crackle and shriek wildly with static.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks February 23rd 2014, 5:08 pm

Well he miscalculated. He'd thought the monster incapable of another projectile seeing as there were no more AC units left on the windows of the building. "Gah! I... It just ripped it off!", he shouted before dropping down to quickly as he could make another wall of stone as a blockade, hoping it would stop the projectile. And it did, sort of.

The force of the impact caused the wall to shatter but it stopped the metal pipe but provided the boy with some better metal than the air conditioner. Deciding he had to take offence now, seeing as with strength like that the creature wouldn't be short of projectiles at all, he grabbed the metal pipe, way to heavy for him to move and Transmuted part of it into a throwing star. He made several of them as fast as he could and began throwing each the second he'd made another, having put the concrete staff down and using both hands he unleashed quite the barrage, he hoped quantity would overcome his not too great aim.

Of course in doing this he wasn't watching what was happening with the woman and the orb thing, he really shouldn't have taken his eyes off it.

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by Morire February 26th 2014, 8:35 pm

As the stars are flung at high speed upwards, the monkey-like blocks some of the projectiles with its lengthy and multi-jointed arms. The rest slamming into its chest and legs, the chitterling barely survives the assault of bladed stars.

Behind Sparks, the woman starts to calm as the orb sinks downward, swinging side to side as if attached to a pendulum.

Suddenly there is a scream of pain as the ball causes the woman's body to completely be engulfed in flames and electricity. As the scream echos the chitterling launches itself at sparks with all of its might.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Mor_gr12
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor] Empty Re: Phirst Phighting in Phoenix? [Mor]

Post by sparks March 2nd 2014, 4:36 pm

Things wern't going as planned, while most of his attacks had hit it seemed he had another problem on his hands.

"Whah?!", he gasped as he heard the screams of the woman as she was engulfed and in reaction he threw his concrete staff at the orb. "No Cut It Out!", was all he could think to say, but it was obvious it was probably too late. It seemed he, the hero, was reduced to trying to get out with is own life and would have to forget about the woman he was going to save.

He was stupid, he should have studied and practiced more, a gun would be helpful but he had only looked at one or two schematics before getting bored of them. He thought it was too easy to use one and he should come up with his own method and stuff, but now he was seeing that easy would have been just fine.

He didn't know what to make that could save himself, he was supposed to be super creative but he had no proactive in this type of situation, his nervousness showed even in his early work with the misshapen fists. He saw the creature launch at him coming at him fast, he fell to the ground trying to think what to do anything he can do and he just screamed.

blue sparks erupted and the ground and wall behind him turned into spikes around him that the other creature would hopefully land on before getting to him.

~>Sparky the Shaper<~

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-02-20

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